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Zero Waste SA


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Published by Zero Waste SA

South Australia

Head Office

8th Floor

Statewide House

99 Gawler Place


Telephone (08) 8204 2051

Facsimile (08) 8204 1911

Email: [email protected]


ISBN: 978-1-921114-16-8

ABN: 76 149 388 126

Report prepared by:

Zero Waste SA

Copies of the report can be obtained from:

Publishing details

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The Hon Paul Caica MP Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation Parliament House North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000

Dear Minister

In accordance with the requirements of the Zero Waste SA Act 2004, the Public Sector Act 2009 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987, I am pleased to submit the annual report on the activities of Zero Waste SA and the Office of Zero Waste SA for the financial year ended 30 June 2012.

The Office of Zero Waste SA was established on 1 July 2003 to support the Board of Zero Waste SA. The office has reporting obligations under the Public Sector Act 2009 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987. This single document is intended to discharge all of those reporting obligations for the 2011-12 reporting year.

The Board appreciates the work of the dedicated staff in the Office of Zero Waste SA. It also acknowledges the support of strategic partners and the people who have worked with Zero Waste SA during the year.

Allan Holmes


Date: 30/09/2012

Letter of Transmittal

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Zero Waste SA has worked as a catalyst for waste management, recycling and resource recovery in South Australia since 2003 and efforts over the past year have continued our drive to create a more sustainable community and environment. Central to our achievements have been a new state-wide direction in waste management, ongoing investment in the waste industry, in local government and in the community during 2011-12.

We released the state’s second waste strategy, South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2011-2015, which includes approximately 50 priority areas for action for the state and new targets for diverting waste from landfill. This, with the help of all South Australians, will support our search for new and improved ways of realising waste management reform.

Our new waste strategy aims higher on the waste hierarchy by highlighting objectives to:

• maximise the useful life of materials through reuse and recycling and

• to avoid and reduce waste.

These objectives are embedded into Zero Waste SA’s Business Plan which ‘gives life’ to actions and targets within the waste strategy.

Zero Waste SA’s continued investment in the resource recovery industry is helping to achieve viable recycling outcomes in metropolitan and regional areas of our state.

During the year, $1.67 million was awarded to six Metropolitan Infrastructure program projects to improve the processing of wastes including electronic waste, organics, soft plastics and mixed commercial and industrial waste.

In country areas, $1.45 million was awarded to 14 Regional Implementation program projects, mainly for new or improved transfer stations and recycling facilities in rural areas. Three councils were awarded funding to implement food waste recycling systems which will help approximately 66,500 households to recycle food waste materials.

To complement kerbside recycling measures, Zero Waste SA implemented Recycle Right, a broad-scale recycling education campaign encouraging householders to recycle correctly and reduce the incidence of the wrong materials being placed in kerbside-collected recycling bins.

Free electronic waste collections helped South Australian households and small businesses to dispose of unwanted e-waste that would otherwise end up in landfill:

• A two-day collection in December 2011, coordinated by Zero Waste SA in conjunction with the Local Government Association of South Australia and a major brand owner, Apple, was held in seven metropolitan locations.

• In May 2012, Zero Waste SA funded a free electronic waste drop off program which extended access to 13 drop off locations in semi regional and regional South Australia.

The rebadged Industry Program (formerly the Resource Efficiency Assistance Program) continued to accelerate the uptake of efficient environment practices in businesses and industry, and in state and local government.

These programs are helping to maintain and drive our state’s high recycling rate. Data collected in 2011-12 showed that during 2010-11, South Australians recycled 79.9% of all waste generated, boosted by an increase in clean fill recovery from several major projects, or a rate of 74.8% if the effects of the increased clean fill are removed. This is the highest result for the state in seven years and still amongst the best in the country.

Zero Waste SA is becoming recognised nationally and internationally for its leadership in waste management reform. In 2011-12 Zero Waste SA’s work attracted interest from overseas delegates from China and New Zealand and from interstate representatives from Victoria, New South Wales, and Western Australia. I was also invited to attend a United Nations Centre for Regional Development international advisory team in Japan in February 2012. The experts listened to experiences of locals and offered ideas and solutions to the difficult problems being experienced in the sustainable reconstruction of the communities affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

To conclude, I acknowledge the important role of key partners in local government, the waste industry, KESAB environmental solutions, and the University of South Australia for their ongoing help to meet the goals of Zero Waste SA. I also thank Minister Caica and the Board of Zero Waste SA for their valued support and guidance and Zero Waste SA staff for their hard work and continued enthusiasm.

Vaughan Levitzke Chief Executive


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Highlights of 2011-12

South Australia’s recycling rate hits record levelData gathered during 2011-12 shows that more than 4.3 million tonnes of materials were diverted from landfill and into recycling in 2010-11. This represents 79.9 per cent of all waste generated. The result is the highest recorded for the state in seven years.

Several major transport and infrastructure projects, including the Adelaide Desalination Plant and Royal Adelaide Hospital, lifted this figure, with 1.26 million tonnes of waste fill recovered for onsite reuse or other construction projects. Even without including the fill recovery figures, the rate would be an impressive 74.8%, an increase of 2.9% from the previous year. These recycling efforts have prevented the equivalent of about 1.29 million tonnes of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere. This equates to taking approximately 300,000 passenger cars off the road.

Boost for South Australia’s waste infrastructureZero Waste SA is working to meet the State Government’s commitment to provide $7.3 million over four years for investment in key waste infrastructure across South Australia.

• In 2011-12 Zero Waste SA allocated $3.12 million for 20 projects under Regional Implementation and Metropolitan Infrastructure programs. Projects funded in the metropolitan area will improve the processing of wastes including electronic waste, organics, soft plastics, and mixed commercial and industrial waste.

• Regional projects were awarded funding of $1.45 million, predominantly for new or improved transfer stations and recycling facilities in rural areas.

These investments not only stimulate an increase in tonnes of material diverted from landfill, improve efficiencies and the quality of recycled products but, in some cases, can result in additional employment.

Electronic waste recyclingIn 2011-12, Zero Waste SA assisted councils to collect electronic waste from householders.

Free metropolitan e-waste community collection events collected 607 tonnes of electrical and electronic material for recycling from 9,878 participants on 3 and 4 December 2011. Zero Waste SA also helped regional councils by coordinating a free e-waste drop off program during May 2012. At 13 locations across regional South Australia householders could dispose of electronic waste at no charge. This resulted in the collection of 1,000 tonnes.

Food waste incentivesZero Waste SA will commit $6.1 million over four years to further assist councils to implement food waste recycling as part of existing green organics collections.

A second round of funding was offered to councils in April 2012 under the Kerbside Performance Plus program to encourage residents to recycle their food scraps for eventual composting. Funding was awarded to the City of Burnside ($215,050) and the District Council of Loxton Waikerie ($47,500). The City of Mount Gambier was also awarded $12,607 to implement a food waste recycling system in commercial businesses. To date, $1.3 million has been awarded to eight councils, helping a total of 155,500 households to increase their recycling efforts.

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Resource efficiency in industryThe Industry Program enables and mentors a diverse range of iconic businesses and government agencies to improve resource efficiency practices.

With collaboration at its base, and a strong potential to save waste, energy, water and money in a difficult financial climate, the program continued to bring excellent outcomes for participating organisations.

During 2011-12, these included Bickfords, NAI Harcourts Brock Commercial, Anglican Community Care, Lincoln College, the Barossa Regional Development Board, the South Australian Tourism Industry Council, and the Blackwood Business Network.

Zero Waste SA worked with other state and local government departments and organisations including Adelaide City Council, City of Mount Gambier, City of Tea Tree Gully, Wattle Range Council, the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, SA Water, and the South Australian Film Corporation.

Recycle RightZero Waste SA implemented the Recycle Right campaign to support the South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2011-2015 objective ‘maximising the useful life of materials through reuse and recycling’.

In 2011-12 Zero Waste SA ran phase two of the campaign, concentrating on improving householders’ knowledge and behaviours. The campaign focussed on what can and cannot be placed into each of the kerbside bins and how to prepare items before placing them into the bins.

The main campaign elements include advertising, online search engine, 1300 hotline, council workshops and an educational DVD. Zero Waste SA also launched a Recycle Right English as a Second Language teaching resource with assistance from KESAB environmental solutions, Port Adelaide Enfield Council and the English as a Second Language (ESL) unit at TAFE SA.

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Letter of Transmittal iii

Preface iv

Highlights of 2011-12 v

South Australia’s Recycling Rate Hits Record Level v

Boost For South Australia’s Waste Infrastructure v

Electronic Waste Recycling v

Food Waste Incentives v

Resource Efficiency In Industry vi

Recycle Right vi

Who We Are 1

What We Do 2

The Zero Waste SA Board 3

Zero Waste SA Board Governance Committee 4

Programs Relevant to all Waste Streams 5

Communications, Marketing, Website and Education 5

Recycle Right Household Recycling Program 6

Wipe Out Waste Schools Program 7

Sponsorship Grants 8

Financial and Legislative Instruments 10

Incentives 12

Sustainable Markets and Innovation Program 12

Metropolitan Infrastructure Program 13

Regional Implementation Program 14

School and Community Program 15

Metropolitan Projects 16

Regional Projects 17

E-Waste Initiatives 18

Zero Waste SA Environmental User System 19

Stakeholders, Partnering and Linkages 20

KESAB Environmental Solutions 20

Local Government Association 20

Waste Management Association of Australia 21

Zero Waste SA Centre for Sustainable Design and Behaviour 22

Municipal Solid Waste 24

Kerbside Food Waste Incentives 24

Commercial and Industrial Waste 26

Recycling at Work 26

Hazardous Waste 27

Household Hazardous Waste and Farm Chemical Collection 27

Light Globe Recycling Program 29

Waste Avoidance 30

Consumption and Waste Avoidance Incentives 30

Industry Program 31

Statutory Reporting Obligations 35

Coordination of Activities with the Environment Protection Authority 35

Greening Zero Waste SA 36

Appendix 1: Human Resources, 39 OHSW and other Information

Appendix 2: Freedom of 44 Information Statement

Appendix 3: Financial Statements 45


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Who we are

Zero Waste SA’s primary objective is to promote waste management practices that, as far as possible, eliminate waste or its consignment to landfill, and advance the development of resource recovery and recycling.

Zero Waste SA provides strategic policy advice, guidance and leadership to government and stakeholders to bring about change. Zero Waste SA establishes programs and projects that maximise waste reduction, and promote recycling and ecological sustainability.

The Waste Strategy 2011-2012, released by the State Government in December 2011, has two key objectives:

• maximising the useful life of materials through reuse and recycling

• avoiding and reducing waste.

The Waste Strategy 2011-2015 will provide a mechanism for State Government to engage with all South Australians to achieve waste management reform. It is guided by the concept of zero waste which challenges ‘end-of-pipe’ solutions and shifts focus to encouraging the cyclical use of materials in our economy.

South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2011 includes a target to ‘reduce waste to landfill by 35% by 2020’. Zero Waste SA is the key to achieving that goal and has outlined how we as a community can continue driving waste reduction and other targets in the Waste Strategy 2011-2015.

Zero Waste SA is established by the Zero Waste SA Act 2004 as a body corporate and instrumentality of the Crown.

The Zero Waste SA Act also establishes a dedicated fund, the Waste to Resources Fund, which Zero Waste SA applies to achieve its objectives. The fund is made up, primarily, of 50% of the levy paid by waste depot licence holders under Section 113 of the Environment Protection Act 1993. The levy is collected by the Environment Protection Authority and the appropriate proportion is transferred to the Waste to Resources Fund.

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What we do

Most Preferable

Least Preferable





Recover (including energy)









Zero Waste SA is the primary agency responsible for South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2011 target 67 ‘reduce waste to landfill by 35% by 2020’.

More broadly, Zero Waste SA’s activities involve increasing collaboration and cross fertilisation with other government agencies, recognising and supporting the Government’s seven primary areas of focus for action: premium food and wine from our clean environment; realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians; growing advanced manufacturing; creating a vibrant city; safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods; an affordable place to live; every chance for every child.

Where applicable, these areas are identified throughout the report in table format (shading denotes alignment with the priority).

The functions of Zero Waste SA are prescribed in Section 6 of the Zero Waste SA Act 2004 and include:

• developing and implementing government policies on waste management

• monitoring and assessing the adequacy of South Australia’s waste strategy and its implementation

• helping local councils with arrangements for regional waste management

• contributing to the development of waste management infrastructure, technologies and systems

• commissioning, supporting and collaborating on research into waste management practices and issues

• raising public and industry awareness about waste management

• developing and supporting programs for preventing litter and illegal dumping

• developing markets for recovered resources and recycled materials.

In all its functions, Zero Waste SA is guided by the waste hierarchy for prioritising the management of waste.

Figure 1 The waste hierarchy

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The Zero Waste SA Board is established as the governing body of Zero Waste SA by the Zero Waste SA Act, which specifies the range of expertise to be included in Board membership as:

• environmental sustainability, conservation and protection

• local government

• waste management industry or waste-related infrastructure development

• regional affairs

• economic, financial and risk management

• advocacy on environmental matters on behalf of the community.

The Board, appointed by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, comprises these members:

Mr Allan Holmes (Chair)

Mr Holmes is the Chief Executive, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. He has leadership experience and practical knowledge and experience in environmental sustainability, conservation and protection.

Ms Anne Harvey (Deputy Chair)

Ms Harvey is Managing Director of Pathways 16, a consulting firm specialising in governance, planning and risk management, and has previously held senior executive positions in the South Australian Government. She has strong knowledge and experience in economic, financial and risk management.

Mr Frank Brennan

Mr Brennan has worked in local government for more than 30 years and is currently Chief Executive Officer, Wattle Range Council and has the skills pertinent to waste management issues relating to regional areas.

Ms Megan Dyson

Ms Dyson is a member of the Environment Protection Authority Board and has skills in environmental sustainability, conservation and protection through her work as a legal practitioner and policy consultant.

Ms Cheryl Hill

Ms Hill is Executive Director of the Foundation for Australia’s Most Endangered Species and former President of the Conservation Council of South Australia. She fulfils the role of an environmental advocate on behalf of the community.

Mr Lachlan Jeffries

As Managing Director of The Jeffries Group, which receives and processes over 100,000 tonnes a year of recyclable organics, Mr Jeffries has practical knowledge and experience in both the waste management industry and waste-related infrastructure development.

Mr Vaughan Levitzke ex officio

Mr Levitzke is Chief Executive, Zero Waste SA and has held this position since Zero Waste SA was established in 2003. He had more than 10 years experience with the South Australian Environment Protection Authority, focusing on regulation in the waste sector, litter, container deposit legislation, eco-efficiency and industry sustainability.

Ms Sally Neville

Ms Neville is the Chief Executive Officer for Restaurant & Catering SA, the peak body for the restaurant and catering sector. Having previously owned and managed her own restaurant and catering businesses in SA over more than 20 years, she has a keen interest in sustainability.

Dr Anne Sharp

Dr Sharp is a Senior Research Fellow at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science at the University of South Australia. She heads the Sustainable Marketing research of the Institute and has a particular interest in evaluating government interventions encouraging behaviour change for improved environmental outcomes.

Mr Mark Withers

Mr Withers is Chief Executive Officer, City of Charles Sturt with 27 years experience in a number of metropolitan South Australian councils. He is a member of Waste Care SA and Immediate Past President of Local Government Managers Australia SA. Mr Withers fulfils the role of having knowledge of and experience in local government and waste-related infrastructure development.

The Zero Waste SA Board

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The Governance Committee’s objectives are to consider corporate governance issues and provide appropriate advice to Zero Waste SA and its governing Board on managing risks for the agency and the Board.

The membership of the Governance Committee is:

• Ms Anne Harvey (Chair), member, Zero Waste SA Board

• Ms Cheryl Hill, member, Zero Waste SA Board

• Mr Vaughan Levitzke, Chief Executive, Zero Waste SA

• Ms Mia Toscano, Manager, Governance and Planning, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

In 2011-12, the Governance Committee met to advise on:

• the Board of Zero Waste SA’s governance statement

• risk management for the Board and agency

• board performance processes

• statements of the income and expenditure of the Waste to Resources Fund.

Zero Waste SA is committed to embedding risk management into its culture, practices and decision-making processes. During 2011-12, the Board approved the Zero Waste SA Risk Management Plan to manage the risks of the Board and agency in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – principles and guidelines.

The plan incorporates a risk register, which documents existing controls to mitigate and manage identified risks and identifies planned actions to further reduce the impact of these risks. The plan will ensure that risk management is explicitly linked to the management of change and to decision making so that Zero Waste SA is successful in achieving its objectives.

A risk assessment of Zero Waste SA, focusing on the higher risk areas, will be undertaken regularly and will be central to maintaining a strong awareness of the importance of monitoring and managing the Board and operational risks of Zero Waste SA.

Zero Waste SA Board Governance Committee

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South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2011 targets a reduction of waste to landfill of 35% by 2020, based on a 2002 03 baseline. The state is on track to achieve this target.

Recycling activity data collected in 2011-12 for 2010-11 showed a substantial increase of 56% in resource recovery since 2009-10. The 2010-11 SA Recycling Activity Report (Rawtec) shows that 4.3 million tonnes of materials were diverted from landfill and into recycling in 2010-11, which is a 57% increase from the 2.76 million tonnes recycled in 2009-10. The South Australian per capita recycling rate has increased to the second highest level of the last seven years at 2,600 kg /capita.

The increase was attributed to approximately 1.26 million tonnes of waste fill diverted to recycling from major infrastructure projects including the Adelaide Desalination Plant and the Royal Adelaide Hospital. This resource recovery effort represented approximately 90% of total waste fill resulting from these projects, a result that demonstrates the effectiveness of the systems in place to treat and reuse waste fill during these projects.

After subtracting the effects of these infrastructure projects from South Australia’s 2010-1 resource recovery data, South Australia still achieved a recovery rate of approximately 74.8%, an increase of 2.9% from 2009-10.

These recycling efforts have prevented the equivalent of about 1.29 million tonnes of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere, which is the equivalent of taking approximately 300,000 passenger cars off the road. Other estimated environmental benefits resulting from recycling activity are:

• energy savings of 16,100 Terajoules, equivalent to 2.8 million barrels of oil, and

• water savings of 12.6 Gigalitres, equivalent to 5,030 Olympic sized swimming pools.

Communications, marketing, website and educationTo ensure greatest effect for the budget, Zero Waste SA took a targeted approach to communications. Continuing its strong relationship with local government, Zero Waste SA successfully implemented communications plans for free e-waste collections and for the Recycle Right education campaign.

To raise awareness of South Australia’s new waste strategy for 2011-2015, communications included an explanatory DVD for Zero Waste SA’s YouTube channel and an eight-page FOCUS supplement inserted in the February 2012 edition of WME magazine.

Zero Waste SA produced four editions of its stakeholder e-newsletter Rewords. This newsletter provides information about the agency’s programs, policies and other activities aligned with objectives in South Australia’s waste strategy.

Research with stakeholders provided feedback to refine communications activities. A suite of rebranded Industry Program materials included case studies, forms and a DVD. A highlight was the very well received DVD to promote food scrap recycling, which was delivered through the partnership with Restaurant & Catering South Australia.

Media releases were issued to ensure that journalists were informed of grant funding calls for applications.

Market research

Zero Waste SA undertakes market research to inform development of behavioural change programs that target various sectors of the community. Previous household market research studies (2004, 2008) have investigated attitudes, knowledge and behaviours primarily on recycling practices. South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2011-2015 places more emphasis on ‘avoid’, ‘reduce’ and ‘reuse’ strategies and greater community engagement. The 2012 community attitudes survey is capturing new data to establish benchmarks for the newer program areas as well as measure the key indicators for recycling that were established in previous surveys.

Zero Waste SA, on behalf of the EPA, managed market research into the choices of shopping carry bags that the South Australian community are making, with a particular focus on grocery shopping. Section 8.1 of the Plastic Bag Act 2008 states the need to review the effect of the ban on the community after two years and to evaluate the extent to which the ban has been effective in restricting the supply of plastic bags. This research has identified the effect and measured success by observing the number

Programs relevant to all waste streams

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and type of reusable shopping bags shoppers use in retail situations and through discussions with those key stakeholders appointed to the Plastic Bag Ban Taskforce, which assisted with the development and implementation of the legislation.


Zero Waste SA’s website, was regularly updated with information about the agency’s programs, funding opportunities and support for the Recycle Right campaign for householders, councils and industry.

The website serves many purposes and targets diverse audiences to motivate, support and recognise efforts to affect behavioural change. Case studies, tool kits, facts sheets and recycling signage are examples of the range of tools used.

The website served more than 133,000 pages of content to more than 50,000 unique visitors. This reporting period saw mobile devices make up nearly 10% of the total site traffic, with users accessing the Zero Waste SA site from phones and tablets in increasing numbers. This trend is expected to continue next year and plans are underway to enhance use of the site for mobile applications.

Visitor numbers peaked around the popular e-waste collections, with the site serving as the main promotional tool for information on ‘where, what and when’.

Social media

Zero Waste SA’s social media presence now spans Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Focus on engaging and interacting with South Australians online is essential to spread the message about how best to Recycle Right and to respond quickly to queries from the community.

Zero Waste SA’s social media streams involve a constant commitment from the Communication and Education Unit, creating fresh, relevant and appealing content to involve the public in a busy and competitive space. The immediacy of social media is a ‘game changer’ in how people interact with government departments. People have an expectation that they can rely on Zero Waste SA for accurate and timely advice around core programs and that Zero Waste SA is part of the growing online conversation about sustainability, recycling and waste avoidance.


Zero Waste SA’s Intranet went live in 2012, supplying the rest of the Environment Portfolio with accurate content on staff roles, policies, procedures and upcoming events within Zero Waste SA. Staff can now use the Intranet for a range of simplified tasks by directly accessing HR forms, occupational health and safety documents, travel bookings and leave requests from within a familiar interface, with the Intranet using the same publishing platform as our website.

Recycle Right household recycling programA mainstream advertising campaign used 12 bite-sized messages about common recycling mistakes with ‘thumbs up’ and ‘thumbs down’ imagery. The messages were developed from findings identified in householder interviews undertaken during an earlier phase of the campaign.

Benchmarks established in the Ehrenberg-Bass market research were used to evaluate:

• awareness of the advertising campaign

• knowledge of key messages

• behavioural change through bin inspections.

Considering the modest campaign budget for a state-wide campaign, the findings in the 2012 Recycle Right research should be interpreted positively. Improvements in knowledge are becoming evident and this suggests that the advertisements have been effective in communicating to both those more and those less environmentally aware; however, the advertisements need more time and wider outreach to meet campaign objectives fully.

Claimed behaviour did not necessarily reflect observed behaviour. Visual inspections of bins from willing phone respondents showed that visible signs of contamination in their green organics bins reduced from 25% in 2010 to 15% in 2012 but more than eight in 10 households showed some visible contamination in their recycling bins.

A range of educational activities were implemented to support and expand the Recycle Right brand with a focus on strengthening engagement with waste educators in local councils including:

• launch of a teaching resource for teachers of English as a second language, using recycling in a series of structured learning activities to educate migrants about the correct use of the three-bin system

• launch of Recycle Right Today, a monthly e-newsletter emailed to subscribers outlining tips for improving recycling behaviour (attracting 97 subscriptions within the first 24 hours)

• fact sheets updated and two new subjects introduced, The Truth about Cats and Dogs (pet waste disposal) and The Truth about Plastics

• four articles produced for South Australian Garden and Outdoor Living magazine and two articles in ECHo, a magazine for residents of ECH units and nursing homes

• six waste and recycling workshops for councils delivered by KESAB environmental solutions through the Local Government Association of South Australia

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• colouring competition and puzzle section in the Sunday Mail Chill segment (81 children participated)

• sponsorship for residential education in Masonic Homes (840 fact sheets distributed and 650 bins stickered)

• sponsorship of the South Australian Living Artist Festival through Leaf Walker, a primary school art project that is 100% recyclable.

Additional Recycle Right activity included:

• 18,788 searches on the Recycle Right search engine

• 477 calls to the 1300 hotline

• 1,433 fact sheets and stickers requested and posted out, with a further 1224 being downloaded since October 2011

• 329 downloads of Recycle Right icons used by council waste educators for community information.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Wipe Out Waste schools programFunded by Zero Waste SA, Wipe Out Waste (WOW) is a state-wide educational program delivered by KESAB environmental solutions. It aims to encourage schools to reduce waste and increase learning about waste and resource recovery. The program is open to schools, pre-schools and kindergartens in all sectors.

WOW continued in 2011-12 working within regional and metropolitan areas. A total of 150 schools participated in seven WOW workshops across South Australia. Additionally, a Kids Teaching Kids International Conference, held in October 2011, attracted 700 delegates and a World Environment Day event, June 2012, was attended by 500 students.

Waste audits were conducted in 36 schools, some involving ‘re-audits’ to evaluate the success of waste reduction programs implemented by schools. These show that WOW is having long-term benefit in reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill from schools. Highest achieving schools reduced the volume of waste sent to landfill and an overall percentage reduction as follows:

• Barmera Primary School reduced to 0.07 litres per person per day, achieving an overall reduction of 88% since 2010.

• Loxton Primary School reduced to 0.28 litres per person per day, achieving an overall reduction of 68% since 2008.

• Mulga Street Primary School reduced to 0.45 litres per person per day, achieving an overall reduction of 33%.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

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Sponsorship grantsSponsorship grants are opportunities for Zero Waste SA to further its behavioural change and policy advocacy objectives. Those awarded in 2011-12 supported organisations to host high profile industry events including awards to recognise achievements in sustainability and waste management. Smaller not-for-profit organisations were able to increase community awareness about recycling and resource efficiency at a grass-roots level.

Industry sponsorship

The following 2011-12 sponsorships supported clients engaged in Zero Waste SA’s Industry Program.

Organisation Project Value $*

Organic Force An International Symposium on Organic Matter Management and Compost use in Horticulture Symposium 2011


Restaurant & Catering SA Funding of the Best Site Contract Caterer award at the Restaurant and Catering Awards night and donation of a sustainability diagnostic for the category winner, Eurest @ Hewlett Packard, to assist it to improve its resource efficiency


South Australian Wine Industry Association Incorporated

At the Annual Wine Industry Environment Conference, October 2011, Zero Waste SA presented a case study on the achievements of a company participating in the 5-Star accreditation process.


Adelaide Convention Centre The 2011 Cellar Door Wine Festival showcased wine producers from across South Australia at a ‘zero waste’ event.


Total 31,000

* Amounts exclude GST

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

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Community sponsorships

The 2011-12 community sponsorships supported various promotional activities that helped build the profile of recycling and waste management in the community.

Organisation Project Value $*

South Australian Living Artists Festival

‘Leaf Walker’ recycled and reused material sculpture project


SA Retail Property Group 2011 Annual Retail Environmental Award for Excellence in Sustainability


Jon Lamb Communications South Australian Garden and Outdoor Living Magazine series of educational feature articles on household recycling


Local Government Managers Australia (South Australian Division Inc)

Award for Excellence in Environmental Leadership and Sustainability to recognise local government achievements in the sustainability field


Planet Ark Production of the national Business Recycling Near You website, a resource for businesses looking for recycling services


Kensington Residents’ Association

Kensington Gate project, decorating gates with recycled materials for the month of October 2011


WMAA The National Waste Transfer Station Conference 10,000

Total 48,000

* Amounts exclude GST

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

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Financial and legislative instrumentsReview of the solid waste levy

The State Government 2011-12 budget indicated an increase in revenue collected through the solid waste levy under the Fees and Levies regulations of the Environment Protection Act 1983.

On 27 October 2010 the Minister for Environment and Conservation directed Zero Waste SA, under the Zero Waste SA Act 2004, to review the structure and impacts of the solid waste levy in consultation with key stakeholders.

Zero Waste SA engaged the Allen Consulting Group to undertake an economic analysis, and Nolan Consulting, to develop policy recommendations, for the levy review.

The Zero Waste SA Board established a committee to oversee the levy review to guide Zero Waste SA and provide advice to the Board. The Levy Review Committee was chaired by the Chief Executive from Zero Waste SA and comprised of three members from the Zero Waste SA Board, and representatives from the Waste Management Association of Australia, the Local Government Association and the Environment Protection Authority. The Levy Review Committee met on five occasions and provided several determinations that were conducted out-of-session.

The report was completed during 2011-12 and is being considered by the State Government. While it has made some recommendations concerning the impacts of the levy for resource recovery in the state in its current form, the State Government will explore other options including the merits of a differentiated levy and how waste reduction and resource efficiency can be further improved in South Australia by examining the levy’s optimal structure.

Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010

The Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010 (Waste EPP) came into operation on 1 September 2010 and will progressively ban certain wastes from being accepted at landfill. The Waste EPP provides the regulatory underpinning for the Waste Strategy 2011-2015.

The banned items, listed at Schedule 4 of the Waste EPP, include electronic waste, plastics (LDPE and PVC), compact fluorescent lights and mercury containing lights.

Zero Waste SA has identified these items as high priority problematic wastes. During 2011-12 it worked with the Environment Protection Authority and local government on a number of initiatives for implementing the Waste EPP detailed below.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

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Electronic waste

In 2011-12 Zero Waste SA delivered a free e-waste drop off program for inner regional councils and outer regional centres during May 2012 and a communications campaign leading up to the free metropolitan e-waste community collection event on 3 and 4 December which was funded by a major brand owner.

Zero Waste SA also commissioned a report by Equilibrium that assessed e-waste collection and recycling capacity in South Australia. The report provides guidance for local government on e-waste collection requirements in relation to the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.

Hazardous waste, oil and lead acid batteries

Zero Waste SA’s Household and Farm Hazardous Waste Collection program across South Australia provided fixed-point and mobile collection services to enable proper disposal of household hazardous waste and farm chemicals. Zero Waste SA continues to investigate and progress establishment of permanent household hazardous waste facilities.


Rawtec has prepared stage one of a plastics recycling study to gain an in-depth understanding of:

• current and potential future consumption of plastics packaging by polymer type in South Australia

• current and potential future material flows in South Australia by polymer type

• planned plastics packaging recycling capacity by polymer type in South Australia, including the identification of barriers to the recovery of plastics packaging.

The study is intended to build a solid foundation for subsequent work to encourage innovation within the local industry and encourage application of emerging technologies for resource recovery and reprocessing of waste plastics packaging.

The Commercial and Industrial sector was also supported through Zero Waste SA’s Recycling at Work program and the Industry Program and plastics recycling was included as a priority waste stream for funding under Zero Waste SA’s 2011-12 Metropolitan Infrastructure program (refer page 13).

Fluorescent light globes

The BackLight Household Light Globe Recycling program enabled householders to drop off a range of light globes for recycling at 48 Mitre 10 and 12 True Value Hardware stores, a total of 60 stores across the state.

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Sustainable Markets and Innovation programThe Waste Strategy 2011-2015 recognises the need to promote markets for recycled materials, improve the viability of the recycling sector and develop value-added recycled products.

Zero Waste SA’s Sustainable Markets and Innovation Incentive program targets key waste streams and their associated recycling industries. These have been identified using Zero Waste SA’s multi-criteria analysis tool. The program provides financial incentives to encourage marketing that increases and supports markets for recycled materials. Projects are coordinated through the industry sector for each material (for example, composting, aggregate and plastics).

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

In 2011-12, the following five innovative projects were awarded a total of $111,500.

Peats Soil and Garden Supplies – Tricho-compost ($32,500)

Peats Soil and Garden Supplies (Peats) will develop additional markets for specialised compost known as Tricho-compost. Tricho-compost is a natural additive developed and tested extensively by the Tasmanian Department of Agriculture. Testing in Tasmania has found that the additive is effective against botrytis in vineyards and white rot in onion crops. Peats’ project will test Tricho-compost within local markets in South Australia and will involve field trials, testing and collection of baseline data and field analysis. Peats Soil will contribute an additional $32,500 as well as other in-kind contributions, creating a total project value of $80,000.

SA No Till Farmers Association – struvite as a phosphorus replacement ($14,000)

SA No-Till Farmers Association (SANTFA) aims to demonstrate the performance and commercial viability of a fertiliser produced from ammonium and phosphate from effluent waste water. Struvite consists of essential elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium) and will be tested to compare with standard fertilisers. SANTFA will contribute an additional $14,000 creating a total project value of $28,000.

Peats – Industrial sands in compost ($25,000)

This project will test industrial sands such as foundry sands against existing standards for the recycled materials currently used in road construction. The most significant project element is testing and developing materials to meet current engineering standards. Initial production is estimated to be 10,000 to 15,000 tonnes per annum. Peats will contribute an additional $25,000 as well as other in-kind contributions, creating a total project value of $60,000.

Sustainable Aggregates South Australia (SASA) – recycled aggregates ($40,000)

This project builds upon previous research by the ARRB Group Pty Ltd (ARRB) into the use of recycled aggregates and the use of clay bricks by improving specifications. This received support from Zero Waste SA’s 2007-08 Market Development program. SASA is an initiative of ARRB Group, ResourceCo and Adelaide Resource Recovery. SASA aims to inform, develop and promote the use of recycled aggregates sourced from inert hard wastes (for example, concrete, brick, asphalt and rubble) by providing a cooperative and consultative link between the resource recovery industry and its stakeholders. At the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, South Australian Division awards held 25 May 2012, the ARRB Group won the Leadership Excellence award for Sustainability recognising its achievement in establishing the SASA group.

Under the current award SASA will develop fact sheets to improve market awareness about the technical capabilities of recycled material for road pavements. SASA will contribute an additional $40,000 creating a total project value of $80,000.


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Metropolitan Infrastructure programThe Metropolitan Infrastructure program aims to:

• increase the ability of local processors to turn recycled material into high-value end-use products and

• invest in infrastructure that enables greater reuse of waste materials.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

In 2011-12, six waste infrastructure projects in metropolitan Adelaide were awarded a total of $1.67 million under round six of this program.

Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority (NAWMA) – Resource Recovery Centre ($300,000)

This project will establish a regional transfer station and a Salvage and Save Operation (following the closure of the Playford Council facility and potential closure of the Gawler Council site). The facility will receive material direct from residents or kerbside hard waste collection and will accept general waste, hazardous waste and other difficult waste sources such as mattresses. NAWMA will invest in excess of $2,000,000 to this project.

Plastic Granulating Services (PGS) – Technical Capability to Mechanically Recycle Packaging Film ($300,000)

PGS reprocesses more than 12,000 tonnes of waste plastic per year, but currently has only limited capacity to handle plastic films. This project will install equipment for shredding, washing and drying plastic film with a focus on polyethylene-based films. It is estimated this project could recover an additional 4,000 tonnes per year of waste packaging for reprocessing. PGS is investing an additional $300,000 to this project.

Solo Resource Recovery (Solo) – Redevelopment of the Adelaide Waste and Recycling Centre ($300,000)

Solo will expand and upgrade facilities and waste receiving capability at its Adelaide Waste and Recycling Centre located in North Plympton. Targeted materials are paper and cardboard, rubble, timber, organics, e-waste, plastic packaging, mattresses, tyres and scrap metal. Solo is contributing an additional $1,225,000 to this project.

Transpacific Industries – Wingfield Resource Recovery and Waste Transfer Station Upgrade to Recovery Activities ($300,000)

Transpacific Industries will upgrade the Wingfield Resource Recovery and Waste Transfer Station to promote a higher level of waste diversion from landfill through the construction of a ‘Material Recovery Facility’ which targets the mixed streams of commercial and industrial (C&I) and construction and demolition (C&D) streams. An existing shed will be extended to allow a dedicated area for resource recovery, incorporating mechanical and manual sorting systems. Material targeted for recovery is likely to include non-aggregated cardboard and paper, non-aggregated HDPE, PET, PP, LDPE, PVC or PS plastic packaging, e-waste, soil, ferrous / non-ferrous metals and wood waste. Recovery rates are projected in excess of 48,000 tonnes per annum. Transpacific is proposing to contribute more than $4 million to the project.

Sims Recycling Solutions (Sims) – E-waste Storage Collection Facility ($175,000)

Sims will establish a facility for collecting, aggregating and part-processing e-waste materials before transfer to the Sims processing facility in New South Wales. It is estimated that up to 4,000 tonnes per annum could be part-processed before transportation. Sims will contribute an additional $615,000 to this project.

L F Jeffries Nominees (Jeffries) – Innovative Sorting System for the Recycled Organics Screening System ($300,000)

This project involves the installation of an x-ray sorting system, trommel screen, wind sifters and modification to Jeffries’ existing ROSS system. A major challenge faced with recycling organics is dealing with the non-compostable visual contamination that enters the organics recycling stream. This contaminates the finished compost, soil and mulch products. Jeffries removes many visual contaminates from the organics recycling stream, but fine material (<40mm) remains in the compost and mulch material. The equipment will primarily target glass and may help to remove stones, metal, ceramics, brick and some plastics. Jeffries is contributing $745,000 towards the project.

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Regional Implementation programThe Zero Waste SA Regional Implementation program supports regional government to reform processes and improve recovery of materials.

Regional areas, where population densities are low, generate 20% of South Australia’s waste. It is often difficult and complex to deliver waste and recycling services in these locations. Zero Waste SA has supported regional waste management strategies. As these are completed, Zero Waste SA offers grants to support up to 50% of the implementation costs.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Since its inception in 2004-05, the program has committed a total of $5.34 million to 88 regional infrastructure improvements.

On 2 February 2012, the Board approved funding for the following 14 projects totalling $1.45 million under the seventh round of Zero Waste SA’s Regional Implementation program:

• Central Local Government Region ($140,000) Northern Areas Council transfer stations Gladstone (new), Jamestown (upgrade)

• Eyre Peninsula LGA ($217,213) City of Port Lincoln transfer station upgrade and bin bank sites and waste depot upgrade at Wudinna District Council

• South East LGA ($140,000) A waste transfer station and resource recovery facility at Robe

• Murray and Mallee LGA ($611,500) A resource recovery facility at Mannum, waste transfer stations at Renmark and Loxton and upgraded transfer stations at Murray Bridge, Cambrai, Truro and Morgan (total)

• Southern and Hills LGA ($340,625) A waste and recycling depot at Goolwa, mobile crushing plant for construction and demolition material and a mobile baler at the Hartley landfill, Windmill Hill transfer station upgrade and a recyclables storage shed at the Milang Environmental Centre.

In 2011-12 total funding of $584,140 was provided, as milestones were met, to ongoing projects awarded in rounds four to six:

• Central Local Government Region ($105,574) Transfer stations at Clare, Kadina, and Quorn, and extensions to a community recycling facility

• Eyre Peninsula LGA ($176,500) Transfer stations and baling facilities for recyclables at Tumby Bay, Cleve, and a recyclables sorting facility in Ceduna

• South East LGA ($121,566) A waste oil facility in Naracoorte, construction and demolition recycling infrastructure at Naracoorte, a waste transfer station at Port McDonnell and extension to an existing solid waste recycling and reuse facility at Mt Gambier

• Murray and Mallee LGA ($132,000) A transfer station at Waikerie

• Southern and Hills LGA ($48,500) A construction and demolition recycling facility at Strathalbyn, improvements to a waste and recycling facility at Woodside.

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School and Community programSchool and Community grants target charities, service clubs, other not-for-profit organisations and schools (including metropolitan and regional high schools and kindergartens) that recover reusable resources.

Zero Waste SA delivers this program in recognition of the important role community-based organisations and schools play in encouraging sustainable waste management and recycling behaviours and practices, with benefits extending to the wider community.

This program is complementary to the Wipe Out Waste program and to be eligible for funding, some school staff must have attended a Zero Waste SA Wipe Out Waste workshop.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Zero Waste SA undertook a review of the program in 2011-12, which involved:

• financial analysis and data review

• 14 school visits

• questionnaire responses from 10 schools

• regional community visits leading to development of case studies

• desktop review of any similar state and national grant programs

• liaison with KESAB Wipe Out Waste coordinators to gather ‘on ground’ views.

The ‘on ground’ review identified many benefits from the program including supporting behaviour change, student education and flow on within communities, such as community empowerment and decreased waste to landfill. The program is the only available small scale incentives program in the state that exclusively targets waste minimisation, recycling and resource recovery for school, community and not-for-profit groups. Based on these findings, the Board of Zero Waste SA resolved to continue the program.

In 2011-12, 45 projects, comprising 36 schools and nine community groups, were awarded $263,492 state-wide.

Successful projects range from less than $1,000 up to $20,000 and the funds are used to purchase basic infrastructure such as bins, sheds, mulchers, worm farms and chicken coops. The three largest grants awarded (over $18,000 each) are for community based organisations in regional areas to construct infrastructure for reuse services to the community.

This brings total funding awarded under the program since 2005 to $913,492 for 147 projects. Community groups and school projects awarded in 2011-12 are summarised in the tables below.

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Metropolitan projectsOrganisation Value $* Project

Community Groups

Adelaide Showground Farmers Market

5,000 Bin stations for collection of recyclable containers, organics and general waste

Finding Workable Solutions 19,118 Shelving, workbenches, protective equipment for establishment of Heathfield Salvage and Save

Pooraka Farm Community Centre 5,773 Trailer and recycling bins to improve recycling within community centres at four locations


Angle Vale Primary School 14,612 Shed, worm farms, mulcher and improvements to recycling centre

Ardtornish Primary School 2,085 Shredder, materials for garden and compost bins

Braeview School 12,273 Shed, chicken coop, compost bays, worm farms and food scrap buckets

Cardijn College 10,037 Shed, sorting table, bin bays, signage and compost bins

Christies Beach High School 1,950 Mulcher and compost bins

Coromandel Valley Primary School 1,000 Worm farms

Emmaus Catholic School 1,546 Mulcher, wheelbarrows, worm farms and recycling, waste and green bins

Gawler High School 10,807 Mulcher, mulch bays and safety gear for green waste on site

Golden Grove High School 5,000 Setup of recycling bins throughout the school

Modbury South Primary School 1,500 Recycling bins, compost bins and worm farm

Nazareth Catholic Community 5,000 Compost bins, worm farms and recycling shed

Para Hills West Primary School 12,273 Compost bays, garden materials, bins and site preparation

Para Vista Preschool - 7 4,800 Chicken coop for food scraps not utilised in compost or bokashi systems

Parkside Primary School 9,091 Classroom and office recycling bins, recycling shed and sorting equipment, compost bays and mulcher

Pulteney Grammar School 10,000 Three stream recycling bins for school grounds and classrooms

Sheidow Park Primary School 5,000 Chicken coop, recycling shed and equipment

St Brigid’s Catholic School 3,745 Worm farms, food scrap bins and buckets, paper shredder, mulcher and compost bins

St Francis School 2,250 Compost bins, recycling bins, bokashi bins and buckets

St John’s Grammar School Inc. 3,000 Chicken coop / enclosure, shredder, compost bins

St Joseph’s School Hectorville 1,171 Bokashi bins, compost bins, construction of a fridge worm farm

St Margaret Mary’s School 1,474 Bokashi bins, worm farms, recycling bins and compost carriers

St Martins Primary School 887 Chicken coop and worm farm

Valley View Secondary School 3,182 Recycling bins, safety equipment and compost bins

Whitefriars School 3,973 Bokashi, paper making kits, compost bins and a 10c recycling bin

Wynn Vale Primary School 8,000 Recycling shed, chicken coop, storage bins, mulcher and bokashi bins

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Regional projects

Organisation Value $* Project

Community Groups

Keith War Memorial Community Centre Inc.

3,271 10c recycling bins for township to raise funds for Keith Hospital

Lifeline Country to Coast 20,000 Retrofit shed to create Trash 2 Treasure Outlet

Lions Club of Karoonda and District 6,814 Expansion of Karoonda Recycling Facility

Loxcare Incorporated 18,864 Construct collection / sorting area for donated goods to be distributed or sold

Mount Pleasant Natural Resource Centre

1,928 Setup of recycling system at Natural Resource Centre

Old Mt Gambier Gaol Community Garden Inc.

1,938 Construction of compost bays for community garden material


Cornerstone College 6,000 Sorting/safety equipment, worm farms and bin lifter

Hahndorf Primary School and Preschool 1,965 Worm farms and compost bins

Harvest Christian School 4,155 Paper / cardboard, comingled and organic recycling bins and compost tumblers

Littlehampton Primary School 10,177 Mulcher, compost equipment, chicken coops/equipment, recess containers (trial project)

McDonald Park School 2,666 Mulcher, chicken coop, recycling bins, shed equipment and sorting table

Murraylands Christian College 1,200 Organic bins, worm farms and compost bins

Orroroo Area School 6,973 Recycle bins, shed and garden materials

Port Lincoln Junior Primary School 1,364 Compost bins, worm farms and safety equipment

Renmark West Primary School 3,380 Recycling shed, compost bins, worm farm and drums for material collection

Tintinara Area School 6,210 Mulcher and construction of compost bays

Waikerie Primary School 2,040 Mulcher, garden materials and buckets

* Amounts exclude GST

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E-waste initiativesElectrical and electronic products at end-of-life are increasing in number and volume. Some of their component parts are hazardous and disposal is a major concern.

Many households and businesses generate e-waste when they seek to replace or upgrade old or unwanted equipment such as newer televisions and computers.

The Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2009, which came into effect 1 September 2010, contains a number of bans on materials being disposed to landfill. Computer monitors and televisions including components, subassemblies and consumables, and other electrical / electronic equipment may not be disposed to landfill in metropolitan Adelaide from September 2012.

State and Territory Ministers, through the former Environment Protection and Heritage Council in November 2009, agreed on a national product stewardship scheme for televisions and computers. The Australian Government, together with the television and computer industry, are rolling out the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme for the collection and recycling of end-of-life televisions and computers.

The national scheme is funded and run by the television and computer industry, and is regulated by the Australian Government under the Product Stewardship Act 2011, and the Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Regulations 2011.

On ground activity is expected to commence in mid-2012, with access to services expanding across metropolitan, regional and remote Australia by the end of 2013.

The timing and implementation of South Australia’s landfill bans are intended to align with the functional implementation of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.

During 2011-12, Zero Waste SA worked with the Environment Protection Authority to develop a communications plan relating to the bans, including key messages for local government, householders and industry.

While the scheme is being rolled out, Zero Waste SA has committed to supporting our communities with opportunities to recycle computers, televisions and other electronic waste until the national product stewardship scheme is in place.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

During 2011-12, Zero Waste SA undertook the following activities to continue its support for electronic waste collections.

Metropolitan e-waste collection event

In December 2011, Zero Waste SA, in conjunction with the Local Government Association of South Australia and a major brand owner, Apple, coordinated a two-day metropolitan wide e-waste collection event on the 3 and 4 December 2011 in seven locations.

This event provided the public with an opportunity to drop-off a range of e-waste products free of charge. Nearly 10,000 participants delivered 607 tonnes of electrical and electronic material which were collected for recycling.

A similar event was also held in metropolitan Adelaide in September 2010 which collected 515 tonnes from nearly 10,000 participants.

Apple has funded similar events in other states since 2007. The tonnes collected at the South Australian events have been double and sometimes triple the amount collected at similar interstate events.

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Regional e-waste collections

In May 2012, Zero Waste SA funded a free e-waste drop off program for regional householders, providing 13 drop off locations in semi regional and regional South Australia.

The collection program was held in conjunction with regional councils. Collections were open to all residents irrespective of which council area they lived in and were held in Clare, Goolwa, Hahndorf, Kadina, Loxton, Murray Bridge, Naracoorte, Port Augusta, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Tanunda, Willaston and Whyalla.

Any brand of computer, laptop, monitor, TV, printer, mobile phone, computer-related peripherals and home entertainment equipment were accepted at the collections.

This program assisted in recycling an estimated 1,000 tonnes of electronic waste which would otherwise end up in landfill.

Zero Waste SA Environmental User SystemThere is national momentum to coordinate action on waste management policy, including developing a nationally consistent approach for collecting waste data. The release of the National Waste Report 2010 was the first step towards achieving this.

Implementation of the Zero Waste SA Environmental User System (ZEUS) began in 2007-08 and was completed in June 2009. Collection of data on illegal dumping and municipal solid waste from metropolitan and non-metropolitan councils across the state followed. ZEUS allows the electronic capture, storage and reporting of waste and recycling data across the state.

ZEUS collects data from:

• annual surveys of recycling activities

• audits of landfills, transfer stations, material recovery facilities

• public and industry sector specific surveys in waste, recycling and wasteful consumption

• council returns on kerbside collections of waste, dry recyclables, organic material and incidences of illegal dumping

• container deposit returns

• litter incidence data from KESAB environmental solutions

• hazardous waste including household hazardous waste and farm chemicals collections

• electronic waste collections.

Zero Waste SA continued collecting data from major composters in South Australia. This data will ensure accurate reporting of organic material diversion to composting in the state.

Data from major landfills was gathered to help develop a breakdown by origin of waste stream (MSW, C&I, C&D, waste fill and contaminated soils). This itemised information will ensure consistency with national waste data and will help to highlight South Australia’s waste diversion achievements and focus future effort.

Expanding the array of data collected by ZEUS will continue to be a key focus of Zero Waste SA to assist in reporting on targets in the Waste Strategy 2011-2015 and South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2011.

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KESAB environmental solutionsKESAB environmental solutions has a valued role as a partner delivering Zero Waste SA programs to schools and households on litter measurement, reduction, education and awareness and on illegal dumping and compliance awareness.

A three-year service level agreement (2011-12 to 2013-2014), between the two parties, defines community education and engagement outcomes in reducing waste to underpin the objectives of the Waste Strategy 2011-2015.

Individual KESAB programs funded by Zero Waste SA under the agreement in 2011-12 were:

• Zero Waste SA and KESAB Wipe Out Waste school program ($230,000)

• Litter Data and Research and Branded Litter Monitoring ($70,000)

• Clean Site Building and Construction Resource Recovery ($20,000)

• KESAB Sustainable Communities (City and Country) ($25,000)

• Community Litter, Education, Resources and Campaigns ($100,000).

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Local Government AssociationThe LGA, supported by $42,600 in funding from Zero Waste SA, employs a person to give waste management support to local councils, in particular support to developing regional waste management arrangements.

The three-year agreement to 2013-14 specifies key deliverables negotiated at the beginning of each financial year.

The objectives of 2011-12 focused on:

• supporting implementation of kerbside organics and food collection by councils

• coordinating electronic waste collection initiatives such as the metropolitan electronic waste collection event in December 2011 in collaboration with Apple Pty Ltd and collections in regional and semi-regional areas in May 2012

• the E-Waste Pathways Forum 2012, hosted by the LGA and Zero Waste SA on 22 June 2012, which was attended by approximately 100 people from national, state and local government and the television and computer industry. The forum focused on the National Product Stewardship Scheme for Televisions and Computers, landfill bans as part of the Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010, past and future Zero Waste SA e-waste assistance programs, and featured local government case studies regarding the management of electronic waste.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Stakeholders, partnering and linkages

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Waste Management Association of AustraliaThe Waste Management Association of Australia, SA division (WMAA), coordinates and articulates its members’ concerns and suggestions, and provides an essential link between the industry and Zero Waste SA. WMAA has several working groups including Compost SA, Landfill SA, Carbon Committee and AWARE (waste education). Zero Waste SA supports WMAA to:

• run events to improve industry knowledge and expertise and provide networking opportunities

• administer working groups and distribute Zero Waste SA information to members.

Zero Waste SA sponsored the following WMAA seminars from August 2011 to May 2012.

Theme Keynote speaker(s) Date No. attending

Dumping, Data & Diet SA Waste Educators Breakfast Seminar

Sam Wade, John Vanzo, Christian Reynolds

6 July 2011 38

The Total Economic Cost of Compost webinar

Chris Bradlee 19 August 2011 31

Proposed Changes to the NGER Landfill Gas Emission Determination webinar

Rob Sturgiss 17 November 2011


Waste Industry Sector Agreement: Measuring and Reporting on Greenhouse Gas Emission from Municipal Waste Collection SA Branch Seminar

Ben Heard 15 February 2012 34

Understanding the Carbon Price and the Carbon Farming Initiative Webinar

Kathleen Packer, Alistair Witt, Craig Calland

22 February 2012 109

SA Branch Annual Meeting Campbell Gemmell 14 March 2012 41

Carbon Price Impacts SA Branch Seminar Elisa de Wit, Joe Pickin 13 June 2012 48

Update on the Carbon Price and the Carbon Farming Initiative

Jan Fitzgerald 25 June 2012 69

Zero Waste SA also provided:

• $20,000 for WMAA’s Watch your Waste-line Conference, South Australia’s biennial waste conference.

• $33,880 to WMAA to assist with the Enviro 2012 conference and exhibition, held in South Australia for the first time, 24 to 26 July 2012. It is the pre eminent environment conference for leaders in business and the environment and has traditionally been held in Sydney or Melbourne.

The Enviro conference is organised by Enviro Convention, a joint venture between the Australian Water Association and WMAA. The conference addresses a broad range of environmental topics on waste, water, energy and climate change and provides keynote speeches, presentations, workshops and technical site visits. The Exhibition component of the Conference showcases environmental products, technologies and services.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

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Zero Waste SA Centre for Sustainable Design and BehaviourResearch and development helps Zero Waste SA acquire knowledge and understanding of better ways to achieve its objectives. They are also a requirement of the Zero Waste SA Act 2004. Consequently, the Waste Strategy 2011-2015 recognises that research will underpin and inform how we address new challenges of wasteful consumption, and how we will change behaviours. As we extend our focus on sustainable use of resources, we begin to extend beyond known approaches to recycling and reuse.

The Zero Waste SA Centre for Sustainable Design and Behaviour, established in 2008, is a $2 million partnership between the University of South Australia (UniSA) and Zero Waste SA over five years. Located in the School of Art, Architecture and Design, the Zero Waste SA Centre brings collaboration between approximately 70 academics across several universities.

The Centre is chaired by Professor Steffen Lehmann, an internationally renowned designer of sustainable buildings and cityscapes. Professor Lehmann has been the Chair of Architectural Design at the University of Newcastle and UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Urban Development for Asia and the Pacific.

The research centre will examine issues of waste management and reduction, recycling and resource efficiency. The centre uniquely brings together elements of design and behaviour change across a multitude of academic disciplines from architecture to childhood development.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Australia Research Council Grants

In 2009, the Zero Waste SA Centre won an Australia Research Council Grant of $306,000 for the four-year project, Zero-ing in on Food Waste: Measuring, understanding and reducing food waste in South Australia from production to consumption in households and restaurants. The project focuses on understanding social and behavioural aspects of food waste. It is expected to generate valuable insights for State Government that generate changes in consumer behaviour.

In 2011-12 , work continued on the four Zero Waste Centre projects that have received Australian Research Council (ARC) grants:

• Zero-ing in on Food Waste: Measuring, understanding and reducing food waste in South Australia from production to consumption in households and restaurants This four year project is supported by funding from ARC ($306,000), other partner funding ($15,000) and Zero Waste SA ( $149,743). The total project value is $472,743.

• Work, Life and Sustainable Living: How work, household and community life interact to affect environmental behaviours and outcomes The project will examine how the circumstances and interaction of work, home and community affect capacities to reduce negative environmental impacts, particularly in workplace and household transport, waste, energy and water use practices. The four year project is supported by ARC ($240,000) funding, other partner funding ($96,221) and Zero Waste SA ($150,000). The total project value is $486,221.

• Paving the Way: An experimental approach to the mathematical modelling and design of permeable pavements The project will examine the intelligent use of permeable pavements using recycled components. The three year project is supported by ARC ($370,000), other partner funding ($175,096) and Zero Waste SA ($150,000). The total project value is $695,096.

• Reconsidering Sustainable Building and Design: A cultural change approach This project will help reduce construction and demolition waste by addressing the role of the building procurement team in reducing resource use and eliminating waste. The four year project is supported by ARC ($445,000), other partner funding ($35,254) and Zero Waste SA ($150,000). The total project value is $639,254.

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The Zero Waste SA Centre will continue to develop research proposals to attract national research and development funding in areas such as:

• children’s personal consumption choices

• deconstructing and reconsidering sustainable building design

• resource consumption synergies

• sustainable product service systems and

• measurement, understanding and reduction of food waste.

Key events

In February 2012, the Zero Waste SA Centre launched a book titled Designing for Zero Waste. Consumption, Technologies and the Built Environment. The book, the first of a series of eight, features research essays by 30 international scholars in relation to the role of design in achieving zero waste and was edited by Professor Lehmann and Dr Robert Crocker, Senior Lecturer, University of South Australia. The book won second prize in the International Solid Waste Association’s best book awards on waste management and recycling.

The third Annual Public Symposium and PhD Students’ Colloquium of the Zero Waste SA Research Centre for Sustainable Design and Behaviour was held on 17 May 2012 and showcased work from nine PhD students. The event was attended by about 30-40 people.

Zero Waste SA Pam Keating Memorial Scholarship

UniSA has established the Zero Waste SA Pam Keating Memorial Scholarship for honours students in memory of the late Pam Keating, a noted environmentalist, waste management expert and former Zero Waste SA Board member. Ms Keating passionately believed in the importance of reducing waste and its impact on our environment, and was committed to education and training for sustainability. The scholarship provides funding of $10,000 to an honours student to research an area of interest to the Zero Waste SA Centre.

In 2011-12, Ms Kerrie Bell, the second scholarship student under this program, finished her research project Design of Behavioural Interventions for Maximising Visitor Compliance with a Food Waste Separation Scheme in a Caravan Park. Ms Bell’s project involved designing a food separation and collection system in Adelaide Shores Caravan Park to help divert food waste to composting.

A third scholarship was awarded in May 2012 to Mr Matthew Hoffmann who is undertaking a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), for a project titled Waste Avoidance: replacement of mineral aggregates in concrete with scrap tyre rubber. The project aims to highlight the viability of incorporating scrap tyres as a building material.

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Kerbside food waste incentivesSouth Australia’s Waste Strategy 2011-2015 includes a stretch target of 70% of all material presented at the kerbside to be recycled by 2015. Achieving this target will need both kerbside collection of food waste and improvements that reduce contamination.

To assist local government to achieve the target, Zero Waste SA has incentive grants available to councils that introduce food waste systems for collection with green organics and subsequent composting.

By collecting and processing dry recyclables and green organics, metropolitan councils now typically divert in the order of 50-55% of household waste. Audits indicate that up to 50% of material in the waste bin is food or other organic material suitable for composting.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Kerbside Performance Plus program

During 2009, 17,000 households in 10 council areas participated in Australia’s most comprehensive pilot of household food waste recycling. Different designs of bench-top containers were tested with, and without, the use of compostable liner bags. Food waste was collected as part of existing council green organics collections. Households could recycle shredded paper and tissues and all food scraps, including meat, bones, teabags, and egg and oyster shells.

The food waste pilots informed Zero Waste SA and stakeholders understanding of:

• potential for diversion

• kerbside yields

• contamination rates

• resident satisfaction levels

• changes in presentation rates with differing collection frequency

• cost implications

• load capacities, and

• odour levels.

The assessment showed high levels of participation and diversions of up to 71% of materials away from landfill in some areas.

Results from the pilot informed the next Zero Waste SA incentive program, Kerbside Performance Plus, to which the Government committed $6.1 million over four years (from 2010 2011 to 2013-2014).

Under this program, a first round of funding was awarded to five councils in December 2010.

The second round of funding, called in December 2011, was awarded to the:

• City of Burnside ($215,050)

• District Council of Loxton Waikerie ($49,400).

The City of Mount Gambier was also awarded $12,607 to implement a food waste recycling system in commercial businesses using bench-top food waste containers.

Municipal solid waste

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Kerbside Performance (Regional Recycling) Incentive program

In 2002, councils diverted on average only 20% of kerbside collected material from landfill.

Since Zero Waste SA began financial incentive programs in 2004, metropolitan councils and some regional councils have installed uniform high-performing kerbside recycling systems, and introduced education, awareness and other initiatives. Kerbside recycling efficiencies and volumes have significantly improved. Typically such systems recover 48 to 55% of waste for sorting and recycling.

Dispersed population centres and considerable transport distances to Adelaide based recycling markets make recycling in non-metropolitan councils more difficult than in metropolitan areas. Zero Waste SA is continuing to assist those councils who wish to implement higher performing kerbside systems by awarding funding based on achieving specified performance criteria.

Funding under the Kerbside Performance (Regional Recycling) Incentive program was provided in 2011-12 to two regional councils:

• District Council of Orroroo Carrieton ($3,200)

• Northern Areas Council ($20,500).

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Recycling at workAn estimated 250,000 tonnes of potential recyclables go to landfill every year from Adelaide’s commercial and industrial sector. Zero Waste SA’s $3 million Recycling at Work program started in October 2008 and metropolitan businesses have continued efforts under this program. The scheme has previously received support from the Australian Packaging Covenant ($576,800).

Funding supports purchase of recycling bins by Adelaide businesses and supplies financial incentives for 11 waste collection companies (Foodwaste Recyclers, Peats Soil and Garden Supplies, SITA environmental solutions, Amcor, Remondis, Veolia, The Jeffries Group, Signal and Visy Recycling) to improve recycling services for businesses.

Between October 2008 and April 2012, the program supported collections of paper, cardboard, mixed plastic, comingled recyclables, and organics.

A review of the Recycling at Work program was completed in February 2012. Its findings have led to a decision to continue the program for a further 12-months in a modified format. The revised program will continue to support mixed plastic, comingled recyclables, and organics collections. Paper and cardboard markets are well established and do not require any further support from Zero Waste SA.

The program has supported the diversion of 7,819 tonnes of material from landfill since the program began in 2008 to April 2012, with shopping precincts, restaurants and cafes, schools and universities, hospitals and aged care facilities, police stations, and state and local government agencies taking part.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Industrial symbiosisGovernments internationally have established a structured approach to facilitate industrial symbiosis. The most successful example is the United Kingdom’s National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) established in 2005.

From a total of £23 million in funding over five years, the NISP has:

• diverted 5.2 million tonnes of industrial waste from landfill; generated £151m in new investment

• saved participants more than£131 million, and

• reduced carbon emissions by more than 5.2 million tonnes.

The UK NISP model is being implemented by other EU countries, the USA, China and Japan.

In September 2011, Zero Waste SA engaged Mr Gary Foster, Regional Director of NISP to deliver a NISP-style workshop. The workshop was attended by 24 organisations which included business, the resource recovery industry and several government agencies such as SA Water, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (Transport Division) and the Environmental Protection Authority. The workshop resulted in 171 opportunities, more than any other NISP-style workshop facilitated by Mr Foster in Australia.

Zero Waste SA will continue to identify opportunities in South Australia to broaden the industrial symbiosis program in South Australia and will collaborate with other government agencies to determine government wide support for industrial symbiosis.

Commercial and industrial waste

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Household hazardous waste and farm chemical collection Zero Waste SA offers South Australians a responsible safe collection and disposal service for unwanted chemicals through the mobile Household Hazardous Waste and Farm Chemical Collection program and the Hazardous Waste Depot at Dry Creek. From March 2004 to June 2012, more than 1,670 tonnes of unwanted hazardous materials was collected from more than 34,000 people across the state.

In the period 2011-12, Zero Waste SA collected a total of 196,236 kilograms of hazardous waste from 4,758 people.

The Household Hazardous Waste and Farm Chemical Collection and the Dry Creek Depot remain flagship activities for Zero Waste SA and are highly regarded by local councils and the community.

Since June 2008, when Zero Waste SA took over responsibility for the Dry Creek Depot, to 30 June 2012, 314.8 tonnes of hazardous waste has been collected.

Through the Household Hazardous Waste and Farm Chemical Collection program, temporary collection points are established where the public can deliver their unwanted chemicals.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

Dry Creek depot collections

In 2011-12, the Hazardous Waste Depot at Dry Creek collected 88 tonnes of household hazardous waste and farm chemicals from 1,634 members of the public.

Collection month

Number of vehicles

Total weight (kg)

July 2011 115 6,609

August 2011 116 7,203

September 2011 143 8,720

October 2011 140 8,791

November 2011 133 6,386

December 2011 180 8,503

January 2012 93 4,391

February 2012 173 8,998

March 2012 149 7,355

April 2012 150 7,894

May 2012 122 7,189

June 2012 120 5,970

TOTAL 1,634 88,009

Hazardous waste

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Household and Farm Chemical Collection mobile collections

In 2011-12, the mobile collection program gathered 108 tonnes of household hazardous waste and farm chemicals from more than 3,100 members of the public in 13 regional and five metropolitan council collections.

Number of vehicles

Total weight (kg)

Country collections

Alexandrina Council 104 3,206

District Council of Yankalilla 36 1,013

District Council of Cleve 5 551

District Council of the Copper Coast 8 513.5

Kangaroo Island Council 20 1,728

Port Augusta City Council 69 3,187

City of Port Lincoln 71 4,804.5

Tatiara District Council (Bordertown) 15 1,897

Tatiara District Council (Keith) 20 1,526

Wattle Range Council (Millicent) 17 989

Wattle Range Council (Penola) 2 75

The Corporation of the City of Whyalla 60 5,767

District Council of Yorke Peninsula 31 2,047

Metropolitan collections

Adelaide and Unley councils 294 8,837.5

Burnside, Campbelltown, and Norwood Payneham and St Peters councils

1012 19,700

Charles Sturt, Prospect and Port Adelaide Enfield councils (Largs North)

315 12,925.5

Charles Sturt, Prospect, and Port Adelaide Enfield councils (Kilburn)

282 10,451.5

Holdfast Bay, Marion and West Torrens councils 763 29008

TOTAL 3,124 108,226.5

Details of collections can be found at:

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Light globe recycling programOn 18 January 2011, Zero Waste SA launched a three-year pilot program, the BackLight Household Light Globe Recycling program. Householders can now drop off a range of used fluorescent light globes for recycling at 48 Mitre 10 and 12 True Value Hardware stores, a total of 60 stores across the state.

The program provides access to 22 metropolitan and 38 regional stores that will accept used household globes, free of charge.

The globes are then recycled by Chemsal Resource Recovery. The aluminium and mercury will be used to make new light globes, the phosphor powder into fertiliser, and the glass will be re-used into a variety of other glass products.

Since January 2011, the program has collected more than 43,000 lamps and globes from householders for recycling, equating to a total of 4,195 kilograms.

The BackLight program supports a number of State and Federal Government initiatives including the:

• State Government’s commitment to direct $100,000 towards a householder ‘take back’ scheme for used globes with retailers.

• Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010, which will ban fluorescent and other mercury containing lighting from landfill, from September 2012 in metropolitan Adelaide, and September 2013 for the rest of the state (ensuring the safe disposal of the mercury contained in energy efficient light globes).

• Australian Government’s ban on the retail sale of incandescent light bulbs from November 2009.

• Australian Government’s voluntary Fluoro-Cycle scheme that aims to recycle the majority of commercial mercury-containing lighting.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

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Consumption and waste avoidance incentivesAvoidance of waste is the ultimate waste challenge, at the very top of the waste hierarchy. The Waste Strategy 2011-2015 identifies the need to promote innovative projects that demonstrate effective ways to avoid waste, that reach more people, and that help guide social change to support sustainable consumption.

The Consumption and Waste Avoidance Incentives program offers support to initiatives that:

• are unique or innovative in South Australia

• need seed or kick-start funding

• need funding for an element essential to the initiative’s success

• operate at the ‘avoidance’, ‘reduction’ or ‘reuse’ levels of the hierarchy

• can demonstrate measurable outcomes and return on investment

• are based on a model that has been proven successful elsewhere

• delivermultiplebenefitsinadditiontoreducedconsumption and improved resource use (social, economic or environmental)

• are consistent with government policy directions including targets for reduction of waste to landfill and the Waste Strategy 2011-2015

• can be implemented and reported within 18 months of initiation.

In 2011-12, funding of $65,000 was provided under this program to OzHarvest.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

OzHarvest ($65,000)

OzHarvest is a non-denominational, not-for-profit organisation that rescues unwanted food from a range of commercial and industrial premises, including restaurants, retailers, food outlets and corporate kitchens, and delivers it to communities at risk. OzHarvest operates in Sydney, Canberra, Wollongong and has operated in Adelaide since January 2011.

Life-cycle research, commissioned by Zero Waste SA into the environmental benefits of rescuing unsold food in Adelaide, identified the potential environmental savings of OzHarvest’s food rescue program in greenhouse gas emissions, water and landfill disposal (Hyder, August 2010).

The OzHarvest project tackles a multitude of environmental, social and financial policy issues by:

• delivering positive social and welfare outcomes as the rescued food is provided to disadvantaged Australians

• providing a social and financial benefit to our state’s local restaurants, cafes and food outlets by giving them an important role to play in helping people in need while reducing their own waste disposal costs

• achieving environmental benefits by diverting millions of tonnes of good food from landfill each year.

Waste avoidance

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In recognition of the potential environmental gains that are possible through food rescue, Zero Waste SA contributed funding of $60,000 to assist OzHarvest to establish in South Australia in 2010-11.

In 2011-12 Zero Waste SA awarded an additional $65,000 to OzHarvest for a second refrigerated collection vehicle to enable it to double its collection capacity in Adelaide. The grant will expand its operations to Adelaide’s southern and eastern suburbs to redistribute an estimated 300,000 extra meals a year to charities.

From 17 January 2011 to 30 June 2012, the program has achieved the following results:

Kilograms rescued 122,209

Total meals redistributed 407,365

Total CO2-e diverted (tonnes) 195.5

Average meals redistributed per month 33,835

Total number of recipient agencies/programs receiving food


Total number of food donors donating food


Number of registered volunteers 50

Industry ProgramZero Waste SA’s Industry Program helps businesses and government understand, develop and implement cost saving resource efficiency measures. In doing so, it builds capacity to deal with a range of rapidly emerging environmental, financial and social consequences.

Zero Waste SA delivers the Industry Program in partnership with the Business Sustainability Alliance (BSA), a coalition of four government departments: Zero Waste SA, the Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy, Environment Protection Authority and SA Water. The BSA holds key competencies in the

areas of waste, water, energy, lean manufacturing, construction, compliance, climate change and sustainability. The BSA web portal is at:

Zero Waste SA also works to help State Government improve management of materials, energy and water including offices, hospitals, TAFE campuses and schools. Zero Waste SA advises on greening State Government operations in procurement, accommodation fit-outs and management of waste materials.

Under the Industry Program, Zero Waste SA has developed and nurtured strong partnerships with industry stakeholders, the BSA, and state and local government partners.Zero Waste SA provides:

• diagnostic evaluation, a software-based tool for assessing, benchmarking and managing sustainability in organisations

• development of case studies

• training programs

• in house technical support

• financial support in the form of resource efficiency audits

• support programs and opportunities for business and industry networking.

During 2011-12, 34 new companies joined the Industry Program covering 145 sites.

Since the inception of the program in 2007, 191 organisations across 436 sites have been directly engaged to participate in Industry Program funded projects. A further 249 organisations have attended one or more of the 28 training programs offered.

The program is working to provide tangible environmental, cultural and financial benefits to South Australian industry. Aggregated results for 24 organisations who have participated in the program are presented in the table below.

Industry Program survey results

Number of organisations 24 Survey response rate 39%

Total turnover $1.55 billion Fulltime employees 8,256

Environmental Benefits Financial Benefits

Waste diversion/recycling 8,060 tonnes Annual cost savings $1.33 million

Electricity reductions 2.26 GWh Total investment $2.56 million

Gas reductions 13.21 TJ Private investment $1.92 million

Water reductions 10 ML Average payback period 1.9 years

Wastewater reductions 204 KL ZWSA investment $321,692

Greenhouse reductions 8,435 t CO2-e Investment ratio 6.9:1

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Some clients have also received support through Zero Waste SA’s Recycling at Work program.

Alignment with South Australia’s seven strategic priorities:

Premium food and wine from our clean environment

Realising the benefits of the mining boom for all South Australians

Growing advanced manufacturing

Creating a vibrant city

Safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods

An affordable place to live

Every chance for every child

During 2011-12, the Industry Program supported the following clients.

ETSA Utilities ($85,653)

Zero Waste SA worked with ETSA Utilities to launch a Supply Chain Sustainability program in April 2012. The program assists six ETSA Utilities’ suppliers to improve resource efficiency within their own operations. The program will run for 12 months and participants are supported to undergo the Grow Me the Money 12 step sustainability system through a series of interactive workshops and one-on-one meetings at participant facilities. Other companies and their supply chain participants will start working through the Supply Chain Sustainability program in 2012-13.

Zero Waste SA will also contribute an additional $20,000 in 2012-13, bringing the project’s total value to $105,653.

Sustainable Procurement Pilot Project ($30,623)

Zero Waste SA initiated a pilot project with several stakeholders to develop guidance and encourage sustainable procurement to become usual business practice. Each stakeholder participated in an individual Needs Analysis Session to identify its sustainable procurement status and to identify where the gaps and priorities were. Following these sessions each stakeholder was offered the opportunity to develop a one year sustainable procurement implementation program which reflected the priorities identified in the findings of the needs analysis. The achievements, guidance and savings resulting from the pilot should be transferable to other government agencies and industry.

Absorbent Hygiene Product Recycling Group of SA (AHPRGSA) ($18,175)

The AHPRGSA formed as a direct result of Zero Waste SA’s previous successful work with individual aged care providers under the Industry Program. Absorbent Hygiene Product (AHP) waste is nationally problematic and includes adult, child and feminine products. Currently there is no alternative to landfill for disposal of these products in South Australia (other than an incidental amount of medical waste incineration).

Under this project, Zero Waste SA has commissioned a study by Rawtec to establish South Australian quantities and the implications of AHP waste.

Zero Waste SA will contribute an additional $12,825 in 2012-13 to this project bringing the project’s total value to $31,000.

Adelaide City Council Recycle Right Apartment Pilot ($8,200)

Zero Waste SA continued work with the Adelaide City Council to improve waste and resource recovery in high density residential developments. The project included identifying barriers for recycling within these developments. Building on the resource recovery surveys and audits undertaken in 201-11 at four pilot sites, the project implemented a combination of service and system improvements, community engagement and improved signage where required. These measures have led to an increase in recycling and less contamination of the waste streams.

Regional Development Board (RDA) Barossa ($8,000)

RDA Barossa is a regionally based not-for-profit organisation which aims to facilitate regional economic development and jobs growth. RDA worked with Zero Waste SA to present information to local businesses on how to select the most appropriate waste contract services. Businesses were offered the opportunity to conduct a waste and recycling review of their operations following the event. Six businesses took up the offer and have been provided with reports identifying current waste and recycling generation and recommendations for reducing waste and overall business costs.

Blackwood Business Network ($8,850)

The Blackwood Business Network is the local representative body for businesses operating in the Blackwood area with a membership of around 30 members. Zero Waste SA presented at a breakfast event on waste avoidance and recycling options for businesses. Following the presentation, a waste and recycling survey for the Blackwood Magnet Shopping Centre (24 businesses) was undertaken to identify more effective waste and recycling services that can reduce waste and costs and increase recycling for the precinct. The survey highlighted many issues that small businesses in suburban precincts face. It provided useful recommendations for the precinct’s businesses to work together in waste management.

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Food SA ($46,500)

Food SA is South Australia’s peak industry body for the food industry and was established in 2010 through the merging of Food Adelaide and Flavour SA. Zero Waste SA partnered with Food SA in 2011 to develop and deliver the Sustainable Business in Food program which aims to engage and encourage food production businesses to improve environmental performance.

A key outcome of this project was the development of Your Guide to Sustainable Business in Food, created by Food SA and Zero Waste SA with input from food industry members. The guide aims to help food processing and food manufacturing businesses adopt sustainable practices that help to achieve better financial and environmental results. The guide was launched on 5 June 2012 by the Hon. Gail Gago MLC. The guide will be introduced to the industry in the second half of 2012 through a series of workshops and mentoring sessions.

Zero Waste SA will also support Food SA during 2012-13 to deliver a Business Case for Energy Efficiency Equipment program. This will be supported by additional Zero Waste SA funding ($38,500 in 2012-13) and funding from the Commonwealth Clean Technology Energy Efficiency Information program ($187,600). The toolkit aims to equip those businesses with knowledge, support and expert guidance in improving energy efficiency and will include assistance to the wine industry, detailed below.

South Australian Wine Industry (SAWIA) ($13,400)

Zero Waste SA partnered with the South Australian Wine Industry in 2011, recognising its continued commitment to help members to improve environmental performance. There is also growing demand from the wine industry for assistance with sustainability challenges.

Zero Waste SA supported SAWIA in its commitment to a State Government Climate Change Sector Agreement. Support included joint-delivery of three regional educational information workshops about business and environmental sustainability, and development of environmental action plans for nine SAWIA members.

Zero Waste SA will support the wine industry by delivering a Winery Energy Saver Tool program for Food SA to use during 2012-13 and 2013-14.

This project will be supported by Zero Waste SA funding ($60,000) in 2012-13 and 2013-14, and by funding awarded to Food SA under the Commonwealth Clean Technology Energy Efficiency Information program.

Gemtree ($12,700)

Gemtree Vineyards, located in McLaren Vale, is owned and run by third generation grape growers who are passionate about improving environmental practices, sustainable agriculture, and innovation, both in the vineyards and in the winery. Since 1998, Gemtree has been developing a 10 hectare wetland, in partnership with Greening Australia, to support local biodiversity and to provide a teaching resource for the community. Gemtree’s ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability has led to the vineyards being farmed biodynamically since 2007, and these practices are continued through to the winery, with 100% biodynamic Gemtree wines now available.

In 2011, Zero Waste SA provided funding and support for an energy and waste assessment of Gemtree’s head office and vineyard office and workshop. In 2012, further funding and support was provided to assist Gemtree to implement the identified actions.

Gemtree now has a sustainability team and has made considerable progress with further work planned, particularly in the areas of resource monitoring and reporting, and staff awareness of energy efficiency and waste management.

Cape Jaffa ($7,200)

Cape Jaffa Wines is the first fully certified biodynamic vineyard on the Limestone Coast and Mount Benson’s pioneer winery. Prior to joining the Zero Waste SA Industry Program, Cape Jaffa installed solar panels to reduce electricity load on the office building, and made some adjustments that resulted in half the refrigeration needs being eliminated from the cold stabilisation process.

Cape Jaffa is committed to continue efforts to improve energy efficiency. Zero Waste SA provided funding for Cape Jaffa to undertake a Level II Energy Audit. The audit gave Cape Jaffa an outline of energy use across the site, baseline energy data, and it recommended actions that could result in annual energy cost savings of around $120,000 plus emissions reductions of around 160 tonnes of CO2-e . Cape Jaffa is now investigating the feasibility of implementing these recommendations, which include alternative energy sources to reduce current diesel usage.

South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC) ($10,915)

Zero Waste SA funded a waste and recycling improvement review for SAFC, which included a performance assessment of its former site at Hendon and advice for best-practice waste and recycling management for the new SAFC site at Glenside.

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The review of the Hendon site uncovered many transferable practices that could be implemented at Glenside and new improvements. The work involved negotiations with interior architects working on the Glenside upgrade to integrate waste management into building design. While many of the building design suggestions were not incorporated, SAFC is now working with cleaning and waste managers to implement waste management practices that align with the best-practice recommendations made in the assessment report. SAFC is developing a sustainability handbook for staff and tenants.

University of Adelaide ($3,748)

Zero Waste SA has worked with the University of Adelaide for several years, starting with a waste and recycling assessment of the North Terrace campus and National Wine Centre in 2009. The assessment recommended several areas for improvement and many were adopted by the University, including improved bin signage around the North Terrace campus, and removal of under-desk bins from offices.

The University has since funded an assessment of its Waite campus and, in 2011, Zero Waste SA provided co-funding for an assessment of its Roseworthy campus. Recycling services and bin signage have already been updated at the Waite campus. Other results and recommendations are currently under review. This includes a review of waste management contracts to streamline service delivery, get the best possible value for money and receive performance reporting from providers. During 2012-13, the University will also participate in a sustainable procurement project, conducted by Zero Waste SA in collaboration with EcoBuy.

Uniting Communities ($6,200)

Uniting Communities (previously UnitingCare Wesley) is a charity that aims to assist people to overcome barriers to living life to the full. Uniting Communities operates Goodwill stores which generate income for many of its services through the sale of quality recycled and new goods. Zero Waste SA funded a waste and recycling improvement review of the warehouse where donations are sorted. A range of opportunities to improve recycling rates and reduce total waste received were proposed.

Foodbank SA ($5,940)

Since its inception in 2000, Foodbank SA has become the state’s largest distributor of donated and surplus food from the food and grocery industry. Zero Waste SA provided funding for a Level II Energy Audit to identify energy efficiency opportunities at Foodbank’s Adelaide site. Recommended opportunities ranged from those requiring little or no capital commitment to larger investment.

Development of case studies

Case studies are an important part of supporting Industry Program organisations. Case studies help the partnering organisations to promote their achievements and generate awareness and encouragement for other organisations to follow. 38 client case studies have been developed showcasing their achievements since 2007. These case studies rated 30 out of the top 100 hits on the Zero Waste SA web site this year.

They can be viewed at

During 2011-12, the following 12 new case studies were developed:

• Adelaide Airport Ltd

• Adelaide Shores

• University of Adelaide

• Cadillac Printing

• Cundall

• Jurlique International

• Orlando Wines

• Printing Industries Association of Australia

• Restaurant & Catering SA

• South Australian Cricket Association

• The Organic Market and Café

• Zootz Kitchen Bar.

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Coordination of activities with the Environment Protection AuthorityThe Chief Executives and senior staff of Zero Waste SA and the Environment Protection Authority met formally on 10 occasions in 2011-12 to discuss a range of waste management issues and matters of mutual interest to both organisations, such as Zero Waste SA programs, implementation of South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2011-2015, product stewardship such as the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, and data collection and management.

The agencies also coordinated planning activities for bans under the Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy 2010. The organisations maintained frequent informal contact on a range of matters relating to waste and recycling.

Statutory reporting obligations

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Zero Waste SA has committed to a sustainability management policy and system that identifies environmental impacts of its operations and creates mechanisms to address them. In 2011-12 a new Sustainability Management Policy and targets for 2015 were developed. This policy communicates Zero Waste SA’s commitment to attaining sustainability. The policy objectives are to:

• reduce carbon emissions by 75% per full time equivalent (FTE) by 2015 (baseline 2009)

• reduce waste to landfill by a further 25% per FTE by 2015 (baseline 2010)

• reduce paper consumption by 30% per FTE by 2015 (2009 baseline)

• support sustainable procurement practices by purchasing reused products and using 100% recycled products

• ensure reuse of materials, wherever possible, in future office fit-outs

• reduce water consumption by 50% per FTE by 2015 (baseline 2009).

The sustainability team, Z-green, coordinates the office sustainability management activities and reporting. The organisation continues to set performance goals, targets and indicators to manage water, materials and waste, and staff involvement in sustainability activities.

In 2008-09, Zero Waste SA developed an environment management system (EMS) linked to a web-based ‘Dashboard’ interface, which displays and monitors progress against energy, water, waste and staff involvement targets. Data is automatically collected from electricity and water sub-meters, and is manually collected for other parameters (eg travel and recycling). A review of the Dashboard commenced in 2011-12, with the aim of improving the EMS reporting functions and layout.

Net Balance undertook an external review of the EMS system and recommendations were implemented in 2011-12. This included formalising data entry and monitoring within staff role descriptions and regularly communicating results to staff, the Board of Zero Waste SA and other stakeholders.

Energy management

Zero Waste SA has an energy target of 75% reduction in carbon emissions by 2015 (baseline 2009). Electricity consumption from lighting and power circuits is metered and displayed on the Dashboard to assess the effectiveness of energy conservation measures.

In 2011-12 Zero Waste SA reduced its emissions by 59% to 0.935 tonnes in carbon emissions per full-time equivalent (FTE) (from the 2008-09 baseline energy consumption of 2.3 tonnes carbon emissions / FTE). This reduction has been achieved by a combination of behaviour change, and technological improvements (eg office lighting). Figure 1 below shows the total carbon emissions trend for 2011-2012 against the 2015 target.

Figure 2

Zero Waste SA continues to participate in the City Switch program, a national initiative of the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors, to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from office buildings. In November 2011, Zero Waste SA received a commendation at the City Switch SA Signatory of the Year Awards for the small office tenancy category.

In September 2011, Adjel performed an energy audit of the office and provided a Level 2 Energy Audit Report to Zero Waste SA. Adjel also collected and submitted data on behalf of Zero Waste SA to the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage for assessment, which resulted in ZWSA achieving a NABERS Energy Rating of 5.5 stars out of a possible 6 stars.

Greening Zero Waste SA

2015 Target



























Total CO2 emissions YTD against target (2011-2012)

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Through office layout and material selection, fit out of the premises has maximised the use of daylight, reducing the need for artificial lighting and energy. The office is fitted with T5 lighting and sensors that automatically switch lights off. New LED technology tube lighting was installed in approximately 50% of the main office area.

Energy source

A 40% Green Power product GreenEarth Wind (Origin Energy) meets all electrical energy needs of the office. Green Power is produced from renewable sources, benefiting the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Water consumption

Water is restricted to use in the kitchen, toilets and building shower facilities. Water consumption is metered and displayed on the dashboard (hot and cold separately).

Zero Waste SA has a target of a 50% reduction of mains water by 2015, starting from a baseline consumption of 23,830 litres or 1,222 litres per FTE (2009). In 2011-12 the Zero Waste SA tenancy water consumption was 16,464 litres or 695 litres per FTE, a reduction of 43% per FTE from the 2009 baseline.

Materials and waste management

Zero Waste SA has an objective to support sustainable procurement practices by purchasing reused products and using 100% recycled products. In 2012-13 Zero Waste SA will be developing a Sustainable Procurement Policy for the office.

It has procedures for recycling the following materials:

• Shredded paper is collected by Shredlogix on an as-needs basis, and the paper recycled. In the reporting period, 5 x 240 litre bins of confidential paper have been recycled.

• Used fluorescent tubes are collected and sent to Chemsal Resource Recovery where the tubes are crushed and sent to recover all metals, glass and mercury.

• Soft plastics are recycled through Remondis.

• Paper and cardboard recycling are managed through the building management.

• Mixed recyclables (metal cans, glass, bottles) are managed through the building management

• Mobile phone recycling has been introduced.

• Toner cartridges are recycled through Planet Ark.

• Food organics are managed through the operation of two worm farms, with staff managing the castings and liquid outputs from the worm farm and monitoring the amount of food diverted from landfill

• a bench-top container collected as part of a whole-of-building recycling arrangement and sent for commercial composting.

Food waste collection in the Statewide building started in 2011. Zero Waste SA will continue to work with other tenants and building management to increase participation in food waste collections.

Individual workstations do not have waste bins. A few small bins are distributed throughout the office for the very small volume of residual waste.

Data on materials consumption and disposal (paper recycling and food waste composted), is entered manually into the dashboard.

In May 2012, Big Switch Projects undertook an external waste audit of the office over a two week period and submitted the results to the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage for a NABERS waste assessment. The office was awarded 5 stars out of a possible 5 stars, and achieved a recycling rate of 97% (total materials generated were 139g/person/day). This was an improvement from the previous waste audit undertaken in 2010, where although the recycling rate was 99%, 181g / person / day of total materials were generated (4.5 stars).

Travel and fleet management

Zero Waste SA’s travel profile is influenced by its size and location, with all staff and work operations located in Adelaide’s central business district. Some staff travel to regional areas and interstate. Zero Waste SA has two long-term vehicles, the Chief Executive’s contract car and a staff pool car, a Toyota Prius.

Starting from a 2009 baseline of travel related emissions of 26.54 tonnes CO2-e annually (1.36 tonnes / FTE), Zero Waste has reduced travel related emissions to 9.51 tonnes CO2-e annually (0.40 tonnes FTE). This is a reduction of 71% / FTE. Travel information is entered manually into the electronic Dashboard and carbon emissions calculated.

A composition breakdown of 2011-12 travel related emissions is provided below.

Travel-related CO2 Emissions

Figure 2




0% 50% 100%




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Human resources

Zero Waste SA’s recruitment and induction processes incorporate sustainability management criteria, and all job and person specifications include reference to sustainability management responsibilities. Induction includes training in the office recycling systems and what is expected of staff members in Zero Waste SA’s sustainability management, in particular waste management.

Carbon offsets

Balance Carbon was commissioned to produce a Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report for the office for 2010-2011. It was calculated that the office produced 31 tonnes CO2-ee over that year. Thirty-one tonnes of gold standard carbon offsets were purchased in February 2012.

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39 39

Employee Numbers, Gender and StatusPersons: 25

FTEs: 23.2

Gender Full time Part time

Male 10 2

Female 11 4

Total 19 6

% of total 76 24

Numbers of personsSeparated from the agency during the 2011–12 financial year: 2

Recruited to the agency during 2011–12 financial year: 0

Recruited to the agency during 2011–12 financial year and who were active/paid at June 2011: 0

On leave without pay at 30 June 2011: 1

Number of employees by salary bracket

Salary bracket Female Male Total

less than $20,000 0 0 0

$20,000 to $24,999 0 0 0

$25,000 to $29,999 0 0 0

$30,000 to $34,999 0 0 0

$35,000 to $39,999 0 0 0

$40,000 to $44,999 1 0 1

$45,000 to $49,999 0 0 0

$50,000 to $54,999 1 0 1

$55,000 to $59,999 0 0 0

$60,000 to $64,999 0 0 0

$65,000 to $69,999 1 0 1

$70,000 to $74,999 3 0 3

$75,000 to $79,999 3 0 3

$80,000 to $84,999 3 3 6

$85,000 to $89,999 2 1 3

$90,000 to $94,999 0 1 1

$95,000 to $99,999 1 3 4

$100,000 and over 0 2 2

Total 15 10 25

Appendix 1: Human Resources, OHSW and Other Information

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40 40

Status of employees in current position

Gender Ongoing Contract Short-term

Contract Long-term

Casual Total


Male 7.5 0 2 0 9.5

Female 9.73 2 2 0 13.73

TOTAL 17.23 2 4 0 23.23


Male 8 0 2 0 10

Female 11 2 2 0 15

TOTAL 19 2 4 0 25

Number of executives by status in current position, gender and classification

Classification Ongoing Contract tenured

Contract untenured

Other (casual)


Male Total

EXEC0B 1 1

Average days leave taken per FTE

Leave type taken

Sick leave 5

Family carer’s leave 1.4

Miscellaneous special leave 1

Number of employees by age bracket by gender

Age bracket Male Female Total % of total

15–19 0 0 0 0

20–24 0 2 2 8

25–29 0 1 1 4

30–34 0 4 4 16

35–39 0 0 0 0

40–44 2 5 7 28

45–49 1 1 2 8

50–54 3 1 4 16

55–59 4 1 5 20

60–64 0 0 0 0

65+ 0 0 0 0

Total 10 15 25 100

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41 41

Indigenous employeesNumber of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander employees: 0

Cultural and linguistic diversity

Female Male Total % of agency

Number of employees born overseas 4 2 6 24

Number of employees who speak language(s) other than English at home

2 0 2 8

Number of employees with ongoing disabilities requiring workplace adaptation

2 0 2 8

Number of employees using voluntary flexible working arrangements by gender

Leave type Male Female Total

Purchased Leave 0 0 0

Flexitime 10 15 25

Compressed Weeks 1 0 1

Part-time 2 4 6

Purchased Leave 0 0 0

Occupational health, safety and injury managementNumber of notifiable occurrences or injuries pursuant to the OHSW Regulations: 0

Number of workers compensation claims: 0

Cost of workers’ compensation: 0

ConsultantsThe following consultants were engaged during 2011–12:

Below $10,000 0 Nil

$10,000 to $50,000 1 Nolan Consulting - Policy Recommendations arising from the Review of the South Australian Solid Waste Levy

Above $50,000 1 Allen Consulting Group – Review of the Solid Waste Levy

Overseas travel

Number of employees

Destination Reason for travel Total cost to agency

1 Japan To attend a United Nations Centre for Regional Development international advisory team to offer ideas and solutions to the problems experienced in the sustainable reconstruction of the communities affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.


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42 42

Documented review of individual performance managementReviewed within the last 12 months: 100%

Review older than 12 months: 0

Not reviewed: 0

Leadership and management training expenditureTotal training and development expenditure: $49,905

Total leadership and management development: $9,950

Equal employment opportunity programsZero Waste SA’s participation in the following public sector wide equal opportunity employment programs is managed by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources as part of a service agreement:

• SA Government Youth Training Scheme and the Trainee Employment Register

• SA Public Sector Aboriginal Recruitment and Development Strategy and the Aboriginal Employment Register

• Strategy for Employment of People with Disabilities.

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Zero Waste SA Organisational Chart















Principal Adviser

Board Executive


Manager Projects and



Senior Adviser

Project Officer Business Data

Program Manager

Graduate Officer

Business Data

Program Manager

Senior Adviser

Program ManagerGovt Business CHIEF EXECUTIVE

Program Manager Policy Development

Program Manager

Coordinator Financial


Program Manager

Business Date

Senior Adviser

Senior Adviser

Program Manager Industry

Executive Officer/Office Manager

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Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 the following details are provided as part of the information statement of Zero Waste SA.

Agency structure and functionsThe Office of Zero Waste SA was established as an administrative unit of the Public Service on 1 July 2003 by proclamation pursuant to the former Public Sector Management Act 1995 (replaced with the Public Sector Act 2009). On 7 May 2004, Zero Waste SA was established as an instrumentality of the Crown by the Zero Waste SA Act 2004.

Zero Waste SA was established to promote waste management practices that, as far as possible, eliminate waste or its consignment to landfill and advance the development of resource recovery and recycling.

Zero Waste SA is overseen by a governing board established by the Act.

Effect of agency functions on members of the publicZero Waste SA will enhance the sustainability of the state by improving resource recovery and recycling and reduction of waste. Programs to achieve these outcomes are detailed in the annual report and the Zero Waste SA business plan.

Public participation in agency policyThe Act requires that the Board of Zero Waste SA include members with a range of practical knowledge and experience. A specific requirement is a member with advocacy on environmental matters on behalf of the community, a position currently held by Ms Cheryl Hill.

The Act requires the development of a waste strategy for the state and prescribes a minimum level of public consultation to be carried out during preparation of the strategy. Development of the next waste strategy began in early 2009 and was released for eight weeks’ public consultation in August 2010.

The agency works closely with the Local Government Association in the development and implementation of programs.

Description of kinds of documents held by Zero Waste SA• Fact sheets produced by Zero Waste SA

on a range of waste related matters: available on the Zero Waste SA website at

• reports relating to waste management issues prepared by or on behalf of Zero Waste SA

• this and previous annual reports

• correspondence files

• financial records

• personnel records.

Other records (including asset records and occupational health and safety records) are held by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources under a service level agreement.

Access to agency documentsRequests under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 for access to documents or amendment of personal records in the possession of Zero Waste SA should be directed in writing to:

Freedom of Information Coordinator Zero Waste SA GPO Box 1047 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Telephone: (08) 8204 1962.

Appendix 2: Freedom of Information Statement

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Certification of the Financial Report

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Note 2012 2011$'000 $’000

Employee benefits expenses 5 2,773 Notes'!A2222,387 Supplies and services 6 4,232 3,179 Depreciation 7 79 Notes'!A47148 Grants and subsidies 8 2,467 Notes'!A4333,541 Total expenses 9,551 9,155

IncomeGrants and contributions 9 18,790 Notes'!A66013,053 Interest revenues 10 1,182 Notes'!A729969 Total income 19,972 14,022

Net cost of providing services (10,421) (4,867)

10,421 4,867

10,421 4,867

The net result and comprehensive result are attributable to the SA Government as owner

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes

Net result

Zero Waste SA

Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012


Total comprehensive result

Statement of Comprehensive Income for the Year Ended 30 June 2012

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Note 2012 2011$’000 $’000

Current assetsCash and cash equivalents 11 33,887 Notes'!A94423,513 Receivables 12 110 Notes'!A959114 Other assets 13 - Notes'!A10309 Total current assets 33,997 23,636

Non-current assetsProperty, plant and equipment 14 444 Notes'!A1046523 Total non-current assets 444 523

Total assets 34,441 24,159

Current liabilitiesPayables 15 1,374 Notes'!A11491,756 Employee benefits 16 248 Notes'!A1215254 Provisions 17 1 - Other current liabilities 18 4 Notes'!A12766 Total current liabilities 1,627 2,016

Non-current liabilitiesPayables 15 88 Notes'!A117763 Employee benefits 16 899 Notes'!A1231677 Provisions 17 3 - Total non-current liabilities 990 740

Total liabilities 2,617 2,756

Net assets 31,824 21,403

EquityRetained earnings 31,824 Notes'!A131521,403

Total equity 31,824 21,403 The total equity is attributable to the SA Government as owner

Notes'!A1384Unrecognised contractual commitments 20 Notes'!A1391Contingent assets and liabilities 21 Notes'!A1406

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes

Zero Waste SAStatement of Financial Position

As at 30 June 2012

Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2012

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Retained Earnings


$’000 $’000

Balance at 30 June 2010 16,533 16,533

Error correction 3 3

Restated balance at 30 June 2010 16,536 16,536

Net result for 2010-11 4,867 4,867 Total comprehensive result for 2010-11 4,867 4,867

Balance at 30 June 2011 21,403 21,403

Net result for 2011-12 10,421 10,421

Total comprehensive result for 2011-12 10,421 10,421

Balance at 30 June 2012 31,824 31,824

All changes in equity are attributable to the SA Government as owner

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes

Zero Waste SA

Statement of Changes in Equity

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012

Statement of Changes in Equity For The Year Ended 30 June 2012

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Note 2012 2011$’000 $’000

Cash flows from operating activitiesCash outflows

Employee benefit payments (2,529) (2,240) Payments for supplies and services (4,606) (2,980) Payments grants and subsidies (2,467) (3,541) Payments for paid parental leave scheme (21) - Cash used in operations (9,623) (8,761)

Cash inflowsReceipts from grants and contributions 18,810 13,028 Interest received 1,166 944 Receipts for paid parental leave scheme 21 - Cash generated from operations 19,997 13,972

Net cash provided by operating activities 19 10,374 Notes'!A13615,211

Cash flows from investing activitiesCash Outflows

Purchase of property, plant and equipment - (313) Cash used in investing activities - (313)

Net cash used in investing activities - (313)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 10,374 4,898

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 23,513 18,615

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 11 33,887 Notes'!A136123,513

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes

Zero Waste SA

Statement of Cash Flows

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012

Statement of Cash Flows For The Year Ended 30 June 2012

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Note Contents

Objectives and policies notes1 Objectives of Zero Waste SA 542 Summary of significant accounting policies 543 New and revised accounting standards and policies 584 Programs of ZWSA 58

Expense notes5 Employee benefits expenses 596 Supplies and services 597 Depreciation 608 Grants and subsidies 60

Income notes9 Grants and contributions 6010 Interest revenues 60

Asset notes11 Cash and cash equivalents 6012 Receivables 6113 Other assets 6114 Property, plant and equipment 61

Liability notes15 Payables 6216 Employee benefits 6217 Provisions 6318 Other liabilities 63

Other notes19 Cash flow reconciliation 6320 Unrecognised contractual commitments 6321 Contingent assets and liabilities 6322 Remuneration of board members 6423 Events after the reporting period 6424 Financial instruments/financial risk management 64

Zero Waste SA

Note IndexFor the Year Ended 30 June 2012

Note Index For The Year Ended 30 June 2012

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1 Objectives of Zero Waste SA


2 Summary of significant accounting policies

(a) Statement of compliance

(b) Basis of preparation








The Statement of Cash Flows has been prepared on a cash basis.

The financial statements have been prepared based on a twelve month period and presented in Australian currency.

The accounting policies set out below have been applied in preparing the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012 and thecomparative information presented.

In achieving its objectives ZWSA undertakes a number of programs and projects in accordance with South Australia's Waste Strategy 2011-15and its annual business plan.

The primary objective of ZWSA is to promote waste management practices that, as far as possible:eliminate waste or its consignment to landfill;

Zero Waste SA has prepared these financial statements in compliance with section 23 of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987.

Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012

Zero Waste SA (ZWSA) provides strategic policy advice to the Government of South Australia, and funding for programs and projects that willmaximise waste reduction and promote resource recovery/recycling, waste avoidance and ecological sustainability.

employees whose normal remuneration is equal to or greater than the base executive remuneration level (within $10 000 bandwidths)and the aggregate of the remuneration paid or payable or otherwise made available, directly or indirectly by the entity to thoseemployees; and

The financial statements are general purpose financial statements. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with applicable AustralianAccounting Standards and comply with Treasurer's Instructions and Accounting Policy Statements promulgated under the provisions of thePublic Finance and Audit Act 1987 (PFAA).

expenses incurred as a result of engaging consultants;

ZWSA's Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Changes in Equity have been prepared on anaccrual basis and are in accordance with historical cost convention.

compliance with Accounting Policy Statements issued pursuant to section 41 of the PFAA. In the interest of public accountability andtransparency the Accounting Policy Statements require the following note disclosures, which have been included in these financialstatements:

revenues, expenses, financial assets and liabilities where the counterparty/transaction is with an entity within the SA Government as atreporting date, classified according to their nature. A threshold of $100 000 for separate identification of these items may be utilised.

The preparation of the financial statements requires:the use of certain accounting estimates and requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying ZWSA's accountingpolicies. Areas involving a higher degree of judgement or where assumptions and estimates are significant to the financial statements, areoutlined in the applicable notes;

Zero Waste SA has applied Australian Accounting Standards that are applicable to not-for-profit entities, as ZWSA is a not-for-profit entity.

board/committee member and remuneration information, where a board/committee member is entitled to receive income frommembership other than a direct out-of-pocket reimbursement.

the selection and application of accounting policies in a manner which ensures that the resulting financial information satisfies the conceptsof relevance and reliability, thereby ensuring that the substance of the underlying transactions or other events are reported; and

Australian Accounting Standards and interpretations that have recently been issued or amended but are not yet effective have not beenadopted by ZWSA for the reporting period ending 30 June 2012. These are outlined in Note 3.

advance the development of resource recovery and recycling; andare based on an integrated strategy for the State of South Australia.

Note to and forming part of the Financial Statements For The Year Ended 30 June 2012

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012

(c)The ZWSA reporting entity includes the following:

- Zero Waste SA – a statutory authority with an appointed governing board established by the Zero Waste SA Act 2004.- an administrative unit also named Zero Waste SA established under the Public Sector Act 2009.

- the Waste to Resources Fund established under the Zero Waste SA Act 2004.

(d) Comparative information

(e) Rounding

(f) Taxation

(g) Events after the reporting period

(h) Income and expenses


Grants and contributions received


Income and expenses are recognised to the extent that it is probable that the flow of economic benefits to or from ZWSA will occur and can bereliably measured.

Transactions with SA Government entities below the threshold of $100 000 have been included with the non-government transactions,classified according to their nature.

The following are specific recognition criteria:

The notes accompanying the financial statements disclose income, expenses, financial assets and financial liabilities where thecounterparty/transaction is with an entity within the SA Government as at the reporting date, classified according to their nature.

Income and expenses have been aggregated according to their nature and have not been offset unless required or permitted by a specificaccounting standard, or where offsetting reflects the substance of the transaction or other event.

Shared Services SA prepares a Business Activity Statement on behalf of ZWSA under the grouping provisions of the GST legislation. Underthese provisions, DENR is liable for the payments and entitled to the receipts associated with GST. Therefore, ZWSA's net GSTreceivable/payable is recorded in DENR's Statement of Financial Position. GST cash flows applicable to ZWSA are recorded in DENR's Statementof Cash Flows.

Adjustments are made to amounts recognised in the financial statements, where an event occurs after 30 June and before the date thefinancial statements are authorised for issue, where those events provide information about conditions that existed at 30 June.

Note disclosure is made about events between 30 June and the date the financial statements are authorised for issue where the events relateto a condition which arose after 30 June and which may have a material impact on the results of subsequent years.

Contributions are recognised as an asset and income when ZWSA obtains control of the contributions or obtains the right to receive thecontributions and the income recognition criteria are met (i.e. the amount can be reliably measured and the flow of resources is probable).

The Chief Executive of the statutory authority is subject to the control and direction of the Board in giving effect to its policies and decisions. The Zero Waste SA Act 2004 permits the statutory authority to make use of the services of the administrative unit’s employees and facilities.

The restated comparative amounts do not replace the original financial statements for the preceding period.

All amounts in the financial statements and accompanying notes have been rounded to the nearest thousand dollars ($'000).

The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements are consistent with prior periods except where specific accountingstandards and/or accounting policy statements have required a change.

Where ZWSA has applied an accounting policy retrospectively; retrospectively restated items in the financial statements; reclassified items inthe financial statements, it has provided three Statements of Financial Positions and related notes.

Where presentation or classification of items in the financial statements have been amended, comparative figures have been adjusted toconform to changes in presentation or classification in these financial statements unless impracticable.

Reporting entity

The financial statements and accompanying notes reflect the income and expenditure of the Waste to Resources Fund.

Contributions with unconditional stipulations - this will be when the agreement becomes enforceable i.e. the earlier of when thereceiving entity has formally been advised that the contribution (i.e. grant application) has been approved; agreement/contract isexecuted; and/or the contribution is received.

Generally, ZWSA has obtained control or the right to receive for:

ZWSA is not subject to income tax.  ZWSA is liable for payroll tax, fringe benefits tax, goods and services tax (GST), emergency services levy, land tax equivalents and local government rate equivalents.

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012

- Contributions with conditional stipulations - this will be when the enforceable stipulations specified in the agreement occur or aresatisfied; that is income would be recognised for contributions received or receivable under the agreement.

All contributions received by ZWSA have been contributions with unconditional stipulations attached and have been recognised as an asset and income upon receipt.

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012


Class of assetPlant and equipment 5Furniture and fittings 10

(i) Current and non-current classification

(j) AssetsCash and cash equivalents


Non-current assets Acquisition and recongition

All contributions paid by ZWSA have been contributions with unconditional stipulations attached.

Employee benefits expenses includes all cost related to employment including wages and salaries, leave entitlements and non-monetarybenefits. These are recognised when incurred.

Employee benefits expenses

Assets and liabilities are characterised as either current or non-current in nature. Assets and liabilities that are sold, consumed or realised aspart of the normal operating cycle even when they are not expected to be realised within twelve months after the reporting date have beenclassified as current assets or current liabilities. All other assets and liabilities are classified as non-current.

Where asset and liability line items combine amounts expected to be realised within twelve months and more than twelve months, ZWSA hasseparately disclosed the amounts expected to be recovered or settled after more than twelve months.

Cash and cash equivalents in the Statement of Financial Position includes cash at bank and on hand.

For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and cash equivalents as defined above.

Cash is measured at nominal value.

SuperannuationThe amount charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Income represents the contributions made by ZWSA to superannuation plans inrespect of current services of current ZWSA staff. The Department of Treasury and Finance centrally recognises the superannuation liabilityin the whole of government financial statements.

Receivables arise in the normal course of selling goods and services to other government agencies and to the public. Receivables are generallysettled within 30 days after the issue of an invoice.

Receivables include amounts receivable from goods and services provided and other accruals.

Grants and subsidies

Collectability of receivables is reviewed on an ongoing basis. An allowance for doubtful debts is raised when there is objective evidence thatZWSA will not be able to collect the debt. Bad debts are written off when identified.

Non-current assets are initially recorded at cost or at the value of any liabilities assumed, plus any incidental cost involved with the acquisition.Non-current assets are subsequently measured at fair value less accumulated depreciation.

Where assets are acquired at no value, or minimal value, they are recorded at their fair value in the Statement of Financial Position. However, ifthe assets are acquired at no or nominal value as part of a restructuring of administrative arrangements then the assets are recognised at bookvalue, i.e. the amount recorded by the transferor public authority immediately prior to the restructure.

All non-current tangible assets with a value of $10 000 or greater are capitalised.

For contributions payable, the contribution will be recognised as a liability and expense when ZWSA has a present obligation to pay the contribution and the expense recognition criteria are met.

Depreciation of non-current assetsAll non-current assets, having a limited useful life, are systematically depreciated over their useful lives in a manner that reflects the

consumption of their service potential.Assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed and adjusted if appropriate, on an annual basis.Changes in the expected useful life or the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset are accounted for prospectively by changing the time period or method, as appropriate, which is a change in accounting estimate.

Depreciation is calculated on a straight line basis over the estimated useful life of the following classes of assets as follows:Useful life (years)

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012

Revaluation of non-current assets


(k) Liabilities


Employee benefits

This calculation is consistent with ZWSA's experience of employee retention and leave taken.

The liability for salaries and wages are measured as the amount unpaid at the reporting date at remuneration rates currently at reporting date.The annual leave liability is expected to be payable within twelve months and is measured at the undiscounted amount expected to be paid.In the unusual event where annual leave is payable later than 12 months, the liability will be measured at present value.

No provision has been made for sick leave as all sick leave is non-vesting and the average sick leave taken in future years by employees isestimated to be less than the annual entitlement of sick leave.

Wages, salaries, annual leave and sick leave

All non-current tangible assets are valued at written down current cost (a proxy for fair value). Revaluation of a non-current asset is onlyperformed when its fair value at the time of acquisition is greater than $1 million and estimated useful life is greater than three years.

All non-current tangible assets are tested for indications of impairment at each reporting date. Where there is an indication of impairment, therecoverable amount is estimated. An amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount is recorded as animpairment loss.

There are no assets with an acquisition cost exceeding $1 million dollars and therefore all assets are valued at cost (deemed fair value).

Accrued expenses represent goods and services provided by other parties during the period that are unpaid at the end of the reporting periodand where an invoice has not been received.

All payables are measured at their nominal amount, are unsecured and are normally settled within 30 days from the date of the invoice or thedate the invoice is first received.

Employment benefit on-costs include superannuation contributions, WorkCover levies and payroll tax with respect to outstanding liabilities forsalaries and wages, long service leave and annual leave.

ZWSA makes contributions to several State Government and externally managed superannuation schemes. These contributions are treated asan expense when they occur. There is no liability for payments to beneficiaries as they have been assumed by the respective superannuationschemes. The only liability outstanding at reporting date relates to any contributions due but not yet paid to the South AustralianSuperannuation Board.

Creditors represent the amounts owing for goods and services received prior to the end of the reporting period that are unpaid at the end ofthe reporting period. Creditors include all unpaid invoices received relating to the normal operations of ZWSA.

Payables include creditors, accrued expenses and employment on-costs.

Long service leave

Employee benefit on-costs

An actuarial assessment of long service leave liability undertaken by the Department of Treasury and Finance based on a significant sampleof employees throughout the South Australian public sector determined that the liability measured using a short hand method was notmaterially different from the liability measured using a present value of expected future payments.

Based on this actuarial assessment, the short hand method was used to measure the long service leave liability for 2012. Refer to Note 16.

These benefits accrue for employees as a result of services provided up to the reporting date that remain unpaid. Long-term employeebenefits are measured at present value and short-term employee benefits are measured at nominal amounts.

The paid parental leave scheme payable represents amounts which ZWSA has received from the Commonwealth Government to forward ontoeligible employees via ZWSA's standard payroll processes. That is, ZWSA is acting as a conduit through which the payment to eligibleemployees is made on behalf of the Family Assistance Office.

Employee benefit on-costs (payroll tax, workers compensation and superannuation) are recognised separately under payables.

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 30 June 2012


(l) Unrecognised contractual commitments and contingent assets and liabilities


4 Programs of ZWSA

New and revised accounting standards and policies

Commitments include operating lease and remuneration commitments arising from contractual or statutory sources and are disclosed at theirnominal value.

Unrecognised contractual commitments and contingencies are disclosed net of the amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to theAustralian Taxation Office. If GST is not payable to, or recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office, the commitments and contingencies aredisclosed on a gross basis.

Contingent assets and contingent liabilities are not recognised in the Statement of Financial Position, but are disclosed by way of a note and, ifquantifiable, are measured at nominal value.

ZWSA did not voluntarily change any of its accounting policies during 2011-12

Operating leases

The determination of whether an arrangement is or contains a lease is based on the substance of the arrangement. ZWSA has entered into oneor more operating leases.

Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations that have recently been issued or amended but are not yet effective, have not been adoptedby ZWSA for the period ending 30 June 2012. ZWSA has assessed the impact of the new and amended standards and interpretations and considersthere will be no impact on the accounting policies or the financial statements of ZWSA.

Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense in the Statement of Comprehensive Income on a straight-line basis over the leaseterm. The straight-line basis is representative of the pattern of benefits derived from the leased assets.

The workers compensation provision is an actuarial estimate of the outstanding liability as at 30 June 2012 provided by a consulting actuaryengaged through the Public Sector Workforce Relations Division of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. The provision is for theestimated cost of ongoing payments to employees as required under current legislation.

ZWSA is responsible for the payment of workers compensation claims.

In achieving its objectives, ZWSA conducts its services through a single program, 'Waste reduction and resource recovery'. The primary objective isto promote waste management practices that, as far as possible, eliminate waste or its consignment to landfill and advance the development ofresources recovery and recycling based on an integrated strategy for the State.

Provisions are recognised when ZWSA has a present obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

When ZWSA expects some or all of a provision to be reimbursed, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset but only when thereimbursement is virtually certain. The expense relating to any provision is presented in the Statement of Comprehensive Income net of anyreimbursement.

Provisions are measured at the present value of management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted for the time value of money and the risks specificto the liability.


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5 Employee benefits expenses 2012 2011$'000 $'000

Salaries and wages 1,846 1,636 Annual leave 175 214 Long service leave 261 106 Employment on-costs - superannuation 269 218 Employment on-costs - other 130 113 Board and committees fees 17 13 Other employee related expenses 75 87 Total: Employee benefits expenses 2,773 2,387

Remuneration of employees

2012 2011No. of employees No. of employees

$130 700 – $133 999* - 1 $134 000 – $143 999 1 - $144 000 – $153 999 - 1 $154 000 – $163 999 1 - $234 000 – $243 999 1 1 Total number of employees 3 3

6 Supplies and services 2012 2011$'000 $'000

Accommodation and property management expenses 224 218 Consultants 40 56 Contractors 10 8 Auditor's remuneration 13 13 Fee for service 2,580 1,483 General administration 164 278 Advertising 341 94 Information technology and communication expenses 115 126 Minor works, maintenance and equipment 88 118 Monitoring fees 13 10 Transportation 15 15 Travel and accommodation 28 46 Vehicle 49 48 Waste disposal 443 571 Other 109 95 Total: Supplies and services 4,232 3,179


2012 2011 2012 2011Number Number $'000 $'000

$10 000 to $50 000 2 - 40 - Above $50 000 - 1 - 56 Total paid/payable to the consultants engaged 2 1 40 56

Auditor's remuneration

2012 2011$'000 $'000

13 13 Total: Audit fees 13 13

Supplies and services provided by entities within the SA GovernmentAuditor's remuneration 13 13 Total: Supplies and services provided by entities within the SA Government 13 13

The table below includes all employees who received remuneration equal to or greater than the base executive remuneration level during the year. Remuneration of employees reflects all costs of employment including salaries and wages, payments in lieu of leave, superannuation contributions, salary sacrifice benefits and fringe benefits and any fringe benefits tax paid or payable in respect of those benefits. The total remuneration received by these employees for the year was $0.534m (2011: $0.530m).

Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Period Ended 30 June 2012

The number of employees whose remuneration received or receivable falls within the following bands:

The number and dollar amount of consultancies paid/payable (included in supplies and services expense) that fell within the following bands:

Auditor's remuneration (included in the supplies and services note above) represents amounts paid/payable to the Auditor-General's Department for audit services. No other services were provided by the Auditor-General's Department.

* This band has been included for the purposes of reporting comparative figures based on the executive base level rate for 2011-12.

Audit fees paid/payable to the Auditor-General's Department relating to the audit of financial statements

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Period Ended 30 June 2012

7 Depreciation 2012 2011$'000 $’000

Furniture and fittings 77 45 Plant and equipment 2 3 Total: Depreciation 79 48

8 Grants and subsidies 2012 2011$'000 $'000

Community organisations, associations and individuals 1,523 1,340 Local government 940 2,024 State government - 50 Universities 4 127 Total: Grants and subsidies 2,467 3,541

Grants and subsidies paid/payable to entities external to the SA Government 2012 2011$'000 $'000

E-Waste collection incentives 12 - Consumption and waste avoidance 74 84 Kerbside performance incentives program 292 785 Kerbside recycling campaign 5 - Metropolitan reuse and recycling infrastructure grants 517 699 Partnership with tertiary education - 126 National and state policies 14 - Problematic waste initiatives - 355 Recycling at work 498 75 Regional implementation grants 861 960 Resource efficiency and assistance program (REAP) 106 272 Quick service in-store recycling - 12 Sustainable markets and innovation 73 121 Schools and community grants - 2 Total: Grants and subsidies paid/payable to entities external to the SA Government 2,452 3,491

Grants and subsidies paid/payable to entities within the SA GovernmentDepartment for Environment and Natural Resources 15 - Adelaide Shores Resort - 6 SA Film Corporation - 16 TAFE SA - 8 SA Health - 20 Total: Grants and subsidies paid/payable to entities within the SA Government 15 50

9 Grants and contributions 2012 2011$'000 $’000

Grants received from other entities within the SA Government 18,583 12,646 Private industry and local government 207 407 Total: Grants and contributions 18,790 13,053

Grants and contributions received/receivable from entities within the SA GovernmentEnvironment Protection Authority* 18,563 12,616 Department of the Premier and Cabinet - 30 Outback Communities Authority 20 -

18,583 12,646

10 Interest revenues 2012 2011$'000 $’000

Interest on deposit accounts - from entities within the SA Government 1,182 969 Total: Interest revenues 1,182 969

11 Cash and cash equivalents 2012 2011$'000 $’000

Deposits with the Treasurer 33,887 23,513 Total: Cash and cash equivalents 33,887 23,513

Interest rate risk

* As per section 17 of the Zero Waste SA Act 2004, ZWSA receives 50% of solid waste levies collected by the Environment Protection Authority.

Total: Grants and contributions received/receivable from entities within the SA Government

Cash deposits are recognised at their nominal amounts and interest is credited to revenue as it accrues. ZWSA invests surplus funds with the Treasurer. Interest is earned on the average monthly balance at rates based on the DTF 90 day average overnight cash interest rate and interest is paid at the end of each quarter.

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Period Ended 30 June 2012

12 Receivables 2012 2011$'000 $’000

CurrentReceivables 5 25 Accrued revenues 105 89 Total: Receivables current 110 114

Receivables from entities within the SA GovernmentReceivables 5 - Accrued revenues 105 89 Total: Receivables from entities within SA Government 110 89

13 Other assets 2012 2011$'000 $’000

CurrentPrepayments - 9 Total: Other assets current - 9

14 Property, plant and equipment 2012 2011$'000 $’000

Furniture and fittingsAt cost (deemed fair value) 765 765 Less: Accumulated depreciation (326) (249) Total: Furniture and fittings 439 516

Plant and equipmentAt cost (deemed fair value) 13 13 Less: Accumulated depreciation (8) (6) Total: Plant and equipment 5 7

Total: Property, plant and equipment 444 523

Movement reconciliation of property, plant and equipment:Parkinfra-


Roads, tracks &


Moveable vehicles

Furniture & fittings

Plant &


$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

2012Carrying amount at the start of period - 516 7 523

Depreciation expense - (77) (2) (79)

Carrying amount at the end of period - 439 5 444

Land Buildings Parkinfra-


Roads, tracks &


Moveable vehicles

Furniture & fittings

Plant &


$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

2011Carrying amount at the start of period - - - - - 248 10 258 - - - - - Transfers to/(from) Capital WIP - - - - - 313 - 313 Depreciation expense - - - - - (45) (3) (48)

Carrying amount at the end of period - - - 516 7 523

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Period Ended 30 June 2012

15 Payables 2012 2011$'000 $’000

CurrentAccrued expenses 16 25 Creditors 1,306 1,678 Employee benefit on-costs 52 53 Total: Current payables 1,374 1,756

Payables to entities within the SA GovernmentAccrued expenses 13 12 Creditors 9 42 Employee benefit on-costs 52 53 Total: Current payables to entities within the SA Government 74 107

Non-currentEmployee benefit on-costs 88 63 Total: Non-current payables 88 63

Payables to entities within the SA GovernmentEmployee benefit on-costs 54 54 Total: Non-current payables to entities within the SA Government 54 54

Interst rate and credit risk

16 Employee benefits 2012 2011$'000 $’000

CurrentAnnual leave 214 225 Long service leave 34 29 Total: Current employee benefits 248 254

Non-currentLong service leave 899 677 Total: Non-current employee benefits 899 677

As a result of an actuarial assessment performed by the Department of Treasury and Finance, the percentage of the proportion of long service leave taken as leave has changed from the 2011 rate 35% to 40% and the average factor for the calculation of employer superannuation cost on-cost remained at the 2011 rate of 10.3%. These rates are used in the employment oncost calculation. The net financial effect of the changes in the current financial year is an increase in the employment on-cost of $5 700 and employee benefit expense of $5 700.

The significant decrease in the bond yield, which is used as the rate to discount future long service leave cash flows, results in a significant increase in the reported long service leave liability.

AASB 119 Employee Benefits contains the calculation methodology for long service leave laibility. It is accepted practice to estimate the present values of future cash outflows associated with the long service leave liabilty by using a shorthand measurement technique. The shorthand measurement technique takes into account such factors as changes in discount rates and salary inflation.AASB 119 requires the use of of the yield on long term Commonwealth Government bonds as the discount rate in the measurement of the long service leave liability. The yield on long term Commonwealth bonds has decreased from 2011 (5.25%) to 2012 (3.0%).

All employee benefit amounts shown above are expected to be paid within 12 months after reporting date.

Creditors and accruals are raised for all amounts billed but unpaid. Sundry creditors are normally settled within 30 days. Employment on-costs are settled when the respective employee benefit that they relate to is discharged. All payables are non-interest bearing. The carrying amount of payables represents fair value due to the amounts being payable on demand.

The actuarial assessment performed by the Department of Treasury and Finance left the salary inflation rate at 4%. As a result, there is no net financial effect resulting from changes in the salary inflation rate.

The net financial effect of the changes in the current financial year is an increase in the long service leave liability of $126 000 and employee benefit expense of $126 000. The impact on future periods is impracticable to estimate as the benchmark is calculated using a number of assumptions - a key assumption is the long-term discount rate. With current conditions, the long term rate is experiencing significant movement.

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Period Ended 30 June 2012

17 Provisions 2012 2011$'000 $’000

CurrentProvision for workers compensation 1 - Total: Provisions current 1 -

Non-currentProvision for workers compensation 3 - Total: Provisions non-current 3 -

18 Other liabilities 2012 2011$'000 $’000

CurrentOther 4 6 Total: Current other liabilities 4 6

19 Cash flow reconciliation2012 2011

$'000 $’000

Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period:Cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the Statement of Financial Position 33,887 23,513 Cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the Statement of Cash Flows 33,887 23,513

Reconciliation of net cash provided by operating activities to net cost of providing servicesNet cash provided by operating activities 10,374 5,211

Less non-cash itemsDepreciation expense of non-current assets (79) (48)

Movement in assets and liabilities(Decrease)/increase in receivables (4) 50 (Decrease)/increase in other assets (9) 9 Decrease/(increase) in payables Decrease/Decrease in payables 357 (235) (Increase)/decrease in employee benefits (Increase) in employee benefits (216) (122) (Increase)/decrease in provisions (4) - Decrease/(increase) in other liabilities 2 2

Net cost of providing services 10,421 4,867

20 Unrecognised contractual commitments 2012 2011$'000 $’000

Operating lease commitments

Within one year 222 209 Later than one year but not later than five years 425 609 Total: Operating lease commitments 647 818

2012 2011$'000 $’000

Expenditure commitments - remuneration

Within one year 153 219 Later than one year but not later than five years - 142 Total: Expenditure commitments - remuneration 153 361

21 Contingent assets and liabilities

ZWSA is not aware of the existence of any contingent assets or contingent liabilities.

Commitments in relation to operating leases contracted for at the reporting date but not recognised as liabilities are payable as follows:

Commitments for the payment of salaries and other remuneration under fixed-term employment contracts in existence at the reporting date but not recognised as liabilities are payable as follows:

The operating lease held by ZWSA is a property lease with a penalty clause equal to the amount of the residual payments remaining for the lease terms. The lease is payable one month in advance and ZWSA has the right of renewal. There are no existing or contingent rental provisions.

Amounts disclosed include commitments arising from executive and other service contracts. ZWSA does not offer fixed-term remuneration contracts greater than five years.

A liability has been reported to reflect unsettled workers compensation claims. The workers compensation provision is based on an actuarial assessment performed by the Public Sector Workforce Wellbeing Branch of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. These claims are expected to be settled within the next financial year.

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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Period Ended 30 June 2012

22 Remuneration of board members

Zero Waste BoardBrennan, F N #

Dyson, M F N (appointed 17 Sep 2011)

Harvey, A E (appointed 17 Sep 2011)

Hill, C C (appointed 17 Sep 2011)

Holmes, A N *Jeffries, L MLevitzke, V L * Morton, M L (retired 16 Sep 2011)

Neville, S D (appointed 17 Sep 2011)

Prince, A V (retired 16 Sep 2011)

Sharp, R A (appointed 17 Sep 2011)

Withers, M P # Member elected not to receive remuneration* Denotes government employees

The number of members whose remuneration received or receivable falls within the following bands:2012 2011

No. of members No. of members

$nil 3 3 $1 - $9 999 9 8 Total number of members 12 11

23 Events after the reporting period

24 Financial instruments/financial risk management

Categorisation of financial instruments

Statement of Financial Position line item Note 2011Carrying amount Fair value

$'000 $'000

Financial assetsCash and cash equivalents 11 23,513 23,513

Receivables (1) (2) 12 114 114 Financial liabilities

Payables 15 1,691 1,691



Fair Value

Credit risk




Carrying amount $'000

Fair value


Receivable and payable amounts disclosed here exclude amounts relating to statutory receivables and payables. In government, certain rights to receive or pay cash may not be contractual and therefore in these situations, the requirements will not apply. Where rights or obligations have their source in legislation such as levy receivables/payables, tax equivalents, commonwealth tax, audit receivables/payables etc they would be excluded from the disclosure. The standard defines contract as enforceable by law. All amounts recorded are carried at cost (not materially different from amortised cost) except for employee on-costs which are determined via reference to the employee benefit liability to which they Receivables amount disclosed here excludes prepayments. Prepayments are presented in Note 13 as prepaid supplies and services in accordance with paragraph 75(b) of AASB 101. However, prepayments are not financial assets as defined in AASB 132 as the future economic benefit of these assets is the receipt of goods and services rather than the right to receive cash or another financial asset.

There are no known events after the balance date that affect these general purpose financial statements in a material manner.

Details of the significant accounting policies and methods adopted including the criteria for recognition, the basis of measurement, and the basis on which income and expenses are recognised with respect to each class of financial asset, financial liability and equity instrument are disclosed in Note 2 Summary of significant accounting policies.


The carrying amount of financial assets represents ZWSA's maximum exposure to credit risk.

Unless otherwise disclosed, transactions between members and ZWSA are on conditions no more favourable than those that it is reasonable to expect the entity would have adopted if dealing with the related party at arm's length in the same circumstances.

No collateral is held as security and no credit enhancement relate to financial assets held by ZWSA.


* In accordance with the Premier and Cabinet Circular Number 16, government employees did not receive any remuneration for board/committee duties during the financial year.

Remuneration of members reflects all costs of performing board/committee member duties including sitting fees and super contributions, salary sacrifice benefits and fringe benefits tax paid or payable in respect of those benefits. The total remuneration received or receivable by members was $16 800 (2011: $13 000).

Members of the board and committees during the 2012 financial year were:


ZWSA does not recognise any financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value.

Credit risk arises when there is the possibility of ZWSA’s debtors defaulting on their contractual obligations resulting in financial loss to ZWSA. ZWSA measures credit risk on a fair value basis and monitors risk on a regular basis.


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Zero Waste SA

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

For the Period Ended 30 June 2012

Financial assets analysis

Ageing analysis of financial assets

Financial assets item Overdue for> 60 days


$’000 $’000

2012Not impaired

Receivables - - - 110 2011

Not impairedReceivables 114 - - - 114

Maturity analysis of financial assets and liabilities

Financial statements item Contractual maturities> 5 years Carrying

amount$’000 $’000

2012Financial assets

Cash and cash equivalents - - 33,887 Receivables - - 110 Total financial assets - 33,997

Financial liabilitiesPayables - 1,309 Total financial liabilities - 1,309

2011Financial assets

Cash and cash equivalents - 23,513 Receivables - 114 Total financial assets - 23,627

Financial liabilitiesPayables - 1,691 Total financial liabilities - 1,691

Liquidity risk

Market risk

Sensitivity disclosure analysis

Allowances for impairment of financial assets are calculated on past experience and current and expected changes in client credit rating. Currently ZWSA does not hold any collateral as security for any of its financial assets. At reporting date, there is no evidence to indicate that any of the financial assets are impaired.


1,691 1,691

- - -

- -


23,513 114

$’000 $’000

33,887 110



Current(Not overdue)



The following table discloses the maturity analysis of financial assets and financial liabilities.




< 1 year 1-5 years

Overdue for30–60 days

ZWSA has minimal concentration of credit risk. ZWSA has policies and procedures in place to ensure that transactions occur with customers with appropriate credit history. ZWSA does not engage in high risk hedging for its financial assets.

The following table discloses the ageing of financial assets, past due, including impaired assets past due.

Allowances for impairment of financial assets are calculated on past experience and current and expected changes in client credit rating. Currently ZWSA does not hold any collateral as security for any of its financial assets. At reporting date, there is no evidence to indicate that any of the financial assets are impaired.

ZWSA has no interest bearing liabilities as at the end of the reporting period. There is no exposure to foreign currency or other price risks.

Liquidity risk arises where ZWSA is unable to meet its financial obligations as they are due to be settled. ZWSA is funded principally from waste levies received under the Zero Waste SA Act 2004 (refer Note 10). ZWSA's expenditure authority must be approved by the Treasurer each year, based on budgeted revenues and expenditures outlined in an annual Business Plan. ZWSA settles undisputed accounts within 30 days from the date of the invoice or date the invoice is first received. In the event of a dispute, payment is made 30 days from resolution.

ZWSA's exposure to liquidity risk is insignificant based on past experience and current assessment of risk.

A sensitivity analysis has not been undertaken for the interest rate risk of ZWSA as it has been determined that the possible impact on profit and loss or total equity from fluctuations in interest rates is immaterial.

Overdue for< 30 days


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