dp & 4th adams & eves

Divine Principle 4th Adam & Eve v. 1

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Divine Principle

4th Adam & Eve

v. 1

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The Arrival of the Era of the Fourth Adam's Realm

Upon the restoration of the three Adams' eras, I established the realm of blessing all the way to the infant stage.

This is where the 4th Adam's era begins.

/SMM October 24, 1999

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4000 BC

2000 BC


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3rd AdamSpiritual “Firefighter and Doctor”

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3rd AdamThe spirit world could not function until the appearance of Unification Church. Why?

Because there was no handle to grab; no rapport was established.

There was no love between the races.

There was no one who could prepare the base so that God could really bring down His hosts of angels. But now the Unification Church represents that base, so God can bring down any number of angels or spirit men He wishes.

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3rd Adam

So far, there have been many, many evil spiritual phenomena. There are many evil, lost spirits haunting people.

Spirits can also actually cause diseases and accidents.What is the difference between evil spirits and good spirits?

When an evil spirit approaches, you somehow feel fearful and uncertain and very unstable.

A satanic spirit is like the winter wind, making you shiver.

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3rd Adam

But when some good spirit is trying to embrace you, you feel so good without reason! You'll be walking on Cloud 9!

A heavenly spirit is like spring. It melts you, relaxes you, and gives you the warmth of love and comfort.

You should feel that in the Unification Church.

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3rd AdamI have been conducting the program of the spirit world for everything. I do not talk about how heaven is or how heavenly father is, and so forth. I do not talk about them carelessly. I only talk about them after I have digested them with the truth and can explain them in some systematic manner.

Do you think that I simply listen to the words of some women or grandmothers, or some spiritual medium? No way. They are ignorant. They know how to testify to the present, but they do not know how things operate. /SMM (68-276)

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4000 BC

2000 BC

2000 AD




2013 AD

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Divine Healings in UC-movement

The highest healing Possible on Earth, is the forgiveness of Original Sin. – unable by Jesus who lacked FamilyPerformed through the Blessing by the Divine True Parents!

For more: Google ”slideshare bdp003 Blessing Part”Blessing Part 1,2,3,4 of 4

Many potential4th Adams & Eves

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Cheong PyeongTraining Center1960-1995…

Dae Mo Nim

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Cheong PyeongTraining Center1960-1995…

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SECTION I - Resurrection

Biblical Concept of Life and Death Death Caused by the Fall Meaning of Resurrection How does Resurrection Change Man?

SECTION II - Providence of Resurrection Spiritual Phenomena Occurring in the Last Days The First Resurrection The Providence of Resurrection for Spirit Men Resurrection through Second coming of Spirit Men Who Were Christians in Their Lifetime Resurrection through Second Coming in the Growth Stage Resurrection through Second Coming in the Perfection Stage Resurrection through Second Coming of Spirit Men Outside of Paradise Reincarnation Viewed from the Standpoint of Resurrection through Second Coming

SECTION III - Unification of Religions by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of Christianity by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of All Other Religions by Resurrection through Second Coming Unification of Non-Religious Men by Resurrection through Second Coming

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New Adam & EveTP Holy Wedding April 1960

Jesus primary Mission fulfilled

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Man’s essence is spirit.

Therefore, when you go to the spiritual world you will realize more deeply that the essence of being humanis to live for the sake of others.

/SMM Earthly Life and the Spirit World, Vol. II

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“Every human being is struggling to attain life-long happiness and overcome misfortune.

/DP Introduction

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From the commonplace affairs of individuals tothe great events that shape the course of history, each is at root an expression of the human aspiration for ever greater happiness.

Comment: the essence of being human is to live for the sake of others.

/DP Introduction

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There is a saying that the habit of a three-year-old continues until he turns eighty. Inborn personality is hard to change. Hence, spirit people cannot live very differently from the way they lived on earth.

After all, the inhabitants of the spirit world are the souls of people who formerly lived on earth.

From this perspective, the spirit world is not sodifferent from the physical world.

/SMM 2 March 1986

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After all earthly people are restored, it will take a long time for the spirit world to be completely restored because there are so very many spirits who must be restored through the principle of resurrection through people on earth.

/SMM 1965:4

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It will be much faster for earthly people to be restored. The number of spirits is very great.

And they must go through the resurrection in an indirect way. /SMM 1965:4

Comment: Indirect = Vitality Elements needed from physical human body = physical people on Earth.

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Upon their death, the believers of this era will enter and abide in the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, which is the divine-spirit level of the spirit world (p. 140).

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2000 20002000




The Providence of Resurrection for People on Earth

4th Adams & Eves

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Original Self seedfrom God

Created Self by MyOwn Life


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The first resurrection is the resurrection enabling the accomplishment of the purpose of creation for the first time since the commencement of the history of God's providence of restoration.

The original self will be restored by removingman's original sin through the Second Advent of the Lord.

Divine Principle 73 page 180

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Before creating man, God madeall things in the image and likeness of man's character and form.

Therefore, man is the encapsulation of all things.

(Comment: Physical and Spiritual Wolds)

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With man as the visible object in the image of God and the universe as the symbolic object in His indirect image, man's love and the beauty of creation performgive and take action to formone body in unity centering on God

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Since the universe was created after the model of man, who is in the image and likeness of God's dual essentialities, every existence, without exception,takes after man's basic form, which consists of mind and body.

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Thus, in the universe there exists not only the visible substantial world,which resembles the human body,

but also the invisible substantial world,which is modelled after the human mind.

/Divine Principle Ch.1

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“What is the Unification Church? It means the place of unificationof the mind and body and the place of study of the Divine Principle.

This teaching instructs clearly how to unifythe mind and body,man and woman,parents and children centered upon True Love, True Life and True Lineage. /SMM 960505 

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If you could go to the spirit world, you wouldsee that all people constitute the body of one Person.

Saints and holy men may perform the role of the eyes or the ears, but even though they have important roles, they are still only components of that one macrocosmic Person /SMM 1997 

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Each community (in Spirit World) is an image of the whole [Universal Human], since any completely harmonious entity is made up of a number of images of itself. 

I have from time to time talked with members of communities where I had been sent, who belonged to the province of the lungs, heart, face, tongue, ear, or eye, and with members of the province of the nose. 

/Emanuel Swedenborg, Arcana Coelestia

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In the sight of God each individual is like a cell of that giant human.

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In the sight of God each individual is like a cell of that giant human.

Each one of you is a cell, yet however small you are, every other cell is still connected to your life. When you look at a little cell on the tip of your finger you are a giant in comparison to it, yet you still deal with that one cell on a one-to-one basis. 

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In the sight of God each individual is like a cell of that giant human.

Each one of you is a cell, yet however small you are, every other cell is still connected to your life. When you look at a little cell on the tip of your finger you are a giant in comparison to it, yet you still deal with that one cell on a one-to-one basis. 

You are like one tiny cell, only one portion of the entire universal body, yet when you deal with the universe you are on a one-to-one basis and you can claim your rightful vote.

/SMM February 27, 1977

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Physical Laws - AbsoluteNothing faster than speed of light!

8 minutes!

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Spiritual Laws – also Absolute Thoughts are faster than light!

(Dimension is different – Phys Laws does not contradict Spir Wrld) The World of Heart

0 seconds!

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We can denote the fact that many spiritual signs regarding the Lord coming again in Korea are appearing like mushrooms after a rain.

God's word of promise that He will pour down His Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2:17) is being realized among the Korean people today.

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Therefore, countless men of religion are receiving very clear revelations concerning the Lord's Second Coming in Korea in many different ways, but contacting many spirit men of various levels; from the realm of miscellaneous spirits to the realm of the paradise level spirits.

/Divine Principle 2nd Coming of Christ

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The Arrival of the Era of the Fourth Adam's Realm (Jae Sa gwa Adam Kwon Shidae Dorae)Sun Myung MoonBelvedere International Training CenterOctober 24, 1999

Upon the restoration of the three Adams' eras, I established the realm of blessing all the way to the infant stage.

This is where the 4th Adam's era begins.

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Not God, but only True Parents can declare this. This is because we are in the position to liberate God.

To liberate the parents with unfilial children requires more than just filial piety.

Once we reach this completion of the restoration of the three Adams, we will continue to go up, centering on the centerline, the movement will continue for eternity.

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The first marriage was false (satans seed), opposed by God,but this is the true marriage, approved by God,going up on all eight levels.

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Jesus died at age 33, but by adding 10, 10 and 13, we reach 33, which is the restoration of Jesus Christ and the start of the 4th Adam era.

In America, 13 is a bad luck number.

The 13th was the day of Jesus Christ's crucifixion, but 13 has been completely restored, the unification of the physical world and spirit world, and east and west, and north and south.

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All those blessed couples in the world are in the position not just as restored Adam's family without fall, but connected to thousands of years of history being restored. (4th Adams&Eves)

Satan is completely taken care of.

So liberation is accomplished and I declared the 9.9 day and 3.10 day.

By doing so, all these things are completed.

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So in the 4th Adam era we pray in our own name.

In Eden there was no religion; we are entering into that era.

That's why the Unification Church sign came down. We transcended it with the Family Federation.

There is only one thing of which we can be proud, and that is the liberated, completed, God-centered families.

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Originally (after the Fall) mind and body were divided, but here in the 4th Adam's era it is all united.

The 4th Adam's realm begins here (pointing to diagram). Once we reach the completion of the individual level it equals the completion of the world level, and of the family level, cosmic level.

Each completion has the same value. This is the territory of true love, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in heaven. True love territory, I made up that term.

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Whose territory is it? [God's.] No, no - mine.

The individual sacrifices for the tribe, and so forth until you get to the point of sacrificing for the sake of cosmos and God. God is for the sake of whom? Me. This is all one. God is mine.

The history of restoration was there for my sake, not Jesus'. For myself. So therefore it is the realm of liberation. Centering on True Parents and God, the 4th Adam era started and the realm of liberation is there.

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My family represents God, heaven and earth. We act on behalf of God, loving all things. January 1, 2000 the 7th millennium begins there.

So we have to liberate all things, the world and spirit world. We need to liberate all things, the world, spirit world, man and woman, mind and body, children, including 3 generations.

So we have to create the family representing the world, so that's why I am mixing these families worldwide.

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You can build brother-sister, parent-child relations wherever you go.

We can be totally free.

So keep the tradition of the Father and Mother nations and practice it as elder brother.

The 4th Adam era is that in which we can love our own people, tribe and nation.

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Until now, in the course of restoration we had to love the satanic world, but now we can offer our love to ourimmediate family members to begin with,and our relatives and tribe.

That's the meaning of the 4th Adam era.

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We have so far, about 430 million blessed couples in the world. They all represent Adam's position.

They each should bring at least one unmarried candidate to the next blessing. Thus the blessing will be done not by True Parents, but by our own blessed couples.


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The greatest of all Healings EVER to take place, including Jesus remarkable healing of peopleis the eternal forgiveness of Original Sin = "Blessing Marriage" in our time,

 = creating a new Mankind

The 144 000 who comprise the "first resurrection.” Rev. 14

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Great changes in Spiritual World1960

Church Level



2003National Level

2013World/Cosmic Level

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From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

Restoring the Marriage of Jesus

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Restoring the Physical FallFrom Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

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Restoring the Spiritual FallFrom Hyung Jin Nims Lecture

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Feb 2013 KoreaCosmic Level – Cheon Il Guk

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Divine Principlewww.unification.net/dp96/

Speeches by Sun Myung Moonwww.tparents.org/Lib-Moon-Talk.htmEarthly Life and the Spirit World, Vol. II www.euro-tongil.org/swedish/hondok.htm

New World - The Ancestor Liberation Providence

Wikipedia: some pictures

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More slides here

Slideshare bdp003

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Short Vocabulary:

AGS =Absolute Good SpiritsAhn Shi Il = 8th Day PledgeCBG = Chambumo Gyeong, Holy TextbookCSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy TextbookCIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoHCSW =Cheonji Sunhak Won (Museum)CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground KoreaDP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008


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KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second AdventOT = Old TestamentNT = New TestamentCT = Completed TestamentPHG = Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (Peace Messages)TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung MoonTM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han MoonTP = True Parents, TF+TMTTM = Textbook and Teaching MaterialUC = Unification Church

See also extended Vocabulary:http://www.slideshare.net/bdp003/vocabulary-uc

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Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire us!

Have a great Blessed week.Prepared for 2nd,3rd ... Gen. Inspiration by Bengt - Sweden/Finland

Denmark Sweden