dp & fatima prophecy

Prophecies of Fatima 1916-1917 v1.1

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Divine Principle and Fatima Prophecy


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Prophecies of Fatima



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During 1st WW

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• The year 1916-1917 Jesus mother Mary, appeared in a revelation, for the three portuguese children Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia, outside Fatima Portugal.

• 3 messages were given of which one was to be delivered to the Pope 1960

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• 3 “secrets” were given

• The first secret was a vision of Hell:

• The second secret was a statement that World War I would end and goes on to predict another war, World War II during the reign of Pope Pius XI, should men continue offending God and should Russia not convert.

• The third part of the secret was written down on 3 January 1944.

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• The Holy See withheld the Third Secret until 26 June 2000, despite Lúcia's declaration that it should be released to the public after 1960. 

1960 Korea Marriage of the Lamb

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The religiously oriented person is often captivated by incidents which seem to blend both the physical and the spiritual.

The story of the vision of Fatima, for example, has captured human interest and spawned speculation as to the contents of what the letters reveal. /Rev. Paul Werner

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The year 1916-1917 Jesus mother Mary, appeared in a revelation, for the three portuguese children Jacinta,Francisco and Lucia, outside Fatima Portugal.

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On the 13th of July they received a message that wasto be given to the pope in the year 1960.Lucia fulfilled the promise and delivered the message, but the pope decided after some time, the world was not ready for it to be published.

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Divine Principle background:

The internal cause of World War I was:

• First, to set up, worldwide, the condition of indemnity on the formation level to restore God's three great blessings to man. 

• Second, in order to have an earthly man of the Heavenly side overcome Satan's first temptation of Jesus on the worldwide basis, there had to be the First World War.

• Third, the First World War was inevitable in order to establish the foundation in the formation stage to restore the Heavenly sovereignty. The democratic system appeared as the final type of government to restore God's sovereignty,

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Comment: The Fatima timing (1960) is interesting.WW1 was the necessary condition for the Messiah to be born (1920).

At that early time (1917) the Revelation already pinpointed the very last date for “The Marriage of the Lamb”, True Parents wedding in 1960 was to take place.

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At the time (1917) noone could predict how fastThe Messiah would be accepted by his people.

1946 TF started his Mission as Messiah/Christ…but was rejected by Christians in Korea.

He later commented that 1960 was the very latest date for his Holy Wedding. (His 3rd attempt – 3rd Marriage)


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Comment:From: MARTIN PUTZTo: [email protected]: Sun, 5 Sep 1999

The third message of Fatima is part of the six revelations to the three Portuguese children in 1917.  Sr. Lucia dos Santos wrote it down in 1943 and sent to Pope Pius XII (1942-1958). 

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This letter to the Pope contained also a handwritten note of Lucia, that the content of this message will only be understood 1960 and that it should then be made known to the public, "because the Madonna wishes so". 

Pius XII seems to have read the note but not the revealed message.  Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) read it and also all subsequent Popes.  It has been published under John XXIII in 1962 in the Vatican daily Newspaper "Osservatore Romano",though not telling the readers that they were reading a message from Fatima.

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“…pope decided after some time, the world was not ready for it to be published”

Through the medium Ray Stanford, the Fatima message has anyhow been disclosed.Here follows a brief summary of the message:

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Of the three children there (who, symbolically, were representative of the children of the Earth, the children of men), two were told that their bodies would pass into death and that they would come into the heavenly regions.

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And it came to pass so very shortly and without warning, in a sense, that two of them (Francisco and Jacinta Marto) died.

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That whole event in human destiny of the two children of the three, dying and being taken to heaven in accord with their just reward and opportunities is symbolic of that which – that indeed of which – the angel of the Mother of Jesus warns yet today.

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She warns of the danger of a vast and devastating world war in which, at worst, two-thirds of the children of men shall die.

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There was a warning that one unexpected event, however, almost an accident in a sense, could trigger the terrible and devastating war which was the core of the prophecy and warning that was never released by the Roman Catholic Church; and that the death ofthe girl child and the boy child was symbolic of, among other things, the seemingly senseless and indiscriminate nature of the deaths which shall occur in that war.

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Cuba crisis October 1962

Comment: Satellite picture of missile installations in Cuba

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Cuba crisis October 1962

Google for “Cuban Missile Crisis”

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The angel of the Mother of Jesus warned, not only of war in Europe that has already occurred (1914-18,1939-45), but of the increase in materialism among the peoples of the yellow races and the advent of communism, or socialism in some forms among those people.

She prophesied the rebirth and regeneration of the national consciousness.

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She warned of distress materially and financially; of a karma that should turn peoples to spiritual values the more; and of the social strife and upheaval that will be increased in times of financial and material difficulties and suffering among those who have become accustomed to a life of sloth, laziness, and comfort.

Comment: Financial World crisis: 2008,2011,12…

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She warned that it (War) may come quickly-and--unexpectedly through those events that will build in the regions about Jerusalem and across the region called Palestine and in that called Israel today and in the lands thereabout.

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Comment: Arab-Israeli Wars, conflicts in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973–74, and 1982 between Israel and the Arab states.

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This has been spoken of as the beginning of the Aquarian Age.

It is the shadow of the beginning of the Aquarian Age.

All beginnings incorporate birth and the pains and labours attendant thereunto.

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Do not believe that in your struggles and searches for truth, and in the turning of many persons today in the direction of such a search, that you have even begun to endure the work, the labor, even the struggles and pains of birth, the issuing forth of a new manifestation at the physical plane of collective awareness within the world.

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You see, those things which are to come are far greater in their effect upon the physical, mental, and spiritual man than those which have transpired in recent years.

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So important are the things which occurred prior to, during, and after the recorded life of the Master Jesus that these have become an archetypal manifestation in the world today, and yesterday, and will be tomorrow –whether you like it or not.

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Whether it suits your intellectual predisposition's or not, it is so and will remain so.

For man's becoming God-or God's becoming man, more accurately-is no petty, commonplace event in the history of man's evolution.

You are not yet ready to understand the full significance of what might be given in relationship to that topic.

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To the man, the prophets prophesied the coming of that one [Jesus].

Yet, they did not recognize Him when He appeared, for they expected and sought one who would be strong with the sword, someone that would smite the enemy and would liberate, as men judge liberation.

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Therefore, this, too, is symbolic in the archetypical pattern of man's misjudging spiritual values for material values, and vice versa.

Look where the Light is, not where the Earth is, saving to know that His Light may also be found within the Earth.

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Ref: FATIMA PROPHECY by A.U.M. (Association for the Understanding of Man) ISBN 0-915908-05-0


Google for “Fatima Prophecy”

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Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the beauty inside us!

Have a great Blessed week! Prepared for 2nd, 3rd Gen. inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.