dr b.v.raman, the architect of astrological renaissance

Dr B.V.Raman – Architect of Astrological Renaissance Written by Jayasree Saranathan (Published in the August, 2010 issue of The Astrological eMagazine) It is not an exaggeration to say that every astrologer of today owes his knowledge of astrology to a Phenomenon called Dr BV Raman. Without him, astrology would not have gained wider readership, awareness and practitioners against all odds in today’s world. It was because of his missionary zeal, astrology has got back its lost glory and popularity. He was not just like any other astrologer, but an architect for the revival and Renaissance of astrology in modern times. No wonder he is rightly called as Modern day Varahamihira. He has left a rich legacy behind him in such a way that anyone interested in learning Vedic astrology can not learn without reading his books. As one among those countless learners, I consider it as an honor and a repayment as well to write this essay on the astrological significance of his colossal contribution to astrology. Stalwarts like Mr S.Rajagopala Iyer had meticulously analyzed Dr Raman’s horoscope (Notable Horoscopes) which also appeared in December 1957 issue of The Astrological Magazine. The current analysis is done nearly half a century after that – at a time when his name has become a legacy in the world of astrology. Immortal names in astrology have come with the blessings of the Sun. Maya received Surya Siddhantha from Sun God. Varahamihira recalls the blessings from Sun for his knowledge of astrology. Prof Suryanarain Rao attributed his

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This is an astrological research article on how Dr BV Raman had stood as a colossal figure in the history of Astrology in the light of the legacy he has left behind. This was published in the Astrological eMagazine on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of Dr Raman's birthday .


Page 1: Dr B.V.Raman, the architect of astrological renaissance

Dr B.V.Raman – Architect of Astrological Renaissance

Written by

Jayasree Saranathan

(Published in the August, 2010 issue of The Astrological eMagazine)

It is not an exaggeration to say that every astrologer of today owes his knowledge of astrology to a Phenomenon called Dr BV Raman. Without him, astrology would not have gained wider readership, awareness and practitioners against all odds in today’s world. It was because of his missionary zeal, astrology has got back its lost glory and popularity.

He was not just like any other astrologer, but an architect for the revival and Renaissance of astrology in modern times. No wonder he is rightly called as Modern day Varahamihira. He has left a rich legacy behind him in such a way that anyone interested in learning Vedic astrology can not learn without reading his books. As one among those countless learners, I consider it as an honor and a repayment as well to write this essay on the astrological significance of his colossal contribution to astrology.

Stalwarts like Mr S.Rajagopala Iyer had meticulously analyzed Dr Raman’s horoscope (Notable Horoscopes) which also appeared in December 1957 issue of The Astrological Magazine. The current analysis is done nearly half a century after that – at a time when his name has become a legacy in the world of astrology.

Immortal names in astrology have come with the blessings of the Sun. Maya received Surya Siddhantha from Sun God. Varahamihira recalls the blessings from Sun for his knowledge of astrology. Prof Suryanarain Rao attributed his success to ‘the direct grace of the glorious Sun’ (Brihad jataka, page 622). Similar grace of Sun is found in the horoscope of Dr BV Raman also.

In his horoscope, sun is in upachaya in the asterism of Mercury, the important planet for knowledge, astrology, research and writings. The position of Sun in Cancer aspected by Jupiter from the 10th has a special mention in Saravali (22-31) that “the native will be pre-eminent, be dear to the king, skillful and will destroy the enemies.” This support from the Sun catapulted him to fame and unchallengeable eminence in spite of all antagonism to astrology and astrologers in his times.

Jupiter on its part made him as expert in this mystic sastra and decipherment of the commentaries on ancient astrological works. To quote Saravali again, Jupiter in Scorpio ensured that “he will be an expert in sastras, be a king, will be commentator of many bhashyas (commentaries), be skillful, will construct temples and towns.” (27-15)

Page 2: Dr B.V.Raman, the architect of astrological renaissance

Jupiter in Scorpio aspected by Moon from Taurus makes one a historical and poetic writer (Saravali 27-26). The lucid writing that he introduced in astrology is thus ingrained in his karmic profession.

Moon in Kendra other than lagna and aspected by Jupiter (300 important combinations – yoga 251) gives a Raja yoga which is again reinforced in different words in Phaladeepika. “If out of the lords of the 11th, 9th and 2nd houses, there be but one planet that occupies a Kendra position in respect to moon, the person born becomes the ruler of a full-blown empire”. Jupiter as 2nd and 11th lord is in kendra to moon making him the ruler of an empire. The ruler ship and the type of empire must be deciphered from other features of the horoscope.

The presence of Dharma Karmadhipathi yoga in addition to the above Raja yogas must have a past karma to have made him a tall figure in astrology. That past karma can be deciphered from the Vrinchi Yoga explained in ‘Brahma Rishi vakyam’. When the lagna lord, Saturn and Jupiter are in exalted or own or friendly houses in Kendra or kona to lagna, this yoga arises that will endow the native with Brahma gyana, knowledge of the satsras based on Vedas, the luster of a Brahma gyaani, a huge following of disciples, honors form kings, auspicious qualities, an understanding wife and children etc.

This book also states that the one born in this yoga would have relentlessly supported vedic scholars and homas in his previous birth. As a result he would be born in Vrinchi yoga with the Knowledge of the sastras of Vedas and would spread it. He would never be reborn again and reach Brahma loka at the end of that birth.

Analyzing Dr Raman’s life and achievements in the light of these yogas, it becomes clear that he was indeed born with a mission to resurrect astrology which is known as the eye of the Veda Purusha. The perfect combinations in his horoscope showing a direct aspect between dharma and karma lords of the natural Zodiac in 4th and 10th houses, of those lords of his horoscope in the 7th and all these 4 lords in direct opposition in 5th and 11th houses in the Navamsa show that Brahma deva, who was the first one to give out the astrological knowledge to mankind, chose Dr Raman as his deputy to deliver the knowledge in our times.

Such a chosen Deputy must leave a legacy for the benefit of posterity. It will be interesting to know the exact legacy he has left behind. I am not going into the many combinations in his horoscope that made him an astrologer. Now that we realize that he has become a phenomenon unto himself, we have to see what his horoscope says about the kind of legacy he has left behind.

For this we have to see his 5th house. 5th house of Purva punya is what makes one in a birth. The thoughts that make a man are the by-product of his purva punya. Its reflection is seen in the 7th house from the 5th (11th house in the horoscope).Though we see the 8th house for the legacy that one gets from the death of parents, here we are concerned about what a person leaves for others. The 11th house shows what one has accrued. That accrual

Page 3: Dr B.V.Raman, the architect of astrological renaissance

is what one leaves for others as a legacy. So we must see the 11th house of gains from the 5th, which means the 3rd house in the horoscope.

We have to see the connection between 5th and 11th lords and their aspects on 5th and 11th houses and also the 3rd house and 3rd lord getting connected with these houses and lords. Applying these parameters to well known persons from different fields who had left a legacy in their name, we find some such legacy indicated in Dr Raman’s horoscope also.

As an example, in Saint Thyagaraja’s horoscope, the 11th lord Venus in the asterism of moon is posited in 11th aspecting the 5th house. His 5th lord is Mars in Mercury’s house in the 12th. Mercury, the lord of the 3rd is in the 10th in Ketu’s star. So the 5th house gave him spirituality which became manifest in his 10th house of karma. But its by-product or legacy is musical compositions. It is seen from Venus –moon in the 11th in association with Saturn which stands classical compositions. Spirituality is what the 5th house gave him. It resulted in a legacy of music. In this way we can analyse the horoscopes of luminaries such as Swami Vivekananda, Raman Maharishi, Mahatma Gandhi and others.

Applying the parameters in Dr BV Raman’s horoscope, we find that his 5th lord Mercury is in the 7th in the asterism of Venus which is known for deciphering sastras. Venus is in Ketu’s star and Mars, the lord of 3rd and 10th joins them in the 7th. Mars is in the asterism of Venus. Martian connection to Mercury and Venus shows acumen in mathematics contained in Siddhanthas and astrology. The result was his famous conception of Ayanamsa.

Now let us look at his 11th house. The 11th lord Jupiter is in 10th house in the star of Saturn and is aspected by the 3rd and 10th lord, Mars. The Martian connection to 3rd house resulted in voluminous writings whereas its 11th lord connection to Mars makes Raman Ayanamsa as his legacy.

From another angle, if the lagna stands for the self (Dr Raman as the teacher), the 7th stands for students. The 7th lord gives him eminence, as we see in the beginning of this essay – sun, the lord of the 7th in cancer. Dr Raman is the uncrowned Ruler of his empire of astrological students who come up generation after generation.