dr. frances deviney - the economic impact of economic freedom on poverty and prosperity

Using Data, Embracing Opport unity , and Building Meaningful Futures Frances Deviney, Ph.D.  Associate Director, Research and Pl anning [email protected] December 5, 2014

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Page 1: Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Using Data, EmbracingOpportunity, and Building

Meaningful Futures

Frances Deviney, Ph.D.

 Associate Director, Research and [email protected]

December 5, 2014

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Let’s beginwith the


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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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 The U.S. added 2 million kidsin last decade


U.S. child pop grew by 2 million between 2000 and 2010 Decennial ens!s data" U.S. ens!s #!rea!

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Te$as acco!nted for half of that growth%


U.S. child pop grew by 2 million between 2000 and 2010 Decennial ens!s data" U.S. ens!s #!rea!

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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 Te$as child po'erty remains consistentlyhigher than U.S.

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Recession JobLosses

(eco'ery ob 3ains

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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/hy careabo!t


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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Why care about poverty?


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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Texas Failies in !overty

"ery lo#uneployent

$early &% have FT#or'er5&% have ()*e+ree

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Low-Skill OccupationsService oriented, manual labor, security

Traditional Middle-Skill OccupationsWorkers who perform routine tasks that are procedural and repetitive

High-Skill OccupationsWorkers with analytical ability, problem solving, and creativity.

New Middle-Skill OccupationsNew High-skill Occupations

,han+in+ )'ill -ean*s

Source: The Vanishing Middle: Job Polarization and Workers’ Response to the Decline in Middle-Skill Jobs , Didem Tüemen and !onathan Willis, "ansas #ity

$ederal %eserve &ank, '()*.

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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So!rces- S" 6S" ,oody’s nalytics



d!cational attainment and pro7ected ind!stryre!irements by le'el

,ismatch in Te$as’ Talent 6ipeline









asters Degree or ore !achelors Degree Associates Degree "ess #han an AA Degree


Projected industry


requirements for

all new jobs in




attainment of

Texans over 25 years of age in


!ncludes an un"nown number of wor"force certi#cates wit$ labor mar"et value t$at are %art of t$e newminimum&



0isatch in Texas1 talentpipeline

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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#& Poverty 'trongly "in(ed to "evel o)

*d+cational Attainment

# in Poverty by Educational +ttainment


degree or


-ome college,



igh school



2ess than high

school graduate

 A' #able 1-00, 1/ear *stimates 201.

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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P'3A 'D omm+nity ollege 6

7rad+ation '+ccess 'tory

(""' (""! (""% ("&" ("&& ("&( ("&3







4 year grad+ation rate, #*A


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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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Benefits of Pre45 last throughout life

igher Educational +ttainment

igher earnings

Better ealth

2ess Public +ssistance

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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52$o) #e:as 4year/olds are


p+blic Pre/;

2012/1, #e:as *d+cation Agency by 4 y.o. pop ; Data enter

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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*conomically Disadvantaged (ids <ho <ent to

pre/( did better on their rd grade tests

Passed #A;' rd grade reading Passed #A;' rd grade math

9$ -%$


=o Pre/; Pre/;

 Analysis o) #*A 2011 #A;' data by the >))ice o) Rep. i(e ?illarreal

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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2E+78 @ )orabetterte:as.orgBdata.html

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Build the Opportunity


Children enter ;inder ready tolearn

C ore st+dents ma(e it thro+gh the

ed+cation pipelineC *:panded access to

postsecondary ed. and <or()orce


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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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8/9/2019 Dr. Frances Deviney - The Economic Impact of Economic Freedom on Poverty and Prosperity

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