dr. jay wilson august 24, 2012. agenda welcome / introductions internship overview: timeline...

Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012

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Page 1: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

Dr. Jay Wilson

August 24, 2012

Page 2: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

Agenda Welcome / Introductions

Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation PGPs Resources - Cohort wiki: http://saskinterns.wikispaces.com/


PMPP Preparation Management (Responsible Learners!) Professionalism Personalization

Unit and Lesson Planning

The “Big” 4:

Wrap up / Homework

Page 3: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

WelcomeWho am I?Please introduce yourself.This group will be your most important resource and

support.Embarking on the most difficult task in which you

have ever engaged.

Page 4: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

TimelineNow – August 24th

BeginGet to know your school and the procedures for internship

In-service #1 Sept 21

Plan first unit with Co-opReview PGG process Teaching ½ time

Midterm evaluation due October 15

In-service #2 Oct 19

Based on midterm Evaluation

Fine-Tuning Unit #2


October 22th Begin your Full time teaching

25 Days

Draft of final evaluation to me by December 7th

December 21 School is over

Winding down teaching

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Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 5-6

Begin Week 1: by observing and team-teaching Deliver co-generated unit to your co-op teacher for feedback and edit it for use By Week 2: Teach one lesson a day Deliver co-generated unit to your college supervisor for feedback

By Week 3: Teach two lessons a day Begin teaching your co-generated unit By Week 4: Begin developing your second formal unit plan

By Week 5: Teach half-time Make sure your PGG is up to date Deliver your second formal unit plan to your co-op teacher and college supervisor for feedback By Week 6: Complete the Midterm assessment Begin developing further units in preparation for full-time teaching

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Weeks 7-8 Weeks 9-11 Weeks 12-14

By Week 7: Begin teaching full-time (three to five weeks or longer if you arrange it) Begin teaching your second formal unit after edits (if necessary) By Week 8: Deliver additional units to your co-op teacher for feedback (they do not need to be okayed by your college supervisor)

By Week 9: Make sure your PGG is up to date By Week 11: Arrange to visit other classrooms/schools for professional development opportunities (scheduled for the final two weeks of the internship)

By Week 12: Begin decreasing teaching to half-time By Week 13: Begin to visit other classrooms/schools and professional development opportunities By Week 14: Complete the final assessment with your co-op teacher and send it to your college supervisor for feedback

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Weeks 15-16

By Week 15: Continue to visit, observe and possibly teach in areas that are outside your teaching areas. Visit with the school counselor. By Week 16: Enjoy your time in the school. Ask for reference letters from co-op, principal, other teachers you may have worked with.

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In-service # 1 for teacher candidates and cooperating teachers: September 21, 9:00am - 3:00 p.m. – Room 2010 College of Ed

In-service # 2 for teacher candidates only: October 19, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Room 2010 College of Ed

In-service # 3 (half day): the TC and Co-op decide when to take the half day to work on the midterm assessment. This half day can be spent in the home school.

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AttendanceArrive early and leave lateReport absences to the college supervisor

Regular communication with cooperating teacher and college supervisor

Daily pre- and post- conferences and feedback

Co-planning and co-teaching

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Formal Lesson Plans (2 formal plans each day) 2 Unit Plans

First 3 – 5 lessons for part-time teachingCo-planned with Co-op

Second 10 – 15 lessons During full time teaching

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Regular documentation in the PGP Tables

Infusion of Aboriginal Content, Knowledge and Ways of Knowing

Some involvement in School and Community Activities

Page 12: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

SupervisionMy role is to support both you and your co-opAssess the relationship and determine if you need

my helpLearner focused supervisionCoaching, consulting, collaborating, calibrating

Page 13: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

My rolesObserve you in your classroomProvide you with feedbackHelp you document and reflect on your experienceProvide you with support when you need itFormal visits in October and November

Pre and post conferencingInformal visits /extra curr if I can swing it

Page 14: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

Learner focused supervisionI will watch the students not youNot a performanceTake notesI can use an evaluation sheetI will share with you what I have observedYou can connect my observations to the PGP

Show achievementShow need for improvement

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DocumentationData sheetLesson plansDaily plannerEmail updatesPGP

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PGPMost important source of evidence of what you are

doing. Crucial for midterm and final evaluationsDo not have to meet them allNot finished if you have them allNot checkboxesConstantly revising, doing multiple entries

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PGPSome you will do regularly others, only onceShows your growthNot all evidence comes from the classroom or

school settingRegular journal dated with feedbackOnly one PGP goal per lesson

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PGPImprovedWhat really happened in your internshipInvite your cooperating teacher(s) so we can ALL read

and add to your PGP goals evidence and reflections periodically

Review new PGPLocal File, Wikispaces, Google.docs

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ResourcesGroup wiki

saskinterns.wikispaces.comField ServicesSaskatoon publicSTF

Stewart Resource CentreFirst nations information and ideas from other

teachers, OTC

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Page 21: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

What will make you successfulPreparationManagementProfessionalismPersonalization

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PreparationKey to classroom managementThoughtful and creative daily lesson plansPrepare everything you will need to teach

Units Assessment and evaluation Materials Keys/passwords Administrationy stuff

Your co-op may not need to or is not interested in detailed preparation

You have not earned that right

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MangementHow do you handle your classroom?How do you engage your students?Issues of respect

Earned and givenDeveloping this skill will take time.

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ProfessionalismIssues of privacy and confidentiality are importantDifferent than small towns but everyone still knows

everyone elseDressLanguageTruly become a member of the staff. Ask questions

and get to know what is happening in the schoolYou are not a student any moreSick days

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TEACHER PROFESSIONALISMSTF Code of Professional Competencies &


Especially for guys. Power relationshipWhat you sayWhere you lookHow you approach peopleEverything you do is being interpreted by a very

impressionable group

Page 26: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

Issues of professionalismHow to deal with problem studentsKnow the procedure for multiple absencesContacting parentsWorking with EA or TALook for potential dangersNever be alone with the students

Who is named in the suit?Driving is a no no, field trips

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PersonalizationGet to know your studentsCannot teach them or plan without knowing themUse the first ten days or so to get an idea about who

you are working with then plan your first unit.

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Lesson and Unit PlanningLesson planningField services site Extensive planning templates

Lesson Plan template (Wiki)Unit planning

Unit Plan template (Wiki)Co-generated unit process




Page 29: Dr. Jay Wilson August 24, 2012. Agenda Welcome / Introductions Internship Overview: Timeline Expectations, roles and responsibilities Supervision/ Documentation

Lesson and Unit PlanningMost important part of teaching.What is it you want your learners to know?Research shows that it is what you will struggle with

the most.General planning/Specific planning.Weekend update.

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The “Big 4” of planningAdaptation

Related to content, instruction, environmentDifferentiation

Related to individual studentsAssessment

Assessment of learning, assessment for learningInquiry-based education

Learn with your students, flexibility, takes the pressure off of you, FNMI, and offshoot of technology

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Teaching skills checklistWhat makes a teacher good ?Observe the teaching going on around you.Review checklist on wiki

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If things are not working outYou have until November 15 to withdraw.Internships sometimes do not work the first time.Not a problem to redo your internship.Often works out better than the situation you are in


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Think about itInternship will be the most difficult task you have

ever undertakenYou will all have weaknesses

How you respond to them is what is importantUp to you to be the best for every student you come

into contact withBottom line is how is student learning is impacted by

what you do.A long job interview. You have four months to

impress your coop and your principal

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Wrap up and homeworkQuestions, issues or concernsHomework: “Big Ideas” in Education

• Ethnography of school/community• “Big Ideas” in education:

• Adaptive dimension• Differentiated instruction• Content areas and teaching strategies• Resources and resource-based learning• First Nations content• Cultural diversity• Teacher and student support services• Communicating and reporting to parents• Record keeping• Division or school major initiatives

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First In-service

Planning of your first unit (3 – 5 lessons)Bring a laptop if possibleBring PGP Goal Tables examples of

evidence/indicatorsInterns should be prepared to teach their

cooperating teacher about the PGP goals and sub-goals and how to use the goal tables.

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Wrap upFeedback cards

Most useful part of today.A question you still have.

Twitter @j_wilsonCel 717-2368Office 966-7617Home [email protected]