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[1] WHAT DOESN’T WORK... WHAT WORKS... HOW YOU CAN GET STARTED RIGHT NOW... Consumer Awareness Guide For What Works & Doesn’t Work In Weight Loss DEFL 2.0

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Consumer Awareness Guide For What Works & Doesn’t

Work In Weight LossDE

FL 2.


[2] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

Dr. Kareem Samhouri, CSCS, HFS“You are what’s important to me. Everything I do starts with your happiness and motivation to succeed.”


FAT LOSS FORMULAYOU ARE NOT ALONE IN YOUR FAT LOSS FRUSTRATIONSI used to be just like you. I understand completely where you’re coming from, and I’ve created this report to provide you with an educational resource you can depend upon when trying to lose weight or body fat.

Losing weight or body fat can be

extremely confusing... especially if you’re

trying to figure it out on the internet or

by watching TV. The trouble with all of

the material out there is that 90% of it

is really garbage. 10% of the information

you find is a gold-mine, and it’s a shame

that it’s not easier to decipher through

what works and what doesn’t. For this

reason, I’ve decided to write The Dr. K

Proven Fat Loss Formula and give away

this extremely valuable information

completely for free.

I work at my Physical Therapy &

Personal Training center every day, and I

meet with prospective patients and

clients just like you all the time. I

hear about the frustrations, and I

understand that you’re trying. I know

how hard it can be... and how discouraged

you must get in working to truly reach

your body’s potential.

I’m here to help you, and it’s my

mission to guarantee you the highest

quality fitness information found

anywhere on the internet... Your body, your

health, and your happiness mean a lot

to me.

Thank you for your trust and loyalty,

Dr. Kareem F. Samhourii

aka ‘Dr. K’

[3] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com


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Friends = Happy

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I Hook You Up!

All you have to do in order to be able to share this fat loss resource with your friends is attach it to an email and cc it to your entire contact list. You can also post a link to

this report on Facebook by sending people here:


[4] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

Table Of Contents:

Introduction to Dr. Kareem (Dr. K).... 5

How To Avoid 5 Mistakes Common To ChoosingThe Right Weight Loss & Fat Loss Method 6

4 Reasons You’re Being Fed All The Wrong InfoAbout Losing Bodyfat & Keeping It Off 9

3 Things You Should Look For When ChoosingThe Right Program To Lose Weight Or Bodyfat& Keep It Off 11

How To Start Losing 5 Pounds In 7 Days Right Now 16

A Sincere Thank You 17

[5] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

It’s a really interesting question to answer. Actually, for awhile I thought that I’d become a physical

therapist, but I never understood the bridge between the 2 fields. That is, of course, until I had severe joint

pain and wanted to lose weight... (more to come on this in an upcoming video).

As it turns out, understanding ‘Neuro Fat Loss’, or fat loss based upon communication with your

nervous systems for increased muscle contractile strength, coordination, muscular endurance, and

resultant fat loss effect is essential to break through fat loss plateaus and barricades.

It makes sense, if you think about it... improve signal strength to your muscles so that your muscles

don’t have to work so hard just to get a decent contraction; then, your muscles will be able to focus on

thee exercise and your performance will improve. By improving performance with every repetition of every

exercise you do, you’ll naturally get in shape faster. It just makes sense...

But it gets better... as it turns out, when you are speaking the ‘Neuro Fat Loss Language’, your posture

will improve, aches and pains will go away, and your body will restore itself. You see, this type of

movement creates more circulation to joints, nourishes areas of your body that stopped receiving adequate

circulation and have begun to scar down, and feeds the fire of your metabolism to burn ‘Blue Hot’ all the

time. Welcome to the world of Dr. K. I am going to enjoy teaching only the best.

“Anything’s Possible - You Just Need A Solid Plan...”Dr. K, as he is fondly referred to by his patients and clients, can personally relate to you and your situation. He’s undergone his own body transformation, and he knows how to help you do the same...

Mr. K - “Before Photo”Dr. K - “After Photo”


Doctor of Physical Therapy Kinesiologist CSCS HFS OWNER & FOUNDER

DPT - University of Miami

I feel honored to have studied that the Nation’s 3rd best school in the field of physical therapy during the time of my studies... I will always cherish the help they provided me and the difference this made in my life...

B.S. Kinesiology - Penn State University

I had the great fortune of studying in the top undergrad Kines program in the country.

Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

- National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)

certified Health & Fitness Specialist

- American College Of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Global Fitness LLC - Physical Therapy & Personal Training

This is amazing! I have the daily opportunity to change lives.

Doctor Of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist (Fitness Pro) - What’s The Use?

[6] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

How To Avoid 5 Mistakes Common To Choosing The Right Weight Loss & Fat Loss Method:

Why choosing the right method for weight loss or losing bodyfat is the most important (& overlooked) step in getting results...

There are several factors in determining whether or not a fitness or weight loss method is for you and will help you get results quickly. Often times, people forget that what makes them so special, as an individual, is their uniqueness to one another.

The same thing is true about you and your fat loss program. Not everyone was created to lose fat in the same way, order, or speed. With this in mind, it’s important to understand why you are doing things the way you are, and whether or not you are doing things in the way that makes the most sense for your body.

For example, some people don’t process carbohydrates well at all. Others can develop gallstones by consuming too much protein. Some people are ‘skinny fat’ and others are just overweight or obese. Each population of person loses weight in a slightly different way.

Understanding your body and it’s most important processes is essential to designing a weight loss program that is guaranteed to work. It’s not that complicated, but it does take strategy.

In order to develop the best weight loss strategy for your body, it’s important that you get an education in fitness. If you need to build muscle first, learn to modify your exercise program to build muscle. If you have plenty of muscle already, it may be better for you to start doing high repetition based intervals and depriving your body of all sugars.

Low fat isn’t the answer...As you can see above, the person who needs muscle will actually store more calories if they do increase their

calorie intake. As such, carbohydrates are more accepted, and protein intake goes up significantly. Meanwhile, with all populations, we should be eating plenty of fat; fat is what keeps up full and helps us digest the rest of our food properly.

The concept reducing fat intake is equivalent to begging to be hungry all the time. By eliminating fat from our diets, we create a feeling of hunger, but we slow our energy process, or our metabolism.

In sequence of macronutrient breakdown, we first break down sugars/carbohydrates. Although there is some carryover between all macronutrient breakdown, this lasts for up to about 15 minutes of energy production and activity. After that, we break down proteins, which lasts for energy from about minute 15 to minute 40. From minute 40 to the 2 or 3 hour marker, or until our next meal, we rely on fats for energy production. Without fat, we lose this entire window of opportunity to have our metabolism on fire, instead of just sparking and hoping for a light.

Even people with ‘bad genes’ can get incredible results...Sure, it’s possible that bad genes means you won’t have the world’s best six pack, but I’m living proof that a six

pack is possible in a family that’s never had one before. I had to reduce my bodyfat lower than others to get there, and it was an uphill battle for awhile, but it was possible.

In order to create this level of success with losing fat, it’s essential to create a metabolic shift. Basically, by constantly raising your metabolism for a period of 4-6 months, your body will adapt and learn to function at this higher energy state, thereby allowing for a ‘metabolic shift’ to take place.

The good news is that you only have to exercise 4 days/week in order to have a raging metabolism at all times.

[7] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com


The pictures above: In the first picture, you can see Dr. K speaking live in Tampa, Florida at an international fitness event hosted by Joel Marion.

The second picture is of Dr. K’s facility, Global Fitness LLC. This is where the magic started.

On the right, you can see a picture of DEFL 2.0 in action. As you can see, the exercise style in DEFL deals with unstable surfaces and core control - you’ll understand this more soon.

The pictures above: In the first picture, you can see Dr. K speaking live in Tampa, Florida at an international fitness event hosted by Joel Marion.

The second picture is of Dr. K’s facility, Global Fitness LLC. This is where the magic started.

On the right, you can see a picture of DEFL 2.0 in action. As you can see, the exercise style in DEFL deals with unstable surfaces and core control - you’ll understand this more soon.

A Small Taste of DEFL 2.0 :-)

Why you want to avoid long, boring cardio when you’re working on losing body fat...

Doing any specific movement repeatedly over time enacts ‘Wolf’s Law,’ which states that your body will adapt to the stresses or demands placed upon it over time. In other words, your body will become efficient.

Historically, when the winter was approaching, our food became scarce and so we ended up having to run for longer in pursuit of food. Fortunately, our bodies were well adapted, and they learned how to increase fat storage in the lower abdomen, as this is closest to our digestive tracks. This fat storage pattern is what allowed us to slow down our metabolisms and survive the winter time.

In the new method for losing fat, or in Neuro Fat Loss, the key difference is that we are enhancing neurological signal to our muscles to make contracting a muscle easier, thereby allowing us to create more force. However, we are constantly asking a different movement of our bodies, thereby forcing us to remain inefficient during each workout and burn more calories.

Lastly, doing long, slow boring cardio results in the development of Type I muscle fibers, or oxidative muscle fibers. These muscle fibers, as the name implies, feed off of oxygen, not sugar; as a result, they do not consume glycogen, as do the glycolitic or Type IIb muscle fibers, which are repeatedly stimulated during weight training.

The pictures above: In the first picture, you can see Dr. K speaking live in Tampa, Florida at an international fitness event hosted by Joel Marion.

The second picture is of Dr. K’s facility, Global Fitness LLC. This is where the magic started.

On the right, you can see a picture of DEFL 2.0 in action. As you can see, the exercise style in DEFL deals with unstable surfaces and core control - you’ll understand this more soon.

[8] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

7 More Video Gifts - FREE! If you think that the Dr. K Proven Fat Loss Formula report is good, wait until I show you what’s ahead. I’m going to be taking you on a fat loss journey like nothing you’ve ever seen before. And beause you’ve put your trust in me, it’s all going to be FREE.


Unstable Planks Are


7 More Video Gifts - FREE! If you think that the Dr. K Proven Fat Loss Formula report is good, wait until I show you what’s ahead. I’m going to be taking you on a fat loss journey like nothing you’ve ever seen before. And beause you’ve put your trust in me, it’s all going to be FREE.

COMING SOON:Crazy fitness ‘devices’ are not the solution... they’re terrible:

Devices like ‘ab loungers’, ‘ab rollers’, ‘e-stim devices’ and ‘pill and potions’ are all wrong. They are cheating your body of what it really needs.

In the case of the isolation-based abs training equipment, we are missing the whole point of the function of our abs. Our abs are made to be stabilizers and protect us from falling forward or backward when standing up from a chair to taking a walk. They also function stabilize the spine and prevent spinal injury. These are the functional uses of your core, and these are the uses that you want to train.

As for electrical stimulation, I’ve tried this with professional-grade equipment from my physical therapy clinic and I only got about 25% the necessary intensity to actually create change before I felt like elephants were walking on my abdomen. Terrible!

Pill and potions lead to cardiac arrhythmia's, a metabolic shift downward, and interaction with other medications that can result in danger or death. Please be careful. They are very dangerous.

Your body is made to move in a certain way, and it is designed to strengthen itself in a particular sequence. By learning the language of your body, or your ‘Neuro Speak’, you are training your body to respond. Get ready!

[9] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

4 Reasons You’re Being Fed All The Wrong Information About Losing Body Fat & Keeping It Off:

Marketing, marketing, marketing...Most of the weight loss industry is marketing driven. In fact, as a business owner, I’ve had to study marketing

a lot, and no matter what conference or seminar I attend, the weight loss niche is an example of good and bad marketing out there. It’s constantly referred to as the some of the most competitive marketing on the planet, and it’s supposed to be about health.

Somewhere along the way, business owners and venture capitalists discovered that people would spend just about anything on their health. Along the way came the first diet pill, then bogus diet books, then fitness programs that don’t even make you sweat. Before we knew it, there was so much information out there that we started buying the one in the prettiest package.

And then came the testimonial phenomenon and infomercials. One of my best friends in the whole world writes and directs feature films in Hollywood, so he knows the industry inside out. He’s confirmed that it’s common practice to hire actors for testimonials and actually fake the results. Thank goodness the FTC finally started regulating this, but the weight loss industry is full of good marketing and poor quality products as a result of greed and desperation.

Short Term Results & TV...Think about what is news worthy. Is it someone who lost 60 pounds in 3 years or someone who did it in 3

weeks? Time and time again, real stories of weight loss, stories that would inspire others to believe they are on the right

track, are hidden and abandoned by media outlets. I was forced to create the fastest fat loss program available anywhere on the internet or I would have never stood a chance against others who could deliver immediate gratification.

I realize the importance of immediate results to stay motivated, so I provide them anyway... but the bigger lesson is fitness independence. Eventually, you’ll be able to take responsibility for your own health, but I’ll help you look and feel good as fast as possible to motivate you and show you what’s possible.

Weight Loss Confusion...The diet industry actually benefits from your confusion. Think about it... how will the do better? If you buy one

book or program or if you buy several? It’s an obvious answer when you put in those terms. It’s not like medicine, where the ownership of a private

practice is typically a doctor who has a patient-first mentality, but it’s more like a hospital, which is a business and looks out for profit margins.

One of the hard parts to understand, as we value our own health so much, is that it would actually be poor business practice to create single-serving buyers in weight loss, as I do. I realize that this what I’m doing is a bad business model, but the truth is I’m not in it for the business... although I enjoy being able to comfortably provide for my family and take vacations that create lifelong memories, my goal is you.

Before evaluating a product or program to determine if it’s a good fit, it’s worth taking a look at the owner and seeing what his/her motivation is. There are always exceptions, but this is food for thought, that’s for sure...

In the end, I want you to develop a relationship based upon trust with your weight loss goals. I’m giving you this warning not to scare you, but to inform you and educate you to make wise choices.

After all, it is a mult-billion dollar industry vulnerable to greed.

[10] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

There is no standard for ‘personal trainer’ in the weight loss industry. ...but they take care of your body. This is your most important asset...

Create Your Vision For Strength & Will-Power To Succeed:It’s so important that you have a positive experience with exercise. This will help you create will-power and overcome obstacles of daily life.

Customize a program

based upon your body.

A lot of people don’t realize this, but you can become a personal trainer with just a weekend certification. Online, there are programs written by people who aren’t even certified and have never trained a client.

Unfortunately, even the well-intended may not be qualified to help you with your health. They may have great bodies themselves, but unless your body is the same size, shape, and genetic makeup, their methods may not work. Before choosing a personal trainer to work with, online or offline, be sure to check their credentials. They should be certified, they should be able to provide references, and they should sound knowledgeable when they explain how to customize a program based upon your specific body, as an individual.

Having a college degree in this area of study is a bonus, but not always necessary, as many of the world’s best personal trainers became passionate about their own health and learned from world-renowned experts before becoming certified.

Great, so now you’ve decided to hire a fitness professional to help you with your needs... how do you evaluate if the program is any good?

Learn more about the method, assess value, and then make a buying decision. If it sounds new and innovative, makes scientific sense, and is something you can sample ahead of time, you know you’re on the right track. Now it’s just a matter of learning about your body and providing feedback along the way... oh, and personality counts a lot. You have to get along with your trainer to have a positive experience.

[11] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

3 Things You Should Look For When Choosing The Right Program To Lose Weight Or Body Fat & Keep It Off:

Rapid Fat Loss System:(TS + EST + HRSPMS = RFL)

Having a system for fat loss is what it’s all about. Imagine being able to have the final answer to fat loss. Imagine having an answer that truly creates a state in your body like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Imagine your future, as you’re about to embark on a journey that teaches you every step of the fat loss process, and breaks it all into simple language along the way... no more scientific jargon, condescending exercise instruction, or demoralizing requests that no one’s self-control could possibly obey.

The Dr. K Proven Fat Loss Formula will be detailed to you, piece by piece, over the next couple of weeks, but, in summary, it comes down to dynamic movement, ridiculous intensity, 3D exercise, specifically stacked neuro and metabolic protocols, and furious motivation and inspiration to succeed.

The Triple M System + Energy System Training + Heart Rate Spiker Mini Sets = Rapid Fat Loss.Please see your first gift in the VIP Members’ Invitation Area by clicking the link above and registering if you if

haven’t already.

Fat Loss Education...Without properly educating yourself on how to build workouts, there’s no way to customize an exercise to

your specific needs or situation. People down-talk machine-based workouts b/c they are cookbook positions and exercises... well, isn’t this

also true when you don’t know how to manipulate the exercise to best serve you with free weights? (just to a lesser extent)

I certainly think so, and I’ve learned that by knowing how to create a workout based upon a specific set of goals for that day, I can reap 10x the benefit. Plus, I’ve learned that it’s important to periodize your program, so that you don’t hit plateau. Over time and training thousands of clients, one thing that I learned was that there was a specific sequencing to periodization of a program. For example, in the case of the ‘skinny fat’ person, it’s best to periodize your program as follows:

1. Neuro Facilitation (enhance signals to muscles for greater performance in the rest of the program)2. Build Muscle (increase metabolism as muscle = your metabolism)3. High Intensity Fat Loss Exercise (now that we’ve got a base and our muscles fire appropriately, we can get amazing results at record speed.)

Naturally, this should be done in 6 week periodization phases, leading to an 18 week total transformation.

Fat Loss Independence...Fat loss independence is achieved through education. When choosing a fitness professional to work with, be

sure s/he is attempting to educate you on how to build your own programs, feel the right muscles during an exercise, and contrast the pro’s/con’s of choosing a particular exercise in the programming for the day.

While getting in shape is very important, decreasing reliance on others for your own health is even more important. This is why it’s necessary for you to gain an education in your own body. After all, this is rocket science... what’s 30 days for gaining an education in your body that can last a lifetime and save you hours every week in the gym?

[12] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

Triple M Method For Fat Loss - A Method You Must Come To Know & Love

by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, CSCS, HFSNeuro Metabolic Fat Loss Expert

I dare you. I double dare you.

There are two competing theories for getting six pack abs and a really lean body. These are:

1) Workout HARD and diet all the time2) Workout SMART and eat great food

As you might have guessed, I prefer #2. Thereʼs a reason why it works better too. Itʼs all about choosing the right exercises and the right foods for smart-body success. By choosing exercises that produce an ʻafter-burn effect,ʼ or EPOC (Exercise Post-Oxygen Consumption), you are essentially choosing the smarter path. There are 3 main principles that govern what I teach - I like to refer to this as my Triple M Method For Rapid Fat Loss:

Multi-Planar Movement + Movement Complexes + Muscle Balancing

Multi-Planar Movement (3D Movement):

Most people exercise in one plane or direction of movement, sometimes two. For example, people often do pull ups, bicep curls, squats, lunges, etc. These are all movements that are in the forward/backward plane of movement. They do not move side to side or with rotation.

Without focusing on workouts that incorporate 3D Movement, itʼs impossible not to build muscular imbalances, and your body will see this as artificial. It will protect you from potential harm, and it will NOT respond by activating more muscles in daily life. Without this it ultimately becomes more difficult to move towards a leaner body.

Movement Complexes:

Basically, itʼs important that you link many exercises together without a rest break. In doing so, youʼre allowing your anaerobic system to become fatigued, while also simultaneously gaining an aerobic effect from your exercise program. I recommend the following arrangement, all without resting the weight youʼre using:

1. Squat2. Push3. Lunge4. Pull5. Plank

[13] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

The reason that I teach this method of movement complexes is because it alternates ʻpushingʼ and ʻpullingʼ muscles of both my upper and lower body while also exhausting my entire body before a rest break. Finally, I always end with a ʻtestʼ on my core by doing some sort of crazy, super-advanced plank. This basically tells my whether or not I have enough stability left to keep exercising, and it re-trains my nervous system to recruit centrally before the following Giant Set.

Muscle Balancing:

This is where things get really cool. Did you know that Time Magazine consistently picks the best looking person in America by symmetry? Itʼs true - human beings love symmetry, and your brain knows this.

Symmetry is important for proper nervous system communication from your brain to your muscles & joints. It is important front to back, side to side, and top to bottom. In other words, you canʼt have a big torso and chicken legs, or your body will tell you to stop growing. Likewise, you canʼt have an enormous right biceps and mini left biceps. Your brain will tell you to stop growing.

By muscle balancing, you are attempting to communicate with your nervous system and say “Iʼm ready for more strength.” Until you say so, it just wonʼt understand you.

Additionally, I like to incorporate Energy System Training. By utilizing all 3 energy systems (ATP-PC, Anaerobic & Aerobic), you are stimulating a greater metabolic demand from your body with exercise. This, in turn, results in greater caloric expenditure, and more effort from your body to replenish its energy source. Each time your body works through this recovery phase, it continues to burn calories long after you leave the gym.

Basically, by working out with my 3M Method For Rapid Fat Loss, you are going to work all 3 energy systems, automatically, and you are going to burn calories for days to come. Itʼs such an amazing feeling the first time that you see these results.

But itʼs an even better feeling when you realize that by applying these simple principles, you are actually going to get results faster and faster & faster. Itʼs time to end the struggle with extreme dieting. Itʼs time to conquer your body once and for all. Itʼs time to overcome bad genes and work on a metabolic shift through proper exercise program design and implementation.

Itʼs time to arm YOU with my Triple M Method For Rapid Fat Loss.

You ready for me?

[14] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

Energy System Training - Burn Up To 9x More Fat

by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, CSCS, HFSNeuro Metabolic Fat Loss Expert

As weʼll be discussing in the next couple of weeks, Energy System Training refers to training all 3 of the systems in your body that produce energy necessary to lose fat and lose it quickly.

These systems are:

1. ATP - PC - Adenosine Tri-Phosphate Phosphocarbonate (0-2 seconds)2. Anaerobic (2 to 60 seconds)3. Aerobic (60 seconds and beyond)

By choosing to utilize all three of these energy systems with specific intensities, rest periods, and durations of exercises, you are enhancing your fat loss effect three-fold... or more, when you consider the compounding effect that each one has on the other.

By stimulating your ATP-PC and Anaerobic energy systems, your body is producing a lot of lactic acid, a by-product of these energy cycles. This by-product takes a lot of energy to consume and restore normal pH in your body after it accumulates in your bloodstream. By working through this process, you are burning calories for up to 48-72 hours after you leave the gym.

By stimulating your aerobic energy system, your body is consuming oxygen, building circulation to muscles and vital organs, and allowing your endurance to improve over time. Additionally, this circulatory flow decreases swelling around your body and allows better nutrient absorption to take place, thereby enhancing the healing effect for other energy systems. Without working on your aerobic system, you are creating a plateau point in time and a lesser efficient system.

Fat loss can sound confusing, but letʼs take a step back and really think about it... what do we really have to do in order to burn fat as fast as possible?

1. Make our bodies work hard and create an internal furnace inside of ourselves2. Shock our systems by adding variety3. Prevent injury and properly align the body to signal to our brains that weʼre ready4. Spike metabolism every day to ensure we start the day off right.

Itʼs a simple formula.

Iʼm going to keep giving you all the pieces until youʼve made sense of everything and you start losing fat immediately.

[15] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

Heart Rate Spiker Mini Sets - Goodmorning Metabolism

by Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, CSCS, HFSNeuro Metabolic Fat Loss Expert

Goodmorning Metabolism. Itʼs time to wake up.

You overslept for your alarm clock too many times this week and youʼre making me drag my feet. Iʼm done with you. Now, Iʼm in charge.

Hereʼs what weʼre going to do each day when you try to slow me down.

1. Squat, Push, Lunge, Pull, Plank2. Weʼre going to do each one for 50 seconds of work (and you better be intense)3. Weʼre going to only give you 10 seconds rest4. Weʼll be ready for the next exercise - weʼre only doing this once, so get it right!5. Thatʼs only 5 minutes per day, but itʼs first thing... this way, I lead every day, not you.

Every time you think you know whatʼs coming, Iʼm going to mix things up on you. Iʼm going to show you... In fact, Iʼm going to light you on fire.

Look out, Mr. Metabolism, Iʼm going to burn you.

By switching positions, moving our body around in every direction, and forcing opposite muscle groups to contract back and forth at high velocity while doing next to a million reps, one spark is all it takes to light you blue.

Iʼm ready for you, Mr. Metabolism. Are you ready for me?

Hereʼs what weʼre going to do today (video of this workout will be live on Thursday) to get you burning blue hot from the first 5 minutes of the day onward:

1. Alternating Rotational Pivot Squat (Targets Hip Rotators & Glutes/Quads)2. Hand/Forearm Switches (Coordination + Upper Body Strengthening)3. Alternating Reverse Lunge With A Knee Hike (Single Leg ʻGait-Functionalʼ

Movement)4. Air Pulls (2 Arm Bodyweight Movement With Scapular Control)5. Straight Arm Abdominal Tremble Plank (Core Stability With Gravity Resistance)

I told you I was in charge.

This is my body, and this is my decision, Metabolism. Letʼs rock!

[16] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

How To Get Started On The Right Fat Loss Journey, One That Will Truly Make You Happy, Starting Right Now...(click below & I’ll teach you the Final Answer To Fat Loss)

It’s time that we discuss how to succeed, permanently, with your fat loss goals. I don’t want to see you struggle anymore. In order to succeed, you’ll need to be prepared, and you’ll need to create a base. That’s why I’ve designed a 7 part video series to bring you up to speed. It’s called the ‘Lose 5 Pounds In 7 Days Video Series’ and it will teach you how to do exactly what it promises.

Click Here:

Instant Access To

The DEFL 2.0 VIP

Members’ Invitation

Area, Where I’ll Give

You The Answer.

[17] Copyright 2010 - DoubleEdgedFatLoss.com

Now it’s time to celebrate all of the education you’re gaining in dominating your exercise program and creating the body of your dreams. I’m going to hold your hand along the way and teach you a method that has proven time and time again to get results that outweigh all other fat loss methods in overall benefit, bar none.

I have 7 fat loss videos for you, and they’re all FREE.

Double Edged Fat Loss 2.0 is about getting the workouts and learning the methods. As a demonstration of the strength of this program, I’d like to give you several gifts over the next two weeks. Please check this link regularly in order to claim your gifts, as I’ll randomly be adding them up there.

I’ve gone out of my way to film them in some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to, because I wanted you to have a positive

experience while watching them. This is going to be a very, very fun ride together, and I can’t wait to help you start losing 5 pounds in the next 7 days.

Are you going to lose 5 pounds in the next 7 days?

It’s really a decision at this point. I’m going to give you all the information you need, starting with two 5 minute per day workouts you can do to improve posture and burn fat at the same time.

You’re going to notice a tremendous difference when you experience The Body Transfor-mation Mini Circuit & Heart Rate Spiker Mini Sets for the first time.

These two 5 minute/day programs have proven over and over again to trim up waistlines and start a fat-melting furnace in

your body that incinerates fat before your eyes. Some

mornings, you’ll wake up and wonder if you lost weight while you were asleep... talk about a great feeling!

All you have to do get started on this fat loss journey and take advantage of the DEFL 2.0 party is click the link below and check back as often as possible:

THANK YOU, SINCERELY.I really appreciate you taking the time to read this guide to your better & healthier body...

How To Contact Me:The best thing you can do right now is go

on over to the DEFL 2.0 Launch Members’

Area - it’s a series of free gifts to you, and

I’ll be randomly posting stuff up there on a

regular basis. I strongly encourage you to

hop on over and take a look. This is some

of the best work I’ve ever done, and it’s

FREE for you.

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I’m here for you... I promise.I know you’re probably scarred by other

online promises from the past. This is

different... I really care about you.

EXTREME MAGAZINE930 Town Center DriveSuite G-75Langhorne, PA 19047USA

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