dr. lisa becton - porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv) status & research update

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Status & Research Update Lisa Becton, DVM, MS, DACVPM Dir. Swine Health Info & Research National Pork Board

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Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Status & Research Update

Lisa Becton, DVM, MS, DACVPM

Dir. Swine Health Info & Research

National Pork Board

PEDV status world-wide• PEDV is currently active and considered endemic in different parts of the

world (China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam – Pacific rim countries).– Canada had first positive cases in January 2014– Different strains identified in the U.K. (1970s) that did not appear as pathogenic as

the Chinese strains– Other countries with cases: Germany, Spain, France, Mexico, Colombia; Ecuador,

Ukraine, Peru

• PEDV is considered to be a production disease.

• Primary management tools within the U.S. = focus on targeted biosecurity efforts.– Killed vaccines are approved for use in the U.S. (two currently approved).

AASV Case Reports


Courtesy of NAHLN


U.S. Swine Health Monitoring Project

752 breeding sites (20 systems)

2.1M sows


As of January 15, 2015

Research/Knowledge Update

Research for PEDV & PDCoV

2013•~$1 million for research•Funded 14 projects– Basics of disease– Sow immunity (initial work)– Foundation for biosecurity

• 2014• ~$2 million for research• Funded 35 projects– Feed focus– Animal focus– Biosecurity validation– Disease monitoring

PEDV Research PrioritiesResearch Priorities – 2013:

•Basic Research of PEDV:– Who - What - Where - When - Why - How…– Diagnostic test development – Basics of disease transmission and survivability

•Sow immunity: (project duration ~ 12 months)• Duration of immunity• Optimizing feedback protocols• Diagnostic tests to assess sow and piglet immunity to PEDV

PEDV/PDCoV Research For 2014

Research priorities – 2014:

•Feed Focus:– Risk assessment for feed as transmission source– Intervention methods for feed (pelleting/additives)– Post-processing time on virus– Novel bioassay models

•Biosecurity Validation

•Animal Focus:– PEDV immunity development– PDCoV = pathogenicity & diagnostic test development

PEDV/PDCoV Research For 2015

• Hone in on more specifics of development, duration and optimization of sow immunity (based on 2013/2014 work)

• Feed interventions (based off of info from 2014)

• Novel vaccine administration technologies

Basics of virus survival - What have we learned?

Survivability of the virus•PEDV can survive in many different conditions:– Pits; feed slurry; manure; water – fresh

and recycle; feed ingredients– Survive in cold conditions– Survivability in pits can be time

dependent– PEDV + PCR found at 4 & 6 months– PEDV bioassay only + for 4 month

Key Messages• PEDV survives for extended time

in various substances = clean/disinfect for best control

• For pit/manure management:– Work at farms with longest time

since infection first, and farms most recently infected last

• Communication x 10 with all parties involved!!

Transportation - What have we learned?

Transportation management is critical!!!

•Certain procedures for trucks can kill the virus:

– 160˚F for 10 minutes kills PEDV– 68˚F for 7 days kills PEDV– Clean, disinfect and heat (see above)

can kill PEDV and other pathogens! • Quaternary ammonium/gluteraldehyde• Accel – hydrogen peroxide mix• Others… (bleach; phenolics etc.)

Key Messages• Prevent contamination as much as possible.

– Create a “Line of Separation” – Keep clean and dirty equipment separate– Avoid contamination of high risk areas

• Focus on removal of organic material for effective cleaning and disinfection.

• Recently infected farms = higher risk than farms with longer time after initial infection.– HIGH virus load in environment around the farm– Biosecurity and sanitation of equipment is critical

Identify the “Line of Separation”

Examples of the Line of Separation


PED Transportation Guidelines

Feed/Feed Systems - What have we learned?

Feed management– Takes a very small amount of

virus to infect pigs!– Some potential products can

help to eliminate virus in feed• Formaldehyde based; medium

chain fatty acids; essential oils

– Assessment of pelleting and heat treatment may be effective for point-in-time virus control

Immunity - What have we learned?

Immunity to the virus•We now have many different diagnostic tools to detect PEDV:

– Can detect the virus (PCR)– Can detect exposure to the virus (ELISA or IFA)– Can evaluate the level of immunity to the virus


•Basics of immunity:– Gut immunity is needed for protection– Piglets need to consume milk to be protected

against PEDV– The response to PEDV can vary by sow and so can

protection passed to piglets

Immunity - What have we learned?Immunity to the virus•Sows do respond to feedback and develop antibodies

– Oral exposure is best but exposure also causes clinical illness

– Vaccines can help, but killed products may not have enough foreign protein to stimulate immunity

•Sow immunity:– Immunity has been seen for at least 6-7

months– Work being done on cross-protection and

some degree of protection may be happening

– Will use results of these studies for continuation of work for 2015*

Communication of Research Results • Provide producers with “real-time” results

• Created a PEDV-specific site for all information

• Research updates available bi-weekly until project completion ; See www.pork.org/PEDV for biweekly updates

This message funded by America’s Pork Checkoff Program.

• Questions?

[email protected]

• 515-223-2791