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Dr. Elchuris Explanation of Mudras for Healing-part-3Posted by administrator 20 Jul 2011 No Comments

Linga Mudra This Mudra is done by encircling all the fingers and keeping the inner thumb upright.This can be done for 15 minutes a day.It can be done 2-3 times a day but one has to be aware of the heat it generates . Benefits of linga mudra:1. This is very useful for coughs and colds . 2. It slowly removes the unwanted phelgm in the body. 3. Also helps to reduce weight. 4. Increases the heat in the body.

Varuna Mudra helps in maintaining the water balance in the body.The tip of the little finger is bought to the tip of the thumb and the other fingers are straight. Regular practice of this mudra has many beneficial effects.1. It enhances beauty. 2. It strengthens the body. 3. Reduces the weakness in the body. 4. It is good for colds,coughs,congestion and low B.P. 5. It increases the lustre of the skin and prevents skin diseases and dryness.

Dr. Elchuri Explanation of Mudras for healing-part -5Posted by administrator 20 Jul 2011 No Comments

Prithvi Mudra The tip of the ring finger is brought to the tip of the thumb. Benefits of this mudra:1. Makes the skin glow. 2. Makes a person enthusiastic and positive minded.

Anjali Mudra or the Namaskaram pose This Namaskar pose where the palms are pressed against each other lightly to greet others or to pray is a Mudra. This reduces the stress and anxiety levels in a person and also brings one to a meditative state. This form of greeting is always better than the handshake as there is no transference of germs of any negative unwanted vibrations from the other person.

Vaayu Mudra This mudra is practiced for removing the excess and harmful wind in the body.

It is useful for many diseases.The index finger is pressed on the base of the thumb and the thumb is pressed over the index finger.The other fingers are kept straight. This must be practiced for 15 minutes twice or thrice daily and must be stopped once the symptoms disappear. Benefits:1. This immediately removes problems from excess gas in the stomach,bloated feeling and flatulence and constipation. 2. This is a very good mudra for reducing knee pains and joint pains. 3. It is also good for peple who are suffering from vata pains . 4. This mudra benefits people who are anxious all the time about little things,nervousness,it improves the mental strength,sleeplessness,head spinning. 5. It works well even for back pain if it is out of vata dosha and also for people who are suffering from pains due to decrease in the synovial fluid( which lubricates the joints), and for creaking noises of bones. 6. This also normalises the working of the ear to a certain extent. 7. This reduces the involuntary twitching of the eyelids 8. It also reduces hiccoughs 9. It also helps and makes the skin normal if it is very flaky and dry. 10. This also works well for chipping of nails due to vata doshas and brittle hair

Dr. Elchuri Explanation of Mudras for healing-part -4Posted by administrator 20 Jul 2011 No Comments

Shunya Mudra The middle finger is pressed down with he first phalange of the thumb.The other fingers are kept upright.It must be done with both hands.It is very good for curing ear problems.An ear ache is relieved in 5 minutes after performing this Mudra.

Dr. Elchuris Explaination of Mudras for healing-Part 2Posted by administrator 20 Jul 2011 No Comments

Gyan Mudra The index finger touches the tip of the thumb and the other fingers are kept straight.Can be done for 10 minutes. Benefits of Gyan Mudra: Improves the clarity of mind and concentration. Improves memory. Useful for people who sleep more or people who suffer from lack of sleep.That is regulates it the energy flow which helps people with drowsiness or insomnia. Helps control anger

Active Gyan Mudra This is a different version of the gyan mudra used for some pranayams and breathing exercises where the thumb is over the nail of the index finger

Surya Mudra The ring finger is pressed down with the thumb and the other fingers are upright. Benefits of Surya Mudra:1. Regular practice of this mudra helps in reducing weight. 2. It is very good for curing thyroid related disorders. 3. Keeps the mind calm 4. Promotes digestion. 5. Reduces laziness

Can be practised for 5-15 minutes a day.

Dr. Elchuris Explaination of Mudras for healing-Part 2Posted by administrator 20 Jul 2011 No Comments

Gyan Mudra The index finger touches the tip of the thumb and the other fingers are kept straight.Can be done for 10 minutes. Benefits of Gyan Mudra: Improves the clarity of mind and concentration. Improves memory. Useful for people who sleep more or people who suffer from lack of sleep.That is regulates it the energy flow which helps people with drowsiness or insomnia. Helps control anger

Active Gyan Mudra This is a different version of the gyan mudra used for some pranayams and breathing exercises where the thumb is over the nail of the index finger

r. Elchuris Explaination of Mudras for healing-Part 1Posted by administrator 20 Jul 2011 No Comments

Mudras are various strategically planned positioning and pressing of the fingers used for healing ,meditation and concentration.It is also called the Hand yoga or the Mudras. The mudras heal and harmonise the body and the toxins can be removed. There is a lot of description about this hand posture yoga in the Hatha Yoga. These hand mudras are also practised in Buddhism. This is a complementary healing technique which stimulates the necessary glands to promote healing. Ideally they have to be practised in the mornings on an empty stomach .The person must be seated in the padmasana pose or the sukhasana and the mind must be kept calm and the yoga must be done with both the hands .But it can also be done anytime in the day in sitting or standing pose when the need arises. The fingers should be relaxed and firm and excess pressure should not be used.