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Attitude is a EVERYTHING Choose a Positive Sales Attitude! Annual Sales Conference May 17, 2007

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Attitude is a EVERYTHINGChoose a Positive Sales Attitude!Annual Sales Conference May 17, 2007

Attitude is Everything.




The American Heritage Dictionary defines ATTITUDE as a

state of mind or feeling with regard to some matter

For me, attitude can be defined as one wordLIFE. It makes an incredible difference in your LIFE. It can be a powerful tool for positive action. It can be a poison that cripples you. It dictates whether youre living life or lifes living you. It determines whether youre



Today, lets discuss how to


Follow the Steps to Greatness


Your attitude reflects YOU. Focus on the POSITIVE. Your Setbacks can be Setups for even greater opportunities.

Be committed to change!

Stop Negative AssumptionsTheyll never buy.They cant afford it.Theyre a pain to work with.Theyre just looking for a good deal.They probably already know what they want.If I ask for referrals, customers will think Im pushy.Theyre cheap.

EVERY Customer Counts!!

Make them Positive...They will buy if I give them what they want.They can afford it, if they want it.They have high standards.They want the best value for their money.I can help them discover what they want.If customers like me and my service, theyll be happy to give referrals!They will spend on things that are valuable to them.


Your choices TODAY impact your successes TOMORROW. Happiness is Yours to create. Build your attitude from the INSIDE out.

Watch what you say to yourself.

The BAGGAGE you carry shapes your attitude. IF-only?; What-now?; What-if? The root causes of bad attitude are-Low Self Esteem, Stress, Fear, Resentment, Anger.

Toss the BAGGAGE and lighten the load.

Buffer Yourself from Toxic NegativityPeople who are:Judges and CriticsProfessional VictimsSoap Opera StarsBitter to the Core

Dont let negativity affect you


Change your attitude with a change in PERSPECTIVE. Give yourself permission to love and forgive.See Failure as an Event.

Dont Take it Personally.

Pick yourself up

Failures Who Made It Big...Harrison Ford was told early in his career by a studio exec that hed never make it as a leading man...he didnt have it.

In high school, Michael Jordan was cut from the basketball team.

Thomas Edison failed 6000 times before the light bulb.

Charles Schwab was dyslexic and almost flunked out of Stanford after failing English twice.

Vanessa Williams was de-crowned Miss. America and has become a an award-winning African-American actress.

Every failure, obstacle or hardship is an opportunity in disguise. Success in many cases is failure turned inside out. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do anything. Replace 'if I can, I hope, maybe' with 'I can, I will, I must.

Mary Kay AshFounder of Mary Kay Cosmetics empire

How do YOU respond to failure?Im such an IDIOT! Ill never try THAT again!What can I learn from this experience?OR

Your attitude is YOUR responsibility Start managing your emotions.

Change your perspective.

YOU determine the value of YOUR life experiences.

Life is 10% what happens to YOU and 90% how YOU respond to it.



You must have VISIONS, GOALS and PLANS to turn attitude into action.

Lack of VISION will make you lose.

Develop a complete GAME PLAN.

BE PREPARED to take action BEFORE a situation occurs. Victory lies on the other side of each challenge



Self-coach through AFFIRMATIONS.I AM somebody. Yes, I CAN.Visualize SUCCESS.

Kick yourself in the _ _ _ !

Count your blessings daily.Get proper rest and exercise.Set aside personal time with family and close friends.Help someone less fortunate. Read and listen to motivational books and tapes.Motivation is not permanent.Reflect on your victories things youve forgotten that were special.Create an upbeat, positive greeting.Motivation


Hang Around Positive People

Build Your OWN A TeamNetwork with like-minded individualsshared values are the foundation.Use your Partnerships!

Real Partnerships

Our tools will help YOU create


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Embrace changeits inevitable.Develop a Whatever-It-Takes attitude. Take your timechange doesnt happen overnight.Keep your long-term goals in mind.


No matter what you do in life, if you have a positive attitude,

youll always be 100%

According to our alphabet system, if you assign a numerical value to each letter (1-26), attitude will equal



Make a difference in the life of someone else and be self-fulfilled. We can all find the time to GIVE BACK. Thank YOU for Selling

Bag-Boy Video

Its tough being in sales today...even tougher if youre running your own business. Typical day...Alarm clock goes off late.Kid needs to go to daycare. Hes having a tantrum.Theres a freeway accident so youre stuck in a jam, while the kid screams in the back seat.You get back to the office...only to find another call from Mrs. Jones. She wants to change her travel again, complain about the price and remind you (for the 20th time) that she cant eat tomatoes and her husband needs foam pillows.You hang up with Mrs. Jones...and you spill coffee all over your desk and notes.You finally sit down to catch up on that big stack of paperwork youve been meaning to get to...when demanding Nancy Smith calls to complain about the service she received from an airline you booked...as if it were your fault.And to kick it all off...your computer crashes.

What do you do? Lots of people would cry, take the rest of the day off, call a friend to blow off some steam, or just simmer angrily all day. What do top salespeople do?...they laugh it off and keep on going. Why? Because they know that attitude is a CHOICE.

Thats what Im here to talk about today, positive sales attitude. For the next 15 minutes, Im asking you to think about these three things:What makes a positive sales attitude?What are the thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back from living up to your personal sales potential?What can you start doing, when you leave here today, to embrace a positive sales attitude...regardless of the obstacles you face every day?Here are some quotes from top-selling authors on attitude and the importance of having a positive outlook.Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book of SellingAlso Jeffrey Gitomer, same book.Keith Harrell book Attitude is Everything.Also Keith Harrell, same book.

Give audience a minute to talk with a partner. Discuss What do these statements mean to you? Why do you think theyre important in sales?

Transition: In life, in running a business and in sales Attitude is Everything. And its a choice. You choose how you respond to things happening around you and what your thoughts influence what happens to you. At Celebrity, we live by the Attitude is Everything philosophy...and want to share it with you!

Here are some quotes from top-selling authors on attitude and the importance of having a positive outlook.Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book of SellingAlso Jeffrey Gitomer, same book.Keith Harrell book Attitude is Everything.Also Keith Harrell, same book.

Give audience a minute to talk with a partner. Discuss What do these statements mean to you? Why do you think theyre important in sales?

Transition: In life, in running a business and in sales Attitude is Everything. And its a choice. You choose how you respond to things happening around you and what your thoughts influence what happens to you. At Celebrity, we live by the Attitude is Everything philosophy...and want to share it with you!

Here are some quotes from top-selling authors on attitude and the importance of having a positive outlook.Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book of SellingAlso Jeffrey Gitomer, same book.Keith Harrell book Attitude is Everything.Also Keith Harrell, same book.

Give audience a minute to talk with a partner. Discuss What do these statements mean to you? Why do you think theyre important in sales?

Transition: In life, in running a business and in sales Attitude is Everything. And its a choice. You choose how you respond to things happening around you and what your thoughts influence what happens to you. At Celebrity, we live by the Attitude is Everything philosophy...and want to share it with you!

Here are some quotes from top-selling authors on attitude and the importance of having a positive outlook.Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book of SellingAlso Jeffrey Gitomer, same book.Keith Harrell book Attitude is Everything.Also Keith Harrell, same book.

Give audience a minute to talk with a partner. Discuss What do these statements mean to you? Why do you think theyre important in sales?

Transition: In life, in running a business and in sales Attitude is Everything. And its a choice. You choose how you respond to things happening around you and what your thoughts influence what happens to you. At Celebrity, we live by the Attitude is Everything philosophy...and want to share it with you!

Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?Ask yourself: What negative assumptions do I make about my customers? About my prospects? About selling?

Dondra: Can we insert a personal story here about negative assumptions you or a salesperson you know has made about a customer...and been wrong?

Key point (transition): Challenge your negative assumptions. Lets see how each of those negative statements can be turned into a positive thought...Look at how we took negative words and turned them into positive talk.

Words like they will instead of they wont are more positive.

Turning phrases like theyre a pain to work with into they have high standards changes the way you look at and interact with high maintenance people.

Challenge the idea that some customers are cheap or cant afford a luxury cruise. Instead, think of it this way. Most people work hard for their money. Theyre careful about how they spend it. But most people are willing to spend on things that they VALUE.

Transition: Lets look at a few examples of this...Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?This list is also from Keith Harrell.

Have fun with this part. Give an example of each (want help with this)?

We all know people like these. Avoid them at all costs. Theyll sap your positive sales attitude quickly!

Give audience a minute. Think about who are the toxic, negative people in your life. How can you create a buffer zone from them?This tip comes from from Jeffrey Gitomers Little Red Book of Selling. Gitomer says: No risk, no failure.

Here are just a few examples of successful people who failed...over and over again.Thomas Edison failed 6,000 times before the light bulb.Donald Trumps had lots of failures before his latest comeback and The Apprentice became popular.Charles Schwab was dyslexic and almost flunked out of Stanford after failing English twice.

You have a choice of how to react when you face failure. You can shut down and beat yourself up

This is a wrap up slide. Quote from Mary Kay Ashe, one of the worlds most successful entrepreneurs. Her she summarizes what makes a positive sales attitude. Look at the key themes.Failure is opportunity.Eliminate negative attitude.Believe you can do anything.Positive talk. Say I can, I will, I must!

Thank you! I want to leave each of you with a challenge...Think of the last failure you had. Examples:Lost a big account.Made a fool of yourself in public.Tried a new sales technique that didnt work.Made a mistake on a booking or servicing an account...and you caught heck for it.

Dondra: Could you share one of your big failures, and explain how you handled it? What messages did you send yourself how did you overcome it and move on (using a positive sales attitude)?Already at this conference, youve probably met them. Theyre positive people. They stand out from the crowd. You remember them. Everyone wants to be around them. Thats because they give off positive energy.

What type of person are you? And who do you surround yourself with? Negative people always see the dark side. Nothing is their fault. Everyone else is to blame. (Give few examples)Sale falls through...the customer is a jerk.Youre late for an appointment...its the traffics fault.Theres a misunderstanding with a customer. Its his fault...he didnt listen. You were perfectly clear.

Positive people shine. They see the positive side of things and always look ahead, not backwards. They accept responsibility and move on.Keith Harrell tells the story of a man who approached him after a speech. He told Keith that he really enjoyed his speech and would use it in his business. Keith asked what he did. The man said, Im a self-made man.

Harrell makes the point that no one makes it alone. He says Sigfried has Roy. Ben has Jerry and Barnes had Noble.

Your A-Team as Harrell calls it is your support network. Positive supporters with positive attitudes who bring you up. Surround yourself with your A Team and be careful who you draft. What should you look for in your A-Team?

Dondra Tell your story about meeting Keith Harrell here? Very inspirational. Sounds like hed be someone on your A-Team.

Pause and ask the group to think for a minute. Who is their A-Team?

Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?Dondra what do you think it should be? What would you like them to walk away and try tomorrow?