dr rachel hawkes leading for the future: taking charge of the 2014 curriculum ssat

Dr Rachel Hawkes Leading for the future: Taking charge of the 2014 curriculum SSAT

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  • Diapositiva 1
  • Dr Rachel Hawkes Leading for the future: Taking charge of the 2014 curriculum SSAT
  • Diapositiva 2
  • Listening listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words Speaking engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help* speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases* present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences* Reading read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary Writing write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly describe people, places, things and actions orally* and in writing Grammar understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, such as (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how these differ from or are similar to English. KS2 Curriculum 2014 Listening listen to a variety of forms of spoken language to obtain information and respond appropriately transcribe words and short sentences that they hear with increasing accuracy Speaking initiate and develop conversations, coping with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, making use of important social conventions such as formal modes of address express and develop ideas clearly and with increasing accuracy, both orally and in writing speak coherently and confidently, with increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation Reading read and show comprehension of original and adapted materials from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose, important ideas and details, and provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material read literary texts in the language, such as stories, songs, poems and letters, to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture Writing write prose using an increasingly wide range of grammar and vocabulary, write creatively to express their own ideas and opinions, and translate short written text accurately into the foreign language. Grammar identify and use tenses or other structures which convey the present, past, and future as appropriate to the language being studied use and manipulate a variety of key grammatical structures and patterns, including voices and moods, as appropriate develop and use a wide-ranging and deepening vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate needs and interests, allowing them to give and justify opinions and take part in discussion about wider issues use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation. KS3 Curriculum 2014
  • Diapositiva 3
  • speaking transcription translation literary texts KS2 + KS3
  • Diapositiva 4
  • explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words transcribe words and short sentences that they hear with increasing accuracy
  • Diapositiva 5
  • araaaraa
  • Diapositiva 6
  • a animal cuatro msms
  • Diapositiva 7
  • speaking transcription translation literary texts KS2 + KS3
  • Diapositiva 8
  • Listening listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words Speaking engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help* speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases* present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences* Reading read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary Writing write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly describe people, places, things and actions orally* and in writing Grammar understand basic grammar appropriate to the language being studied, such as (where relevant): feminine, masculine and neuter forms and the conjugation of high-frequency verbs; key features and patterns of the language; how to apply these, for instance, to build sentences; and how these differ from or are similar to English. Listening listen to a variety of forms of spoken language to obtain information and respond appropriately transcribe words and short sentences that they hear with increasing accuracy Speaking initiate and develop conversations, coping with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, making use of important social conventions such as formal modes of address express and develop ideas clearly and with increasing accuracy, both orally and in writing speak coherently and confidently, with increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation Reading read and show comprehension of original and adapted materials from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose, important ideas and details, and provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material read literary texts in the language, such as stories, songs, poems and letters, to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture Writing write prose using an increasingly wide range of grammar and vocabulary, write creatively to express their own ideas and opinions, and translate short written text accurately into the foreign language. Grammar identify and use tenses or other structures which convey the present, past, and future as appropriate to the language being studied use and manipulate a variety of key grammatical structures and patterns, including voices and moods, as appropriate develop and use a wide-ranging and deepening vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate needs and interests, allowing them to give and justify opinions and take part in discussion about wider issues use accurate grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Diapositiva 9
  • Good / excellent teacher use of TL Pupils willingly participate in activities that require them to use the language to communicate orally and in writing. Teachers routinely use the target language for classroom communication and generally insist on pupils responding in the language. Carefully planned imaginative activities guide and support pupils to communicate enthusiastically both orally and in writing in the target language and secure outstanding progress. Pupils use the language with little prompting for routine classroom communication as well as for specific purposes.
  • Diapositiva 10
  • Outstanding (1) The TL is the dominant means of communication in the lesson and teachers have high expectations of learners use at an appropriate level. As a result, learners seek to use the TL as the normal means of communication when talking to the teacher or informally to each other. Teachers informally monitor and assess spontaneous TL use, keeping track of learners progress in order to ensure their expectations increase as they move through the school. Teachers target language use is monitored by subject leaders and good practice is regularly shared across the department resulting in a high level of consistency. Good (2) Teachers provide a consistently fluent and accurate model of the foreign language for learners to emulate. English is only used where appropriate. Learners occasionally respond to the teacher spontaneously in the TL, but do not seek to use it to communicate with each other. Learners are expected to use the TL with greater fluency as they move through the key stages. Teachers ensure all pupils experience the need to react to unpredictable elements in conversations. Teachers praise and encourage spontaneous use by students when it occurs. There is a high level of consistency in the quality and quantity of TL use across the department, supported by a unified departmental policy. http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/our-expert-knowledge/modern-languages
  • Diapositiva 11
  • teach key language first insist on it consistently build on hubs encourage humour and creativity make links between routine classroom language and curriculum reward spontaneity Student to teacher talk
  • Diapositiva 12
  • trabajar en pareja? escribir? hablar ? entregar los cuadernos? pegarlo? memorizar?
  • Diapositiva 13
  • repetir? hablar ms despacio? dar un ejemplo? leer esto? firmar mi merit? ayudarme? Hola ! Bueno s da s e.j. Me gusta la msica!
  • Diapositiva 14
  • fcil difcil asas fatal aburrido divertido Ha ha ha ! muy bastante poco
  • Diapositiva 15
  • terminado ganado olvidado hecho mis deberes entendido perdido
  • Diapositiva 16
  • todo correcto un problema una idea einen Hund Geburtstag perdidohambre/sed un perro dolor de cabeza
  • Diapositiva 17
  • speaking transcription translation literary texts KS2 + KS3
  • Diapositiva 18
  • Lost in translation? Traducir es la forma ms profunda de leer. --Gabriel Garca Mrquez
  • Diapositiva 19
  • Lost in translation? write prose using an increasingly wide range of grammar and vocabulary, write creatively to express their own ideas and opinions, and translate short written text accurately into the foreign language. read and show comprehension of original and adapted materials from a range of different sources, understanding the purpose, important ideas and details, and provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material.
  • Diapositiva 20
  • Lost in translation? and translate short written text accurately into the foreign language. and provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material.
  • Diapositiva 21
  • Word Lens app - iPhone
  • Diapositiva 22
  • At Heathrow Airport, London, UK: No electric people carrying vehicles past this point. Notice on a broken turnstile at Salzburg, Austria, passport control: Out of work. Sign on a metal-detector scanner in France: People with peace-maker do not pass. Danish airline: We take your bags and send them in all directions. On an airsickness bag on a Spanish aeroplane: Bags to be use in case of sickness or to gather remains. Paris, France: Please leave your values at the front desk.
  • Diapositiva 23
  • What is the message in this poster?
  • Diapositiva 24
  • o Prohibido transitar con vehculos o Prohibido hacer fuego o Prohibido bajar con animales Where might you see this sign?
  • Diapositiva 25
  • Translation can be a spontaneous reaction to FL text with the question What does this mean? the closest reading of a text the exploration of the links between language use and grammar mental agility, memory, linguistic precision a door to intercultural appreciation
  • Diapositiva 26
  • Das ist Banane! Ich bin fix und fertig! Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen. Lieber spt als nie. (aber lieber nie zu spt) Hast du einen Vogel? Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.
  • Diapositiva 27
  • www.tripadvisor.es/Hotel_Review-g664838-d518412-Reviews-Joyuda_Plaza_Hotel-Cabo_Rojo_Puerto_Rico.html
  • Diapositiva 28
  • Desagradable Bueno, cuando yo entr a mi habitacin, las sbanas estaban sucias, l piso del bao estba inundado. Adems no haba papel higinico, y el televisor era de hace 30 aos. No pude dormir porque haba gente borracha gritando y hablando... Nooooooooooooo! La habitacin era fea y la cama estaba fatal. Las habitaciones no tenan ventanas. La piscina estaba sucia. Los empleados no era agradables. En fin, no lo recomiendo! un lugar horrible! Este hotel es absolutamente horroroso! Las habitaciones eran muy pequeas y mal diseadas. Las sbanas estaban muy sucias e incluso tenan manchas. Las camas eran tan incmodas que no pudimos dormir.... un lugar horrible! De verdad, la limpieza es psima, En la cama haba incluso cucarachitas. No haba agua caliente en el bao. El personal no era nada servicial. Joyuda Plaza Hotel, Puerto Rico A B C D
  • Diapositiva 29
  • ABCD 1 The room was ugly. 2 This hotel is absolutely horrible. 3 The bathroom floor was flooded. 4 The pool was dirty. 5 The sheets were dirty. 6. The sheets were dirty and even had stains! 7 There was no hot water in the bathroom. 8. There was no toilet paper 9 The staff were not nice. 10 The rooms were very small and badly designed. 11 There were even little cockroaches in the bed. 12 The tv was 30 years old. 13 The beds were so uncomfortable that we couldnt sleep. 14 The staff were not at all helpful. 15 I couldnt sleep because there were drunk people shouting and talking
  • Diapositiva 30
  • Ich zeig dir jetzt mal wie man einen Oreokeks isst. Zuerst drehst du ihn auf. Und leckst du ihn ab. Dann tauchst du ihn ein. Mmm! Mama sagt, dass Hunde keine Kekse essen sollen, also muss ich deinen auch noch essen. Mach dir nichts draus, Charlie
  • Diapositiva 31
  • Translation into the FL
  • Diapositiva 32
  • Direct translation - adapted
  • Diapositiva 33
  • 1 ___ ___ gusta viajar en avin porque _________ me hace vomitar y adems es _________ ____________. 2 _________ ___ ______ __________viajar en autocar, ____ _____ _______ e incmodo, as que _________ el tren. 3 Para m lo ______es el ________ porque es _____ rpido y es __________emocionante. 1 I dont _______ _________ ___ ______ _______ sometimes it makes me sick and whats more its very uncomfortable. 2 Although its cheaper ______ ____ _______, it is very boring _______ and uncomfortable, _____ I prefer the train. 3 _____ _____ ____ best is the plane because its very ______ and quite ____________. Parallel translation - adapted
  • Diapositiva 34
  • Qu experiencia tienes del mundo laboral? Dnde hiciste tus prcticas? Cunto tiempo duraron las prcticas? Cmo ibas a tu lugar de trabajo? Te gustaron las prcticas? What did you do? Where? When? How long? How get there? Start / finish? Good / bad? People? Bridging the gap - adapted
  • Diapositiva 35
  • Writing / Composition strategies Re-combining set phrases Re-structuring set phrases Generating via translation word for word Avoiding (say something different) Simplifying ideas to fit own repertoire
  • Diapositiva 36
  • speaking transcription translation literary texts KS2 + KS3
  • Diapositiva 37
  • read literary texts in the language, such as stories, songs, poems and letters, to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture
  • Diapositiva 38
  • Kanne Als der Mann ins Zimmer kam, sagte die Teekanne gerade zur Teetasse: Schnes Wetter heute. Oh, rief der Mann, meine Teekanne redet? Oh, rief die Teekanne, mein Mann redet?
  • Diapositiva 39
  • Donnerstag Wir sind heute mit dem Schulbus an Omas Haus vorbeigefahren. Irgendjemand hat es gestern Nacht in Klopapier eingewickelt, was mich nicht wirklich gewundert hat. Irgendwie tut es mir Leid, denn es wird sicher ganz schn lange dauern, das alles aufzurumen. Andererseits hat Oma als Rentnerin heute bestimmt eh nichts vorgehabt.
  • Diapositiva 40
  • Liebe Kitty! Gestern hatte Peter Geburtstag. Er hat h bsche Geschenke, unter anderen ein schnes Spiel, einen Rasierapparat und einen Zigarettenanznder bekommen, weniger weil er raucht, sondern weil es schick ist. Die grte berraschung brachte Herr v. Daan mit der Nachricht, dass die Englnder in Tunis, Casablanca, Algier und Oran gelandet wren. Das ist der Anfang vom Ende, sagten alle. Aber Churchill, der englische Premier, der diese Meinung in England wohl auch viel gehrt hat, sagte in einer Rede: Diese Landung ist eine sehr wichtige Etappe, aber niemand soll glauben, dass sie den Anfang vom Ende darstellt. Ich mchte eher sagen, dass sie das Ende vom Anfang ist. Montag, 9.November 1942
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  • Diapositiva 42
  • Cuentos r a s e u n a v e z 1 narrar un cuento practicar estrategias para memorizar
  • Diapositiva 43
  • Cuenta cuentos Cuenta un cuento, cuenta dos de Caperucita y el lobo feroz. Cuenta tres, cuenta cuatro de las botas que tena un gato. Cuenta cinco, cuenta seis sobre los trajes de un rey. Cuenta siete, cuenta ocho de la nariz de Pinocho. Cuenta nueve, cuenta diez y cuntalos otra vez. Cuntos cuentos hay? Identifcalos. Pon las imgenes en el rden correcto.
  • Diapositiva 44
  • Diapositiva 45
  • Vine por tus ojos - dijo- por tu mirada, por tu sonrisa. Te vi una vez en esta fotografa antigua, y con eso, tuve para enamorarme. He viajado 80 aos en el pasado para conocerte, para tenerte y para cambiar tu trgico destino Cuentos de 50 palabras
  • Diapositiva 46
  • Con una mquina del tiempo, adnde viajaras?, con quin te encontraras?, qu haras?
  • Diapositiva 47
  • Diapositiva 48
  • El Viernes Te Olvido Yo Allison Iraheta Lunes, martes puro amor Para mircoles dolor Me mentas sin piedad Me escondas la verdad Que tonta fui, te cre Oh-oh-oh, perdida en ti Tarde es para tu perdn Oh-oh-oh, adis me voy Qu escondes? Qu sientes? Quin eres si no estoy? No quiero sufrirte No aguanto tu traicin Me tuviste, me olvidaste Oh-oh-oh, se termin Me tuviste, me olvidaste Y el viernes te olvido yo No no ya no llorar Ve con ella lrgate La noche de ayer, se acab Y el viernes te olvido yo
  • Diapositiva 49
  • Allison Iraheta naci abril, 27, 1992. Ella es salvadorea norteamericana.Su familia se movi de El Salvador a Estados Unidos antes de que ella naciera. Allison comenz a cantar desde los cinco aos de edad. Pero ella queria audicionar para Amarican Idol desde que tenia nueve aos de edad. Cundo Allison tenia 14 ella compiti en Telemundo (un canal en espaol de una cadena de televisin) el programa se llamaba Quinceaera y era una competencia de talento para chicas de 14 y 15 aos de edad. Allison gan la competencia, $50.000 y un contrato de grabacin. Pero Allison no firm el contrato de grabacin porque ella quera hacer la audicin para American Idol cuando ella cumplio los 16. En aquel momento de las audiciones para American Idol en 2008 Allison viva en Los Angeles, California. En 2008 Allison audicion en San Francisco California. Ella lleg a ser de los cantantes ms jvenes. Logr entrar entrar entre los 10 primeros. Fue eliminada el 6 de mayo, 2009 terminanando en la 4ta pocisin. Sus influencias musicales son Pink, Beck, Katy Perry, Mariah Carey y Heart. Dice que si podra volver a hacer no cambiaria ningn momento de su vida.
  • Diapositiva 50
  • speaking transcription translation literary texts KS2 + KS3
  • Diapositiva 51
  • Audentis Fortuna iuvat!
  • Diapositiva 52
  • Dr Rachel Hawkes Leading for the future: Taking charge of the 2014 curriculum SSAT