
Research Proposal by Noor Hasmida Binti Mohd Khair 2013895956 Title: To study the use of ICT in Teaching Visual Arts & Design CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Background of Study

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the use of ICT in teaching visual arts and design


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Research Proposalby Noor Hasmida Binti Mohd Khair


Title:To study the use of ICT in Teaching Visual Arts &


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1.1 Background of Study

ICT is the short form of Information and Communications Technologies. ICT are

covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information

electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers, digital television, email,

robots, softwares. In the age of globalization, the use of ICT more quickly spread. It become

important thing to everybody have. It make our interaction with other more easy and fast, to

access information also easy and fast, to spread something news also easy and fast, to

create something cool and great also easy and fast, to find old friend also fast, to sell

something also easy and etc. In one word, ICT is easy. ICT also become popular culture


In this study is to find out the use of ICT in teaching visual arts and design. I believe

and based on other research, ICT really useful in teaching visual arts and design nowadays.

ICT have a lot of advantages that can improve the process of teaching in visual arts and

design. The outcomes from that, it will reduce fews problems among students. We as

educator of visual arts and design should find the ways that can change perception of

student to visual art and design subject.

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1.2 Statement of Problem

At institutions whether lower or higher, subject visual arts and design always gets

negative response from their students. Most of the responses come from the students who

are not interested in learning visual arts subject. Impact of this, students intentionally not

bring the material to used during visual arts and design classes, so they no need to

participate in class and more worse than that, they willing to skip class. Many causes make

this happen.

Firstly because them lack of information about career in the future. They do not know

what the career in their future. It make them think learning visual art only wasting their time.

They more prefer to give full attention to subjects that can secure their future. Like

mathematics, science and english language.

Besides that, students think visual art and design not an important subject. They feel

it just additional subject. If interested, they can learns, if not, it’s ok. Nothing will effect on

their result. Effect from this perception make more students think visual and design subject

not an important subject.

Others than that students have lack of skills in visual art and design. Lack of skill

make them feel hard to produce a good artwork. If the basic skill like skecthes they do not

know, it will make the students feel more bad. That make them give negative response about

visual art and design.

To avoid this negative response happen, This study will find out the use of ICT

teaching visual art and design. Hopefully the find out can help in decrease the negative

response from students.

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1.3 Research Objective

The purpose of this study is to find the use of ICT in teaching visual arts and design. Thus

the objective of study are to :

i. To motivate students in learning visual arts and design

ii. To improve the quality of students artwork

iii. To enhance the level of teaching and learning

1.4 Research Questions

i. How to motivate students in learning visual arts and design by using ICT in teaching?

ii. How ICT can improve the qualities of students artwork?

iii. Does ICT can enhance the level of teaching visual arts and design at institutions?

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1.5 Operational Definitions

ICT is an acronym that stands for Information Communications Tecnology. However,

Because the concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on

an almost daily basis. Its difficult to keep up with the changes .It happen so fast. A good way

to think about ICT is to consider all the uses of digital technology that already exist to help

individuals, businesses and organisations use information. ICT covers any product that will

store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For

example, personal computers, digital television, email, robots. ( Riley, 2012

1.7 Significance of the Study

The significant of this study is to find out how ICT can help us motivating students to learns

visual art and design. Every student have difference personalities, it become challenges to

create a solution that can motivate all the students itself want to learn. In learning visual arts,

first thing need to have is interest. The interest can automatically turn students attitude to

learn more hard.

Next is to increase the qualities of students artwork. This study also to find out how ICT can

increase the qualities of students artwork. When quality of the student more good from time

to time, it will increase their passion in exploring visual art and design study. Such as in

creating new effect in photography artwork. If not the artwork quality of students still at the

same level even they had study more than few years.

Thirdly is to enhance the level of teaching visual arts and design at institutions. When the

level of teaching increase ,it will make the result of learning process more better than before.

The artworks of students more qualities, the participate of student in class more actively and

more important is the positive thinking about visual art and design will come out slowly, day

by day and at the end our visual art and design study will be same level with international


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Literature Review

2.0 Introduction

This study is to find the use of ICT in teaching visual arts and design. Here, there are fews

studies that show the use of ICT in education. From the studies, we can know the use of ICT

that we can used as reference in teaching visual arts and design. Others than that, we can

know the right ways to achieve the objectives of this study. It is motivate students in learning

visual arts and design, to improve the qualities of students artwork and lastly to enhance the

level of teaching visual arts and design at institutions.

2.1 Teaching Using ICT

There are fews previous study that can be as references. It shows how the use of ICT in

teaching fews subjects at school. It is using ICT in teaching visual arts, english language

and mathematics. There are also study that related in use of ICT in teaching visual arts and


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Research Methodology

3.0 Introduction

This chapter explains the research design of this study, the method of data

collection, the population as well as the sample of this study and the data analysis of the

data. The data that has been analyzed will then be presented in the next chapter.

3.1 Research Design

The aim of this study is to know the use of ICT in teaching visual arts and design.

The methodology used in this study is using qualitative and quantitative research.

3.2 Population and Sampling

The major target population of this study is students form 4 and from 5 from Sekolah

Menengah Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, Seksyen 2 Shah Alam, Selangor . The major purpose of

this population is them less practise learning visual art using ICT. In higher institutions, ICT

had been use in the teaching process. Then, if ICT can attract them to study visual art at

school, big potential that them will choose art and design study in higher education.

3.3 Instrumentation

3.3.1 Questionnaire

First instrumen to collect data is using questionnaire. In the questionnaire contains

questions about opinion students about use of ICT in their daily life and use of ICT in learning

visual art and design.

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3.3.2 Interview

Second instrumen to collect data is using interview. The interview based on their

opinion to ICT.

3.3.3 Observation

Third instrumen to collect data is using observation. From the observation, we can

see the effectiveness use of ICT in teaching visual arts and design.