draft citizen complaints and compliments management … patrick... · in his book tilted: who says...

Draft Citizen Complaints and Compliments Management Framework NSDOT Steering Committee 26 March 2013

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Draft Citizen Complaints and Compliments Management


NSDOT Steering Committee

26 March 2013

Presentation Outline

Context and Immediate Priorities Background Key areas covered by the framework Purpose Problem statement Definition of a complaint Basic principles Objectives for managing complaints

Legislative framework Key proposals of the framework Conclusion


Context (1): National Development Plan Steps to strengthen delegation, accountability

and oversight Encourage greater and more consistent delegation

supported by effective systems of support and oversight Ensure all service-delivery points provide clear

information on where citizens can go and who they can talk to if they are dissatisfied

Require frontline staff to wear name tags to make it easier for citizens to provide feedback on the standard of service they receive

Strengthen the oversight role of Parliament and provincial legislatures


Context (2): State of the Nation Address 2012 Commitments Nature of Commitment 35. Promote and defend our Constitution

Phrasing of commitment “... All government departments at all levels must

work closely with communities and ensure that all concerns are attended to before they escalate”

Lead department – DPSA with support and participation of all government departments

Complaints and Compliments Management is now one of the MPSA priorities for 2013/15


Context (3): Presidency Monitoringand Evaluation DPME and OTPs - Frontline Service Delivery

Monitoring (FSDM) Programme (Unannounced Visits to Selected Sits): Summary of findings from 2012 visits Complaints and Compliments Systems as a

Performance Area – Average Satisfaction Score= 28% Key Challenge: There is a general lack of responsiveness to

citizens who have logged their concerns in the complaints and compliment management system provided at facilities

Recommendation: There is a need to intensify the efforts of improving, in particular, complaints and compliments management, as well as cleanliness and comfort.


Context (4) Former IBM CEO Louis V. Gerstner

In his book tilted: Who says Elephants Can’t Dance – Inside IBM’s Historic Turnaround

He says: I’ve had a sign in my office for many years. It says: There are four kinds of people: Those who make things happen Those to whom things happen Those who watch things happen Those who don’t even know things are happening

If these people were departments, where would you place your department?


Background (1)

The development of the citizen strategy framework is part of the SDOT Conceptual Framework under the focus area of Change Management and Batho Pele

The preliminary concept document on the framework was drafted in October/November 2010 for consultation/ testing of the ideas with the Presidential Hotline management as well as the management in the Public Protector’s Office to ensure a closer working relationship with these stakeholders when the framework is implemented


Background (2)

The first draft framework was piloted at Limpopo Dept of Education in 2011with a view to: Testing the draft framework against what is the current

practice in the Department of Education Establishing whether the department has a policy/

system for managing complaints Determining the gap, if any, and engage the

department as to what is feasible on the ground Reaching consensus on what would work Partnering with the department in developing/ refining

their policy and review the DPSA draft


Background (3) Presentation to DPSA Manco took place on 28

May 2012 where it was resolved that: The draft framework should follow the normal process

to the G & A structures Presentation to G&A Cluster took place on 14

June 2012 where it was noted inter alia: That once approved by the MPSA, the framework

would be issued to departments to establish their complaints management systems

Submission for the MPSA approval of the revised framework, incorporating all inputs currently being processed within DPSA


Key areas of the framework (1)

Purpose The framework seeks to provide a uniform approach to

complaints management in the public service It aims to provide guidance on how to develop an effective

complaints system and sets standards that should be used to judge whether existing complaint management systems are adequate

It also lays down procedures and principles to be followed by departments when developing a complaints management system and the manner in which the actual complaints lodged can be handled


Key areas of the framework (2)

Problem Statement The DPSA has previously embarked on a number of

initiatives geared towards giving practical meaning to the eight (8) Batho Pele principles. One of such initiatives was the development of a Batho Pele Handbook – A Service Delivery Improvement Guide which aims at empowering managers

However, since the publication of the Batho Pele Handbook there have been significant changes in government. One of the key change interventions in government was the introduction of the Presidential Hotline


Key areas of the framework (3)

Definition of a complaint A complaint can generally be defined as an expression of

dissatisfaction, however made, about the service, action or lack of action by the agency or its staff affecting an individual client or group of clients

In the context of the Public Service, a complaint would typically entail an expression of dissatisfaction by a citizen or a group of citizens about the level of service or lack thereof by a department or departments which, in the opinion of a complainant, requires resolution and redress


Key areas of the framework (4)

Definition of a complaint Such a complaint may be lodged in a variety of ways

through mechanisms/ platforms such as: Through a walk in by the complainant Through a telephone to a call centre or office Fax to a call centre or office Per letter or e-mail to the call centre or office Through a web based complaints lodging system Through a Short Message System (SMS)

Conversely, the citizens should be encouraged to give credit where credit is due, in the form of a compliment (which is basically a statement of praise or approval) to departments/public servants, through the use of the same platforms/mechanisms outlined above


Key areas of the framework (5) Objectives of the system

To provide a procedure for departments and citizens for the lodging and resolution of complaints

To improve service delivery, transparency and accountability

To ensure that departments provide effective, timely, low-cost and accessible system for resolving citizen complaints

To provide redress where it is found that a citizen has been unfairly treated

To ensure that action is taken to prevent a recurrence of identified problems

To ensure good governance by the Public Service 14

Key areas of the framework (6)

General reasons why people complain Poor communication and insufficient information Inappropriate policies and unclear procedures Language barriers Lack of service delivery according to the

expected standards Lack of training of staff dealing with complaints


Key areas of the framework (7)

Basic principles for managing complaints Accessibility Speed Fairness Confidentiality Responsiveness Review Training


Legislative framework (1)

Public Service Regulations, 2001 provide that: An executive authority shall establish and sustain a

service delivery improvement programme (SDIP) for her or his department

One of the elements of the service delivery improvement programme (as per the regulations) is that the SDIP should:

Stipulate a system or mechanisms for (managing) complaints


Legislative framework (2)

To assist line departments in developing their complaints management systems, this enabling framework proposes that: An executive authority shall develop a Citizen

Complaints and Compliments Management System linked to contact centres in each demarcated boundary based on policy guidelines for all service oriented departments.

Such a system shall form part of the Service Delivery Improvement Programme as envisaged in the Public Service Regulations, 2001


Key Proposals of the framework

That departments should have a system on managing complaints consisting of the: Three stages for the resolution of complaints

Proposed timeline of 25 working days If a department needs more time resolve a complaint, the

onus is on the department to write to the complainant and explain why more time is needed

After this timeline has been exhausted the citizen is entitled to independent review from e.g.: The Public Protector or any statutory institution that has

jurisdiction over the complaint


Batho Pele Gateway Number086 042 8392

