draft psalter 08

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  • 8/13/2019 Draft Psalter 08



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    AdventSunday &Feast-day Matins


    On Sundays &feasts of ix lessons (but not the Conceptionof St. Mary on Dec. 8), the following ant. is sung at Matins:

    BczzzbbfcbbbbbFgcbbbbGhczzzz\zFgzHjcbhctfb,vv[vvhczzzkcb\zjcbbbbkcbbbjcThe An-gel | Ga-bri-el was sent to Ma-ry,

    BchckcJ.kb>/vv{zzzzzhczzzzztfczGhczjcbhb.cbbgb,c}vva vir-gin es-pous-ed to Jo-seph. Priest:

    = There shall come forth a rod out of the root ofJesse. +And a flower shall rise up out of Hisroot. Priest: Let us pray. Collect:

    O God, Whose will it was that Thy Word takeflesh in the womb of blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, at the tidings of an Angel: grant Thy

    suppliants that we who believe she is truly the

    Birthgiver of God may be aided by her inter-

    cessions before Thee.44444 Through the same Christ

    our Lord. +Amen.

    AdventSunday &Festal Vespers


    Sundays &feasts of ix lessons (except St. Marys Concep-tion),&on the evening of Dec. 16, this ant. at First Vespers:

    \czzzzzzfczzzzzAsczzzzzzzzzzzzzShz7chb.vb[vb6z%$cGhczzzhb.vvbbbbbb[vvbbbbhcbbbbbbbgcbbbbbfvvbbbbRe-joice, | Ma-ry, full of grace, the Lord is

    \czzzzzzzgb,czzzzzzsbmc{vvzgczzzzzygczfczzzDfczbbbgcbbbbbrdcbbbbbbbwacbbbbbbbDfvvbbbbbbbwith thee. Bles-sed art thou a-mong wo-men,

    \czzzgcrdcsbmcsbmc}vval- le- lu- ya.

    Sundays &feasts of ix lessons (except St. Marys Concep-tion), this ant. at 2nd Vespers:


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    S A R U M

    Let us pray.

    W E beseech Thee, O Lord, to purify ourconsciences by visiting them: that whenJesus Christ Thy Son cometh with all the Saints,

    N.,N., etc.,1

    He may find in us a dwelling-placeprepared for Him.44444 Through the same Christ our

    Lord. +Amen.

    AdventFerial Vespers

    On all ferias &feasts of iii lessons, up to the eve of Nativity,but not on Dec. 16 in the evening, these comm.s are said.



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    =, +, &Collect as above for the festal Comm.


    The comm. is the same as during the summer, p. 205.

    Circumcision to PurificationVespers


    BczzzzzzzzzzzescczzgczzzzzzzzzzzzHkczzzzzzzkb/vvbbb[vvbjcbgcbbbbJkcbbbhctfcgvvbWhen Thou wast born | in-ex-pres-si-bly of

    BczzGhc5z$#cdbmvv[vvzzgczzzzbhczbbbbzbbjczzbbbzzzzzkcbbbbbbbbbb6z%$cbbbgghcdmcbbbbbthe Vir-gin, then the scrip-tures were ful-fil-

    Bczzdbmvvb{vvzzzgczzzzzzzzzHkczzzzzzzzzzjczzzzzzzzzklkb/vvb[vvjczzzzzzzkcbbbbhcbbbygcled: Thou didst come down like rain up-on

    BcJkcvzzhb.vvb[vvvzzzzhczzzzzzkczzzzzjczzkcbbbugcvzzzzbhctfcgcbbghgvvbbba fleece, bring-ing sal-va-tion un-to all man-

    Bczzzdbmvv{vvbbbbbHkcbbgztfcbbbbbbbbbbSfcbbbbbbbzzbbbbzGhcbbbbbbbbbbbgcbrdcbbbdbmc}vvkind. We give Thee praise, O our God.

    = Comely art thou in beauty, more than the sons ofmen.

    + Grace hath been poured forth on thy lips.

    Let us pray.

    O God, Who by the fruitful virginity of blessedMary hast bestowed the prize of eternalsalvation upon the human race: grant us, we be-

    seech Thee, to understand how much she

    intercedeth for us through whom we have been

    counted worthy to receive the Author of life, our

    Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son. 44444 Who liveth andreigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

    God through all the ages of ages. Amen.


    \czzzzzzzzsczzzzzzzzzDfczzzgczzzgczzzzzzzgczzzzzzzz5z$@zbdzFgcrdcbdbmvvbbbbbb[vvvvsvvbbbbWe have re-cog-nised | in the bush which

    \czzzzzDfczzzzgczzzzzgczzzzzgczzzzzzzzzfczzzzzzzzGhczzzzzdbmczzzzzdbmvvb[vvShz7cvMo-ses saw pre-served un-burn-ing thy

    \czzzzzzzzbbbhczzzzzzzzygczzhcbbbbtfczzzgctfcdbmvv{vv6z%$cbgcrdcsbmvvvvpraise-wor-thy vir-gi-ni- ty. O The- o- t-\czzzzsbmvv[vvfcgcvzbhczzztfczzzzzzgczgzgcbdbmbbbbbbbb}vv

    kos, in-ter-cede in our be-half.

    =, +, &Collect as above for the festal Vespers Comm.


    The comm. is the same as during the summer, p. 206.

    Purification to Ash Wed.

    At Matins&at Vespers from the morrow after Purificationtill Shrove Tues., there are comm.s of St. Mary &of AllSaints on all ferias or feasts of iii lessons. These comm.s are

    identical to those done in the summer, pp. 205-207.

    Ash Wed. to Holy Wed.Matins

    On all ferias, the seasonal comm. is of the Penitents.


    XczzdbcbD$cvzzzfczzzfcfczfb,vvb[vvzzzzfczzzzhczzzzzrdczzzzzzzfb,vv[vvBe con-vert-ed to Me | with all your heart,

    XcD$chjhcbhb.vbb[vvbbbhcbJ*cbb8z&^zjvvbbbfb,vbbbbb[vvbbjczzhczzzztfvvvvvin fast-ing and in weep-ing and in mourn-

    XcbbGhczzbbbzzzzjcbbbbbbbbygcbbbbbbfb,c}vving, saith the Lord.

    = We have sinned with our fathers.+ We have done iniquity; we have done

    unrighteousness. Priest: Let us pray.

    H earken, O Lord, we beseech Thee, to theprayers of Thy humble servants, and sparetheir sins who confess to Thee: that Thou mayest

    bestow graciously on us forgiveness and peace

    together. 44444 Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    or, ant. The

    root of Jes-

    se, p. 200.

    44444 Commemorations44444

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    S A R U M

    Ash Wed. to Holy Wed.Vespers

    On all ferias, the seasonal comm. is of the Penitents.


    Xczzzzzyfczzzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzhb.vvb[vbbvGhcvzzjczzzzzzzuhcvzbbbgcvhczzzzbbzfvvvvvWho know-eth | but God will re-turn andXczDfczzfb,vvbb{vvzdcbzzzzzzzzFhczbbbhcbbbhcbbbbbbbbfcbbbbuhcbbbbgb,cbbbbbbbbbg,vbbbbbbb}bbbbbb

    for-give, and leave a bles-sing be-hind Him?

    = O Lord, deal not with us according to ouriniquities.

    + Neither reward us according to our sins.

    .Let us pray. Collect as at Matins, foot of p. 201.

    PaschaltideSun. Matins

    All Sundays from the Oct. of Pascha to Ascension:


    VczzzzzzzdczzzzDhcbfcbfcbdcbbbbfcbescbbbbbbbDfcbbbbbbbdbmvvbb[vvbbdcbbbbbbfvvvvAnd ve-ry ear-ly | in the morn-ing, the first

    VcbescDfcbbfcbbbbbbbbdbmvvbbbbbb[vvbbbGhcbbbzzzzzzzjczzzzzbfcbFjcbbbbhcbbbhvvvday of the week, they come to the se-pul-Vczzzzhb.vvb{vvbhcbhzhcbfcbbbbhcbbzzzzfcbbbbbrdcscbDfcfcdbmcdbmvbb}bbbchre, the sun be-ing now ris-en, al- le- lu- ya.

    = The Lord is risen indeed.+And hath appearedto Simon, alleluya. Priest: Let us pray.

    O God Who by Thine only-begotten Son didstopen wide for us the door to eternal life thisday, when death was destructed: the prayers which

    Thou dost breathe into us, leading us, do Thou also

    bring to fruition, helping us.44444 Through Christ our

    Lord. Amen.

    PaschaltideSun. Vespers

    All Sundays from the Oct. of Pascha to Ascension:

    1STVESPERSCOMM. OFTHERESURRECTIONThere is none, besides the appointed Procession.


    VczzzzzzzdcbbbbbbbDfzyfcbbhb.vvbbbbb[vvbbbbbGhczzzzzJkczzzzzjczzzzzzzygczzzzzzdvvzzzbbbfvvbbbbAnd look-ing, | they saw the stone roll-ed

    Vcbzzzzdbmvvb{vvbbdcgcbbDfczzzfczdczzzzAsczzzzzbdcbescbabncbabnbbbbbbbbbb}vbbbbback, for it was ve-ry great, al- le- lu- ya.

    = The Lord is risen again.+As He told you, alle-luya.Priest:Let us pray. Collect as at Matins above.

    Paschaltide (P.T.)Festal Matins

    All feasts with ruling of the choir from the Oct. of Pascha to

    Ascension, exc. for the Finding of the Cross &the Comm.

    of St. Mary:


    VczzzdcbbbbbGhcbbbbzzzzJkcbbzzzzzjb.vv[vvuhczzfczzzjczygczdbmvvb{vv4z#@vvbbDfvvGo-ing quick-ly, | tell His dis-ci-ples that the

    Vczzzzfb,vvbb[vvhcbhcHjcbfcbbfcbdbmcbbdbmc}vvLord is ris-en, al- le- lu- ya.

    =, +, &Collect as above for Sun. Matins in P.T.

    Paschaltide (P.T.)Festal Vespers

    All feasts with ruling of the choir from the Oct. of Pascha to

    Ascension (exc. for the Finding of the Cross), &the Comm.of St. Mary:


    Bcz4z#@zdcbbbbsbmvvbbb[vvscsfdcFgczzzzGhczzzzztfczSdcbddfcvzdbmvvb{vbbThe Lord | is ris- en from the se-pul-chre,

    BczzzzzShczzzzygc\zHjczzzzzbhb.vvbbbbbb[vvbbbbGhcbbbbbbgctfzfcsczzzzbwabNmvv{vvrdbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbWho for our sakes hung up-on the Tree, al-

    BcFgczgcbGhb.vv[vbbtfzfcSdcbdbmcbbdbmvv[vbbDfz5ztfcwac5ztfcbbbbdbmvvb}vbbble- lu- ya, al- le- lu- ya, al- le- lu- ya.

    = The Lord is risen again.+As He told you, alle-luya.Priest:Let us pray. Collect of Sun. Matins, left.

    44444 Commemorations44444

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    P.T. Ferias &Unruled FeastsMatinsOn all ferias &feasts without ruling of the choir, from theOct. of Pascha to Ascension, these 3 comm.s:


    Xczzhczzjkjckcbuhb.vv[vbjkjcygcFhczzygzHjcbFgz6z%$#zfcrdbM,vbbbb{bbThe Cru-ci-fied | is ris- en from the dead;

    XczHjzijckcbbjcbbzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzzbbgb,vv[vbfcygcrdcbzzzbbdbmvb[vvhcHjcbbHe hath re-deemed us, al- le- lu- ya, al- le-

    Xcbbuhczzbzzhb.c}vvbb lu- ya.

    = Tell it out among the nations.+ That the Lord hath reigned from the Tree, alle-

    luya. Priest: Let us pray. Collect:

    O God, Who for our sakes didst will Thy Son tosuffer the torment of the Cross, that He mightcast out of us the power of the enemy: grant us Thy

    servants to live forever in the joys of His Resurrec-

    tion.44444 Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.


    XczzzfzzzzcrdcbbbfcygcFgcrdbmvv[vvbbbhcvzzzjcbbbbbkcbbuhcvvjvvzvvThe door to Pa-ra-dise | was shut to all peo-XczzJkc6z%$cfb,vv{vvfHjcbfcbrdczzzzzzhczzzjcbbbbbijcvzzzzzzbbHjczjb.vv[bbb

    ple by Eve, and it hath been o-pened a-gain

    XcbzygcrdczfczzygczzzzzzrdcGhcbjcbygcfb,cbfb,c}vv by the Vir-gin Ma-ry, al- le- lu- ya.

    = After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remaininviolate. + O Theotkos, intercede in ourbehalf, alleluya. Priest: Let us pray.

    T hy Grace do Thou pour into our souls, wepray Thee, O Lord: that we who have knownthe incarnation of Christ Thy Son by the tidings of

    an Angel may, through His Passion and Cross, be

    brought into the glory of the Resurrection. 44444

    Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.


    First is sung any of these 3 ant.s, then the =The voice, etc.

    Vczzzzhczzzzzzzbbhczzbbzzzbfvcbbhczzzzzzzzbbzzzzzgczzzzzzzzzdczzzbdbmvv[vvjcyfctfvbbbThy Saints, O Lord, | shall blos-som as the li-

    VcescDfcfcbdbmcbdbmvv{vvbdcbbgcbbhcbbbbbjcvzzzzzjcvvbbbjcbbbhvvbbbbbbly, al- le- lu- ya, and as the frag-rance of bal-

    Vczzzjb.vvb[vvjzjczzzzzzDfczzzzhczhcb5z$#cvzzbdczzzzzFgcfcdbmcdbmvbb}vsam shall they be be-fore Thee, al- le- lu- ya.


    BcgcbtfztfzfczzzzdcvzzzzzzzzzzfczzzzbzzGhczzzzzzgb,vbbbbbbbb[vbbgczzbzygbcbfcbbGhvbbbbbbOye Saints | and right-eous, re-joice in theBczzzzzhb.vvbb[vbbfcFgcgghcgb,vbv]vvzgczzzzzzgczzzzzzzhczzzzzgcbbfgfb,bbb[vvgvvb

    Lord, al- le- lu- ya. God hath cho-sen you for

    BczzfcbbbhcbkcugcbJkcbbbbbbbbbHjcbhcbgb,cbgb,c}vvHis in-he- ri-tance, al- le- lu- ya.


    \czzzzzszwacSfcbbrdczSfczzzzzzzbrdczzabnvvb[vvzFgczzzzbzz6z%$czzzzzGhvvvbbbhb.vvbb{bbbWith-in the veil, | O Lord, Thy Saints cry out,

    \cbfcyfzHjctfczzbdbmbb[vvgcgcrdczzbbacbbbscdfdcsbmcsbmvbbbbbb}bbbbbbbbal- le- lu- ya, al- le- lu- ya, al- le- lu- ya.

    = The voice of rejoicing and salvation. +Is in thetents of the righteous, alleluya.Priest: Let us pray.

    Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that wemay truly receive a portion with all the Saints,

    N.,N., etc.,1in the Resurrection of our Lord JesusChrist. 44444 Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in

    the unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the

    ages of ages. Amen.

    1By custom the names of the days Saints are here sung.

    44444 Commemorations44444

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    S A R U M

    P.T. Ferias &Unruled FeastsVespersOn all ferias &feasts without ruling of the choir, from theOct. of Pascha to Ascension, these 3 comm.s:


    XczdczzDfczzzzfvcbbzzzzzzzzzFhczzygcFgczzzzgb,vvbbbbbb[vvugcvzzhczzzzzbgvvvvbHe suf-fered | the Ho-ly Cross, He shat-teredXcbfczzzztfczzDfczzzfb,vvb{vvbbfczzzzrdzdcq=czzdzczzzzzFhczzzzzzbygvvbbbbbbb

    the gates of hell and, gird-ed with migh-ty

    XcbbbFgcbbbgb,vv[vvzjcbbbbbbJkcbbbbbgcb6z%$ctfczzzDfcvzzbfb,vbbbb[vvpow-er, He rose up-on the third day,

    XcD%cbgyz%$zfcD$cbfb,vv}vval- le- lu- ya.

    =Tell it out, Collect O God Who for our sakes, p. 203.


    This comm. is the same as that given under Matins above.


    VczdcbbdcbbbbbhcbbbbbbgcbbbbhcbbbbbJkcbbbbbbbjb.vvbbbbbbbbbb[vvhcKlcvzzkczzzzzzzzjvvbbbbbIn the hea-ven-ly king-dom | is the dwel-lingVckczjczzzzzzzuhczzzzbbbJkcbkcbjb.cbjb.vv{vvbbjcbbbbbbbijcbbbygcbbfvvc

    of the Saints, al- le- lu- ya, and their re-pose

    VczhcbgzHjcygcDfcbgcbfcbdbmcbdbmc}vvis for ev- er, al- le- lu- ya.

    =The voice, Collect Grant, we beseech Thee,p. 203.

    SummerSun. Matins

    All Sundays between Trinity to Advent, when service is of the

    Sun. or when the Sun. is commemorated:


    \czzFgztfcGhctfcfb,vb[vvfzGhzygcv7z^%$ztfcfb,vb[vvfcbbbbbFhzygcbbbuhvvvbbbbDe-liv-er us | and save us and make us

    \czzzzzzGhczzzzzzzhb.vvzzzz{vvbihzb8z&^%$cghgczzfcbghgztfzbgzHjctfcfb,vbbbb}vbbright-eous, O Bles-sed Tri- ni- ty.

    = Blessed be the name of the Lord.

    + From henceforth and for evermore.Priest: Let us pray. Collect:

    O almighty, everlasting God, Who hast grantedThy servants to acknowledge the glory of theEverlasting Trinity in their confession of the true

    Faith, and to worship the Unity in the might of Its

    Majesty: we beseech Thee that by our steadfast-

    ness in this Faith we may be defended forever from

    all which warreth against us. 44444 Who livest and

    reignest, God through all the ages of ages. Amen.

    SummerSun. Vespers

    At First Vespers on all Sundays from Trinity to Advent, when

    service is of the Sun. or when the Sun. is commemorated:


    |czbbbbzzzzSfcbbbhzhvJkz&^%chjhzyfczbbfb,vvbbbbbb[vzzyfz6z%$#@zDfcD$csdscsbmvbbbb{bbbOur help art Thou, | our sal-va-tion,

    |cvSfc6z.vzJkz&^%chjhzhcfb,vv[vvyfz6z%$#@czzdfdczscbbdfdzeszbdzFgvvbbbour right-eous-ness, O Bles-sed Tri-|vcescsbmc}vv

    ni- ty.

    =Let us bless the Father and the Son with the HolySpirit. +Let us praise Him and supremely exaltHim unto the ages. CollectO almighty, as above.

    SummerMatins on Ferias &Lesser Feasts

    On all ferias &unruled feasts of iii lessons from the Sun.after Trinity to Advent, these 3 comm.s:


    VcbugzJkcbJkcbbjcbjb.vv[vvjcgczzzbbhczzzzzfcbbbbgcbfcbdbmcbdbmvvb{vbbBut as for us | it be-hoov-eth us to glo-ry

    44444 Commemorations44444

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    Vcbhcbbhcvzzzzhczzzzzbfcvbhcbzzztfb,vv[vvDfcbtfczzzdbmcb}vvin the Cross of our Lord Je-sus Christ.

    = Let all the earth worship Thee, O God.

    + And chant unto Thee; let them chant unto Thyname. Priest: Let us pray. Collect:

    O God Who didst ascend the Cross and illuminethe darkness of the world: be pleased toillumine our hearts and bodies, O Saviour of the

    world. 44444 Who with God the Father in the unity of

    the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, God through all

    the ages of ages. Amen.1


    XczzzzdczzzzFhczzzzzygczzfb,vvbbbbb[vvzfczzbdcbbbbbbbfcbzzzzzzhcbbzzzzzygcvzzdbmvv[vBles-sed Mo-ther | and un-wed-ded Vir-gin,XcbdcbfcbHjcbbbbbbb6z%$#cbbbbygcfgfczfb,vvbbbbbb{vvbdcbfcbbHjvvvvv

    glo- ri-ous Queen of the world, in-ter-cede

    Xcgcbygcrdcbzgczzygcvbbfcbbfcbbfb,c}vbbbin our be-half un-to the Lord.

    = After childbirth, O Virgin, thou didst remaininviolate. + O Theotkos, intercede in ourbehalf. Priest: Let us pray. Collect:

    Forgive the sins of Thy servants, O Lord, webeseech Thee: that we who do not succeed inpleasing Thee by our actions may be saved by the

    intercession of her who bare in her womb Thy Son,

    the Lord our God.44444 Through the same Christ our

    Lord. Amen.

    Or, the Collect given below for Vespers may be said, O

    almighty, everlasting God, protect us...

    1Or, one of these Collects:Keep us in unbroken peace, we beseech Thee, O Lord: for Thou wast pleased to redeem us bythe wood of the Holy Cross. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Be with us and help us, O Lord our God: and with the perpetualhelp of the Holy Cross defend those whom Thou causest to rejoice in its veneration. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 2It

    is by custom that the days Saints are here named. 3Or, one of these Collects:Look mercifully upon our weakness, O Lord:and by the intercession of all Thy Saints, N.N., turn away all the evils which we justly do deserve. Through Christ our Lord.

    Amen.OLord, behold our infirmities, and at the intercession of all Thy Saints, N.N., help us with Thy swift mercy. ThroughChrist our Lord. Amen.We beseech Thee, O Lord: grant all Thy Saints, N.N., to pray for us unceasingly: and do Thou

    vouchsafe to hear them graciously for evermore. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


    XczzzygczzzzzzfczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzGhczzzzzzzzzbjcbbbbbbbhcbgzHjcbjb.vv[vvbbygcvzbbbfvvbbbbbbbThe saints | shall boast in glo- ry and they

    Xczzzhczzhczzzzhczzzzzfczzzbhcbzzzzzuhczzzzbgb,c}vvshall re-joice up- on their beds.

    = Wondrous is God in His Saints. +And gloriousin His majesty. Priest: Let us pray. Collect:

    O Lord Who art moved to mercy by the inter-cession of all Thy Saints,N.,N., etc.,2wepray to Thee: bestow on us forgiveness of sins, and

    grant us Thine everlasting healing. 44444 Through

    Christ our Lord. Amen.3

    SummerVespers on Ferias &Lesser Feasts

    On all ferias &unruled feasts of iii lessons from the Sun.after Trinity to Advent, these 3 comm.s:


    BcbzzzzzgczzzbHkcvzzzzzzzzzzzzkcvzzzzzhczzzkczzzzzjb.vvbbbb[vvbgcbbbbgcvhccSave us, | Christ our Sa-viour, by the power

    Bczhcbhcbjcbbbbhcbbbbbgb,vvbbbbbbb{vvvzzgczzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzkczzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzkvvvbbbof the Ho-ly Cross. Thou that didst save Pe-

    BcbjcbbgcbGhzz7z^%chb.vv[vvzzzgczzzztfczzGhcbbtfcbbdbmcbbdbmc}vvter on the sea, have mer-cy up- on us.


    \czzzzzzsczszsczzzfczzbdcbbSdcvzzzzzzzsbmvvbbbbb[vvwacfcgcugzhjhb.vv[vbbBy the sign of the Cross | de-liv- er us

    44444 Commemorations44444

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    S A R U M

    \czzzzzzzhczzzzzzzgcbbfcrdcwaczzzzzbscdfdcbbbsbmc}vvfrom our e- ne-mies, O our God.


    \czzzzzzzzzAsczzzzzzShz7czzzzhczzzzzzzzhczzzzzzbbbbbbhcygzHjz^%zgv[vvfczzzzzGhczzzgTvvbbWe wor-ship Thee, | O Christ, and we bless

    \czzzzzzzzzzsbmvv{vvbgcdczzzgczzzzhczbgczzzfgfb,vvb[vvzzzzgcbzzzzzzzdcbbbzzzzfvvbbbbbbThee, for by Thy Ho-ly Cross Thou hast re-

    \czzzzzzzzzzzzzzgczzzzzzzzzrdczzzzzzsbmc}vvdeemed the world.

    =Let all the earth worship Thee, O God. +Andchant unto Thee; let them chant unto Thy name.

    Let us pray. Collect O God Who didst ascend, p. 205.


    BcgzHkczzkckczzzzijczH&czzzhb.czbgb,vb[vvH*ctfcbescvbbgcbbHkcbbOHo-ly | Vir-gin Ma-ry, in- ter-cede for all

    BcJkz&^%czzHkb>/vvzzzz{vvijczzKlczzzzzzijczygczhczzgb,vbb[vvgcvgvcthe world, for thou hast be-got-ten the KingBcfcHkzihzugcg,c}vv

    of the earth.

    =Holy Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary. + Inter-

    cede for us with the Lord our God. Collect below.


    \czzzzzzsczwaczfczgcfzGhczbhb.vvbbb[vvbjchcbbbgcbbfcbbbbbGhcbbbbbgb,vvb{bbHo-ly The-o- t- kos, | Ev-er-Vir-gin Ma-ry,\czbbdcbbgcbzzzygczzzFgczzfb,vv[vvbdczzzzzaczzzzzzDgczzzzbdfdczbbsbmvv}vbbbb

    in-ter-cede for us with the Lord our God.

    = After childbirth, O Virgin, Thou didst remaininviolate. +O Mother of God, intercede in ourbehalf. Priest: Let us pray. Collect below.


    BcbbbzzfczzfczzzzzzzzzGhczzzzzzbgcbbbgcbbdbmvvb[vvdcvzbzgczzzzzzzzdcbbbbbgcrdvbbBy thy Child | a mo-ther, in child-birth a vir-

    Bczzzsbmvv{vvfczzzzGhczzzzbzgczzzfczzzzzgczzzbzdczzrdczzsczzbbbbbdczzzzfvvbbbgin, be glad and re-joice, O sac-red Mo-ther

    Bcgcbtfcbdbmc}vvof the Lord.

    =Holy Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary. +Inter-cede for us with the Lord our God. Priest: Let us pray.

    Oalmighty, everlasting God, protect us Thy

    servants from all perils by the right hand of

    Thy might: and by the glorious intercession of

    blessed Mary, Ever-Virgin, make us to rejoice in

    prosperity here and hereafter. 44444 Through Christ

    our Lord. Amen.

    Or he says the Collect Forgive the sins, as above at Matins.

    Whenever the 2nd Vespers of a feast supersedes the 1st

    Vespers of the weekly Comm. of St. Mary, the ant. is:

    \czzzzzzzShczzzzzhczzzhczzzzgczzbHkcbbzzhb.vvbbbbb[vvbhczzzzzhczzzzzzbgczbbzzDfb,vvbbb{vUn-der thy pro-tec-tion | we take shel-ter,\czzzzzzzzSgzHjczzzvbhczzzbbbbbbbbzbgztfczzbbzzzzzzzzzzzdbmvbbz[vvbbbbzzdczzzbfczzbgcbbbbtdvvvv

    where the strength-less have re-ceiv-ed

    \czzzzzzrdzzzzzzbbzsbmvvbz{vvsdEczzzzaczzzzzzzdczzbzbGhczzsczzzzbbbzdcbbbbbbGhvvbbbbbzzbhb.vbbbb[bbbbbpow-er. And there-fore do we chant to thee,

    \czbbbHkczbzhczbbgcbbbbbbfcbbbfcbtfcbdbmvv}vvO Vir-gin The-o- t- kos.=Holy Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary. + Inter-

    cede for us with the Lord our God. Let us pray.

    Collect O almighty, everlasting God, as above.


    44444 Commemorations44444

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    44444 Commemorations444443. COMM. OFALLSAINTS

    VcghfzfcrdcbbHjcvzzzuhczzzzzzzbjcjkjcbbhb.cbbbbbhb.vvbbbbbb[vvbbbhzJkcbbijvvO how glo-rious | is the king-dom where-in

    VcbbokcuhczzzzzzjczzzzbbHjczzzzzkczzzzzzbbbbzjcvzzzzzzzzhb.vvbbbbbbb{vvzzzzzfczrdcvvvall the Saints re-joice with Christ. Clad in

    VczzzzzzhczzzzzjczHjzijzbklkb/vbb[vvrdczzzzjczjkjcygczzrdbmbbvzzzzzz{vvzjvvvbbbrobes of white, they fol-low the Lamb whi-

    Vczzzjcbbbbuhcbjcjkjchc|zbGhcbhb.c}vvther-so- ev- er He go-eth.

    = Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous.+ And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

    Priest: Let us pray.

    O Lord Who art moved to mercy by the inter-cession of all Thy Saints,N.,N., etc., wepray to Thee: bestow on us forgiveness of sins, and

    grant us Thine everlasting healing. 44444 Through

    Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Instead of O Lord Who art moved, one of the Collects at

    the foot of p. 205 may be done.


    Vczzzdczzzhczzzzzzzzzzzyfczzzzzygcbfczzdczzzdbmvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb[vvGhcvjvvvvBy the prayers of all the Saints, | be-stow

    VczkczHjczzzjb.vvz{vvGjckcbjcbbbbhcbbbgcbbbbDfb,vvbb[vvsczzzzzzzFhczzzsal-va-tion of bo-dy and of soul, O Christ,

    VcfczzzGhczzdEczzzdbmc}vvto Thy ser-vants.= Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous.

    + And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.Priest: Let us pray. O Lord Who art moved, above.


    VczfcbbfcbbbbscbbbbFhcbbbbbbbbhzHjcbbbbhcbbbbbhb.vvbbbbb[vvHjczzzzlcbzzzzzkvzvzzzzzjvvbbbbbbbAll ye cho-sen ones of God, | re-mem-ber usVbbbbbb|zbygchjhczzzfb,vvbbbb{vvrdzdcscbbdcbbscbFhczzbbhzHjcvzzbbbhb.vvbbbbbbbbbbbb[v

    be- fore God, that as-sist-ed by your prayers,

    Vczzhczzzzhczzzhczzzzzzzjcz|zgcbgchcrdcfcdfdczsbmc}vbbwe may de-serve to be u- nit-ed to you.

    = Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous.+ And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

    or:= Let the righteous rejoice in the presence ofGod. +Let them delight in gladness. Then:

    Collect O Lord Who art moved, above.


    BczdcesczzzgzHkczzzbJkczzzzzkb/vvbbbbbbb[vvzzJkczzzzlczijczzzHjczzzzzzhzhvvvbbAll ye Saints of God, | that are the com-pan-

    Bczzbbgb,vvb[vvgcbhczzzzkczzzzjczzzhcbbhcgchjhb.vv{vvztfzfcbbbscbbions of the hea-ven-ly ci- ti-zens, make in-BcbfcbbbbGhcbbbfgfcbdEcbdbmc}v

    ter-ces-sion for us.

    = Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous.+ And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

    or:= Let the righteous rejoice in the presence of

    God. +Let them delight in gladness. Priest:Let us pray. Then Collect O Lord Who art moved.1

    The Common Commemorations are ended.

    1Other English uses appointed more commemorations; in York use daily commemorations at Matins &Vespers are (a) theHoly Cross; (b) Our Lady; (c) the Holy Apostles; (d) St. William (a local post-Schism saint); (e) the Holy Relics; (f) All

    Confessors; &(g) for Peace. Uses of the 11th c. have even more extensive commemorations; John of Avranches mentionsthose of (a) the Holy Angels; (b) St. John the Baptist; (c) St. Peter; (d) St. John the Evangelist; (e) the Holy Apostles; (f) St.

    Stephen the Protomarytr; (g) All Holy Martyrs; (h) St. Martin of Tours; (i) All Holy Virgins; &(j) All Saints. In Sarum usagecommemorations were often added by local custom; royal foundations commemorated the royal family each day. See p. 509.

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    S A R U M

    Blessings are sung at the Hours by a Bishop or Abbot. First,

    the Deacon takes the Bishops crozier, which he holds in his

    rt. hand.2And he bows slightly to the Bishop, saying:

    |cbbbbbhczzzzzzzzzkczzzzzzokcuhcjb.vzklkzb9z*&b.vb[vbbjb.zvklkc9z*&chc7z^%vbbbOPrince of the Church, shep- herd to the|czzzzzzzzrdbmvvb{vvjb.vzklkc9z*&czzzzzhczzzzzzzhb.vvb[vbbbbgcbbbzzzygczzzzHjczzdcbbbb

    sheep, may it please thee to bless the peo-

    |czzzFgczHjczzzzzzhczztfcDfczzfczzzzfb,c]vvple en-trust-ed to thy care.

    The Deacon turns to the people&says in a loud, clear voice:

    |czzzzzzzzkczzzz9z*&^zjcjb.vbklkzb9z*&b.vbb[vbbbjczzzklkcbbb9z*&^c7z^%crdbmv{vWith meek- ness and with cha- ri- ty

    |cvjb.vbklkcbbb9z*&czzzHjcvzbbbygzbHjb.vbbbbbbb[vbvHjc6z%$cbDfcvzfb,vvv}vvbow down your-selves for a bles-sing.

    The choir answer:

    |czzzzzzzzzzhb.czzzzzzzzhczhcz6z%$b,c}vvThanks be to God.Or the Deacon may say, in simpler fashion:

    |czzzzzzzbbhczzzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzzzfczzzzzzzzzzFhb.vvzzzz[vvbhchcbbygczsbmvv}vvBow down your-selves for a bles-sing.

    |czzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbzhb.czzzzzzbbbhczhcz6z%$b,c}vv+Thanks be to God.

    Then the Bishop, his mitre upon his head, receives his

    crozier in his l. hand, &from the book, held by a Priest, hereads the petitions in this tone:

    Vczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzzhczzzzzzhzhczzzzzzhcbbhcbhb.cb}vvvG^cbhb.c}vbbb... with Thy saints and e-lect. +A-men.

    1These are found in the Canterbury Pontifical. 2If the crozier be of the shepherds crook style, he faces the crook to himself.

    After all the variable petitions have been sung,1he sings the

    final two petitions, which are invariable:

    Vczzzhczzzzzzzhczzzzzhczzzzzzzzzhczbbbbhcbzzzhb.vvbbbz[vvzzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzzzhvvvvvbhvvvvThis may He deign to grant, Whose king-domVczzbhczzbhczzhczzzzzhczzbhcbbhczbhczzzzzzhczzzzzzhczzzzbhb.vvbbb[vb

    and do-mi-nion a-bid-eth with-out end,

    Vcbbhchczhczhzhchchcbhb.cbhb.c}vvvvGcbbhb.c}vbbbbbun-to the ag- es of ag- es. +A-men.

    Here he makes 3 crosses over the people with his rt. hand:

    Vczzzzzhczzzzhczzzzzhczzzzzzhczzzzhcbhcvzzhcbbbbbhcbbbbbhb.vvb[vvbbbhcvvbbMay the bles-sing of al-migh-ty God the 44444

    Vcbbhczzhb.vvb[vvhcvzzzzzzzzzzzhb.vvb[vvbbhczzzzhczzzzzzzzzzzzzbhczbhczbhczbhb.vv[bbbbFa-ther, the 44444 Son, and the 44444 Ho-ly Spi-rit,

    Vczzzhczzzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzhczbhczzzzhczzzzhczzhczzzhzhczzzzhczzhb.chb.v}bbbcome down up-on you and re-main for ev-er.

    And the choir answer Amenas before.

    Blessing at Vespers

    M ay ye be sanctified by the Lord with heaven-ly blessing, ye who execute unto God theevening offices of praise with a good will.Amen.

    May He drive away from you the nocturnal

    stumbling-blocks of the cunning one, and bestow

    the saving gifts of His heavenly grace.Amen.

    So that the shadow of ignorance having beencast out of your hearts, ye may safely arrive at the

    true Light which is Christ. Amen.

    This may He deign to grant, Whose kingdom

    and dominion abideth without end, unto the ages of


    May the blessing of almighty God... as above.


    Pontifical Blessings

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    Another at Vespers

    A Tthe command of God may ye partake of Hisheavenly grace, whom He hath been pleasedto gladden in the safety of this evening. Amen.

    That when daylight hath departed the power of theMost High may overshadow you and present you,

    at the praises of the day to come, without sin.Amen.

    And again, may God Who neither sleepeth nor

    slumbereth defend and govern you at all times by

    the guardianship of His Angels.Amen.

    This may He deign... May the blessing...

    Blessing at Compline

    M ay the Lord send upon you the stillness of aholy slumber, and preserve you from theillusions of the Devils deceits. Amen.

    So that taking your rest, ye may sleep in the

    flesh in such wise that, in your hearts, ye may ably

    keep vigil unto God, in a worthy manner. Amen.

    That when the hour to rise from sleep is with

    you, ye may be able to gird yourselves with the

    power of God.Amen. This may He... May the ...

    Blessing at Matins

    M ay the brilliance of the eternal Light quickenyou, and may the Sun of righteousnessenlighten your hearts with the rays of His everlast-ing Divinity.Amen.

    And may He that hath made this day blessed

    with spiritual gladness enrich you with the grace of

    heavenly gifts and beautify you with the precepts

    of a holy way of life, that ye may be made His

    peculiar people. Amen.

    So that ye may be glad in the present celebration

    offered worthily unto God, and repose with the

    Angels in unending rest.Amen.

    This may He deign... May the blessing...

    Another at Matins

    F rom heaven may the Sun of righteousnessdawn in you, and the Holy Spirit enlightenyou with the ardour of Divine charity.Amen.

    And may ye that keep watch unto God in the

    morning praises pass through this day with pros-

    perous steps.Amen.

    And may ye so please God by the actions of the

    day, that ye may be worthy to be united with Him

    in joys everlasting.Amen.

    This may He deign... May the blessing...

    Another at Matins

    May He quicken you with spiritual life Whobrought you to the beginning of this day.


    That being cleansed of the nights impurities,

    with prompt devotion ye may persevere with God

    in Divine praises.Amen.

    And may ye be kept so worthy of God that here,

    with a joyful life, and also in eternal life, ye may

    deserve to live with Him. Amen.

    This may He deign... May the blessing...

    Blessing at the First Hour

    M ay almighty God bless you with His mercy,and infuse you with the perception of savingwisdom.Amen.

    May He nourish you with the teaching of the

    Catholic Faith, and grant you to persevere in holy

    deeds. Amen.

    May He turn your steps back from error and

    reveal to you the way of peace and charity. Amen.

    This may He deign... May the blessing...


    Final Blessing

    The solemn blessings above follow the main collect of the main Hours. At the end of every Hour (except the First) is given

    the simple blessing.1The Bishop or Abbot sings, in the preces-tone (p. xxii):

    =Our help is in the nme of the Lord.

    +Who hath made heaven nd the earth.

    =Blessed be the nme of the Lord.

    +From henceforth and for vermore.

    =The Lord be wth you. +And with thy sprit.

    He blesses the people thrice, singing in collect-tone:

    Let us pray.May the blessing of almighty God,the44444Father and the44444Son and the 44444Holy Spirit,

    come down upon you and remain for ever. Amen.

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    Common of SaintsIf the feast of a Saint be kept, the antiphons, chapters,

    hymns, versicles, collects, & invitatoria in the followingCommon replace those given in the Psalters weekly course.

    But if the Antiphonary contain propers for the Saint, they in

    turn replace the texts of this Common.


    Apostles&Evangelistsin Paschaltide1

    First Vespers

    Psalms of the day are sung under one antiphon (ant.:):

    Bczzzzzzzzfczzzzzfczzzsczzzzdbmvvbbb[vvvzfczzzzzzzzzzgczzzzzdczFgzczzzzDfvvvvvLight un-end-ing | shall shine up-on ThyBczzzzzzzsbmvvzzzzz{vvfcbbbbfcbgcbhcbgcbfcgcbbfcbbDfcgctfcbbSaints, and an e- ter-ni-ty of ag-es, al-le-

    Bcdbmcdbmvb[vbbDfz5z5z$#zbFgz5z$@!zbSfztfzrdbmvvb}vbbblu- ya - - - - - - .

    Propter chapter, else:Now ye are no more strangersand foreigners, but ye are fellow citizens with thesaints, and the domestics of God: built upon the

    foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. +Thanks

    be to God. Eph 2:19 Resp.:

    XczzzDfcbbbfhfzrdcfcbbygcbbbbzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzfczzzzzzzzzzzDhzhvbbbbbbb[vvH&cHis Na- za-rites | are made white, al-


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    Hymn from Ascension to Whitsunday:

    VczzzzzzdczzzzDfzghfczzzzesczrdcFgz6z%$#cbrdcbSdcbbbbdbmvvbbb[vvbbbdvvbbbbbbbbbbbThe hench-men of the hell-ish one Con-

    VczzzzzzzzdhgczzzzzbHjczzzzzjczzzzygczzzzrdczzzzzFhczzzzzzzzzhb.vvzzzz{vvzzzhvvvvdemned to pain-ful death the Prince AndVczzzzzzfcbbbbhcbbdcbbbbDfcbbrdcbbbSdcvzzzzzzzzzzzzdbmvvbbb[vvzzzzzzzzsczzzzrdvvvv

    Lord of the A-post-les, whence They suf-

    VczzzzzFhczzzzzygczzrdczzzrdczzzSdczzzzzdbmvvbbb}vbbb vvbbbbbbDfcdEbmvv}bbbbbfered sor-row and sad-ness. (A- men.)

    Be our joy and our jubilee,Who art our future prize. In Thee

    May all our praise and glory be,

    From all time to eternity.

    44444Thou that dost rise above the stars,Our Master, glory be to Thee

    With Father and Holy Spirit

    Tothages of eternity. Amen.

    =The disciples rejoiced.

    +When they saw the Lord, alleluya.

    BczzzzzzzzzaczzzzzzzzzsczzzfctfcscAscbbsbmvvbb[vbzzzzzvwaczzzzzzbfzGhcbbbygcvbbbbbbDaugh-ters of Je- ru-sa-lem, | come ye and

    Bczzfvbbvzzztfczbzzszc4z#@!cabnvv{vvzzfczzGhczbyfzghgc4z#@czsbmv[vbbbe-hold the Mar-tyr1with the di- a- dem

    BczzzzzzzzzSgczzzzzzzzrdczzwaczzSdzrdczzzzzzzzzsczzzzzbzAscvzzzsbmvvbb]vbbbbbHkcb5z$@vbbbbbwhere-with the Lord crown-ed Him in the

    BczzzsbmcbdcbfcbbbGhcbbbtfcbscbbrdcbbbbbbbbbSdz@!bcbabnvvb{vbvAscFgz$#bbbbbbbbgghvbbbbday of so-lem-ni- ty and glad-ness, al- le- lu-

    BcDfz#!bnv[zzzzzDgcdfdcsbmcbsbmvb[vbbwaFgzygzb6z%$#zbfgdbmvzghgzbdfdzesbmvzzb}vbbbbya, al- le- lu- ya - - - - - - - - - .

    BcfvGhvhvygvGjvhvygvGhv[vhvHjvhvgvfvgv5z$#@vv}vvMagnificat, Gospel tone 1, p. 466.

    Proper collect, else: Hearken, O Lord, unto Thypeople supplicating Thee, with the patronage ofThy holy ApostleN.: that defended always byThy help, they may be able to serve Thee in

    steadfast piety. 44444Through our Lord Jesus Christ

    Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the

    unity of the Holy Spirit, God through all the ages

    of ages. Amen.


    Paschal Compline is not altered.


    \czzzzzzzzzzzzzsczzzzfczzzzzzzfzFgczzzzbfcbbbgbcbrdcfcbGjcbbhjgztfb,vv]vvfzGhvvbinv. Let the Saints be joy-ful in the Lord. | Al-


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    Resp. 1

    BczzzzzzzesczzzzzzGhzkIcbkzkzigzbygzbHkzkzblOcijb>/vv[vvijzugcHkcjlkzkcbbWith great pow- er | the A- post-


    ]vvzzhcH;cplz;lz9z*&zkcijb>/vbb[vbbjcbjcbJlvvvbbles gave Tes-ti- mo- ny of the Re-


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    \cfvgb[vhvgvhv[vhvgvfvgv5z$#@c}vvPss. 62 &66, Glory be, tone 1.

    BczzzfczzFgczzzgczzzzzzzzzgczzzzzzzfczzzbbbGhcbrdcbbbbsbmczzzzzzzzzsbmvvbzzz[vvgvvvvYe spi-rits | and souls of the right-eous, sayBcbbgczzzzhczzzzzzztfcvzgczzGhczzzzzzfb,vvbb{vvfH*ckcjjkc6z%$zzzzzzzGhchvbbbb

    a hymn un- to our God, al- le- lu- ya, al- le-

    Bcgb,cg,c}vvzgvhb[vkvlvkv[vkvjvkvhvgc}vvlu-ya. Benedcite, tone 8.

    VczdcbbdcbbbbbhcbbbbbbgcbbbbhcbbbbbJkcbbbbbbbjb.vvbbbbbbbbbb[vvhcKlcvzzkczzzzzzzzjvvbbbbbIn the hea-ven-ly king-dom | is the dwel-lingVckczjczzzzzzzuhczzzzbbbJkcbkcbjb.cbjb.vv{vvbbjcbbbbbbbijcbbbygcbbfvvc

    of the Saints, al- le- lu- ya, and their re-pose

    VczhcbgzHjcygcDfcgcfcdbmcdbmbb[vbDfHjz^%zb6z$#zbrsbM,vzzzFhz%$zbtfzrdbmbbbb}vis for ev- er, al- le- lu- ya - - - - - - - - .

    Vcgvhb[vjvlvkvjvkv[vjvkvjvhvtfc}vvPss. 148-150, Glory be, tone 7.


    Bczzzzzzzzzfczzzzzzzzzfzrdczzzzzzsczzzbdczzzzzgczbbbbzzzhczzzzfczzzdbmvv[vvzzgvvvvvWith bright and pas-chal joy the sun, By

    BczbzhczbbzzzzzbbbgcbbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzHkzijcbbgczbbzzzzzzgczzzzzbbbbbbbzfczbzzzzzGhb.vvzzzz{vvzzzhcvsun-beams, fills the world with light, AndBczbbbbbbbbzzzzhczzzzbbbbbbbbgcHkzijctfcbbbbbbhczbbbbbhcSfzrdbmbb[vbbbescbbbbbbavvzzzzzbbDgvvbbbbbbbChrists A-post-les pre-sent- ly Be-hold Him

    Bczzzgycbbbbbtfcbbbgcbbbbbrdcbbbbbdbmbbzbbbbbbb}vb bb vvbbbbdfdcdbmvv}vvwith their bo-dily sight. (A- men.)

    Christs wounds are witnessd by themWithin His light-bestrewing flesh;

    With clarion voices they confess

    The Lord is risen from the dead.

    OChrist, most kind and clement King,Claim Thy possession of our hearts,

    That we may pay our debts to Thee

    With praises never-ceasingly.

    Until Ascension the last 2 stanzas are:

    Creator of all things, we prayUpon this Paschal jubilee:

    Protect Thy people. Defend them

    From all the furyand force of death.

    44444Thou that art risen from the dead,Our Master, glory be to TheeWith Father and Holy Spirit

    To thages of eternity. Amen.

    After Ascension the melody as on p. 211, &last 2 stanzas:

    Be our joy and our jubilee,Who art our future prize. In Thee

    May all our praise and glory be,

    From all time to eternity.

    44444Thou that dost rise above the stars,Our Master, glory be to Thee

    With Father and Holy Spirit

    To th ages of eternity. Amen.

    =Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.

    +Praise is meet for the upright, alleluya.

    BczzSfczzzzzsczazSdczzdbmvbbbb[vzzzzzzbSgczbbzzzzzzzGhczzzzbbdcbbrdcbbbscbbbbbbbesvvvvvLight un-end-ing | shall shine up-on Thy Saints,

    BczAsczzzzsbmvbbz[vvA#cdrz#@cA@cbbsbmvv{vvbgcbbgcgzHkz^%zhcescgvvbbO Lord, al- le- lu- ya, and an e- ter- ni-BctfcdcazSdcdbmvv{vbacSdcddfcbdbmvbb[vbbgghcdcrsczzzsbmv[vb

    ty of ag- es, al- le- lu- ya, al- le- lu- ya, ...

    1Claro paschli, St. Ambrose. Ascensiontide melody, p. 211.

    Propter chapter,

    else Now ye are, as

    above at Vespers.


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    BcA#cdrz#@cA@cbbsbmvb[bbvwaFgzygzb6z%$#zbfgdbmvzghgzbdfdzesbmvzzb}vbbbbbal- le- lu- ya - - - - - - - - - .

    BcfzGhvhvygvGjvhvygvGhv[vhvHjvhvgvfvgv5z$#@vv}vvBenedctus, Gospel tone 1, p. 466.Proper collect, else Hearkenas at Vespers, p. 211.

    First Hour

    Psalms 53, 118a, &118b are sung, pp. 26-27, under the ant.Thy Saints O Lord, p. 212.

    Third Hour

    The ant. on the Psalms is O ye Saints &righteous, p. 212.

    Proper chapter, else Now ye are as at Vespers, p. 210.

    \cczzzzzzzzzrdczzzzgczzzzzhb.vbbbbbbbbbb{vvbzhcbygcbbbtfczzfczscFgctfczzbfb,vbbbb}vbbResp.Your sor-row, |Al-le-lu-ya, al- le- lu-ya.

    \czzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzfczzzdczzzzzzzzzzzgczzzzzzzgczzzhb.vvvv]v=Shall be turned to joy. choir: Alleluya...

    \czzzzzzzfzcbbbbfcbbfcbfcbbgcbbhcbbbbbbbbhcbbbbbbbbhvbbbbbbbbbbHjcbbhcbbbbhb.vvb[vvbhbbbbbbbbbbbGlo-ry be to the Fa-ther and to the Son and

    \czzhczzhczgchczzgb,czzfb,czz]vto the Ho-ly Spi- rit. choir: Your sorrow...

    =Precious in the sight of the Lord.+Is the death of His Saints, alleluya.

    Proper collect, else Hearkenas at Vespers, p. 211.

    Sixth Hour

    The ant. on the Psalms is Within the veil, p. 212.

    Proper chapter, else Now ye are as at Vespers, p. 210.

    \cczzzzzzzzfczzzzzzzfczzzzzzfczzfczzzzrdczzbgcbbgcbbbbbzzhb.vvbbbbbbbb{vvbbhcbygvvvvResp.Pre-cious in the sight of the Lord, |Al-le-

    \czztfczzzbfczscFgcbtfcbbzzfb,vv}vvlu-ya, al-le- lu- ya.

    choir: Precious...

    \czzzzzzzzzzbbbfczzfczzzzzzrdcbbbbgcbbbbgcbbbbbzzzzhb.vvvb}vb=Is the death of His Saints.


    \czzzzzzzfzcbbbbfcbbfcbfcbbgcbbhcbbbbbbbbhcbbbbbbbbhvbbbbbbbbbbHjcbbhcbbbbhb.vvb[vvbhbbbbbbbbbbbGlo-ry be to the Fa-ther and to the Son and\czzhczzhczgchczzgb,czzbbbfb,zzzzbz}vbbbb

    to the Ho-ly Spi- rit.

    choir: Precious...

    =Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.+Praise is meet for the upright, alleluya.

    Proper collect, else Hearkenas at Vespers, p. 211.

    Ninth HourThe ant. on the Psalms is In the heavenly kingdom, p. 212.

    Proper chapter, else Now ye are as at Vespers, p. 210.

    \cvvvvzzfczzzzzzzfzczzzzzfczfczzzzzzgczzzzzzfczdczzbbbbbbgczzzzzzzhb.vvvbbbbbb]vbResp.Re-joice in the Lord, O ye right-eous, |

    \cbzzzzzbhcbygcbbbtfczzfczscFgctfczzbfb,vbbbbb}vbbbAl-le-lu-ya, al-le- lu-ya.

    choir: Rejoice...

    \cczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzfczzzzgczzzzzfczzzbdczzzzgcbbbgczzzzhb.vvz}vbbb=Praise is meet for the up-right.


    \czzzzzzzfzcbbbbfcbbfcbfcbbgcbbhcbbbbbbbbhcbbbbbbbbhvbbbbbbbbbbHjcbbhcbbbbhb.vvb[vvbhbbbbbbbbbbbGlo-ry be to the Fa-ther and to the Son and

    \czzhczzhczgchczzgb,czzfb,zbbbbbbb}vbbbbto the Ho-ly Spi- rit.

    choir: Rejoice...

    =The voice of rejoicing and salvation.+Is in the tents of the righteous, alleluya.

    Proper collect, else Hearkenas at Vespers, p. 211.

    Second Vespers

    Psalms from the Common of Apostles outside P.T., p. 230,

    under the ant. Thy Saints O Lord shall blossom, p. 212.

    Proper chapter, else Now are ye as above at 1st Vespers.

    This ant. is

    called thelong Light


    44444CommonPaschaltide Apostles44444

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    If it be a double feast the Resp. His Nazarites, p. 210;

    otherwise there is no Resp.

    Hymn With bright &paschal joy, as for Lauds, p. 213.

    The ant. on Magnficat is the short Light unending, p. 210.

    Proper collect, else Hearkenas at Vespers, p. 211.


    Saint in Paschaltide,

    with Ruling of the ChoirWhen in Paschaltide the ruled feast is kept of one Martyr or

    Confessor, the following Common shall be used.

    First Vespers

    Psalms of the day. Ant. is the short Light unending, p. 210.

    Propter chapter; else the chapter from the Saints Common

    outside Paschaltide.Resp.

    BczzzzzzzDgbczbzzzzzzzSdczzzzzzzscbbacscdcbDgz#@bbbAd5z#@zeazqb`[zbzbvdEcbGhzuhbbbbbbbDaugh-ters | of Je- ru-sa- lem, come ye

    BczzgczzzzHkczzkIcygcGhz7zjUcuhb>/vv[vbbbbbfczzzzzGhczzhcbfzGhvvvvand be-hold the Mar- tyr with the di- a-

    Bc6z%$#zb4z#@fb,vv{vvzzsfdczzzzzzzfc\bzHjcbbbbbbbbGhczzzzzz4z,vzDfztfzGhcSdzfRcbbdem where-with the Lord crown- ed

    BczzzesbM,c*]chYcKlczl;lckcblcbbbbcbbbbcblz;;b~v[vvihcbbHim In the day of so-lem-ni- ty and


    ]vvbbbblclOz:z*^zb8ib/vzJkz^%zhb.vzfzGhzbFgz6z%$zbtfzGhbbbbbbbbof glad- ness, Al-le- - - - - - - - - - -BcSdzfRcesbM,c}vbbcygzygztfcgczzzzgczzzzzzzzzzzzGhczzzzzzzzzzzzzzgb,vbbbbbbbbbb[vvlu- ya. =For He hath streng-thened

    BczyfzczzGhczbbGhc\zbhjhczzzhb.vvzzzz{vvtfczzGhczbbb\zbHjczbbbzzhcbbbygzygvbbbbbthe bars of thy gates. He hath bles-sed thy


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    BcKlzojzbkUczygb,vzzzz[vvbfcb\zFgzhjhcygcbbgcbkcbbbbHkb/vvb[bbvkIz&^%bbbbmand- ments shall he great-ly de-light, al-


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    Propter chapter; else the chapter from the Saints Common

    outside Paschaltide.

    Hymn from the Common outside Paschaltide, except with:

    =Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.

    +Praise is meet for the upright, alleluya.

    The ant. on Benedctus is the short Light unending, p. 213.

    Propter collect, else that given in the Common outside P.T.

    for the class of Saint being celebrated.

    Little Hours

    The antiphons, responsories, versicles, &responses are thesame as for the Common of Apostles in Paschaltide, p. 214.

    The chapters, however, are from the Common outside P.T.

    Second Vespers

    Everything is done as at 2nd Vespers for the Common withruling of the choir, above on p. 216.


    Multiple Saints in Paschaltide

    without Ruling of the ChoirWhen in Paschaltide the unruled feast is kept of more than

    one Martyr or Confessor, the following Common is used.

    First VespersPsalms of the day, with the matching ant. Alleluya.

    Chapter &Hymn from the Common outside P.T. but with:

    =Your sorrow.+Shall be turned to joy, alleluya.

    Ant. on Magnficat is Daughters of Jerusalem, p. 211.


    The inv. is Let the Saints be joyful, p. 211. Ps. 94.

    Hymn from the Common outside Paschaltide.

    The ant. on the Psalms is Your sorrow, p. 211. Three

    Psalms are sung, according to the order of Nocturns in the

    Common outside Paschaltide. That is, the first time in the

    week this Common is used, the Psalms are from the 1st

    Nocturn of the Common outside P.T.; the 2nd time in the

    week from the 2nd Nocturn, etc.

    =Precious in the sight of the Lord.+Is the death of His Saints, alleluya.

    There will be iii lessons, proper to the Saint.

    Resp. 1




    ]vvzzzzzdcbbbgzHjcbbjvvvbbbYour sor-row, | al- le- lu- ya, Shall be turn-

    VcyfcygcGjz^%z6z%$#zrdbM,v[vvtfcvbHjcbtfcvbhb.vbb[vbbbrdcvd4EcDfz6Tbbbbbbbbbed to joy, al- le- lu-ya, al- le- lu-

    VcrdbM,c}vvzzzHjz^%z6z%$#zrdbM,v[vvtfczzzzzzGhczzzzzzzzzzFgczzzDfztfcrdbmvvv{vvya. =And the world shall re- joice,

    VczzdcbbSdczzzzzdczzzzDfczzzzzzdbmvzzz[vzvdzzzzcdczzzFgz$#zfgfcbescbbbbDfcbbbbbbbut ye shall be made sor-row-ful. Yetyour

    VcfhgzHjz^%$cFgz$#zfzrdbmc}vvsor- row.

    Shall be...

    Resp. 2 is Precious in the sight, p. 216.

    Resp. 3



    vbbbLight un-end- ing | shall shine up-on Thy

    Bcztfztfzfcb4z,vzSfz5z$#zfczbrdbM,vvv*]vvzzzzzhczzhchcihzbkzkzkvvgvbbvGhz%#bbbbbbSaints, O Lord,And an e- ter- ni- ty

    BcFgctfz4z#@cSfbbzbfzfzfb,vvv**]vvvacscdhchb.vv[vbbygzgcDf6z%$zghgvbbbbof ag- es, Al- le- lu- ya, al- le-

    BcdgfzfcrdbM,vvvb}vvvbbbbbbkcvzzzzzkczzzbbkcjlkzkczkcz8iz&^%zygb/vv{vvkcbkcbbkcbbokzihzjkjcygcgzHkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbband sal-va- tion is in the tents of the


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    Psalm 18Cli enrrant

    T he heavens declare the glory of God : andthe firmament proclaimeth the work of Hishands.Day unto day poureth forth speech : and

    night unto night proclaimeth knowledge. Thereare no tongues nor words : in which their voicesare not heard.Their sound hath gone forth intoall the earth : and their words unto the ends of the

    world. In the sun hath He set His tabernacle : andHe, like a bridegroom coming forth from his

    chamber, Will rejoice like a giant to run hiscourse : from the outermost border of heaven is

    His going forth, And His goal is unto theoutermost part of heaven : and there shall no man

    hide himself from His heat.The law of the Lordis blameless, converting souls : the testimony ofthe Lord is trustworthy, bringing wisdom to

    infants. The statutes of the Lord are upright,gladdening the heart : the commandment of the

    Lord is far-shining, enlightening the eyes. Thefear of the Lord is pure, enduring for ever and

    ever : the judgments of the Lord are true,

    altogether justified, More to be desired thangold and much precious stone : and sweeter than

    honey and the honeycomb.Yea, for Thy servant

    keepeth them : in keeping them there is muchreward. As for transgressions, who willunderstand them? : From my secret sins cleanse

    me, and from those of others spare Thy servant.

    If they have not dominion over me, thenblameless shall I be : and I shall be cleansed from

    great sin.And the sayings of my mouth shall beunto Thy good pleasure : and the meditation of

    my heart shall be before Thee for ever,OLord,my helper : and redeemer. 44444Glory be to theFather and to the Son : and to the Holy Spirit.Asit was in the beginning, and now and always : andunto the ages of ages. Amen. ant.:

    XczzzzzzzfczzzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzzzzgczzzzzzzzzHjczzzzzzzzjb.vvbbbbbb[vbbbfcbhcbGhcuhvvvvTheir sound hath gone forth | in- to all the

    Xczzzfb,vvb{vvzzhczzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzzhczbgcbbHjcbbbbbHjb.vvb[vvDfchjhvvbbbbearth, and their words un-to the ends of the


    VczzzzGhczzuhzJkczzjb.vvbbbbbbbbbb}vvbbgvhb[vjvlvkvjvkv[vjvkvjvHjvhvv}vvThe right-eous. tone 7.Psalm 33Benedcam

    I will bless the Lord at all times : His praiseshall continually be in my mouth. In theLord shall my soul be praised : let the meek hear

    and be glad.Omagnify the Lord with me : andlet us exalt His name together. Isought the Lord,and He heard me : and delivered me from all my

    tribulations.Come unto Him and be enlightened: and your faces shall not be ashamed.This poorman cried, and the Lord heard him : and saved

    him out of all his tribulations.The angel of theLord will encamp round about them that fear Him

    : and will deliver them.Otaste and see that theLord is good : blessed is the man that hopeth in

    Him.Ofear the Lord, all ye His saints : for thereis no want to them that fear Him.Rich men haveturned poor and gone hungry : but they that seek

    the Lord shall not be deprived of any good thing.Come ye children, hearken unto me : I will teachyou the fear of the Lord.What man is there that

    desireth life : who loveth to see good days?

    Keep thy tongue from evil : and thy lips fromspeaking guile. Turn away from evil, and dogood : seek peace, and pursue it.The eyes of theLord are upon the righteous : and His ears are

    opened unto their supplication. The face of theLord is against them that do evil : utterly to

    destroy the remembrance of them from the earth.

    The righteous cried, and the Lord heard them :and He delivered them out of all their

    tribulations.The Lord is nigh unto them that areof a contrite heart : and He will save the humble

    of spirit. Many are the tribulations of therighteous : and the Lord shall deliver them out of

    them all.The Lord keepeth all their bones : notone of them shall be broken. The death ofsinners is evil : and they that hate the righteous


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    shall do wrong.The Lord will redeem the soulsof His servants : and none of them will do wrong

    that hope in Him. 44444Glory be to the Father andto the Son : and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in

    the beginning, and now and always : and unto theages of ages. Amen. ant.:

    VczzGhczzzzuhzJkczbzzzjczzbbbbbbbbjzuhcbfb,vv{vvbb GcbbbbrdcvbbbDfcvzzzzzzzzdbmcvvThe right-eous | cri- ed and the Lord heard


    Vczzzdczzzzzzzgczzzzzzzbzzjcbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhcb}vvgvhb[zzjbbblvkvjvkv[vjvkvjvhvtfv}bbbThou shalt make them. tone 7.Psalm 44Eructvit

    M y heart hath poured forth a good word : Ispeak of my works to the king. Mytongue is the pen : of a swiftly writing scribe.

    Comely art Thou in beauty more than the sons ofmen; grace hath been poured forth on Thy lips :

    wherefore God hath blessed Thee for ever.GirdThy sword upon Thy thigh : O Mighty One, InThy comeliness and Thy beauty : and bend Thy

    bow, and proceed prosperously, and be king,

    Because of truth and meekness andrighteousness : and Thy right hand shall guide

    Thee wondrously. Thine arrows are sharp, OMighty One : (under Thee shall peoples fall)

    sharp in the heart of the enemies of the king.

    Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever : asceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of Thy

    kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness andhated iniquity : wherefore God, Thy God, hath

    anointed Thee with the oil of gladness more than

    Thy fellows.Myrrh and stacte and cassia exhalefrom Thy garments : from the ivory palaces,

    whereby they have made Thee glad, they the

    daughters of kings in Thine honour. At Thyright hand stood the queen, arrayed in a vesture

    of inwoven gold : adorned in varied colours.

    Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline thineear : and forget thine own people and thy fathers

    house. And the King shall greatly desire thybeauty : for He Himself is thy Lord, and thou

    shalt worship Him.And Him shall the daughtersof Tyre worship with gifts : the rich among the

    people shall entreat thy countenance.

    All the

    glory of the daughter of the King is within, with

    gold-fringed garments is she arrayed : adorned in

    varied colours.The virgins that follow after hershall be brought unto the King : those near her

    shall be brought unto Thee. They shall bebrought with gladness and rejoicing : they shall

    be brought into the temple of the King. In thestead of thy fathers, sons are born to thee : thou

    shalt make them princes over all the earth. Ishallcommemorate thy name : in every generation and


    Therefore shall peoples give praise

    unto thee for ever : and unto the ages of ages. 44444

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son : and to theHoly Spirit.As it was in the beginning, and nowand always : and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    VczzzzzzzzzzdczzzzzzzzgczzzzzzzzzjzczzzzzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzFhczzzzbgb,vb[vvhchctdcThou shalt make them | princ-es ov-er all

    VczzFhczzzzzhb.vvbbbbb{vbbbbvGhczzzzzzzzjczzzzzzzzhczzzzbbfcbbbbbhcvbbgb,vbb[vvbzfvvvthe earth; they shall com-me-mo-rate Thy

    VczzzzzzzFgczzzzbbbfczzzzdbmvbbb[vbbDfhjgzb6z$#zbrsbM,vvbfhgzbuhzydbmvzbb}vbbbbname, O Lor - - - - - - - - d.

    =Their sound hath gone forth into all the earth.+ And their words unto the ends of the world.

    Our Father, etc., &lessons proper to the Saint.

    Resp. 1

    VczzzzzDfczzbdbmvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvzbDfcbbzDfczzzzzzsbmvb[vvFhczhb.vzGhzuhzjkjb.vb[vvjcKlz*^vvzzBe-hold, | I send you as sheep in theVczzzzjkjcbbHjzihzygcdbmzvfhdzrdzesbmvb{vvsFhzhbzbGhz7z^%$zGhz%$cdcbDfz5z$#zfvvbbbmidst of wolves, sa- ith the

    VzzzcrdbM,vvzzz*bbb]vvdzFhcGhczzzzbbjcbbbzz7z^%z6z%$#zrdbM,b[vzvJkz&^cJkcjKvkhvvvLord. Be ye there-fore wise as ser-


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    Vczbbhb.vvbbbb{vbbbuhz6z%$cGhcbbgzHjz^%$zGhz%$cDfz5z$#zfczzrdbM,vbbv}bbbbbbbbpents and sim-ple as doves.

    VczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzjzKlz*&cbbhjhzygczHjczzzzzhczzzzhb.vvbbbb[vbbbbugcbbbbHjcbbbbbb H&vvvvv=Whilst ye have the light, be-lieve inVcjzklkcijb.vv[vbhjhzygcHjcbbbbjczzzzjczzzjczzzzzJkczzzzzzjb.vv[vv

    the light, that ye may be the child-ren

    VckIz&^cygczbbHjzijzklkcjb.vzHjzkIc7z^%zhzygb,vv}vvof light, saith the Lord. Be ye...

    Resp. 2

    VczzzbbbDfcbzbzbdbmvbbbbbbbbbbbbbzbbDfcbbzzzzzdcbbbbbbsFhchjhzygzbHjzkIcijb>/vb[vvGhz7z^%$zGhz%$vbTake up | My yoke up- on you, sa-VczdcDfz5z$#zfcbrdbM,vvbb]vvjUczzzJ;cbbbbb;cb;z(*z9z*&zihzygb,b[vbbbjcklkzzbb

    ith the Lord, and learn of Me, for I

    Vczjcbhjhzygb,v[vvjczzzzjcbbojzklkcjcjkjzjzghgb,vbv*]bbvvzgczzzJkcbbbbbbam meek and low-ly of heart,

    For My

    VcbhjhcbbugzHkz&%z6z$#zmvz6z$#zfgfzrdvbbbbzzzzzdbmvvzzz{vzvD&cbbuhz6z%$zGhcyoke is sweet, and My

    VcGhz7z^%$zGhz%$cDfz5z$#zfcrdbM,vvz}vvzzzzzJkz9z*&chjhzygcJkzokbbbbbbbbbbbbbijb.vv[vbur- den light. =And ye shall find

    VckIz&^%cHjzijzklkc7b.vzHjzkIc7z^%zhzygb,vv}vvrest to your souls. For My yoke...

    Resp. 3

    BczzzzzzzzzzescbbbgzHkczzzzzkczzzzzzzbkcbbbbbbbijcbbbbbbbgb,vvbbbbb[vvJkcbbbokzokzkcWhen ye stand | be-fore kings and go-

    Bc8z/vzHkz9z*&zkcijb>/vvb[vvbbJkczzzzlczbJkcbhc\ztfzghgzhjhb.v[vbb6z%$vvbbbGhvvver- nors, take not a- ny thought how or

    BczzzzzzgczzdgfzfcrdbM,vvvbb*]vvbbbhcbgczbbfcbbbbhcbbbbbkcbtdzFgz$#z4z#@zdvbbbbbbbbwhat to speak, For it shall be giv-en


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    greatly exalted. 44444Glory be to the Father and tothe Son : and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in thebeginning, and now and always : and unto the

    ages of ages. Amen. ant.:

    Vczzzdczzzzzzzdczbbzdcbfcbfczzbbdczzesbmvbbbbbb[vbbvSfcbbbbbbhcbbbbbbbbgcbbbbbbfvvbbbbbbbThe princ-es of the peo-ples | are gath-ered to-Vczzzzzhcbbbgb,vv{vvzfczzzzdczzzzzfczzzbfcbbgcbbfcbbdbmvv}vv

    geth-er with the God of Ab-ra-ham.

    Vczzzzzzzzdczzzzzzdczzzbbhcbbbt dcb}vvvdvfb[vhvjvhv[vhvgvhvfvdc}vvThou hast giv-en. tone 8.

    Psalm 60Exadi Deus i

    H earken, O God, unto my supplication :attend unto my prayer. From the ends ofthe earth unto Thee have I cried, when my heart

    was despondent : on a rock hast Thou lifted me

    on high. Thou hast guided me, for Thou artbecome my hope : a tower of strength against the

    face of the enemy. Iwill dwell in Thy tabernacleunto the ages : I shall be sheltered in the shelter of

    Thy wings. For Thou, O God, hast heard myprayers : Thou hast given an inheritance to themthat fear Thy name.Days shalt Thou add to thedays of the king : his years unto days for

    generation and generation.He shall abide beforethe face of God in the age to come : as for His

    mercy and truth, who shall seek them out? Sowill I chant unto Thy name unto the ages : that I

    may pay my vows from day to day. 44444Glory beto the Father and to the Son : and to the Holy

    Spirit.As it was in the beginning, and now andalways : and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    Choir, the ant.:

    Vczzzzzzzzzzdczzzzzzzzdczzzzhczzt dcbzzGhczrdcbfcbdcbbsbmvvbbbbb{vvSfcbbbbhvvbbbThou hast giv-en | an in- he- ri-tance to them

    Vczzzztdczzzgczzzzzzzhczzzzzzbfczzzzbbbtfcbbbdbmc}vvthat fear Thy name, O Lord.

    VczzzzzdzdcbbbbSfczzbhcbbtdc}vvzzbbzdvfb[vhvjvhv[vhvgvhvfvdbbbbbbbb}vvThey de-clar-ed. tone 8.

    Psalm 63Exadi Deus ii

    H earken, O God, unto my prayer, when Imake supplication unto Thee : rescue mysoul from fear of the enemy. Shelter me from theconcourse of them that do wickedness : from the

    multitude of them that work unrighteousness.

    They have sharpened their tongues like a sword,they have bent their bow, a bitter thing : that they

    may shoot in secret at the blameless man.

    Suddenly shall they shoot at him and shall notfear : they have strengthened themselves in a

    wicked word. They have spoken of hidingsnares : they said: Who shall see them? Theyhave searched after iniquity : in searching they

    are grown weary of searching.Aman shall drawnigh, and the heart is deep : and God shall be

    exalted.As an arrow of infants are their blows :and their tongues are made strengthless against

    them. All that saw them were troubled : andevery man was afraid. And they declared theworks of God : and His deeds they understood.

    The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, andshall hope in Him : and all the upright in heartshall be praised. 44444Glory be to the Father and tothe Son : and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in thebeginning, and now and always : and unto the

    ages of ages. Amen. ant.:

    VczzzzzzzdzdcbbbbbSfczbzbhcbbtdcbbbbbbbbGhcbbbbbbbbbbbbrdczzrdczzsbmvvbz{vvzscbbbbbfvbbbbbbbbbbThey de-clar-ed | the works of God, and His

    Vczzzzzzzhczzzzzzzzztdczgfhcbbfcbbbbdbmvbbz[bvDfHjz^%zb6z$#zbrsbM,vzzbzFhz%$zbtfzrdbmbbbbbbbbbb}vbbbbbdeeds they un-der-stoo - - - - - - - - d.=Thou shalt make them princes over all the earth.+They shall commemorate Thy name, O Lord.

    Our Father... =And lead us not into temptation. +But deliver us from evil.

    Grant, O Lord, to bless, etc.,&proper lessons.


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    Resp. 4

    \czfcdgfzfbsdsbmv[vvrsczzzzzzzdczzzzzzzzfczzzzgzcygzHjcbhb.vb[vbbihzkzkzkcbbI saw | men gath-ered to-geth- er, hav-

    \cbzzzygcfzfzsdsbmv[vzzzzzvygczzzzzzfzGhczHjz%$zghgcdgfzfcrdbM,vvbbbb{vvzbbfvbbbbbbbbbbing on bright-shin-ing gar-ments, and\czzzGhcbbtfczzzzzgcFgzhYczfczzfRb,vbb[vvbfgfzrdcghYctfcfvvbbbbbbbb

    an An-gel of the Lord spake un- to me,

    \czSfztfzfcSfz4rb,vvb*b]vvzzzzzzz zzaczzzzzzz Sfczrdc5b,vzFgzhYcygb

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    q 226 r

    Vczzzzjcbbbbbjczzzzzkb/vvzz[vvkcijcuhczzbbhb.vbbbbb}vbbbbright of heart, al- le- lu-ya.(in Septuages.: un-to ag- es.)

    VczzzzzzzDfczzzzzzzHjc}vvvjvhbb[vjvhvjvkvjv[vjvhvjvkvhvfvv}vvThey kept. tone 4.

    Psalm 98Dminus regnvit

    T he Lord is king, let the peoples rage : Hesitteth on the Cherubim, let the earth beshaken. The Lord is great in Sion : and He ishigh above all peoples. Let them confess Thygreat name, for it is terrible and holy : and the

    kings honour loveth judgment. Thou hastprepared upright ness : judgment andrighteousness in Jacob hast Thou wrought.Exaltye the Lord our God : and worship the footstool

    of His feet, for He is holy. Moses and Aaronamong His priests : and Samuel among them that

    call upon His name.They called upon the Lord,and He hearkened unto them : in a pillar of cloud

    He spake unto them. For they kept Histestimonies : and His ordinances which He gave

    them.OLord our God, Thou didst hearken unto

    them; O God, Thou wast fain to be entreated forthem : and yet tookest vengeance on all their

    devices.Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worshipat His holy mountain : for holy is the Lord our

    God. 44444Glory be to the Father and to the Son :and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in thebeginning, and now and always : and unto the

    ages of ages. Amen. ant.:

    VczzzzzzzzDfczzzzzzzzzHjb.vvzzb[vbbbvHjcbbbbbbkcbjcbhcbjb.vvbbbbb{vvbbgczzzzzjczzgcbbbbThey kept | His tes- ti-mo-nies and His or-

    Vcbhcrdcrdbmvbb[vvSdcFhcfb,cfb,v[v|bzFgz6z6z%$zGhz6z%#@zbDgzygztfb,vv}vvdi-nan-ces, al-le- lu- ya. (Septua.: omit alleluya)

    =Exceedingly honourable are Thy friends, O Lord.+Their principalities are made exceeding strong.

    Our Father... &lessons proper to the Apostle(s).

    Resp. 7

    VczzzzdczzzzzzzzzdczzzzzzzzfczzzzzbzescbbbbbbFhcygzjkjzjcuhb>/vv[vb6z%$cygzHjvvbbbThese men dwel-ling | in the flesh plant-ed

    Vczrdcdbmvzfhdzbrdzesbmb[vbbgzHjz^%$zGhz%$cDfz5z$#zfcvrdbM,vvbb{vvbbbzzzzzdczzzzzbbbbbbbbbthe Church by their blood. TheirVcDfzyfztfzfcrdbmv[vvDfczzdczzzzzfczzesczzzzFhczzz6z%$cFhz%$hb.vvbbbbb*b]bbbbbbb

    bo- dies are not part-ed from the earth,

    VczzzzzzzzSdczzzzzzzzzfczzzzzzzzzdczzzzzzzzzzfczzzzzzzzzesczzzzzzzzzzzzzzsbmvvzzzz[vvzzzzscFhcvbbbbTheir right-eous deeds and prayers are in

    VcygJkz&^zjcuhb>/vv{vvHjczzzzzzzhczzzzzzhzygczztfcGhzTcrdbM,vv[vbbrdvbbbbbhea- ven, and their souls are e- qual to

    VczzzzzzzsczzzdcDfz6TczzrdbM,cbbbbbbbb}vvbbbbbbbygcHjz^%z6z%$#zrdbM,vzzbbbbbzztfvvbbbbbbbbthose of the Saints. =By faith the

    Vczzzzzhjhb.vv[vvtfczzzzzGhczzzzFgczzDfztfczzzrdbMvvbb{vvzzzzdczzzzzzzzzzzzzzSdczzzzzzzzSaints con-quer-ed king-doms, they wrought

    VczzDfczzdbmvvzz[vvzDfczzzzdcbFgz$#zfgfcbescbbbbbDfcbbbbbbbbbfhgzHjz^%$vvvjus-tice, they ob-tained theprom-is-


    Their righteous deeds...

    Resp. 8

    BcfzGhczzzzzgczzzbbbgb,vvbbbbb[vvbbbbbgcbbbgzHjcbbhcygzhkgbygztfb,vbb{vvzbbhczzzzbbkbbbbbbbbbbThese are men | who are ho- ly, whom the

    Bczzzzzygczzzzzhczzzzztfczgb,vv[vvrscvbbrdcbFgcGhz%$zGhcGh8z&^zJkz&^vvvLord hath cho-sen in cha- ri- ty un-
