dragon poems

The sculpture of a Dragon by Abby If I were a Sculptress I’d sculpt a dragon. Form her tail I’d use A sword to shimmer Her skin. For her destructive snout I’d use fire blazing Powerfully. I’d use her wings for Looking friendly. For her flesh I’d picture it like A roll of silk. And for her talons I’d sculpt bronze With beauty. But I’d keep the best Till last. For her voice I’d use all the music Notes and tunes in The world.

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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The sculpture of a Dragon by Abby

If I were a Sculptress I’d sculpt a dragon.

Form her tail I’d useA sword to shimmerHer skin.

For her destructive snoutI’d use fire blazing Powerfully.

I’d use her wings for Looking friendly.

For her flesh I’d picture it likeA roll of silk.

And for her talonsI’d sculpt bronzeWith beauty.

But I’d keep the bestTill last.For her voice

I’d use all the musicNotes and tunes in The world.


If I were an artist I’d paint the portraitof a dragon.

For his breath I’d usea lightning boltstriking periliously.

For his torso I’d useaqua bluethe colour of the glimmering sea.

For his scales I’d userocket redthat glowsin the sunshinebrightly.

His horns are knivesreadyto stab it’s enemy.

His wingsare emerald green,colossal and smooth.

Dragon portraitBy Alice Young

If I were an artistI’d paint the portrait of aDragon.

For her breathI’d use a hillWith a flooding waterfall.

For her teethI’d implant a seals tuskGliding through the water as they swim.

For her neckI’d sculpt a baby giraffe Stretching up.

For her torsoI’d stretch a gymnastDancing on her hands.

For her wingsI’d put in an aqua coloured weight lifterWhining, moaning and groaning under a ton weight.

For her talonsI’d sharpen cutlassesIn a pirate’s hand.

For her fins I’d slip on a diver’s flipperFlopping up and down in water.

Dragon portraitBy Avneet

If I were an artist I’d paint a portrait of a Dragon.

For its tailI’d need a Fuchsia pink, to make it allProper, and Prim.

For its wings I’d use anOcean blue, Slowly drifting back, andForth.

For its arms I’d use Golden pipesGushing with water.

For its legs I’d use a Sapphire blue,Creamy and cool.

But I’d keep the Best till last For its IncredibleTorso.

It would be,Scarlet, Amber, Lemon, and Apple Green.Also, Jade, and Purpley-pink.

A portrait of a Dragonby Bradley

If I was a artist I’d paint a portraitOf a Dragon.

For his breath I’d use a volcanoErupting venomously.

For his horn I’dUse a dagger freshForm someone’s heart.

For his torso I’dUse a leathery pillow.

For his wings I’d Use a bit of geckoSkin.

For his claws I’d Use extra sharp Stones.

For his eyes I’d Use Emeralds glittering In the sunset.

Dragon portrait

By Cameron

If I were an artistI’d paint the portrait,Of a dragon.

For his wings I’dUse Glistening knifes.

For his teeth I’d use Snake fangs with Poison.

For his tail I’d use Glistening emeralds.

I’d also useMachetes for hisNose.

And I’d save Best till lastHis breath would be

The colour ofLava erupting fromA volcano.


If I were an artist id paint thePortrait of a dragon.

For his wings id use Red eyes From vampires.

For his taleId useRazor sharp dagger

For his talons Id use knifesPointy with a sting

For his teeth Id use emrald doritosFrom mining mountains

For his scalesId use rockes asHeavy as 100 bricks

For his head Id use an dinosaurs headAs big as a giants foot.

My DragonBy Ciaran

If I were an artistI’d paint the portraitOf a dragon.

For his tailI’d do a whip,Swaying side to sideWith coloursLime green andCrimson red.

For his talonsI’d do deadly DaggersWith a sharpPoint.

For his wingsI’d do themAs wide as aCarFerrari fast.

His torso is As long as theTitanicWhen he standsHe towers above theClouds.

For his teethThey are As sharp as a Great white’s teeth.

Dragon Portrait By Emily

If I was an artistI’d paint the portrait Of a Dragon.

For her face I’d use A ruby as red as fire.

For her teeth I’d use Daggers as sharp as knifesTo cut her way Through fish and meat.

For her breath I’d use A stink bomb as smelly as A shoe that hasn’t been washed For twelve years.

For her torso I’d use Pink roses to make her Look nice and kind.

For her arms I’d use A rusty dagger That’s full of blood. For her talons I’d use A butcher’s knife To rip her prey into two.

So that’s my dragon Fierce but kind To put up on a wall To make me smile.

Dragon PortraitBy Freya

If I were an artist I’d paint the portrait

Of a dragon.

For her talons I’d use Swords, deadly and sharp.

For her scales I’d use the moonlight From the moon, Twinkling and startling.

For her breath I’d use a volcano Erupting, amber flames Shimmering.

Her wings would Be as high as A baby, tall and sweet, And satisfying When they are flapping.

For her tail I’d take the gleaming Scarlet colours from a ruby.

Her whole body is adorable, Neon red, neon orange, And even neon green and blue.

Lastly, it’s the best till last Her walk would make her wobble!

A PortrAit of A DrAgonBy hAyDn

If I were an artistI’d draw a portraitOf a dragon.

For his headI’d use tomatoBlood red with a squish

For his bodyI’d use puffy cheeseDrooping like a waterfall

For his belly I’d use gerkinsPodgy and colossal

For his wings I’d use pepperoniCrimson with a crust

For his arms and legsI’d use hamPink, flat and tough

For his tailI’d use crustShining like golden gems

So now you know My dragon Can I know yours?

Dragon PortraitBy Isabelle

If I were a artist I’d paint the portrait

Of a dragon.

For her scales I’d use tire leatherFor a ruby effect.

For her breath I’d use starsGleaming franticly

For her wings

I’d use a rainbowSparkling, sunshine.

For her claws I’d use knivesScraping roads.

For her face I’d steal a baby’scute face.

Now you know whatmy dragon looks like, what does yours look like ?


If I was an artist I’d paint the portrait Of a dragon.

For his talons I’d use daggers,

Glinting and deadly. For his scales I’d use emeralds From the very soul of earth.

For his eyes I’d use rubies Beaming to light the way.

For his tail I’d use a live whip, Curly and wild.

So that is my dragon Fierce and wonderful Now you can tell me yours.

Dragon Smoothie by Katie

If I were an artistI’d paint a portraitof a dragon.

For his tail I’d use A propellerSpinning, quickly.

For his talons I’d use Deadly daggersGlowing, constantly.

For his legsI’d use Tree trunksThat could Crush a Human.

But I’d save The bestTill last:His wings.

They’d be As hugeAs a tableEmbodied withCreams and browns.

Sapphires and a glint of amberMixed togetherLike a smoothie.

Dragon portraitBy Louis

If I were an artistI’d paint pictureOf a dragon.

For his scales,I’d use, Vivid emeralds,

Like glistening stars,In the night sky.

For his breath,I’d useA volcano eruptingMercilessly.

For his teeth,I’d use, Glinting daggers,That have just grown in.

For his wingsI’d useCrimson redAs powerful as 1000 men.

Dragon PortraitBy Lucas

If I were an artist I’d paint a portraitOf a dragon Like this.

To do a proper jobI’d borrow props From the world.

For his back I’d use Green ivy.

For his scalesI’d useRoundGoldenCircles.

For his taleI’d use aSlice of pizza.

For his torsoI’d use aGruffalo.

For his teeth I’d use someMeglidon’s teeth.

His wingsWould beAs BigAs The TallestManIn the World.

His feet Would beTucked inLike aHedgehog.

If I was aN artIstBy Lucy

If I was an artistI’d paint the picture,Of a dragon.

For his clawsI’d use mountains,Dusted with snow.

For his scalesI’d use diamonds,Shimmering in the sun.

For his teeth I’d use icicles,Hovering in caves.

For his breathI’d use crushed gems,Glowing in the dark.

And for his eyesI’d use Rubies,Sparking allsorts of redLike crimsonAnd scarlet.

Dragon portrait by Maelona If I were an artist I’d paint a portrait Of a dragon.

For his tailI’d use a DeadlyPowerful dragon.

His wings are like the Dark BlueMisty sky.

The scales are asBright as a very, veryBright star that glistens in the sunlight.

His breath is like a Volcano erupting in the Smokey sky.

The spines are like aStar ship in the Knobbly sky.

The roaring is like theThunderedVicious Sky.

His powerfulBreath is Swimming Fire.

Dragon Poem by Mannie

If I was Hiccup I’d paint a portrait Of a dragon. For his claws I will use a dagger Sharp And Pointy. For his teeth I’d use a chainsaw Deadly And Powerful.

For his scales I’d use mosaics Solid And Powerful.

Dragon portraitBy Michael

If I were an artist I’d paint a portrait Of a dragon.

For his teeth I’d useDeathly, sharp, crunching,

smashing Fangs.

For his breath I’d use blazing hot, Beautiful fire.

For his talons I’d use sharp daggers,Glinting titanium.

For his eyes I’d use the colours,Amber, red and green.


If I were an artist I’d paintA portrait of a Dragon.

For his hideous teeth it is like A silly person that never brushes Their inky Smelly teeth .

His scales are slippy as pebbles That glinted in the Sun set.

When he puffers fierce Demented fireIt literally pushes people back.

His feet are big as House and sharp as Stanley Knives .

His fleas’ scales are colourful as The colours in The shimmering rainbow.

My DragonOliver B

If I were an artistI’d paint a portraitOf a dragon.

For his scales,I’d use a magnificent jadeAlmost glistening like emerald.

For his fire,I’d use a crystallized sunsetThat would shineBrighter than a lightning bolt.

For his teeth,I’d use razorsThat could plough through and axeWith a click of a finger.

This would be my adorable dragon.

Dragon Portrait by Oliver L

If I were a artistI’d paint the portrait

Of a Dragon

For his tail I’d useThe night sky glittering with stars.

For his breath I’d useA crackling firework erupting like a volcano .

His head spikes will fireDemonic, venomous swirls which will killyou in one.

For his talons I’d use Daggers which arevenomous, deadlyand demonic.

For his wings I’d useHot boiling lavaerupting from a volcano.

Dragon Portrait By Teja

If I were a artistI’d paint a portrait Of a dragon.

For his emerald wings: SharpDeadly Knives that shine in the moonlight.

For his roar I’d use an erupting volcano

As ash fills the air .

For his tusk I’d use deadly knifesThat are immeasurable.

For his teeth I’d use dagger as sharp as a shark’s tooth.

For his eyesI’d use Glowing Amber eyes That glow like the stars on a starry night

For his wartsI’d use Ice blue diamonds that glimmer like the Ocean on a sunny day.

Dragon Portrait By Thomas

If I were an artistI’d paint the portraitOf a dragon.

For his fangsI’d useDeadlyPoisoned spearsThat drip with slime.

For his torsoI’d useA humongousSlipperyScaly sunLike a never endingScaly fire ball.

For his breathI’d useThe stink of a Giant stinky ball Of treacherouslyStinking slime.

For his fireI’d use The sunJust ten times bigger.

For his talonsI’d useDeadlyPointedSharpened star swords.

For his eyes I’d useDark slitsLike a lifeless cave .

That is my dragon What is yours?

Dragon portraitBy Victoria

If were a artist I’d paint the portraitOf a dragon.

For his feetI’d use thunderDestructive roaringThunder.

For his scales I’d use ocean waves Swishing and swayingRapidly.

For his wings I’d use the sun Burning and crackling Like wood on fire.

For his eyes I’d use novetty glasses Goggling weirdly .

But I’ve kept best till last The tail The burning hot laver tailRunning through A volcano .

Dragon PictureBy William

If I were an artist I’d paint a dragon.

For his breathI’d use a volcanoErupting mercsesly.

For his wings I’dUse a flooded riverAs soft as a feather

For his wings I’d Use green leaves From the AmazonRainforest.

His head will be A bold eagles withScales down his back.

For his teeth I’d Use Dad’s kitchenKnifes painted red.

His talons will beAs big as a house And as sharp as a Thousand Stanley knifes

For his arms I’d use The great wall of China.