dragonball discoveries a new beginning


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DRAGONBALL DISCOVERIES A new beginning . In a new world where money is every thing tony Montana takes over the world for his self and his partner Goku. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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In a new world where money is every thing tony Montana takes over the world for his self and his partner Goku.


I Goku must help get all the money back to the boss tony but how am I suppose to do it when there is hundreds of people who took it and its only me and tony how!!!!! I got it I will use my highly stable powers to destroy them ahahahahahahahaha.

I stole tonys money and its nothing he can do about it and I dont care I bet that little monkey is going to come back for it with his gun. Men depart the guns and all the other weapons I will stop that monkey.Name - King Nixon

I dont have to listen to him guys hes not my boss I will kill him and get that money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or I will die trying. I better hope no one heard that they might tell their boss.

I hear about you trying to take the bosses money you are gonna need a partner I'm interested if you need one or I can make an arrangement and tell the boss and you know me and the bosses power level is way way stronger than yours.

Ok you win your in we just have to get the money and probably kill the boss but Tony and Goku are coming so how are we suppose to get the money Tonys gonna chase us down.Name Alpha

I dont know how I know Tony and Goku are gonna get us but we can get out of the city right now if we hurry.Name code B

Being a Guard stinks I can get killed at any time of the day its like I can die 24/7 like seriously I need a real life other than working for this creep.(intense ki blasting) What no!!! Dont kill me. Alpha please.

You want to work for me vegetunks.

Yes are you doing what I all ways thought of doing rob the boss.

Yeah but we couldnt kill him there are lots of soilders in there that protected him lets go before he figured out that we got out hurry.Episode 2Of Dragonball DISCOVERIES

King Nixon sends his daughter after Alpha and his crew.

Katrina you wanna help me do a favor to get my money back because you know I haven't made you do anything for quite a long time all you have to do is chase down your lover Alpha and kill him.

Ok Daddy but if I kill the handsome Alpha who am I suppose to look at when I'm depressed o well never mind I just want a new doll house.Name - Katrina

Tony I'm out to kill Nixon and his crew I dont need your help I will use my stable powers to destroy them its no need to bring your gun they have powers like me they will kill you so stay here.

I was going to stay here any way I have recruited 4 new soilders that will help you other than that I will stay at the mansion (doors open)gentlemen.

Super elite jack / Gt muscle / Omega freak / green freak

We are the best top warriors we work for tony and you must be Goku Tonys lacky.

I'm not a lacky I been in this business longer than you I learned everything I need to know to beat all of you even when yawl all are coming after me.

Sorry for interrupting but I'm here to join this excellent group I'm highly skilled in the art of hero mechanism.Name SAIYAN MAN

Ok and your partner behind you can join to if he wants to.

Sorry but I'm not with him I was sent to join and yes I want to join I was first hired by a crazy maniac who told me to work for you Tony.Name Gohan

Since yawl are all here I gotta say something I use to be friends with Nixon until a terrible accident we was playing tag I know tag is not usual for me but I was only 7 a meteorite came and hit him I tried to go help him but the meteor was so intense that 1 step closer I thought I would die he appeared to be suffocating I went to go get help but when we got back he wasnt there the news said he was dead and turned into dust with the intenseness of the meteorite so I vowed to bring him back and when I was 16 we met at a junior high school I was going to class and I recognized him by his scars from the meteor I went to say hi but when I got over there I think he used his powers from the meteor at me and he disappeared fast and thats it.

Come on men we dont have that much time Tony we wont kill him we might hurt him but we are not going to kill him we dont wanna kill your former friend come men.EPISODE 3:THE FURIOUS BATTLE AWAITSWhile Goku and his men go out to find Nixon they wont know what other battle their up against.

We can stop here rest hey wait I sense a power level that I think I know coming straight for us its her Katrina Nixons daughter she always follow me everywhere I go she lies and says she looks at me when she's depressed.

She might not be here to admire you Nixon probably had hired her to kill you just stay on guard Alpha.

Hi Alpha I'm here to admire you on you leaving you dragged these 2 losers with you I wont tell daddy on you 2 but it can work I feel bad for you being hated for taking fathers money matter fact just give me 8,000 and we can call it even ok Alpha.

No get your own money I only took the money to prove to your dad that hes not the only one with power and even a inch of the money back to him will be a failure to my goal so leave Katrina.

You made the wrong decision Alpha I guess I will have to kill you with this one attack (attack mode) girly blast cannon if thats not enough full power relief (Katrinas power leveled up)

Alpha- defense cannon Vegetunks- fire rayCode-B ghost magician attack.

We will all go in through the front there will be a lot of soilders in there so this will be are final stand.

If you need our help we will be in the building looking to see if anyone is inside.

On three I open the door and do the kamehameha the rest of you know that to do 123 kamehamehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Move in men we have lots of ground to cover while gokus going in after Nixon move out Green freak- plasma energy rayGt Muscle supersonic blastSuper elite jack destroy beamOmega freak classic galic gun.

Name Junior NixonDouble Sunday (attacks Rashili hero Ali ) now lets take care of your friend.

You not going to attack me (ready to attack) Super Punch Ali are you ok speak to me.

I can get up I know what Im doing I need to be on the top of the roof so I can get shocked by lightning when I get shocked I evolve into a more powerful warrior it only last for a short amount of time so we have to hurry.

Ok we are on the roof and Im getting set for the lightning so you can transform ok.

Ok place me at the top ok on 3 you run 1.2..3 run!!!!!!!!!!!

I have yellow hair now I'm fully transformed .

Everyone back up I evolved and I have a move that can take everyone out except for Nixon.Super KaMeHaMeHaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Father im back oh no father where are you and what happened. Daddy daddy where are you im hurt badly. Daddy daddy!!!!!!!!!!

Im here Katrina here here hurry there is to many of them they over took us by surprise I knew they were gonna come but with the money gone I had no time to focus on them coming now we cant afford another house.

King Nixon you have to come with us tony wants' you your not going to get hurt or nothing but its too late for them so come on.

No me and my daddy isn't going no where you big sucker. No Katrina its about time I meet my old friend again but im badly injured from that yellow haired freaks attack.Episode 4King Nixon SurrendersLast time on Discoveries King Nixon and his forces surrender to tonys men will they finally put a stop to evil or will it grow.

Im not really like that I transformed and when I transform I know one thing an that is death

Its a good thing this battle is over I would have passed out from the lightning so Ali can transform Im pooped im going to tonys place meet you there

Your not going to tonys place your going to go get the money so are you Ali where is the money Nixon

My old guard Alpha took it I dont know why but he always told people hes not my worker Katrina where are they.

Their at a nearby cave in the east direction their trying to get out the city they would expect you to been had left so I bet they are still there if you hurry you might catch them.Season 2 will have more characters more drama more action and more characters.

And many many more charactersThis is the new season of Dragonball discoveries

Last time on Dragonball Discoveries SAIYAN MAN and Gohan were sent to get back tonys money will they make it back or will they die from alphas viciousness.

There they go I see them do you want me to do the kamehameha.

You can do it if your pleased to do it we can kill them but that will be a waste so we will bring them back to tony ok on go do the kamehameha and I will use instantaneous transmission to do my hero punch.

12.3 instaneous transmission super punchKAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vegetunks-false attack (attack reflected off of vegetunks and onto the tree. Alpha- super speed (Alpha uses defense move to get out of the way ) code B solar flare (blinds opponent so that he cant see wich messes up the attack.)

Ali they deflected it but how that was such an amazing shot the blast was intense.White oh no we miscalculated with that attack we must have did something wrong we know are power levels are a little bit powerful but how.


Im gonna go back to get White and Ali just in case something has happened I sense their power but where its going from East to West so I guess im gonna have to check both directions but I feel an intense power that exploded in both directions I think im over reacting about this but if it is I must hurry.While both heros fighting for their lives a new and stronger enemy is beginning to train his hardest to take on Tony and his elite fighters. But when Goku leaves will Ali and White be in serious trouble.

Whet the heck my power just sky rocketed whats happening am I evolving into my last form of elite ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is this power im im evolving .

I evolved into this a new person of the green race my new name towards this day is piccolo and I will grow to be a natural born killer or predator.

Your just figuring out how to transform I been can transform into 2 forms wanna see.

One transformation one more coming up.

3 thats it im turning normal now.

These are my 3 transformations for me transforming hurts because im a top elite warrior and im changing my name my new name is vegeta and I will build my own race wearing some kind of uniform I will only wear that uniform in 2 or 1 years.

Excuse me I heard about a ultimate warrior tournament and im trying to win their prize money 9,000,000 dollars but I dont know where its at do you know where its at.Name- Krillin

A tournament you say for 9 million dollars im in but I dont know where it is either im sure I will win even if im close to dying I will transform to rule that tournament and I will start my own race there on from that. All of you can join if wanted to Im gonna have my own race and no one is getting in the way of that.

Im in this too im as tough as you man.

My new form makes me stronger than both of you so I might win.

So you dont know where the tournament is at, whats this a flyer looks like I just found it see ya its at the big dome downtown im out of here.

We both better hurry up were dying we cant take on all of these high power assassins I cant take it super punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I got it I will transform I learned how to do it without the lightning in the sky maybe if you hold them off I can access enough power to transform and we might be done.

Here now hope no one is hurt because I got a figure four ki blast shot ready and im not afraid to use it on you alpha.

You cant harm me with such frequent attack such as a ki blast and if you did manage to make it hurt us we still can retreat because we learned how to do instantaneous transmission wich we can go farther than those 2 worthless warriors.

Figure four ki blast(attacks alpha code b and vegetunks)I thought it wouldnt do much to you.

You did it Goku we thought we were gonna die for sure man we was so scared.

I got Alpha you grab his lackeys and we are going back to tonysI hope hes in a good mood.

This is my new race uniform not this one this one is mine the one you are getting is one with shoulder pads. I will have my own race called saiyans and we are gonna be the biggest race ever. Do you hear that people im vegeta the greatest emperor of the world. ahahahahahahahaha.

You seriously need to stop talking to your self but your uniform does look nice I cant join I think suits like that on me doesnt fit.Next time on Dragonball z DISCOVERIES Vegeta shows off all his cool uniform colors.

Hello ladies and gentlemen I will be your host for the Ultimate Warrior Tournament and the first fight of today will be a closer and who ever advances that far till the end will have to fight our champion gogeta and hes not going easy on no one.

I dont have time for these fools I am a super saiyan and I think no one here has reached my level yet but with my ultimate stardust breaker Im unbeatable I hope my old friend goku is here so I can teach him a lesson or next time.

Looks like im facing zarbon at the tournament I'm gonna see if he wants to join or I will take his clothes while hes showering and put my clothes there ahahahahahahahaha.

What kind of uniform is this who did this but it does fit well so I might keep it for this tournament wow its elastic I might wear this every day this is comfortable woww.

vegeta I hope you know the rules of this tournament you to zarbon and let the battle commence.

Come on Zarbon im gonna destroy you and you got my uniform I gave you I hope you like it mine is more valuable say do you want to join my race we are the saiyans and for now its just me.

Youre the genius who did this I have to thank you and yes I will join your race even if I was to fight you I suppose I would forfeit the match master plus I dont want to kill you with my elegant blaster so referee I forfeit the match for this genius I worship music and if this new race has my melody I will be complete.

I will be your new announcer Tao had other qualities that fit him like being in the tightest situation he ever thought of so the winner of this match is Vegeta.

Im turning into something more powerful huh I cant take itThis is all I can transform into I do have more techniques o well this form will have to do.

I declare the winner of the tournament vegeta.

I won like I was going to lose to some poor ranking fighters oh well if goku and his legendary super saiyan mode would have been here I would have defeated him to now my empire will grow.

Vegeta im here and im ready to kick some butt even though the tournament is over I still can defeat you and go super saiyan all you want compared to my legendary super saiyan your nothing ok.

We can hold 1 more match of the forfeit that zarbon did for vegeta plus we still have to fit the young boy named krillin in so there will be a triple threat match of ,vegeta,goku and krillin and gogeta and our ultimate champion gotenks.

Goku I hope you remember me because im the top warrior of you and vegeta and for you vegeta im you from the future goku had came to the future and left open the portal so im you and goku you too had synced together and I was made I am stronger than both of you put together.

Thats absurd me and goku only fused when we made vegeto to defeat super buu but buu is in hell now and he is never coming back and if he do I will still be stronger.

Let the battle of the triple threat match begin.I hope goku win or gogeta I need the power to bring out the translator to bring back super buu and this planet will be gone ahahahahahah

You guys look scary go easy im not all powerful like you.

Im gonna die someone please help me im gonna die I dont wanna die young wait I have unlock potential that can give me a boost in my power!!!

Vegeta Goku your lucky I didnt want to lose against this gogeta guy after we beat him we are un fusing ok.Goku- dang Vegeta I dint know you were that much of a hot head.Name - Vegito

Gogeta And Vegito is about to fight on planet Yemnna