drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014

www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi Drakenstein Year 4 • Friday 30 May 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365 In the Paarl Post ) Paarl Gim teacher dies ) All about the budget ) More pitbull attacks ) Traffic cop at- tacked with pet- rol-bomb ) Win tickets Child Protection Week 3 Skoonheidskompetisie 7 KNSS seëvier 8 Child Protection Week will be celebrated in June and Paarl Police, in conjunction with other role players, held a Child Protection Memorial Service on Wednesday 28 May to commemorate those children who died as a result of child abuse. Learners from different schools in the area attended the service. Learners from Sonop Primary School acted out the proverbial principle of “See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” to show their support for victims of abuse and to encourage others not to turn a blind eye. From left are: Meagan Hendricks, Maroné Barendse, Lee-Ann Moses, Captain Louise du Plessis (Paarl Police), Jason Cornelissen, Ethan Naude and Kelvin Koopman at the lit candles symbolising the memory of those who have died. Also see page 3. PHOTO: MARYKE SWART Hands off our peers

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Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014


Page 1: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014



Year 4 • Friday 30 May 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365

In the Paarl Post) Paarl Gimteacher dies) All about thebudget) More pitbullattacks) Traffic cop at-tacked with pet-rol-bomb) Win tickets Child Protection Week 3 Skoonheidskompetisie 7 KNSS seëvier 8

Child Protection Week will be celebrated in June and Paarl Police, in conjunction with other role players, held a Child Protection Memorial Service on Wednesday 28 May to commemorate those childrenwho died as a result of child abuse. Learners from different schools in the area attended the service. Learners from Sonop Primary School acted out the proverbial principle of “See no evil, hear no evil,and speak no evil” to show their support for victims of abuse and to encourage others not to turn a blind eye. From left are: Meagan Hendricks, Maroné Barendse, Lee-Ann Moses, Captain Louise duPlessis (Paarl Police), Jason Cornelissen, Ethan Naude and Kelvin Koopman at the lit candles symbolising the memory of those who have died. Also see page 3. PHOTO: MARYKE SWART

Hands off our peers

Page 2: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014

Drakenstein Gazette News - Nuus Friday 30 May 20142

Vier mense is onlangs beseer in ’n botsingin Jan van Riebeeckrylaan waarby vyf voer-tuie betrokke was. Hier behandel nood-dienswerkers beseerdes op die toneel.


Verdagtes gevang deurflinke optredeDEVIDEAN MOSES

Danksy Paarl-Oos-poli-siebeamptes se flinkespeurwerk is gesteeldekoerante binne ure ná diediefstal daarvan terugge-vind.

Die Paarl-Oos-polisie hetSondag 25 Mei om 07:00 ’nklagte ontvang dat viermans ’n koerantverkoper sekoerante vermoedelik ge-steel het.Volgens lt. Diana Linee,

polisiewoordvoerder, hetdie koerantverkoper in dieNederburg-area van Paarl-Oos die koerante verkooptoe vier mans die koeranteby hom afgevat het en daar-mee weggehardloop het.“Ons polisiebeamptes het dadelik na die to-

neel gery en speurwerk gedoen opsoek na dieverdagtes,” sê Linee.“Ná ’n volledige beskrywing van die vier

verdagtes het ek enmykollega deurdie stratevan Paarl-Oos gery en enkele ure daarna een

verdagte in Poinsettia-straat met die koerantebetrap,” vertel konst.Edwin Dinthe.“Onshetdie tweedever-

dagte in Lantana gevinden daarna het ons die an-der tweemet die gesteeldekoerante op die hoek vanJan van Riebeeck-rylaanbetrap waar hy die koe-rante verkoop.”Vier mans het Dinsdag

26 Mei in die Paarl-land-droshof verskyn. LoganSnymanenJohnlinJuliesis aangekla vir die besitvan gesteelde goedere,terwyl Raygan Franckeen Christopher Williamsverskyn het op ’n aanklagvan roof.

VolgensLinee is die polisie dankbaar vir al-mal wat misdaad aanmeld.Die SAPD het ook die afgelope naweek op

verskeie goedere wat vermoedelik gesteel is,beslag gelê.KontakdiePaarl-Oos-polisie by 021 870 5900

om misdaad aan te meld.

Hier is konstabels Diandra Esau (links)en Edwin Dinthe wat die diewe gevanghet ná hulle ’n klag van diefstal ontvanghet. By hulle is ook vermoedelik gesteel-de goedere waarop die Paarl-Oos-polisiedie afgelope naweek beslag gelê het.


Mbekweni: Woman raped at gunpointA 21-year-old woman from Mbekweni wasraped at gunpoint after getting a lift from heralleged rapist.According to Mbekweni police spokesper-

son, serg. Ncebe Vanqa, the victim was drink-ingata localpubinWhiteCitywithher friendswhen they met the suspect. “They asked him

to drop them at their residences. He firstdropped(off) the twofriendsandwhenhewasalonewith thevictim,hedroveoff and threat-ened to stabher if sheresisted.Healso threat-ened her with a firearm.”The suspect allegedly drove the car into

bushes where he forced her to take off herunderwear and raped her.A case of rape is under investigation.Vanqasaidthesuspect isunknown,butcan

be identified by the victim.Anyone with information is requested to

contact Mbekweni detectives at 021 868 9926.

’n Motor met ses insittendes het Sondagaand om-streeks 22:30 op die Sonstraal- en Swawelstertpad-kruising vermoedelik gerol. Driemense, waaronder diebestuurder, ismet onderskeidelik kop-, rib-, en armbe-serings na Paarl-hospitaal geneem vir behandeling.Geen saak is by die polisie oopgemaak nie.

Twee klagtes vanleerder-aanrandingDEVIDEAN MOSES

Twee ernstige aanrandingsake is van-deesweek by Paarl-Oos-polisie aanhan-gig gemaak nadat die bloed gevloei het,onder meer by ’n 17-jarige leerder.Volgens polisiewoordvoerder, lt. Dia-

naLinee, het die eerste voorval op 21Meiom 14:25 op die skool se perseel plaasge-vind.Diepolisiemagegtergeenbesonderhe-

de oor die voorval bekendmaaknie, aan-gesienaldiebetrokkenesminderjarig is.Volgens ’n ooggetuie het die aangeran-

de seun buite ’n klaskamer gewag.“Tweeseunshetnahomgeloopenhom

gepootjie waarna hy op die grond gevalhet.”Volgens die ooggetuie, wat vir sy eie

veiligheid anoniem wil bly, het ’n groepvan sowat 10 seuns nader gehardloop enalmal het die weerlose seun begin skoptotdat sy kop begin bloei het.Verder vertel die ooggetuie dat ’n

groep seuns wat besig was om rugby teoefen, die voorval sien gebeur en tot dieleerder se redding gekom het. Hulle hetdaarin geslaag om die seuns te verwil-der.Lt. Linee het wel bevestig dat ’n klag

van ernstige aanranding deur die Paarl-Oos-polisie ondersoek word.“Die vraag ontstaan nou wat sou ge-

beur het as hulle hom nie te hulp gesnelhet nie,” vra die ooggetuie.Nog ’n saak van ernstige aanranding

is aanhangig gemaak, nadat nog ’n groepleerders ná skool ’n leerder met ’n bak-steen aangeval het.VolgensLineemoetouers enonderwy-

sers gereeld met leerders praat oor hulgedrag. “Skole moet gereeld woedebe-stuurprogramme aanbied,” meen sy.Die skoolhoof van die betrokke skool

wou nie kommentaar lewer oor die aan-geleentheid nie.

Page 3: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014

Drakenstein GazetteNews - NuusFriday 30 May 2014 3

Communities must work together for childrenIn 2013 Badisa had more than 13 000 suc-cess stories. This means more than 13 000childrenwere saved fromabuse, neglect orill-treatmentandgivenanewchanceinlife.

“Every child we place in one of our day-careor aftercare centres is one of our success sto-ries. It gives children the opportunity to adjustbetter when they enter society/school, espe-cially children from disadvantaged communi-ties. We also see every child that we have pro-vided safe alternative care to, such as fostercare, as a success story,”says Ronel van Zyl, Badi-sa’s Director: Social Serv-ices.Unfortunately the

number of children, whodesperately need help dueto abuse, neglect, ill-treat-mentandviolence, ismuchhigher than the number ofsuccess stories.“Not enough money, not

enough people and staffmembers. The greatestchallenge in helping thesechildren are inadequate help systems,” saysvan Zyl. She continues by saying that this isindeed an old song; however she strongly be-lieves that you cannot keep SA’s children safewithonlyahandfulofpeopleworkingtogether.“Our greatest challenge is to get everyone tofight together for our children. Then also theresources we need will be available.”To do this every citizen, business and com-

munity organisation must do their part alongwith organisations such as Badisa, one ofSouth Africa’s largest child protection organi-sations.Van Zyl says South Africa boasts one of the

best childprotectionacts in theworld,with thehighest regard for people and their rights. Inour constitution (Article 28) the protection of

children against violence, exploitation, sex-ualabuseetc. isnot justavaluebutanobliga-tion. Yet, the number of children beingabused, neglected or ill-treated is still expo-nentially high.With Child Protection Week from 1 to 8

June, various organisations want to focusthepublic’sattentiononchildprotectionandhow every citizen has a moral obligation tofight this evil in our communities.“It is not only about what the social work-

ers do to protect children. The key to safe-guarding our children lieswith what we can do as acommunity. The commu-nity must take the respon-sibility to keep our chil-dren safe. Child protectionis the responsibility of ourchurches, businesses andcommunity leaders,” addsVan Zyl.Child protection is a

very broad term, accord-ing tovanZyl.Shesuggeststhat communities start byproviding enoughplaces of

safety where children can go to stay off thestreets and also receive much needed devel-opmental stimulation.Badisa has a number of after-care facili-

ties, day care centres and have equippedmorethan64mothers inespeciallypoorcom-munities to run home-based early childhooddevelopment programmes as part of theirToddler-for-Toddler programme, in associa-tion with the Department of Social Develop-ment.Van Zyl wants to encourage everyone, es-

pecially adults, to stand together in the fightagainst child abuse.“Themajority of community programmes

focuses on equipping and empowering chil-drenwithinformationtoprotect themselves.

But the danger is that we are then making childprotection the responsibility of children,” saysvan Zyl. She continues, “children have a respon-sibility, however I believe that adults are prima-rily responsible to protect our children, who areoften the weak being exploited by adults.” Ac-cordingtovanZyl,parentsandcaregiversshouldtake responsibility for their own emotional andpsychological well-being.“Adults should be informed and educated on

how to handle stress and any trauma from theirpast inordernot to take thisouton their childrenas inmanycases, abuse,whetherviolent or sexu-al, stems from past hurts of adults.”

) What should children learn from Child Pro-tection Week? “That they are special and pre-

cious. They have the right to go to school andto growup in a safe environment. They are thekingsandqueensof theirownbodies. If anyonetries to hurt their ‘kingdom’, they have theright to call their ‘soldiers’ to protect them.Their ‘soldiers’ are the police, social workers,a teacher at school and other grown-ups,” saysVanZyl.Childprotection ison theBadisaagen-da every day of the week. The organisationruns regular programmes and activities incommunities. For more information aboutwhat theorganisationdoes, visit theirwebsite,www.badisa.org.za. To join Badisa in the fightagainst child abuse, please phone your nearestBadisa office. Badisa Paarl (021 862 4606) andBadisa Wellington (021 873 3834).

Stop child abuse.

Page 4: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014

Drakenstein Gazette General - Algemeen Friday 30 May 20144

Jy die Entrepreneur:Bestuurder of leier?DAVID MALHERBE

Tyd vlieg! Dit is hierdie week al ’njaar dat hierdie weeklikse entre-preneurskap-artikelsgepubliseer word.

Dit is dieselfde wanneerjy ’n besigheid begin.Daaris ’neerstedagwat jybeginom jou eie besigheid te be-dryf en jy is opgewonde enhet groot planne van watjywil doenenhoe jydiebe-sigheid wil uitbrei.Voor jy egter jou oë uit-

vee is daar ’n jaar verby.Die fase waar alles nuutwas, is verby en as jy nie versigtig isnie, kan jou besigheid maklik maarnet nog ’n daaglikse werk wees metjou as die bestuurder.Maar ’n bestuurder hou gewoonlik

bestaande stelsels in stand sonder omsoseer ingestel te wees op die groei

van die besigheid. Om egter ’n entre-preneur te bly, beteken iets anders.Dit hou meer verband met leierskap.Leierskap word onderskei van be-

stuur deurdat dit te doenhetmet die ontginning vannuwe markte en die groeien uitbreiding van die be-sigheid.Om die besigheid te laat

groei, moet jy nuwemanie-re van doen beproef, krea-tief en innoverend wees enkyk vir unieke goed wat jykan doen wat ander besig-hede nie doen nie. Hoe kanons onsself onderskei enuniekwees temidde van so

baie mededingers?Goeie leierskap isnodigvir ’nnuwe

besigheid. Uitsonderlike leierskap isegter nodig om die besigheid op dielangtermyn te laat aanhou groei. Hetjy as entrepreneur ’n plan hoe om joubesigheid te laat groei?

’n Gewilde liedjie jare terug het diefrase “No man is an island” bevat. Virbesigheidseienaars is dit net so be-langrik. Jou besigheid bestaan nie in’n vakuum nie. Skakel jy met andersakepersonedeurbyvoorbeelddieby-eenkomste van die plaaslike sakeka-mer by te woon? Raadpleeg jy andervir goeie besigheidsraad of vertrou jyslegs joueiemening?Lees jykoeranteen besigheidstydskrifte of selfs besig-heidsboeke om nuwe idees en kennisvir die uitbou van jou besigheid te be-kom?Goeie leiers is leergierig enaltydop

die uitkyk na hoe hulle hul besighedekanverbeter en laat groei.Moenienetvasval in bestuur nie.Wees ’n leier enbly ’n entrepreneur.* DavidMalherbe is ’nbesigheids- en

loopbaankonsultant en woon in Wel-lington. Hy kan gekontak word via sywebblad www.jedidiah.org.za of by021 873 0262 of op Facebook by “Jy dieEntrepreneur”.

ACVV nooi jouna praatjieDieACVVindiePaarlhouhulAlgeme-ne Jaarvergadering op 4 Junie byHuisVergenoegd,Hoofstraat,Paarl (C-Blok,1ste vloer – kapel) om 10:00.M’Lani Basson van Amado sal die

vergadering toespreek oor dier-ge-steunde terapie vir kinders.Die publiek word genooi om hierdie

oggend saam met hulle te geniet.Bel enige van die ACVV-takke of

ACVV Paarl-tak: 021 872 2738 teen 30Mei om te bespreek.

Jumble SaleDrakenstein Animal Rescue will hosta jumble sale on Saturday 31 May be-tween 08:00 and 13:00 in BoulevardStreet, opposite Shoprite.Please donate yourunwanted goods.

Call Cheryl on 082 579 3005.

Dania en MonjaGreyling het Vrydaginkopies gedoen bydie NG-kerk Paarl-berg se Gawemark.Die mark het ’n ver-skeidenheid produk-te en vind plaas tot31 Mei by die kerk-saal langs die kerk inBo-Langstraat en salvandag oop weesvanaf 10:00 tot18:30 en Saterdagvanaf 09:00 tot15:00.FOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

Do you produceMbekweni Muffinsor Chicago Choco-lates? Or maybeKlein DrakensteinCookies or SmartieTown Sweets?Drak-enstein Gazettewants to find outmore about entre-preneurs that oper-ate their uniquebusinesses fromtheir homes. In to-day’s tough econo-my, starting yourown business is thesolution. Not onlydo you create workfor yourself, but forothers too. Send usadescription of yourbusiness, or comeand tell us about it.Once a month theGazette Entrepre-neur of the Monthwill be selected. Thewinner will receive a promotional article in the Drakenstein Gazette andanadvertisement toboost his or her business. To enter or formore information,call 021 870 4614; e-mail [email protected] or visit our officeat 1a New Street, Paarl.

Page 5: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014

Drakenstein GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieFriday 30 May 2014 5

Page 6: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014

Drakenstein Gazette Geklassifiseerd Friday 30 May 20146


















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DRIVER NEEDED at KleinDrakenstein. Valid PDPwith own transport. Fax CVto 021 862 0055.

Page 7: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014

Drakenstein GazetteSchools - SkoleFriday 30 May 2014 7

Bergrivier Sekondêre Skool hou vanaand om 19:00 in hul skoolsaal die jaarlikse uitdunne van Mej Bergrivier.Kaartjies is R10 per persoon. Vir navrae bel opvoeder Beryl Cedras by 083 227 2288. Hier pronk die modellewaaruit die finaliste gekies sal word.

Die o.19A-netbalspan van Hoërskool Labori het vir Hoërskool Robertsonmet 22-15 geklop tydens hul sportdag. Saammet die spelers is opvoederElmien Jacobs (afrigter).

Wellington High School recently held their annual matric ball in theirschool hall with style. Here are a few of the matriculants who have waitedfor years for this special function.

Die o.19A-rugbyspan van Hoërskool Labori behou hulle onoorwonne sta-tusdeurHoërskool Robertsonmet sesdrieë tewen.Hullewendiewedstryd38-10. Hulle het ook met Weltevrede Sekondêr afgereken, 25-22.

Laerskool Drakenstein se gr. 4-klas het onlangs die Afrikaanse Taalmuse-um besoek as deel van hul “In-en-om-die Paarl”-uitstappie.

The boys of Paarl Boys’ Primary looked really damaged as they dressedup for Plaster Day on Friday 23 May. The school supports Red CrossChildren’s Hospital Fund in this fun way.

Nedbank het onlangsby New Orleans Sekon-dêre Skool se matrieksgaan kuier om vir hulleaan te moedig om tespaar en by die bank ’nrekening oop te maak.Hier is van links ChristoEksteen, Gaynor Meyer(albei van Nedbank),Curtlee Davids (onder-hoofseun), SeymourGreen (hoofmeisie), Ja-nine Vermeulen en Ro-se-Mari Ringquest, ookvan Nedbank.

Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool het verlede week hul jaarlikse Wiskun-de- en Wetenskapweek gehou. Verskeie motiveringsprekers het die leer-ders toegespreek en verskeie wetenskaplike demonstrasies gehou.

Koop ’nlollipopDrakenstein Asso-ciation for Personswith Disabilities(DAPD) se “lolli-pop”-geldinsame-lingsdag word ge-hou op 7 Junie.DAPD fokus opdienslewering aangestremde personein die Drakenstein.

’n Beroep wordgedoen op skole endie algemene pu-bliekombetrokketeraak by die projekdeur ’n suigstokkieteen R3 te koop en inte skryf vir ’n kom-petisie waarin grootpryse gewen kanword.

Van die prysesluit onder meer in’n nag vir twee byWhale Coast Hotelin Hermanus, tweenagte by GoudiniSpa, ’n nag by SpierHotel in Stellen-bosch en by enigeProtea Hotel asookpryse by eetplekkeen boekwinkels.

Bel Naki Stapel-berg by 072 332 1027,021 863 0446 of [email protected]. Besoekwww.wcapd.org.za.

Page 8: Drakenstein gazette 30 may 2014


Year 4 • Vrydag 30 Mei 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600


) YoungPoepleshetdiénaweek ’nloslootjie. Ná die vierde nederlaagsal dieTiere hul sokkiesmoet optreken hardwerk om op 31Mei vir Good-wood op Faurestraat stert tussen diebene huis toe te stuur. Die o. 20-spanhet teen Rangers Bo-Kaap diewil omtewengewys en sokandieGrootTie-re dalk dieselfde inspuiting kry.

) Hillcrest United RFK speel Sa-terdag 31 Mei teen Evergreen Paarl.Busvervoer as volg: R30 toeskou-

ers en R15 kinders.Bus vertrek 12:30 van Mannies.) Die jaarlikse gholfdag van

Young Gardens RFK moes uitgestelworda.g.v.diegureweerensalplaas-vindSondag1JunieopBoschenmeerGholfbaan. Belangstellendes watsteeds wil inskryf of betrokke wilraakdeurpryseofputjies teborgkandie voorsitterMarioWilliams bel by082 380 2680 of 021 870 1081 of ’n e-posstuur na [email protected] ’ngedeeltevan die opbrengs skenk aan TinusLinee.

) Tigers isweer opdiewenpadna-dat hulle verlede naweek teen Spar-tens 10 – 3 verloor het, en verlede na-week in eendeweermet Oceans afge-reken en 5 – 0 gewen het. Hierdienaweek het Tigers ’n af-naweek ennooi alle spelers om14:00 aan temeldby die klubhuis vir ’n lekker span-praatjie.

DARTS) Die somer-kompetisie het ten

einde geloop en die wenners wasCrusaders, tweede Hunters en derdeFlyingEagles.Daar is vyf voltalle ge-lewer.Dievolgendekompetisie isdiewinterkompetisie. Almal is welkomom deel te neem. Vir enige navrae

skakel vir Sam Claassen by082 683 3728.

KRIEKET) Die Young Peoples-krieketklub

se bekeruitdeling is op 31 Mei in dieHoly Trinity-saal in Auretstraat,Paarl, vanaf 19:00.Kaartjies teen R50 per kop is reeds

by die kapteins en bestuur beskik-baar.

SOCCER) Boland Build It will be hosting

their annual u. 13 Soccer Knock-OutTournament on 31 May (07:30-16:00)at theMbekwenisportsgrounds.Theorganisershopethisprojectwillhelpyoung people to work together as ateam,tobecompetent, topractisedis-cipline and to interact with newfriends. Sixteen teams from aroundthe Boland will take part. There willbe grassroots soccer activities, priz-es tobewon, trophies for thewinningteam, food and drinks and entertain-ment.

) Paarl Soccer Club: Weekend Re-sultsFirst Team: Paarl S.C. 4 vs Young

Ideas 4 –Goal scorers:LylevanRooy-en,CuwanvanRooyen,MarvinAlex-ander and Jeanne Blaise.Over 35: Paarl S.C. 1 vsNietvoorbij

2 – Goal scorer: Johannes Wilds-chutt. u.19: Island Rovers 1 vs PaarlS.C. 1 – Goal scorer: Clifford Maree.u.15: Young Ideas 6 vs Paarl S.C 2

- Goal scorer: Clifford Maree (2).Girls: Paarl S.C. 3 vs New Orleans

0 -Goalscorers:KellyvanRooyen (2),Raheelah Isaacs.

) Fixtures- Over 35: Friday 30May, 20:30, SalberauParkAvsElsiesRiver United.FirstTeam:Saturday31May,15:30,

Mbekweni B vs African Jaguars.

Klubrugby-uitslaeen -bepalings

) Hier volg verlede naweek se uitslae:Blues 16 Vineyards 6) Week 8 (31 Mei) se wedstryde is as

volg:Young Peoples vs Goodwood by Faure­

stadion.Young Peoples o.20 vs Goodwood o.20

op Boy Louw APaarl vs Silvertree (weg)Vineyards vs Rangers op Daljosafat AAllandale vs Albions op AllandaleYoung Gardens vs Riverstones op Daljo­

safat­stadionYoung Standards vs Simondium op Dal­

josafat BViolets vs Blues op Daljosafat CWindmeul United vs Pêrel United by

WindmeulPniel Villagers vs Kraaifontein by PnielFranschhoek United vs Langa by Langa

Klein Nederburg Sekondêr het op 21 Mei teen Wellington Sekondêr op die Newton-veldegespeel. Hier is die o.19A-spanne besig om mekaar aan te vat. Elrich Koopman vanKlein Nederburg breek deur ’n duikslag. Klein Nederburg wen die wedstryd 35-12.


Laerskool Noord-Eind het Saterdag inBellville teen Laer-skool Totius ’n sport-dag gehad. Hier is dieo.13A-wedstryd aandie gang met Noord-Eind se Kyle Osbornewat deur die gapingbreek. Totius was testerk vir die Paarlseuns en wen diekragmeting 24-12.FOTO: MARYKE SWART