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Dramatic Christian Ministries Narrow Gate Theatre Co. A Dramatic Ministry of the Bible 5128 Purcell Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM. 87111 (505) 831-0311 Website: http://dcministries.com Email: [email protected] © 2007 Dramatic Christian Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Dramatic Christian Ministries

Narrow Gate Theatre Co.

A Dramatic Ministry of the Bible 5128 Purcell Dr. NE,

Albuquerque, NM. 87111 (505) 831-0311

Website: http://dcministries.com Email: [email protected]

© 2007 Dramatic Christian Ministries All Rights Reserved

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Information Packet Contents

3. Avenues of Ministry

4. Ministry Overview

5. Mission Statement & Statement of Faith

7. Current Productions & Presentations

9. Vacation Bible School

10. VBS FAQ‟s

11. DCM Workshops

12. Booking & Cost

13. Dennis & Wendy Cole‟s Biographies

14. Comments & Testimonies

16. Photos


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Avenues of Ministry Dramatic Christian Ministries is available for ministry anywhere in the world. This website is organized to answer many of your questions about the ministry

and its mission. Please call us or contact us whatever your need may be.

• Churches & Drama Ministries

• Outreach Ministry Events

• Vacation Bible School

• Workshops

• Christian Organizations

• Conferences

• Retreats

• Seminars

• Street Ministry & Summer Evangelism

• Christian Camps

• Missions to Israel and other nations

• Schools, Colleges, Universities, Seminaries

• Your Ideas for ministry are welcome


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Ministry Overview

DCM Ministry Venues

• Churches - Dramatic

presentations, teaching, pulpit supply, Help with drama ministry in your church. Explore the foundations of Kingdom Life Action, Bible Demonstration and Expository Acting • Conferences of all kinds -

General Session Presentations & Workshops • Teaching • Sunday school, • Christian drama groups • Bible Study groups • Seminars • Retreats. • Schools, Colleges,

Universities, Seminaries Classroom presentations and teaching & special events for Campus Life • Retreat Venues – DCM as

Your Resource for retreats. Teaching and plenary sessions -This venue can be a total resource or a supplement to your retreat program. • Outreach Events -

Evangelistic, Street Ministry, Youth Ministry • Christian Organizations, ie

Women Aglow, Prison Fellowship, etc. • Tours to Israel & the

Nations - on site presentations & teaching to go with your tour itinerary!


Expository Acting Bible Demonstration Kingdom Acting Ministry Training

Please inform us of your interest so that we may mail you


Bible Times VBS

Bring drama to your VBS! Dramatic Christian Ministries & Vacation Bible School - DCM can script your program to fit your needs and curriculum. Drama from the Bible lends itself to all VBS programs and will greatly enhance the experience of your children and your volunteers.

We highly recommend the critically acclaimed 8 original Marketplace 29 A.D. Bible Times Experience curriculums from

B.J. Goetz Publishing. These 8 unique VBS curriculums are very adaptable and present many opportunities for first person Bible Demonstration. If you want a deeper and more meaningful VBS that will teach children about the Jewish roots of their faith and bring the Bible alive, these VBS curriculums will fulfill that

purpose. These are an exciting experience for all involved, both children and workers.

Street Evangelism "The Walking Word" - DCM Summer Evangelism - Sermon on the Mount is the theme of this "in the first person" street evangelism. Participants learn excerpts from Matthew 5 and share with people these scriptures in first century Biblical costume. Passers by get a chance to interact with Jesus and His disciples in this once in a lifetime experience. Matthew 5 excerpts are given out with the way to salvation and contact information. Your ideas welcome! - DCM productions are easily adaptable to your ideas and venues are customizable to individual needs and themes


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Mission Statement What is the message of Dramatic Christian Ministries? This mission is dedicated to the witness of the Holy Spirit through the ancient Scriptures. This is a mission of Bible Demonstration and Expository, Kingdom Acting - Word of God in the first person through His people. DCM dramatic presentations are word for word from the Bible and presentations are interacted with those we are ministering to. DCM presentations, like Scripture itself, are very personal. This message is a witness to the truth of the divine nature of Jesus' Person and His written Word as one and the same. The experience of God's Word deepens one's understanding of the truth of the Bible, which says: "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." - Hebrews 4:12 Why This Mission? This mission is so that the truth may be presented, salvation may be obtained, and the heart of believers renewed for submission to God's authority and service to God's kingdom. Hearing the Word and seeing it put into practice brings faith and salvation to the unsaved. A new hearing and awareness of the Word of God will enhance the faith of believers and.a renew dedication to God. It is our mission and ministry to encounter Jesus with those we are sent to minister to. We do this by meeting the Messiah on His terms through His written, living and unchanged Word. Why Drama? Entering the Bible in the present tense shows people God's love for them and His transforming power. While comments and sermons about the Bible can be very helpful, DCM seeks to provide a pure revelation in the context of theater by enacting the Word of God as it was first breathed by the Spirit. In this way, DCM theatrical Bible presentations are interactive, as when they were first spoken. When people are immersed in the presentations they are saved, inspired and renewed by the active power and love of the Holy Spirit. Our privilege and ministry is to let God's Word speak for itself as we submit our bodies as vessels for His glory. How is DCM Organized & Funded? DCM is a 5013c non-profit organization that operates on a free will offering basis in support of this mission and is under the spiritual covering and direction of its board of directors.

Statement of Faith

The Bible - We Believe in the divine inspiration of the whole Bible and the infallibility of the Holy Scripture which is God's word fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts and that its writings are eternal truths that are to be lived out and practiced by believers for all time. God - We Believe that there is ONE LIVING and TRUE GOD, eternally existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory; that this triune God created all, upholds all, and governs all. Jesus - We Believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit,

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born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and shed His blood on the cross to save mankind. He was crucified and died on the cross and arose bodily on the third day and later ascended bodily into Heaven. He is fully God and fully man. The Holy Spirit - We

Believe that our faith is activated and sustained by the indwelling of God's Holy Spirit, the Counselor and Comforter sent by Jesus Christ to the Church on Pentecost. It is only through the Holy Spirit living in us that Christians are daily sanctified and prepared to walk in the faith given to us through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, is the gift given to us at the time of our salvation; the Spirit of Truth that guides us into all truth, and He will never leave us or forsake us. Mankind - We

Believe that all of mankind are born in a sinful condition from the rebellion of Adam and that because of this the Lord Jesus Christ (the 2nd Adam) mercifully died in the place of each individual sinner in a once and for all atoning sacrifice that will never be repeated. All who believe in Him in their hearts and confess Him with their mouths and practice obedience to His Word have accepted Him as their personal savior and Lord and are fully justified through His shed blood. These have been transformed (born-again -John 3:3) from death to life into children of God who no longer are subject to the penalty of sin. We believe that the only way to salvation is through the humble acceptance and wholehearted belief in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. And we believe that once salvation is accomplished it can never be renounced or rescinded by God or man. The Church - We Believe in the CHURCH established by Jesus Christ with Himself and His teaching as the foundation and the cornerstone - Eph. 2:20. The Church is the living spiritual body, of which Jesus Christ is the Head and all regenerated believers are members. Israel - We Believe that God has restored the Jewish people into their own land of Israel and that this restoration is a sign that they remain forever in covenant with Him as His Chosen People . However, with regard to salvation, the Jewish people as individuals must believe in and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in order to be saved and restored to God. We believe that one day all Israel will be saved as a result of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Eternity - We

Believe in the immortality of our souls and the bodily resurrection of the saved and the unsaved - to the everlasting blessedness of the saved in God's literal Heaven and to the everlasting punishment of the lost in a literal Hell and ultimately the literal Lake of Fire. The End Times - We do not believe that a our specific belief in this area is a core belief that determines salvation or standing in the Kingdom of God and we realize and respect that others have differences concerning the end times, We do think that it is important to state what we believe and include it in our statement of faith. We believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church, (all born-again believers) and in the bodily return of Jesus Christ at His second coming when He will return to rule and reign over the earth with His saints from Jerusalem. Persecution of the Church is a condition of the evil of this present world against Jesus and His people and is not to be confused with God's judgment and wrath which God will send upon the earth during the seven year period of tribulation, Revelation 3:8.


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Productions & Presentations


A dramatic demonstration of Matthew 5, 6 & 7. Jesus is up close and very personal in this sermon to His

disciples. Experience the thrill of being there and learning first hand at the feet of the Master! This powerful encounter with the Lord of Life has the potential to significantly deepen one’s relationship to

Jesus. His most remembered and beloved Sermon is internalized when we see the 21st

century and the


century become as one. Jesus, as the Scripture says, “is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Through His Word.



From John 13 through 16. Jesus says farewell to His disciples and explains His reasons for leaving as He

gives further instruction, encouragement and comfort. This is not a sermon but Jesus sharing His heart with his few friends. He is leaving but not abandoning His people. In this drama we will cast parts from the

local congregation and it is staged in such a way so that Jesus’ 1st

century disciples are “salted” among

the 21st

century disciples. This is Bible demonstration at its best.



A composite from the Gospels as they relate the resurrection. This is a fairly short but very powerful production featuring a full cast that includes Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, Thomas and the other disciples. The drama unfolds at the start of the First Day of the week when the tomb is found to be empty and is a great Sunday morning compliment to follow up on a Good Friday or Holy Week dramatic presentation of “Last Supper Shalom” . Also includes a dramatic audio production of the intense dialogue between Pontius Pilate, Jesus and the Mob outside.



“Blessed is He Who Comes In The Name of The Lord”

From Matthew 23, 24 & 25. This production features Jesus’ famous and final warnings to the scribes and Pharisees and to all who would be His disciples. Listen first hand to what the signs are of His coming and decide if you are ready. Seasoned believers as well as those who have never heard the gospel will return with all their heart, mind soul and strength to the Lord. This drama uses members of the local congregation to play disciples, scribes and Pharisees. The flavor to this production is intentionally Messianic and features the music of Paul Wilbur.


“BOOK OF JAMES” (YACOV) We have all read that “faith without works is dead”. James, the earthly brother of Jesus, drives home this point as he patiently but powerfully explains how this works. Listen and watch and learn the meaning of our faith put into action from the mouth of one who had the privilege of growing up with Jesus and who watched first hand his ministry from the very beginning to the end.


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This excerpt from Paul’s Letter to the Romans demonstrates the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant and the transition we all must make from death to life. Watch and “hear” as Paul explains the Gospel from the perspective of God’s chosen people and rejoice that all of us can be grafted into the true Vine, Yeshua Ha Machiach – Jesus the Messiah.


“FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS” Book of Esther – Purim Play

A brand new production - this full cast production is a hilarious comedy that celebrates the Jewish holiday of

Purim. Join us as Eshter and Mordichai outsmart the evil Hamon and save the Jewish people from destruction. Based a little loosely on the book of Esther from the SUV (Slightly Unorthodox

Version) This play is written by Polli Rychlik and Fran Kraft -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Drawn mostly from John 16, Jesus prepares His disciples for the kind of world that He also speaks of in Matthew 4. “If the world hates you, understand this – it hated Me before it hated you.” As in our other newest production, “Acting One”, we ask the question, “Where does the Word stop and acting begin?” This production also involves preaching and acting interspersed with each other. Drawing heavily from Scripture, the production points to how superficial faith does not have the power necessary for living a righteous life in these last days before the second coming of Messiah. Jesus implores His people to take of your masks “Hypocrites!” and put on love, put on Jesus, put on the full armor of God.



Bible characterization interspersed with preaching and teaching. Where does the Word stop and Acting begin? In this piece we cover how Kingdom Acting happens. Starting from the Beatitudes, Scripture shows us what and who to be and how to get there. We draw from John 14 & 15 – the perfect script for acting is the Bible which is highly personal in the Person of the Holy Spirit. This is a revelation into Jesus’ own words “He who obeys My doctrine loves Me.” We also illustrate the relationship of the believer as a branch on the True Vine, Jesus. This production prepares us for the world we live in today – “I tell you this so you won’t go astray.”


"ACTS ONE & TWO" The Wonderful Works Of God DCM's Newest Production - Various Bible characterizations are presented in these 2 chapters. The pacing is quick and the message is deep. The ministry that is available to people today begins in Acts 1 & 2. Come - See - Hear - What the Spirit is saying to His church about the Wonderful Works of God!


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DCM VBS Bring drama to your VBS! Dramatic Christian Ministries & Vacation Bible School - Now Booking for 2005 - DCM can script your program to fit your needs and curriculum. Drama from the Bible lends itself to all VBS programs and will greatly enhance the experience of your children and your volunteers.

Dramatic Christian Ministries will coordinate with your leaders to bring

authentic drama to the program. We will meet with your leaders each

day before and after the VBS for prayer and sharing of ideas and

working out problems. We will train a cast to bring life-like dramas to

the marketplace and this will promote a real-time Bible days

atmosphere. We will work with your staff to help them bring the

marketplace alive to the children. DCM will be there each day for the entire VBS in

character and interacting with the VBS participants. Our experience will be a great help in

keeping the VBS focused and on track. We highly recommend the critically acclaimed 8 original Marketplace 29 A.D. Bible Times Experience curriculums from B.J. Goetz Publishing. These wonderful and unique VBS curriculums are very adaptable and present many opportunities for Bible Demonstration. If you want a deeper and more meaningful VBS that will teach children about the Jewish roots of their faith and bring the Bible alive, these VBS curriculums will fulfill that purpose. This is an exciting experience for all involved, both children and workers.

YOU ARE THERE! The shofar sounds and the marketplace opens. Dressed in Biblical costumes, children, teens and adults "live" in Biblical Jewish "families" learning

many of the Jewish Biblical customs. Dramas right from the Bible happen in the marketplace demonstrating Biblical stories. Bible-Times

characters stroll through the marketplace and interact with the children in the first person. Children become apprentices in occupational shops of their choice. Shopkeepers share the special events of the day with the children. A Synagogue School is in session. Songs and Jewish dances are heard, seen throughout the VBS. Seamlessly blends Christian teaching with Jewish roots of Christianity

1st century marketplace experience - Early ministry of Jesus

Jewish families, culture and trades - Four Gospels Antioch A.D. 49 - Paul's Missionary Journeys - Early journeys of Paul - apprentices learn

Greek and Roman trades and culture - Book of Acts B.C. 1440 - Build A Holy Place - Build the first tabernacle and furnish it as God directed

Moses and the children of Israel - Exodus 25

Christ's Chosen A.D. 27-28 - Jesus chooses His disciples and commissions all to be "fishers

of men". Learn the Lord's prayer and experience the Sermon on the Mount - Four Gospels

Advent Journey - The Birth of Yeshua Ha Machiach! - Bethlehem and the marketplace

during Messiah's birth. Family groups travel through eight experiences which lead to a grotto in Bethlehem. Candlelight service finale. - Luke

His Last Week - A.D. 30 - Biblical experiences leading to the crucifixion;

culminating in the Resurrection! - Four Gospels First Century Nazareth Village - The hometown of Jesus. The Parables of Jesus around family

clans, home shops and Jewish customs. - Four Gospels

Plaza de Mercado 29 A.D. - Spanish version of Marketplace 29 A.D.- Gospels 9.

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• Does everyone need to be in costume? Staff and helpers should wear costumes in order to create the Bible Times experience.

Costumes will create authenticity for the kids. Everyone should try to make their costumes

as authentic as possible keeping comfort and durability in mind. For the kids, we suggest

that you make simple tunics out of inexpensive materials and then let the kids decorate

them with belts color-coded to their tribe or class. Headbands are also nice. Hand these

tunics out on the first day and use the iron on transfers to decorate the tunics. Let the kids

make the belts and headbands for their first day crafts. Kids should leave the tunics with

their leaders and then take them home on the last day. Costuming is a fun part of Bible

Times because it helps your staff in Bible Demonstration.

What kinds of crafts should I make? The programs come with suggestions for crafts

and instructions on how to make them. Your staff can also come up with ideas based on

their own knowledge. We suggest that you make things like scrolls, mezuzahs, menorahs,

rope, bread, candles, pottery, leather things. Keeping it simple and authentic to the time

period is the key. What kinds of sets should we use? Creating a Bible-times village doesn’t have to be a

lot of work. Canopies, blankets, and a well are the basic “sets” you’ll use. Gather sheets,

baskets and pots to create shops and see your VBS come alive. A large tub makes a great

well or Pool of Siloam. Our experience has shown us that Marketplace works indoor or

outdoors. Can I use the curriculum for mixed ages? Yes. Simply form combined-age elementary

Tribes including one or two kids from each age level along with an adult or teenage leader

and assistant leader. Mixed-age Tribes will still maintain a family feel. If you want to include

preschoolers, create smaller Tribes of five children to one Tribe Leader.

Can our VBS be shorter than 5 days? Yes! If time constraints only allow you to do 4

days then you can try condensing 2 of the days into one day. Does the curriculum work with smaller churches? Yes it does! This program is

versatile enough for small churches. You can be as creative with few as with many. We

recommend that if your church is small that you combine your VBS with other small

churches in your area. This will make it more exciting and give your volunteers an

opportunity to work with other churches. Can these VBS’s be done at night? Absolutely! There is no difference between night and

day as long as your area is well lighted or you can do the VBS in your all purpose room or

your sanctuary. We have done both day and night VBS's with equal success.

What is the cost of VBS? Dramatic Christian Ministries has an amount that we start with

and we will work with you on an individual basis in order for you to keep within your

budget. The program itself will cost nothing since DCM will lend you their program to use. 10.

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DCM Workshops

♦ Evangelistic Acting Training ♦ Expository Acting ♦ Bible Demonstration ♦ Ministry Training

These workshops for those who want to go deeper and are for training and discipleship into acting according to God‟s Word. Dennis‟ background in acting coupled with his pastoral experience makes him an ideal teacher of kingdom acting values and helps people to experience God‟s call on their lives and gives practical direction for implementing our gifts and callings. Invaluable for all Christians no matter what level of experience and ministry has been attained.


Dramatic Christian Ministries was founded from a call in 1987 while Dennis and Wendy Cole were traveling in Israel. Standing on the Mount of Beatitudes, Dennis heard from God that someday he was to bring the Sermon on the Mount and other Scriptures directly from the Bible to God‟s people using the training he had received in acting as a young man. In the year 2001 this call was realized for the first time when Dennis memorized word for word the Sermon on the Mount and thus began this ministry. DCM defines this ministry as “Bible demonstration” and “expository acting” because as we speak these Words of God in the first person, changing no “jot or tittle”, God‟s Word is demonstrated and explained through the action of His Word spoken through his servants. Dennis went to seminary and was trained in expository preaching. Expository preaching is done by going verse by verse through the Scriptures and explaining each verse using the Scriptures to explain themselves, thereby keeping the message and intent of God‟s Word undiluted and pure. Dramatic Christian Ministries demonstrates the Scriptures in a natural format using very little in the way of costumes or props. The Bible demonstrators learn that the Word of God as spoken through the vehicle of their bodies and mouths explain themselves just as surely as if they were being preached from a pulpit. In this way Dramatic Christian Ministries demonstrates the power of God‟s written and spoken Word.


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Booking & Cost

Availability: Dramatic Christian Ministries is available for ministry anywhere in

the world. Please submit an event by clicking on the button on the left or just email us and we will work out with you the details of your event. DCM presentations are flexible to your individual needs. Use our Publicity Pages for downloading promotional materials and ministry information and our Schedule page for scheduling your event. Our Productions, Workshop, Other Events & VBS pages show what kinds of events are available. Your information is strictly confidential and will not be shared for any reason. We look forward to hearing from and serving with you!

Church Event Costs: DCM only accepts donations and does not bill for

services. DCM is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. Dramatic Christian Ministries is a full time ministry with administration, travel, production & development and salary expenses. We ask that a free will offering be taken at the end of the presentations, however, an agreed upon honorarium may be worked out instead. We only ask that you be as generous as possible and that once arrangements have been made that no changes be made without our prior knowledge.

Travel Expenses: In addition to the offering, a travel stipend is also

appreciated. This can includes gas, airfare, meals and lodging. Hotels aren't necessary, In-home hospitality is fine. Travel arrangements will be worked out in advance. DCM is committed to obtaining the lowest available fares so travel will be booked as early as possible.

Other Event Costs: DCM receives donations and love offerings and we

realize this isn't possible or preferable for some kinds of events. We will work out arrangements in advance for events such as the following: * Acting Workshops * Outreach Events * Christian Organizations * Conferences, Retreats, Seminars * Vacation Bible School * Schools & Colleges, Universities * Missions to other nations to name a few examples.

Cancellations: At least one month's notice must be given because our

schedule and travel is set up as soon as you book your event. Any non-refundable or non-reusable fare will be your responsibility should you cancel. We may able to redirect a flight if we get enough notice of cancellation but please be aware that airlines may apply penalties for flight changes or cancellations.


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Dennis Cole’s Biography Dennis Cole is the founder, director and producer of Dramatic Christian Ministries. Dennis founded Dramatic Christian Ministries in answer to the Lord‟s call to use his calling to ministry and his experience and gifts in acting and Bible. He is a firm believer, teacher and actor in God‟s script for humanity, which he calls “Kingdom Acting”, “Bible Demonstration” & “Expository Acting”. He believes that the Bible is the perfect “script” for mankind and that all believers are called to “act” according to His Word. Originally from New York, Dennis completed his undergraduate degree at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. In 1971 and studied acting in Boston and NYC where he earned his Actor‟s Equity membership in 1975 after completing several New York stage productions. He was saved in 1983 in Woodstock, NY and he and his wife, Wendy, were married there in 1984. They are parents to a teenage daughter, Stephanie. After being called into ministry in 1986 Dennis attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass. And completed his Master of Ministry degree 2 years later at Azusa Pacific Graduate School of Theology in southern California in 1988. That same year he and Wendy entered into full time pastoral ministry. Dennis has been a senior pastor since 1988 in churches in California, Oregon and Michigan and, since 1996 until 2002, in Indiana when Dramatic Christian Ministries became a full time missionary organization. Dennis Cole is a full time missionary and travels all over the United States and the world doing presentations.

Wendy Cole’s Biography

Wendy was saved as a child as a direct result of evangelistic outreach ministry. Because of

this she knows first-hand how vital the evangelistic outreach ministry of the church

is. Wendy has always been a full time participant in all ministries with Dennis. She

has ministered in worship, women‟s, and children‟s ministries as well as helped with

the many administrative duties related to the daily tasks of the various churches where

Dennis was the senior pastor. She sings and acts in the dramas and plays the keyboard. 13.

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Comments & Testimonies Here are some of the comments and reactions we have received from pastor‟s

and others. We are blessed to have been a blessing to others! “It will change my life, I will never be the same.” “There was more Scripture heard tonight than one might hear in 6 months.”

Atty. General John Ashcroft, Arlington AG., Arlington, VA.

“The comments you made after the presentation were very helpful.”, “The presentation had so much life!”

“It took us from being spectators to being participants.”, “When I saw Jesus

wash my friend‟s feet I just started crying.” “You will move churches that are unmovable.”, “The ministry you have is very

powerful.” – The above were various comments from the people at Chatham Baptist Church, Cape Cod, MA.

“Mom, what is Jesus doing here?!” Little boy at Web-stock Christian outreach outdoor concert in Webster, MA.

“Your ministry at SBRC was a knockout. People not only enjoyed it, but many were deeply ministered to.” Pastor Abraham, Scranton Rd. Baptist Church, Cleveland, OH.

“My eleven year old who cannot sit through a sermon was completely attentive. He said that Jesus made it simple”

“He washed my feet, it made me feel closer to Jesus, it made me love Him better.” Member, Scranton Rd. Baptist Church, Cleveland, Oh.

“It was the most meaningful Bible study on the Sermon on the Mount that I have ever seen” - Pastor Glenn Diller, Grants Pass, Or.

“God visited us tonight!” Pastor – Canaan AG, Banning, CA

“People are coming for prayer, many for the first time!” “I take to it heart when “Jesus” speaks the words „If your right eye sins, pluck it


“I never heard the Word more real!” – (many people say this)

“I was honored that God made His presence known to me this morning.” Homeless man, Hope Rescue Mission, South Bend, IN

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“I never saw Jesus this way!” “I‟m much better in dealing with the loss of my son.” Pastor‟s wife – River Park

UM, South Bend, IN

“I have encountered God‟s love, His power, His compassion, His forgiveness. “Hope has been restored to me.”

“It was so timely for my congregation to hear that, people have been talking

about it. God had a word for us.” Pastor – 1st Assembly of God of Niles, MI

“You we‟re so right on with that! This was just wonderful!” Pastor – Shiloh Christian Community, Crestline, CA.

“I was there!” - Homeless woman at Gospel Mission, South Bend, IN.

“When I saw Jesus leave, I said to myself „Don‟t go!‟, and I started crying, I didn‟t want Him to go. But then I realized that He was always with me.” Woman at Chatham Baptist Church, Chatham MA.

“I thought I knew how much Jesus loved me, but after I saw „Sermon on the Mount‟ I knew He loved me even more than I had thought!” - Woman, Michiana Church of God, Granger, IN.

Your message to our body at the end of your “Sermon On The Mount”.... What you brought to us is becoming a constant message to this church. So, brother, your impact on us continues to be important..... – Pastor Otis, Chatham Baptist Church, Chatham, MA

When I watch “Sermon on the Mount” I find myself examining myself to see if I‟m like what Jesus is describing. - Woman at Agape Fellowship, Breman, IN

“It was the most meaningful Bible study on the Sermon on the Mount that I have ever seen” - Pastor Glenn Diller, Grants Pass, Or.

“I was sure that Jesus visited us, it made me so happy for our church” – Church of the Brethren member, Grants Pass, Or.

“I heard Jesus tell me I wasn‟t a bad person”

“My eleven year old who cannot sit through a sermon was completely attentive. He said that Jesus made it simple”

“ It was not only effective but memorable, having a lasting impact of God‟s Word on our congregation. We highly recommend Dramatic Christian Ministries with Dennis, Wendy, and Stephanie Cole to your group.” – Pastor Herb & Sheila Hartman – Community Wesleyan, in Annandale, VA 16.

Page 16: Dramatic Christian Ministries Narrow Gate Theatre Co.dcministries.com › DCM_Info_Packet3.pdf · Vacation Bible School - DCM can script your program to fit your needs and curriculum

Photos Dennis, Wendy & Stephanie – 2003

Dennis as Jesus, Dennis as James and as Luke

DCM in Arlington, VA. with Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft in 2004

Page 17: Dramatic Christian Ministries Narrow Gate Theatre Co.dcministries.com › DCM_Info_Packet3.pdf · Vacation Bible School - DCM can script your program to fit your needs and curriculum
Page 18: Dramatic Christian Ministries Narrow Gate Theatre Co.dcministries.com › DCM_Info_Packet3.pdf · Vacation Bible School - DCM can script your program to fit your needs and curriculum