dream journal sample

8/13/2019 Dream Journal Sample http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dream-journal-sample 1/14  Dream Journal Gillian Frederick- Period 6 Psychology

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Dream JournalGillian Frederick- Period 6


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Part I:

Dreams Recorded Between

November 2013-January 2014

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I.  November 23rd 2013 –  ―Dark Market‖ Dream 

I was walking through a long, dark room with long tables with the intent of gettingfood. It was like a bazaar and a bit reminiscent of the underground market in The

Hunger Games movies (however I hadn’t seen the movies until a few weeks after

this dream). It also reminded me of the shop at Darkwing Manor.

Later, after leaving the dark room, I met a young (but older than me, perhaps in

his 20’s), blonde man with longish hair who was unfamiliar to me. Then, we were

outside and hiding from people, perhaps a mob of some sort that was after us. The

dream’s time period felt fairytale-like, as if it were in the past, but never really

happened. It was not the modern era, I thought. The outside area was very green

and looked like England in medieval themed movies-(which added to the fairy-talefeeling).

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/PassiveObserver?

Elementsof DayResidue




  Mob  People in


Anundergroundmarket of

some sort inperhapsmedievalEngland.

Scaredof themob,

excitedbecauseof thechase.


and verygreen hillsand grass.

Active. Mayhavebeen

watchinga moviein thesamesettingrecently.

 The moband theblond


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II.  December 3rd 2013- ―Lunch‖ Dream 

I was sitting by the theatre at lunch, on the E courtyard side where I always

sit. There were the usual theatre kids who sit there with me, but there were also

some other people that I may or may not have recognized who don’t usually sit

there. Since there were so many people, the circle was so tight; there wasn’t really

any room to sit with them.

I felt very excluded and sad because I wanted to sit with ―F‖ (a person I’m a

relationship with) but I couldn’t because they were near the corner and

unreachable and was sitting with ―P‖ and ―V‖ (former best friends of mine, current

best friends of ―F‖. We aren’t talking.) . I woke up feeling very bummed out and


Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/Passiv

e Observer?


s of DayResidue









friends  ―E xtras‖ 


near theECourtyard

Disappointment, rejection,loneliness, anddepression overnot being ableto sit with ―F‖.

 Jealousy andregret directedmostly to ―P‖and ―V‖.

Regular,realistic, reallifecolors.

Active. I sit inthatspotwith ―F‖andother

theatrefriendseveryday. Isee ―P‖

and ―V‖atschooleveryday andthink ofthe

three ofthemquiteoften

 Thecircle;beingexcluded fromthe

circle.―P‖ and―V‖beingwith ―F‖

insteadof me.

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III.  December 6th 2013- ―Party‖ Dream 

I was at some sort of party at night, like a dinner party. I was in a kitchen

getting something out of the refrigerator. I then saw a very large and unpleasant

looking woman who may have been the mother of girl I know, though she is very

nice in real life. She was scaring me, she had me somewhat cornered in the

kitchen and she asked me in a very hateful voice, ―what’s it like to be gay ?‖ I waspanicking and for some reason I decided to be smart and answer with ―why? You

 jealous?‖ I woke up after that, but I felt that I had definitely messed up. It was a

bit of a blow that it disturbed me so much in the dream since I consider myself

very confident in my orientation, but perhaps not at a subconscious level.

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/PassiveObserver?

Elementsof Day






A stranger’s

small, dingykitchen at aparty

somewhereat night.




not welllit. Colorswere


Active. NA Being

singledout for mysexuality,

my beingashamed

at it.

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IV.  December 21st 2013- ―Nazi‖ Dream 

I was scrolling through tumblr, I saw a gif that showed Nazis burning a house and a

family  — parents, grandmother, and little girl — running to their basement to hide, (it seemed

to be from a movie).

 Then, I was in my sunroom, packing various objects into a large basket. My parents

were in the kitchen arguing loudly about money. I was weighing the objects on a bathroom

scale and then putting them in the basket in a pile to the left of the cabinet. I was unsure

whether or not I was the girl a saw in the gif.

Suddenly, the main Nazi was there and he stepped on the scale and I was suddenly

looking at the scale from his perspective. The numbers on the scale had changed instead to

phrases like ―gay‖, ―smoker‖, ―heaven‖ and ―hell‖. I had the impression it was a ―goodness

scale‖ and weighed the sins of a person. When the Nazi was on the scale, it read ―nice


 The dream had a sentimental feeling to it and was reminiscent of an episode of

Doctor Who in the way that it seemed like it was trying to push a message and get a

response from the viewer. There may have even me mood-enhancing background music.

 The whole thing was very much like a tv show or a movie.

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/PassiveObserver?

Elementsof Day





s   The




My room,on my



Interested inthe plot of

the dream,

likewatching a


Shocked atthe scale’sreading, asif it were aplot twist.




Active andPassive (as if

watching a

movie and thecamera is


point of view).I was myself,

but alsoperhaps the

little girl.

Verysimilar to

the drama

in tvshows I


parentshad beenarguing





of theother


 The ―SinScale‖,




packingof things

V.  December 25th 2013- ―Practice Room‖ Dream 

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I was in a large, white room with angled walls, no windows, and peeling paint. It felt

like an old elementary school gym. There were choir risers there with some high school

aged kids on them, but they were mostly empty. Most of the kids were hanging out in front

of the risers. Instrument cases were on the risers as if backstage at an YSSO concert. The

room was similar to the SOU warm up room.

I was packing up my violin when I looked down and saw that my bow was broken at

the top and the hair on the bow was braided. I then realized my violin strings were cutneatly across the top near the nut as if with scissors. I wasn’t sad or angry , though, just a

bit irritated if anything. My dad was there, I told him about the strings and we discussed

buying new ones

 The kids in the room were singing some kind of chant-y camp song, mostly in a circle

in front of the risers. I walked the room clockwise, away from the risers. There was a wall of

framed antique poems in mismatched frames. I recognized one in my handwriting, though

it wasn’t a poem, more like a list of phrases or poetic sayings. One line I recall said ―she

remembered‖. I remembered writing the list in real life, though I can’t find an actual one. 

I kept walking clockwise and stopped and glanced into a room. It was windowless

and about the size of my bedroom, all white with a white, square spiral ceiling. A bunch of

girls in white nightgowns were just standing in there. There was no door. Their presence

was innocent and not out of the ordinary, as if they were meant to be there.

Characters Setting Feelings Color



e Observer?


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  My dad

  Anonymousstudents inthe room

  Girls in white


A large,windowless

, old whiteroom with

choirrisers, awall offramed

poetry, anda smaller

room off of


Irritatedat my


otherwise bored

White Active. NA Theroom,



bow, thegirls inwhite

dresses,the wall

of poems

VI.   January 8th 2014- ―Miss.T‖ Dream 

I was in some sort of theatre teaser for some production at south. Miss.T was talking

to me and some others, explaining when to come in through the doors of the theatre, (our

cues). She referenced an earlier time we had done this, saying something like ―you don’t

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need to wait as long as last time‖. Earlier in this dream or perhaps a separate one, ―P‖ had

been talking about either her or someone else having cancer. Miss. T mentions ―P‖ and ―the


Later, Miss.T, the other people, and I were in a large, light, high ceilinged room like a

library (a library I have never seen in real life, but may have visited in a dream when I was

6). There was a projector screen like the ones in classrooms hooked up to a computer. Miss

 T was typing an email to someone named Ianto with the subject line reading ―A NewBeginning?‖ She was sending it to ask if he was ―still mad‖. We could see everything she

was typing on the screen.

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/Passiv

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  Me  Miss. T





A bitpanickedabouttheshow,otherwise quitenormal

Realistic colors

Active SMHS,Miss. Tand ―P‖are seenon adailybasis

―A NewBeginning?‖

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Part II:

Notable Dreams from the Past


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I.  February 25th 2003- ―The Lady and the Twirly Stairs‖ Dream 

I was in my room, but there were no toys and different furniture and different stuff.

In the corner, there was a twirly staircase and there was a lady with blonde hair who

looks kind of like Rapunzel (I’ve had this dream many times, sometimes the woman is

my mother). We went up the stairs to a room and there was a light green rattlesnake

monster, but he was nice. The lady disappeared and I went down the stairs with the

rattlesnake and jumped on the green couch pillows. When I was woken up, I asked

―Hey, where’s the stairs?‖ 

Sometimes, the room is large and there is absolutely nothing, just white, and

in the center, two white, swirling staircases on either side of a balcony-like platform

on which the person, blonde and all in white, stands, as if glowing.

 This large white room, which has been in many of my dreams, is similar to the

one in the ―Practice Room‖ and ―White Room‖ dreams. The blonde woman could have

been somehow related to the blond man in the ―Dark Market‖ dream.

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/PassiveObserver?

Elementsof Day





Large, whiteroom, or


with swirlystairs

NA White Active NA Whiteroom,


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II.  March 23rd 2005- ―The Houdini Tricks‖ Dream 

Me and my dad were walking along and came to a stream and he held my hand and

we swam across the stream. When we came to the shore, we met an old man, sort of

like a leprechaun, who gave us four Houdini presents. There was a thing that made it

so you could breathe underwater without breathing and a little thing with cream that

made a waterfall that you wind. I couldn’t remember the other two things.

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/PassiveObserver?

Elementsof Day






Aforestsettingwith astream

NA NA Active ―TheHoudiniBox‖ afavoritebook of



III.  May 1st 2005- ―Paper Boats in the Library‖ Dream 

My whole class and I were in the library in pajamas, they had stacks for everyone

to put on a pair, like a uniform. There were paper boats that were ―floating‖ on the

carpet, but there wasn’t any water. The boats were large, large enough for a smallchild to ride and they were gliding across the floor, like a race.

 The library in this dream reminded me of the one in the ―Miss. T‖ dream.

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/PassiveObserver?

Elementsof Day







exactlylike it

NA NA Active School Paper


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IV.   January 7th 2007- ―The White Room‖ Dream 

I was in a plain white room with a big desk in the middle. Two big staircases go up to

the desk. In this dream, my father was there but he had blonde hair and no mustache.

 There were swirly brass or gold posts at the bottom of the staircases. When I saw whereI was and turned around, it all disappeared.

Characters Setting Feelings Colors Active/Passive



of DayResidue




  My father

(oranotherman witha fatherlypresence)

Big, whiteroom, or

whitenothingnesswith twirlystairs andbrass posts

NA White,gold

Active NA Stairs,posts,


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Analysis I: ―Nazi‖ Dream 

Analysis II: ―Practice Room Dream