dreamfunded marketplace

Seed Round Investor Presentation

Upload: manny-fernandez

Post on 14-Apr-2017



Investor Relations

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Seed Round Investor Presentation





Huge Funding Gap

95% of Startups Can’t Get Funded

High Demand from Everyday Investors

Lack of Access Start-ups Are Not In The Network


Equity Crowdfunding Democratize Access to Capital

Funding startups nationwide

Unlock Access to Investors in their network

Low investment minimums (Min. $100)

Registered Funding Portal Silicon Valley 1st & only FINRA and SEC

approved portal allowed to raise from every adult

Multi-Billion Dollar Opportunity

The JOBS Act - 2012 Title III (CrowdFunding)

Allows every adult (non-accredited investors) to invest (May 16th, 2016)

Legislation Changes Matter Allows 97% of Americans to Invest using

equity crowdfunding


Huge Underserved Market $3.5 Trillion in American savings


Angel List

Rewards crowdfunding

NO equity

Fee listing site + VC fund for accredited

investors only

Accredited Investors Only

Rewards + Equity crowdfunding

Product type, not startups

•  Registered Crowdfunding Portal for Accredited & Non-accredited Investors •  OffersOpportuni9estoTrustedNetworksViaSocialMedia•  IncludesMentoringResources

DreamFunded emails our Investors

Startup Invites their social


People review and invest


Capital is held in escrow with a Trustee

As we add startups, our social network of new investors grows exponentially!

Business Model

How We Make Money

Fee (One Time) Equity in the round

5% 2%


Manny Fernandez Co-Founder & CEO Serial Entrepreneur / One Exit

Founder SF Angels

2014 SF Angel Investor of the Year

Investor seen on CNBC’s Make Me A Millionaire Inventor

Our Management Team

Jacob White, Esq. Legal Compliance

Harvard Law Graduate

Specialist in Capital Markets

Glen WalemanAdvisor to CEO

Former CEO, GE Capital

Latin America University of Chicago

Avery Haskell Co-Founder, CTO

Stanford C.S. Undergrad

Formerly at Social Capital

Our Advisory Board

Jim Conner Former President of Sand Hill

Angels/ Angel Investor

Mike Lin Early Linkedin engineer

Helder Suzuki Former Google Software Engineer



Members 150,000+

network of investors

Startup Listings 16 pending approval, 20+ due diligence, dozens applying daily

SEC Registered and FINRA Membership

For accredited and non-accredited investors


We expect to be acquired in 36-48


We will pay out 1% of the profits to our shareholders as


Potential Exit includes acquisition by a public company (E*TRADE), Nasdaq or Facebook as a go-to-market strategy to acquire

our platform, tech team, investor base and portfolio equity.

DreamFunded Investors Receive Equity in All Our

Portfolio Companies