drews celebration project

Independence Day By Drew Collari Independence Day is the national holiday of America. Independence Day is celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.The Declaration of Independence is an assertion of the independence of an aspiring state or states. There are many different fun ways to celebrate Independence Day some of them are

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Page 1: Drews Celebration Project

Independence Day By Drew Collari

Independence Day is the national holiday of America. Independence Day is celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.The Declaration of Independence is an assertion of the independence of an aspiring state or states.

There are many different fun ways to celebrate Independence Day some of them are fireworks; barbecue; parades; political speeches. The 2nd Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of independence then it became Independence Day. They adopted the Declaration of Independence to be independent states in Philadelphia in

Page 2: Drews Celebration Project

1776.That are why Independence Day is celebrated.