drill & training improvement a presentation by imperial ship management ab

Drill & Training Improvement A presentation by Imperial Ship Management AB

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Page 1: Drill & Training Improvement A presentation by Imperial Ship Management AB

Drill & TrainingImprovement

A presentation by Imperial Ship Management AB

Page 2: Drill & Training Improvement A presentation by Imperial Ship Management AB

What is This presentation About?...The main goal of this presentation is to improve drill culture and drill quality within the fleet and company. If successful …an improved drill culture will lead to a safer work environment for our employees as well as a safer stay on-board for our passengers.

Secondarily it will also enhance the crew’s ability to identify and improve safety equipment and routines/procedures on-board.

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What is the problem?...The flags, Mainly MCA have a close eye on us now due to previous history and accidents and therefore require Imperial vessels and organisation to improve. This means that we can’t have bad records anymore due to poorly conducted drills and all of us need to Improve in this area.

Poor emergency organisation on-board = Failure to show compliance = Many non-conformities = Bad safety records = No Charters = No Job = No food on the table = Angry wife…

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What is the regulations saying?...SOLAS III Regulation 19 - Emergency training and drills.3.2. Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month. The drills of the crew shall take place within 24 h of the ship leaving a port if more than 25% of the crew have not participated in abandon ship and fire drills on board that particular ship in the previous month.

What do you say? Are we following this?

ISM Code Chapter 8 Emergency Preparedness (Company and SMS system)

ISM Code Chapter 5 Masters responsibility and authority (Implementation of the SMS system, 5.1.2 motivating the

crew )

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So… Why do we have drills? To answer this, what would you say??

The quick answer would most probably be: To improve my own safety on-board YES?

But to save yourself, you need help from others, as Launching lifeboats, stopping fires; take care of you when you are injured etc.

To ensure that all these activities are working on-board they need to be tested and trained to a common level of understanding and quality.

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Vessels are dynamic environments where crew come and go and where the environment changes all the time (we tend to forget that). Therefore testing and training of emergency equipment and procedures needs to be done regularly to ensure that crew and equipment are working under all such different situations.

To define what a drill is, I would say:

To train and test equipment and procedures

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So… What is an effective drill?...It is not easy to determine what an effective drill is, but I would like to define it as effective if any of the below is true:

• Any participant became more familiar with the equipment or procedures.

• An unforeseen problem was encountered and solved.

• Defect equipment was identified and worked around.

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What would you define as an effective drill?

Masters and Chief Engineers! Have you communicated the expectations to the crew what you expect to be an effective


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So… What is a poor drill culture?

Look at this clip and think about why this happen?

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What would you define as a bad drill culture?

• I know what to do!! Its enough…

• We have more important things to do so we do this drill quickly.

• As I’m the master I appoint the chief officer to do the drills instead as I don’t have time now…

• We don’t pressurise the hoses as it takes time…

• A mustering is enough; we don’t need to do a full drill as it is cold, bad weather, to hot, sunny, rainy, dark…

• We don’t need to test the drencher now, we do it next time.

• Bosun knows how to close the dampers, its enough…

• All crew already have done this at the shore trading so they know!

• We are not here for drilling all the time!

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Look at the clip again…Why did this happen?

• Drilling normally at no speed (Full realism)• Not all crew participating or informed• Master/officers doing other things during drilling• No continuance plan drilled• No Risk assessment conducted

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So, what is a good drill culture Then?...What would you define as a good drill culture?

• Testing of and drills on safety equipment’s and routines are a natural part of daily work on-board.

• Drills are planned as any other kind of work on-board, in good time and efficient aiming at improving.

• Drills are planned and used for establishing safe practises. • Drills contain verification of on-board emergency instructions.• A de-briefing is always conducted and findings noted and

discussed.• Drills are monitored by senior officers and master from time to

time.• Drills are held as realistic as possible and when this is not

possible the realism to be pointed out and simulated as close to reality as possible.

• Drills are planned by different ranks/persons on-board.• Drills are planned as both part drills and bigger combined

drills. (Squad Drills)• Lessons are learned and re-drilled to verify the improvements.

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So… How should a good drill be planned?Each drill should have some sort of planning…

A good practice is to start drills from time to time with a briefing outlining the frames of the drill as:

• Weather and wind conditions (real or simulated)• Vessel status ( On voyage or not, cargo or no

cargo)• General drill scenario • Use of equipment in the drill and safety aspects

(Fall arrest and prevention wires etc.)• Start respective end of the drill

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The drill should also be planned in detail aiming at least at some of the following:

• Start and Stop of Drills• The goal of the drill• Drill realism as Pressurised hoses, involving

passengers etc.• Use/Test of equipment• Use/Test of external resources• Limitations, Precautions (Risk assessments)• Appointing a person to monitor the drill from

time to time.

The planning of the drill should always contain time for de-briefing after the drill.

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and… There are risks during drills?It is important to try to imagine what can go wrong and plan drills with this in mind…

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So… Some of the common problems with all drills?

1. Assembly, Passengers and crew, total number of soles on-board2. Communication 3. Not using checklists or memory aids4. Passenger handling in emergency situations5. Simulation instead of realism. (How to kill your crew!!!!)6. Unfamiliarity of firefighting systems (CO2 etc.)7. Not verifying the emergency instructions on-board8. Briefing and De-briefing of drills9. Reports, records and findings

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What Issues do you find with regards to common issues with drills?

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My opinion… Issues with Fire drills and Smoke diving1. Assembly to realism – No preparation, Passengers etc.

2. Checklists - Forgetting Fire Dampers, Electrical isolation etc.

3. Dressing smoke divers and fire team equipment…

4. Point of Entry!!!

5. Communication between - Fire chief and squad leader, who do what?

6. Squad leader’s and their role!!!!!

7. Pre - Planning of Entry and actions during smoke diving

8. Radio / No radio for Smoke divers!!!!

9. Care for smoke divers and backup for them!

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Use and familiarity of BA - equipment,

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What Issues do you find with regards to fire drills and smoke diving?

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My opinion… Issues with IMDG and Dangerous goods drills

1. Main aspects of IMDG and dangerous goods drills are often forgotten, Its not just a dressing drill.

2. IMDG drills are one of the most difficult kinds of drills to conduct.

3. Assembly and establishment, what to do?4. Minimising impact on-board, Wind, flow, ventilation, electricity

and water.5. Decision to use chemical divers.6. Dressing of chemical divers and sanitation team.7. Point of entry and establishment of Zones. Sanitation of

personnel and equipment avoiding contamination.8. Communication between all groups etc.9. Handling of passengers.

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What Issues do you find with regards to fire drills IMDG drills?

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Communication is the key!How do we communicate?

1. Each group to arrange two chairs with the backs towards each other.

2. Then each group to appoint one “Builder”

3. After that each group also to appoint one “Instructor”

4. The remaining participants of the group to be quiet and just study and note how and in what way the builder and instructor is communicating.  

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What did we learn?

• Establish ground rules for communication

• Importance of structured communication

• Importance of verification

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How do we use this to improve communication during drills?

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My opinion… Issues with Abandon Ship, MOB + Recovery from water drills…

1. Assembly to realism – No preparation and including passengers2. Care for passengers during abandon ship3. Preparation of life saving appliances, securing’s and use of Bosun tackle etc.4. Equipment effectively brought to the lifeboat/raft and how to use them. (Packing lists and bags)5. Embarkation sequence of the raft, boats etc. in order.6. After abandon, what to do then??7. Safety precautions during drills and their effect on reality…8. Drill precautions contra realism…9. Recovery of persons from water… (How to get a person on-board)

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What Issues do you find with regards to abandon ship and MOB drills?

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My opinion… Issues with the first aid drills on-board?

1. No actual treatment drills (only first aid squad)2. Not testing/assembly of the equipment (Ready for use)3. Lack of familiarity with equipment4. Lack of effective emergency preparedness (Emergency bag, deff, IMDG etc)

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What Issues do you find with regards to first aid drills?

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My opinion… Issues with the Enclosed Space entry drills.

1. Table top drill contra real rescue.2. Equipment and planning for rescue3. Permits and use of permits4. Participants, who should participate?5. Precautions and risk assessments – Permit contra Emergency!!!

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What Issues do you find with regards to enclosed space drills?

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My opinion… Issues with the Steering gear drills

1. Test of equipment… (Communication, compass repeaters, steering gear modes, pumps EMCY fed)

2. Participants, Who should participate?

3. Verification of instructions and diagrams

5. Steering system familiarity by officers as, Switch over, Override, FU/NFU, Steering Modes and their impacts.

6. Problem solving, what to do when this happen?

7. Recording of drills.

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What Issues do you find with regards to Steering gear drills?

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My opinion… Issues with CO2 familiarity by senior officers

1. Poor familiarity of fixed CO2 systems by Chief engineer and senior officers.

2. Verification of systems after service etc.

3. Verification of instructions. Open release-cabinets and photos of the inside.

4. Familiarity drills of fixed firefighting systems

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What Issues do you find with regards to Co2 Familiarity?

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How do we improve the drill culture?

A Healthy drill culture on-board can be recognised by the following:

• Realistic drills

• Well planned and executed drills

• Lessons learned from de-briefings

• Drills aimed at problem areas.

• Both small local and big drills conducted