drilling machine questions

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  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions




    Objective Questions:

    1. A computer in a/an

    a) mechanical deviceb) electrical devicec) electronic device

    d) electromechanical device

    2. A flow chart is aa) step wise representation of a pro!ramme

    b) a s"stematic pictorial representation of a pro!ramme

    c) is a #ind of pro!ramme written in hi!h level lan!ua!ed) either a $ b

    %. &n order to drew a flow chart we used this s"mbola) for input/output

    b) for processin!

    c) for start/setupd) for decision ma#in!

    '. A di!ital computer can be operated with

    a) onl" numerical datab) onl" non numerical data

    c) both numerical and non numerical data

    d) neither numerical nor non numerical data

    (. Al!erithm is a:a) pictorial representation of a pro!ramme

    b) a stepwise s"stematic representation of a pro!rammec) hi!h level lan!ua!e to represent a pro!ramme s"stematicall"

    d) assembl" lan!ua!e to represent a pro!ramme s"stematicall"

    . An inte!rated circuit is

    a) a complicated circuitb) much costlier than a sin!le transistor

    c) an inte!rated device

    d) fabricated on a tin" silicon chip

    *. Analo! computers area) slower than di!ital computersb) less accurate than di!ital computers

    c) costlier than di!ital computers

    d) powerful than di!ital computers

    +. ,he decrease between a computer and calculator is

    a) the former is pro!rammable and later is non pro!rammable

    b) the former can process data and the later cannot

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    c) the former includes control unit and the later does not

    d) the former can be note boo# t"pe but the later cannot be of non portable t"pe

    -. &A0 stands of

    a) lectronic numerical inte!rator and computerb) lectronical numerical inte!rator and calculator

    c) lectronic numerical inte!rator and calculatord) lectronic numeric inte!rator and computers

    1. &A0 is

    a) a first !eneration computer

    b) a second !eneration computerc) a third !eneration computer

    d) a fourth !eneration computer

    11. ,he main component used in 2nd!eneration computer was

    a) vaccume tubes

    b) transistorsc) &cs

    d) ocroprocesor

    12. A microprocessor is a/an

    a) inte!rated circuit fabricated on silicon chip

    b) the processin! unit of the computer

    c) the brain of the computerd) all of the above

    1%. ,he latest of the followin!:

    a) laptopb) super computer

    c) des# topd) mainframe

    1'. ,he most powerful of the followin!:

    a) inicomputerb) icrocomputer

    c) ainframe

    d) 3upercomputer

    1(. ain difference between 40/A,& and 40/5, are:a) 40/A, has much more memor" than 40/5,b) 40/A, has much more speed than 40/5,

    c) 40/A, has multi terminal facilit" and 40/5, has onl" sin!le terminal facilit"

    d) 40/5, has multi terminal facilit" and 40/A, has sin!le terminal facilit"1. 6inar" e7uivalent of .2(

    a) .112b) 8.11)2

    c) .112

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    d) .1112

    1*. &f the inputs of a !ate are A and 6 and its output is A96 the !ate is:

    a) O !ate

    b) A; !atec) 5

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    c) &0 chip

    d) one of the above

    2'. 6ill !ates is the chairman of

    a) &6b) icrosoft

    c) &nteld) otorola

    2(. ,he compan" icrosoft is involved in

    a) ma#in! of computer hardware

    b) ma#in! of computer softwarec) both a $ b

    d) none of the above

    2. ,he fastest of the followin! is

    a) +2+ processor

    b) +%+ processorc) +'% processor

    d) 4entium processor

    2*. ,he main memor" of the computer is

    a) A

    b) O

    c) Card dis#d) 0;

    2+. A is

    a) volatile semiconductor memor"b) read/write memor"

    c) random access memor"d) all of the above

    2-. O is

    a) read memor"b) write memor"

    c) both a $ b

    d) none of the above

    %. 4O can be erased b"a) sodium li!htb) uv ra"s

    c) lectrical pulses

    d) ither @B ra"s or electrical pulses%1. ,he fastest memor" of the followin!

    a) A

    b) O

    c) 0ache

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    d) Card dis#

    %2. ,he main memor" of a computer is located in

    a) the hard disc

    b) compact dis#c) flopp" dis#

    d) none

    %%. O is

    a) volatile semi conductor memor"

    b) non volatile semi conductor memor"

    c) ma!netic memor"d) all of the above

    %'. ,he processin! of the 04@ is in the order ofa) millisecond

    b) microsecond

    c) nanosecondd) me!asecond

    %(. ;D isa) 3emi conductor memor"

    b) Bolatile memor"

    c) Cas to be coefficiated with the data after a certain interval of time

    d) All of the above

    %. 1E6 is e7ual to

    a) 1 b"tes

    b) 2 b"tesc) 1 6

    d) none of the above

    %*. A nibble is e7ual to

    a) + bitsb) ' bits

    c) 2 bits

    d) 1bits

    %+. ,he fastest component of the computer isa) 04@b) 0omputer memor"

    c) 3tora!e devices

    d) &nput/output devices%-. ?ocate the odd man out

    a) hard dis#

    b) flopp" dis#

    c) ma!netic tape

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    d) compatt dis#

    '. 0ompact dis# is a

    a) semi conductor device

    b) ma!netic devicec) optical device

    d) none of the above

    '1. ?ocate the odd man out

    a) O6

    b) O

    c) O0 d) &0

    '2. >lopp" dis#ett is a :a) 4O

    b) A

    c) 4Od) >le=ible stora!e media

    '%. ,he slowest of the followin! isa) hard dis#

    b) flopp" dis#

    c) 0;

    d) a!netic tape

    ''. 04O is released b"

    a) F

    b) infrared li!htc) electrical pac#a!e

    d) b" appropriate pro!rammin! onl"

    '(. Bol stora!es are those from where data are lost

    a) when the pro!ramme is overb) with respect to time

    c) when the power is shutoff

    d) all the above e=cept c

    '. ?ocate the odd man outa) li!ht penb) plotter

    c) mouse

    d) jo"stic#'*. ,he printed document in computer terminolo!" is termed as

    a) soft cop"

    b) hard cop"

    c) firm cop"

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    d) live cop"

    '+. ,he displa" of O&,O of a computer s"stem is mostl"

    a) semi conductor displa"

    b) ?; t"pe displa"c) ?0; t"pe displa"

    d) lectron beam t"pe

    '-. 0hoose the correct statement amon! the followin!

    a) ?ine printer is non impact printer

    b) ?A3 printer is a non impact printer

    c) ;O, matri= printer is non impact printerd) 0haracter printer is faster than line printer

    (. 4rinter is connected throu!ha) parallel port

    b) serial port

    c) both a $ bd) none of the above

    (1. ,he screen in the laptop computer isa) 04,

    b) ?0;

    c) 3emi conductor displa"

    d) All of the above

    (2. Ghich of the followin! is fi=ed dis# drive

    a) hard dis# drive

    b) flopp" dis# drivec) winchaster dis# drive

    d) 0;

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    d) none of the above

    (. A software is a

    a) set of pro!rammes

    b) set of instructionsc) all of the above

    d) none of the above

    (*. ;is# operatin! s"stem is

    a) a s"stem software

    b) software environment

    c) software utilit" pac#a!ed) a hi!h level lan!ua!e

    (+. 0omputer virus is aa) software pro!ramme

    b) hardware pro!ramme

    c) machine lan!ua!ed) assembl" lan!ua!e

    (-. Assembl" lan!ua!e isa) low level lan!ua!e

    b) hi!h level lan!ua!e

    c) machine lan!ua!e

    d) all !eneration lan!ua!e

    . Ghich of the followin! lan!ua!e used memories

    a) machine lan!ua!e

    b) assembl" lan!ua!ec) hi!h level lan!ua!e

    d) all !eneration lan!ua!e

    1. Ghich of the followin! is a scientific lan!ua!e

    a) 0O6O?b) A;A

    c) >O4,A

    d) 6A3&0

    2. Ghich of the followin! is not a lan!ua!ea) >O54O,b) ?&34

    c) 0

    d) B&3@A? 099

    %. 4ic# the odd man out

    a) ;O3

    b) @&5

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    c) G&

  • 8/12/2019 Drilling Machine Questions


    d) b $ c

    *%. &nterpreter in computer field is a

    a) software

    b) flopp"c) hardware

    d) the special electronic circuit which translate hi!h level to low level

    *'. &nternet s"stem is based on

    a) GA s"stem

    b) ?A s"stem

    c) ainframe computer s"stemd) an" computers connected to a other computer

    *(. D@& stands for

    a) !raphical user interfaceb) !raphical user internet

    c) !raph $ user interface

    d) !raph $ user internet*. H2E problem is a

    a) software problem

    b) hardware problemc) data problem

    d) all the above

    **. Birus affects

    a) hardwareb) software

    c) both a $ b

    d) none of the above

    *+. Anti virus software isa) dreaded software

    b) software to scan $ remove softwarec) pac#a!e

    d) none of the above