driven to change-how to turn a fat loss failure into an instant success

7/27/2019 Driven to Change-How to Turn a Fat Loss Failure Into an Instant Success 1/189 1 This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page! Driven to Change How to Turn a Fat Loss Failure Into An Instant Success by Omar Isuf Body Transformation Expert  Not to be Reprinted for Commercial Uses Under Creative Commons License 2.5 2010 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Driven to Change

How to Turn a Fat Loss Failure

Into An Instant Success

by Omar Isuf 

Body Transformation Expert Not to be Reprinted for Commercial Uses Under Creative Commons License 2.5 2010 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Why Do We Fail? 

First before I become your champion, your fat loss success

coach, I must play the role of devils advocate.

Why do we fail so often? Why do 99% of people that set out

to transform their bodies, their appearance, their mind, fail? I‟m a

trainer. I‟ve failed. Both my clients and myself have failed before.

WHY? A simple question with not such a simple answer. In a day

and age when we have more gyms, more diet books, more

experts on health and weight loss, we as a society are fatter than

ever. If we have more solutions, why aren‟t we solving our weight

loss dilemma? In other words, if apparently “the answer” is

staring us right in the face, why aren‟t we succeeding? 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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All it Takes is One Bad Apple To Spoil The Whole

Damn Bunch 

―Fear is the mind killer‖ - Dune 

We know what we should be doing but we don‟t do it. We

know to eat healthy but we still eat two smores for $1.39 at

McDonald‟s (or maybe it was just me). We know that we should

work out at least 3 times a week but probably spend more time in

front of the TV on any given day than we do at the gym for the

whole week (once again maybe it was just me and the Lost

marathon was on- hey somebody has to decipher that damn

show!). We set lofty New year‟s Resolutions and don‟t follow

through. Does any of this sound familiar to you?

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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Appetite For Obesity 

Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all other people

can't stop you. Only you can stop you. Jeffrey Gitomer  

HOT….LIQUID…..CRAP for your body. 

If you are like me, you‟ve had all of the above happen to

you (except it wasn‟t two was more like ten). I think it

would be easy to pass the blame off to someone other than

ourselves. We could blame our environment. After all, we live in a

culture obsessed about food. Whether they be your billboards,

radio spots, or Superbowl TV ads, you cannot escape from food.

While some might fall victim to their environment, I‟ve seen and

have had tons of success stories of those overcoming their

surroundings to succeed. A crappy environment is no excuse; I

know it is still possible.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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Get Fit In Five Seconds 

Should I break the news or should you?  

Still others might accuse the misrepresentation of exercise

in the media. All the 5 minute abs, drink X product and lose 300

pounds, and Just Think and Get Fit products have conditioned us

to believe its easier than it is. When we actually try to make a

change, we discover it is a lot more difficult than not adding two

cream and sugar to our morning coffee. We can‟t just run on

Sundays and look like Jessica Alba. This becomes frustrating and

we once again quit. While this might be tempting to believe, I‟ve

also whipped some former “if I walk and talk at once I lose my

breath” into lean mean fighting machines. 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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What IS the Answer? 

Not the answer  

With so many possible culprits, we become lost finding the

solution. Telling someone to go work out and eat healthy are not

solutions. We all know it; we have a problem following through

with it. I should say that we had a problem. Not anymore. Afterstruggling with the answers both with myself and my clients, I

have found the solution and I can repeat this success every single

time. The key is instead of isolating the problem, is to focus on

the solution.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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The Solution is the System 

The solution is the system unless the system is a crazy computer named HAL 

And the answer is that there isn‟t one quick fix, much like

there isn‟t one problem. It is a combination of thoughts, beliefs

and actions that either propel us to success or limit us. The

solution is putting together a guaranteed system of success that

eliminates all these barriers and gives us a clear path to success.

Interestingly, it is the right combination of habits, beliefs,

actions, and the right environment that foster true success. You

see, success leaves clues. Slowly putting the pieces of the puzzle

together, I‟ve at last arrived at the full picture. What happens

with these certain keys in place is guaranteed success. Some are

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

obvious (like a positive self-image), but others are more

mysterious (like balancing the work/rest equation). Along the way

some negative thoughts, actions and beliefs have to be unlearnt.

Tony Robbins Meets the Tooth Fairy

Your body is the summation of all the positive actions and negative actions

you’ve performed on your body.- Omar  

I’m your bad ass tooth fairy 

After toying around with the formula, I‟ve managed to distil

it into a readily comprehensible format. Consider me your Tony

Robbins meets Eckhart Tolle meets the Tooth Fairy; an

unstoppable combination of positive, proven methods to help you

succeed on your journey towards permanent fat loss success. And

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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this is something important. Very important. I see countless

people enter the gym and never return. I see others who DO

come, but don‟t know what to do and end up not seeing the

results they want. It must be very frustrating and defeating. I

know, I‟ve been there before. 

I Know, I’ve Been There Before 

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you

will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.—George

Bernard Shaw. 

First photo: Skinny 2006, next fatty 2007, next 2008 

When you are fit, everyone assumes that you always were that

way. Here is the skinny, I was, very, and then I got fat, very, and

now, I`m neither.

When I was young, I was very active. Soccer, swimming,

baseball, track and field; you name it, I was in it. Then suddenly

with high school and other distractions, exercise took a backseat

in my life. Big mistake. I felt lethargic and unwell. So I had the

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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brilliant idea of eating a lot and sort of exercising to get back in


Here is the problem: my diet during this phase can best be

described as the see-food diet; if I saw it I ate it. A regular meal

for me was eight eggs, three turkey sausages, three pieces of 

toast and a quarter block of cheese. This was one meal of about

five or six. In about nine months I gained sixty pounds (I looked

pregnant- but without the baby). Mentally, I believed I was all

muscle. I lied to myself when I saw my double chin and gut and

tried to ignore it. The shocking reality came when I came home

from university for the summer...and my mother called me fat.

Ouch I thought I was ripped 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Recently 12 week transformation, boy was this easier! 

What This Book Will NOT Do 

This book will NOT make you lose twenty pounds in twenty

seconds, drop ten dress sizes or get you the man of your dreams.

It will NOT give you a day to day eating plan completely

customized for your likes, allergies and lifestyle or your EXACT

work out to make you melt 20 inches in 20 seconds.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Warning this book will NOT get you Tom Jones or his awesomely 

fake tan

What This Book IS "There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself." Louis XIV  

This book is your manifesto, it is your way of leading a

healthy active lifestyle. It is a belief system that cannot be

shattered. It is your resource to consult whenever you veer off 

the path of success. This is your fail proof guide on how tosucceed...forever with your transformation. Forget yo-yo dieting,

fad work outs and quick fixes. We all know what we should be

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

doing (proper eating and exercise) but don‟t. Its time to change

that. Its time to learn the habits, beliefs and actions that lead to


Why This Book is Different 

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. – 


There are millions of e-books out there, touting the solution

to your problems. From five minute abs to praying for a six pack,

the fitness industry is littered with a collection of shit.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

This book is based around no hype or over-exaggeration.

This book is meant to inform, educate, motivate and inspire you

to success. From the results of all my clients, I know the potential

power each individual has to make a lasting change in their life.

This book is for those that strive to be better, to be the best you

can be.

How to Use This Book 

This book is organized into 12 key points that every

transformation requires. With them, the journey becomes easy,

without them it becomes an endless struggle. Each chapter

focuses on one key point. Within the book are powerful quotes

interspersed throughout that serve to inspire and inform, from

the great thinkers of our past. At the end of each chapter is a

quick twitter summary, questions to answer, actions to perform

and resources at your disposal. A video going into further detail

for each chapter is included. Also attached is a quick summary

guide. If you know anyone that can benefit from this summary

(see attached), be sure to send them the resource and help them


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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Now strap on your boot straps Toto because we sure as shit

aren‟t in Kansas any more.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Table of Awesomeness 

Chapter 1: Purpose and Desire 18

Chapter 2: Planning 28

Chapter 3: Intensity 39

Chapter 4: Recovery 60

Chapter 5: Focus and Faith 77

Chapter 6: Fun! 95

Chapter 7: Persistence 105

Chapter 8: Positive Belief 119

Chapter 9: Progression 129

Chapter 10: Accountability 144

Chapter 11: Knowledge 158

Chapter 12: Social Support 175

Book Summary 184

Ending Notes 186 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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Chapter 1: Purpose and Desire- The spark and

fuel to your fire 

―You can’t start a fire, you can’t start a fire with out a spark‖ Bruce Springsteen 

This is it. This is the moment. This is the time it will work.

Your transformation starts today. The real transformation.

You are ready to make a change. At other times you thought

you were ready. And failed. But this time will be different, this

time, you will succeed. I‟m not just stroking your ego, you now

have before you the ultimate success plan laid out. But before

you can even begin to start your journey, you must ask why you

want to begin in the first place. Its a long and sometimes

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frustrating journey ahead and to stay on track, to really wave bye

bye to your spare tire, you need to discover your core purpose.


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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Peel Back Those Scar Tissues 

―If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.‖ 

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland  

Why do you want to work out? Why even try and transform

your body? Is it to look better for others, feel better about

yourself, or avoid a whole host of medical issues? Why do I ask

so many questions (answer: because the only book I ever read

was Curious George, true story). You must be able to clarify why

you want to transform your life, your body. The why determines

everything. It is what is going to keep you motivated when the

going gets tough, when that double-crust pizza is calling out your

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

name and your stomach feels like it is on fire. AND I‟m not

talking about your surface purpose (get bikini ready!), I‟m talking

about your deep rooted desire (feel better about myself). If you

have been avoiding the big questions, its time to stop. A fat loss

transformation is very personal and you will get to know yourself 

very well over the coming weeks. Its time to stop hiding our

potential and to start becoming who you were meant to be.

Know Thyself (This Should Have Been a


"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his

enemies, for the hardest victory is over self."  Aristotle 

Come on, are you secretly a Backstreet Boys fan? Don’t lie to yourself. 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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At first, your core purpose might be hard to unravel. We

often perform activities without a clear sense of understanding

why we do them (ever try to justify your addiction to the

Backstreet Boys?). For most people, the goal of transforming

their bodies is more than just for health reasons. Sure it‟d be

great to live a long healthy life, who doesn‟t want that? But

usually there are much deeper reasons. Feelings of self-worth,

our motivation and state of happiness are intricately related to

our appearance and how we regard ourselves.

What Transforming Myself Has Done 

―The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming

is where the dance of life really takes place.‖ Barbara Deangelia 

I Hate Butterflies...but you get the metaphor...or something

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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My personal reason for transforming my body was because I

don‟t feel my best unless I‟m operating at peak efficiency. I like

the feeling of being lean and healthy, I like the way I look, I like

that I have more energy and it gives me more satisfaction out of 

life. Fat loss to me is also an inward improvement; it helps curb

your animal desires of food and pleasure and lets you focus on

more important things in life (like your direction and purpose). I

find it clarifies my mind and teaches me self discipline. At first it

was purely about looking good for summer, but it became so

much more.

The Fat Loss Abyss 

"People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with

mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents."  Andrew 


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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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By getting our body in alignment with our spirit, it

fundamentally connects us to our core. Now its time to dim the

lights real low, bust out the candles and get in touch with your

spirit. In the resource below, you are going to ask yourself some

probing questions. You have to determine how bad you really 

want this. To do this you have to find your motivation, your Tony

Little spark. To understand what I mean, you have to get in the

right mindset. Find things that motivate and inspire you to

become a better person. Get the Rocky DVD out (just don‟t drink 

the raw eggs!), start singing “Eye of the Tiger” and get pumped

up (but please no spandex)!

Man in the Mirror 

"Seize the day, put no trust in tomorrow." Horace 

I don’t know what I’m doing here...but it gives me purpose...or something. 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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Take the time to truly discover yourself and what drives you.

Know that once you do this, everything becomes a lot easier. It

is what will keep you coming back after the taste in the chicken

breast you eat is gone, when you have no more breath in your

lungs and when you want to quit...but don‟t. Make the decision to

succeed TODAY and not to tomorrow and you will! For this

transformation to succeed, all you have to do is make the choice,

decide to succeed and you will! Self-doubt, like extra fat, has no

place in that new sexy body of yours.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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Watch the Purpose and Desire Video 

Questions To Answer 

Only you can truly answer these questions for yourself. Take

some time to really think about these questions and answer them

honestly. Reflect back on these questions every four weeks to see

how you‟ve changed. 

1. Why do I want to transform my body?

2. What would I like to look like?

3. Why would I like to look like that?

4. Truly, whats my fundamental motivation for committing to

transform myself?

5. What would you feel like if you DID NOT achieve your goals

and remained the same?

6. Why is this time different?

7. What will motivate me?


Take before photos of yourself and pin it up on your wall. Better

still is to have your friends to hold yourself accountable. Visualizehow you will look at the end of your transformation. Imagine the

success you will achieve. Having a photo of what you want to look

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like gives you a goal to aim towards.

List your reasons why you want to transform your body, these

reasons will help you delve deeper into whats really driving you.

Post these reasons next to your before photo.


Here is a healthy dose of inspiration for you

Twitter Summary 

You have to know why you want to transform your body to

be able to stick with it. Take before photos and truly ask why you

are doing this.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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Chapter 2: Planning, The Map to Success 

―Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go

to war first and then seek to win.‖ Sun Tzu 

What is your goal? 

Alright Rocky, now that we are motivated and focused, we

need a plan of action. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail (I swear 

I didn‟t steal that line from my Grade 3 Teacher). Nothing can be

more critical when designing a transformation than to know what

you will be doing. A plan is a template for success. It allows you

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to intelligently pave the road to a sexier you. Setting aside time

to plan out your success will spare you endless headaches along

the way.

A Day in the Life of a Poor Planner 

“Before beginning, plan carefully.‖ Marcus T. Cicero 

The following is an accurate account of how all my failed

transformations went before I learnt about proper planning.

Yeah it pretty much went like this. 

Week 1-2: Feeling excited about making the transformation,

initial weight is down and energy in the gym is good. Bring out

the tank-tops and fake tanning solution!

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Week 3-4: Progress starting to slow down, so I immediately cut

calories and do triple cardio (ok I lied, more like ten times the


Weeks 5-6: Desperate by lack of progress, cut calories further

(eating less than a supermodel) and working out like a

bodybuilder on a double dose of steroids.

Weeks 6-8: Burn out and failure, the combination of too much

work, too little recovery and a ravenous appetite lead to a

downward spiral

Weeks 9-12: Don‟t happen as I wimped out and quit, defeated

and crying like a pre-teen girl at a Jonas brothers concert.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly  

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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Find the Golden Mean 

Even nectar is poison if taken to excess. ~Hindu Proverb 

There are a lot of components to a proper plan. It must be

detailed, specific, with clear actions and methods of measuring

progress. Choose a goal that is achievable for your effort level,

time commitment and lifestyle. Saying “I want to lose ten

pounds” as a goal and planning to work out to achieve it, is a

recipe for failure. Without a plan, a goal is a lofty dream that

won‟t be turned into a reality. 

She’s att empting the self-made 12 Week Eat Ice Cream Only Diet... 

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

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How to NOT Plan Your Transformation 

―In the long run, men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they 

should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high.‖ Henry 

David Thoreau 

Like a first date, there is a lot that can go wrong when planning

a transformation. You need to come up with a game plan that

makes sense for you. Below are the most common faults of poor

plan. Like Richard Simmon‟s, avoid these at all cost (especially

down a dark alley)!

1. Not planning your work out schedule around your lifestyle

(constant conflict)

2. Not planning your eating (either bad choices or starving

yourself by not prepping meals!)

3. No planned progress in your exercise program (what worked

this week won‟t work next week and if it ain‟t working now you

definitely need to change it)

4. Copying someone else‟s routine (especially if your friendresembles Fat Albert)

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5. Choosing an easy program (Ballet Stretching classes!) vs

effective (grunting awkwardly with those weights!).

 And you thought I was joking about Ballet Boot Camp...shame on you 

6. Not having a back up plan if all else fails!

Success Tip: Save time, money and calories by preparing your

meals in big batch quantities. Grill up your chicken breast, make

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that chilli, prepare some buffins- what ever you need to do- do it

on your day off.


―By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.‖ Benjamin Franklin 

You need to have a plan not only what you will be inside the gym

but outside as well (like that little thing called eating). Prepare

your meals, plan your work outs, and get your sleep (there‟s

nothing cool about missing a work out because you were picking

your navel late at night!). Luckily I‟ve set up the guidelines for

these four crucial categories and created convenient planning

charts to help you figure out your road map to success.

Your All-In-One Fitness Planning Guide 

―A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.‖ George S.


Uh oh, looks like I did the homework for you. Here are some

guides to planning your fitness success. It involves, training,

nutrition, recovery and tracking progress. Make sure to fill out the

attached companion charts.

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Like Smokey the Bear, its important to plan ahead. 

Training Plan: You need to exercise at least five hours a week

(the more being better). The majority should be strength training

with some circuits and high-intensity cardio thrown in. Aim to

exercise at least three times per week. Focus on the most intense

work outs first and easier stuff later.

Nutrition Plan: Plan your foods so you aren‟t second guessing

what you eat and pack it with you so you are never with out.

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Follow the big basics

- Lots of protein and green veggies

- Limited carbohydrates except around working out

- Get a good blend of healthy fats (coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil,

avocado, mixed nuts, flax seeds)

- Frequent meals (5-6 times to eat per day)

- Drink water (at least 4 litres daily)

―Crap I ordered it, looks like I gotta eat it!‖ 

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Recovery Plan: Get a solid eight hours of sleep a night or in

total (take naps)

- Take as many Epsom salt bathes as possible

- Foam roll and stretch throughout the week to recover

-Listen to as much Barry Manilow as possible (ya right!)

Measurement Plan: To track your progress and keep you

motivated it is absolutely critical you log your measurements. Use

the resource guide attached and the following guideline on when

to record to keep you on track.

Measurement Type Evaluation Time

Photographs Bi-Monthly

Body fat Analysis Monthly




Scale Weight Weekly

Now you are ready to go off into the wilderness my child. 

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Watch the video on planning 

Questions To Answer 

1. What is your goal?

To help fill out this question, answer following these guidelines:

Specific: What specifically do you want to achieve?

Measurement: How will you measure your progress?

Actions: What will you do to get there?

Time-Oriented: When would you like to achieve this goal?


Complete your planning chart as per the instructions and fill in

the chart.


Please find attached your progress tracker and training schedule.

Fill in both.

Twitter Summary

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Create a successful plan

thats specific, measurable, action oriented and with an end goal

for success.

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Chapter 3: Intensity of Spirit and Effort 

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue

thee out of my mouth. The Bible (Revelations 3:16)

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If its easy, it ain’t worth doing. 

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. John F. Kennedy  

Not so tough puzzle. Try again.

Your time is precious. You want this body now (and you wanted

it even more yesterday)! Now its time to get it. In order to get

this body fast, you are going to have to train hard and stay

focused. You can either decide to do this hard and fast, or slow

and in limbo.

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You want to pursue the ideal amount of exercise to get the

most results for your time. Every additional hour of exercise

performed per week, will accelerate fat loss. However, there

comes a point where fat loss will stall. The answer usually lies in-

between 5 to 7 hours for most people (of intense exercise, no

stair climbers!).

To accelerate fat loss we need intensity of action and of 

spirit! Let me hear your war yell, ROAR! Thats NOT good enough!

Intensity is the reason Michael Phelps (American Olympian

swimming champion) can eat 10,000 calories a day of junk

(including deep fried grit sandwiches) and be ridiculously lean.

Intensity is the reason why you can be on the stair master 40

hours a week (like a second job), eat 300 calories of cottage

cheese and still not lose any weight. It is what separates those

who see results from those who quit.

Ignore the creep guy in the back,

Michael is lean and eats deep fried 

grits. Winner: intensity  

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How to Look Cool Popping Blood Vessels 

―Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by 

 people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.‖ 

Dale Carnegie 

My clients are always the hardest workers in the gym. They also

see the most results. Coincidence? Those that are successful

transforming their bodies train very hard. They don‟t work out,

they train. Hard.

FAIL. Eating chips watching Bugs Bunny is NOT an exercise my man.  

My clients aren‟t spending ten minutes at the water fountain

talking about Desperate Housewives. They are doing burpees.

Supersetted with jump squats. And frog jumps (and then usually

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puking but maybe I shouldn`t mention that so soon). On top of 

that, they welcome the challenge. Instead of being scared of 

pushing themselves past their comfort zone, they encourage it.

And so should you.

The War on Fat Loss 

―Some pursue happiness, others create it‖  

Killing 500 guerrilla fighters while not speaking proper English= intense 

This war on fat loss? Intensity is your buddy in bad times. It

will produce more results in less time. To find your true intensity

level, you must unleash your inner beast (no, not that beast!). To

do this, you need to get motivated. Working out should not be

boring, or a chore. It should be fireworks with the lights on! Quit

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your Running Group, put down the pink soft dumbbells (or use

them as paper weights) and get intense. If you aren`t sweating

in the first five minutes of your work out, you just wasted five


Why You Should Be Super Intense 

Super intense short shorts 

If your diet is in order, exercise on a regular basis and aren‟t

losing weight, your work outs suck. Lets quickly explain why your

work outs should be intense. Your body has three different ways

of using energy, they are The ATP-PCr System (explosive, think

sprinters, weight lifters), The Glycolytic System (think hockey,

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HIIT, circuits), The Oxidative System (aerobic, think marathon

running). When you exercise, you use a combination of those

three to burn fat. However, why intensity is important is

because the ATP system (the most explosive), will only be used

after the other two have been activated. This means that you

can run on the treadmill all day and since it is not intense

enough, it won‟t utilize the other two systems and you‟ll be stuck

with those Thunder Thighs!

Beyonce work outs and thus wins 

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So all that running isn‟t even working out your body to max

capacity! Working out however, with weights and being intense

does use all three. Would you rather be neglecting 1/3 of your

energy stores and slowing down your progress? Remember sweat

does not equal the amount of fat you are burning (otherwise you

could get lean by jumping up and down). This is why intensity

lets you work out less and get more results.

A simple example is a sprinter vs. a marathon runner. You

might not want to look like either, but a sprinter exercises a few

hours a week and is significantly leaner (less body fat) than a

runner who spends endless hours practicing their craft. What

would you rather do? A super intense exercise that burns fat fast

or toiling away frustrated at your goal?

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How to Scare People in Your Gym 

Use these tips to up the intensity of any work out, or get in the

zone whenever you need to!

1. Get in the right headspace (usually music helps, or quiet self-

meditation before or reading something inspirational)

2. Clear your mind completely and focus on your goal. Remember

what is driving you.

3. Make sure you have adequate nutrients in your body so you

feel at your best (make sure to eat something at least an hour


4. Perform a thorough warm up to get in the “zone”  

5. Put aside any stress or worries you might have and remember,

the better you feel, the better you‟ll perform. 

Now go attack the gym tiger, just don‟t attack anyone in there! 

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Hierarchy of Fat Loss 

This is the order of what exercises you should do to achieve

results. Start from the first exercise type and complete the

prescribed number of hours BEFORE moving on to the next

exercise type. You have no business doing cardio if you haven‟t

performed any strength training for the week! This is under the

assumption that a sound diet is being followed (no celery sticks

diet please).

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Exercise Type Description Protocol

1. Heavy StrengthTraining 

To preserve or buildlean muscle as anavenue of rampingup your metabolism

This means liftingweights forapproximately 2-5sets with reps from4-10 reps. 2-3hours a week 

2. VolumeDominant Circuits 

To melt off fat andmaintain leanmuscle. These arethe “burn” work


Minimal rest,compoundmovements, 10+reps, 2+ sets, 1-2

hours min a week 3. High IntensityInterval Training 

A good idea to do asextra physicalactivity if you aretired of the gym (orto be done postwork out)

30 seconds of sprinting, 30seconds of jogging,repeat for 10-30minutes. 1-3 timesper week 

4. Other forms of energy system

work (cardio) 

If you have extratime and want to

burn additionalcalories, this istraditional cardio

To target fat: HeartRate below 130

beats per minute,maximum 40minutes at a time.Best down post-workout

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Muscle is Your Fat Loss Friend 

Built for performance, trust me. 

Without boring you, everyone for fat loss needs more muscle

(yes even you ladies that don‟t want to get “bulky”, women can‟ t

get “bulky”). Muscle speeds up your metabolism, which meansyou‟ll burn more calories throughout the day, accelerating your

fat loss. As well, more muscle gives you a better performance in

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the gym, which means you‟ll burn more calories working out, so it 

truly accelerates fat loss from two sides. This is why strength

training for everyone is so important. It preserves and builds lean

muscle. If you lose any lean muscle, your metabolism goes down

and your fat loss will stall. Remember, excessive cardio by itself 

catabolizes (eats) your muscle. This is why it is potentially so


Best Exercises For Results 

Designing the perfect program for your body is impossible to

do: everyone is unique. What might work for one person won‟t

work for another. However I can give you some of the best

exercises to perform to ensure you are on the right track. Stick to

these basic fundamental movements as the dominant exercises in

your routine. These are money exercises (no they won‟t make

you rich); they are big compound movements that yield the

fastest results (big movements burn more calories).

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Reading while working out= Not intense 

As a rule of thumb, a sound full body work out will use one

exercise from each category. For visual demonstrations of these

exercises you can create a free account at where they have over 400 videos of 

each exercise performed from multiple angles.

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Types of Movement Best Exercises

Quad Dominant Front Squat, Back Squat,Zercher Squat, Snatch-GripDeadlifts

Hip Dominant Deadlifts, Romanian Deadlifts,Sumo Deadlifts, Goodmornings, Pull Through

Unilateral Lunges, Bulgarian Split Squats,Reverse Lunges

Horizontal Pull Bent-Over Row, T-Bar Row,One-Arm DB Row, Seated Row

Horizontal Push Benchpress (Flat, Incline,Decline), Weighted Push-ups,Dumbell Press, Standing CableChest Press

Vertical Pull Chin-Ups, Pull-ups, Upright

Rows, Power Pulls

Vertical Push Military Press, Dips, SeatedOverhead Press, Push Press

Abdominal Plank variations, Dead bug, Abwheel, Reverse Crunches

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An Example of How to Design a Damn Good Program 

‖I like to work out!‖  

Your most important objective when training for fat loss is to

do more in less time. Lift more weight in less time before. Always

attempt to shorten your rest and lift as much as possible. No

work out should ever exceed an hour. To design a program, pick

one of the above exercises for each category and follow these

guidelines. This is a guideline and these rules can definitely be

broken, but they serve to get your started on the right path.

Type of Training

Restbetween ex.

Male Reps xSets

Wo. Reps xSets



60sec-120sec 5-10reps x 2-5


8-12reps x 2-4


15sec-60sec 12-20reps x 2-3 sets

15-20reps x 2-3 sets

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AN EXAMPLE (DO NOT DO THIS WORK OUT) As a woman attempting a strength work out you could do thefollowing using the above guidelines (please don‟t use this, it isan example and not a recommendation).

Each movement for 12 reps, with 3 sets each. Resting 60 secbetween sets

Front SquatsRomanian DeadliftsLungesPush-UpsBent-Over Row

Chin-UpsUpright RowPlank

I don`t want you to throw up on your nice NewNike Shoes―The immature mind hops from one thing to another; the mature mind seeks

to follow through.‖ Harry A. Overstreet  

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With all this chest pounding, I don‟t want to confuse themessage. Being intense and beating up on yourself are not thesame thing! I see people working out that push themselves pastwhat they are capable of. Nothing is ever good enough for them.

They question themselves, doubt their abilities and possibility of success. I call this the ``Rocky Syndrome`` when you neverthink you are good enough. I`ve experienced it myself; youalways wonder if you are truly giving 100%, whether you couldhave performed one more rep. You question even your willpower. This is absurd. Training yourself into the ground isn`t thepoint- success is!

Rocky never thought he was good enough, is that why he drank those raw eggs?  

Intensity means staying focused and pursuing your goal to thefullest. This means proper training, eating and recovery. Youshould be just as intense about making sure you eat right asmaking sure you hit the gym. Don‟t neglect anything. Use

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intensity as your secret weapon to see faster results.

Now go get „em tiger! 

Don’t just stare at it, it won’t lift itself  

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Watch the video on intensity 

Resources Here are some free programs I‟ve designed to up your intensity in

the gym. The full work out programs are attached with this bookfor your convenience.

Here is the program to Body Wonderful, the best fat loss work outrequiring no equipment

Here is an awesome program requiring a barbell and a lot of guts

Here is program for doing high intensity cardio! 

For more information on full customized work out programs youcan go to my website 

Twitter Summary Intensity accelerates fat loss. It saves you time and gets you

more results. It is the fastest path to success. Use it.

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Chapter 4: Recovery, Its Serious Business 

―How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.‖ Spanish


You can train hard, really hard, and not see any results. In fact,if you would describe yourself as a Type A, work-out-aholic, this

might be the reason you have not seen results. Without proper

recovery you won`t lose fat fast or maybe at all. Am I serious?

Like the Macarena. In order to maximize your gains in the gym

you must recover like its your job.

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Or just kill two birds with one stone and sleep ON the job 

Our holy trinity of a successful transformation is composed

of: exercise, nutrition, and recovery. If you neglect recovery, the

whole stack falls down (or worse you become a work-out zombie-

dead to the living!). Let me convince you of the importance of 


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The Dark Side- You Do Not Want this to Happen to You 

―I been to the edge, and I stood and looked down...‖  Ain’t Talkin Bout 

Love, Van Halen 

Yes I‟ve seen it happen. Heck I’ve had it happen. You don‟t

feel like working out. Your energy in the gym is lacking, you are

phoning it in. You go through the motions but can‟t give 100%

(or even 50%). You can‟t go to sleep (or worse you dream of 

dancing Twinkies with black bow ties). You my friend, could be

suffering from working past your body‟s ability to recover.

Interpret this weird shit Freud  

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Signs You`ve Become a Zombie 

Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness. 

~Richard Carlson 

If any of the following are happening on a regular basis, its likely

that you are pushing yourself past your ability to recover: burn

out, fatigue, depression, irritability, reduced gym performance,

loss of appetite, loss of sexual desire, lack of weight loss, death,

stinkiness, ok maybe not the last two aren‟t true but you get the 

point. Did you read that right? Your performance in the bed might

even suffer! NOBODY WANTS THAT. 

Nobody wants to not be feeling it!

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If you experience or feel any of these things, you aren`t

over trained, you are under recovered. Fat loss is intense and

taxing on your body. Think about it. You are putting your body

through hell each and every day and depriving yourself of the

nutrients necessary for recovery (food). You are forcing your

body to change and it might get a little grumpy.

Turning off the lights 

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. ~Ovid  

What happens when you‟ve gone to far? When you‟ve crash

dieted, worked out until you are comatose and can‟t muster up

the willpower to do much of anything? Your weight loss will

plateau, yet it seems like you‟ve done everything right. The

answer lies in resetting your mind and your metabolism.

Generally speaking, you should never go on a strict diet longer

than twelve weeks, as it impairs your mood, hormones and

energy levels. If you‟ve burnt yourself out, take two weeks off of 

strict dieting, intense work outs and the whole headache of fat

loss. Sometimes we need a break to become recharged, re-

invigorated and to realize why we are doing what we are doing.

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Working out, eating right, and not getting enough rest is a

recipe for stalled fat loss. Now that’s frustrating; working out a

lot and seeing NO results. I once trained myself into the ground. I

was working 60 hours a week, training 6 days and getting noresults with fat loss. Needless to say, it was a long road to

recovery. Lets prevent that disaster. There are four horseman of 

the recovery process.

The Four Horsemen of the Recovery Apocalypse

1. Sleep to recharge the body and mind2. Nutrition to fuel the body and brain

3. Active Recovery to accelerate recovery

4. Meditation to prevent unnecessary stress 

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1. Sleep Like a Champion 

Clearly just had an intense work out  

Yes it sounds obvious but no you do not get enough sleep (eight

hours is what we are after). And if you have been chronically

under sleeping you might need more! Make this a priority! Even

one night of impaired sleep can affect your nervous system (i.e.

your mental mood and physical performance). Fix this by getting

effective sleep. How do you get effective sleep?

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How to Sleep Like Sleeping Beauty 

Sleeping beauty didn’t get that way by working herself to the ground! 

1. Keep your bedroom as dark as possible (pitch black, curtains

closed, no LCD lights, with sleep mask on)

2. Avoid working out right before bed, the adrenaline will keep

you awake

3. Taking a hot Epsom salt bath 1 hour before bed, it will elevate

your body temperature and then cool it further down (and it

relaxes your mind, soothes your muscles and lets you listen to

Enya- don`t judge)

4. Turn down the temperature in your room, it will cool your body

and help you hibernate

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5. Don`t vegetate in front of the TV or any device prior to bed,

this will stimulate and distract your mind (unless you are

watching American Idol, in which case you might already be brain


Turn that shit off 

6. Don`t add stress at night, follow an evening routine such as

reading a fictional book, quiet music (seriously, like Enya) and

form it into a sleeping habit

7. Getting some. Nuff`said.

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Listening to Prince helps you get some, scientific fact . Dressing like him however, doesn’t. 

8. Consume something high in vitamin C pre-bed to lower cortisol

levels (broccoli, ruby red grapefruit, oranges), it will calm you


If you can‟t get enough sleep consider power naps (just don‟t

wear a power suit) where you‟ll sleep anywhere from 30min-

2hours. Remember we are after total time for sleeping. There is

no such thing as too much sleep.

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2. Eat For Your Mind Not Your Stomach 

Eat food that fuels recovery. Junk food makes you feel terrible

and lethargic (and makes it awkward to explain the six

Mcdonald`s wrapper in the garbage).

My junk food wrappers after a weekend of binging....OOPS

I‟m talking proper post-workout nutrition (to help accelerate

recovery from the gym) and day to day eating to fuel a more

balanced body. I recommend few supplements but at the top are

fish oil (pure Omega 3‟s) for accelerated fat loss, reduced joint

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point, increased mental clarity and performance. If you are in an

environment deficient in sun (in winter months), Vitamin D is

important (for overall performance). For proper doses please

consult your physician.

Better than a pot of gold...a pot of fish oil! (Just beware of the burps) 

3. Active Recovery: More Movement For Less Soreness

You want to do activities that help your body recover, whatever

they may be (yes even doing that helps). Here are some of the

most effective.

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Contrast Showers 

In a shower turn the water cold for 30 seconds, followed by 2

minutes of warm water, repeat for 10 minutes. Reduces day after


NEPA (Non-exercise physical activity) 

Aids in peripheral blood flow into muscles that are sore and

affected. Walk, throw a Frisbee, catch a Frisbee, miss and get

laughed at, whatever relaxes you that is active


Stretching with friends is the IN thing 

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To reduce DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness), improve

flexibility and increase your range of motion (plus it gives you an

excuse to bust out the leg warmers).

4. Meditation 

―Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along,

listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.‖ Pooh’s Little

 Instruction Book  

No, I don‟t want you to sell your possessions and move to Tibet. I

DO however want you to relax. Seriously, you are WAY to

stressed out. Get in touch with your inner self in whatever way

that relaxes you. I‟m not your guru but I do know the proper

importance of being calm.

Meditating is serious business

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You`ll find when you recover properly, it helps you give a better

performance, increases your fat loss and makes you a happier


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Watch the Video on Recovery 

Questions To Answer 

1. Am I getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night?

2. Am I not recovering enough, in other words, is my body

functioning at its peak?

3. What can I do to help accelerate this process?

4. What can I eliminate that is stressing me out?

Resources Around your work out is a crucial time to shuttle nutrients into

your body to help it recover. A proper supplement or blend of 

nutrients will enhance and accelerate your recovery. For this

purpose, you would want a healthy combination of protein and

carbohydrates. A good example would be 1 Scoop of Whey

Protein powder and 2 Pieces of Fruit of Your Choice. Anotherexcellent idea is a product by Biotest called Surge Recovery, it

has an excellent blend of protein and carbs designed to maximize

recovery. Yes I use it and no I`m not endorsed by them.

Twitter Summary 

Afford ample time to sleep and recover your body. Restingboth body and mind hastens the fat loss process by turbo

charging your body.

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Chapter 5: Focus and Faith, Turning You in a

Zealous Exercise Believer 

 Act as if it were impossible to fail. -- Dorothea Brande 

Most people don‟t pursue their fitness goal; they chase it.

From jumping onto the latest fitness crazes to falling off the

bandwagon, the average gym goer has no idea what they are


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He has no idea what he is doing. The sad part is I actually KNOW this guy. 

Its easy to understand why; from the mass of confusion

thats out there in the media (do I go with the low-carb, no fat, or

 just eat air diet?), to the amount of misinformation spread by

 “fitness professionals” (I use that term very loosely), the average

person just doesn‟t know who to listen to. As a result, you either

combine everything into a messy quagmire of confusion

(stretchaerobics!) or cling onto one of the many tight factions of 

people who convince themselves that one method of choice works

the best (enter the cardio bunnies, pilates chicks, yoga moms,

former high school jocks, and people that stare at you awkwardly

in the gym AKA PTSAYAITG).

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healthy fats and nutritious vegetables? The answer will be person

B, every single time. Cultivate a healthy relationship with food

and treat it as nourishment.

Ignore Big Wastes of Time 

”  Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.‖ Anthony Robbins 

Rubik’s cube , like you have a fucking chance

I`ll save you a lot of time, money and frustration by saying

if it doesn`t work: DON`T DO IT! Its crazy how simple this is, but

its a rule most people ignore (otherwise aerobics classes would be

outlawed). If that pilates class is not making you firmer, stop

going. Eating only at Subway not working out like Jared told you?

Stop doing it. Stop everything that wastes your time, gives you

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no results, and leaves you frustrated. Period.

6 Big Wastes of Time

When transforming your body avoid these common time vampires. 

These guys will suck your blood and give you a bad haircut  

Isolation exercises for fat loss. A barbell curl burns less

calories than a squat. Period.

Machines in the gym. Those hulking piece of shit 1975

machines do the work for you.

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Using light weight, high reps to “sculpt” muscles. Bullshit,

use something that makes you sweat.

Too much bad cardio (slow jogs= thick hips) instead of high

intensity effective cardio (HIIT)

Counting calories. Instead of quantity only, pay more attention

to quality (300 calories of chicken breast is much better than 200

calories of ice cream any way you slice it)

“Magical” supplements, these include pomegranate juice,

coconut water, or anything else that claims to be the magical

cure all.

Focus on the Big Picture for Big Results 

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going... it's as

simple as that. Earl Nightingale 

What happens when you fail to focus on what is important is you


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 A plateau, not to be confused with a tableau...what? 

Ignore the voices of confusion (in fact just ignore any strange

voices in your head) and figure out what is most important for

success, not what is interesting. What I mean is most people

tend to focus on the minor details instead of the big picture.

Worrying about whether eating a celery stick after 8PM will lead

to fat gain instead of ensuring you perform five hours of physical

activity is an example. You can drink all the cold water (to

accelerate fat loss!) you want but unless you get that butt off the

couch, Ben and Jerry‟s will still be your best friend. 

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Date night, with Ben and Jerry and their chunky monkey...again 

Do This, Get Results 

” Usually The Hardest Things to Do We Perform Last...Perform Them First.‖ 


Refer back to these simple guidelines when you find yourself 

veering off the path of success. If you follow these simple rules

consistently, results will follow.

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Three Pillars to a Lasting Transformation 


1. Perform at least 5 hours of physical activity a week, with 3 of 

those involving strength training (compound movements) and the

rest a mixture of strength, circuits and high intensity cardio.

Sweat, a lot.


2. Eat small meals spread throughout the day (4-6) loaded with

clean protein and vegetables (don‟t count calories, go by quality

of ingredients such as one skinless chicken breast instead of 

breaded chicken fingers!). Consume your carbohydrates (like

fruit) around your work outs.

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3. De-stress your body: get at least eight hours of sleep on

average a night, go for relaxing walks, foam roll, stretch, be

physical, perform NEPA (non-exercise physical activity) and just

enjoy life!

Gender Bender- How to Train for Your Sex 

The original gender bender, Boy George 

Here is a quick myth. Women won‟t get big and bulky liftingweights. Those women in the freaky magazines you see? The

ones with muscles bigger than mine? Yeah they take steroids,

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lots of them. They have more testosterone in their body than I do

(and thats saying something). There is no risk in high intensity

strength training for women.

Here are the common pitfalls of the type of training both genders


Women.... Men.....

weight train too little. train the same areas too often(“show muscles”) 

do too much slow intensitycardio (“cardio bunnies”) 

Don‟t need as much cardio andshould use weights as a meansto fat loss

Should wear more spandex Should never wear spandex

train areas they want to lose fatin.

train areas they want to buildmuscle in.

should stick to full body workouts and circuit based workouts

should focus on big compoundmovements with a little bit of isolation exercises for showmuscles

should avoid machines should break machines

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Spandex + guys? Absolutely not

Keep Your Eye on The Prize 

The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus. Bruce Lee 

Bruce Lee is a badass even in a Charlie Brown outfit  

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By doing what is important, you‟ll make forward progress

and develop a strong sense of commitment to what you are

trying to achieve because you have faith it will work. Believing in

the program is just as important as doing it. When progress

stalls, doubt creeps in and thats when people start slacking off. If 

however you are 100% mentally committed to a program and

attacking it with gusto, you will see excellent results.

No Doubt

When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a

lamp in a windless place. Bhagavad Gita 

Oprah don’t be slacking off...I look up to you! 

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This is why one of the most common mistakes you can make

is weighing yourself every morning. It goes against the concept of 

focus and faith as you are doubting your progress. Its this doubt

that causes most people to not stick to a routine long enough to

see any progress. I see too often people initiate a fat loss

transformation and stop one or two weeks in because they

 “haven‟t seen any progress”. Fat loss is an emotional issue; we

want that extra flab gone yesterday. Like learning to tie your

shoe, fat loss is a long term process (breaking news for whoever

has tried this). It takes awhile before your exercise intensity is

high enough to effectively burn fat.

How to Spot Reduce Fat 

I CAN‟T live this lie anymore. You CAN spot reduce fat. Just

NOT in the way you think you do. You see, working out a specific

area to lose fat is bogus. Instead you‟d build lean muscle in that

exact area (hence why lots of core work is not a good idea for

women- big, blocky abs are not sexy). However, your hormones 

do determine where you store your body fat. Ever wonder why

women store body fat in different areas than guys? Below is a

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short summary of the fat areas and what you can do about it.

Fat Area Hormone Action Plan

Chest and Arm Androgen(Testosterone levels)

Increase healthy fatconsumption, andbrassica veggies

(broccoli), lift heavyShoulder Blades andLove Handles

Insulin Reducecarbohydrates,consume fish oil andcinnamon to helpyour blood sugar

Lower stomach Cortisol Dysfunction Eliminate allergenicfoods, mental stress,

and get plenty of sleep- be happy

Legs Estrogen Focus on intensity intraining

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Get the Ball Rolling 

” It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only 

be grasped one link at a time.‖ Sir Winston Churchill  

 And here I thought eating Cheezies would make me look like Angelina... 

We doubt. A lot. The minute we have an unsuccessful

weigh-in we question the whole program. We need to have faith

that what we are doing is right and effective. We need to be

rational. Have clarity of thought. You need to eliminate all the

needless distractions and figure out what is most important foryou to succeed (more exercise, cleaner diet?), what is holding

you back the most (your environment, your fridge full of 

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Cheezies?), and do them! You‟ll be surprised by the results. And

once you start getting results, you won‟t want to stop! 

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Watch the video on Focus and Faith 

Questions To Answer 

1. What is the most important thing I‟m not currently doing, to 

help me succeed?

2. What are the things holding me back?

Twitter Summary 

For it to work, you have to believe you will succeed. Focuson the most important tasks and do them first to get the most


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Chapter 6 FUN: If it feels good do it 

‖Might as well JUMP!‖ Van Halen- Jump

 Jumping is guaranteed good times , just don’t split your spandex  

Life is too short to be boring. Your fat loss journey should be

swift, effective and most of all fun. That‟ s right I dropped the big

F-bomb (no not fuck), FUN! If you don‟t enjoy working out its

probably for the following reasons: your routine sucks, you don‟ t

change it up enough, you aren‟t getting results, or you don‟ t

know what you are doing. Like prom night, forget past

disappointments, its time to find new found inspiration in the

gym. Remember a boredom issue (like watching figure slow motion...while listening to Clay Aiken...wait thats

not boredom thats the very definition of insanity!) is most likely

linked to a perceived lack of progress.

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 Just don’t literally eat shit with a grin.... 

I‟ m not only talking about exercise, but nutrition too. Getcreative with your food to avoid boredom. You can only eat so

many boiled eggs before getting bored (or clearing out a party).

Try new recipes, experiment with new ingredients, throw in new

spices (like turmeric) to avoid Meat Loaf Mondays!

Three Laws For a Perfect Rep 

Many people want to know, when should I stop performing

an exercise? In other words, how many repetitions should I do?

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Here is a foolproof way to determine when you should stop

performing an exercise. If any of these things occur, stop

immediately as you are losing any further benefit from the lift.

1. The speed of the exercise slows down noticeably (you are

stuck moving the bar)

2. Form breaks down (are you using momentum and cheating?)

3. Incomplete range of motion (you are doing quarter reps)

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I’m Having Fun Because I Lie To Myself  

"Unless each day can be looked back upon by an individual as one in which

he has had some fun, some joy, some real satisfaction, that day is a loss." 


Hot people have more fun, its a media FACT  

Its all about your mindset. Is the gym your sanctuary, your

one hour of alone time to focus on yourself, improving your body

and mind with every successful rep and set? Or is it a self-made

prison, where you are forced to labour each and every day with

hope of running away? When performed correctly with results, itsaddicting, exhilarating and rewarding. Remember if its fun, you‟ ll

keep doing it, if its boring, it won‟ t work, you won‟ t stick with it

and you‟ll buy a Vespa.

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You might just buy a Vespa 

Having Fun 101

‖ That which excites you is that which fulfills you. A challenging routine is

always more fulfilling (and thus more exciting)‖ Omar  

If you are still stuck on boredom, spice up your routine!

1. Change up your routine when it gets boring (no more endless

hours of the Stair Master)

2. Pick activities that excite you (such as volleyball vs running on

a treadmill)

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3. Never work out when you are super stressed, beyond tired and

 just “not feeling it”, your body and mind will connect this with

working out as a painful rather than joyful memory

4. Either work out with friends, a trainer, or

share your progress with others, as

excitement is contagious and best shared

with others

5. Get in the right mood. Listen to your

tunes, do a little dance, whatever lifts you

up, make sure you enter a work out in the

right mindset!

Some people laugh so much that they piss their pants 

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Fun 24/7 

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." 

 Abraham Lincoln 

Continue cultivating your enjoyment in your work outs. Find

new, deeper ways of finding fulfillment and keeping things fresh.

If your work out partner sucks, get rid of them. If your trainer

sucks, fire them! If your food tastes bland, spit it out (just not at

the dinner table)! Seriously, fat loss should be challenging but not

a chore, there is a difference. Now go pop some happy pills and

have a good time!

Who knew just sitting close to one another is such an awesome time?  

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Watch the video on Having Fun 

Questions To Answer 

1. What is the most boring part of this transformation (eliminate


2. How can I make this experience more enjoyable?

3. What activities excite me the most? (focus on them)

Resources Here is a short non-comprehensive list of Omar Isuf approved fun

activities that you can do to prevent boredom in the gym 

Rock climbing, Dragonboating, Yard-work (like...if you are into that sort of 

thing), Sex, Volleyball, Sexy volleyball (better than the former), Sports in

general. Skating, Mixed Martial Arts, Running on the beach, Boxing,

Powerlifting, Kayaking, CrossFit ( 

Twitter Summary 

If you enjoy what you do, you‟ ll stick to it. Smile, keep your

routine fresh, exciting and challenging to cultivate persistence.

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Chapter 7 Persistence: Having the Eye of the


"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better." 

Samuel Beckett  

Rocky did n’t give up until he beat Apollo Creed. Raw eggs for the win! 

Let‟s get one thing out of the way right off the bat- fat loss

sometimes isn‟t fun, it isn‟t easy, and it definitely  doesn‟t happen

overnight (sorry 5 minute abs). Fat loss is a War of Attrition. Thebattlefield? Your body. Your weapons? Willpower, determination,

and the soundtrack of Mama Mia! looped on your IPod (don‟t

 judge). We‟re talking about a battle where the only winners turn

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out to be big losers (of weight, that is). In order to reach the

finish line, you better make like the Tortoise in that kids fable and

be persistent .

Liquid Courage

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting

devotion to the things you want to see happen.‖ Frank Lloyd Wright  

The Tortoise was the real winner...until I captured him

You see, often we can start things with the best of 

intentions, having a sudden burst of motivation which spurs us to

action. “I will  get back to the gym in the New Year!” “I will quit

smoking in the New Year!” “Yes, I will in fact give up Double-

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crème Oreos in the New Year!” The point I‟m trying to make here

(besides providing a prelude to my own New Year‟s resolution) is

that what may have been undertaken with grit and gusto one

moment may just as easily evaporate the next.

I seriously would fight this kid for his Oreo, my addiction is THAT bad  

Super Success Tip: Identify your motivations for starting this

transformation and have tangible items. Physical items (such as

that photo of you 10 years ago, those skinny jeans in your closet,your latest blood report, etc) can serve as constant reminders of 

 just why you started this in the first place- keep them close and


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―I don’t worry about nothing no, because worrying’s a waste of my...time‖ -

Mr. Brownstone 

Shit happens people.

We‟ve all experienced this before and know it well. One day it‟s ―

I’m gonna get sooo lean that you can see abs on my face, I’m in

it to win it this time!‖ But then inevitably, to the tune of a week

or two later, it‟s more like ―I had to go to my BFF’s b day and 

like, I couldn’t be rude and refuse cake, so I ate 3 pieces, and I 

felt like crap afterwards so I gorged on dinner rolls dipped in

chocolate sauce.‖ What?  Come on now, people. What we need to

cultivate here is what Barrack Obama refers to as “stick-to-


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Before, after, before wait,what? NO Kirstie, NO! You need stick-to-it-ness 

Slave to The Grind 

The best way out is always through. Robert Frost  

This is the in-between stage between seeing immediate

results and the long time until your goal. Its after your first

beginner week when you stopped eating at Macdonald`s every

day, dropped five pounds in a week and now actually have to

work for weight loss. Maybe progress has stalled or has come to a

standstill. This is when you realize that fat loss while simple, is

not quite as easy as you`d hope. Weight loss might start feeling

like a grind. This is the long process that once you survive, you‟ve

made it to the other side. The grind separates the winners from

the losers. The good news is that once you make it through the

grind, everything becomes infinitely easier.

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You see, you start with a snow ball move it and eventually… AVALANCHE! 

Avoid Your Kryptonite...The Most Important Food

Law Ever

What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.‖ Lao Tzu 

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Whatever you have in your house, you will eat. Period.

Everyone has that one particular food item that they go crazy for.

Put it in front of them and they‟ll eat it. Every single time. Mine is

probably rolled oats with some Maple Syrup (weird but true), or

blondies (hey I didn‟t say you had to have one!). Whenever its in

front of me, my willpower crumbles. I‟m serious, I once ate 1

kilogram of rolled oats in one night without realizing it (another

reason not to eat and watch TV-even if its a Band of Brothers

marathon). Some of my clients have had other cravings such as

chocolate, French fries, peanut butter, Cheezies. Whatever your

kryptonite is...avoid it. Do NOT have it in your house lest you pay

the consequences. 

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Cry When You

Weigh Yourself  

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It makes no sense to weigh yourself every day (or sometimes

every week!). The average woman‟s weight can fluctuate 6-8

pounds (for guys 6-12 pounds). Besides the fluctuations its not

even the best way to evaluate your progress (body

measurements, body fat% and strength numbers are way more

important). Heck for physique competitions or competitors in

Mixed Martial Arts, they can drop over 20 pounds in two days, but

its not fat, its water and other components. Remember weight

loss does NOT equal fat loss always.

So before you strangle the Easter Bunny over “not losing weight” 

keep these factors in mind.

The most common factors that affect your current weight are:

1. The amount of sodium you‟ve recently consumed (more salt=

more stored water= more weight, more weight= broken mirror,

so check your labels and only consume max 2400mg sodium a


2. Time of the month (for women can cause bloating and extra

weight, for men extra sass)

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6. The amount of carbohydrates recently consumed (every 1

gram of carbohydrate attracts 2.8 grams of water so that pasta

could be making you hold an additional 2-3 pounds. This is why

people believe low carb diets work, when they drop the carbs

they drop radical weight)

This will probably add a pound...or two...or ten

7. Amount of muscle glycogen in your body (are your muscles full

and fresh or depleted? Depending upon how much “energy” your

muscles have indicates how much your muscles presently weigh).

8. Water consumption- how much you drank prior to the weigh-inand whether it is still in your body or not.

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9. Stress levels- the more stressed out you are, the more likely

you are to retain your fat and hold water (don‟t let this stress you


10. Scale calibration- is the thing EVEN WORKING? Most scales

differ by at least a small difference and when you weigh week to

week this could prove fatal!

Split a Rock With Your Mind

” Being defeated is only a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it 

 permanent.‖  -- Marilyn vos Savant  

Officially at strike number 491

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Watch the video on Persistence 

Twitter Summary 

There will be times of failure and thats ok. You need to stay

motivated and stay true to yourself for results to follow.

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Chapter 8: Positive Belief! 

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your 

attitude. Don't complain. Maya Angelou

Gosh Darn it People Like Me! 

Your Are a Winner...Seriously!"Believe you can and you're half way there." Theodore Roosevelt  

L’Oreal says you are worth buy their product to truly be worth it  

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I hate “self help” books. They don‟t work. Richard Simmons

crying on your behalf won‟t do anything for your belly. Neither

will drawing a smiley face on your stomach (trust me, I tried it).

But there is secret power to being positive all the time. Seriously!

Quit laughing. If you are constantly in a negative mind state you

are doing war against yourself instead of at your stomach. Make

inner peace and you‟ll find out how easy transforming your body

truly is!

The Only Thing You Should Be Beating Up Are Eggs 

What worries you masters you. -- Haddon W. Robinson 

Oscar has positive belief, he doesn’t live in a garbage can, he owns it! 

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After eating a whole cheesecake 

Old Self-Talk: I‟ m hopeless. I can‟ t even control myself. Whats

to stop me from doing this again and again? I am not cut out for

this. I should be on the Biggest Loser just for being a loser. 

Sexy New Self-Talk: Wow this is an awesome reminder of what

not to do. I feel bloated, tired and this certainly doesn‟t help my

self-esteem. Sure I messed up, but what is also sure is that I‟ m

going to get back on track. Because I want this goal and I will

get it. No matter how many cheesecakes I might eat. 

Talk to yourself, just make sure no one sees 

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When you do not feel like working out 

Old Self-Talk: Its hard, I sweat a lot and its not working. It

wastes my time, I don‟t like it. And I think that re-run of 

Desperate Housewives is on.

Sexy New Self-Talk: This is a challenge. Its not easy but its

worth doing. Its worth doing because the results will

fundamentally make me happier. I will be leaner, stronger,

healthier and have more energy. This is why I will do this with a

smile on my face. 

Repetition is Key. Repetition is Key. Repetition is

Key. Okay now my hand hurts! 

"If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right. " 

Mary Kay Ash 

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I‟m going to teach you how to get back on track, no matter

what may happen. This can be used to prevent negative action

or to rebound once it has already happened. Remember,

whatever you focus the most on is what you will achieve. If you

think of failure constantly and giving will give up. If 

instead you look toward the finish line with anticipation and

enthusiasm, you will succeed. Repetition with self-talk is

important (just don‟t talk out loud in a public setting because

then you might be called a looney!).

How to Auto-Reset Your Mindset...Every Time

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Buddha 

Don’t listen to negative Nelly. 

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achieve in the future.

5. Visualize your success before you and you achieving it.

6. Think about what that would feel like, how you would feel

when you attain your goal.

7. Fuelled by visions of success and joy, move towards a positive

action instead of that negative one.

A lot of what I wrote about might sound like psycho-babble but

try it sometime and you might be surprised. The more you dwell

on negative thoughts, the more negative you‟ll be. Do the

opposite, see the opportunity and joy in everything. Having

internal conflict creates more disharmony and drains your energy.

Instead of being your own worst enemy, you just might make a

new friend. And thats a special thing! Now group hug everybody!

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Watch the video on Positive Belief  

Questions To Answer 

1. Are my thoughts mainly negative or positive?

2. What is my self-image?

3. What can I do to be more positive?


Set a clock to go off at twelve random times in the day.Every single time it goes off, record how you feel. At the end of 

the day, reflect if you spent most of your day being positive or

negative. If negative...its time to change it around.

Twitter Summary 

Always remain positive, no matter what happens. When youview the glass as being half full, you‟ ll stick with it, champ!

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Chapter 9: Progression Instead of Regression

‖Keep MOVING‖  –Major Dick Winters, Band of Brothers

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All or Nothing Syndrome 

Restlessness is discontent--and discontent is the first necessity of progress.

Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure. -Thomas

 A. Edison 

” I went all in and……LOST IT ALL‖  

When we pursue a goal, we tend to make it all or nothing.

Instead of being reasonable, level-headed and realistic with a

goal, we tend to go all out. Want to achieve fat loss? Then clearly  

you have to work out like twenty hours, eating nothing but plain

chicken breast and spinach (spices are for fatties!), and not goout or talk to your friends…ever again. Sound familiar? Instead of 

making realistic plans with clearly defined, easily achievable

methods of progress, we set ourselves up for failure. Instead of 

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How to Get From A to Z: Climbing a Mountain Starts

with a Small Step and a Good Pair of Shoes 

This section is officially endorsed by Heinz Alphagetti A-Z 

Soup...sorry guys couldn’t get a better endorsement  

Since most people do not plan out their success, most

people don‟t achieve it. Almost worse, when they try to plan

progress, they attempt to do so in leaps and bounds, rather than

in small measurable progress. An example being that we want to

lose ten pounds in two weeks, instead of twenty pounds in twelve

weeks (much more achievable). Or with our diet we‟ll go from

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drinking 4 Cokes (don‟t judge) and pizza to celery and air. This is

too big of a change! We often listen to our ego instead of our

better judgement (how else do you explain the Thighmaster

4000 in your closest?). The sad fact is that the most amount of 

fat you can realistically mobilize on a consistent basis is around

three pounds (even that is pushing it).

Goldilocks Goals 

This goal is justttt right  

Instead of constantly setting loftier unattainable goals, we

should be working harder, striving to be better, and let theresults speak for themselves. Like Goldilocks, we need goals that

are not too hot and not too cold, they have to be justtttt right.

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We have to set them so they are challenging yet achievable.

Continuous Improvement 

We improve ourselves by victories over yourself. There must be contests,

and you must win. -- Edward Gibbon

Better, better, better, worse, WORSE  

Remember your body is the summation of all your actions

(eating cheesecake is bad, working out, is good, working out

while eating cheesecake is disgusting and will make you barf ). If 

in every day you become marginally better in some small way, be

it better eating, more exercise, or brushing your teeth, you will

make substantial progress over time. Take the analogy of 

climbing a mountain. When you start at the bottom, the top

seems very far away. But slowly, step, by careful step, you

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or exercise more (or more intensely). The best option is always to

work out more, starving yourself is not a great strategy! So lets

review the steps.

A realistic goal of progress is 1-2 pounds of fat loss a week.

Perform this every time you weigh yourself.

Results Only Progress System

1. Weigh yourself. Is it a success (between 1-2 pounds or more)?Then keep doing what you are doing, it is working!

2. Is it a failure (you have lost less than 1-2 pounds)? You havetwo choices.

A) Increase your energyexpenditure (more working out,or more intense work outs). Asa rule of thumb, an extra one to

two hours in a week should beenough to see noticeableprogress.

B) Decrease your energyconsumption (less calories). Doso by 250 calories

3. Choose one option (A is always better) and wait another weekand weigh yourself.

Is it a success? If so, keepdoing what you are doing- itsworking!

If not, go back to step two andrepeat until you achieve yourdesired result.

Sounds too simple but it works. Every. Time. Guaranteed.

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Fat Loss Set Point...Just Set It And Forget It! 

” If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking,

eventually you'll make progress.‖ Barrack Obama 

 Just set it and forget it… 

Your body never forgets. If you maintain any weight for

longer than six months, it registers this weight as your normal

weight. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. The further

away you try to move from that set point, the harder it becomes.

So if you start at 200 pounds and lose 20 pounds, the next 20 will

be a lot harder to lose. Your body becomes increasingly more

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efficient at using energy and will resist every pound. This is why

women struggle to lose those “last ten pounds”. The good news is

that once you achieve your desired weight...hold it for six

months. If you do, this will become your new “normal” weight

and it will be far easier to maintain it. Why do you think the lean

stay lean while everyone else struggles? Its not just survival of 

the sexiest, its the law baby.

The Death of Perfection 

Little by little does the trick. Aesop 

You don’t have to be perfect to win 

Perfection is an illusion. Attempting to pursue the perfect

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body will drive you insane. There is a difference between trying to

make yourself better and killing yourself in the process. Do not be

an all or nothing type of person. We can always strive to be

better and should. But setting unrealistic goals sets yourself up

for failure. Plan instead to be better today than you were

yesterday. With time, you will be amazed by the results. Instead

of feeling like a roller coaster, your fat loss will be smooth sailing.

And that‟s how you make progress. 

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Watch the video on Progression 

Questions To Answer 

1. Are my goals realistic (goal driven) or ego driven?

2. Have I been making the progress I set out to?


Confirm that you are filling out your progress evaluation tracker.

Seriously. Do it.

Twitter Summary 

Use small incremental steps to see amazing progress over time.

Try to be better than you were yesterday by eating better,

working out more.

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Chapter 10: Accountability, Big Brother is

Watching You

"Life is not accountable to us. We are accountable to life." Denis Waitley  

Man in the Mirror 

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

Benjamin Franklin 

Who holds you accountable? If the answer is no one, we are in

trouble bucko. The trouble is we like to lie to ourselves. A lot. We

tell ourselves working out is harder than it is, that the diet won‟t

work, that we really aren‟t that fat.

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way you excel and plan accordingly. Don‟t sabotage your success

with emotions.

Who Watches the Watchmen

God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. ~William


By nature we are hard-wired to want to eat food. We were

hunter-gatherers before, hustling for food all throughout the day.

Now its everywhere. We have an overabundance of food and

time, which is a terrible combination. When you are the only

person watching yourself, things like late night snacking become

a problem.

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Stop the Snack-Attack: How to Avoid Late Night Eating 

The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and 

writes another. ~James Matthew Barrie 

Does this resemble you late at night? 

Late night snacking is usually caused by not eating enough

nutrients throughout the day, low blood sugar, boredom, or a big

old pile of Mom‟s oatmeal cookies sitting on the counter staring

you in the face. Use these precautions to avoid ending up like a

pig in the trough.

1. Eat a small snack post-dinner if your last meal is over three

hours before bed. Always go for a lean protein and healthy fat, as

the fat will satiate you longer and the protein will fuel your

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metabolism. Common ideas include nuts and yogurt, cottage

cheese and peanut butter, half an avocado with some cheese,


2. Drink a warm liquid (like

a non-caffeinated tea

before bed, or almond

milk), to help calm your

stomach and your mind.

3. Occupy your mind with

something else other than

the TV. Boredom coupled

with late-night TV food

commercials is a bad

combination. Read, play a

game, talk with humans

(they still exist), anything

to occupy your mind away

from Mcdonalds.

4. Still hungry? Ok, I now give you permission to gorge yourself 

with as much green vegetables as possible. Seriously. You are

hungry? Eat a whole cabbage. Seriously. Do it now. If you are

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to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!‟ll become satiated. If you are craving bad food,

you‟ll eventually be frustrated with eating the cabbage.

I said eat cabbage, don’t eat these cabbage patch kids, they are so cute… 

5. Have someone hold you accountable. Make a pact that if you

are caught snacking you have to pay a penalty. The worse thepain, the less likely the incident.

6. Get out of the kitchen. You ain‟t fooling anybody, you aren‟t

checking the time, scram!

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The Long and Winding Road

Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his

heart and speaks another. ~Homer  

You took a wrong turn bucko.

Fat loss doesn‟t occur evenly each and every week. Your body

has a million unpredictable factors determining your weight. You

might do everything right for four straight weeks and experience

different results each week. There is no formula such as put in

five hours, lose two pounds. Some weeks you might do

everything right and lose no weight. Other times, you might

binge eat and still lose weight. The point is, if you stick with it,

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holding yourself accountable, you will get those results.

Consistency with time is the biggest marker for success.

Love Thyself  

If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

~Johann von Goethe 

You are beautiful just the way you are, be comfortable with who you are 

We all have deep rooted reasons why we wanted to change.

At the same time, we shouldn‟t let our apprehensions or

paradigm stop us from achieving who we want to be. Frustrated

by yourself and lack of will power at controlling yourself? Let it

go. Missed a work out and want to feel sorry for yourself? Let the

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would have to donate $50,000 to the American Nazi Party, an

organization he despised more than any other (he was also of 

Jewish descent). In a year, he lost all the weight. It was the pain

of the consequences that propelled him to succeed...and it

worked wonderfully. Now I‟m not saying donate money to the

Nazi party to lose weight! What I am saying is think of ways you

can increase the consequences of failing so that there is an actual

reward for succeeding (declaring your transformation public,

making a commitment to loved ones etc). The harder the

struggle, the sweeter the reward.

5 Quick Methods of Holding Yourself Accountable

1. Record everything. Logging Your Work Outs in a work out

book, keeping a food log of everything you eat, keep a journal

tracking your progress and thoughts

2. Establish goals and evaluate in regular intervals if you are

achieving them or not and adjust accordingly

3. Join a support group or group of like minded individuals that

will help you succeed and allow you to vent out your feelings

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See when you join a group you get to do cool shit like laughing together  

4. Publicly share your intentions as a means of holding you to

your word

5. Create a tangible pain with failure being something such as

donating money, doing more chores, whatever

Pinocchio is Not Your Role Model…I AM 

” Be and it is‖  

Don’t lie to yourself  

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This is my food log. When I want to get serious about my

body I track the calories I consume in everything I eat. This is my

way of visually seeing what I eat without lying to myself. This is

how I hold myself accountable (forgive the cheesecakes!). This is

seriously my food log, a way I hold myself accountable as it is

public, anyone can view it. 

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5. Track your progress (weight, bf %, photos, food log, journal)

etc, so you pinpoint exactly where you are succeeding and where

to you need to improve. If your not assessing you are guessing.

6. Stick to it....eventually it will all work out, no one who has ever

failed who stuck with it and everyone‟s journey is not a straight

line. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. Consistency

is king.

7. Tracking your calories (and quantity of food instead of quality)

helps but is not absolutely necessary. Eat to sustain yourself, not

to fill your gut, you should be pleasantly satiated at the end of 

your eating, nothing more or less. Have a healthy relationship

with food, your body, and your mind. Adhering to a healthy diet

100% of the time is not necessary, 90% is an excellent goal to

aim for.

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references that propel you to be better and achieve more.

Groups, trainers, and friends help in social situations. For inward

improvement, books (like this one), movies, music, nature,

whatever inspires you, use it.

Team successful  

By following only these ten commandments, you‟ll save yourself a

lot of heart ache in the future.

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The Four Pillars of Unlimited Knowledge

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. Benjamin Spock  

The more you know, the easier your transformation will be.

But there is a lot of information out there. To separate all the

confusion, use this guideline when trying to acquire new

knowledge young grasshopper.

1. Find patterns. Focus on the 90% of similarities insteadof the 10% of differences

You will notice that everyone recommends intense exercise,

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vegetables, lots of water, plenty of protein and follow

those guidelines. Ignore fringe beliefs (such as drinking coconut

water for accelerated fat loss!) and instead apply what has been


2. Seek out those that are deemed most knowledgeable

and listen to them. 

What would make more sense, listening to the world renowned

expert on fat loss or seeking the advice from the guy doing the

Stair Master for an hour (sorry I outed you buddy!)? Sounds

obvious but we constantly do the opposite, listening to quacks or

to anyone willing to share an opinion. Do informed research and

listen to those with abundant knowledge and authority.

True story: Mr. Miyagi seemed like a quack but he was truly a badass 

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3. Never blindly follow, come to your own conclusions 

You should ask questions, all the time. Including the experts you

listen to. Question what I tell you, develop an informed opinion.

Do not choose a routine because your friends sisters brothers dog

wrote it! Do it because it makes sense.

4. Read! 

Bust out your glasses point Dexter, its time to get down and dirty

with lady knowledge! No one ever became dumber reading a

book (unless it was the autobiography of Jessica Simpson but

still !).

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Remember, knowledge is power, but its only powerful if applied,

so now go forth and do some exercise!

Quick Carb-Attack Guide...

Knowing is not enough; we must apply! Johann Goethe 

Carbohydrates are probably the most understood nutrient

out there. Ignore the label of complex or simple, its a lot more

complicated than that! Listen, certain carbs at certain times can

make you fat. Fast. Some love them. Others will scream and

point and attempt to burn anything classified as carbs, includingvegetables (I`m staring at you Atkins). My philosophy is simple;

eat what your body is built for. This means that carbohydrates

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are predominantly for energy, so consume then around when you

are performing physical exercise! Eat the more sugary carbs

around your work out, and other carbs such as beans throughout

the day. Here is a list of your best sources of carbohydrate. As a

good rule of thumb, except for post-workout, never consume

more than 30grams of carbs per meal.

Best Sources of Carbohydrates 

Not the best source of carbs

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Source Benefit FavouriteExamples

1. GreenVegetables

There is no suchthing as a bad green

vegetable.Particularly thebrassica family isking.

Broccoli, spinach,kale, cabbage,

Cauliflower (counts),brussel sprouts,zucchini, cucumbers,celery

2. OtherVegetables

Never met avegetable thandidn‟t have a leasttwenty reasons tolove it.

Mushrooms,eggplants, redpepper, carrots,beets

3. Mixed Berries Great fibre, high inanti-oxidants, thebest of fruit


4. Other Fruit If you have bloodsugar issues, fruitslower in fructose arebetter (such asberries vs bananas),

but all are goodregardless of sugarcontent

Apples, grapefruits,mangoes, bananas,grapes, tangerines,papaya, pears...anyfruit, seriously

5. Beans andLentils

A crazy amount of fibre, high innutrients, and keepsyou full (and gassy!)

Adzuki beans,kidney, romano,lupini, chickpeas,any type of lentil

6. StarchyVegetables

Great source of fibre, slow digesting

carbs, helps fuel youand control cravings

Pumpkin, butternutsquash, celery root,

rutabaga, cassava,sweet potatoes

7. AdvancedGrains

Provide a decentamount of fibre,easily transportable

Quinoa, steel cutoats, buckwheat,amaranth

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Learn and keep pursuing knowledge. Once you understand what

you are doing, you will have a deeper belief that it will work and

you will put effort into it. And remember, knowledge is only

useful when it is applied, so go forth and conquer Einstein!

Knowledge CAN Be Fun! 

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Watch the video on Knowledge 

Questions To Answer 

1. What area do I lack the most amount of knowledge, where can

I improve?

Information Resources I Recommend 

Reading these when you have time, will definitely enhance your

knowledge Best Website to for fitness and health.

Period.My Facebook Page Duh, where I post more great content! Great nutrition site by John

Berardi, my go to nutritionist Great site for women for tips on

weight training (advanced) Great site for men for tips on weighttraining (advanced)

150 Healthiest Foods on Earth by Jonny Bowden

To Figure Out the Glycemic Load of Carb Sources You can View

This Handy Chart Here 

Twitter Summary Form objective opinions by listening to the best and finding

what is right for you. Apply the tried and true principles first.

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Chapter 12: Social Support- The Right

Environment For Success 

Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the

friends you choose for you will become like them. -- William Clement 


Thank you for being a friend! 

Who you are is largely influenced by who you deal with on a

regular basis. Do you interact with people that lift you up and

inspire you? Or are negative people all around you, trying to tear

you down? Which environment do you think you have a higher

chance of succeeding in? Role the dice in your favour and choose

to be part of a team of success. If that isn‟t the reality right now,

it needs to change.

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Together we stand, divided we fall. 

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you

call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard  

The A-Team supported each other and Mr. T`s gold chain obsession 

Happiness spreads quickly. You can see it in children. A child

smiling can make even the most hardened person crack open a

big goofy grin. Its part of our nature, its who we are. Something

gets lost between childhood and adulthood where we suddenly

become serious and “busy” all the time. I know from living both

spectrums, how you can get lost in work and not have time to

enjoy yourself. Dealing with happy people on the other hand, has

the exact opposite effect. It invigorates you. Your days are

easier, your steps are lighter, and your days are brighter.

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Love Thy Neighbour...Just Not His Wife Too

―Fear and hap piness are both extremely contagious, choose which one you

choose to share and be prepared to receive a lot more of it!‖  Omar  

Whats better than one smart, sexy, strong chick? Three! Behold the power of friends! 

We all need someone to lean on. Thats what great about

friends; they are there when you need them most! When you

have supportive people rooting in your corner, it enhances your

results. Positive people multiply their energy when they deal with

one another. Why do you think people succeed more with trainers

or in boot camps or in the company of others? Its because beingpositive is infectious.

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Benefits of a Winning Team 

"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and 

constant." Socrates 

Gun fighting is always better in pairs 

There are a lot of benefits of dealing with successful people.

These include:

1. You can learn from those that have already gone through it


2. You have people to hold you accountable

3. Makes the journey more enjoyable

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4. You have people that you can talk to and express your


5. Gives you greater purpose by being part of something larger

than yourself 

6. Someone to laugh at your cheesy jokes

Beware of the Toxic People. 

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed 

by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened.

But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." 

Friedrich Nietzsche 

I wouldn’t fuck with these turtles 

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You can smell them from a mile away. They don‟t have your

best interest at heart. Slowly they defeat you, like a slow poison,

working its way through your veins. Before you know it, you lose

motivation and your desire to work out. Even those closest to you

such as friends, loved ones and family can hold you back. An

innocent statement such as “why do you have to work out

tonight? Can‟t you stay home and watch Gossip Girl with me?” 

can be draining. Toxic people can be your loved ones, friends,

family, or even your trainer. Avoid these people and the impact

they can have on your life.

Ignore the Haters

"Have no friends not equal to yourself." Confucious 

If even Iceman and Maverick can put aside differences, can’t you?  

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When you begin to make a transformation, there will be a lot of 

 jealous people. You see, some people don`t want you to improve.

They are used to the old you. You are predictable and tame.

When you start to improve, you become better and this disturbs

some people. For some strange reason this makes them question

their own self worth. After all, if you are improving yourself, why

aren`t they? If the people you surround yourself with don‟t

believe in you, than they aren‟t worth your time! 

The Law of Five 

"What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies." - Aristotle 

Happy as shit together. Notice the BRAVERY sweater, I was a

badass even back then

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You are the average of five people you deal with the most.

Think about who you talk to on a regular basis. Are they positive,

forward moving people going places? Or are they always

complaining about their problems and not seeking solutions? You

see, who you deal with influences how you behave. I‟m sure

you‟ve experienced certain people who when you are around

them, lift your spirits up. Treasure these people. You by default,

count as one of the five people you deal with the most. Your

internal daily dialogue should be motivating and not self-

defeating! I‟ve noticed that environments filled with success,

breeds more of it, much like your beliefs bring about your

actions. Success comes in groups. You want to surround yourself 

with positive people. Are your friends helping you or hurting you?

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Caring is Sharing 

"I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody."-

Benjamin Franklin 

Carebears know what the hell I’m talking about!  

Share your positive energy with others, you`d be amazed by

the amount of positive energy you receive in return. Connect with

similar people, join groups, organizations and activities where

you‟ll find similar people as yourself. Be a little more friendly,

smile a little more, and you‟ll notice that the world shines back on

you (I swear I‟m not high when I write this). To help you find

people similar to yourself, pick activities where similar people

would gather.

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Being a Lone Wolf  

"Friends have all things in common."- Plato

Sometimes its hard to find the right people with the right

attitude. Sometimes you can‟t connect with similar people. But

thats ok, there are plenty of options available (like this book).

Social support doesn‟t just mean people, it can be your life‟s

references. By this I mean, the things in your life that help

influence you. These can be books, poetry, movies, music, art,

life, whatever you draw inspiration from. You can join a

supportive group, either online or in the real world. In addition,

positive people can be replaced by other positive sources of 

support. I mean come on, who doesn‟t enjoy Rudy? 


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Watch the Video on Social Support 

Questions To Answer 

1. Who are the five people you deal with the most?

2. Are they helping you or hurting you?

3. What sort of groups can I join to enhance my social circle?

Actions Join as many groups with like minded individuals. Share with

friends, co-workers, and families, the mini-Manifesto included

with this resource bundle that they might benefit too.


To see similar people you can check out my Facebook pageright here

1. My Facebook Page right here

2. Follow My Tweets 

Twitter Summary 

Surround yourself with positive people that believe in you

and eliminate negative people that waste your time. 

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This is THE END

You‟ve reached the end of this book, but not of this journey.

Every single day, you must constantly be trying to make yourself 

better and better. Your body is merely a reflection of your mental

state, it is only through the two being connected that true

happiness can be achieved. Use this book anytime you need a

reminder of why you work out, or need a motivator, or you just

want to look at goofy photos!

I want you to thank you for taking the time to actually read

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Book Summary 

Here is a Quick Summary of everything we talked

about in this book. 

Purpose and Desire 

You have to know why you want to transform your body to

be able to stick with it. Take before photos and truly ask why you

are doing this.


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Create a successful plan

thats specific, measurable, action oriented and with an end goal

for success.

Intensity Intensity accelerates fat loss. It saves you time and gets

you more results. It is the fastest path to success. Use it.


Afford ample time to sleep and recover your body. Resting

both body and mind hastens the fat loss process by turbocharging your body.

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!

Focus and Faith

For it to work, you have to believe you will succeed. Focus

on the most important tasks and do them first to get the most



If you enjoy what you do, you‟ll stick to it. Smile, keep your

routine fresh, exciting and challenging to cultivate persistence.


There will be times of failure and thats ok. You need to stay

motivated and stay true to yourself for results to follow.

Positive Belief 

Always remain positive, no matter what happens. When you

view the glass as being half full, you‟ll push through, champ!


Attempt to become better each and every single day, in

small measurable ways to make large progress over time.


You must have a positive self-image and relationship with

your body

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This fat loss success book was created by body transformation expert Omar Isuf. If you like it, make sure

to spread the word! Find out more at ( and join the Facebook Fan Page!


Always attempt to learn more, to be better, to listen to

those who know more than you and form your own informed


Social Support

Who you deal with determines who you are. Surround

yourself with positive, energetic people instead of negative

energy vampires.

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About the Author

Live each day as if it was your last