
© DriveWorks Ltd All rights reserved 2011 | DriveWorksXpress Tutorial 2011 1 The Proven Design Automation Choice for SolidWorks DriveWorksXpress Mobile Gantry Tutorial for SolidWorks 2011

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© DriveWorks Ltd All rights reserved 2011 | DriveWorksXpress Tutorial 2011 1

The Proven Design Automation Choice for SolidWorks

DriveWorksXpress Mobile Gantry Tutorial

for SolidWorks 2011

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Mobile Gantry Tutorial


Start by installing the Models to a NEW FOLDER on your C: Drive. You should call this folder C:\DriveWorksXpressMobileGantryFiles

This example will allow you to work through step by step DriveWorksXpress from start to finish.

You will have the opportunity to follow a script, capture the features and dimensions that you want to change, create the user interface and assign rules.

At the end you will be able to specify a new Gantry Crane.



DriveWorksXpress is the easy-to-use design automation tool for SolidWorks Users. It is the Xpress version of DriveWorks - the SolidWorks Certified Gold Partner for Design Automation

There are two aspects to working with DriveWorksXpress

1. Set up - Setting up your Project

- Decide which parameters in your model you want to drive or change

- Create a simple form for entering input values

- Define rules to determine how your model will behave and link to the inputs on your form

2. Run - Running new models from the Project you have set up

- Enter input values into your form

- Generate new models and drawings

Once a project has been set up, it can be Run over and over again to automatically create the new models and drawings.

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Let’s get started Note - In this tutorial, we are going to be using SolidWorks 2011.

1. Launch SolidWorks (requires SolidWorks 2008 or later)

2. Launch DriveWorksXpress

The DriveWorksXpress 2011 Welcome Screen opens

The Welcome Screen provides you with feedback on the options available

to you, on the state of the project you are working on, or on the projects

you have already set up and that are ready to Run.

Note - DriveWorksXpress uses a database to store all the knowledge and

information needed to generate the outputs, clones and specifications. When you

open DriveWorksXpress for the very first time it creates a default database to

store your work called driveworksxpress.mdb.

The DriveWorksXpress Welcome screen always displays the Folder Path

and File Name of the active database.

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The Welcome Screen also displays feedback on options available;

Create/Change Database

When DriveWorksXpress is launched without a database

loaded, the only options are to use the default database OR to

create a new one.

Add/Edit Models

This is only enabled once a database has been selected.

Run Models

This is only enabled once you have completed the

Administration/Set up of your project. You can then generate

new models using the Input form you have created, and based

on the parameters you have already captured and the rules you

have assigned rules.

For this exercise we will create a new database.

3. Create a New Database

Check the Radio Button against Create/Change database

Click Next

A Windows dialog box appears

Browse to where you want to create your new database (.mdb file)


For this exercise - name the database MobileGantryExample

Type the New File Name into the File Name Field and click Open

NOTE: Database Names must be unique.

If a name is not unique a warning message will appear advising that an existing

database will be overwritten. You may choose YES or NO to overwrite.

NOTE: Once you start using DriveWorksXpress regularly you may choose to store

multiple projects in a single database or in different databases.

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4. Add your SolidWorks Models to DriveWorksXpress

DriveWorksXpress lets you create variants of your CAD assemblies, parts

and drawings. To do this you need to open your CAD file and add the

relevant models to DriveWorksXpress.

As this is a new database, you only have two choices, which are to either

browse for a new model to add to DriveWorksXpress or use the model

which is currently open in SolidWorks.

Check Next

If you select to browse for a new model, a new window will open so you

can Browse to the location of your file.

In this case c:\DriveworksXpressMobileGantryFiles

Now select the top level SolidWorks Assembly file

Mobile Gantry.SLDASM

Click Open

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5. Capture – Select which models you want to drive

DriveWorksXpress now displays the captured models for the open


NOTE - The Model will now also be open and visible in SolidWorks alongside the

DriveWorksXpress wizard

Click on the „Captured Assembly Structure‟ tab which is visible at the

bottom of the DriveWorksXpress task pane.

NOTE – It is possible for these tabs to be dragged and compressed into one line

in order to create more work space in DriveWorksXpress. So don‟t worry if you

don‟t see the tabs displayed in the image above. It is possible that you may see

the following:

Click the + symbol by the Assembly to expand / collapse the tree.

Select the parts/assemblies that you want DriveWorksXpress to control by

checking the box next to each item.

The top level assembly (Mobile Gantry) will already be checked.

For this exercise check the remaining models: -

Universal Beam Leg

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5.1 Capture - Dimensions and Features

DriveWorksXpress lets you capture specific Dimensions and Features so

that you can apply rules and / or so you can specify new models based on

the original criteria using your own input forms.

A parameter is captured by selecting the „Captured Models‟ tab and then

double clicking on the model name that the parameter exists in from the

tree view.

Once the model has been double clicked, it will open up in SolidWorks.

Click on the „Dimensions and Features‟ tab

Follow the steps below which will guide you through each parameter that

is to be captured for this Mobile Gantry Example.

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Capture Universal Beam

Double click on the Universal Beam in the „Captured Models‟ tab and then

select the „Dimensions and Features‟ tab.

Capture the Length of the Universal Beam

In the SolidWorks Feature Manager double click the icon of the feature

that contains the dimension to be captured (for the Length it is the plane

named Right End plane). The dimension will appear on the model.

Select the dimension from the model (by clicking on the dimension value).

Enter a New DriveWorks Name

This can be something more meaningful e.g. Beam Length

Click Add

The captured parameter will also now appear in the Parameter list under

Dimensions and Features in the DriveWorks task pane.

The SolidWorks Name of the

dimension will appear as

Address in the DriveWorks

task pane.

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Next Capture the Section Height of the Universal Beam.

In the SolidWorks Feature Manager double click the feature that contains

the dimension to be captured (for the Section Height it is the Base

Extrude). The section dimension will appear on the model.

Click on the dimension and then, in the DriveWorksXpress task pane,

enter a new name – Beam Height.

Capture the Leg model

Double click the Leg from the tree view in the „Captured Models‟ tab.

Capture the height of the Leg.

In the SolidWorks Feature Manager double click the feature that contains

the dimension to be captured (for the Leg height it is in the sketch Lower


The Leg height dimension will appear on the model.

Click on the dimension that controls the height and, in the Dimensions

and Features tab, enter a new DriveWorks Name –Leg Height

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Click Add.

Next Capture the Minimum Overlap


Give this a DriveWorks Name Minimum


Next Capture the Inner Diagonal Feature.

The overall width of the gantry may also affect whether or not we need all

the supporting members. DriveWorksXpress can control the suppression

state of sketches, planes, features, folders etc. and can also delete them

from the model. In this example we have a folder with features in it. Using

rules, we can control whether we have these features or not.

Select the feature named Inner

Diagonal from the SolidWorks Feature


The feature name will appear in the

Dimensions and Features tab. Enter a

new DriveWorks name Inner


Click Add.

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5.2 Capture - Custom Properties

DriveWorksXpress can also drive

values to Custom Properties:

Select the Captured Models tab and

double click on the Mobile Gantry


Select the Custom Properties TAB to

start capturing Custom Properties.

These are useful for linking to

annotations in drawings to drive

text on drawing borders or notes.

They are also useful for acting as

placeholders where complex rules

can be broken down into more

manageable portions.

Any existing Custom Properties will

appear in the list which is now


In this example these are

Drawn by

Safe Working Load


We are going to use all of these

custom properties. Check the boxes

next to each property in order to

capture it.

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The File Path of the drawing

now appears in the drawing

pane so that you can check

you have the correct


5.3 Capture Drawings

As well as generating new models, DriveWorksXpress can also produce

new drawings of the model. This is done by associating a previously

produced template drawing of the master model.

To add a drawing, open the Mobile Gantry top level assembly using the

tree view in the Captured Models tab and then browse to the Drawings

and Configurations tab. Browse to the location of the template drawing


Select Mobile Gantry.SLDDRW and click Open

It is also possible to add one part drawing per part.

Add the template drawings for the following parts.

Universal Beam Universal Beam.SLDDRW

Leg leg.SLDDRW

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5.4 .Capture Configurations

DriveWorksXpress allows you to build a rule to switch the configuration of

your model to any other existing configuration.

Select the Captured Models Tab.

In this exercise highlight the Universal Beam in the Assembly Tree.

Select the Drawings and Configurations Tab.

Select the option:

Yes. Allow me to create a rule to switch configurations

Click Next to proceed from the Capture Tab to the Form Tab.

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6 Input Form

You now need to create an input form for entering the values for your new

parts and drawings. This form can be used again and again to specify and

generate all the parts and drawings based on the rules you set and values

you enter.

Start by adding the input controls

You can use the following form controls types in DriveWorksXpress;

Text Box, Numeric Text Box, Drop Down, Spin Button, Check Box

6.1 Input Name = Project Number Input Type = Text Box

Type Project Number as the name for the control in the Input Name field.

Use the Drop Down to select the control type.

NOTE: The Required checkbox denotes that an input must be entered.

Click Next to register the control and display the Control List

Repeat for the following input controls by clicking Add on the Control List:

6.2 Input Name = Customer Name Input Type = Text Box

6.3 Input Name = Drawn By Input Type = Drop Down

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Enter the values in the panel. Hit return after value to place on next line.

6.4 Input Name = Safe Working Load Input Type = Drop Down

Enter the following drop down values:

500 Kg

1000 Kg

1500 Kg

NOTE: These values will drive a configuration in the Universal Beam. Ensure the

entries are identical to those shown (i.e. space between 0 and K, upper case K,

no spaces at front or end of each text string.

6.5 Input Name = Opening Height Input Type = Spin Button

A spin button requires additional properties setting. These dictate the

minimum and maximum values that can be selected and the increments

the values will increase and decrease:

Enter a min value of 1500

Enter a max value of 2500 Enter an increment value of 50

NOTE: The units that DriveWorksXpress drives the models to are the document

units the model has been set to. This example uses metric units.

6.6 Input Name = Opening Width Input Type = Numeric

Text Box

A Numeric Text Box allows limits to be set that the entered value is

evaluated against. A warning will appear if the limits are exceeded.

Enter a minimum value of 1500

Enter a maximum value of 4000

NOTE: Once created you can move controls up and down, edit, delete and test

them. Fields which have not been validated remain red.

Click Test and enter test values to check that items such as spin buttons

and drop downs have the information you require. You can even set

default values.

Click Next to proceed to the Rules Tab to set up & build your rules.

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7 Rules

DriveWorksXpress lets you use Excel syntax to build rules.

A summary appears of the rules by type that need building:

Checking an Action against one of the Rule Types filters the rules by that

Type. It is possible to select more than one rule type at a time.

Filtering is helpful where there are large numbers of rules to be built.

Where Rules are not required for a particular type, the check box will not

be enabled.

The summary provides constant feedback on Total Number of Rules and

Missing Rules (which still require rules to be built against them).

7.1 File Name Rules (3)

Start by building rules for File Names:

Edit File Name Rules

Click Next

NOTE: By default the next screen displays only the files with Missing Rules and

which need building. The file icon includes a red cross where rules are missing. To

view all Files in the category uncheck the box.

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You can choose to view your Files as a List or as a Tree View

View List View Tree

The Default View is View List

NOTE: To build a rule highlight and double click the file.

1. Build Rule for Mobile Gantry File Name

Use the value Project Number so that every time a new Mobile Gantry

project is created it will be named based on the Project Number.

Highlight Mobile Gantry. Double Click – the DriveWorksXpress Rules

Builder Wizard appears.

NOTE: You can use the tabs – Inputs | Recent | Math | Logic

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NOTE –The items listed in Inputs are all the controls that you have created for

entering inputs on your form.

Map these inputs to your parameters to build your rules.

Click on the Inputs Value Project Number

The effect of this will be to append the Project Number to the Mobile

Gantry file name when you run your new specification.

Click Ok to return to the Rules Summary List

Continue by adding rules for the remaining 2 File Names

NOTE: In Rule Building the symbol & is used to link strings.

2. Build Rule for the Universal Beam File Name

Build the rule as follows:

OpeningWidth & " Wide - " & SafeWorkingLoad & " Safe Working


If the value entered on your form for Opening Width is 2000 and the Safe

Working Load is 500 Kg, the result of the rule for the file name of the

Beam Assembly will be 2000 Wide - 500 Kg Safe Working Load

NOTE - You can add and use Quick Text for frequently used text strings for

example "wide", "high", "Opening Width" and so on.

Just add your text to the Recent Menu by selecting Change Quick Text.

3. Build Rule for Leg File Name

Build the rule as follows:

As DriveWorks can reuse files previously created, you can build a library

of standards.

Use the height parameters to build up a text string as a means of

identifying the file.

Use the Original File Name, then add the Openingheight & "high".

The rule result is OpeningHeight & " high"

Click Previous to return to Rules Summary.

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7.2 Build Configurations Rule (1)

Un-check File Names Rules

Edit Configuration Rules

Click Next

DriveWorksXpress does not create new configurations but it can be set

to drive an existing file. The Universal Beam model uses


1. Build Rule for Universal Beam Configuration

Use the input SafeWorkingLoad as the rule.

Click Previous to return to Rules Summary.

7.3 Custom Property Rules (3)

Un-check Configurations Rules

Edit Custom Properties Rules

Click Next

1. Build Rule for Drawn by

Use the input value Drawn by

2. Build Rule for Safe Working Load

Use the input value Safe Working Load

3. Build Rule for Project

Use the input value Project Number

Click Previous to return to the Rules Summary.

7.3 Build Rules for Dimension (4)

Un check Custom Properties Rules

Edit Dimension Rules

Click Next

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1. Build Rule for Leg Height Dimension

Map to the OpeningHeight value from the Input Form.

2. Build Rule for the Minimum Overlap Dimension

Create a formula based on the opening height. his needs to make sure

that the overlap is always one tenth of the overall height plus 100 mm

( OpeningHeight /10 ) + 100

3. Build Rule for Beam Length

Use the value – OpeningWidth

4. Beam Height

Use an IF statement and base this on the safe working load:

IF the SafeWorkingLoad equals 500 Kg, use 200, otherwise use


NOTE: The value used in the expression must be identical to the input that can

be selected. For example, if the user can select a value of 500 Kg from the

Input control for Safe Working Load, this text string must be used in the


All alpha or alpha-numeric text strings must be presented within “speech marks”.

7.4 Build Rules for Feature (1)

Un-check Edit Dimension Rules

Edit Feature Rules

Click Next

1. Build Rule for the Feature Inner Diagonal

Build an IF statement such that if the user has selected an opening

width greater than 3000mm, then the Inner Diagonal feature is to

remain Unsuppressed. If not then the Inner Diagonal feature is to be

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Remember all alpha or alpha-numeric text strings must be presented

within speech marks " ".

Numerical values do not require speech marks.

You have now assigned all the rules that you need to apply.

Click Next to Run

8 Run

The input form you created now appears.

Follow the Tool Tips and complete the form.

You can use the default values, base your specification on one you created

earlier OR clear the form so that you enter the details from scratch.

DriveWorks will now generate your new outputs.

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NOTE: For further help see the Help files within DriveWorksXpress.

If you want to create

new variations, just fill

out the form again, and

again and again.