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Copyright © 2012

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All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and informational purposes

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While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and effective,

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Why !s "he #opulation $ecoming %at&.............................................. 1

Chapter ' What !s A (ow Carb )iet&..................................................................... *

Chapter + "he $enefits f A (ow Carb )iet......................................................... -

Chapter Are (ow Carb )iets afe&................................................................... 11

Chapter * A (ow Carb ample 0eal #lan........................................................... 1

Chapter hopping Advice %or (ow Carb )ieters........................................... 1-

Chapter 2 3ating ut n A (ow Carb )iet......................................................... '1

Chapter - 0aintaining A (ow Carb )iet............................................................... '

Chapter 4 Common 0istakes n A (ow Carb )iet.......................................... '2

Conclusion 5 tart A (ow Carb )iet "oday.......................................................... +6

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Chapter 1: Why Is The Population Becoming


Weight gain and obesity have become causes of health concerns

in the western world.

Obesity in particular is one of the leading causes of preventable

death in the world today. Studies have been conducted to

establish the reasons why the world population seems to be

gaining weight. Research has shown, for instance, that the

general weight of the population today, is much higher than it

was in the 196s.

What are the factors that have contributed to this turn of events

and what are the intervention measures that can be instituted to

control it! Studies have shown that although our children still

engage in physical e"ercises, #ust li$e the children of yester

years, they still add weight and in some cases get obese. %or the

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older people, lac$ of e"ercise, among other issues has been cited

a reason for weight gain or becoming fat.

Obesity and weight gain have been attributed to the foods we

eat. Research shows that we have increased our food inta$e

which unfortunately contains a higher percentage of sugar than

what the world population used to ingest about fifty years ago.

&lso, the amount of fat that we eat has considerably increased.

'his coupled with lac$ of e"ercise have been cited as the leading

causes of weight gain. (t)s an established fact that when we get

large portions of fatty foods, creamy desserts, alcohol and soft

drin$s full of sugar, our calorie inta$e gets higher. With a higher

calorie inta$e, we are e"pected to do a lot of e"ercises to burn

the e"cess calories. (f this is not done, there is a calorie pile up

that leads to weight gain.


'he solution to these problems lies in the ability to change our

eating habits. One way of controlling unnecessary weight gain is

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the eating low carb foods. 'his way, the amount of calories in the

food is closely controlled and helps in ma$ing one healthier.

*ow +arb diets have been defined differently depending on

whether the point of discussion is centred on the amount of

calories derived from carbohydrates or the percentage of

carbohydrates in a diet. enerally though, low carb diets can be

described as those diets that help the body to derive between -

to /- of calories from +arbohydrates. 'he normal percentage

of calories that is supposed to be derived from +arbohydrates,

according to the 0.S. guidelines on health is between - to

6-. 'herefore, a low carb diet refers to a conscious effort to try

and limit the inta$e of foods with high carbohydrate levels,

especially those that cause a significant rise in blood sugar.


&lthough the debate on the advantages of a low carb diet is still

going on, it)s true that the tolerance of carbohydrates in the body

varies from person to person. 'his type of diet, then, will suit or

benefit those who are sensitive or whose tolerance to

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carbohydrates is low. 'he approach is to encourage the reduction

of the inta$e of carbohydrates to levels that the body can

tolerate. 'his approach targets the reduction or elimination from

our diets foods li$e potatoes, white rice, white flour and sugar

from the diet.


'he reduction of carbohydrates inta$e has been $nown to cause

weight loss in people. 'o control this, a low carb diet should be

closely monitored so that immediately signs of weight loss are

noticed the inta$e of carbohydrates is slowly increased until the

body can control blood glucose. (t)s also advisable to embrace the

$etogenic diet where the body generates energy from body fats

instead of glucose. 'his leads the body into what is called fat

adaptation or $et adaptation. 'his adaptation encourages body

metabolism which leads to improvement of stamina. 2nergy from

fat is long lasting unli$e energy from glucose which 3uic$ly


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Chapter 2: What Is A Lo Car! Diet?

We often hear about low carb diets and how successful they

prove to be in losing weight, but what is a low +arb diet e"actly!

'he term 4low5carb4 means low in carbohydrate. +arbohydrates

are usually found in foods li$e pasta, potatoes, fruit, bread and

rice. & low carb diet does not entail any specific diet nor does it

include well5defined steps to losing weight.

(t is a rather loose term that varies according to the person who

uses it. Some common features though, include consuming foods

that are low in carbohydrate and glycemic. 'he consumption of

carbohydrates leads the body to e"crete insulin.

 As carbohydrates get digested, glucose -the effect of insulin

excretion- either gets burned by our body if it we need

immediate energy or else gets stored as fat.

ore seriously, after consuming a meal that consists mainly of

carbohydrates, the level of insulin in our body goes suddenly up

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and after a short time suddenly down. 'his effect causes us to be

hungry only after 7 or / hours from our last meal, leading us to a

vicious circle of being hungry, then eating and finally storing fat.

'he main ways to define a low carb diet, following the initial

3uestion 4What (s & *ow +arb 8iet!4, is to clarify whether you are

tal$ing about the actual carbohydrate that an adult consumes

daily or about the percentage of the calories in a person)s diet

that comes from carbohydrates.

'he usual amount of calories that are allowed in an adult)s diet is

about -56. So any percentage of calories coming from

carbohydrates that is below that, can be thought of as low carb.

'he most common misconception about low carb diets is that

people who follow this $ind of eating plan are actually striving to

consume a ero amount of carb. 'hat is not only untrue but it is

also near to impossible considering that carbohydrates are hidden

in most of the food we consume, especially processed food.

 A diet low in carbs, as the name itself demonstrates, tries to

reduce the carbohydrates in a low level, not eliminate them

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road to a healthy way of life and weight loss process.

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Chapter ": The Bene#its $# A Lo Car! Diet

When you choose a diet, you want to ma$e sure there are plenty

of positive benefits beyond losing weight. <ou want to be

healthier overall by eating in the manner the diet instructs you to

eat on a daily basis. <ou also want to be able to follow the plan

for life instead of #ust a few wee$s or months. 'he benefits of a

low carb diet will provide the healthy daily plan you can

implement for life.


<ou may not realie that eating carbs can increase the chance of

negative health issues. ;y reducing the volume of carbs daily that

you eat, some medical conditions you often e"perience may occur

less often. 'he fre3uency of headaches, #oint pain, and trouble

concentrating will diminish when you reduce the inta$e of carbs.

'his may help you reduce the amount of pain medicine you ta$e

when the pain of headaches and #oints go away. So you will feel

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healthier and save money on medicine by the benefits of a low

carb diet.


Often when you diet mood swings can cause the process to be

difficult. 'he highs and lows of mood and energy can cause you

to binge eat. &nother benefit of the low carb diet is the balancing

of mood and energy. &ctually the body gets more consistent

energy from protein and other nutrients than from carbs. +arbs

bring on short term energy spurts that will drop your energy level

3uic$ly once the carbs are digested. ;y lowering the volume of

carbs you eat, your energy will come from other nutrients that

are more consistent energy reducing mood and energy swings.


(f you en#oy e"ercise and want to tone and build muscle tissue

which helps fight fat in your body, a low carb diet can help. &fter

a wor$out your muscles are very sensitive to insulin and do not

need as many carbs as some people may thin$. ;y eating a low

carb diet, your muscles after a wor$out will draw in more amino

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acids from your meal. 'he amino acids will help the muscles heal

from the wor$out 3uic$er and burn more fat.


'he impact or prevention of diabetes can be helped by a low carb

diet. (f you have diabetes a low carb diet may help balance your

insulin level more throughout the day. (f you have family

members with diabetes and want to avoid getting the disease

yourself, a low carb diet is a good healthy way to naturally

balance your insulin.


So as you can see, there are many benefits to a low carb diet

beyond #ust losing weight. <ou will see an improvement in your

weight but you will also have more energy and feel healthier. 'hat

is the goal of losing weight as well to be healthier.


2ating more vegetables and proteins as well as fruits and nuts

can be a good start to a low carb diet. radually reduce your

inta$e of breads, sweets, and items made from white flour and

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white sugar. <ou can find many low carb diet recipes for free on

blogs, websites, and food preparing television shows.

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Chapter %: Are Lo Car! Diets &a#e?

Obesity must be the most widely spread issue worldwide

irrespective of demographic or geographic differences. (t has

gained so much attention lately that the concept of weight loss

has opened up thousands of lucrative business opportunities.

(ronically this commercialiation seems to have a negative impact

on actual weight loss.

+alorie inta$e and burning calories, the two main variables of the

weight loss e3uation have been e"aggerated so much in the

commercial world that in some cases some weight loss programs

are a threat to good health.

*ow carb diet came in to the e"istence as a solution for

maintaining the calorie inta$e variable in precise levels. =ow it

helps you to lose weight is simple logic. Once the inta$e drops the

body starts to ma$e use of the stored fat which leads to weight

loss. Of course it will lead to weight loss but will it be a safe

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or watermelon that have a high glycaemic level might at least

have logic to support it. ;ut limiting all the fruits and vegetables

is a baseless advice that will deteriorate your health.

Reduced inta$e of calcium rich food li$e whole grain could even

cause serious conditions li$e osteoporosis. Women with calcium

deficiencies tend to suffer from menstrual issues. ost low carb

diet plans focus more on protein inta$e. 0nnecessary amounts of

protein ma$es the $idneys wor$ harder in order to remove the

e"cess waste produced by proteins. &ccumulation of harmful

waste products might cause $idney stones.

ost importantly before selecting a diet plan one should

understand his or her body well. & $idney patient should pay

attention to the proteins while a heart patient should concentrate

more on the fats. *i$ewise there are numerous factors that

should be ta$en in to account before following a low carb diet.

+hanges in your lifestyle will re3uire changes in diet plans too. (f

you start wor$ing out or bodybuilding the energy demand of the

body is different from what it used to be. Or if you got pregnant

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changes should come immediately. (n cases li$e these consulting

a professional is a must.

2"tremely 4low carb4 diets might not be safe. ;ut ma$e them

4correct carb4 diets and get the lean body you always dreamed

while being in good health.


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Chapter ': A Lo Car! &ample (eal Plan

While there is an endless supply of different variations to a low

carb diet plan one can find and learn about online, it is imperative

to at least start off $nowing a few basic meal plan ideas to $ic$

start your low carb dieting efforts. So while the following meal

plan ideas are enough to start off with, it is important to note

that as with anything ?variety is the spice of life@ So ma$e sure to

learn about and e"pand your low carb dieting meal variations.


Option 1A

B 2gg White Omelet C allow 7 yol$s only

1 cup veges eg. ushroomsDcapsicums

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7 :lain +orn 'hins Eas alternative to breadF


Option 7A

1 cup Oats Ecoo$ed 7 cupsF C Eplace G cup water in oats then

coo$ in microwave or eat cold

Ealternative is special H fla$es or plain muesli with no dried fruitF

1 heaped tablespoon >atural :ineapple or 7 Hiwi fruit or G cup

froen berries


Option 1A

I hard5boiled eggs

& large green leaf salad of your choice

7 'ablespoons of low carb commercial or homemade dressing

OptionalA Sprin$le with Spicy Sweet :ecans

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Option 7A

7g +oo$ed *ean eatA chic$en breast, %ish of any $ind, Rump

Stea$, 2ggs E1 egg whiteF E7Ig rawF

1 full cup greens Ecoleslaw, herbslaw pac$s at supermar$ets,

froen vege is fineF

'ablespoon of lite oil dressing E(talian, french or olive oilF

1 full cup ;asmati Rice E1 cup raw J 1.- cup coo$edF. Or medium

sweet potato Efist sieF


 Afternoon Snack 

Option 1A

1 o string cheese


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Option 7A

7 :lain >uts J cashewsDalmonds or walnuts Einside palm sieF



Option 1A

6 2gg Omlette with 6 slices smo$ed salmon with salad on side


Option 7A

7g rilled +hic$en

7 full cup greens Ecoleslaw pac$s as mentionedF

7 'ablespoon *ite +ottage +heese 5 O:'(O>&*


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Option 1A

K51 strawberries, dipped in

L cup sugar5free chocolate sauce EganacheF


Option 7A

G cup of low sugar #ell5o


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Chapter ): &hopping A*+ice For Lo Car!


Watching carbs to lose weight, or stay healthy, should not cost

you a fortune. Which is why including high5priced foods in your

diet is not necessary, for sure. 'here are countless less costly, yet

delicious, options that are low in carbs. So let)s get started saving

money on the most delicious, low carb foods.

%irst things first we all $now pac$aged food is costly. Swap it out

with home5coo$ed dishes made from tender meat and fresh

vegetables. :re5pac$aged #un$ foods will only drain money off of

your wallet while it won)t do good to your waistline, either.

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<ou, ne"t, might want to consider purchasing food in season. Of

course, wouldn)t you dress heavily in winter, and lightly in

summer! *i$ewise, you)d li$e to order fruits and veggies when

they are in season 5 that)s when they are cheapest. Otherwise, it

costs a lot more when produce is flown in from other countries.

;ut by purchasing in5season vegetables, and even freeing them,

you can get yourself your favorites year5round, yet cheaply.

(t)s also possible to spend less on meat. While the e"pensive beef

tenderloin is a tasty cut of meat, the chuc$ and sirloin cuts ma$e

a delicious taste at a much reduced price. 'hey contain strea$s of

fat running throughout the meat, a thing that ma$es them tender,

 #uicer and super delicious. 'hey are best suitable to slow coo$ing

5 no wonder you should thin$ soups, stews, braises and roasts.

(n the same respect, protein that is priced right helps stretch

your dollar, as well. 'here is more to controlling carbs than meat

5 do not fall in to a supper slump. ;rea$ the monotony of your

dinner meat by including some eggs. ;esides, you can prepare

them in any way you li$eA poached, scrambled, omelette,

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crustless 3uiche, etc. oreover, tofu and other soy foods could

replace the usual sources of chic$en and tur$ey protein, yet give

you a variety of nutrients.

<ou can save on snac$s, too. et low5carb snac$s, including

sha$es and nutrition bars, cheaply at store specials. ;uy in bul$.

0nderstand websites that offer items that you regard as your

favorites, and sign up for their newsletters to catch a heads up on

sales. 8on)t fail to chec$ for coupons in newspapers circulars, as


%urthermore, ma$e dishes that can serve double recipes, so you

can have dinner for one or two other nights. *i$ewise, ma$e

meals that can serve double5duty, li$e lunch the ne"t day. 0se

your low carb leftovers to stretch your dollar.

&nd perhaps you have of this beforeA planning. ;ut by planning

your recipes and meals for the wee$, you help ma$e yourself

prepared, always. <ou won)t have to ta$e that e"tra trip to the

vending machine, or order ta$e5out for your dinner. Wait, do you

want to get all that that #un$ in your tummy!

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&mong other things, get to $now some smart shopping

strategies. Regarding por$, for instance, get less costly cuts li$e

shoulder and rib chops, which should be tastier when well

prepared. &lso, purchasing whole chic$en should see you save

some buc$s.

( hope the aforementioned tips help you save while you shop

delicious, low carb foods. *i$e ( said, a low carb diet should not

cost a fortune. =appy shopping

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Chapter ,: -ating $ut $n A Lo Car! Diet

8ieting can be stressful if you are constantly worried about which

foods you can and can)t eat. 2ating out while dieting can

sometimes be a nightmare. =owever, eating out on a low carb

diet is #ust the opposite. (t is very easy to adapt food from almost

any cuisine at any restaurant to suit a low carb way of eating.

Must remembering three things will $eep you on trac$ when you

eat outA

1. Hnow what you can eat, and what to avoidN

7. :lan aheadN

I. Stic$ to your gunsN

2ating low carb means you actually have a lot of fle"ibility with

your diet. Hnowing which foods to avoid ma$es it easier to eat

out without trying to guess what is acceptable. reat choices to

loo$ for when eating out include meats that are not breaded or

battered, vegetables, salads, and fish that is not battered.

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'he most important thing you can do when eating out low carb is

to stic$ to it. any are tempted by the bread bas$et, teased by

the desert tray, and give in to the pressure to be )normal). aybe

you don)t want to seem demanding. Whatever the reason, #ust

remember, you deserve to feel healthy and be happy. (f it helps,

consider your low carb diet the same as anyone that re3uires a

special diet for a medical condition. 'here will be some foods you

 #ust can)t eat, but don)t be afraid to as$ for the ones you canN

With more people choosing to eat low carb, restaurants are

ad#usting many of their menu items to accommodate. 'here are

lots of great options available if you want to eat out and en#oy

low carb foods. Hnowing what you can eat, planning ahead, and

stic$ing to it will $eep you on trac$ with your low carb diet. 0se

these simple steps to en#oy eating out on a low carb diet


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Chapter .: (aintaining A Lo Car! Diet

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'hese are suggestions to help you ma$e the most out of your

diet. 'his way, you can be sure to get the effective weight lose


%irst, you need to have your health assessed by your doctor. 'his

is the initial step you need to ta$e before you decide to underta$e

your dieting plan. +onsulting your physician is a good way to

establish the best food types to include in your diet. 'he doctor

will help you $now what food to refrain from and get suggestions

on how to plan your diet menu.

Secondly, you must have an ob#ective for maintaining a low5carb

lifestyle. 'he goal of any diet low in carbohydrate is to lose

weight. 2stablishing your main goal will help you fit your diet into

your lifestyle. =ere, you will $now what nutritional foods to

introduce into your diet one that leads to successfully achieving

your long5term weight lose goal.

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'hirdly, for your diet plan to wor$ you need motivation to follow

through with your plan even when faced with temptations. <ou

need to find a way to remind yourself of your goal. 'hin$ing

about how you will feel or loo$ when you are slimmer is a good


&dditionally, you need to tune your attitude, be positive and

believe you can achieve your weight loss ob#ective.

;esides, monitor the amount of food you ta$e and ta$e weight

often to find out how you are doing. (t is best you have a #ournal

where you can record your findings. 'his #ournal will help you find

out whether your diet plan is successful or not.

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*astly, after all has been said and done you will have to be

patient and be consistent in your dieting. aintaining a low carb

diet is not very easy. =owever, you will be successful if you

maintain your plan and ma$e it a habit. With time, it will become

a lifestyle and part of you.

*i$e any dieting plan, you may fall off trac$ occasionally.

=owever, you should get bac$ up and continue with your plan.

%rom time to time, you may have to consult your doctor to

ensure you do not have health complications and to ensure your

diet is wor$ing effectively.

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Chapter /: Common (ista0es $n A Lo

Car! Diet

One does not have to attend a class to $now about the common

mista$es on a low +arb diet. +arb as it is referred in this conte"t

refers to food nutrient EcarbohydrateF present in foods li$e

potatoes, bread, pun ca$es etc. 'he following are the common

mista$es about low cab diet.

Getting the wrong information 5 Some individuals assume that

eating low +arb diet simply means eating meat every day. 'his is

wrong everybody re3uires $nowledge on how to reduce

carbohydrates, the foods that have carbohydrates and eating a

low carb diet.

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Surrendering in the middle of the process 5 'here are a

variety of approaches to low carb dieting and there are problems

at the beginning. (t is important to figure out which approach is

good for you to avoid giving up in the middle of the process.

Some of the complication that arises for e"ample +arb crash

scares a lot of people hence they bac$ down at the beginning.

Lack of sufficient fat 'his could be mista$en for a low carb diet

as a result of thin$ing that low carb means low fat. &t the start,

people can manage low fat dieting but as time goes this will lead

to them using up their own body fat hence getting hungry very

fast. 'herefore it is important to add fat to your body while on

low carb diet.

Lack of enough vegetables in the diet 5 While dieting on low

+arb diet some people tend to forget including vegetables and

fruits in their diet. 'his will be disastrous in the end because

vegetables and fruits should be eaten in large 3uantities by one

dieting on low carb especially fruits that are low in sugar.

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Too much eating 5 (t is of no use to count the amount of

calories in a low carb diet. 'his does not mean that one has to

$eep on eating and eating #ust because he or she is eating foods

that are low in carb. <ou are advised to only eat when one is

hungry and stop when satisfied.

Poor planning 5 Stic$ing in a new eating programme sometimes

might be a problem and one might find himself or herself doing

what they used to do before. 'herefore one is advised to plan

before hand to facilitate free adoption of the new eating habit

which means you will $now what to eat and when to eat what.

Use of low carb packaged foods 5 When buying low carb foods

that are pac$aged it is of great importance to understand the

ingredients. ost of them contain maltitol which is bad sugar that

is not re3uired by a lot of bodies. 'herefore this pac$aged low

carb foods need to undergo careful e"periments.

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Lack of variety 5 ost people might find limited variety of foods

that are low carb yet there are plenty, the only thing to avoid in

low cab diet is sugar and starch. 2very cuisine in the planet has a

low carb variety also most dishes can be decarbed.

Insufficient fibre in the diet 5 2ating of vegetables and fruits

help in ensuring that one eats enough 3uantities of fibre. ;ut

forgetting or s$ipping to eat vegetables and fruits reduces the

level of fibre inta$e in the body and this can be disastrous in the

long run.