drugs, society, and criminal justice...drugs, society, and criminal justice charles f. levinthal...

Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

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Page 1: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice

CHARLES F. LEVINTHALHofstra University

LORI BRUSMAN LOVINSUniversity of Houston—Downtown


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Page 2: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

ISBN 10: 0-13-518003-1ISBN 13: 978-0-13-518003-7

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Levinthal, Charles F., 1945- author. | Lovins, Lori Brusman, author.Title: Drugs, society, and criminal justice / Charles F. Levinthal, Hofstra University, Lori Brusman Lovins.Description: Fifth edition. | Boston : Pearson, [2020]Identifiers: LCCN 2018041679| ISBN 9780135180037 | ISBN 0135180031Subjects: LCSH: Drug abuse. | Drugs of abuse. | Drug abuse and crime. | Drug abuse--Prevention.Classification: LCC HV5801 .L493 2020 | DDC 362.290973--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018041679

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Page 3: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION


PART ONE The Challenge of Drugs in Our Society 1

CHAPTER 1 Understanding the Drug Problem in America 1

CHAPTER 2 Understanding the Drug Problem in Global Perspective 21

CHAPTER 3 Drug-Control Policy in America 43

PART TWO Drugs, Crime, and Criminal Justice 63

CHAPTER 4 Drugs and Crime 63

CHAPTER 5 Drug-Law Penalties 85

CHAPTER 6 Drugs and Law Enforcement 99

CHAPTER 7 Drugs and Correctional Interventions 118

PART THREE Drug-Taking Behavior in Our Society 136

CHAPTER 8 Drug-Taking Behavior: Fundamentals and Theoretical Perspectives 136

CHAPTER 9 Opioids 168

CHAPTER 10 Cocaine and Methamphetamine 195

CHAPTER 11 Marijuana 219

CHAPTER 12 Hallucinogens and Depressants 247

CHAPTER 13 Alcohol Misuse and Alcohol-Related Crime 275

PART FOUR Prevention, Protection, and Deterrence 311

CHAPTER 14 Prevention and Strategies for Change 311

CHAPTER 15 Advancing Public Health: The Regulation of Tobacco 339

CHAPTER 16 Deterrence through Drug Testing 366

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Page 4: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

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Page 5: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

Contents ■ v


Understanding the Drug Problem in Global Perspective 21

Numbers Talk... 22The Global Problem of Illicit Drug Toxicity 23

European Prevalence Rates for Illicit Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco 23

The Global Problem of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) 24

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 2 . 1 : Understanding Prevalence Rates in America and Worldwide 25

The Global Illicit Drug Trade and Criminal Justice 25The Trafficking of Heroin and Other Opioids 26

Heroin, Turkey, and the “French Connection” 26The Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia 26The Golden Crescent in Southwest Asia 26Heroin Trafficking in Mexico and Colombia 27Heroin Trafficking Today 28The Trafficking of Fentanyl and Fentanyl

Analogs 29The Trafficking of Cocaine 30

■■ P O R T R A I T : Pablo Escobar: The Violent Life of the Former “King of Cocaine” 30

The Trafficking of Marijuana 32

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Massive Drug Tunnels Underneath the Border 32

The Trafficking of Methamphetamine 33The Trafficking of LSD, PCP, and Ketamine 33Drug Trafficking as a Moving Target 34Drug Trafficking/Violence: The Mexican

Connection 34The Continuing Drug Cartel War in Mexico 35The Rise and Downfall of El Chapo 35

Drugs and Narcoterrorism 36

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 2 . 2 : Understanding International Drug Trafficking 37Narcoterrorism in Afghanistan and Colombia 37Transnational Narcoterrorism 38

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Sarin and Chemical Warfare: Neurotoxicity on the Battlefield 39

Summary 39 • Key Terms 40 • Review Questions 40 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 41 • Endnotes 41

Preface xv

PART ONE The Challenge of Drugs in Our Society 1


Understanding the Drug Problem in America 1

Numbers Talk... 2Understanding Drugs and Society 3Definitions and Distinctions 4

What Is a Drug? 4Instrumental Drug Use versus Recreational Drug Use 4

■■ DRUGS . . . IN FOCUS: Understanding Drug Names 5Illicit (Illegal) versus Licit (Legal) Drugs 6Misuse, Abuse, and Dependence 6Drugs versus Substances 7On the Matter of “Addiction” 7

The Problem of Drug Toxicity 7

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Acute Toxicity in the News: Drug-Related Deaths 9

Drug-Related Hospital Emergencies 10Drug-Related Deaths 11

■■ P O R T R A I T : From Oxy to Heroin: The Life and Death of Erik 12Understanding Chronic Drug Toxicity: How Many Drug

Users? 12

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 . 1 : Understanding Margins of Safety 13

Prevalence Rates of Drug Use in the United States 13Illicit Drug Use among Individuals Aged 12 and Older 13Illicit Drug Use in Special Populations 14Illicit Drug Use among Secondary School Students 15Illicit Drug Use among College Students 15

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 . 2 : Understanding Prevalence Rates of Drug Use in the United States 16

The Problem of Drug Accessibility through the Internet 17

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Dealing with High-Tech Drug Dealing: Policing the “Dark Web” 17

Summary 18 • Key Terms 19 • Review Questions 19 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 19 • Endnotes 20


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Page 6: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

vi ■ Contents

Drug-related Crimes 65Drug-using Lifestyle 66

Perspectives on Drug Use and Crime 67Collecting the Statistics on Drugs and Crime 67

Drugs and Delinquency 68Drugs and Adult Crime 68Women, Drugs, and Crime 69

What the Statistics Tell Us and What They Do Not 70Regarding Psychopharmacological Crime 70Regarding Economically Compulsive Crime 71

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : From HeroinGen and CrackGen to BluntGen: The Rise and Fall of Drugs and Violence 72

■■ P O R T R A I T : David Laffer: Pharmacy Robber and Killer of Four 73Regarding Systemic Crime 74

Fundamental Questions about Drugs and Crime 75Does Drug Use Cause Crime? 75Does Crime Cause Drug Use? 75Do Drug Use and Crime Share Common Causes? 75

Social Structures in Illicit Drug Trafficking 75

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 4 . 1 : Understanding the Drug–Crime Connection 76

Gangs and Drug-Related Crime 77Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs 77Street Gangs 77Prison Gangs 78

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 4 . 2 : Understanding Gangs and Social Structures in Illicit Drug Trafficking 78

Money Laundering in Drug-Related Crime 79

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : The New Money Laundering: Digital Currency Exchanges 80

Summary 80 • Key Terms 81 • Review Questions 81 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 81 • Endnotes 82


Drug-Law Penalties 85

The Phases of Criminal Justice 86Numbers Talk... 88Drug-Law Violators in the Criminal Justice System 88Criminal Penalties for Drug-Law Offenses 89

Federal Penalties for Drug Trafficking 89Federal Penalties for Simple Possession of Controlled

Substances 91Felonies, Misdemeanors, and State Drug Laws 91Drug Paraphernalia 91


Drug-Control Policy in America 43

Numbers Talk... 44Drug Regulation in the Nineteenth Century: Laisse-Faire 44Drug Regulation in the Early Twentieth Century: The Begin-

ning of Controls 45Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 45

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 3 . 1 : Understanding the History of Drugs and Drug-Taking Behavior 46The Harrison Act of 1914 46Marijuana and the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 47Alcohol Regulation in America: The Prohibition Era 48

■■ P O R T R A I T : Eliot Ness and the Untouchables 49Drug Regulation in the Late Twentieth Century: A “War

on Drugs” 50The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 51

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : The Drug Enforcement Administration Today 52Drug Regulation 1980–2000: Renewed Efforts at Drug

Control 52

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : A History of American Drug-Control Legislation 54

Drug Regulation in the Twenty-First Century: The Impact of 9/11 55

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 3 . 2 : Understanding the History of U.S. Drug-Control Legislation 55

Drug-Control Policy Today: Public Health and Public Safety 57Federal Drug-Control Policy: Five Schedules of

Controlled Substances 59Attitudes Driving America’s Drug Policy 57Drug-Control Policies: From Conservative to Liberal? 58

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Efforts to Move Marijuana from a Schedule I to Schedule II Controlled Substance Category 59

Summary 60 • Key Terms 61 • Review Questions 61 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 61 • Endnotes 62

PART TWO Drugs, Crime, and Criminal Justice 63


Drugs and Crime 63

Numbers Talk... 64Defining the Terms 64

Drug-defined Crimes 64

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Page 7: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

Contents ■ vii

Summary 114 • Key Terms 115 • Review Questions 115 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 115 • Endnotes 116


Drugs and Correctional Interventions 118

The Philosophies of the Correctional System 119Numbers Talk... 119

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 7 . 1 : Understanding the Philosophies of Corrections 120

Principles of Effective Intervention in Corrections 120The Risk Principle 120The Need Principle 121The Responsivity Principle 122Application of RNR Principles 122

Correctional Strategies for Drug Offenders in Confinement 122

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Diversion Programs for Low-Level, First-Time Offenders 123Prison-Based Treatment Programs 123Reentry Programs for Drug Offenders 125

Community-Based Correctional Strategies for Drug Offenders 125Community Residential Drug Treatment Programs 126The Advent of Drug Courts 127

■■ P O R T R A I T : Jeffrey Tauber, National Association of Drug Court Professionals, President Emeritus for Life 127

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Specialty Courts in Today’s Criminal Justice System 128Supervision of Drug Offenders in the Community 130

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 7 . 2 : Understanding Problem-Solving Courts 130

Summary 133 • Key Terms 133 • Review Questions 134 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 134 • Endnotes 134

PART THREE Drug-Taking Behavior in Our Society 136


Drug-Taking Behavior: Fundamentals and Theoretical Perspectives 136

How Drugs Enter the Body 137Oral Administration 137

Rethinking Drug-Law Penalties: 1970s–Present 92

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 5 . 1 : Understanding the Criminal Justice System 92The Issue of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing 92

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Penalties for Crack versus Penalties for Cocaine: Correcting an Injustice 93

■■ P O R T R A I T : Former State Senator John R. Dunne—Drug Warrior/Drug-War Reformer 94

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 5 . 2 : Understanding Mandatory Minimum Sentences 95

Sentencing Policies and Mass Incarceration 95A New Direction 96

Summary 96 • Key Terms 97 • Review Questions 97 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 97 • Endnotes 97


Drugs and Law Enforcement 99

Numbers Talk... 100Source Control 101

Crop Eradication 101Chemical Controls 101U.S. Certification 102

Drug Interdiction 103Federal Agencies Involved in Drug Interdiction 104Military Operations and Domestic Law

Enforcement 105

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 6 . 1 : Understanding Law Enforcement Agencies in Drug Control 105

Profiling and Drug-Law Enforcement 106Street-Level Drug-Law Enforcement 106

Undercover Operations in Drug Enforcement 107

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Updating Police Behavior during Traffic and Street Stops 107

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : The Anatomy of a Reverse Sting Operation 108Undercover Operations and the Issue of Entrapment 109Non-Undercover Police Operations 109

■■ P O R T R A I T : Former Commissioner William J. Bratton—The Face of American Policing 110

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 6 . 2 : Understanding Drug-Law Enforcement Operations 111The Legacy of “Stop-and-Frisk” in Marijuana

Arrests 112Asset Forfeiture and the RICO Statute 112

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Page 8: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

viii ■ Contents

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Harm Reduction: A Strategy for Controlling Undesirable Behavior 162

Summary 162 • Key Terms 164 • Review Questions 164 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 165 • Endnotes 165


Opioids 168

Numbers Talk... 169What Are Opioids? 169Opioids in World History 170

The Geopolitics of the Opium War 171Opium in Britain and the United States 172Morphine and the Advent of Heroin 173

Opioids in American Society 174Opioid Use and Heroin Abuse after 1914 174Heroin Abuse in the 1960s and 1970s 174Heroin Abuse in the 1980s and 1990s 175

The Present-Day Opioid Epidemic 176Over-Prescription of Opioid Medications 176The Introduction of Illicit Fentanyl and Fentanyl Analogs 177

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 9 . 1 : Understanding the History of Opium and Opioids 178The Scope of the Opioid Overdose Crisis 178

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Opioid Crisis Intervention Courts: A Response to the Opioid Epidemic 179

Opioid Effects on the Mind and the Body 179How Opioids Work in the Brain 180

Patterns of Heroin Abuse 181Tolerance and Withdrawal Symptoms 181The Lethality of Heroin Itself 182

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Opioid Overdose Emergencies and Naloxone for First Responders 183

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 9 . 2 : Understanding the Effects of Administering and Withdrawing Heroin 184

Medically Assisted Treatments for Opioid Abuse 184Detoxification 185Opioid Maintenance 185

Behavioral and Social-Community Programs 186

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Buprenorphine: The Bright/Dark Side of Heroin-Abuse Treatment 186

Medical Uses of Opioid Drugs 187Beneficial Effects 187Prescription Opioid Medication Side Effects 188Prescription Opioid Medication Abuse 188Patterns of OxyContin Abuse 188Prescription Opioid Medication Abuse and Drug

Diversion 189

Numbers Talk... 137Injection 138Inhalation 138Absorption through the Skin or Membranes 139

How Drugs Exit the Body 139Factors Determining the Behavioral Impact of Drugs 140

Timing 140Drug Interactions 140Tolerance Effects 141

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 8 . 1 : Understanding Drug Interactions 142Cross-Tolerance 142Individual Differences 142The Expectation Effect 143

Physical and Psychological Dependence 144Physical Dependence 144Psychological Dependence 144

The DSM-5: Defining Substance Use Disorders 145

Theoretical Perspectives on Drug Use and Abuse 146Biological Perspectives on Drug Abuse 146

Genetic Factors 147Physiological Factors 147Neurochemical Systems in the Brain 148

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Understanding the Biochemistry of Psychoactive Drugs 148

■■ P O R T R A I T : Dr. Nora D. Volkow—Imaging the Face of Addiction in the Brain 149

Psychological Perspectives on Drug Abuse 150Behavioral Theories 150Cognitive Theories 151Motivation Theories 152Personality Theories 153

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 8 . 2 : Understanding Biological and Psychological Perspectives on Drug Use and Abuse 154

Sociological Perspectives on Drug Abuse 154Anomie/Strain Theory 154Social Control/Bond Theory 155Differential Association Theory 156Subcultural Recruitment and Socialization Theory 156

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : The Private Language of a Drug Subculture 157Labeling Theory 157

Integrating Theoretical Perspectives on Drug Abuse 158Risk Factors and Protective Factors 158

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 8 . 3 : Understanding Sociological Perspectives on Drug Use and Abuse 159Specific Risk Factors 159Specific Protective Factors 160

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Page 9: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

Contents ■ ix

Present-Day Methamphetamine Abuse 209Crystal Methamphetamine (Ice) 210

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : North Korea and Methamphetamine Trafficking 210Patterns of Methamphetamine Abuse 211

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 0 . 2 : Understanding Patterns of Stimulant Drug Abuse 211Treatment for Methamphetamine Abuse 211Cathinone as a New Form of Stimulant Abuse 211

Amphetamines and Other Stimulants as Medications 212Stimulant Medications for ADHD 212Other Medical Applications 213Ritalin and Adderall Abuse 213

Stimulant Medications as Cognitive Enhancers 213Summary 214 • Key Terms 215 • Review Questions 215 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 215 • Endnotes 215


Marijuana 219

Cannabis Products 220Numbers Talk... 220

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Growing Hemp in America: Coming Full Circle 221

The History of Marijuana and Hashish 222Hashish in the Nineteenth Century 223Marijuana and Hashish in the Twentieth Century 223The Anti-Marijuana Crusade 223

■■ P O R T R A I T : Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger: From Demon Rum to Devil Weed 224Challenging Old Ideas about Marijuana 226

Acute Effects of Marijuana 226Acute Physiological Effects 226Acute Psychological and Behavioral Effects 227

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 1 . 1 : Understanding the Effects of Marijuana 227

Cannabinoids and Endocannabinoids 228

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : The Neurochemical “Yin and Yang” of Cannabis 228

Chronic Effects of Marijuana 229Tolerance 229Withdrawal and Dependence 229Cardiovascular Effects 230Respiratory Effects 230Risks of Lung Cancer 231Effects on the Immune System 231Effects on Sexual Functioning and

Reproduction 231

■■ P O R T R A I T : Billy Thomas and Ricky Franklin—The Two Sides of OxyContin 190Abuse of Other Opioid Pain Medications 191

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : National Prescription Drug Take- Back Day and Rogue Pharmacies 191

Summary 191 • Key Terms 192 • Review Questions 192 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 192 • Endnotes 193


Cocaine and Methamphet-amine 195

The History of Cocaine 196Numbers Talk... 196

Coca and Cocaine in Nineteenth- Century Life 197

The Commercialization of Coca 197

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Cocaine after Alcohol: The Risk of Cocaethylene Toxicity 197Freud and Cocaine 198

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : What Happened to the Coca in Coca-Cola? 199

Acute Effects of Cocaine 199

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 0 . 1 : Understanding the History of Cocaine 200Chronic Effects of Cocaine 200Medical Uses of Cocaine 201How Cocaine Works in the Brain 201

Present-Day Cocaine Abuse 201From Coca to Cocaine 201From Cocaine to Crack 202Patterns of Cocaine Abuse 203

Treatment for Cocaine Abuse 204

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Cocaine Contamination in U.S. Paper Currency 204

Amphetamines 205The History of Amphetamines 205

■■ P O R T R A I T : Robert Downey, Jr.—A Success Story Fol-lowing Cocaine Abuse 206

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Comparison Shopping Inside the Global Cocaine Black Market 207The Different Forms of Amphetamine 207

Acute Effects of Amphetamines 207Chronic Effects of Amphetamines 208How Amphetamines Work in the Brain 208

Methamphetamine Abuse 208Methamphetamine in the Heartland of America 209

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Page 10: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

x ■ Contents

Frequently Asked Questions about LSD 254Will LSD Produce Panic Attacks or Psychotic Behavior? 254Will LSD Increase Your Creativity? 255Will LSD Have Residual (Flashback) Effects? 255Will LSD Increase Criminal or Violent

Behavior? 255Hallucinogens Other than LSD 255

Psilocybin 255Lysergic Acid Amide (LAA) 256Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) 256Harmine 256Mescaline 257

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Bufotenine and the Bufo Toad 257

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Present-Day Peyotism and the Native American Church 258Dom 258MDMA (Ecstasy) 259

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Who (or What) Is Molly? 259Amanita Muscaria 260Phencyclidine (PCP) and Ketamine 260

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 2 . 1 : Understanding the Diversity of Hallucinogenic Experiences 260

Sedative-Hypnotics 262Barbiturates 262Categories of Barbiturates 262Acute Effects of Barbiturates 263

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Is There Any Truth Regarding “Truth Serum”? 263Chronic Effects of Barbiturates 263Barbiturate Use and Abuse 264

Nonbarbiturate Sedative-Hypnotics 264Antianxiety Drugs 265Benzodiazepines 265

Treating Insomnia 267Buspirone, Beta-Blockers, and Antidepressants 267Depressants and Drug-Facilitated Sexual

Assault 268

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 2 . 2 : Understanding the Abuse Potential in Drugs 268The Scope of the Problem 268Involvement of Drugs Other Than Alcohol 268Efforts to Reduce Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assaults 269

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Protective Strategies against Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault 270

Summary 270 • Key Terms 272 • Review Questions 272 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 272 • Endnotes 272

Long-Term Cognitive Effects and the Amotivational Syndrome 231

Examining the Gateway Hypothesis 232The Sequencing Question 233The Association Question 233The Causation Question 233

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 1 . 2 : Understanding the Adverse Effects of Chronic Marijuana Abuse 234

Patterns of Marijuana Smoking 234The Case for Medical Marijuana 234

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Spice and Other Designer Synthetic Cannabinoids 235Treating Muscle Spasticity and Chronic Pain 235Treating Nausea, Weight Loss,

and Epilepsy 236The Evolving Status of Medical

Marijuana Laws 236Medical Marijuana Today 236Medical Cannabinoids 237

Decriminalization and Legalization 237Decriminalization on a State Level 237Legalization on a State Level 237

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Some Communities Just Say No and Some Just Say Yes 239

Marijuana in America: Federal versus State Drug Enforcement 239Public Sentiment and Public Reality 240The Criminal-Justice Ramifications 240

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Cannabis Skin Care Products Without the High 241

Summary 242 • Key Terms 243 • Review Questions 243 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 243 • Endnotes 243


Hallucinogens and Depressants 247

Numbers Talk... 248A Matter of Definition 248Categories of Hallucinogens 249Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) 250

The Beginning of the Psychedelic Era 251

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Strange Days in Salem: Witchcraft or Hallucinogens? 251

■■ P O R T R A I T : Timothy Leary: Mr. LSD and the Psychedelic Era 252Acute Effects of LSD 253Effects of LSD on the Brain 254Patterns of LSD Use 254

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Contents ■ xi

■■ P O R T R A I T : Candace Lightner—Founder of MADD 290

On the Other Hand: Alcohol and Health Benefits 291

■■ H E L P L I N E : Guidelines for Responsible Drinking 292From Alcohol Misuse to Chronic Alcohol Abuse 293

Alcoholism: Stereotypes, Definitions, and Criteria 293Problems Associated with a Preoccupation with Drinking 293Emotional Problems 295Vocational, Social, and Family Problems 295Physical Problems 295Interpersonal and Family Relationships 295

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 3 . 2 : Understanding the Psychology of Alcoholism 295The Family Dynamics of Alcoholism 296Risk Factors for Developing Alcoholism 296

Patterns of Chronic Alcohol Abuse 297Physiological Effects of Chronic Alcohol Use 298

Tolerance and Withdrawal 298Liver Disease 298Cardiovascular Problems 299Cancer 299Dementia and Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome 299Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) 300

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies 301Diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder 301

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Behavioral Criteria for Alcohol Use Disorder 301An Abstinence versus Harm Reduction Model 302

Treatment and Support Options for Chronic Alcohol Abuse 302Biologically Based Treatments 302Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 303SMART Recovery 303

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 3 . 3 : Understanding Alcoholics Anonymous 304

Summary 304 • Key Terms 306 • Review Questions 306 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 306 • Endnotes 306

PART FOUR Prevention, Protection, and Deterrence 311


Prevention and Strategies for Change 311

Levels of Intervention in Substance Abuse Prevention 312

Numbers Talk... 313


Alcohol Misuse and Alcohol-Related Crime 275

Numbers Talk... 276The Processing of Alcohol 276

Alcohol on the Brain 277Measuring Alcohol Levels in the Blood 277Measuring Alcohol Consumption 278

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Multiple Ways of Getting a Standard Drink 279

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Visualizing the Pattern of Alcohol Consumption in the United States 280

Alcohol Consumption among At-Risk Groups 280

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 3 . 1 : Understanding Alcoholic Beverages 280Alcohol Consumption among College Students 281Alcohol Consumption among Underage Drinkers 281Alcohol Consumption among an Offender

Population 282Acute Physiological Effects of Alcohol 282

Toxic Reactions 282

■■ H E L P L I N E : Emergency Signs and Procedures in Acute Alcohol Intoxication 283Heat Loss and the Saint Bernard Myth 283Diuretic Effects 283Effects on Sleep 283Effects on Pregnancy 284Interactions with Other Drugs 284Hangovers 284

Acute Behavioral Effects of Alcohol 285Blackouts 285Sex and Sexual Desire 285

The Legal Consequences of Alcohol Misuse 285Driving Under the Influence 286

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Does Uber Save Lives? 287Violent Crimes 287Other Alcohol-Related Crimes 288

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Alcohol, Security, and Spectator Sports 288

Strategies for Regulating Alcohol Consumption 289Present-Day Alcohol Regulation by Restricted Access 289Present-Day Alcohol Regulation by Taxation 289Regulations to Reduce Alcohol-Related Traffic

Fatalities 290Regulations Based on Ignition Interlock Technology 290

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xii ■ Contents

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Alcohol 101 on College Campuses 326

Prevention in the Workplace 326The Economic Costs of Substance Abuse in the

Workplace 327The Impact of Drug-Free Workplace Policies 327

Multicultural Issues in Prevention 327Latino Communities 328African American Communities 328Native American Communities 328

When Prevention Fails: Treatment Strategies 328Stages of Change 329

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Reviewing Specific Treatment Strategies for Six Substances of Abuse 329Stages of Change for Other Problems in Life 330The Challenges of Recovery 331

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 4 . 3 : Understanding the Stages of Change 331

Needing Versus Receiving Substance Abuse Treatment 331For Those Who Need Help and Want to Get It 332

■■ P O R T R A I T : Dr. Mark Willenbring: Fighting “Addiction, Inc.” in the twenty-first century 332

Summary 333 • Key Terms 334 • Review Questions 334 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 335 • Endnotes 335


Advancing Public Health: The Regulation of Tobacco 339

Numbers Talk... 340Tobacco through History 340

Politics and Economics 341Snuffing and Chewing 341Cigars and Cigarettes 342Tobacco in the Twentieth Century 342

The Rise of Health Concerns and Tobacco Control Policies 342

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : African Americans, Smoking, and Mentholated Cigarettes 344The Legacy of Surgeon General’s Reports:

1964–2014 344Changing Times: Tobacco Control

since 1990 345The Tobacco Settlement of 1998 345The Tobacco Control Act of 2009 345Tobacco Control and Global Economics 346

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Court-ordered Tobacco Advertisements in 2018 346

Goals of Substance Abuse Prevention 313

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 4 . 1 : Understanding Levels of Intervention in Substance Abuse Prevention Programs 313

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : National Drug-Control Policy and the War on Drugs 314Creating Resilience 315A Matter of Public Health 315The Question of Measuring Success 315

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Reducing Drug-taking Behavior and the Analogy of Infectious Disease Control 316

Prevention Approaches That Have Failed 316Reducing the Availability of Drugs 316Punitive Measures 317Scare Tactics 317Objective Information Approaches 317Magic Bullets and Promotional Campaigns 318Self-Esteem Enhancement and Affective Education 318

Effective School-Based Prevention Programs 318Peer-Refusal Skills 318Anxiety and Stress Reduction 319Social Skills and Personal Decision-Making 319An Example of an Effective School- Based Prevention

Program 319

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 4 . 2 : Understanding Substance Abuse Prevention Strategies 320

Effective Community-Based Prevention Programs 320Community Impactors 320Alternative-Behavior Programming 320The Power of the Media 321An Example of an Effective Community-Based

Prevention Program 322Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) 322Family Systems in Primary and Secondary

Prevention 323Special Role Models in Substance Abuse

Prevention 323Parental Communication in Substance Abuse

Prevention 324The Triple Threat: Stress, Boredom, and Spending

Money 324

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Testing for Drugs in the Home: Whom Can You Trust? 324

Substance Abuse Prevention and the College Student 325Changing the Culture of Alcohol in College 325Prevention Programs on College Campuses 325

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Contents ■ xiii


Deterrence through Drug Testing 366

The Forensics of Drug Testing 367Sensitivity and Specificity in Drug

Testing 368The Possibility of False Positives and False

Negatives 368Pinpointing the Time of Drug Use 368

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : EIA and GS/MS Cutoff Values in Urinalysis Drug Testing 369Specific Drug-Testing Programs 370

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : A New Technology in Drug Testing 371

The History of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports 371The Discovery of Anabolic Steroids 371Anabolic Steroids at the Modern Olympic

Games 372

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Pharmaceutical Companies and Anti-Doping Authorities in Alliance 374Performance-Enhancing Drugs in American

Sports 374

■■ P O R T R A I T : Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov: Whistle-Blower on the Russian Doping Scandal of 2014 375

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Suspension Penalties for Performance-Enhancing Drug Use in Sports 376

Present-Day Federal Regulations 376Patterns of Anabolic Steroid Abuse 377

The Potential for Steroid Dependence 377The Hazards of Anabolic Steroid Abuse 377Counterfeit Steroids and the Placebo Effect

in Sports 378Testing for Other Performance-Enhancing Drugs 378

Human Growth Hormone 379Dietary Supplements 379Stimulant Medications 380

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : ADHD/ADD Exemption Requirements for the Use of Adderall in Sports 380

Drug Testing in the Workplace 381The History of Drug Testing in the Workplace 381Drug Testing and Concerns about Individual Rights 382

Summary 382 • Key Terms 383 • Review Questions 383 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 384 • Endnotes 384

The Basic Components of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke 347Carbon Monoxide 347Tar 347Nicotine 348

The Dependence Potential of Nicotine 348The Titration Hypothesis of Nicotine Dependence 348Tolerance and Withdrawal 349

Health Consequences of Tobacco Use 349Cardiovascular Disease 349

■■ D R U G S . . . I N F O C U S : Visualizing 480,000 Annual Tobacco-Related Deaths 350Respiratory Diseases 350Lung Cancer 350Other Cancers 351Special Health Concerns for Women 352The Hazards of Environmental Smoke 352

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 5 . 1 : Understanding the Effects of Tobacco Smoking 352

Patterns of Tobacco Use in the United States 352Prevalence Rates Among Segments of the U.S. Population 353Attitudes Toward Smoking Among Young People 353

Regulatory Policy and Strategies for Tobacco Control 353Regulation by Taxation 353Regulation by Restricted Access to Young People 353Regulation by Increased Awareness of Potential Harm 354

■■ D R U G E N F O R C E M E N T. . . I N F O C U S : Regulating Youth Access to Tobacco—The Synar Amendment, 1992 354

Other Forms of Present-Day Nicotine Consumption 355Smokeless Tobacco 355Cigars: Big and Little 356

■■ P O R T R A I T : Sigmund Freud—Nicotine Dependence, Cigars, and Cancer 356E-Cigarettes, Vaping, and New Tobacco Products 356

The Global Perspective: Tobacco Use around the World 357Tobacco Use in Other Countries 358

■■ Q U I C K C O N C E P T C H E C K 1 5 . 2 : Understanding Present-Day Tobacco Control Policy and Strategies 359

Quitting Smoking: The Good News and the Bad 359The Good News: Undoing the Damage 359

■■ H E L P L I N E : Ten Tips on How to Succeed When Trying to Quit Smoking 360The Bad News: How Hard it is to Quit 360

Summary 361 • Key Terms 362 • Review Questions 362 • Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? 363 • Endnotes 363

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Page 15: Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice...Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice CHARLES F. LEVINTHAL Hofstra University LORI BRUSMAN LOVINS University of Houston—Downtown FIFTH EDITION

Preface ■ xv

In this fifth edition of Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice, I am pleased to welcome a coauthor, Dr. Lori Brus-man Lovins of the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Houston—Downtown. My collaboration with Dr. Brusman Lovins has had a transformative impact on the pedagogy, focus, and state-of-the-art coverage in this edi-tion. Continuing in the spirit and execution that have been hallmarks of previous editions, the fifth edition provides stu-dents in the criminal justice field of study with a thorough and comprehensive introduction to the major facts and issues concerning criminal justice and drug-taking behavior. Its core mission remains to provide an understanding of (1) the multiple challenges that drug abuse brings to our society, (2) the drug-control policies we have enacted to meet those challenges, (3) the range of international and domestic law enforcement efforts that provide the implementation of our present-day drug-control strategy, and (4) the systems of crim-inal justice that have been established to deal with the pros-ecution and adjudication of drug-law offenders.

What’s New in the Fifth Edition?

■■ Through the contribution of Dr. Brusman Lovins, there is now a dedicated section of the book (Part Two) that exam-ines the full spectrum of topics in criminal justice that bear upon drug abuse in our society—ranging from drug–crime relationships to drug-law penalties and enforcement to adju-dication and correctional procedures for drug-law offenders.

■■ An overall reorganization of chapters in Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice, Fifth Edition, provides a greater focus on the connection between drug-taking behavior and the criminal justice system. In the new edition, Part One (Chapters 1–3) serves as the foundation for is-sues of criminal justice through an understanding of drug problems in America and in the rest of the world as well as an understanding of the history of drug-control policy in America. Part Two (Chapters 4–7) is devoted to address-ing major issues with regard to drugs, crime, and criminal justice. Part Three (Chapters 8–13) deals with fundamen-tal and theoretical issues of drug-taking behavior in gen-eral and with respect to specific drugs of abuse. Part Four (Chapters 14–16) focuses on substance-abuse prevention and treatment, tobacco regulation, and drug testing.

■■ Updated coverage of drugs and drug abuse in this edi-tion has been guided by the recognition of the devastat-ing social and personal impact of an ongoing drug abuse crisis in America today. Chapter 9 (Opioids) focuses on the specific concerns related to opioid abuse and opioid overdose deaths, while other chapters focus on other

major drugs of abuse such as cocaine and methamphet-amine (Chapter 10) and hallucinogens and depressants (Chapter 12). Drug-taking behavior relating to other drugs with significant abuse potential—namely alcohol and nicotine in tobacco products—will be examined as well. Despite the fact that they are historically legal com-modities and their recreational use by adults do not bear directly on the criminal justice system, there are signifi-cant ramifications for the public safety and public health of our nation. Alcohol misuse and abuse and tobacco use will be covered in Chapters 13 and 15, respectively. Finally, the social, political, and health-related issues sur-rounding the use of marijuana in America today will be given a special treatment in Chapter 11, with particular attention given to concerns that are being hotly debated and are continually in flux.

■■ New and expanded coverage in Chapter 2 of this edi-tion deals with the significant issues of drug-related crime and law enforcement that relates to an increasingly sophis-ticated system of global illicit drug trafficking. Up-to-date coverage includes the unending challenges brought by the influx of illicit drugs across the U.S.–Mexico border, the destabilizing impact of narcoterrorist organizations in Afghanistan and Colombia, and transnational narcoterror-ist organizations operating across international borders. Global illicit drug trafficking remains a constantly “mov-ing target,” and in this edition the latest law enforcement issues and developments are addressed.

■■ An expanded number of Drug Enforcement . . . in Focus features in this edition emphasize the important role that domestic and international law enforcement agencies play in the implementation of drug-control policies. New examples include: Efforts to Move Marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule II Controlled Substance (Chapter 3), Diversion Programs for Low-level, First-time Offenders (Chapter 7), and A New Technology in Drug Testing (Chapter 16). Addressing a broader perspective on drug use and abuse in America, an expanded number of Drugs . . . in Focus features provide insights on selective top-ics. New examples include: Opioid Crisis Intervention Courts: A Response to the Opioid Epidemic (Chapter 9), Cannabis Skin Care Products without the High (Chapter 11), and Does Uber Save Lives? (Chapter 13).

■■ A new series of updated Numbers Talk features, posi-tioned near the beginning of each chapter, provide the opportunity for often surprising “numerical” insights into aspects of current patterns of drug-taking behavior. They serve to draw the reader into the chapter and help to set the stage for classroom discussion.


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xvi ■ Preface

a confirming e-mail, including an instructor access code. Once you have received your code, go to the site and log on for full instructions on downloading the materials you wish to use.

Alternate VersionsE-Books. This text is also available in multiple eBook formats. These are an exciting new choice for students look-ing to save money. As an alternative to purchasing the printed textbook students can purchase an electronic version of the same content. With an eTextbook, students can search the text, make notes online, print out reading assignments that incorporate lecture notes, and bookmark important passages for later review. For more information, visit your favorite online eBook reseller or visit www.mypearsonstore.com.


Dr. Brusman Lovins and I acknowledge with great apprecia-tion the professionalism of the editorial and production team at Pearson Education: Editor Gary Bauer and Content Producer Rinki Kaur. It has been a pleasure to work with them all.

From Dr. Brusman Lovins: “I would like to thank my academic mentor, Dr. Edward Latessa, at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Latessa not only connected me to this proj-ect, but exposed me to a much wider world of corrections. He has been a continuous source of support and guidance. I want to express my appreciation to Dr. Levinthal (Chuck), who warmly welcomed me to join him in writing this edition and showed much patience, respect, and helpful guidance as we worked together. Finally, unending thanks are extended to my husband, Brian, and our three boys, Sam, Henry, and Walter, who endured a few sacrifices during this book writing journey but did not waiver on their love and encouragement.”

From Dr. Levinthal: “My family has been a continuing source of strength, patience, and encouragement. I will always be particularly grateful to my wife, Beth, and our wonderful sons, David and Brian, for their love, understanding, and support.”

An Invitation to Readers

Your reactions to Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice, Fifth Edition will always be welcome. Please send any comments or questions to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Thank you.

■■ Several pedagogical features from the previous edition have been updated in the fifth edition. Portrait features, one in each chapter, enable us to put a “human face” on the discussion of drugs, society, and criminal justice, re-minding us that we are dealing with issues that affect real people in all walks of life, now and in the past. Quick Concept Checks, embedded in the chapters, provide op-portunities to test oneself on basic concepts in the text. Review Questions and the Critical Thinking: What Would You Do? features at the end of each chapter pro-vide the means for summarizing one’s knowledge about facts in the chapter and re-examining the information in the text through an application to a real-world situation. Running Glossaries and Pronunciation Guides are help-ful to see the definition of terms in the immediate context of the material and to have difficult-to-pronounce terms spelled out phonetically. On a personal and professional level, Help Line features provide important facts that can be used to recognize specific signs of drug misuse or abuse, effective ways to respond in drug-related emergency situa-tions, and guidance concerning circumstances that may present some degree of personal harm.

Instructor SupplementsInstructor’s Manual with Test Bank. Includes content outlines for classroom discussion, teaching suggestions, and answers to selected end-of-chapter questions from the text. This also contains a Word document version of the test bank.

TestGen. This computerized test generation system gives you maximum flexibility in creating and administering tests on paper, electronically, or online. It provides state-of-the-art features for viewing and editing test bank questions, dragging a selected question into a test you are creating, and printing sleek, formatted tests in a variety of layouts. Select test items from test banks included with TestGen for quick test creation, or write your own questions from scratch. TestGen’s random generator provides the option to display different text or calculated number values each time questions are used.

PowerPoint Presentations. Our presentations are clear and straightforward. Photos, illustrations, charts, and tables from the book are included in the presentations when applicable.

To access supplementary materials online, instructors need to request an instructor access code. Go to www.pear-sonhighered.com/irc, where you can register for an instructor access code. Within 48 hours after registering, you will receive

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