drunk driving

Drunk Driving Articles on drunk driving providing information, statistics and facts about drunk driving. This section also includes news stories on drunk driving accidents. Drunk Driving Statistics The habit of drinking and driving is the cause of thousands of accident- related deaths that take place every year. The drunk driving statistics and facts presented in this article should help us understand the gravity of this problem.

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Drunk DrivingArticles on drunk driving providing information, statistics and facts about drunk driving. This section also includes news stories on drunk driving accidents.

Drunk Driving StatisticsThe habit of drinking and driving is the cause of thousands of accident-related deaths that take place every year. The drunk driving statistics and facts presented in this article should help us understand the gravity of this problem.

Quick Fact!Motorcycle riders are known to be involved in most number of drunk driving-related cases. Interestingly, the number of

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drivers of heavy vehicles, like trucks, involved in drunk driving is the lowest.An act of drunk driving can be described as driving a vehicle (including wheelchairs) under the influence of alcohol. Drunk driving is the cause of 39% of casualties in USA. In Canada, deaths resulting from accidents related to drunk driving is around 30%. Let us take a look at the drinking and driving statistics through information presented below.

Statistics and Facts on Drinking and Driving Today, medical scientists are doing their best to save people from different kinds of diseases. However, it also observed that self-inflicted deaths resulting from different causes including drunk driving are increasing day by day. Many a time, innocent people have to bear the brunt of reckless behavior of drunk drivers. There are all kinds of rules, regulations and laws in place to prevent accidents caused by drunk driving. However, it is observed that irrespective of strict implementation of rules and regulations, the problem of drunk driving has prevailed and continues to affect the modern society. Bringing about a change in the mindset of

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people, and not just rules and regulations, is the solution to curb this menace of drunk driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol is considered to be dangerous because it significantly impairs mental and motor skills. Technically, the offense of drunk driving comes under the umbrella term, 'driving under the influence' (DUI). Here, the term 'influence' can be used in reference with alcohol as well as different kinds of drugs.

Accidents Caused due to Drunk DrivingFacts on Drunk Driving in USAHere are some of the useful drunk driving statistics and facts which give us a fair idea of how this habit can harm us.

• In the United States of America, 3 out of 10 people are involved in accidents related to drunk driving at least once in their lifetime.

• The number of people who continue with drinking and driving even after their licenses are suspended ranges from 50-75%.

• In USA, accidents resulting from drunk

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driving take place every 45 minutes.

• In 2002, 159 million drunk driving trips were undertaken by Americans. Out of the 159 million trips, 10% were taken by people from the 18-20 years age group.

• In 2003, around 275,000 people got injured in drunk driving-related accidents.

• In 2006, 1.46 million people were arrested for driving under influence of either drugs or alcohol; it means, for every 139 licensed drivers in USA, one was taken under arrest.

• In 2007, around 2200 people in the state of California lost their life in DUI-related accidents. This number accounts for 56% of car accidents which took place in the state.

• In past few years, the number of women getting involved in DUI cases is on a rise. The percentage of women arrested in drunk driving cases between 1997 and 2007 was 29%. This figure is 3 times greater than that of the 80s decade - it was just 9% then.

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• The year 2008 saw a 9.8% decline in accidents in comparison to 2007.

• From 2011 to 2012, the number of arrests associated with DUI in Arizona increased by 14%.

D.U.I. Warning SignDrunk Driving Facts - Youth Under 21The fatalities associated with drunk driving in the youth under 21 years saw a gradual decline (of 71%) from 1982 (5,215) to 2008 (1,510). Setting up of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) brought about this positive change. In the past 10 years, deaths of people under 21 years, caused by drunk driving have reduced by 33%. However, even after this substantial decline, around 3-4 people from this age group die everyday due to drunk driving. One of the latest reports compiled for year 2010 reveals that the death rate in America was 3 for every 100,000 people.

Installing the Ignition Interlock DeviceThe ignition interlock device (IID) can play an important part in reducing the number of

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accidents associated with drunk driving. This device requires the driver's breath sample as the input. The IID analyzes the breath sample on the basis of a pre-set blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. If the BAC exceeds a certain level, the IID prevents the engine from getting started.

Hardcore Drunk Driving FactsIt is observed that hardcore drunk drivers fail to get over their habit of drinking even after facing several arrest; this kind of behavior of drivers has been observed consistently for past ten years. On an average, the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in hardcore drunk drivers was found to be 0.15. The BAC of 68% drivers arrested in 2008 was 0.15. Around 3% of those involved in fatal accidents in 2008 were convicted for 'driving while intoxicated' (DWI).

The DUI-related fatalities in 2007 and 2008 were 12,998 and 11,773 respectively. This figure of fatalities for the year 2009 (till 27th November) was 11,769. According to reports of 2010, there was decline in number of people killed in such accidents. In this year, the total number of people losing their life

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was 10,839.

Consequences of Drunk DrivingA study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that 1 out of every 50 deaths in the world is caused by road accidents. Road accidents account for most number of deaths followed by childhood infections and AIDS. Every year, traffic crashes lead to death of 1.2 million drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) are trying to create awareness among people about the menace of drunk driving. Their efforts have helped save over 300,000 lives. The spirited efforts of such organizations have helped in drastically reducing the number of deaths. However, it is people who drink and drive, if they voluntarily get rid of this habit, can make the real difference.

The drunk driving statistics presented in the article give us an idea of the seriousness of this problem. It won't take much to save thousands of lives that are lost every year, if only the drivers follow the simple rules

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prescribed by the authorities. So the next time you think of driving after drinking, don't, lest you wish to become a part of the statistics above.

By Shashank NakateRead more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/drunk-driving-statistics.htmlMost Common Causes of Drunk DrivingDrunk driving has been one of the major reasons for road accidents. This article takes a look at the causes of drunk driving, apart from giving you some information on the steps that have been taken to counter it.

Various researches and studies over the years

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have found that alcohol consumption in moderate levels is good for health. However, when taken in excessive amounts, it has the capability of harming the body, and driving when you are intoxicated can be one of the most precarious situations. The question we are trying to answer in this article is why people insist on driving themselves, even though they can easily hire a cab or call someone to drop them back. Well, it is well-known that alcohol invokes the famous Dutch Courage, in which a person gets a fake sense of confidence and preparedness to encounter any eventuality.

Under the influence of alcohol, one gets a feeling that he would be able to 'handle the situation.' This is because of the fact that alcohol impairs the brain, resulting in poor reasoning and judgment. People feel that driving a few blocks would not be too much of a task, and as they have managed before, it would be no different this time around.

At parties, people end up drinking more than what their body permits. They have an ill-conceived notion that refusing to drink more

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may single them out from the group and make them a subject of ridicule. Vomiting - a body mechanism to get rid of excess alcohol is perceived as the ultimate party disaster, therefore, people look for methods to stop themselves from throwing up. And when it is time to go home, people want themselves to be at the wheels.

Reports have pointed out that a large percentage of people involved in drunk driving related crashes is that of individuals aged between 18-25. Teenagers are often under a lot of pressure to indulge in these activities, so that they can gain acceptance in a group. Teenagers often drink as if they have to prove a point to their friends that they have the capability to ingest alcohol without showing any signs of drunkenness. Competing against one another on how much one can drink also contributes to drunk driving, as the impairment level varies from person to person.

There are many people who look at drunk driving as an adventurous activity, which only the 'brave' can indulge in. They look at it as a

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means to 'break-free' and ride their luck. It is not as if they are not aware about the repercussions that it can have, but the urge is too hard for them to resist. This is one of the most serious challenges in the fight against drunk driving.

Fight Against Drunk Driving

Some steps have been taken to curb the menace of drunk driving, most notable among them being lowering the blood alcohol limit. In many states, offenders are now made to face the victim's family members. This move is aimed at getting the offender to get a first-hand experience of what grief and loss he has caused to others. States have also got tough with establishments serving alcohol to minors or to those who already have had 'enough'. The SafeRides program has also helped in taking an objective stance on the issue, where volunteers offer their services to intoxicated teenagers, by dropping them home. The Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) has also initiated several steps to prevent youngsters from indulging in drunk driving.

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Drunk driving is not an issue that concerns a certain section of society, as we all are prone to being impacted by it. So, if you know someone who has a habit of indulging in drunk driving, please spread the word, because you never know when it is too late.

By Rahul PanditaRead more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/causes-of-drunk-driving.htmlDrunk Driving FactsDrunk driving or driving under influence is the prime cause of motor vehicle crash cases which often leads to serious injuries and death. Some quick facts and statistics on drunk driving are covered in the following article.

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Addiction to alcohol has become a major social problem. Driving under influence (DUI) of alcohol has become one of the common feature and cause of accidents today. As per studies carried out by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2006, alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents under influence of alcohol kills someone every 31 minutes and injures someone every two minutes in U.S. alone. Drunk driving ruins lives and this article will cover some facts that will help open your eyes to the ill-effects of driving under influence.

StatisticsEvery year, in the U.S., about 600,000 and 10 percent - of all motor vehicle crashes recorded by police department are due to consumption of alcohol.Nearly 40% Americans are involved in an alcohol-related motor vehicle crash in their lifetime.It has been found that drivers with blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher were involved in about 10, 839 fatalities due to

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accidents in 2009.On an average, at least one alcohol-impaired-driving fatality occurred every 48 minutes in the year 2009.In U.S., each year, about 748,000 people suffer injuries in alcohol-related traffic crashes, an average of one person injured every minute. About 40,000 of these are severely affected.Around 75% of fatal crashes that occur between midnight and 3 a.m. involve alcohol, says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.More than half of the 1,300 child passengers aged 14 and younger died in alcohol-related crashes during 2009. About 14% of these children were riding with a drunk driver who had a BAC level of about .08 or higher. The other 15% were pedestrians or pedalcyclists who were crushed by drunk drivers.In 2005, nearly 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics (Department of Justice 2005). That's less than one percent of the 159 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year (Quinlan et al. 2005).

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Each year, crashes related to alcohol ingestion in the United States cost more than $80 billion.It has been found by the Centers for Disease Control, that an average drunk driver may have driven on the road 80 times before he is arrested.Peck et al. 1995, and Beck et al. 1999 have found that about 50 to 75% convicted drunk drives will continue to drive, even with a suspended license.About 6000 people die each year, due to crashes involving teen drunk drivers.Groups at Risk

The percentage of male drivers involved in serious vehicle crashes is almost double than their female counterparts who have been recorded at a BAC of 0.08% or greater. It is against the law to drive with a BAC of 0.08% or higher in most countries.At all BAC levels youths are more vulnerable to accidents compared with adult ones.Young men under the legal drinking age (18 to 20) are found driving while impaired due to ingestion of alcohol more frequently than any other age group.

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Studies have shown that heavier drinkers usually prefer to drink at bars and other person's homes, and at multiple locations requiring shorter distances to cover after consumption. Young drivers have been found to prefer drinking at private parties, while older, more educated drivers prefer bars and taverns.Beer is the drink of choice in most cases of heavy drinking, binge drinking, drunk driving and underage drinking.Safety Belts and Alcohol

Approximately 12.8 percent of fatally injured intoxicated drivers used safety belts as compared to 33 percent of sober drivers kill in crashes. The percentage of alcohol-impaired drivers using safety belts involved in serious crashes is significantly lower than sober drivers.

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)

Measurement of concentration of alcohol in blood provides a common, standard platform to measure and compare the levels of intoxication. Alcohol Regulation Laws differ in

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their limits from one state to another. While in United States, 0.10% level is considered the legal limit for safe driving for common carriers and 0.04% BAC is considered for aviators; countries like Russia, Norway, Poland, Sweden permits the level of 20 mg/deciliter, while countries like Australia, Argentina permits 0.05% level of BAC. In India the legally permissible limit is 40 mg/deciliter, while countries like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Romania, and Czech Republic have completely banned this.

The effect of alcohol absorption is gradual and it depends upon the rate at which one becomes drunk. As a person drinks faster than the alcohol can be eliminated, more drug accumulates in the body, which results in higher and increased levels of alcohol in the blood.

Preventive Measures

Effective measures to prevent injuries and deaths from impaired driving include:Strict enforcement of existing BAC laws, minimum legal drinking age laws, and zero

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tolerance laws for drivers younger than 21 years old.Implementing compulsory blood alcohol testing when traffic crashes result in injury (National Committee on Injury Prevention and Control 1989).Immediate suspension of the driver's license for people who drive while intoxicated.Introduction of sobriety checkpoints.Introduction of health promotion efforts which can employ an ecological framework to power economic, organizational, policy, and community action.As you can see, driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) causes grievous and life-threatening injuries to all who are involved in a crash. If you cannot control your drinking, avoid driving. Those who think they need to drink in a party should ask a sober friend or family member to drive them home. Life is precious. It is in our hands to curb this menace. Hope these facts and statistics help you avoid driving under influence.

By Jayashree PakhareLast Updated: 12/9/2011Read more at Buzzle:

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http://www.buzzle.com/articles/drunk-driving-facts.htmlHow to Prevent Drunk DrivingHow to prevent drunk driving? The following article provides answer to this query. Read on...

It is estimated that almost sixteen thousand cases of death are reported each year in America due to drunk driving. Alarming, isn't it? Despite such horrifying statistics, many people still indulge in driving under the influence of alcohol. Little do they realize that by doing so, they are putting their fellow passenger's as well as people on the street's life in danger. In fact, statistics reveal that half of all the traffic accidents that occur are due to drunk driving! That's why, it is high

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time that steps are taken at all levels - individual, government and community level, to curb this menace.

AwarenessPlan campaigns against drunk driving, both at the national and the state level. Through these campaigns, people should be made aware of the ill effects of driving while drinking as well as the steps that they can take to avoid it. For instance, people should be made aware that if they are going to a bar or to a party in a group, they should either hire a driver to drive them back or one of them should take on the responsibility of others, by not drinking and driving everyone else safely home.

Personal ResponsibilityNothing can be done in this direction, unless and until people take on personal responsibility. People should make it a point to never let anyone drive in an intoxicated state. If they know that someone, whether an acquaintance or a friend has had alcohol and he is not in the right frame of mind to drive, they should arrange for someone else to drive

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them home or should themselves take responsibility of driving the said person home.

Formulation of Stricter LawsFormulate laws, both at the state and the federal level, to ensure that the menace caused by drunken driving can be kept in check. There should be stricter laws, such as those who are caught driving under the influence of liquor should be made to serve time in jail. Invocation of license or disallowing a person to drive for a month, upon being caught driving drunk, are some other laws that can be put into action.

SupervisionDrunk driving incidents are very common amongst the teens. So, parents and teachers should guide them on how not to indulge in drinking. Parents should keep a close watch on teen parties and get together, which their children are organizing and attending. No alcohol should be allowed at this age as the law in America prohibits people below 21 to possess or consume alcohol in any form.

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ControlThe liquor stores, restaurants, supermarkets and bars should ensure that they do not serve liquor to those who are below the age of 21. As youngsters are more likely to binge drink and take risks like driving while drinking, this will prevent many untoward incidents related to drunk driving. Also, if the bar or restaurant staff feel that any of their guests is so drunk that he is not in a position to drive back home himself, they should take his car keys and offer to call a cab for him or call any of his family member/friend, to take him away.

InterventionSometimes, interfering in other's life can save it! This is especially true in case of drunk driving. So, if a person spots someone whom they suspect is driving under the influence of liquor, they should contact the police immediately and give the authorities the said vehicle's license plate number. This can prove to be very useful to the authorities to ensure the driver's as well as the pedestrian's safety.

AssistanceFor those who are addicted to drinking, the

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most important tip for preventing drunk driving is to first get rid of this problem, join alcohol anonymous and take therapy to treat the same. As a person is able to control his urge to drink alcohol, it will automatically reduce his chances of ending up driving drunk on the streets.

There is no doubt about the fact that drunk driving should be prevented and put an end to, at all costs. With the tips suggested above and a bit of effort on the part of people and the government, it certainly is possible!Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-prevent-drunk-driving.htmlTeenage Drunk Driving StatisticsRead this article to know about the alarming yet shocking teenage drunk driving statistics! These statistics indicate how much care and attention needs to be given to teenagers when it comes to both drinking and driving!

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As it is well-known to all of us that teenage is a very sensitive stage! The excitement in the fresh youngsters standing at the edge of adolescence, overpowers their actions and the ability to take right decisions! We all are well aware of the thrilling excitement that we had when we first got our driver's license and the permission to ride our first owned vehicle! The mind just wants to hit the road and feel the rush of a speedy drive! Although, inexperienced drivers, but the mind thinks that the road is ruled by the teens. Apart from rash driving, usage of harmful substances by teenagers, which include smoking and alcohol, is also very common these days! And the consequences that one has to face with the combination of these two are shocking and alarming for many parents!

Drunk Driving Statistics for Teenagers

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Mentioned below are some shocking teenage drunk driving statistics, which although can be highly disturbing, but are equally important for you to know. Have a close look at the drunk driving facts and figures mentioned below.As per the survey conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2007, more than 17,000 people died under the case of drunk driving, 1/3rd of which were teenagers aged between 15-20 year!When it comes to teen deaths in road accidents, 60% of the deaths are due to drunk driving!As per statistics, 522 kids under 14 years were arrested in the same year, the reason being, 'driving under the influence of alcohol'. What is more shocking, is that out of these 522, 113 were under the age of 10!As per a national survey conducted by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 70% of all the teenagers drink alcohol!In the year 2005, all the teenagers aged 15-20 years, who were killed in motor vehicle crash, 28% of them were under the influence of alcohol!

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When observing the gender specific cases of drunk driving, it was found out that among teenagers aged between 15-20 years, males are ahead! In 2005, 12% of teenage female drivers were involved in fatal accidents. The figures doubled to 24% when it came to male teenagers who were involved in fatal crashes!Most of the drunk drivers, specially teenagers, do not wear seat belts while driving! Of all the teenage drivers who were killed in crashes due to drinking, 74% were in uncontrolled situations, as per a national survey conducted by National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationAs per 2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, 28.5% of teenagers in high school had ridden a vehicle, at least more than once, while being under the influence of alcohol. If not, then they were in the vehicle which was driven by a teen under the influence of alcohol.Statistics also reveal that on an average, 8 teens are killed everyday due to drunk driving!A male teenager with a 0.05 blood alcohol concentration is 18 times more prone to suffer a vehicle crash, as compared to a non drunk

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teenage boy. The figures rise up to 54 times more for teenage girls!So these were some shocking and alarming teenage drunk driving statistics which are very important to be known by both parents, and the teenagers themselves! As parents and guardians, you should pay special attention to the habits of your teens at an early stage so that things don't get ugly! Take care of your teen and yourself!Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/teenage-drunk-driving-statistics.htmlTeenage Drinking and DrivingThe following article reveals some startling facts about teenage drinking and driving. Teenage drinking leaves more than 5000 teens dead every year. Learn more about this in the following lines.

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Teen is an age where everything seems like an adventure. Right from your first crush to your first car, it feels like you've been born again. It's also an age where girls and boys suddenly think that they can take better decisions for themselves. In some cases, this thought turns out to be very mature, while in some it causes damage. When a boy or a girl reaches the teenage years, they want to try everything that they were stopped from doing when they were small, for instance; night outs, going to late night parties, staying late out, and the worst - trying alcohol. There's something unique and weird about alcohol that I still don't understand, people know it's harmful but still consume it. Alcohol is one of the first things that kids want to try when they become a teenager. Young teens are unaware of drunk driving facts, and the US being a care free society, records more cases of teen drunk and driving than most countries in the world.

Teens have an active social life, which means

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every alternate day is party time. Most parties are just incomplete without alcohol and various types of liqueurs. Teens usually get high on such occasions and drive back home when they can't even handle the steering of the car. Alcohol causes dizziness, poor judgment and weak brain functioning of brain cells which then causes a car crash. In 48% cases of car crashes in the US, the driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol. With teenagers driving under the influence of alcohol becoming a daily occurrence, it's time we educate our children about teenage drunk driving statistics and facts.

Information on Driving under Alcohol

The most serious consequence of teenage drinking is early dependence. Many doctors say that teens in America start drinking at an early age of 15, and are 4 times more likely to develop an alcohol addiction than those who don't drink their first glass before the age of 21. With alcohol addiction comes another problem which is drinking and driving, in the year 2009 almost all fatal crashes involved teens who were under the influence of

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alcohol. Teens generally don't realize that they are too impaired to drive, most of them are just afraid to call home for a ride. Regardless what the reason is, teens who drink regularly often drive under the influence of alcohol. Frequent alcohol drinking also causes risk taking behavior and leads to the consumption of other drugs.

Teenage Drinking and Driving Statistics

Why do teens take up alcohol? This question can have a lot of answers; to be cool in front of friends, to get adjusted in to a new life, some thing's bothering them and the most common they have seen their fathers drinking many times. However, if you have a look at drinking and driving statistics, you'll be shaken to the core. In the US, every 22 minutes, an alcohol related motor accident happens.On any given day, 2 out of 10 drivers on America's roads has been drinking.One of the most appalling drinking and driving statistics, the chance of you or someone from your family being in an alcohol related motor accident is very high. If you look at the

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figures, in a family of 5, there's a 200% chance that someone might find themselves in a alcohol related car accident.Most deaths that have occurred in car accidents come in the age group of 15 to 24.In a single year, more than 500 teens were arrested while they were intoxicated.70% of teens consume alcohol.More than 60% of teens drinking and driving die to drunk driving every year in the US.Drinking and Driving Risks

It's always hard for any parent to agree that their children may suffer from a drinking problem. The young generation of today is under a lot of pressure to perform up to society's standards, especially in academics. Pressure forces teens to make difficult choices, but it's very necessary that they should be aware of the drinking and driving consequences; so that they can grow up to be mature and responsible adults. You would be pained to know that most car accidents happening across the world are due to drunk driving and in most cases teens are the ones who are driving. Young and inexperienced drivers don't understand the concept of

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driving safety, but they get on the wheel and most teens drive while they are drunk. Statistics show that 1 out of 5 teens between the ages of 12 to 13 at least drink alcohol twice a month.

Once teens get their driving license, they just zoom off to pubs and discos, and drink with friends and return home drunk. Law enforcement in the US tries to make sure that teenage drinking is prevented, and in 1984, President Ronald Regan upped the legal drinking age to 21 and also added several penalties for teens who drink. However, that's not enough; a patient parent, and information on teenage drinking and driving facts are two most important tools to prevent this epidemic of teenage drinking.

By Kulbhushaan RaghuvanshiLast Updated: 9/21/2011Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/teenage-drinking-and-driving.htmlDrinking and Driving ConsequencesThe following article brings to the fore shocking drinking and driving consequences

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as well as statistics. Read on to know how alcohol related accidents are affecting the American society as well as its citizens...

In legal parlance, drunken drivers are known as DUIs i.e. "Driving Under the Influence". With statistics revealing that approximately eighteen million of American people are alcoholic, their chances of falling in the category of DUIs increases manifold.

Keeping these statistics in mind as well as looking at the various consequences, the laws have become stricter such as the legal BAC i.e. blood alcohol content, has been reduced to .08 from .10 percent in all states of America for adults. As for those under 21, even a trace of alcohol in blood while driving

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is considered illegal. Offenders i.e. those who are found guilty of crossing these stipulated legal limits have to suffer from a number of consequences.


Fatal AccidentOne of the most obvious consequences of drinking and driving is an accident which can prove to be fatal. When a person has had alcohol, it suppresses his nervous system, reducing his reaction time to a great extent. A drunk person thus, is unable to control his vehicle, leading to a fatal car crash.

Harm to OthersAnother person who has to bear the consequences, without any reason, is the pedestrian. When a drunk person loses control of his vehicle, he may hit a passer-by. The pedestrian might be injured and can even die for no fault of his. Thus, a drunk driver is not only putting his own life at risk but is risking other people's lives as well.

Hassling Legalities

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Some serious consequences are, when a person is caught, his license is marked for the aforesaid crime. A person has to become a part of various hassling court proceedings and legalities to get the license renewed. This can affect his reputation as well as cast a bad spell on his professional life. Some states have made it mandatory for the offender to get a formal DUI education and clear a test to get the license back. Drivers who are charged with repeated DUI convictions have to serve jail time, their civil rights such as right to vote may be confiscated and they may also have to pay huge fines.

Low Self-esteemEmotional consequences of drunk drinking are that the drunk driver's self-esteem might hit a low. If he causes an accident, his friends and family, even the person himself might not be able to trust oneself again.

Facts and Statistics

Going through the statistics, can be shocking for any person. According to the data available with National Highway Traffic Safety

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Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, in the year 2007, around thirteen thousand people lost their lives due to alcohol-related accidents. Another shocking statistics is that around thirteen hundred of those who died were under age. Other facts are that around thirty percent of the Americans are involved in such accidents at least once in their lifetime and alcohol related accidents cause immense financial losses, to the tune of billions of dollars to the American government every year.

Looking at the adult as well as teenage drunk driving statistics, it is important that certain steps are taken to ensure driving safety. The United States government has framed various laws to prevent these accidents. For example, the legal age to drink has been increased to twenty one. Some states are giving full authority to the arresting officers to seize the license of the driver who refuses to comply with them or take the breath analyzer test. Some other measures that have been taken are holding seminars, especially in schools and colleges, to propagate the bad consequences of drinking and driving and

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installing breath analyzers in bars. Still, looking at the number of fatalities, a lot more needs to be done, at governmental, societal and individual level to bring an end to this menace.Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/drinking-and-driving-consequences.htmlDrinking and Driving FactsDruk driving facts show the graveness of this terrible accident waiting to happen. Read on for some facts that will make you think twice before grabbing the bottle and then your car keys...

One of the most preventable crimes in the world today is drinking and driving, or driving

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under the influence of alcohol (DUI) as it is normally called. When a person consumes alcohol, then it invariably affects the person's sense of judgment and motor skills - both which are required while driving. It is heart wrenching to see how many innocent lives are victims to drunk driving. If one were to formulate a drunk driving fact sheet, it would speak of alarming figures when it comes to drinking and driving. Given below are some adult and teen DUI facts that are bound to act as an eye-opener for people that think the biggest risk involved with drinking and driving is spilling the drink on yourself.

Drunk Driving Facts and StatisticsIt is estimated that around 20% of the American population will be directly or indirectly involved with an alcohol related motor vehicle crash at some or the other time in their life.Impaired driving, which may or may not be alcohol induced, is one of the most common intentional crimes committed by Americans and is responsible for causing one death in a little under one hour.Every two minutes, one person is injured

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somewhere in the U.S. due to an alcohol related accident.According to facts, fatal motorcycle and car crashes involving drunk driver are four times more likely to occur at night when compared to the day.The loss caused due to alcohol related accidents is not merely restricted to the bones and lives of the driver and the pedestrian involved. If you were to analyze facts, then one of the drunk driving consequences is that alcohol related crashes costs lead to a loss of a staggering USD 73 billion on a yearly basis!One of the disturbing DUI facts is that in the year 2008, it was noted that almost one-third of drivers (an estimated thirty-two percent) that were involved in an alcohol related car crash had been drinking and driving.One-third is an unlucky figure when it comes to drinking and driving facts and statistics for one more reason - around a third of fatal crashes that involved a car driver or a motorcycle rider impaired due to alcohol has a blood alcohol concentration more than .08.According to drinking and driving statistics, a person who has a blood alcohol concentration

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of .10 or more is almost seven times more likely to be involved in a vehicle accident due to drunk driving as against a person who has not consumed any alcoholic beverage at all. Also, a person with a blood alcohol concentration of .15 twenty-five times more likely to get involved in a fatal accident with his motor vehicle due to driving under the influence of alcohol.The facts about under age drinking and driving may seem appalling but the figures however do seem encouraging off late, as the government has tried to crack down on cases of drunk driving and the laws have been made stricter, like the acceptable blood alcohol levels has been brought down from .10 to .08. Also, a zero tolerance approach has been put into place and stern action is being taken against people that are involved in drunk driving. Due to the efforts and concerns of many social groups, the legal drinking age is now set at twenty-one which has significantly reduced the teenage drinking and driving cases. However, all of these laws and bindings will prove to be futile unless and until people wake up to the fact of responsible drinking. You need to ensure that if you go for

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a party in a group, then one person who is appointed as the driver does not drink to ensure driving safety. Also, never be tempted by alcohol and assume that a few drinks won't do you any harm because alcohol is alcohol and a drink is a drink - so even the slightest presence of alcohol in your bloodstream is bound to affect your driving and judgment skills. Moral of the story - don't drink and drive... but only if you care enough about yourself, your family and your friends.Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/drinking-and-driving-facts.htmlTeenage Drunk Driving StatisticsRead this article to know about the alarming yet shocking teenage drunk driving statistics! These statistics indicate how much care and attention needs to be given to teenagers when it comes to both drinking and driving!

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As it is well-known to all of us that teenage is a very sensitive stage! The excitement in the fresh youngsters standing at the edge of adolescence, overpowers their actions and the ability to take right decisions! We all are well aware of the thrilling excitement that we had when we first got our driver's license and the permission to ride our first owned vehicle! The mind just wants to hit the road and feel the rush of a speedy drive! Although, inexperienced drivers, but the mind thinks that the road is ruled by the teens. Apart from rash driving, usage of harmful substances by teenagers, which include smoking and alcohol, is also very common these days! And the consequences that one has to face with the combination of these two are shocking and alarming for many parents!

Drunk Driving Statistics for Teenagers

Mentioned below are some shocking teenage drunk driving statistics, which although can

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be highly disturbing, but are equally important for you to know. Have a close look at the drunk driving facts and figures mentioned below.As per the survey conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2007, more than 17,000 people died under the case of drunk driving, 1/3rd of which were teenagers aged between 15-20 year!When it comes to teen deaths in road accidents, 60% of the deaths are due to drunk driving!As per statistics, 522 kids under 14 years were arrested in the same year, the reason being, 'driving under the influence of alcohol'. What is more shocking, is that out of these 522, 113 were under the age of 10!As per a national survey conducted by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 70% of all the teenagers drink alcohol!In the year 2005, all the teenagers aged 15-20 years, who were killed in motor vehicle crash, 28% of them were under the influence of alcohol!When observing the gender specific cases of drunk driving, it was found out that among

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teenagers aged between 15-20 years, males are ahead! In 2005, 12% of teenage female drivers were involved in fatal accidents. The figures doubled to 24% when it came to male teenagers who were involved in fatal crashes!Most of the drunk drivers, specially teenagers, do not wear seat belts while driving! Of all the teenage drivers who were killed in crashes due to drinking, 74% were in uncontrolled situations, as per a national survey conducted by National Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationAs per 2005 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, 28.5% of teenagers in high school had ridden a vehicle, at least more than once, while being under the influence of alcohol. If not, then they were in the vehicle which was driven by a teen under the influence of alcohol.Statistics also reveal that on an average, 8 teens are killed everyday due to drunk driving!A male teenager with a 0.05 blood alcohol concentration is 18 times more prone to suffer a vehicle crash, as compared to a non drunk teenage boy. The figures rise up to 54 times more for teenage girls!

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So these were some shocking and alarming teenage drunk driving statistics which are very important to be known by both parents, and the teenagers themselves! As parents and guardians, you should pay special attention to the habits of your teens at an early stage so that things don't get ugly! Take care of your teen and yourself!Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/teenage-drunk-driving-statistics.htmlDrinking and Driving Facts: Drunk Driving Fact SheetDid you know that due to drunk driving, every 60 seconds one person is injured? Deaths due to alcohol related car accidents have increased by 18.6% over the last 5 years in the US. For information on state laws, penalties, and other facts about drunk driving, read on...

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Alcohol consumption impairs abilities like alertness, judgment, comprehension, quick thinking, and reflexes, that are essential while driving. This causes a large number of alcohol related accidents each year in the US. Due to the dangers related with drunk driving, also known as Driving under Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), it has been made illegal by all states in the US. Various penalties are associated with this offense, and means have been devised to curb this menace. Studies by various organizations have come out with the following drinking and driving facts.

Drunk Driving Facts

Blood Alcohol Concentration

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is a measure of the amount of alcohol in one's body. It is used to assess the level of intoxication of an individual for legal and

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medical issues. It represents the percentage of alcohol in deciliters of blood.

StatisticsAccording to a survey done by the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTA), three out of every ten Americans are involved, at least once, in alcohol related accidents during their lifetime.In 2006, there were 17,941 deaths due to drunk driving in America. That constituted 41% of total deaths due to motor vehicle crashes.Drivers with high BAC levels are 385 times more likely, than sober drivers, to die in single vehicle crashes.Alcoholic related accidents cause a loss of about $73 billion every year in US.Individuals aged between 18-20 years constitute more than 10% of the total drunken driving trips in US.The percentage of alcohol related road accidents, in which teenagers are involved, is disturbingly high. Teenage drunk driving statistics show that, in 2007, 11% of the drunk driving deaths in US were caused by teens.

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State Laws and PenaltiesEvery state in the US has the authority of framing laws and penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol. However, all states have agreed to make driving illegal for a person with a BAC level of 0.08% or more.43 states have made it illegal for all the occupants of a car, be it the driver or the passengers, to have an open bottle of alcohol present in the car.In most of the states, a drunk driving conviction is followed by license revocation. In case the driver fails, or refuses to take a medical test that would help estimate the amount of alcohol in his blood, his license may be canceled before the conviction is made. This is known as administrative license suspension.9 states (Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, Illinois, Nebraska, Utah, New Mexico, and Washington) have made ignition interlock systems mandatory for drivers that have been convicted even once for driving when intoxicated.In Virginia, the license can be canceled for up to 1 year if a driver is found to be driving under influence of alcohol. For every

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consecutive conviction, the license is suspended for 3 years each time, with a possibility of a jail term from the second conviction onwards.In Texas, the laws are more relaxed. In this state, the driver's license is suspended only for 90 days after the first conviction. For every consecutive conviction, the license suspension term could extend to 180 days.Effective Solutions

A study of the effectiveness of various measures to check drunk driving has come up with the following facts: Automatic cancellation of driving license seems to be the single most effective step to curb driving when intoxicated.Installing the ignition interlock system is preferred by most states, as it has been found to be an effective way of discouraging driving under the influence of alcohol. The ignition interlock system is a device that requires the driver to blow into an alcohol sensor unit that measures the level of alcohol in blood. The car cannot be started if the alcohol level in the driver's blood is found to exceed the permissible limit.

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Implementation of sobriety checkpoints have been found to lower the rate of fatal car crashes by about 22%.After the 0.08% BAC law was passed, incidents of alcohol related crashes dropped by 7%.Studies have found that raising the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) to 21 years has reduced the crashes due to drinking and driving, among people aged between 18 and 21 years, by 16%.Implementation of the Zero Tolerance Law reduced crashes by intoxicated young drivers by a further 11%.Drunk driving is a serious menace to the society. Not only do we jeopardize our own lives, but also that of others, when we drive under the influence of alcohol. It is not a malaise that can't be treated. Our willingness to co-operate is the best solution to reduce drunk driving related fatalities.

By Debopriya BoseRead more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/drinking-and-driving-facts-drunk-driving-fact-sheet.html

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Is DUI a FelonyThe alarming number of accidents and fatalities attributed to DUI is bound to make people wonder whether DUI is a felony or a misdemeanor. Read on....

Generally referred to as drunk driving, driving under influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) is defined as the act of operating a vehicle after consuming alcohol or any other intoxicating substance. A look at drunk driving statistics reveals how gruesome this crime has become, with the number of fatalities attributed to it crossing the 10,000 mark consecutively, for the last three years.

Difference Between Felony and Misdemeanor

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Though, the terms like felony and misdemeanor are being phased out in several countries, they are still in practice in the United States. According to the federal law, the term 'felony' is used to refer to any criminal offense which is punishable by death or imprisonment for more than a year, whereas the term 'misdemeanor' refers to any criminal offense which is punishable by imprisonment for a year or less.

DUI - Felony or Misdemeanor?The penalties for drunk driving tend to differ from one area of jurisdiction to another. In some areas, it may be considered to be a serious crime, while in other areas, it may be considered to be a serious crime only, in case of a death. Though, DUI is considered to be a misdemeanor in most of the cases, there are some cases wherein it is regarded as a felony, and hence, may result in a severe punishment. Classification of DUI as a felony or misdemeanor depends on a range of associated factors. More importantly, when a person is convicted for DUI as a misdemeanor, he has to spend his term of imprisonment in the county jail, but if he is

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convicted for DUI as a felony, he has to spend his entire term of imprisonment in the state prison.

When is DUI Considered a Felony?DUI is considered to be a felony when it results in the deaths or causes severe injuries to any individual. At times, especially, in case of an accident causing a death or deaths, DUI can be also treated on the lines of reckless homicide, thus calling for a more severe punishment including death. For instance, a drunk driver mowing down a pedestrian can amount to a serious crime, which can give the law enforcing authority the right to charge the accused for felony.

Is Second DUI a Felony?As the law of states differs from one area of jurisdiction to another, one can come across significant variations when trying to conclude what makes DUI a felony. In some states, the seriousness of the issue is taken into consideration, to determine whether DUI is felony or misdemeanor, while in some cases the number of convictions are taken into consideration to determine the same. For

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instance, in New York and Wyoming, second conviction for DUI in a stipulated time period is considered to be a felony. On the other hand, states like Texas and Georgia consider fourth conviction as a felony.

The lack of interest of big companies when it comes to hiring felons has become quite obvious. Jobs for felons are restricted to some odd ones today, which neither provide job security nor a good pay. In such circumstances being well versed with the fact as to what is DUI, a felony or misdemeanor, can be of great help in avoiding a certain disaster not just on the road, but also in your career.

By Abhijit NaikRead more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/is-dui-a-felony.htmlTeen Drinking and Driving Facts - Teenage Drunk Driving StatisticsIn the United States, approximately 10% of all vehicle crashes recorded by the authorities are caused due to the driver being under the influence of alcohol.

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In recent times, drinking and driving has become a serious issue among teenagers in the United States. In order to drive safely, a person has to be alert, capable to make decisions based of incidents happening around and execute them. This coordination while driving becomes difficult, especially under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol leads to loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowing down of reflexes and distortion of vision, all of which invariably lead to an accident. The statistics related to alcohol and driving indeed depict a gruesome picture about the entire phenomenon.

The statistics of drunk driving compiled by the

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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, produce some staggering facts about drunk driving. Out of 12,998 drinking driving fatalities in the United States in 2007, 1,393 were caused due to teen drinking and driving. About 28% of teenagers killed in motor vehicle crashes were drinking either before or while they were driving. Most of the drivers forget to use their seat belts after consuming alcohol. Around 64% of teenagers who were involved in fatal drunk driving crashes were reportedly not wearing their seat belts. The study rates motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of deaths among teenagers. It also reported that the fatalities caused by teens drinking and driving constituted 40% of all alcohol-related fatalities in the United States.

Drinking and driving statistics, compiled by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), showed that more than half of the drunk driving accidents involving teenagers were reported on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday. It also showed that about half of these accidents occurred between 3:00 pm

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and 12:00 am. According to the studies done by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, young people are less likely to drive after drinking, but when they do they are more likely to end up crashing as they are drunk and relatively inexperienced in driving.

Since 1875, an estimated 24,560 lives have been saved due to implementation of the minimum drinking age. The legal age has been changed several times and fluctuated between 18 and 22. The current minimum age for purchasing or consuming alcohol is 21, which was implemented by all the 50 states of the United States of America in July 1988. Drunk driving stats confirm that increasing the age led to reduction in the number of accidents caused by teens drinking and driving. According to the zero tolerance law, it is illegal for any person below the age of 21 to drive with 0.02 percent or greater blood alcohol content (BAC). A study done in 12 states of the United States of America reported that the proportion of fatal accidents reduced by 20% after these states passed the zero tolerance law.

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In some people, alcohol triggers the overconfidence of being able to handle anything, while for some others, allowing or encouraging a drunk person to drive means sheer fun. Driving safety is something that just goes out of the window when under the influence. Statistics of teen drunk driving suggest that a teenage boy with BAC levels of 0.05 percent is 18 times more vulnerable to crash his vehicle than a teenage boy who hasn't consumed alcohol. In girls, this vulnerability increases to 54 times over her non-drinking counterpart.

On behalf of the administration, initiatives like sobriety checkpoints and legislation like zero tolerance laws have been introduced. Organizations such as Students Against Drunk Driving and Mothers Against Drunk Driving have been actively spreading awareness about the hazards of drinking and driving. Though all these efforts have decreased the number of casualties caused by teenage drunk driving, the numbers depicted in the latest statistics are still very frightening. The need of the hour is to completely curb this social menace, which is something that

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threatens the lives of our young loved ones.

By Abhijit NaikLast Updated: 9/22/2011Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/teen-drinking-and-driving-facts-teenage-drunk-driving-statistics.htmlDrinking and Driving StatisticsThe aim of this article is to put forth the drinking and driving statistics which indicate how serious the problem of drunken driving has become over the years. Read on to know more.

Drinking and driving statistics in America and other parts of the world have forced us to think and find a permanent solution to this

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problem. Drunken driving is not only hazardous to the person who indulges in this illegal act, but also to the other people driving vehicles or walking on the roads. Drunken driving has caused many deaths and injured innumerable people in different parts of the world. Drinking and driving statistics for college students and adults has indicated a need to deal with this issue seriously. Before we discuss the drinking and driving statistics, let us go through the ways of preventing drunken driving in the next paragraph.

How to Prevent Drunken Driving?

Drunken driving can be prevented by having strict laws and regulations for the same. The law should have strict punishments for people who violate the rules of drunk driving. Many countries have included drunken driving under the serious offense category due to the ever-increasing number of such cases. Suspension of the driving license can also be an effective way of dealing with this problem.

Apart from the strict laws, educating the masses about the ill effects of drunken driving

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is also a necessity. The governments as well as social organizations can hold seminars and talks on this subjects and teach the youth and adults the ways of driving the vehicles safely. Such sessions and seminars can also be conducted in colleges, high schools and universities considering the increasing number of teenagers indulging in the crime of drunken driving. The next paragraph has details related to adult as well as underage drinking and driving statistics.

Important Statistics About Drunken Driving

The drinking and driving statistics show that drunken driving has affected thousands of people in the United States of America over the last few years. According to reports by competent authorities, more than thirty percent of all the road accidents which caused the death of people were due to drunken driving. As per the statistics available for the year 2008, more than eleven thousand people lost their lives in the United States because of driving under the influence of alcohol. The number of deaths in this fashion are higher in large metropolitan cities than in the lesser

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developed cities.

As per the drinking and driving statistics of 2007 in the United States, there were more than twelve thousand drunken driving fatalities. The most significant aspect is that more than 1300 of these fatalities were caused due to drunken driving by teenagers. The research conducted on teenage drunken driving suggests that a teenager whose blood alcohol content (BAC) levels are 0.05 percent is eighteen times more likely to cause an accident than a teenager who does not drink alcohol and drive. Girls consuming alcohol are fifty-four times more vulnerable to accidents than girls who do not drink and drive. The loss of concentration and reduced reflexes due to alcohol intake are the main causes of fatal accidents. Drinking and driving statistics also point out that a person loses his life due to a drunk driver in every forty minutes. The percentage of people who get involved in a crash due to alcohol consumption is as high as thirty percent. You can read more on teen drinking and driving facts. The information on drinking and driving statistics in this article will certainly guide you in the right way. Drive

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By Charlie SRead more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/drinking-and-driving-statistics.html