drying paya sedds

Q: How do you dry papaya seeds? Ans: Quick Answer Before papaya seeds are dried, rinse them clean of all fruit and fruit residue. Once the seeds are clean, set them in the sun or windowsill while covered with malmal kapra to dry, preferably in low humidity. Stir the seeds occasionally to expose moisture and ensure each entire seed dries. This process can take a few days. For making the process faster, after you scoop out the seeds of a fresh papaya, dry and rub the seeds with a clean towel and then place in the sun or windowsill to dry further. After sunlight is gone, place the seeds in a sealed container or airtight container in the fridge)

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Post on 22-Jan-2016




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method to dry fruit seeds.


Page 1: Drying Paya Sedds


How do you dry papaya seeds? Ans:

Quick Answer Before papaya seeds are dried, rinse them clean of all fruit and fruit residue. Once the seeds are clean, set them in the sun or windowsill while covered with malmal kapra to dry, preferably in low humidity. Stir the seeds occasionally to expose moisture and ensure each entire seed dries. This process can take a few days. For making the process faster, after you scoop out the seeds of a fresh papaya, dry and rub the seeds with a clean towel and then place in the sun or windowsill to dry further. After sunlight is gone, place the seeds in a sealed container or airtight container in the fridge)