dsc project

Dsc Project cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance

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Page 1: Dsc project

Dsc Project

cognitive dissonancecognitive dissonance

Page 2: Dsc project

Punjab Government Scheme

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Yellow cab

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• Since 1947 every government introduce numerous projects like

• Benazir wasila program• Benazir income support • Laptop scheme • Solar lamps • Asyiyana housing scheme • Yellow cab scheme etc

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Approval of this scheme

• The approval of this scheme given on 14 July 2011

• Distinguished features • Unique• Computerized bolting for distribution • Distribution at divisional level • Short time of period (8 months )

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Criteria for applying

• Graduation • Veiled driving license

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Changing in Criteria

Graduation to intermediate intermediate to Metric

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Characteristics of the scheme • Provide a decent lively hood to

the unemployed youth

20 thousand vehicles containing

New transportation system in city

Alternate transportation facilities’ to the public .

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• Eligibility

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• 1. domicile •2. Metric •3.Valid driving license •4.21 /35 age •5.Unemployed •6. Assets below 2 million •7. no defaulter of bank

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• 8. no criminal record • 9.15 days driver’s training • 10.The scheme is gender neutral

open for female .• 11.the price will remain constant

(427,ooo for Mehran ,529,000 for Bolan )

• 12.Discount of 48 ,000 /per cab • 13. Installment RS 800 per month• 14.Driving training is provide by

motor way police

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•Media campaign:

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• They do not know about the cost of vehicles and other expenses.

• The price of yellow cab is above approximately 20% from original price.

• The vehicles providing by the Punjab govt have not installed CNG

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Every political party criticize this scheme

A group of people also oppose this scheme

The element of corruption is high in this scheme

The cab was also used for personal transportation .

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• This was the good step taken by the Punjab government

• Focus on the education • Encourage the youth • Give the equal opportunities t o

females • Better transport scheme