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  • 8/13/2019 dtmfttt


    Dual-tone multi-frequency signalling HABEEB ALI



    [email protected]

    Abstract Here I described dual tone multiplefrequency operation and a small program to showhow it generates two combination of sinusoidalsignals.Concept behind that and its advantagesalso been described.

    keywords DTM ! "#$%#&C'


    Dual tone multiple frequency is used in

    telecommunication, where dialin of num!er

    "also si nalin such as redialin # is done !y dual

    frequency ,for e for each $ey there !e alloted

    com!ination of two frequencies.

    DU%& TON' (U&TI)&' *R'+U'NC has

    !ecome -ery popular has replaced pulse dialin

    system in telecommu nication world.

    It also finds application in personal computers,remote

    sensin systems etc.

    In Telecoomunication it is used for si nallin ,such as

    !usy tone,unnum!ered tone,timin tones etc.

    It operates in international reco nised

    standards,it means some fi ed frequency alloted for

    each num!er we dial.so that decodin circuit which

    we use remain same for all instruments .'ach num!er is i-en !y com!ination of frequencies.The -ersion of DT(* that is used in push !utton

    telephones for tone dialin is $nown as Touch-Tone .


    0. 1I2TOR

    There are two dialin system one is loop

    dialin other is DT(*.3elow circuit that are used old telephone

    system.whichare electromechanical .

    4hen you lift the phone.circuit ets closed

    few dc amp current flows from central office

    Dial is arran ed in such such that closin and

    off of switch i.e., pulses represents di it you

    ha-e dialled.

    Upper limit of 56 pulses for sec is there for

    each di it.so eac pulse on time is 566ms.

    On and off period is not constant it may !e

    different in differnt countries

    for e 7

  • 8/13/2019 dtmfttt


    U2% on time89:ms

    off time8;;ms

    in ratio 075.

    this sytem is more costly ,less efficient,less

    relia!le and less efficienct.

    2o we mo-e to electromechanical systems.4hich is


    ;. DT(*

    It uses < different frequencies which on com!inationi-es 59 different si nallin .

    2o,$eypad has 59 different sym!ols i.e., num!ers and

    some alpha!ets which are represented in the form of

    matri of order =!y=.

    This idea was i-en !ell la!oratories .

    It uses low frequency for rows and hi h frequency forcolumns.2chematic dia ram is shown in fi ure

    *requency used in DT(* has some properties 7 all frequency are different none of the frequency is inte er multiple of

    othe frequencies and they are not com!ination of any other

    frequencies that is sum and difference willnot produce other frequency

    *requencies used here may not -ary 5. from theirnominal frequencydifference !etween hi h and low frequency wil !e notmore than ;d!.

    The sym!ols ?,@%,3,C,D $eys are used for repeatercontrol,remote !ase operation and otherfor sometelecommunication purposes.

    ' 7@ is used for dialin

    If $ey is 5 pressed it produces a superposition of twosinusoidals accordin to their frequency alloted inDT(*

    Aey 5 produces 9B: and 506B sinusoidal cur-es.

    This concept can !e !etter understood !y a pro ram

    which can !e easily implemented in (%T&%3 .

    This is for 5 to B no s and same can !e pro rammedfor =!y = matri .

    >> pro ramclcclose allclear allt=0:0.0001:0.0099length(t)enter nos !n a ro" three t!#es

    $or !=1:%n=!n&'t( enter no )!$ n== * +rea,en-!$ n==1 $1= 9/ $ =1 092 $re3'enc!es!n -t#$ cons!-er!ng onl4 no s$re3'enc4 en-!$ n== $1= 9/ $ =1%% 2en-

  • 8/13/2019 dtmfttt


    !$ n==% $1= 9/ $ =15//2en-!$ n==5 $1=//0 $ =1 092en-

    !$ n==6 $1=//0 $ =1%% 2en-!$ n== $1=//0 $ =15//2en-!$ n==/ $1=76 $ =1 092en-!$ n==7 $1=76 $ =1%% 2

    en-!$ n==9 $1=76 $ =15//2en-$!g're (1) &lott!ng all those8=s!n( $ &! t) s!n( $1 &! t)2 !$ !==1 &lot(t 8 r ) hol- on en- !$ !== &lot(t 8 + ) hol- on

    en- !$ !==% &lot(t 8 g ) hol- on en-en-

    !n&'t=1 5

    5. CI;C

  • 8/13/2019 dtmfttt


    6. DT(* R'C'I 'R

    Usin si nallin plan as descri!ed !y C')T recei-er

    -alidates tone frequencies and decodes sees that they

    are in accepta!le frequency de-iation.then after that it

    oes to power detector whic performs operations

    suchas toneonset ,thresholdin etc

    . %))&IC%TION2

    DTMF tones are thus mainly used

    At the telephone switching centres for

    detection of dialled/called number.

    They are also used !y certain radio and ca!leT networ$s.These networ$s use DT(*

    tones to si nal a networ$ station or local

    ca!le operator when a local ad-ertisement is

    to !e inserted or for station identification. In

    broadcasting, this is known as local

    insertion. DTMF tones were also used by terrestrial

    stations for turning on and shutting off

    remote transmitters.

    DT(* tones are sometimes used in caller ID

    systems to transfer the caller ID information.

    /. CONC&U2ION

    In this DT(* concept ha-e !een e plained with a

    pro ram which can !e easily -erified in (%T&%3.

    The main idea to understand $ey !ehnd DT(* and to

    further de-elop and to apply this in -arious fields in

    technolod y in !etter approach.


    E5F Crai mar-en,/enaral purpose of DT(*, Te as

    Instruments.E0FDT(* format 7 http7GGwww. ena-e.comGdtmf.html

    E;F DT(*7 from

    http7GGwww.!oondo .comGtutorialsGdtmfGdtmf.htm

    E=F DT(* 2I/N%&&IN/,4IAI)'DI%

    http7GGen.wi$ipedia.or Gwi$iGDualHtone multiH

    frequency si nalin

    EJF DT(*7from !lo

    http7GGwww.en ineers ara e.comGtutorialsGdtmfHdualH


    E9F%pplication of dtmf,)D*

    http7GGwww.Kilo .comG
