durham county textual analysis

Durham County- Textual analysis

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Post on 08-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Durham County textual analysis

Durham County-Textual analysis

Page 2: Durham County textual analysis

De-saturated lighting, eerie and conventional to horror, also the lack of colour suggest deaths and fear. Looking through the trees

could suggest something is being covered up or the whole ting isn’t easy to see.

Credits in the bottom, faded again suggesting everything isn’t clear to see.

Informal text suggesting quirky or odd story.

Wood setting is a genre convention.

This will cause the viewer to stereotype it and assume something bad is going to happen in the woods

Not many leaves suggesting death and that it is cold, also gives connotations of vulnerability.

The camera is positioned quite high looking down at the path, this could suggest that the people are vulnerable as the path is where you would position people to be in the shot

The camera slowly zooms in through the branches suggesting things become easier to see, also it may make the viewer feel as if they are stalking something.

Page 3: Durham County textual analysis

Lighting still desaturated however the red jacket isn’t, has connotations of danger this could cause the viewer to feel unsettled

The non diegetic sound turns to a music box type of sound which has an unnerving feeling of the uncanny and the viewer will be able to relate it to their own lives.

Low angle shot makes the doll look powerful causing the audience to feel belittled by this which will give them an uncomfortable feeling as they feel as if a inanimate object is controlling them

The fact it is a doll has connotations of horror and fear it may make the viewer make connections between this doll and the possessed doll ‘ Annabelle’

The camera stays still however the doll starts to move its head like its possessed causing the audience to feel perturbed. It has a macabre feeling about it because it moves, and at first sight looks like, a normal human child however it isn’t. suggesting the programme has a inhumane feeling about it.

Page 4: Durham County textual analysis

De-saturated silhouette of man with the non diegetic sound makes the silhouette seem even more odd and disturbing.

The close up of his head makes the audience ask questions and adds suspense.

The fact he is turned around and his head is in focus and the background is out of focus suggests he is a mystery but important. That he is a villain and has a dark side about him causing the audience to feels unsettled.

Page 5: Durham County textual analysis

The basket may make the viewer feel discomposed as it may make them relate it to their own lves as the basket could be linked to the child story Little Red Riding Hood. This may discomfort some of the viewers as they may read this story to their children or had it read to them and now it is used as something to scare them instead of relax and comfort them

De-saturated apart from the red connotations of danger and death.

Out of focus and high angle shot, may suggest it is unknown what it is and hat its for but whatever it is it brings danger.

Page 6: Durham County textual analysis

More of the face is revealed however still a silhouette forcing the viewer to ask more questions. However he turns his head slowly and he non diegetic music suggests him to be quite disturbed.

Actors name is high up and black on the white background and white in the black background. This is so it shows up which could suggest he is an important actor also it isn’t faded like the other credits suggesting his character is certain and a main part. However this could suggest his character is pristine and like everything neatly done.

Page 7: Durham County textual analysis

Hair in colour is disturbing as obviously been cut off a ladies hair which will make the viewer think of many situations of what happened to the lady causing it to make them feel uncomfortable and add to the anticipation.

Hair in focus when rest of shot is slightly out of focus suggesting the hair is the focal point of this shot.

The credits are slightly out of focus and different letters are different sizes creating a sense of mystery.

Page 8: Durham County textual analysis

The camera goes from a long shot of the man to a close up of his face quickly this suggests the man is important to the plot.

The fact it is a real human man juxtaposes the rest of the montage as the other people have been dolls suggesting something odd about the man shown. Also you see his face unlike the silhouette

Also he is in a prison cells and looks slightly distressed this could be to show he has been set up or framed.

It is still low key lighting creating mystery and suspense.

Page 9: Durham County textual analysis

High angled Establishing shot with low key lighting shows the setting of the show, it portrays it as a rough place with crime through the lack of colour. Also it makes it look impuissant.

The non diegetic sound makes it relate to peoples lives as this setting cold be anywhere in any country therefore it might make someone feel uneasy.

Page 10: Durham County textual analysis

Man dancing with doll is odd and has connotations of psychopaths.

The camera stays still and the man dancing round the empty street.

Low key lighting add an eerie feeling and mystery

Page 11: Durham County textual analysis

Most of the name is in black however the A is red connoting to danger also mystery as the A id a triangle which could also suggest that bad things happen like the Bermuda triangle.

No leaves on the tree suggest death.

De-saturated colour has connotations of no life.