durham natural arts - summer 2015 (online)

Durham Natural Arts Yoga | Meditation | Organics | Healing Local Workshops, Programming & Practitioners SUMMER 2015

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Yoga | Meditation | Organics | Wellness


Page 1: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

Durham Natural ArtsYoga | Meditation | Organics | Healing

Local Workshops, Programming & Practitioners


Page 2: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

How To Read This Online Magazine

1. Make yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or pour a glass of wine.

2. Sit in your favourite spot3. Read about your tribe4. All links are LIVE, click away!5. Watch for our September



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In This Issue!Pg 4 Wild Food & Balance

Pg 8 From Healed To Healer

Pg 10 See What’s #1 To Do!

Pg 14 Better Than Fair Trade?

Planetary Energies For July Pg 16

The Conscious Business Pg 18

Mystery Money In Your Pocket Pg 20

Holistic Practitioners Face This! Pg 24


Page 3: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

A Letter From The Editor,When a person “wakes up” and commits to getting healthy; body, mind and spirit, they can end up changing their entire lifestyle. Their priorities, diet, hobbies, career, friends - all of these familiar anchors may shift to align with an “authentic self” that slowly emerges. As a person who has gone through this experience, I know it can be very disconcerting.

When this happened to me, we were still in the very early stages of Facebook, and it was difficult for me to find other people who were “like me”. But this has changed. People who are active in niches like yoga, mediation, organics and healing are now creating the strongest community in the world. One that is interconnected, vibrant and alive.

Those who “went first” have now laid a foundation for all of those who may follow. We have created a network of professionals, and a community of friends. We are here to facilitate and inspire the journey of those whose “inner-shift” is just beginning to stir.

It is my intent, that this magazine will be a tool in the Durham Region for connecting us; clients, practitioners, teachers, and friends. Let us grow a community around our common mission to be true to ourselves.

Please, share your stories with us in the comments, recommend your favourite program, or refer a friend to a reliable business. Lets continue to grow this community, and support each other as we journey.

~Katie Dempsey

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As you sit, eating a tomato, you might have an nagging concern that it isnʼt that good for you.  At first that might seem counter-intuitive - its a vegetable! (Or its a fruit I guess, if we want to get technical,) so shouldnʼt you feel the rush of satisfaction from eating healthy?  

Perhaps all those Netflix documentaries are racing through your head, and you recall that many fruits are picked from a vine while they are still green, and shipped thousands of miles on a truck.  They are likely gas-ripened and lacking all the nutrients of their bush-ripened counterparts.  Your tomato could have been grown in chemically supported but still mineral depleted soil, sprayed with pesticides, and genetically modified.  Where can we go for the real foods that are still untouched and in balance with nature?

Luckily, for anyone who can “break free” of their cultural norms, thereʼs a gold mine of such nutritious, and delicious food all around you. It can supplement your diet and expand your pallet.

As a wild foods expert, and Master Naturalist Iʼve been educating people on the value of picking and eating weeds, plants and flowers.  The world is abundant for us if we would only look.  In fact, itʼs silly how often we “weed” our gardens, yanking out perfectly tasty and healthy plants just to put back in a more expensive and cultivated variety because thatʼs what we are used to.  

Wild Foods:A Solution To Food Security, Health & Abundance

**Learn from a professional about what plants (and which parts) are safe to eat!

Karen Stephenson:Master Naturalist

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Around the world and your neighborhood there is an abundance of vitamins, springing up through ditches and along the edges of fences.  Right now we “forage” at the grocery store, but a 20 minute family walk can bring back a salad that has more nutritional value than most farm fresh produce that you pay for.  The best part is, its free!

Food security is a major issue, at a global and local level, and many of the concerns around that discussion can be alleviated by exploring wild foods.  At a local level, food banks could give low-income families access to pounds of healthy and FREE food sources through qualified education about wild plants like clovers, lambs quarters and wood sorrel.  

Globally, there are plant species like mallows and purslane that can be successfully grown in drought ridden areas that are currently struggling to irrigate more traditional and resource hungry crops.  

Wild plants offer a fantastic alternative for people who want to avoid GMOʼs, pesticides, and commercially grown fruits and vegetables.  They are also a great option for vegans and vegetarians who want

to explore new flavors add more variety to their diet.  An entire world awaits you…

All the animals on this planet are designed to roam the land and eat for free.  And the moment that you yourself pick something from the land and eat it - you will feel a sense of empowerment and connection to the land.  

When I eat a free, hand picked salad from the earth I feel like I have a right to be here, and live abundantly.  I feel that the earth will take care of us, and we are not dependent on a consumerism and corporate culture that we may not resonate with.  In this way, wild food is doorway to an entirely new perspective.  Its the true paleo diet, and it will pair well with your tomato. ;)

TAKE A FOREST TOUR WITH ME!Learn about the edible wild foods, plants and flowers in your area! Weʼll be taste testing!

Date: Sat, July 4thTime: 10:30amLocation: AYUS - Durham Region Awareness Centre # # # 3390 Concession Road 8, L0B1M0Price: $35 (Kids are free!)



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Getting “On Path”“On Path” is a catch phrase that is becoming popular among the spiritual community. It describes people who made a shift in their lifestyle to become more “on purpose”, present or self aware in their lives. Whatʼs very interesting, is that shift for many people comes swiftly and suddenly. They describe it as a “light coming on” or waking up. Their perception seems so different than it did only moments before. Asking people about the incidents that changed them is so inspiring. We asked around and this is some of the stories that we heard...

RYAN SWAIN“I was sitting on an airplane, reading a book

called Boundaries.

Somehow my train of thought went to my relationship with God (I was a Christian,) and I though about what He wanted from me in our relationship. Suddenly in a single second, the thought came that I was loved unconditionally, and that meant no conditions. All the things that I thought I should do and be to become “good enough” fell away. I realized, with no conditions I could go out in the world and be who I wanted to be... myself. I walked off the plane a completely new person, I was free, and began to chase my joy”.

ZINA LESLIE“I used to be a heavy smoker, and I tried everything to quit.

Nothing worked. Then one day I picked up Allen

Carrʼs book “How To Quit Smoking”. He gave very specific instructions for changing the way your brain thinks and feels about cigarettes. I followed it exactly, and somehow I was able to stop smoking. It was painless. I just changed my mind. Afterwards, I realized that if I could do that about smoking - which had been such a strong addiction, I could do it for anything. I realized everything around me was a response to my own thoughts, and I could change them. My feelings about my life improved instantly, and I feel a sense of peace and inner love now that I am so grateful for”.

Want to share your story? Weʼd love to hear it! Connect with us on our Facebook Page!

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HEATHER TIPPELT“After many weeks of bugging, I had finally convinced my husband to come to a yoga class with me. And as we moved through the poses I was so stressed out wondering if he was

having a good time. (There was chanting, and I was convinced he was going to be crabby about it on the way home, LOL!) As we

were laying down for a guided meditation at the end, I realized I was tense as a rock! Quietly the instructor whispered that we could let go... she said “Imagine what it would feel like to not experience judgement”. and in that moment I thought “I actually donʼt NEED judgment”. My brain went with it, and I fell into total relaxation. The sudden change was such a stark contrast. I experienced in that moment, that feeling judged was a choice, and I was done with it.I realized that I could change my feelings about this, and that I wasnʼt a prisoner to the thoughts that were in my head. Life changing. Oh, and my husband liked the class!

LINDA CAMPAfter the birth of my son, I was challenged with post-partum depression. I didnʼt feel negative per say, but rather just overwhelmed by everything. A friend invited me to an energy healing, which I had never tried before! It completely revitalized me. For about 5 years now I have been engaged with this community, trying to help others find that same magic of rejuvenation!

Custom Vertical Gardens

Hide your air conditioning unit, beautify your fence-line, or grow your herbs in a tiny footprint. Follow us on Facebook and message us for a quote on your custom project!

click to follow us on facebook! see our latest designs and tips!

Page 8: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

How Do I Get There From


Local Energy Worker Shares Her Journey From Healed to Healer...When I was growing up, I knew exactly where my life was going. I was never, ever going to get married because that was for suckers. And even if by some strange happenstance I did go crazy and get hitched, there was no way I would ever have children. My plan was a simple one: find a career that made me happy, travel the world and be the crazy aunt to my sister and brother’s kids. So you can imagine how I was shocked to find myself in a deeply happy and satisfying marriage, moving from downtown Toronto to the suburbs, actively intending to be a stay-at-home mom to my kids. All that was missing was the white picket fence!

My life looked pretty good from the outside. Trouble was, I was living a life I had not planned for, and as a result I was desperately unhappy. Depression set in, and I also began to struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. The thought of seeing

friends and family who had at one time been my lifeline would fill me with dread. I would realize that more than a minute had passed without taking a breath – and then when I did, I would gasp and start panting, breathing shallowly and feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

During this time, a friend became very concerned for my safety, to the point where she was worried that I was going to take my life. Because of this, she asked me if I would be willing to try a new energy healing modality she had learned called BEAM. I agreed immediately. I was desperate.

BEAM stands for Bio-energetic Emotional Access Method. It operates on the basic premise that every experience you’ve ever had lives energetically in your chakras, and perhaps that space is FULL and causing blockages.

Think of your bedroom closet at home - as it is right now. Now imagine what it would look like if every article of clothing, every pair of shoes, every hat, every belt, every accessory you’ve ever had since the moment you were born was in that same closet.

It’s packed to the gills, right?

The hardest part of having this full closet is that you still have to be able to get dressed in there every day! You have to function, only taking out what you need to use, and you have to be able to close the door again. It can’t be done.

“Every experience you’ve ever had lives energetically in your chakras, and perhaps that space is FULL”.

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It’s the same with our emotions. When you tell someone who’s suffering from depression, anxiety or panic attacks, to “get over it” or simply “move on,” you are asking them to close the door neatly on all their fears, worries and traumas that want (and need) to spill out. What people really need to do, is take those emotions “out of the closet”. That’s what I had to do in order to move forward with my life.

The BEAM session uses vials that are infused with the energetic resonances of most major life experiences, whether its guilt, resentment, fear etc. The BEAM practitioner uses the vials to identify what emotions are backed up “in your closet”. Without ever having to say a word about the gory details of my specific experiences, I was guided through removing the baggage that was no longer serving me.

I will tell you this: BEAM, without a doubt, saved my life. It was completely effective, and in no way did it re-traumatize me. In fact, it released me.

BEAM has cleaned out my emotional closet, and now I start each day with a fresh outlook. I can respond to challenges more elegantly and confidently. No longer do I feel immobilized or fearful. I have released the heavy darkness of my past.

I fell in love with the potential this modality has, and because I knew how prevalent mental health issues are in society, and because I had seen such a change in my own life, I became a BEAM practitioner myself. And so, the healed became the healer.

Since then, I have had the honour of treating many people. Some of them have been grappling with mental health issues since before they were 10 and felt hopeless after traditional medicine continuously failed them. Others found themselves divorced and alone feeling terrified of the next steps in their life, and did not want to take medications to manage their symptoms. Many people have no real trigger they can identify but are still catapulted into depression and self-harming behaviours. BEAM has helped all of them to recover themselves and re-enter their lives as healed, whole beings.

Like all healing, it takes work to get from where you are, to where you want to be. Change is not easy, and often before we are healed we want to give up. I’ve found my purpose as a healer to lead you compassionately through your hardship so that you may stand tall on the other side of this moment you are experiencing.

Proud, strong and healed, we will all stand together.

~Michelle Scrimgeour-Brown

Rev. Michelle Scrimgeour-Brown is an ordained & licensed non-denominational reverend and energy medicine practitioner in Durham Region. Her healing practice is based in her home in Ajax, which she shares with her husband, three children, and various pets. Her Ministry takes her everywhere! To contact Michelle, you will find her on Facebook at:www.facebook.com/SpiritedHealing or www.facebook.com/HummingbirdAssembly. Phone: 416-779-6780 or email:[email protected].

Page 10: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

Treetop Trekking - Explore the Treetop Zip Line Aerial Game parks where you can trek from tree to tree on fun obstacles like

suspended bridges, Tarzan swings, swinging logs, cable traverses and of course zip lines!  The park has a huge variety of courses ranging from beginner to advanced.  If you want to stay true to “Girls Night Out” There are NITE treks where up to 8 people can swing through the trees using

headlamps and starlight.  Face your fears and grow!

BATL Axe Throwing - Nothing releases frustrations and frees the spirit like sinking an axe into a block of wood from 20 ft. away. Axe

throwing can be learned by anyone in a few moments, and you can spend the night perfecting your “pitch”. You can bring drinks and snacks, and the fabulous staff at BATL will walk you through training, a round robin tournament and exciting finals. Channel your inner badass and release that power!

Paint Nite!  - Paint Nites are popping up all over Durham Region and the GTA.  Join your friends at a restaurant for a few drinks and

follow the instructions of an experienced painter to create your own masterpiece!  Even first time painters walk away with gorgeous paintings.  The best part though?  Walking away from the mess makes you feel like a kid again!

Vision Board Classes - If you are feeling adrift, or need to make a plan for your life or business - this is a girls night out

with constructive purpose!  Again, you can enjoy a few drinks, and cut and paste your way through the night with all supplies included.  Creating a visual collage of your goals and dreams is incredibly powerful, with hundreds of participants sharing quirky stories of how the items on their boards came true.  Lots of chatting, laughs and intimate discussion make this one of our favourite choices!

Top 5 Activities





To Keep Your Girl Tribe Strong!

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Paddle Board Yoga!We chose classes at YOGATA as the number one girls night out adventure!

dress comfortably, and first-timers, get ready to fall in L-O-V-E.  Paddle your boards out onto the still waters of the bay, experience a short meditation and a flowing yoga class surrounded by sky and water.  A beautiful experience that you and your friends will want to try over and over again! Schedule a private class that suits your schedule, or sign up for the Wednesday “girls night” and paddle off to the Waterfront Restaurant for a few drinks! What is better!?

www.yogata.ca Follow Them On Facebook Here!


Page 12: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

Wild Foods Tour!Tour the forrest with a Master Naturalist who can show you the plants and flowers that you can eat and use to heal with. Lots of tasting!CLICK HERE TO RSVP!

DATE: SAT-JUL-04TIME: 10:30amLOCATION: AYUS Spiritual Centre3390 Concession Road 8, L0B1M0PRICE: $35+HST

(Kids are free!)

Restorative Chakra BalancingGuided meditation, energetic chakra balancing, and optional yoga poses to bring the chakras back into peaceful alignment. Youʼll notice the change!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

DATE: THU-JUL-16TIME: 6:00pm - 7:15pmLOCATION: Kaleidoscope Spirit650 King St. OshawaPRICE: $22+HST (exclusive summer rate!)

Welcome to our Summer Course Calendar!! Where you can find some of the best events that are coming up in your area!. All the links are LIVE so you can click on them to continue right through to registration pages. If you would like to invite your friends, donʼt

forget that you can SHARE THIS PAGE by clicking the share button below while this page is open. Feel free to keep it for future reference, aaaaand, watch out for our September issue! Which will have even MORE programming and workshops!

Summer 2015 Course Calendar

Make & Take Mala BeadsLearn about the history and uses of mala beads, and make your very own from a full selection of semi-precious stones! Highly recommended!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

DATE: THU-JUL-09TIME: 6:45pm - 9:15pmLOCATION: Fountain of Youth Yoga101 Brock St S, 3rd Floor, Whitby, Ontario L1N 4J9PRICE: $45.00

Heart of NetworkingA pillar of the networking community in Durham, this group brings together 60+ businesses and includes lunch! Well managed and constructive.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

DATE: TUE-JUL-21TIME: 11:00am - 2:00pmLOCATION: Forest Brook Church60 Kearney Drive, Ajax, Ontario L1T 4N2PRICE: $25+HST

(Includes lunch!)

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Hummingbird Assembly Join us for the inaugural meeting of this non-denominational, spiritual church! weʼll discuss self development, the metaphysical and how to heal.CLICK HERE TO RSVP!

DATE: SUN-JUL-26TIME: 10:30amLOCATION: Haydenshore Kiwanis Park, 589 Water Street, Whitby ONPRICE: FREE (Donations are welcome but not


Ladies Night PaddleCruise through the twighlight to the Waterfront Restaurant for a few drinks with friends! A great night out! One prior beginner class reqʼd for safety.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

DATE: Every Wed. NightTIME: 8:30pmLOCATION: Frenchmenʼs Bay PICKERINGPRICE: $25+HST (paddle board rental incl.)

Do you have September programming coming up?? Make sure everyone knows about it!

Get your program, workshop or event in our Fall Course CalendarEmail us at MyTribe@DurhamNaturalArts

Or Connect Here on Facebook: Durham Natural Arts

Conscious EntrepreneurFall back in your love with your business, and get longevity out of your marketing. This program will invigorate your business with authenticity!CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

DATE: TUE-AUG-04TIME: 9:30am - 12:30pmLOCATION: TBA - See website for detailsPRICE: $699+HST

(Payment plans available)

Vision Boards!Enjoy some drinks and get your dreams and goals on paper with this productive girls night out! Check off one by one as your desires manifest! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

DATE: MON-AUG-17TIME: 7:00pm - 10:00pmLOCATION: Safariʼs Bar & Grill60 Randal Dr. AjaxPRICE: $30.00+HST (first 15 guests receive $10 off a

food order!)

Page 14: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

In the 1980ʼs the coffee trade faced a major moral crisis.  At the time, coffee was the 2nd most valuable commodity exported from developing countries, second only to petroleum.  Yet despite this wealth of trade, farmers and migrant workers were living in extreme poverty.  With poor education rates and no access to modernity, farmers were unable to organize and easy prey for large trading companies to take advantage of.   

The Fair Trade movement arose in response to these conditions.  It was designed to address a consumer driven desire to improve working conditions and properly compensate farmers for their product.  Today, Fair Trade labelled coffee is usually on display in every speciality coffee shop.  Customers feel good, that when they purchase this coffee, the premium they pay is being spent building schools and growing communities.  This is a great step, but its not the pinnacle of what your coffee money can buy.

Like many large corporations in its maturation phase, the Fairtrade Labeling Organization (body that governs free trade certifications) has grown to face common challenges. Large operating costs, bureaucracy, and an inability to act quickly, have left it open to competition from what might seem like an unlikely source - locally run coffee roasters.

Thanks to developments in technology, communication and international trade, some small independent coffee roasters are choosing to go around the fair trade designation by creating one-on-one relationships direct with farmers. In order to guarantee quality and access to the best beans, they have begun flying to places like Columbia, and Ethiopia to view fields and We’re bringing this baby home!

Meeting new friends!

Farm Manager David unloads the cherries!

Multiple generations of quality control on Chalo’s Farm!

Better Than Fair Trade?

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examine product first hand. The experience is sparking long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with farmers and their families.

Trebilcock Coffee Roasters from Pickering is one such organization.  They began flying to Columbia to meet directly with farmers. Since then they have cultivated a personal friendship with their primary supplier; a small farm operation called “Chaloʼs Columbian Coffee”. 

“When you travel to source, and the producers invite you into their homes, and they are feeding you dinner and their kids are running around laughing - they stop being your “supply chain”, and an emotional connection develops”, says Tim Trebilcock.  That connection has manifested into a partnership and a desire to ensure that the producers are well paid for quality coffee and have better tools to use on their farm.  

“Working one-on-one with the producer, makes for better coffee” Tim explains: “We watch our beans go through every stage of the coffee making process, ensuring quality the whole

way”.  And it makes for better relations with developing countries as well.  “The premium

that we would have paid to the Fairtrade Labelling Organization, or to

a middle-man, we get to give it direct to the producer - and we do!”  

This makes a big difference to the communities that they work with.  In fact, on his last trip to Colombia the mayor of the town of Paicol invited Trebilcock Coffee to a ceremony celebrating their relationship and making them honored guests of the town.  “Thatʼs how tight this connection is” says Tim, “itʼs an accountability to our partners that the Fair Trade designation just canʼt compete with”.

Without the Fair Trade designation on their coffee, independent retailers like Trebilcock Roasters have had to rely on educating their clients about where their dollars are going.  Every time Trebilcock travels to Columbia they bring back a wealth of images.  “If you want to see the field where your coffee was grown and a picture of the people who picked it - its available. Its a level of transparency thatʼs only possible now because of technology and the internet, and it exceeds what can be achieved by large organizations.

Tim adds “People who purchase our beans, are a part of a very short supply chain, built on sustainability, economic fairness, and personal relationships and are really changing conditions in developing countries. Consumers to know that option is available, even if the product isnʼt labelled “Fair trade”.



1035 Toy Ave. Unit 19Pickering Ontario


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Astrology With Rachelle Foster

Planetary Energies For July!

July 13-19This week may well be an emotional roller coaster with six planets in water signs come together under a vulnerable moon.  The 15th may be especially challenging with the Sun (ego), Moon (emotions), Mars (warrior)  and Mercury (communication) coming together.  Be prepared for some internal conflict that needs to be worked through.  This is a time to be gentle with your self-care.  Spend some time with a good friend. 

This is an interesting month with a flair for drama as we move into Leo!  All the world is a stage and everyone is an actor upon it, so beware of your internal Drama Queen…she will come out to play this month!  There are two full moons this month so the world is full of energetic ebb and flow.

June 29 – July 5 On July 1 Venus and Jupiter connect in Leo’s House which makes for a pleasurable rendezvous that benefits love, finances, teachings and travel. These planets will play together three more times this year, so get ready for a community love-fest of networking.  Neptune features in this second new

moon which will bring out creativity, heightened sensitivity and compassion for others.

July 6-12 On July 6 be prepared for a struggle as the Sun (ego) opposes Pluto (aggressor) in a power play for dominance.  Will you choose to defend yourself (Sun) or will you be the one trying for a takeover.  As Mercury (communication) enters Cancer (emotions) our expression of self takes on a less rational approach and embraces the subjective instinctual line.  This could affect travel, communication and commerce over the next three weeks.

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This is a pre-cursor to next week’s battle between Pluto and Mars…beware of the hostile takeover.  For those on a spiritual path, this is more likely to present itself as an internal shift which may be challenging to undergo.  Batten down the hatches!  Be good to yourself through this period.

Everything is a stage and everyone is an actor.  On Saturday Mars (aggressor) clashes with Uranus (freedom urge) which can send you off the charts.  Beware the inner Drama Queen may make an appearance!

July 20-26Two planets turn retrograde (Venus, Uranus). This may

mean some form of constriction on your freedom urge and sense of fair play.  You might feel boxed in.  On July 22 the Sun changes from Cancer to Leo taking emotions out of the equation.  Mercury joins the Sun in Leo which adds up to generalized sense of big-hearted fun with flair and perhaps a little bit of drama too! 

July 27 – August 2The drama continues, but be prepared for some good news.  This week marks a celebration of achievements with things coming to a natural conclusion.  There are four planets in Leo this week which really turns drama up a few notches.  Saturn turns direct by

the end of the week to provide some ease of tension in the “lessons learned” arena and allowing for long-range goals to be set into motion.

Please note that this is a very general summary of planetary energies for the masses. In order to understand how the energies will affect you personally it would be necessary to consult your personal natal chart and transiting planets. Your personal aspects and transits might paint quite a different picture.

~By Rachelle Foster

Rachelle is a Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master, Tarot Card Reader and astrologer.  You can find her at the Courtice Flea Market on weekends for psychic readings.  Rachelle uses all of her knowledge and skills in all service offerings for a more holistic approach.  For more information please visit www.harmonizedhealingarts.com or call 905-213-1880.YOU CAN ALSO FOLLOW HER ON FACEBOOK HERE!

Rachelle Foster

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“There is absolutely nothing better than waking up each morning to do what you love. This messaging is finding fertile ground in the hearts of Canadian women, as thousands of them are exiting the workforce to start up their own businesses. In fact, according to Canadian Business, the call to “chase your joy” as a small business owner has tempted over 2.7 million Canadians into being self employed.

While many are celebrating these numbers, some see a reason to caution over-eager beginners. Traci Trimble, an Empowerment Coach who specializes in working with women entrepreneurs, has seen both the ups and downs of business ownership. “In the health and wellness industry, I see women all the time who decide to leave their desk job to pursue their passions. Spiritually and

emotionally it is amazing to see women developing businesses around the products and services that feel authentic to them. Practically, and speaking from experience, many of them are still doing business in a traditional way, trying to be all things for all people - and burnout is rampant”.

The statistics are alarming. About 70% of all businesses fail before their 5th year and 31% of small business owners report working more than 50 hrs a week. Traci says there is a major link between those two numbers.

“Many passionate business owners are happy to devote their time to something they love, it is the hours spent in “maintenance activities” that tends to wear us down”. Traci sees it all the time. “Business owners are spending hours doing payroll, marketing, dealing with suppliers, it doesn’t take long for them to totally disconnect from the activity that fills them up in order to advance their “business”. This is an old way of thinking, and it is the root cause of fatigue, disillusionment and self doubt. In time your passion becomes your prison”.

Traci speaks from experience. After leaving a 6 figure corporate job to live her dream as an Empowerment Coach, she opened Tranquil Garden, the largest wellness centre in Durham Region. “Managing the centre became my full-time job. Instead of

“The call to “chase your joy” as a small business owner has tempted over 2.7 million Canadians into being self employed”

Page 19: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

The Conscious EntrepreneurMake your relationship with your business

truly sustainable.

July Session - Starts July 7th August Session - Starts August 4th

September Session - Starts Sept 8th

CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO:www.TraciTrimble.ca

(Full)• Empowerment Coach• Workshop Facilitator• Energy Worker

See website for Traci’s full range of programs

and services.


connecting with people and helping them find their dreams, I was up all night, fixing websites and doing the accounting. During the day I was on reception, managing the team and putting out fires.”

“One day the Universe came knocking with an ugly reality and in that moment I just realized that I didn’t have the energy anymore to solve it. I looked around at what I had created and I was not happy. I was exhausted and both financially, and emotionally bankrupt. I wasn’t doing what I loved, and I barely recognized my life. I had gotten lost in my own business.”

After having the chance to step back, Traci learned from her mistakes and remembered her true path, she now helps other service providers to avoid the same mistakes. Taking entrepreneurs through a program called the Conscious Entrepreneur, Traci inoculates small business owners against

becoming disconnected from their passion. They create a conscious awareness of the alignment between who they truly want to be and the service they provide for others. “People think that our core values do not have anything to do with business, and nothing could be further from the truth. Success comes from passion, and it is as important to cultivate as investment or human capital”.

The program focuses on designing a business plan that invigorates and inspires the owner to be “in service”. “Its very serious, we make sure that owners are confident asking for what they worth, that their marketing reflects who they are, and that they have support systems for helping them get through

challenges”. Business owners are seeing a financial return from the program as well. Miranda, a veteran Registered Massage Therapist is quoted as saying “I resisted being a business for nearly 8 years; in just 2 weeks after finishing the program I have 9 new clients, am having a webpage built and feel great about my marketing techniques. It feels good to be a solopreneur.”

Traci still encourages women who want to be self employed to to take the leap. “Women CAN take risks in the business world, and they CAN chase their dreams, and earn money at something that fulfills them. But don’t leave the corporate desk job, to re-create it on a smaller scale and think it will feel better. Stay authentic. Create a successful business by creating balance, setting professional boundaries, being true to yourself. You want the business to facilitate your goals, not become a demon that not even you can control”.

“Success comes from passion, and it is as important to cultivate as investment or human capital”

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There are hundreds of reasons why people don’t save up to do the things that they really want to do. Most commonly however is the idea that we can’t afford it. People who live paycheque to paycheque, put off their dreams because of an underlying belief that they don’t have enough money “right now”. But someday they will.

I’m here to show you that someday, is now, and it could be in the form of your “Mystery Money”.

The vast majority of people are not financially savvy. This is nothing to feel bad about, or experience shame over.

(You probably can’t speak German either - its only because you never learned how!) The average family that is not managing its finances well, has to gain an average of $300 a month in “mystery money”.

This is the money that is lost to bank fees, late payments, missed charges on credit cards, and that’s before we really get into talking about interest! If you look at your bank account at the end of the month, and feel like there should be more in it, its likely you have mystery money.

I work with clients, to organize their payments, and identify where simple savings can be found. Once your cash flow is clearly laid out in front of you, you can start to STRATEGIZE with it, making plans for the future. Allocating your mystery money is often the first reward.

How To Take That Vacation(Or Pay for that Reno!)

With “My$tery Money”!

The average family that is not managing its finances well, has to gain an average of $300 a month in “mystery money”.

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Getting educated about your financial situation is painless, if a little boring. But the payoff is real. Understanding your cash flow means that you can look ahead with confidence. In fact, after a full appointment, I can usually give you the exact date that you will be able to purchase a plane ticket to your dream destination, put a down payment on a cottage or sign the contract for a home renovation. If you have a date, you can have a plan, and now your dreams are within reach.

If your financial situation hasn’t improved in the last 3 years, it probably isn’t going to - unless YOU change first. Learn what you need to know, change your unconscious money habits, shake loose that mystery money! Let’s lay out the stepping stones to your money goals, so that all you have to do is walk!

“When your finances are in

order, you can get your dreams off

your bucket list and onto your

To DO list”.

“Don’t HOPE for abundance, PLAN for it.”

Janet Reis



Schedule a FREE 15 min Phone Consultation TODAY!905.442.8801

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Weʼre looking for the BEST place to eat healthy in Durham Region!Snap a pic, or give a shout out to your favourite spot to eat without guilt!

(Weʼll profile the best location in our September issue!!)CLICK HERE TO SHARE YOUR FAVOURITE HEALTHY EATING LOCATION!

Reiki 1 Certification Ignite Your Spark

Are you feeling an inner longing for more? A stirring to learn about the magic of the world around you? Ignite the Reiki spark in you. This ancient form of

hands-on healing is the foundation of exploring who you are in connection to Universe. Tune in to your

inherent abilities which we all posses.

Reiki Master Michelle Scrimgeour-Brown will lead you through this day long class. Gain an

understanding of techniques, the Ushi history, and practice this healing art on yourself and others.


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Running your own business is always an exciting challenge and rush. If you are a holistic practitioner, (or thinking of becoming one,) the challenges you face are unique. Iʼve worked specifically with this group for the last 5 years, and here is some of the most common issues Iʼve seen, and some simple solutions...

#1 You Are Your Product - In order for people to want to work with you, they are going to have to like you personally. Thereʼs no way around it. Your marketing should always be sensitive to the fact that you are trying to build a personal level of trust with clients. Invest money into a great professional headshot. People will want to look at your eyes and decide if they can be vulnerable with you. Additionally, if your bedside manner is abrasive or awkward, its going to make a difference to your bottom line. Work with a coach, or test your service on a colleague who knows the industry and will mentor you. They will be honest about your technique; your friends will just say: “It was great!” (This particularly applies to massage therapists!)

#2 Your Personal Demons Will Effect Your Business - If you are in this field, you are already aware of the power of beliefs and how important it is to work through your blocks. Its even MORE important for business owners. If you feel disconnected from abundance, are subconsciously afraid of success or if you tend to self sabotage, you will never get to the next level. The absence of a regular salary means that your income will respond to the ebb and flow of your confidence, your worthiness, your ability to allow. Make sure you are doing your emotional homework, and especially when things get busy, make sure you can find your way back to you.

The Unique Challenges of Being A Holistic Practitioner...

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#3 You Must Be All Things - You probably got into wellness and healing because you love it. You might NOT love accounting, sales, marketing, web design... Until you can afford staff or the ability to outsource, you must do these things yourself. Do not discount how long these tasks take. Schedule time to do the books and write marketing material like you would scheduling a client. For most practitioners in the early stages, you will want to operate with a ratio of 2:3. So 2 hours performing maintenance (billing, following up, Facebooking, etc.) to every 3 hours seeing clients. (Thatʼs 3 “client days” a week and 2 “maintenance days” a week. It will be even higher if you are just starting out.) Start as you mean to go on, and create balance in your schedule. As SOON as you can afford it, delegate and outsource. It makes no sense losing an $80 client to save $20 in wages.

#4 You Need To Compete (While Living A Philosophy That Doesnʼt Believe in Competition) - So many times Iʼve heard a holistic practitioner say ”I donʼt believe in competition”. But they sure are afraid of it! And their fear will block abundance. So what to do? Specialize. A Life Coach who “helps everyone” will never get as far as a Life Coach who “helps moms with multiple kids in rep sports to manage their schedules and still prioritize themselves”. As soon as a person hears that, their mind will race to think of someone they know who has that problem. Specializing in an authentic way will dramatically increase your referrals, and make you feel confident to sit next to a colleague in a networking meeting - because you know you donʼt have the same clients.

#5 You Must Educate Your Clients - This is probably the biggest one. Many of you are still facing a market that does not understand what your certification is, and how it can help them. I have seen many practitioners marketing a modality that no one has heard of, and they spend all their “face time” explaining how it works. Instead, focus on a specific problem that you have a solution to. (See Tip #4!). Educating your clients becomes much easier when you are focused on an area of speciality. Use your facebook posts, blog posts, and newsletters to talk about your niche. Guest write in other businessʼs newsletters, and shoot video! Many, clients will need to see you in 3 different places before you will stick in their mind. Others will follow you for months before buying. Share case studies to build social proof that you can solve their problem.

Remember to approach your business challenges holistically. You and your business are so intertwined, you will almost always have to look at yourself too. Find the root cause. Financial issues or marketing problems are usually a symptom of something more foundational. If your success is being blocked by any of these challenges, feel free to reach out. If I cannot help you myself, I can refer you to someone from our growing network of professionals.

Katie Dempsey

Follow Me On Facebook For More Marketing Tips & Tricks!

Support For Start-Ups

Let’s solve your 3 biggest marketing challenges, and I’ll give you a customized 6 month marketing plan to give you the

focus and direction you need. $299

A 15 min phone consultation is available to make sure we’re a match!www.NaturalArtsMarketing.com

Page 26: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

Have you been struggling more than usual lately? You are NOT alone. Do you need to shift things back into perspective? Recharge? Maybe you feel like you are ready to just let go of some of the crap you are

carrying around with you? Reiki & A Reading can help!$30 OFF for the month of July & August... ONLY $99 + HST


Take your clients to the next level...DESIGN YOUR OWN

RETREAT!The Hive Bed & Breakfast is opening itʼs doors for yoga instructors, coaches and practitioners who want to design their own retreats! Sleeping groups of up to 16 comfortably, the home features an indoor conference room, yoga spaces, forest trails, a fire circle, hot tub, and gorgeous kitchen amenities. Experienced staff can hep you design your schedule, recommending local speakers, activities like Treetop Trekking and practitioners that add value to the experience. With fees starting at $110 per guest for a 2 night stay, there is lots of room to make a little extra for yourself!

Explore the possibilities today!

[email protected] or visit us at:


Reiki & A Reading

Page 28: Durham Natural Arts - Summer 2015 (Online)

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If you would like pricing to have your business, ad, or event in the Fall Issue, please contact us at:

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