dutch international srhr / hiv policy mofa

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and HIV: policy, implementation and practice Perspective of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs 16-05-2022

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  • 1. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rightsand HIV: policy, implementation and practicePerspective of the Netherlands Ministry of ForeignAffairs

2. Presentation1. Policy: New agenda for aid, trade and investmentSRHR including HIV/AIDS a policy priority3. International context and targets, post -2015 agenda5. Policy implementation and partners6. NL Added Value7. Ambassador for SRHR and HIV/AIDS8. Budget 3. New Agenda forAid, Trade andInvestmentEradicate extreme povertyPromote sustainable andinclusive growthFacilitate success for Dutchcompanies9/20/14 4. Priorities DevelopmentCooperation1. Water2. Food security3. Security and fragility4. Womens rights and sexualand reproductive healthand rights, includingHIV/AIDS 5. SRHR including HIV -focus on: Youth and sexuality Better access to contraception,male and female condoms,vaccines and other commoditiesfor reproductive health and HIVprevention Improvement sexual andreproductive health careservices, including safe abortionand HIV Human Rights, including SRHRand rights of marginalized groups 6. International Agreements1. Cairo Declaration 1994 (ICPD)2. Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) - 20153. New York 2001/2011: PoliticalDeclaration Intensifying ourEfforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDSPost 2015 Agenda-. Stop the AIDS epidemic by 2030-. SRHR in Post 2015 agenda..(depends on negotiations2014-2015) 7. Policy implementation1. Influence policies: Post 2015agenda, EU, UN-agencies, GlobalFund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosisand Malaria, Bilateralprogrammes2. Enable others to provide ordemand integrated SRHR/HIVservices3. Provide platforms to facilitatelinking and learning9/20/14 8. Actors and Partners Intergovernmental: UNFPA, UNAIDS,WHO, UNICEF, UNWOMEN, WB Bilateral SRHR programmes in 8partner countries (BUR, BGD,GHA, BEN, ETH, JEM, MOZ, MAL) PublicPrivate partnerships forresearch and productdevelopment Alliances of NGOs/ Civil SocietyOrganizations Global Fund to fight AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria 9. SRHR Funds Keuzes en Kansen (Choicesand Chances) Key Populations Fund Stepping Up, Stepping Out SRHR Fund Kindhuwelijkenfonds (ChildMarriages Fund) Amplify Change (SRHR CivilSociety Advocacy Fund) ICPD+ 20 Advocacy Cluster Safe Abortion Action FundCommodities UAFC (Female Condoms) Concept Foundation Global Program forReproductive HealthCommodity Security(GPRHCS) UNFPA 10. Added value of theNetherlands Addressing sensitiveissues and advocate forhuman rights Building bridges broker Unique and solid funder 11. Priority SRHR-HIV/AIDS:1. Ambassador for SRHR andHIV/AIDSLambert Grijns (DSO)2. Budget EUR 430 mln 2013 12. SummarySRHR/HIV a priority of Dutch development cooperationPolicy is based on international agreements (ICPD 1994, MDGs) and afocus on young people and enhancing the supply and demand side of SRHR/HIV services.In addition promoting the rights of marginalised people whose SRHR are often denied.Implementation: Influencing policies, enabling organisations to implement integratedSRHR/HIV programmes and providing a platform for others to learn and connect.Actors and partners: UN-agencies, international partnerships, governments in 8 partnercountries, civil society and private sector;Added Value: NL as broker, strong supporter on human rights and not afraid to raisesensitive issues;Ambassador for SRHR and HIV/AIDS, yearly budget around EUR 430 mln.