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AUGUST 31ST.Alex MacGillivray, Twitter’s chief lawyer and the Internet industry’s most prominent champion of free speech rights, announced on Friday that he would step down from his post, as the company expands its global footprint and prepares for a widely anticipated public offering sometime next year.The company announced the appointment of a new general counsel, Vijaya Gadde, who had managed the company’s corporate affairs for the last two years. Mr. MacGillivray, who is better known as AMac, said he would continue in an advisory role.

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AUGUST 30, 2013A business incubator is a program designed to help a new business develop and launch successfully. Successful completion of a business incubation program increases the chances of a start-up company staying in business for the long term. Some of these programs are overseen by colleges or universities and are based in facilities located on campus.

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AUGUST 29, 2013Why do some start-ups succeed and others flop?The way the failures die is they run out of money. So what could cause them to run out of money? They can either not make something people want or they can be bad at selling it. Sometimes, they’re just bad at selling. But most of the time, start-ups fail for the same reasons restaurants do: Their food is bad. If a place has really good food, it can be in an obscure location, charge a lot, and have really bad service, and it will still be popular. If it has bad food, boy, it better do something really special to get anybody in there. Which is why we say, “Make something people want.” That’s the fundamental problem. If you die, it’s probably because you didn’t make something people wanted

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AUGUST 28, 2013Since this is supposed to be thegeneration of the entrepreneur,there’s no shortage of advice onhow or why you should orshouldn’t start a company. Andtherein lies the rub. The vastmajority of it is spectacularly badadvice.

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AUGUST 28, 2013No longer the province of the lone practitioner, design has become a broad, collaborative process.Just 10 years ago, design was considered to be a professional priesthood. The Designer (capital “D”) would be given an assignment — create a more attractive widget, say — then disappear into a back room to reemerge days later with a prototype. The result: better-looking widgets, not much else.

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AUGUST 27, 3013The tightrope you walk as a woman in the business world is a delicate balancing act requiring constant minute adjustments and fine tuning. With authenticity being the buzz word of the moment, thanks to writers and thought leaders like Brene Brown, it is now acceptable, and even in vogue, to pull back the veil of our polished, superwoman demeanor and talk openly about the challenges of being both healthy women and successful career professionals in today’s workplace.

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AUGUST 26, 2013My day always starts with coffee. For anyone who follows me on Twitter or reads my personal blog, you know this already. By 10 a.m., I’m back for a third or fourth cup. It’s my fuel for writing, but it’s also my chance to leave the comfort of my performance chair, shake out a few of the cobwebs in my head, and enjoy the light of day.See, for the past 12 years as a freelancer, I’ve worked alone. Not to make this too depressing, but it’s a rather lonely existence.

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AUGUST 25, 2013Develop and Nurture your Talents! The first few hours of the work day can have a significant effect on your level of productivity over the following eight—so it’s important you have a morning routine that sets you up for success.“Having a good start to the day where you have greater control is critical in achieving better results, and ultimately greater career success,” says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant; How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job. “How you begin your morning often sets the tone and your attitude for the day. It can also derail or direct your focus. If you remain committed to good morning work habits, you won’t fall prey to feeling unproductive and distracted at the end of the day or week.”

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AUGUST 24, 2013We all know what it’s like to feel we are a part of something greater. We all know what it feel like to belong.  It’s not difficult to make others feel the same way.Now more than ever, getting the most from your people is critical. In a constantly shifting environment your organization is faced with how to keep up with the rate of change, retain good people, be more productive and to be innovative all at the same time.  Your organization must constantly spring forth fresh new ideas to keep a competitive advantage. But how do you do this? You do it through the wellbeing of your people.There’s a good reason employee retreats are combined with the beauty of nature!

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AUGUST 23, 2013In today’s click and get economy, customers are turning to social media networks more than ever to express an issue with a product or service. The trend is growing so much that Nielsenreports 1 in 3 users prefer to contact brands using social media rather than the telephone.With all this traffic to social channels, how are brands managing the dialogue with their customers through thick and thin?

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AUGUST 23, 2013I love everything about what collaboration represents. I like seeing it in action when people work together. As the theme for our Junior League year came together, I wanted to incorporate the idea of collaboration. It made sense to highlight it as part of “Cultivate. Collaborate. Change.”

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AUGUST 22, 2013Nice share Andrea, but how realistic?  The first career, medical assistant is a quick training option, but not inexpensive at several thousand dollars even in a state program, and the pay is not considered lucrative, although those willing to specialize could likely earn more. The second career, MRA, requires at least a 4 year degree and likely a Masters. Six figures plus in educational costs before you can walk in the door..not practical for many. The third career, Cost Estimator also requires a 4 year degree, and as stated lots of diverse experience, not an entry level job by any means. Dental Hygienist could be a great option for many, short training period at again several thousand dollars,but better paying than a medical assistant. Software developer and Personal financial Advisor again require at least 4 year college degrees, and for many big student loan debt.Less costly training alternatives and careers that are in demand are the winning ticket. Virtual training, seminars, lunch and dinner presentations, one-day workshops and less debt. Learning from real successful professionals. Anything else is just “lip service” .

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AUGUST 21, 2013Virtual Training Options are more relevant than ever. For hourly line workers, it’s not likely they are going to take the time outside of working hours to improve their workplace skills. Incentives would have to be in order. Promoting from within,  providing a catered meal for those willing to take training during lunch, contests, gifts, ect. Just like homework from school days, this is likely one of the most cost effective method of training implementation. To save money  to contract from without the organization is likely necessary. Many older workers from the boomer generation may have trouble adjusting.  Remembering the principals they grew up with and implementing them in a training program provides relevancy.