dynamic programming and optimal control€¦ · overview dynamic programming algorithm (dpa)...

| | Final Recitation 09.01.2017 Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 1 Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control

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Page 1: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Final Recitation

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 1

Dynamic Programming and Optimal


Page 2: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic



Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA)

Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP)

Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic SP

Deterministic Continuous-Time Optimal Control

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 2


Page 3: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic

|| 09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 3


Page 4: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Basic Problem

Alternative Problem Formulation


Time lag, correlated disturbances, forecasts, …

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 4

Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA)

Page 5: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Basic idea: Principle of Optimality


Minimizing the recursion equation for each and gives

us the optimal policy:

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 5

Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA)

Page 6: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Consider now problems where

is a finite set,

No disturbance .

Convert DP to SP (and vice versa)



Viterbi Algorithm

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 6

Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path

Page 7: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


DP finds all optimal paths to end node. Sometimes not


Exploit structure of these problems to come up with

efficient algorithms for solving shortest path problems:

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 7

Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path

Label Correcting Algorithm

Step 1: Remove a node i from OPEN and for each child j of i,

execute step 2.

Step 2: If di + aij < min{dj,dT}, set dj = di + aij and set i to be the

parent of j. In addition, if j≠T, place j in OPEN if it is not already in

OPEN, while if j=T, set dT to the new value di+aiT.

Step 3: If OPEN is empty, terminate; else go to step 1.

Page 8: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Consider time-invariant system with infinite horizon:

Optimal policy is stationary:

Optimal cost solves Bellman’s equation:

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 8

Infinite Horizon Problems

Page 9: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Stochastic Shortest Path problems:

Cost-free termination state :

a policy and an integer such that:

Infinite Horizon Problems: Stochastic Shortest Path

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 9

Page 10: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Value iteration:

Step 1: Choose an initial guess .

Step 2: Update cost values with the value iteration formula:

Step 3: If converged for all , terminate. Else go to step 2.

Infinite Horizon Problems: Stochastic Shortest Path

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 10

Page 11: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Policy iteration:

Step 1: Choose an initial stationary policy .

Step 2: Policy evaluation (compute cost of current policy):

Step 3: Policy improvement (find a better policy):

Step 4: If for all , terminate. Else go to step 2.

Infinite Horizon Problems: Stochastic Shortest Path

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 11

(lin. sys. of eq.)

Page 12: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Linear programming:

Optimal cost solves the following linear program:

For each admissible pair we get one linear constraint

Infinite Horizon Problems: Stochastic Shortest Path

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 12

Page 13: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Discounted problems:

Discounted cost:

Infinite Horizon Problems: Discounted Problems

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 13

Page 14: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Basic Problem

No noise: deterministic.

Goal: Find an admissible control trajectory , ,

and corresponding state trajectory which minimize

the cost.

Solution is found by HJB or Minimum Principle.

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 14

Deterministic Continuous-Time Optimal Control

Page 15: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation (cont.-time analog to DPA)

“Derived” by discretizing and taking limits of DPA.

Partial differential equation. Very hard to solve!

Usually guess a solution and proof that is satisfies HJB.

Sufficient condition.

Optimal policy: that minimize RHS of HJB.

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 15

Deterministic Continuous-Time Optimal Control

Page 16: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control€¦ · Overview Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) Deterministic Systems and the Shortest Path (SP) Infinite Horizon Problems, Stochastic


Minimum Principle (Only finds optimal solution for a specific initial condition )

Define Hamiltonian:


Only necessary conditions.

Various extensions (e.g. fixed terminal state, …).

09.01.2017Rajan Gill, Weixuan Zhang 16

Deterministic Continuous-Time Optimal Control