dzone apache hadoop deployment

Interested in learning more about Apache Hadoop? Cloudera offers comprehensive Apache Hadoop training and certification. We offer live public Hadoop training sessions and certification exams regularly around the globe. We also provide private group on-site Hadoop training sessions. Upcoming Classes Hadoop Training for System Administrators Redwood City, CA - Feb 17-18 Hadoop Training for Developers NYC - Feb 22-24 Hadoop Training for Developers Chicago - Feb 28-Mar 2 Hadoop Training for System Administrators Chicago - Mar 3-4 Hadoop Training for Developers Seattle - Mar 7-9 Analyzing Data with Hive & Pig Redwood City, CA - Mar 8-9  For a full list of scheduled training visit:

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Interested in learning moreabout Apache Hadoop?Cloudera offers comprehensive Apache Hadooptraining and certification. We offer live publicHadoop training sessions and certification examsregularly around the globe. We also provide privategroup on-site Hadoop training sessions.

Upcoming Classes

Hadoop Training for System AdministratorsRedwood City, CA - Feb 17-18

Hadoop Training for DevelopersNYC - Feb 22-24

Hadoop Training for DevelopersChicago - Feb 28-Mar 2

Hadoop Training for System AdministratorsChicago - Mar 3-4

Hadoop Training for DevelopersSeattle - Mar 7-9

Analyzing Data with Hive & PigRedwood City, CA - Mar 8-9 

For a full list of scheduled training visit:

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n Introductionn Which Hadoop Distribution?n Apache Hadoop Installationn Hadoop Monitoring Portsn Apache Hadoop Production Deploymentn Hot Tips and more...

By Eugene Ciuran

Apache Hadoop DeploymentA Blueprint or Reliable Distributed Computing


This Recard presents a basic blueprint or deployingApache Hadoop HDFS and MapReduce in development andproduction environments. Check out Recard #117, GettingStarted with Apache Hadoop, or basic terminology and or anoverview o the tools available in the Hadoop Project.


Apache Hadoop is a scalable ramework or implementingreliable and scalable computational networks. This Recardpresents how to deploy and use development and productioncomputational networks. HDFS, MapReduce, and Pig are theoundational tools or developing Hadoop applications.

There are two basic Hadoop distributions:

• Apache Hadoop is the main open-source, bleeding-edgedistribution rom the Apache oundation.

• The Cloudera Distribution or Apache Hadoop (CDH) is anopen-source, enterprise-class distribution or production-ready environments.

The decision o using one or the other distributions dependson the organization’s desired objective.

• The Apache distribution is ne or experimental learningexercises and or becoming amiliar with how Hadoop isput together.

• CDH removes the guesswork and oers an almost turnkeyproduct or robustness and stability; it also oers sometools not available in the Apache distribution.


Cloudera offers professional services and puts

out an enterprise distribution of Apache

Hadoop. Their toolset complements Apache’s.

Documentation about Cloudera’s CDH is available


The Apache Hadoop distribution assumes that the personinstalling it is comortable with conguring a system manually.CDH, on the other hand, is designed as a drop-in component orall major Linux distributions.


Linux is the supported platform for production

systems. Windows is adequate but is not

supported as a development platform.

Minimum Prerequisites• Java 1.6 rom Oracle, version 1.6 update 8 or later; identiy

your current JAVA_HOME

• sshd and ssh or managing Hadoop daemons acrossmultiple systems

• rsync or le and directory synchronization across the nodein the cluster

• Create a service account or user hadoop where $HOME=home/hadoop

SSH AccessEvery system in a Hadoop deployment must provide SSHaccess or data exchange between nodes. Log in to the nodeas the Hadoop user and run the commands in Listing 1 tovalidate or create the required SSH conguration.

Listing 1 - Hadoop SSH Prerequisits




if ! ssh localhost -C true ; then \

if [ ! -e “$keyFile” ]; then \

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -P ‘’ \

-f “$pKeyFile”; \

; \

cat “$keyFile” >> “$authKeys”; \

chmod 0640 “$authKeys”; \

echo “Hadoop SSH congured”; \

else echo “Hadoop SSH OK”;

The public key or this example is let blank. I this were to runon a public network it could be a security hole. Distribute thepublic key rom the master node to all other nodes or dataexchange. All nodes are assumed to run in a secure networkbehind the rewall.

Find out how Cloudera’sDistribution for ApacheHadoop makes it easierto run Hadoop in yourenterprise.

Comprehensive ApacheHadoop Training andCertification

brought to you by..

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3 Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint or Reliable Distributed Computing

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All the bash shell commands in this Refcard are

available for cutting and pasting from:

Enterprise: CDH PrerequisitesCloudera simplied the installation process by oering packagesor Ubuntu Server and Red Hat Linux distributions.


CDH packages have names like CDH2, CDH3, and

so on, corresponding to the CDH version. The

examples here use CDH3. Use the appropriate

version for your installation.

CDH on Ubuntu Pre-Install SetupExecute these commands as root or v ia sudo to add theCloudera repositories:

Listing 2 - Ubuntu Pre-Install Setup

DISTRO=$(lsb_release -c | cut -f 2)


echo “deb \ \

$DISTRO-cdh3 contrib” > “$REPO”

echo “deb-src \ \

$DISTRO-cdh3 contrib” >> “$REPO”

apt-get update

CDH on Red Hat Pre-Install SetupRun these commands as root or through sudo to add the yumCloudera repository:

Listing 3 - Red Hat Pre-Install Setup

curl -sL | tee \

/etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-cdh3.repo | \

awk ‘/^name/’

yum update yum

Ensure that all the pre-required sotware and congurationare installed on every machine intended to be a Hadoopnode. Don’t mix and match operating systems, distributions,Hadoop, or Java versions!

Hadoop or Development• Hadoop runs as a single Java process, in non-distributed

mode, by deault. This conguration is optimal ordevelopment and debugging.

• Hadoop also oers a pseudo-distributed mode, in whichevery Hadoop daemon runs in a separate Java process.This conguration is optimal or development and will beused or the examples in this guide.


If you have an OS X or a Windows development

workstation, consider using a L inux distribution

hosted on VirtualBox for running Hadoop. It will

help prevent support or compatibility headaches.

Hadoop or Production• Production environments are deployed across a group

o machines that make the computational network.Hadoop must be congured to run in ully distributed,clustered mode.


This Recard is a reerence or development and productiondeployment o the components shown in Figure 1. It includesthe components available in the basic Hadoop distribution andthe enhancements that Cloudera released.


Figure 1 - Hadoop Components



Whether the user intends to run Hadoop in

non-distributed or distributed modes, it’s best

to install every required component in every

machine in the computational network. Anycomputer may assume any role thereafter.

A non-trivial, basic Hadoop installation includes at least

these components:

• Hadoop Common: the basic inrastructure necessary orrunning all components and applications

• HDFS: the Hadoop Distributed File System

• MapReduce: the ramework or large data setdistributed processing

• Pig: an optional, high-level language or parallel

computation and data fowEnterprise users oten chose CDH because o:

• Flume: a distributed service or ecient large datatransers in real-time

• Sqoop: a tool or importing relational databases intoHadoop clusters

Apache Hadoop Development DeploymentThe steps in this section must be repeated or every node ina Hadoop cluster. Downloads, installation, and congurationcould be automated with shell scripts. All these stepsare perormed as the service user hadoop, dened in theprerequisites section. the latestversion o the common tools. This guide used version 0.20.2.

1. Download Hadoop rom a mirror and unpack it in the/home/hadoop work directory.

2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

3. Set the run-time environment:

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4 Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint or Reliable Distributed Computing

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Listing 4 - Set the Hadoop Runtime Environment

version=0.20.2 # change if needed



ln -s hadoop-”$version” runtime

ln -s runtime/logs .


cp “$runtimeEnv” “$runtimeEnv”.org

echo “export \

HADOOP_SLAVES=$HADOOP_HOME/slaves” \>> “$runtimeEnv”

mkdir “$HADOOP_HOME”/slaves

echo \

“export HADOOP_IDENT_STRING=$identity” >> \


echo \



export \


unset version; unset identity; unset runtimeEnv

ConfgurationPseudo-distributed operation (each daemon runs in a separateJava process) requires updates to core-site.xml, hds-site.xml,and the mapred-site.xml. These les congure the master,

the le system, and the MapReduce ramework and live in theruntime/con directory.

Listing 5 - Pseudo-Distributed Operation Confg

<!-- core-site.xml -->







<!-- hdfs-site.xml -->






<!-- mapred-site.xml -->







These les are documented in the Apache Hadoop Clusteringreerence, — some parameters are discussedin this Recard’s production deployment section.

Test the Hadoop Installation

Hadoop requires a ormatted HDFS cluster to do its work:

hadoop namenode -format

The HDFS volume lives on top o the standard le system. Theormat command will show this upon successul completion:

/tmp/dfs/name has been successfully formatted.

Start the Hadoop processes and perorm these operations tovalidate the installation:

• Use the contents o runtime/con as known input

• Use Hadoop or nding all text matches in the input

• Check the output directory to ensure it works

Listing 6 - Testing the Hadoop Installation ; sleep 5

hadoop fs -put runtime/conf input

hadoop jar runtime/hadoop-*-examples.jar\

grep input output ‘dfs[a-z.]+’



You may ignore any warnings or errors about a

missing slaves file.

• View the output les in the HDFS volume and stop theHadoop daemons to complete testing the install

Listing 7 - Job Completion and Daemon Termination

hadoop fs -cat output/*

That’s it! Apache Hadoop is installed in your system and readyor development.

CDH Development DeploymentCDH removes a lot o grueling work rom the Hadoop

installation process by oering ready-to-go packagesor mainstream Linux server distributions. Compare theinstructions in Listing 8 against the previous section. CDHsimplies installation and conguration or huge time savings.

Listing 8 - Installing CDH



if [ ! -e “$command” ];

then command=”/usr/bin/yum”;

“$command” install\


unset command ; unset ver

Leveraging some or all o the extra components in Hadoopor CDH is another good reason or using it over the Apache

version. Install Flume or Pig with the instructions in Listing 9.

Listing 9 - Adding Optional Components

apt-get install hadoop-pig

apt-get install ume

apt-get install sqoop

Test the CDH InstallationThe CDH daemons are ready to be executed as services.There is no need to create a service account or executingthem. They can be started or stopped as any other Linuxservice, as shown in Listing 10.

Listing 10 - Starting the CDH Daemons

for s in /etc/init.d/hadoop* ; do \

“$s” start; done

CDH will create an HDFS partition when its daemons start. I t’sanother convenience it oers over regular Hadoop. Listing 11shows how to validate the installation by:

• Listing the HDFS module

• Moving les to the HDFS volume

• Running an example job

• Validating the output

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5 Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint or Reliable Distributed Computing

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Listing 11 - Testing the CDH Installation

hadoop fs -ls /

# run a job:

pushd /usr/lib/hadoop

hadoop fs -put /etc/hadoop/conf input

hadoop fs -ls input

hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar \

grep input output ‘dfs[a-z.]+’

# Validate it ran OK:

hadoop fs -cat output/*

The daemons will continue to run until the server stops. All theHadoop services are available.

Monitoring the Local InstallationUse a browser to check the NameNode or the JobTracker statethrough their web UI and web services interaces. All daemonsexpose their data over HTTP. The users can chose to monitor a

node or daemon interactively using the web UI, like in Figure2. Developers, monitoring tools, and system administrators canuse the same ports or tracking the system perormance andstate using web service calls.

Figure 2 - NameNode status web UI

The web interace can be used or monitoring the JobTracker,which dispatches tasks to specic nodes in a cluster, theDataNodes, or the NameNode, which manages directorynamespaces and le nodes in the le system.


Use the inormation in Table 1 or conguring a developmentworkstation or production server rewall.

Port Service

50030 JobTracker

50060 TaskTrackers

50070 NameNode

50075 DataNodes

50090 Secondary NameNode

50105 Backup Node

Table 1 - Hadoop ports

Plugging a Monitoring AgentThe Hadoop daemons also expose internal data over a RESTulinterace. Automated monitoring tools like Nagios, Splunk, orSOBA can use them. Listing 12 shows how to etch a daemon’smetrics as a JSON document:

Listing 12 - Fetching Daemon Metrics


All the daemons expose these useul resource paths:

• /metrics - various data about the system state

• /stacks - stack traces or all threads

• /logs - enables etching logs rom the le system

• /logLevel - interace or setting log4j logging levelsEach daemon type also exposes one or more resource pathsspecic to its operation. A comprehensive list is available rom:


The astest way to deploy a Hadoop cluster is by using theprepackaged tools in CDH. They include all the same sotwareas the Apache Hadoop distribution but are optimized to run inproduction servers and with tools amiliar to system administrators.


Detailed guides that complement this Refcard are

available from Cloudera at from Apache at

Figure 3 - Hadoop Computational Network

The deployment diagram in Figure 3 describes all theparticipating nodes in a computational network. The basicprocedure or deploying a Hadoop cluster is:

• Pick a Hadoop distribution

• Prepare a basic conguration on one node

• Deploy the same pre-congured package across allmachines in the cluster

• Congure each machine in the network according to its role

The Apache Hadoop documentation shows this as a ratherinvolved process. The value-added in CDH is that most o thatwork is already in place. Role-based conguration is very easyto accomplish. The rest o this Recard will be based on CDH.

Handling Multiple Confgurations: AlternativesEach server role will be determined by its conguration,since they will all have the same sotware installed. CDHsupports the Ubuntu and Red Hat mechanism or handlingalternative congurations.

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6 Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint or Reliable Distributed Computing

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Check the main page to learn more about


Ubuntu: man update-alternatives

Red Hat: man alternatives

The Linux alternatives mechanism ensures that all lesassociated with a specic package are selected as a system

deault. This customization is where all the extra work wentinto CDH. The CDH installation uses alternatives to set theeective CDH conguration.

Setting Up the Production ConfgurationListing 13 takes a basic Hadoop conguration and sets it upor production.

Listing 13 - Set the Production Confguration



cp -Rfv /etc/hadoop-”$ver”/conf.empty \


chown hadoop:hadoop “$prodConf”

# activate the new conguration:


if [ ! -e “$alt” ]; then alt=”/usr/sbin/alternatives”; “$alt” --install /etc/hadoop-”$ver”/conf \

hadoop-”$ver”-conf “$prodConf” 50

for h in /etc/init.d/hadoop-”$ver”-*; do \

“$h” restart; done

The server will restart all the Hadoop daemons using the newproduction conguration.

Figure 4 - Hadoop Conceptual Topology

Readying the NameNode or HadoopPick a node rom the cluster to act as the NameNode(see Figure 3). All Hadoop activity depends on having a validR/W le system. Format the distributed le system rom theNameNode, using user hds:

Listing 14 - Create a New File System

sudo -u hdfs hadoop namenode -format

Stop all the nodes to complete the le system, permissions, andownership conguration. Optionally, set daemons or automatic

startup using rc.d.

Listing 15 - Stop All Daemons

# Run this in every node


for h in /etc/init.d/hadoop-”$ver”-*; do \

“$h” stop ;\

# Optional command for auto-start:

update-rc.d “$h” defaults; \


File System SetupEvery node in the cluster must be congured with appropriatedirectory ownership and permissions. Execute the commands inListing 16 in every node:

Listing 16 - File System Setup

mkdir -p /data/1/dfs/nn /data/2/dfs/nn

mkdir -p /data/1/dfs/dn /data/2/dfs/dn \

/data/3/dfs/dn /data/4/dfs/dn

mkdir -p /data/1/mapred/local \


chown -R hdfs:hadoop /data/1/dfs/nn \

/data/2/dfs/nn /data/1/dfs/dn \

/data/2/dfs/dn /data/3/dfs/dn \

/data/4/dfs/dnchown -R mapred:hadoop \

/data/1/mapred/local \


chmod -R 755 /data/1/dfs/nn \

/data/2/dfs/nn \

/data/1/dfs/dn /data/2/dfs/dn \

/data/3/dfs/dn /data/4/dfs/dn

chmod -R 755 /data/1/mapred/local \


Starting the Cluster• Start the NameNode to make HDFS available to all nodes

• Set the MapReduce owner and permissions in theHDFS volume

Start the JobTracker• Start all other nodes

CDH daemons are dened in /etc/init.d — they can becongured to start along with the operating system or they canbe started manually. Execute the command appropriate or eachnode type using this example:

Listing 17 - Starting a Node Example

# Run this in every node


for h in /etc/init.d/hadoop-”$ver”-*; do \

“$h” stop ; done

Use jobtracker, datanode, tasktracker, etc. corresponding to thenode you want to start or stop.


Refer to the Linux distribution’s documentation

for information on how to start the /etc/init.d

daemons with the chkconfig tool.

Listing 18 - Set the MapReduce Directory Up

sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir \


sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown mapred \


Update the Hadoop Confguration Files

Listing 19 - Minimal HDFS Confg Update

<!-- hdfs-site.xml --><property>














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