e business trends

E-Business Models and Trend Analysis

Upload: rabiaa-naushad

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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E-Business Models and Trend Analysis


E-business – conducting business on the Internet, not only buying and selling, but also serving customers and collaborating with business partners

E-business model – an approach to conducting electronic business through which a company can become a profitable business on the Internet

The four main areas where companies conduct business online

Direct marketing, selling, and servicesUsing the Internet to contact customers directly

Financial and information servicesOnline banking and billing, secure information distribution

Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO)

Internet can transform corporate purchasing from a labor and paperwork inten sive process into a self-service application


Portal, online broker

Current Trends: E-Marketplaces and E-Markets

E-marketplace – are interactive business communities providing a central market space where multiple buyers and sellers can engage in e-business activities

Horizontal marketplaces – connect buyers and sellers across many industries, primarily by simplifying the purchasing process

Vertical marketplaces – provide products that are specific to trading partners in a given industry

Future Trends: E-Channels,E-Portals, and E-Government

e-portal – a single gateway through which to gain access to all the information, systems, and processes used by stakeholders of an organizations

e-government – the use of strategies and technologies to transform government(s) by improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of interaction between the citizen-consumer within all branches of government(s)

Extended E-Business Models


Trends Shaping Our Future

World’s population will double in the next 40 years Population in developed countries is living longer Growth in information industries creates a

knowledge-dependent global society The global economy is becoming more integrated The economy and society are dominated by

technology Pace of technological innovation is increasing Time is becoming one of the most precious



The growth in information industries is creating a knowledge-dependent global society

83% of American management personnel will be knowledge workers by 2015

Unfortunately, 23% of Pakistan management personnel will be knowledge workers by 2015

A typical large organization in 2015 will have fewer than half the management levels of its counterpart in 1990, and about 1/3 the number of managers

Potential business impact: Top managers must be computer-literate to retain their jobs and

achieve success Knowledge workers are generally higher paid and their

proliferation is increasing overall prosperity Entry-level and unskilled positions are requiring a growing level

of education


Pace of technological innovation is increasing

From 2007, Artificial Intelligence & expert systems helps most companies & government agencies to solve problems beyond the range of today’s computers

Personal robots appear in the home since 2010 Medical knowledge is doubling every eight years All of today’s technical knowledge will represent only

1 percent of the knowledge that will be available in 2050

Potential business impact: Shortened time-to-market for products and services Tighter competition based on new technologies


The following technologies have the potential to change our future Digital ink Digital paper Radio frequency identification (RFID) Televising Alternative energy sources Autonomic computing


Digital Ink (or Electronic Ink)

refers to technology that digitally represents handwriting in its natural form

Digital ink can be used in many applications: Point-of-sale signs Next generation displays in mobile devices and PDAs Thin, portable electronic books and newspapers


Digital Paper (or Electronic Paper)

any paper that is optimized for any type of digital printing

The major difference between paper produced from a tree and paper produced in a laboratory is that information on a digital paper sheet can be altered thousands of times and not degrade over time

Potential business impact: Paperlike displays will replace newspapers,

magazines, and books Reusable paper is an environmentally sound idea

Digital Paper

Digital ink and digital paperpast, present, and future


Autonomic Computing

Autonomic computing – a self-managing computing model named after, and patterned on, the human body’s autonomic nervous system

Potential business impact: Autonomic computing will be used in complex IT

infrastructures for security, storage, network management, and redundancy/failover

Computers will monitor components and fine-tune workflows

Autonomic computers will be able to “self-heal” Autonomic computers will be able to “self-protect”

Autonomic Computing