e direction(iot)

I I O O T T E E -Direction -Direction with with Prepared by: Prepared by: Yatish Yatish Dhanani Dhanani(130650107002) Avishek Avishek Sarkar Sarkar(130650107020) Tej Tej Dave Dave (140650107007) Internet Internet of of Things Things

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  • IOTE-Direction withPrepared by:

    Yatish Dhanani(130650107002)Avishek Sarkar(130650107020)Tej Dave (140650107007)Internet of Things

  • Introduction

    Our project is INTERNET OF THINGS, a type of network which will connect the entire device and device will communicate or interact like machine to machine (M 2 M) network. A thing, in the Internet of Things, can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low or any other natural or man-made object that can be assigned an IP address and provided with the ability to transfer data over a network. So far, the Internet of Things has been most closely associated with machine-to-machine (M2M) communication in manufacturing and power, oil and gas utilities. Products built with M2M communication capabilities are often referred to as being smart. Internet of Things

  • In 3rd semester, we described our projects layout with the help of three canvases namely:

    Empathy canvas which includes users, stake holders, activities and stories.

    Internet of Things

  • Ideation canvas which includes activities, people, places, users, props and its solutions

    Internet of Things

  • Product development canvas which includes purpose, features, components

    Internet of Things

  • In 4th semester, we researched on:

    How we can implement our project on hardware. In what environment we can use it. Prototype of our project was also made

    At the end we presented our overall idea with the help of 5 canvases, AEIOU as follows:-

    Internet of Things

  • A (activities):

    This describes what tasks we can do with the help of internet of things.

    Internet of Things

  • E (environment):

    It suggests in what environment we can use our system. Also specifies that what precautions we should take and where it cannot be used if any.

    Internet of Things

  • I (interaction):

    It describes interaction between user and our device. It also includes algorithm of working of our device.

    Internet of Things

  • O (object):

    Which describes the main objective of our project and that was to save time. The product will save time of the user.

    Internet of Things

  • U (user):

    The users which can use this system are considering sheet. Internet of Things

  • Literature Review

    This paper offers a Humancomputer interaction (HCI) point of view on the developing plan of the Internet of Things (IoT). The plan is to give insights and experiences as to how HCI could captivate beneficially with the IoT plan while it is in its developing stage. We analyzed and explored HCI-related writing and business results of the IoT, arranging a last gathering of 21 research papers. Through this, we have the capacity to give a depiction of the sorts, degree and foci of both research and business endeavors. It has additionally uncovered patterns and opportunities for how HCI could move ahead when captivating with the IoT. At last, this review gives the insights for HCI, recommending strategies and potential methodologies that can help guarantee a human-focused IoT. Internet of Things

  • Internet of Things (IoT), Arduino, Humancomputer interaction, IoT scope and applications, RFID, IPv6, EPC,Barcode, Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Sensors,Actuators


    Internet of Things

  • Overview of System

    In the Design Engineering 1(a-b) working on the same topics name INTERNET OF THINGS and we are realized that there were many problems in the world which are we can solve by using internet of things. After then our team working on finding such type of problems and we have finding many problems like traffic, pollution, accidents etc. In the above problems we are focus on particular problem accidents and we think on how an accident occurs and we find that drivers cant see the direction board properly because of darkness at night, fog, rain, sometimes because of the trees and plants covering it

    To solving this problem our team thinks about the project e-direction which will help drivers to display the direction on the screen. Internet of Things

  • In our floor plan we have specified that hows the IOT works going on and on this base we are considering our new design idea for e-direction using sensor and Arduino kit.

    Internet of Things

  • Working diagram of system

    Internet of Things

  • Working :

    As per shown in above diagram firstly we will make one e-direction circuit, where we are using Arduino Uno which is connected with the display, here we have decide to use the nokia 5110 84*48 lcd display. This circuit is work like receiver. This circuit is implemented in the car, truck, bus etc. vehicles.

    At another side we will make e-direction board which is provide network within the small range it might be a 100-120 meters. This device is implemented at the place of traffic direction board. At each traffic direction board we will implement this device with its particular signal or number.


    - It will help to solve the problem of accidents. - It will give the right direction in the darkness also. - Environment cant effect to seen the direction. - It is very easy understand by drivers.

    Disadvantage :

    - It is costly at time of first time implementation. - Some time limit of connecting device will be full. Internet of Things

  • Design consideration

    (1) Design for Safety and reliability

    Safety :

    E-direction works within roadways with proper guidance, there is no precaution to take by the drivers. This device helps the drivers to avoid various accidents to happen.

    Reliability :

    Compared to hard direction board this e-direction board is most reliable, because it shows the direction on screen personally.

    Internet of Things

  • (2) Design for cost and environment

    Cost :

    It is costly than hard direction board but it is very reliable and safely for driver.

    Environment :

    Because of planting hard direction board we have to cut the trees and plants which are planted to the roadside and by the implementing the e-direction board we can solve this environmental problem.

    Internet of Things

  • (3) Design for Ergonomics and Aesthetic

    Ergonomics :

    Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. This system is user friendly and it can easily understand by the user. Because of this system can only show you the direction and the display can set at anywhere in the car. Aesthetics :

    Aesthetics is a branch which deals with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of systems This system content display and circuit only and it can set into car and it will give the technical look to the car.

    Internet of Things

  • (4) Design for Manufacturability & Assembly

    This system will be in two parts one is e-direction circuit (receiver) and other one is e-direction board. This both part is in the form of circuit, so we have to put it into the metal or plastic box. We have chosen the metal box of stainless steel because this is directly affected by environment. The other e-direction circuit will implemented into the vehicles which are connected with display and display will be put at the front side of drivers.

    Internet of Things

  • Future architecture of system

    In the future this system will be implemented in all over cities, states and also in countries. It might be handling by government of particular countries.

    In future we can implement this system by adding new feature like note the vehicle number on the network with the time of traveling, give distance of nearly places etc.

    In the future scope this system is very helpful to avoid the accidents and it will very reliable to the drivers or users. This system implementing may be decreasing the ratio of accidents.

    Internet of Things

  • Conclusion

    The internet of things has many problems like describe in our previous canvas in this semester we will try to solve one of them by design system which is reliable to the users.

    This system will be implemented on the road side and it will give the proper direction. It will avoids the accident because of cant see the direction board properly.

    This system proves very useful in the internet of things concept it will make drivers safe. This system is easy to implement or manufacturing with the use of Arduino board and internet connection. This system is working on the base of signals and networking. The design of the system is safe, reliable, environment friendly. This system will give the technical look to the vehicles.

    Internet of Things

  • Reference





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  • Thank you

    Internet of Things