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  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    Vol : 5 No: 157 Indias Lifestyle Fornightly December 16-31, 2009 Rs. 15.00

    Enhance your life...

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    1December 16-31, 2009

    Hi Friends!

    Discrimination lies at the

    root of many of the worlds

    most pressing human rights

    problems. No country is

    immune from this scourge.

    Eliminating discrimination is

    a duty of the highest order.

    Navi Pillay, United NationsHigh Commissioner for Human


    All human beings are born free

    and equal in dignity and rights.

    These first few famous words

    of the Universal Declaration of

    Human Rights established 60

    years ago the basic premise

    of international human rights

    law. Yet today, thefight againstdiscrimination remains a daily

    struggle for millions around the

    globe, especially in India.

    In a country where existence

    and survival are the only goals

    of an average citizen, no one

    has the time or the inclination

    to think about human rights.

    Human rights are being flouted

    every day, every hour, every

    minute and every second aroundour country in myriad ways by

    almost everyone. However, the

    so-called intelligentsia would

    prefer to talk about the global

    achievements a few Indians are

    making or how India has kept

    its head above waters during

    the global economic downturn

    or how we are on our way to

    achieving the 2020 vision. There

    are sexually abused, molestedor raped, children are abused

    or forced into commercial sex

    or child labour, minor girls are

    married off to rich old men or

    sold off or married off with a

    huge dowry. Kidneys are being

    sold without the knowledge

    of gullible people, consumers

    get a raw deal for purchase of

    products of low quality, lonely

    senior citizens are murderedfor money, many lives are lost

    due to the callous attitude

    and treatment by the medical

    fraternity, several instances of

    abuse of the public by the police

    abound and countless cases lie

    unresolved in the courts well

    the list is endless.

    is hesitation in most quarters

    to talk about the pathetic plight

    of a substantial population that

    lives without any awareness orconsciousness about human

    rights. Excepting a few lawyers

    and social activists and a few

    odd mavericks like me, it is

    taboo to discuss the ills that

    affect our country, because it is

    believed that we are selling out

    our country to the world.

    At the macro level, human

    rights have taken a beating

    in innumerable incidences

    of crime. Everyday a child is

    subjected corporal punishment

    by a teacher somewhere in the

    country or a woman is abused

    by her husband or in-laws.

    Gender and caste inequalities

    are rampant, leading to clashes

    and skirmishes. There are

    instances galore where women



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    2December 16-31, 2009

    At the micro

    level, lack of civic

    accountability and

    awareness and

    disrespect for human

    rights lead to all

    kinds of everyday

    nuisance to the

    general public. You

    cannot protest if a pandal is

    erect in the middle of the road

    to accommodate a funeral

    gathering or a religious event. If

    there is blaring music round the

    clock that disturbs you in every

    possible way, you have to keep

    silent; otherwise you would be

    branded as coming in the way

    of religious sentiments of the

    people. People can cross the

    roads everywhere and anywhere

    and two wheelers and cyclistscan move on the road in any

    manner without following traffic

    rules. If your child is subjected

    to ill treatment by teachers in

    school you have to keep mum. If

    garbage is thrown in or around

    your premises, you have to

    look the other way. And worst

    of all, there are several good

    Samaritans who interfere in your

    life offering unsolicited counsel,

    or expressing the denigratingways they think about you and

    your family. You have to contend

    with the cantankerous auto

    driver or the vegetable vendor

    who would swear and use the

    choicest invectives for reasons

    you do not know and make

    you look like a criminal. Then

    there are the notorious public

    servants who treat you like dirt

    if god forbid, you are at their

    mercy, requiring some statutory

    formalities to be completed..

    The Indian citizen goes through

    the quagmire of everyday living

    without a thought about Human

    Rights. After all, we are living

    and breathing every day, so what

    the hell!


    Swati Amar










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    3December 16-31, 2009



    Page20 teenmag



    You (th) Are the Master of the Game

    Our Regular Features


    Quizzeria ................................................ 26

    Jest for Laughs ........................................27

    Canteen Banter .......................................32

    For your Eyes Only ................................. 33

    Our Regular Features

    Beauty Bistro ............................................11

    Beauty Speak .......................................... 13Health and Fitness Clinic ..........................21

    Salt n Pepper Corner .............................35

    Cook n Smile ..........................................36

    Jaggi Vasudev ......................................... 44

    Just Ask Brinda ........................................45

    Souls Core ..............................................46

    STETHOSCOPESTETHOSCOPEIs your childIs your childdifficult?difficult?



  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    4December 16-31, 2009

    Published by Smt. KamalaBalachandran on behalf ofEves Times Group from18/1, 2nd Cross Street,Dr.Radhakrishnan Nagar,

    Tiruvanmiyur, Chennai - 600 041.Ph : 24526739.

    Printed by : K.Elumalai atSakthi Scanners (P) Ltd.,

    No.7, Dams Road, Chindadripet,Chennai - 600 002.

    Editor : Lata Amarnath

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    5December 16-31, 2009


    TThe birth of Adit i was a dream come true for Jayshreehe birth of Aditi was a dream come true for Jayshreewho had always wanted a daughter.who had always wanted a daughter.

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    6December 16-31, 2009

    There are myriad dreams and

    hopes. But what is the reality


    India is in the throes of a

    cultural and social revolution.

    Unlike western countries

    where premarital sex and

    relationships are accepted

    as part of their culture, Indiansociety still has not accepted

    these trends. However, with

    the society opening up for

    free interactions among men

    and women, a lot of social

    problems such as transient

    relationships, premarital sex in

    schools and colleges, abortions

    and suicide among young girls,

    crime against women and most

    no stone unturned to give her

    daughter the best opportunities

    for education and a career of her


    Jayshree is not alone in weaving

    such magnificent dreams about

    her daughter. A vast majority of

    urban middle class women have

    fond dreams for their daughtersof the new millennium. It is on

    the strength of this dream that

    Indian mothers and in fact,

    parents proceed relentlessly

    against all odds to give their

    daughters the best education

    their family kitty can permit,

    sometimes even more, by

    availing huge loans.

    As she gazed at the tender

    little bundle lying beside her,

    tears welled up in her eyes. A

    beautiful dream unfolded in her

    mind as she visualized how

    she would bring up her tiny

    daughter. Of course, Jayshree

    would revel in adorning her

    beautiful doll with the choicest

    selection of exquisite garments,inundate her play room with

    dainty dolls and cute little

    toys, take her out to beautiful

    gardens and frolic around with

    her in the cool beach waters.

    But more than anything else,

    her doll would grow up to be a

    well-accomplished, educated

    global woman of influence

    and respect. She would leave

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    7December 16-31, 2009

    pampering by parents ) who

    lose their balance and get into

    personal problems and in the

    process draw their families into

    the quagmire. Their focus is lost

    and so are their most productive

    years. The rest of their lives isspent in emerging out of these

    emotional entanglements and

    rebuilding their lives.

    Picture this scenario-

    Asha is a ten year old girl who

    wants to have everything her

    way. She often threatens her

    mother that unless she gets what

    she wants, she would run away

    importantly, unscrupulous men

    using this liberal ambience and

    advanced technology to foster

    dubious associations with girls

    by misleading them, are on the

    increase. And the dreams come

    crashing down.

    On the one hand there are

    focused girls who make full

    use of the opportunity provided

    to them by their families and

    society and rise up to the

    expectations reposed on them.

    There are also girls who, in

    the process of savouring the

    newfound freedom and trust, (

    often misconstrued by most as

    from home or jump out of their

    balcony. Her anxious mother

    always capitulates. Asha is a girl

    who is sent to the best school

    in the city in a comfortable

    air-conditioned car. Her father

    purchases all the materials that

    can facilitate her education.

    Both parents are broadminded

    and do not impose any control

    on her that might cause her

    stress. They try to infuse some

    discipline too, but Asha is too

    obstinate and adamant to follow

    any instructions or suggestions.

    Vaidehi goes one step further.

    She picks up fights with hermother at the drop of a hat. There

    are times when she even throws

    whatever comes to her hand at

    her petrified mother who does not

    know how to deal with her. Vaidehi

    has been having an affair with a

    boy who is interested in joining

    the films. Her mother tried to

    caution her, but to no avail. So that

    became the reason for constant

    skirmishes. A couple of years later,

    her boyfriend ditched her when

    he got a good offer for a film. Not

    having done well in her studies,

    Vaidehi had to take up a job in a

    nursery school and eventually get

    married to another man whom

    she did not love. Today she is a

    quiet woman, who talks less and

    repents. But she can never get

    back the years that could have

    been spent in pursuing good

    education, which her parents were

    willing to give her.

    Ganga is different. She is a

    cool sort. For her flamboyant

    lifestyle, whatever money her

    parents supply her with is just

    not enough. She has her own

    circle of men friends who can

    take care of her needs.

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    8December 16-31, 2009

    a position to judge anybodys

    personal life, simply because the

    older generation has not been

    through it. According to him we

    are a repressed society. If the

    incidence of HIV+/AIDS is high

    in Tamilnadu it is not because ofthe change that is happening in

    the culture. If you believe that a

    flamboyant culture is the cause

    of this trend then the incidence

    must be higher in cities like

    Mumbai and Delhi, the hot and

    happening metros, and not in

    Chennai! We continue to wallow

    in the ostrich syndrome. We

    think that we are bringing up our

    children correctly. In our greedthat our children would grow up

    the way we want, we are being

    over-protective, which is not

    healthy for their growth.

    Geeta Nambissan, a teacher

    from Mumbai opines that

    children should be accountable

    for their behaviour to their

    families. Today, children are

    exposed to so many things and

    people and may not be mature

    enough to understand who or

    what is right or wrong for them.

    Also, adolescents have the

    urge to experiment. Parents

    should keep a tab on their

    children not by way of monitoring

    but generally through casual

    conversations. I feel that open

    channels of communication

    between children and parents

    would help avoid a lot ofproblems. I make it a point to

    know every single movement of

    my children. I too inform them

    about my whereabouts.

    While Geeta would not mind

    her daughter going out with

    groups of friends, she does not

    believe that girls can stay over in

    their friends place. They have

    institution of marriage, these girls

    would not qualify, if the cat was

    let out of the bag? Parents are all

    the time concerned about what

    would happen to her future? So

    families go about agonizing and

    handling traumatic situations inquiet ways trying to sort out the

    lives of their beloved daughters.

    Says advocate K.Sumati from

    Chennai, Women today have

    great potential and are extremely

    capable, but highly confused

    about what they want. It is as if

    they initiate a problem but do not

    know how to complete it. They

    do not know their destinationwhen they start their journey.

    Girls today are highly intelligent

    and unbelievably talented. But

    they do not realize that the

    earlier generation has also

    worked hard and has been

    responsible for the freedom that

    they enjoy today. Every bit of

    freedom we enjoy today, every

    kind of respect we command,

    are the fruits of the wars fought

    by our earlier generations of

    women, in the face of indignities.

    We may be fighting for the nth

    time but they were the ones to

    start the war for the first time.

    After all their efforts, even if we

    commit a small blunder, we will

    be talked about for generations

    to come.

    Actor Madhavans views on

    relationship problems aredifferent, I dont think we are in

    Maya on the other hand fell

    for Dilips charm and constant

    wooing. After romancing with him

    during her entire college years,

    in the process, faring just about

    average in her studies, she had

    dreams of happy matrimony. Shewas shocked when Dilip left her

    for another girl. Out of sheer guilt

    and frustration she jumps from

    the top of a building and dies.

    Of course there has been a lot

    of media hype about incidents

    such as the woman who

    murdered her husband of seven

    days during their honeymoon in

    association with her paramour,who shockingly was an illiterate,

    alcoholic auto driver. What is

    painful about this incident is

    that the woman was educated

    and financially independent and

    could easily have left her home

    to be with her boyfriend, sparing

    the life of another innocent man.

    We have read enough and more

    about the ex-model Geetanjali

    Nagpal or several incidents

    of girls from the small and big

    screen attempting suicide due to

    failed relationships.

    These are all true stories of girls

    belonging to educated, middle

    class families. The irony is that

    such incidents never emerge

    from the confines of the homes

    simply because no parent can

    divulge to the world anything

    negative about their daughters.For a society that sanctifies the ,

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    9December 16-31, 2009

    to inculcate this kind of honesty

    in our children since childhood

    so that they do not exploit any

    relationship or are not exploited.

    If they are hurt, no one is more

    miserable than the mothers.

    Says Geeta, We too have had

    our share of attractions and it is

    fine as long as it remains in that

    level. Serious romance needs

    thinking, along with parents; but

    not during the teenage. Children

    need to talk it over. I am sure

    parents will understand and

    accept if everything is going

    to be fine between two mature

    adults in love.

    While the middle class

    worthless acquaintances without

    her keeping vigilance over them.

    Both women agree that attraction

    towards the opposite sex is

    normal during adolescence.

    Dr.Rekha feels that it adds

    meaning, colour and motivation

    to our lives. But it is ourresponsibility to explain all this to

    our children, be their best friend

    and help them set their priorities.

    A romance can be painful if

    it is understood as a life-long

    relationship by one of the

    partners. I think both partners

    should be very clear about the

    position that each has in the

    others life. We as mothers have

    to get back to their homes or

    hostel on the same day rather

    night, she says. She does not

    encourage dating either.

    Dr. Rekha Saraswat, Professor

    of Political Science in a PostGraduate college for girls in

    Meerut and the editor of The

    Radical Humanist says, I dont

    think our daughters should be

    accountable because we have

    given them opportunities or

    funded their education. We give

    them opportunities because we

    love them. Accountability is not

    a conscious duty but a natural

    by-product of our caring for eachother, keeping each others

    happiness in mind. No mother, I

    think, ever does anything for her

    child to get anything in return.

    I have not built such a

    relationship bond in my family

    where a mother allows her

    son or daughter to do or not do

    a particular thing. I learnt from

    my father to discuss things

    democratically, all the pros and

    cons of every situation and then

    take ones own decision so that

    each person is responsible for

    his or her own decisions later on.

    We believe in building intellectual

    relationships with people.

    Geeta permits her daughter to

    interact freely with the opposite

    sex. I too have many men

    friends. Right from my childhoodI grew up with my brothers

    friends and there were no issues.

    But there has always been a

    clear dividing line. So what works

    for me, works for my daughter

    too. Dr. Rekha too feels that

    interacting freely is not a fear

    and because of the democratic

    ambience, her children learn to

    differentiate between worthy and

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    10December 16-31, 2009

    instance was the death of a ninth

    standard boy who was instigated

    by an Orkut friend to hold his

    breath and try to die. When

    the mother and grandmother

    of the boy entered his room,

    the boy had died and the eerie

    laughter from the voice chat was

    enquiring, Are you dead yet?

    Several such incidents relating to

    the net communities are lessons

    to families to make the children

    aware of the perils of such

    friendships with strangers in the

    cyber and the real world, which

    has also destroyed many lives of

    young women.

    Finally, everything boils down to

    open channels of communication

    among family members, mutual

    trust and faith that will keep our

    daughters away from falling

    prey to dubious people and


    Actor Madhavan says, My sister

    and I have come from a family

    that has given us the freedom to

    choose our partners and we are

    continuing to lead happy lives.

    Our intention has not been to

    hurt anybody by choosing our

    own partners.

    There is no substitute for

    qualities like compassion,

    kindness, loyalty, honesty,

    dedication and commitment.

    Parents must encourage the

    youth to incorporate thesequalities in their lifestyles,

    whichever lifestyle they adopt,

    because these qualities are

    part of any world culture. With

    the speeding up of the society,

    we are definitely going to have

    repercussions on relationships. If

    these qualities are incorporated

    into each persons lifestyle, a

    healthy society is a possibility.

    Rekha succinctly explains the

    situation that society must deal

    with, if it were to ensure that the

    scourge of relationship problems

    that is catching up among

    the vast youth populace does

    not emerge as an intractable

    issue. Today a woman faces

    greater danger of interference

    in her privacy because of the

    use of mobile and the Internet,

    because in our society we

    are still at a stage where we

    are technologically advanced

    but culturally and emotionally

    traditional. Our men and women

    have learnt to use the latest

    instruments of communication.

    They tend to enjoy this new

    found freedom. But our mencontinue to treat the woman as

    an object of possession and not

    as an equally respectable friend

    or colleague with her individual

    identity. But the matter of greater

    surprise is the fact that even

    women consider themselves as

    different from men. They need

    to be pampered and taken care

    of as delicate partners, which

    makes them vulnerable in theeyes of unscrupulous elements.

    If a woman commands respect

    as an individual without an overt

    show of feminine delicateness,

    there are lesser chances of her

    vulnerability being exploited?

    Geeta recounts heinous events

    related to Internet communities

    that rocked Mumbai a few

    years back. The most shocking

    grapples with the Pandoras

    Box, society abounds with

    the loss of productive young

    lives, due to their inability to

    contend with failed relationships

    and deceit. According to Dr.

    Rekha, incidents like suicides

    happen because children find

    no emotional support outside

    their new found relationships.

    I think it is each mothers

    responsibility to be her childrens

    best friend. They need to have

    a fall back, a support system.

    Life is a continuous process of

    erring and revising, of learning,

    experimenting and adventuring.

    I will not like to continue to

    be their crutch or delay their

    growing up into matured self-made individuals, equally proud

    and confident of their abilities

    and short comings. I will always

    be ready and by their side to

    help them out of precarious

    situations whenever they need

    my shoulder, never criticizing

    them or ridiculing their wrong

    decisions. In a world ridden with

    competition and conflicts, which

    are natural, the only personwho is not in competition with

    the child is the mother. She has

    to be the childs moral support


    Geeta too feels that when a

    relationship fails the child is

    emotionally low and is looking

    for anchor. The mother can

    encourage the child to talk and

    offer her support.

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    11December 16-31, 2009

    Mouthing Beauty

    It is often believed that beauty

    deals with the face, skin and

    body weight. Most women and

    men stop at that. However,

    dealing with your mouth,hands and feet should be as

    important a part of your beauty

    regime as your focus on the

    other aspects of your grooming

    and hygiene, if not more. Many

    a face has been launched in the

    movies and modeling circles

    only because of a beautiful

    smile. Today dentistry not only

    deals with treatment of dental

    problems but also cosmeticdentistry, which need not be

    restricted only to film stars and

    models. A beautiful mouth is an

    asset and adds to your beauty

    and self confidence. A beautiful

    smile can last forever.

    Our teeth are the most durable

    part of our body and today

    the notion that as you grow

    older you will lose your teeth

    has been proved wrong. A

    combination of awareness,

    simple prevention and amazing

    technological advances have

    made it possible to save

    or replace diseased teeth,

    prevent decay and aesthetically

    remodel them.

    Our teeth are the most heavily

    used part of our body. These

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    12December 16-31, 2009

    mouth begin producing acid,

    which may eat away at the

    enamel of your teeth. The

    damage is done quite quickly,. If

    fact, it stats as soon as you stop

    eating. The physical act of eating

    is a form of self-cleansing of the

    teeth. In addition, we produce a

    gallon of saliva a day, which has

    a washing effect on our teeth.

    colony of bacteria and food

    debris that not only gives you

    the worst breath of the day, but

    if its not removed, will produce

    acid that dissolves tooth enamel,

    infects the gums and leads to

    periodontal disease and bone


    Ten to fifteen minutes after

    eating, the bacteria in your

    miracles of cement, dentin, pulp

    and enamel are under constant

    assault. We chew with them at

    least three times a day, use them

    as an extra hand, nutcracker, ice

    crusher and for assorted other

    tasks that would make yourdentist shudder.

    But their most dangerous enemy

    is the platoon of bacteria living in

    our mouth. There are about three

    hundred different types of germs

    that call your mouth home. Some

    of them are beneficial and can

    help the body produce vitamins,

    generate enzymes to help you

    digest food and reduce the levelof harmful bacteria in the oral


    The troublesome bacteria are

    referred to as plaque by dentists.

    Plaque is invisible but you may

    recognize it as morning mouth,

    Thats the familiar white film that

    collects on the teeth overnight

    when your saliva, turned off

    while you sleep, can no longer

    rinse it off. It is actually a sticky To be continued..

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    13December 16-31, 2009

    over your lips to give you soft


    4. To make your lips soft, you

    can try applying extract of

    beet root or pomegranate.

    Try not to bite your lips or wet

    them with your tongue. These

    Winter Care Home CareTips

    1. Eye: If the body heat goes

    up, your eyes will become

    puffy . If you can get hold of

    pure castor oil, try to put one

    or two drops every morning

    and wash your eyes to reduce


    2. Lips: Apply petroleum jelly on

    cracked lips. Or you may get

    chap stick and keep applying

    over your lips whenever thy

    feel dry. Several flavours are

    available . If you go for ones

    with a strawberry flavour

    etc, you will achieve the

    double purpose of keeping

    your lips dry and giving an

    appearance of having applied

    lipstick. Chapstick will prevent

    dryness and cracking of lips.

    Remember to remove lipstickwhen you go to bed. Those

    who believe in natural home

    care can apply ghee, butter

    or coconut oil over their lips

    every now and then.

    3. You can also think of applying

    honey. Honey can be mixed

    with butter and applied. Or

    you can mix a little honey with

    the white of an egg and apply

    habits will cause harm to your


    5. Face: To prevent dryness of

    the face you can apply liquid

    paraffin over your face and

    stay for ten minutes. Take a

    half ta spoon f liquid paraffin

    , rub over your face and wash

    off or you can decided to

    leave it over your face, Theskin absorbs liquid paraffin

    due to its moisture content.

    You also get solidified

    paraffin which you can apply

    according to the instructions.

    Normally in beauty parlours,

    they use this. You can also

    decided to rub coconut oil or

    olive oil on your face before a


    To be continued..



  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    as an isolated problem today.

    Excerpts from an interview withMadhavan:

    My sincere request tothe youth of today is

    Remember there are no

    exceptions to this dreaded

    ailment. Even the most innocent

    looking, young person could be

    a carrier of the virus. Therefore

    it is very much important totake precautions and prevent

    yourselves from acquiring this

    infection in any manner. We

    must all remember that an

    entire generation is at stake. If

    you do not want to be a nation

    of countless HIV infected

    people like Africa, appropriate

    abstinence and protection is the

    only way out.

    I suggest the following as themost important steps to be taken

    for prevention and control of HIV/


    First and foremost, do not treat

    the subject as taboo, because

    if you do so, you are alienating

    yourself from the problem and

    you will not equip yourself with

    appropriate knowledge about

    HIV/AIDS.Encourage teaching about HIV/

    AIDS in colleges and schools

    because that is the time when

    the youth start experimenting.

    Parents should be open to their

    children and discuss all issues

    candidly with them. They should

    also caution their children about

    the possibilities of acquiring


    very mans life is

    a fairy-tale writtenby Godsfingers, Hans

    Christian Andersen

    rightly said. Given the

    present ambience of

    global exposure and a

    plethora of opportunities

    for advancement in myriad

    fields, young India is poised

    for a momentous take-off

    at the world level. At this

    point in time, it makes senseto strive to emerge from the

    shackles that hinder us from

    advancing to this vantage

    position. It is in this context that

    Eves Times brings to you the

    voices of prominent Chennaites

    who voice their impressions and

    views on the beauty of living a

    useful and productive life.

    Actor R. Madhavan, known as Maddy

    to his fans, is one person from the realm

    of cinema who is devoted to the cause of

    HIV/AIDS in a big way. On the occasion of

    World AIDS Day Madhavan offers a special

    message to the youth on how to be responsible

    to themselves and to the society which is

    reeling under the devastating impact of this

    Affliction of the Millennium. Millions of

    people all over the world are being

    affected by HIV/AIDS during

    their most productive years,

    a problem which the world

    cannot over look. We also

    have to tackle the difficulty

    of supporting young

    widows and their

    children who are left

    behind, debilitated

    due to the infection

    and in penury.

    Nobody can

    treat HIV/AIDS



    14December 16-31, 2009

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    15December 16-31, 2009

    the infection and help them

    understand the importance of

    abstinence till marriage.

    The youth should remember

    that it is not a fad or style to get

    tested and experiment with what

    may result in detriment to them.

    They should concentrate on

    achieving their goals, and avoid

    getting distracted.

    When you come across

    persons with AIDS, do not

    think that they have been in

    some way responsible for their

    predicament. That it the first

    step to remove stigma from

    the society. Nobody goes out

    of the way in search of a life

    threatening disease. Please,

    also get educated about the

    actual ways and means of how

    the virus spreads. Education will

    go a lot way in our acceptanceof persons living with HIV/AIDS

    and help us dispel the habit of

    keeping such people at arms


    Organizations are awakened to

    this ailment and are doing their

    jobs well, spreading the message.

    But what is really needed is a

    change in the mindset of the

    society and the people. Wemust stop joking about HIV/

    AIDS or treating it as taboo. We

    must all learn to live with this

    affliction just as we are dealing

    with polio, chicken gunea etc.

    Ex communication is worst form

    of discrimination to those who

    are already suffering. Let us all

    awaken to facts about HIV/AIDS

    and not turn a blind eye to it.

    Amidst hectic schedules, actor

    Trisha found the time

    to launch into an

    intense thinking about

    HIV/AIDS. This is her

    message to the youth:

    It is very crucial

    for everyone to get

    educated and be

    knowledgeable about

    HIV/AIDS, irrespective

    of their economic status,

    age, gender, caste or creed.Everyone should know what

    causes it and what is best way of

    prevention. The most important

    attitudinal change that needs to

    be infused is our approach to

    those affected by HIV/AIDS. We

    should not treat them like they

    have a contagious disease or as

    if they are outcasts. We should

    learn to live with them. Also, we

    must understand that there is

    a difference between HIV+ and

    AIDS. Lets all take a pledge on

    World AIDS Day that we will get

    educated and learn to coexist

    with those affected by HIV/

    AIDS and in whatever

    little way we can, to

    contribute to society.

    Also, remember,

    prevention is better

    than cure.

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    16December 16-31, 2009

    AActor Vikram, throughctor Vikram, throughhis reel and realhis reel and reallife, has time and againlife, has time and againconveyed importantconveyed importantmessages to fi lm lovers,messages to film lovers,youth, families and theyouth, families and thepublic at large. Vikrampublic at large. Vikramhas proved that arduoushas proved that arduoustoil, perseverance,toil, perseverance,patience, endurance,patience, endurance,fait h, hope and abovefaith, hope and aboveall dedication andall dedication andcommitment to work arecommitment to work arethe essential ingredientsthe essential ingredientsof success. Vikramof success. Vikramstands testimony to thestands testimony to thefact t hat nothing comesfact that nothing comeseasy in li fe, as someeasy in life, as someyouth tend to believe.youth tend to believe.His total dedicat ionHis total dedication








  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    17December 16-31, 2009

    to his profession hasnot only unearthedhis latent potential,creativity, talent and

    skills, but also motivatedhim to innovate andexperiment with differentendeavours relatedto his profession. Thisquality has enabled himto endure as a reigningstar for several years in ahighly competit ive field.Vikrams beliefs aboutleading a peaceful andhealthy life are quitesimple and pragmatic.

    If you look at all that is

    happening around us, including

    serious health ailments such

    as HIV/AIDS, and given the

    fast pace at which the world is

    moving, people are just rushing

    to work and back.. we find that

    we are not spending enough

    time with our family, especiallyour children, which may be one

    of the causes of these unhappy

    developments. Recently I saw

    a sticker on a car that said, Did

    you hug your child today? It

    made me wonder how beautiful

    this line is and what a powerful

    meaning it conveys.

    The irony is that we are working

    hard and we do everything

    for our family, but we arenot demonstrative about our

    love. It is important that the

    father spends quality time with

    the child, same goes for the

    husband and wife. In such a

    situation, there is no need for

    the spouse to look elsewhere

    for affection. By quality time I

    mean that the husband and wife

    must spend some time alone

    going out to eat, or take a

    walk. The husband can get

    flowers or little gifts for his

    wife and children to show

    that he cares. Similarly

    the father and the children

    should spend time together

    doing things, playing

    games. This is true for a

    woman too, especially for a


    However, most of us rush

    to work, slog, and come

    back bone tired and go to

    bed. We rise up early next

    morning and the whirlwindstarts again. Today, there

    is a need to take off at

    least once a year for a

    holidayit could be for a

    month or a week or at least

    four to five days-- and visit

    a beautiful place where

    there are no distractions like the

    TV, computer or phone. The time

    must be spent in doing things

    together as a family. A lot of

    bonding takes place during this

    time. Also, we get an opportunity

    to reinvent, understand and

    communicate with one another.

    I ensure that our family gets to

    spend such a holiday every year

    without distractions.

    On a parting note, Vikrams

    message to the people is, It is

    important for every one of us to

    accept people living with HIV/AIDS and love them, providing

    them care and support. As an

    actor, I consider it my duty to

    be a part of the awareness

    campaign for social issues.

    There is a wrong belief among

    some people that HIV/AIDS

    happens to other people and

    that they are immune to it.

    This belief leads to a careless

    and casual attitude towards

    prevention and control of HIV/

    AIDS. An actor must take the

    message to the public to be

    careful and not take it lightly.I feel that celebrities such as

    actors, sportspersons and all

    people in the public eye should

    take it upon themselves to be

    champions for the cause of

    HIV/AIDS. It is also the duty of

    every citizen to take part in the

    campaign and do whatever they

    can in this regard. Moreover, my

    prayer is that people should be

    goal-oriented in life. Remember,it is the duty of every one of us

    to be cautious and ensure that

    we can keep away from HIV/

    AIDS. And dont forget, being

    faithful to the spouse will give

    us everlasting happiness. Let us

    all take these steps earnestly.

    After all, it is for the benefit and

    happiness of everybody in our


  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    18December 16-31, 2009

    acts before he thinks. Whenever

    things do not go his way hestarts yelling loudly, calling

    people names, and will even

    hit other kids. This behavior is

    not limited to any one particular

    place. In fact, Sachin will act

    wildly like these both at home

    and in public.

    Do any of these kids sound

    familiar to your own? Do the

    above behavior scenarios remind

    you of your own childrens strong

    willed actions? If your child or

    children resembles any of the

    above two examples, then fear

    not because you are certainly not

    alone. Such children can also

    be more amazing in hundreds of

    ways, if we can remember to call

    upon a reservoir of coping tools.

    Here are a few to keep in mind:

    Childs Temperament

    Think in terms of your childs

    temperament and then reacts to

    behavior instead of responding

    emotionally or instinctively

    to what you perceive as his

    motives. Try to see your

    childs behavior as part of her


    Objective Attitude works

    In the midst of a tantrum, it can

    be hard to remain calm. But

    this is exactly what will serve

    you best. When your child acts

    out, stand back and become

    as neutral as possible. Your

    response is the most effective if

    it comes from the thinking part of

    your body, not the feeling part.

    and then the next moment he

    may suddenly turn very angry

    and defiant. The smallest

    things tends to set him off,

    especially unexpected changes,

    food he doesnt like, or having to

    go somewhere with her parents.He literally throws temper

    tantrums every half hour or so.

    Does this sound like your kid?

    Lets look at little Sachin as

    another example. Sachin is

    a nine-year-old, a very bright

    kid that lives in a great family

    setting with wonderful parents.

    The problem with him is that he

    has a very short fuse and often

    Parenting the difficult child,

    a name coined by Dr.

    Stanley Tureck in his best-selling

    book, Your Difficult Child, is

    challenging for any parent, even

    the most patient.

    Would you say that your child

    is difficult to handle? Well, it

    may be a bit reassuring, but you

    are not alone. Many children,

    especially toddlers can be

    extremely strong willed when it

    comes to behaving nicely.

    Take six-year-old Rahul for

    example. One second Rahul

    is very sweet and cooperative,

    Is your child difficult?

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    19December 16-31, 2009

    power struggle is to use activelistening. Provide short time-

    outs for misbehavior, 10 minutes

    maximum. Discontinue physical

    punishment to prevent or break a

    negative cycle that could lead to

    abuse, resentment and feelings

    of worthlessness.

    Establish Routines

    Establish regular routines and

    a clear structure for your days.

    Help him plan for good behavior

    by discussing upcoming

    activities, what he will encounter

    and how to behave. For serious

    behavior problems, begin to

    seek help for your child at

    an early age. Diagnoses and

    interventions that work may take

    some time.

    By Shailja Mehta

    on her own limited perspectiveof the world, trying to quiet fears

    and frustrations that we all have

    to some degree or another.

    Spend time with yourchild

    Provide many opportunities for

    active, physical play. Find time

    every day to listen to him talk

    about something that interestshim. Dont jump in with your

    opinion; just listen! Help him

    find a group where he can feel a

    sense of belonging (sports team,

    drama group, etc.). Let him know

    he is an important part of your

    family and community. Find an

    opportunity every day to tell him

    that you love him. Be a good role

    model in your patience, support

    and listening.

    Learn new parenting skills and

    try them out until you find what

    works for you

    Present a united front in all

    of your interactions with the

    child. Have just a few rules but

    enforce them consistently. Avoid

    arguments and power struggles.

    The best way to defuse a

    Dont Take It to heartA challenging child can be quite

    physically and verbally abusive.

    When youre walking around

    hearing I hate you! or have a

    scratch on your face, its hard not

    to take it personally. But try to

    remember your child is not trying

    to punish you. Dont ask, Why

    is he doing this to me? Think

    about behaviors, not motivations.

    Concentrate on how your childwont put on her shoes, not that

    she wants to make you late for


    Read Patterns

    It may be helpful to keep a log

    of your childs difficult behaviors

    so you can start to see patterns.

    Does it occur at a particular

    time of day, under certain

    circumstances? Is your childhungry, tired, transitioning to a

    new place? The more specific

    you can be about what triggers

    your child, the more easily you

    can sidestep the minefields.

    Take Care of Yourself

    A challenging child can deplete

    your energy, and make a

    tired parent feel hopeless anddepressed. If possible, join a

    parenting support group where

    you feel safe talking about your

    parenting situation. Take help of

    the extended family, parents, in

    laws, siblings etc so you can get

    plenty of rest and time away.

    Most of all, try to remember

    your child is not being bad on

    purpose. She is acting out based

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    20December 16-31, 2009

    The first and most important

    test is to rule out the male

    factor is by doing a semen

    analysis. Once this is done, thefemale partner is commonly

    evaluated by clinical history and

    examination, hormone analysis,

    ultrasound and wherever

    feasible hysterolaparoscopy.

    The latter has now become a

    gold standard in diagnosing a

    variety of conditions.

    What are the common causes

    of infertility in the male?

    Men may have a variety of

    conditions which hamper their

    semen quality and production.

    Some of these conditions

    are anti sperm antibodies,

    genito-urinary infections,

    viral infections like mumps,

    varicocele, maldescent of testis

    and genetic causes. These

    may result in poor semen

    quality and production or mayproduce obstruction at various

    levels in the male reproductive

    system. A good clinical history

    and evaluation of hormones

    (LH, FSH, serum testosterone

    and thyroid tests) aided by

    a Doppler examination or

    ultrasound when necessary

    may help in diagnosis and

    treatment. When evaluated

    properly a good conclusion

    can be reached regarding the

    fertility status of the man.

    Do fibroids, affect conception?

    Yes, they may affect the fertility

    status as well as obstetric

    outcome depending on their

    numbers, size and location.

    For example, fibroids located

    in the uterine cavity called as

    sub-mucous fibroid, directly

    interfere with implantation

    and placentation. Very large

    fibroids located in the muscular

    layer of the uterus (Intra-mural)

    also interfere with conception

    and pregnancy outcome.

    Whenever the diagnosis is

    made in an infertile woman,

    care should be taken regarding

    the removal of these fibroids

    since it influences future fertility.

    Dr. Priya

    When you have planned to

    start a family and have

    not conceived for a year or more,

    it is time to look into the matter.

    Our new feature on frequently

    asked questions in infertility

    will help dispel many myths

    and clarify doubts regarding

    conception among many couplesaspiring for a baby.

    Apart from special features

    on health , our regular health

    column, Stethoscope will have

    experts from different fields

    answering your queries. W are

    happy to announce Dr. Priya

    Selvaraj, MD MNAMS MCE,

    Assistant Director, G.G. Hospital,

    Chennai will answer queries

    on obstetrics & gynecology

    and assisted reproductive

    technology. Send your questions

    to [email protected] or

    [email protected] or

    to our office address.

    What are the preliminary

    investigations that are essential

    to unearth if one should decide

    to go for treatment for infertility?


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    21December 16-31, 2009

    Depending on your familyhistory -- your genetics -- andthe way you eat and exerciseto create this energy deficit,your body may decide to getconservative and drop your

    metabolic rate to try to holdonto body weight. Some ofus seem to have inheritedthis tendency more thanothers.

    So how do wePunch thePaunch?Dont Despairnow!

    One way oftackling thesituation is toresort to simplemethods that willhelp burn fat fast. Youwill be surprised to knowthat even foods can helpburn your fat!

    Foods that are high in protein

    Health and Fitness Clinic

    Wouldnt it be nice if youcould eat whatever you

    want, blow off working out andstill fit in your skinny jeans? Itmay not be possible, but youcan indeed speed up your

    metabolism in your body thatburns calories.

    A fundamental mistake indieting is the belief that eatingless will lead to fat loss.Scientific evidence suggeststhis to be entirely WRONG! Thehuman body adapts to sucha level that when it senses ashortage of food it respondsby dramatically decreasingthe metabolic rate, the rate at

    which calories are burned inthe body, in order to preserveenergy and ensure survival.The irony of the situation isthat when you need to losefat and severely restrict yourfood intake it fires the samemechanism in the body whichwas meant to preserve caloriesrather than burn calories!

    Moreover as you age, yourmetabolism slows down, chiefly

    because you lose around a halfpound of muscle each year.If you dont use the muscle,it atrophies. That translatesinto burning about 400 fewercalories each day, which couldmean gaining a pound a week!

    The body normally burns a mixof carbohydrate, as glucose,and fat for fuel. How much ofeither depends on your physicalactivity and if, or what you

    have eaten recently. Whenyou use more energy than youtake in from food and drink,the body burns stored fat andcarbohydrates, and then evenprotein, to fuel your everydayactivities even if you are notexercising

    Thats what happens whenpeople starve of course;the body starts to eat itself.

    and fiber are the best kinds of

    food to eat if you want to burnfat fast. Fiber slows digestionand makes you feel fuller.This is so important in burningfat and reducing cravings,especially for foods loadedwith sugar. Did you know thatit takes more energy to digestprotein than it does to digestfat? So the more protein youeat the more calories your bodyburns.

    Foods that are rich in VitaminC have the properties ofacting as fat burners. Limes,lemons, oranges, grapefruitand vegetables like, broccoli,cabbage, celery, carrot,watermelon and apple fall intothis category. Broccoli andcabbage contain high quantitiesof calcium and vitamin C, andis also fibrous. What vitamin

    C does it dilutes the fat and thusrenders it less effective. It alsobecomes easier for such fat tobe flushed out of the system.Pectin is found in apples andmost fresh fruits. This substanceis said to be able to limit the fatthat is absorbed by the cells.In addition to this, pectin helpsin the absorption of watery

    substances. The reaction of thewatery substances on the cellsmakes it release fat deposits.

    If you are serious abouttightening your belly, start bychanging your choice of food.There are other important thingsyou need to know. More in thenext issue!

    Your Fight Fat Friend!


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    22December 16-31, 2009


    RSS sarsanghchalak Mohan

    Bhagwats reiteration that none

    of the four Delhi-based second-

    generation leaders of the BJP

    was in consideration for the

    position of the saffron partyspresident ship provides clear

    indication that L.K. Advanis

    coterie is fast losing its grip. In

    fact, misinterpretation of most of

    the developments within the BJP

    has been deliberately done over

    the last few months to give more

    time to Advani, whose tenure as

    leader of opposition in the Lok

    Sabha may also come to an end

    shortly. But it appears now that

    the RSS has conveyed to Advani

    that he should announce his

    retirement plan with a specific

    date. This concession has been

    granted keeping in view Advanis

    long service to the party.

    In politics, even playing God is

    easy. Or devil, as the saner ones

    amongst us would choose to say.


    According to researchers,

    Parthasarathy Krishnamurthy

    The World Toilet Organization,

    attempts to mainstream the

    culture of cleanliness and

    raise global awareness about

    sustaining sanitation activities.

    Its founding day is celebrated as

    World Toilet Day every year.

    From Teachers Day, Childrens

    Day to Mothers Day, Fathers

    Day, then Valentines Day,

    Friendship Day and now Toilet

    Day. It looks like there are

    occasions to mark all the 365

    days of the year. Schools will

    soon be teaching the same

    instead of our good old Sunday,

    Monday, Tuesday

    Kanchana. Rao

    from the University of Houston

    and Sonja Prokopec from

    ESSEC Business School France,

    one can rein in overeating by

    setting a mental budget, Journal

    of Consumer Research reported.

    By doing so, the report said, at

    the very least, it allows you to

    keep track of how you are doing

    with respect to your goal.

    Yet, another discovery in the

    field of dieting and fitness! No,

    dont rush to that restaurant to

    celebrate, get started on that

    mental budgeting instead.




    The health ministry is ready

    to allow the depiction of iconic

    characters with their favorite

    poison stick.

    Hang on, I thought that the

    statement was smoking banned

    from silver screens or other

    statements to that effect just

    a while ago, wasnt it? The

    sensible thing would be to

    merely read such statements

    and not absorb them for whoknows, before you turn the

    page, another statement could

    be issued banning the blessed



    An NGO with a 151 men

    organization from 53 countries,



  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    23December 16-31, 2009


    You are not responsible for what people think about you.

    But you are responsible for what you give them to think about you

    Keep Smiling

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    24December 16-31, 2009


    Hi Friends!We live in the epoch of extremeconsumerism. In fact, weare consumed by this veryphenomenon at best. In thecadence of the modern 21stcentury, were victims of the retailmarket that has taken over ourlives. Were dependent on themfor food, clothes, groceries, andeven the newspaper! Sometimes,(more often than not) we feel like

    hapless consumers whose voiceis being stamped out by theunreasonable price-rates thrownat us along with the inadequatequality--a shocker--(at this point,Im NOT talking about instant rip-offs at the Sarojini Nagar Marketor Janpath in New Delhi, whenyou purchase a raggedy T-shirtfor 150 bucks only to realizeits true value lies less than 70bucks. Hawkers are ALLOWED

    to cheat you. Its called licensedcheating, and youre SUPPOSEDto bargain. Youll only beconsidered an absolute airheadto not bargain). Anyway, Imtalking about swanky brandedretail outlets that were inventedto cater to the bourgeoisie,where consumers have no optionbut to stick to the overpricedrate marked on the price tag.These consumers construe

    that the large quantity of doughdoled out towards their purchaseautomatically guarantees themexemplary quality. But no, theyremistaken.

    Gone are the days where there isvalue for money for consumers.In fact, retail outlets make a

    juicy profit at the expense ofthe naive consumers, mostof whom are oblivious to the

    Retail Rights?

    cons of globalization, whichinclude illegal profit-makingby manufacturing goods ofsubstandard quality. Ha, whocares if defective electricalappliances cause the death ofsomebody?

    The materialism is abysmal(has always been, and willalways be), but the lack ofrespect is unpardonable. It justbears testimony to the fact thata persons life is equated toa certain percentage of profitacquired from selling a defectiveproduct. Which is revolting.

    And no number of laws, I tellyou, can rectify this disgusting

    phenomenon that looms likea miasma of disaster over thisglobal village. It requires anattitudinal turnover. And thisvery statement is incrediblyfutile, considering that anattitudinal turnover has not been

    accomplished despite fruitlessbut earnest attempts, in thelast century, when it comes toscruples and principles (in fact,it has only worsened in thisdepartment), and probably willnot happen in the next couple ofcenturies.

    Until next fortnightNamrata

    Editor, TeenMag

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    25December 16-31, 2009


    It has become one of my dearest friends

    In fact we are friends from time immemorial

    I cannot pinpoint the exact moment

    But it sure was uncomfortable

    Floating in the amniotic fluid

    And then being cut loose and rudely slapped

    On my so very tiny and tender bottom!

    Next I crept and crawled in all sorts

    Of places in a spirit of adventure

    Hurting myself in the process and

    Was painfully poked by well-meaning hands

    Thus reacquainting myself with my friend!

    My teen years were also ignoble

    My body had a mind of its own

    Much to my consternation and grief

    And the unkind remarks passed

    By peers and family were quite painful.

    FRI ENDS FOREVERFRI ENDS FOREVEROnce in a lifetime, you find a friendWho touches not only your heartBut also your soul

    Once in a lifetime, you discover someoneWho stands beside you, not over youOnce in a lifetime, you find someone,Who loves you for what you are

    Friends are very special peopleWith whom we can be ourselves,Bare our souls and unravel our thoughtsEndearing mortals we can talk with,Laugh with, hope with and believe withBlessed are those who revel in the warmth ofTrue Friendship!

    Coming of age was another milestone

    I had to leave the nest and fend for myself

    Fumbling and bungling finally led me

    To my first job where I had to jump hoops

    To prove my worth, Oh so painfully!

    Now I have found my equilibrium and family

    But my dear friend drops in quite frequently

    As pleasure and pain are but the two sides

    Of the same coin which is life and one

    Invariably follows the other relentlessly!

    Old age is no picnic and brings ailments

    You are often alone and helpless

    It is pretty much painful to move around

    Yet you manage counting your days

    Praying incoherently but consistently!

    Yes, pain is my dear friend

    Much loved and embraced fondly.

    We can endure an extra pound of pain farmore easily than we can suffer the withdrawal

    of an ounce of accustomed pleasure.- Sydney

    J Harris

    Bina Gupta From Brooklyn


    [email protected]





    Yeah Write!

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    26December 16-31, 2009




    Cool friends? Lets get their

    brains cracking, at least

    whatever little they seem to be

    endowed with. Here goes:

    1. Two cyclists approach each

    other on a straight road,

    pedaling at 15 kms an hour.

    When they are 30 kms apart

    a horsefly alights on one

    bicycle, then dashes off to the

    He gathers 49 stubs If he

    smokes one cigarette every

    three-quarters of an hour how

    long will his supply last?

    4. If three cats can kill three rats

    in thee minutes, how long will

    it take a 100 cats to kill a 100


    5. Which is correct: 8 and 8 are

    15 or 8 and 8 is 15?

    6. It is legal for a man to marry

    his widows sister?

    7. The archaeologist who said

    he found a silver coin market

    649 BC was either lying or

    kidding. Why?

    other. It shuttles back and forth

    between the two at 20 kmsan hour until the riders meet.

    How far has it traveled?

    2. Can you give in five seconds

    three numbers which give the

    same total when added as

    when multiplied together?

    3. A tramp finds himself out of

    cigarettes. He casts about

    for stubs, having learnt that

    seven stubs make a cigarette

    practically as good as new.


    Teasing and tickling your gray cells is said to improve your brain

    power. So go ahead and play with the numbers and check for

    yourself if you have it in you to vanquish number puzzles with ease!

    Happy Sudokuing!

    Brain Teaser


    6 7 8

    3 8 4

    2 8 6

    5 7 3

    1 4 9

    6 2 3

    7 6 9


  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    27December 16-31, 2009


    Mandu Mohan : My mobile bill,

    how much?

    Call centre girl: Sir, just dial123to know current bill status.

    Mandu Mohan : Thats dumb!

    Not CURRENT BILL, my


    Friend: I got a brand new Ford

    IKON for my wife! Sardar: If you give me the

    address, I will go there sir.

    Mohan got an sms from his girl

    friend: I MISS YOU

    Mohan replied: I Mr YOU!

    After finishing MBBS Mohan

    started his practice. He checked

    the first patients eyes, tongue

    and ears with the aid of a torch

    and finally said, the torch is


    Mohan: Oye, What will happen if

    electricity was not discovered?

    Sohan: Nothing, we must watch

    TV in candle light.

    Mohan on an airplane going

    to Mumbai. During landing he

    shouted: Bombay ... Bombay

    Air hostess : Be silent please.

    Mohan: Ok: Ombay. Ombay

    Teacher: What is common

    between JESUS, KRISHNA ,


    Mohan: All were born on

    government holidays...!Sir: What is

    the difference

    between an

    Orange and

    an Apple?


    The color of

    Orange is

    orange, but the

    color of Apple is not APPLE.

    Mohan: Wow! Thats an

    unbelievable exchange offer!

    Teacher: Which is the oldest

    animal in world?

    Mohan: ZEBRA

    Teacher: How?

    Mohan: Bcoz it is Black & White

    Judge: Dont you have any

    sense of shame? It is the third

    time you are coming to court.

    Mohan to judge: You are coming

    daily, dont you have any

    shame either ?

    Question: Should women have

    children after 35?

    Smart Mohan replied: No! 35

    children are more than enough!

    Mohan attending an interview in

    a Software Company.

    Manager: Do you know MS



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    28December 16-31, 2009



    1. Twenty kilometers. Since the

    two cyclists were traveling

    at 15 kms an hour and were

    originally 30 kms apart,when they met they had

    been on the road for an hour.

    Accordingly, the fly traveling

    at 20 kms an hour, covered

    20 kms regardless of how

    complicated its path.

    2. 1,2,3

    3. Six hours. The 49 stubs make

    seven cigarettes, but each of

    these when smoked is good

    for a new stub. Thus thereare seven additional stubs;

    therefore eight cigarettes.

    4. Three minutes. It takes each

    cat three minutes to kill each


    5. Neither , 8 and 8 are still 16.

    6. Only dead men have widows.

    7. How did anyone know Christ

    was coming in 649 years?

    4 9 1 3 2 8 7 6 5

    7 8 5 1 4 6 2 9 3

    6 3 2 7 5 9 4 1 8

    5 7 8 6 1 3 9 2 4

    2 4 6 9 8 5 1 3 7

    3 1 9 4 7 2 5 8 6

    8 2 3 5 9 4 6 7 1

    9 5 7 8 6 1 3 4 2

    1 6 4 2 3 7 8 5 9

    Brain Teaser Answer

    The Voyage to Excellence has documented thesuccess stories of women in our country. Such booksbuild up our confidence and courage. Every girl,woman and the parents of every girl should read thebook and understand that we too can ascend the ladderof success-Honble Union Minister of State for Women

    & Child Development Renuka Chowdhury.

    The book is first-class and a must-read for all as itbrings to light the respect that women command intodays era. Nischinta and Debashish have brought usto an era of command-the era when women commandrespect, an era when women seek a place forthemselves by their hard work Dr.Kiran Bedi IPS(Formar UN Civilian Police Advisor to the SecretaryGeneral)

    Do you want to be successful? Get your copy of themost sought after book today by women all over thecountry. Available in all bookstores in Chennai or call24526739 to book your copy at a discount!


    Nischinta Amarnath

    Debashish Ghosh



  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December



    30December 16-31, 2009



    Aproverb of school years, oftrepeated as the bottom line

    of diary pages, seen as the titleof moral stories, placards holdthese words high above heads.Yes high, so high that it seems

    to go beyond human capacityof absorption and practice. Oureyes open wide always, only inthe eleventh hour, whether it isSeptember eleventh or twentysix eleven. Eyes open wide sadlynot in realization but fear. Thereaction is to eradicate terrorismbut the definition for terrorismis self defined! To some it isPakistan, to others it is a religionor a fanatic cult. It even could be

    something that is often repeatedin press or heard a lot at homeand around. Communicationwhether visual or verbal hasundergone a vigorous trainingand can easily influence brainswhen in a vulnerable state likethe Mumbai incident. The mostfearful thing is fear itself. Forwhen in fear we know not whatwe do and reasoning becomes acoward.

    Tomorrow as you head to thegym or set out to begin

    your workout,

    think aboutthe world aroundand become aware of theintegral part played by you. As

    you warm up your hands andlegs be thankful that you stillhave them and put them togood use. As you rotate yourshoulders and swing your hipsremember how important the

    joints are for any movementto take place. We need toconnect in good alignment

    and understanding,along withexercising. We needto understand ourown body, acceptwhat we cannot

    change and worktowards changing what we can.The body works only in unison.Addressing a particular part toshape up or tone is not possiblewithout the help of the rest of thebody. The six pack is possibleonly if you put your mind to it andcontrol your taste buds. For theabdominal crunch to take placethe legs need to be stable andthe neck should not be doing the

    job of the torso. An observationof the body itself is a lesson onunity.

    The strength that we womenachieve should be channeledto go beyond a mere rampwalk. How many of our hourglass figures are actuallyprepared to soil their handsor toil for their own families letalone society. Let us all worktowards achieving a bomb of

    a body packed with positiveenergy ready to be released atthe hour of need and not blastinnocence with hydrogen bombsout of uncultured cowardice...!


    Vijaya Rao

    we need to communicate straightwithout any prejudice. Distortionin joint or thought leads todisaster.

    Warming up before your workouts is very important to avoidinjuries. Never jump on to thetreadmill and start sprinting rightaway like the way we jump toconclusions at times withoutanalyzing or reasoning! Afterwarm up we can begin ourcardio, strength or flexibilitytraining etc. See that yourexercises are done under properguidance and knowledge andare specific to your capacity.The need of weight reduction,

    weight gain, or strengthening orlengthening the muscles mightbe varied but the one commongoal should definitely be goodhealth. Whether it is your ownmental and physical health or thesocietys unless there is unity inwork, achievement will only be asigh of impossibility. Might is notright if the goal is not healthy.

    Thinkand think in unison.

    This is the only way to tackleterrorism. Remember, thosewho strike do so out of fearand insecurity. Terrorists are

    those who live in terror. It isthose who fail and

    give up in lifewho commitsuicide.To live weneed to bebalanced

    in mindand strongin body.Gatherstrength andget strongerthrough unity,acceptance

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    31December 16-31, 2009


    Youth comes but once in alifetime Longfellow.

    Young India is surging forward

    in the international arena with

    great gusto enriching the talent

    pool with its immense intellectual

    prowess and creative wealth.

    Today, if our voice echoes in the

    global corridors as a force toreckon with, it is thanks to the

    immense contribution of young

    Indians in various fields. Eves

    Times is happy to announce a

    serial for and about the youth

    from one of the prominent youth

    leaders in our country, Karti

    Chidambaram. In this issue Karti

    shares his random thoughts

    about sixty years of Indian

    independence. Over to this

    suave and savvy youth icon:

    We are a young country even

    though sixty years seem a long

    time in human life. Despite

    Indias long and envious

    historical background, we are

    still a very young country. One

    must accept that perhaps the

    lofty expectations we have had

    But at the same time, we feel

    frustrated by the pace of our

    own democracy. Today the

    political parties, the press,

    the judiciary, NGOs and other

    pressure groups all exert their

    influence on public decisions.

    This constant pulls and tugs

    definitely slow down the pace ofour decision making. We cannot

    wish away this democratic

    process. We must learn to live

    with this constraint. We must

    engage in debate, dialogue and

    find a way to work and to take


    According to me, India will

    never be a tiger. It will always

    be an elephant. There will be

    days during which the elephant

    will laze around in the pond,

    spraying water on itself; there

    will be days when it will gently

    pat the passers-by with its trunk;

    there will be days when it will

    meander in the fields; there will

    be days when it will sit still and

    will not budge; there will be days

    when it will carry a heavy load

    happily and there will also be

    days when it will break into a

    downhill run, when it will exhibit

    strength by uprooting trees or

    trample upon those around it

    and will run amok. We must just

    learn to live with the moods of

    India, with pride, fierce loyalty

    and unity.

    for our society and

    country have not been

    realized in sixty years.

    It will be foolish to

    complain and say that

    nothing works here.

    Of course, things can

    be a lot better, more

    egalitarian and a lot

    more transparent but

    at the same time it is

    also necessary for us

    to cherish and appreciate what

    s right about India.

    The change of power from one

    regime to another has always

    been absolutely smooth and

    totally constitutional. There

    is and will always be a clear

    demarcation of the role of

    the military in India. The

    disciplined Indian military

    has always subjected itself to

    civilian authority. The Indian

    electorate is known for making

    informed choice when selecting

    its leaders. The elections have

    always reflected the mood of

    the people. Political structures

    who by popular motion werevoted to power , if they did

    not abide by their promises or

    were found to be floundering,

    have been shown their place at

    various times by the electorate.

    This aspect India must be truly

    cherished. This is the nature

    of India and its people who are

    far wiser than its sixty year of




    You (th) Are the Master of the Game

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    32December 16-31, 2009


    This is a real test given by the Human

    Relations Dept. at many of the major

    corporations today. It helps them get better

    insight concerning their employees and in their

    prospective employees.

    Its only 10 Simple questions, so grab a pencil and

    paper, and answer truthfully

    1. When do you feel your best..

    A) in the morning

    B) during the afternoon and early evening

    C) late at night

    2. You usually walk...

    A) fairly fast, with long steps

    B) fairly fast, with little steps

    C) less fast head up, looking the world in the


    D) less fast, head down

    E) very slowly

    3. When talking to people you....

    A) stand with your arms folded

    B) have your hands clasped

    C) have one or both your hands on your hips

    D) touch or push the person to whom you are


    E) play with your ear, touch your chin, or

    smooth your hair

    4. When relaxing, you sit with...A) your knees bent with your legs neatly side

    by side

    B) your legs crossed

    C) your legs stretched out or straight

    D) one leg curled under you

    5. When something really amuses you, you react


    A) big appreciated laugh

    B) a laugh, but not a loud one

    C) a quiet chuckle

    D) a sheepish smile

    6. When you go to a party or social gathering


    A) make a loud entrance so everyone notices


    B) make a quiet entrance, looking around for

    someone you knowC) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay


    7. Youre working very hard, concentrating hard,

    and youre interrupted...

    A) welcome the break

    B) feel extremely irritated

    C) vary between these two extremes

    8. Which of the following colors do you like


    A) Red or orange

    B) black

    C) yellow or light blue

    D) green, dark blue or purple, white, brown or


    9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few

    moments before going to sleep you are....

    A) stretched out on your back

    B) stretched out face down on your stomach

    C) on your side, slightly curled

    D) with your head on one armE) with your head under the covers

    10. You often dream that you are...

    A) falling

    B) fighting or struggling

    C) searching for something or somebody

    D) flying or floating

    E) you usually have dreamless sleep

    F) your dreams are always pleasant


    Know your


  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    33December 16-31, 2009


    have I jumped into another

    planet? Looks like I have

    turned to a wallflower. How do

    I get people to notice me?

    Maya, Chennai

    Hey just relax. You cannot get

    people notice you overnight. It

    takes time. Most importantly,

    just be yourself. Mingle with a

    lot of people and make friends.

    If you are a person of the type

    you really claim to be, in no time

    they will notice all your qualities.

    Chennai is not like Mumbai.

    Southies are conservative and

    once they like you they will warm

    up to you. Needs patience and

    being the kind of person you are

    I am sure it is a piece of cake for

    you to achieve this. All the best

    and welcome to Chennai!

    This is a fun column, a friendly

    exchange between you and

    your favourite Trisha. If you feel

    like opening out your heart to

    someone, perky and young

    Trisha is willing to lend you a

    helping hand. You can ask her

    anything under the sun but

    this column is meant only forthe teensADULT ALERT!!!!

    I am an outgoing and

    vivacious schoolgirl who

    has moved to Chennai from

    Mumbai. In my old school in

    Mumbai, I was quite popular

    and had a lot of friends.

    Since I joined the school in

    Chennai, it looks like I need

    to hone my people skills or

    For Your Eyes Only..Trisha

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    Know your personality

    34December 16-31, 2009



    1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6

    2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2

    (e) 1

    3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7

    (e) 64. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1

    5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5

    (e) 2

    6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2

    7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4

    8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5

    (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2

    (g) 1

    9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4

    (d) 2 (e ) 1

    10 (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3(d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1

    Now add up the totalnumber of points.

    OVER 60 POINT: Others

    see you as someone

    they should handle

    with care. Youre seen

    as vain, self-centered,

    and who is extremely

    dominant. Others mayadmire you, wishing they

    could be more like you, but dont

    always trust you, hesitating to

    become too deeply involved with


    51 TO 60 POINTS : Others

    see you as an exciting, highly

    volatile, rather impulsive

    personality, a natural leader,

    whos quick to make decisions,

    understanding, someone wholl

    always cheer them up and help

    them out.

    31 TO 40 POINTS: Others

    see you as sensible, cautious,

    careful & practical. They seeyou as clever, gifted, or talented,

    but modest. Not a person

    who makes friends too quickly

    or easily, but someone whos

    extremely loyal to friends you do

    make and who expects the same

    loyalty in return. Those who

    really get to know you, realize it

    takes a lot to shake your trust in

    your friends, but equally that it

    takes you a long time to get overif that trust is ever broken.

    21 TO 30 POINTS: Your friends

    see you as painstaking and

    fussy. They see you as very

    cautious, extremely careful, a

    slow and steady plodder. It

    would really surprise them

    if you ever did something

    impulsively or on the spur

    of the moment, expecting

    you to examine everythingcarefully from every angle

    and then, usually decide

    against it. They think t his

    reaction is caused partly by

    your careful nature.


    People think you are shy,

    nervous, and indecisive,

    someone who needs looking

    after, who always wants

    someone else to make the

    decisions and who doesnt

    want to get involved with anyone

    or anything! They see you as

    a worrier who always sees

    problems that dont exist. Some

    people think youre boring. Only

    those who know you well, know

    that you arent.

    though not always the right

    ones. They see you as bold and

    adventuresome, someone whowill try anything once, someone

    who takes chances and enjoys

    an adventure. They enjoy being

    in your company because of the

    excitement you radiate.

    41 TO 50 POINTS : Others see

    you as fresh, lively, charming,

    amusing, practical, and always

    interesting, someone whos

    constantly in the center of

    attention, but sufficiently well

    balanced not to let it go to

    their head. They also see

    you as kind, considerate, and

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    35December 16-31, 2009

    Can I make fried snacks

    using olive oil? My family

    likes to eat a lot of fried stuffand I have decided to change

    over to olive oil, at least for

    frying snacks. Since we are poor

    eaters, I dont mind spending

    for olive oil. Also, I would like

    to know if Virgin olive oil is the

    best for cooking purposes. After

    frying, can we re-use the left

    over oil? Can we add a spoon

    of ghee or butter to olive oil to

    enhance the taste of dishes likePongal etc.? Will it make any

    difference to the taste?

    R. Mohini, Chennai

    It is better to avoid using olive

    oil to deep fry snacks as it is

    composed of mono unsaturated

    fats. For deep frying, a little

    saturated fat is required to arrest

    outside moisture when the

    temperature goes up to about300 degrees centigrade. This

    ensures that the crispness of

    the snack is maintained. It is

    better to use refined peanut or

    groundnut oil for deep frying,

    and use sunflower oil, which has

    less saturated fats, for normal


    If you can afford it, it is advisable

    to use Virgin olive oil for salads

    and normal cooking as it is not

    refined and is filled with nutrients

    as well. These nutrients are lost

    in cooking at high temperatures.

    Deep frying is best avoided.

    However, if you need to do so,it is better to use oil sparingly

    so that it does not get left over.

    Reusing oil causes oxidation

    and can turn it rancid. Oil may

    be reused in dishes like poriyal,

    which do not require high

    temperatures for cooking.

    When preparing Pongal, do not

    add ghee along with the oil.

    Instead add a teaspoon of ghee

    on top after the dish is cooked to

    enhance its taste.

    We make paneer at home by

    curdling fresh milk. Can we use

    milk that gets curdled to make

    paneer? Once I tried this, when

    the milk got spoilt, I filtered and

    made paneer and made malai

    kofta out of this, but I had to

    suffer from a huge stomach

    upset. What use can we make of

    milk that gets curdled?

    Vanaja Venkatraman

    The best way to test the state

    of curdled milk is to taste

    it to ensure that it is not sour or

    bitter. If you feel it is less curdled,

    you can add some more vinegar

    or lime juice to it. Then strain it

    to make paneer. Use the whey to

    knead soft chapatti dough. The

    paneer can be used to prepare

    koftas and cutlets.

    Another way to use curdled

    milk is to add a little sugar, and

    heat it well to make therittupal.

    Alternatively you could add

    roasted rawa or khoya to make


    Interview by Deepti Menon

    The Best Query of the month

    will win a masala hamper from

    Mallika Home Product Pvt.

    Ltd. Cooking has never been a

    Spicier Experience!

    Eves Times readers have

    exciting news! Watch out for

    competitions on cookery tips

    and recipes. Dig out exotic

    recipes and innovative tips and

    win prizes! Send your recipes/

    tips with your colour pix to Eves

    Times #18/1 Second Cross

    St Dr.Radhakrishnan Nagar,

    Tiruvanmiyur, Chennai 600 041

    or by e-mail to

    [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    36December 16-31, 2009

    Chickent Jalfrezi

    You can use leftover roast chicken

    to make a quick and tasty meal.


    Mustard oil 1 tsp

    Vegetable oil 3 tbsp

    Large onion chopped finely 1

    Garlic cloves, crushed 3

    Tomato puree 1 tbsp

    Tomatoes, peeled and chopped 2

    Ground turmeric 1 tsp

    Cumin seeds, ground tsp

    Coriander seeds, ground tsp

    Chilli powder tsp

    Garam masala tsp

    Red wine vinegar 1 tsp

    Small red (bell) pepper, chopped 1

    Frozen broad beans 1 cup or 125gm

    Cooked chicken, cut into bite- 500 gms

    Sized pieces, Salt to taste, Fresh coriander (cilantro sprigs for garnishing


    Heat the mustard oil in a large frying pan set over a high heat for about 1 minute until it begins to smoke.

    Add the vegetable oil, reduce the heat and then add the onion and the garlic. Fry oil, garlic and onion

    until they are golden.

    Add the tomato puree, chopped tomatoes, turmeric, ground cumin, ground coriander, chilli powder,garam masala and vinegar to the frying pan. Stir the mixture until fragrant.

    Add the red (bell) pepper and broad beans and stir for two minut until the pepper is softened.

    Stir in the chicken and salt to taste. Simmer gently for 6-8 minutes until the chicken is heated through

    and the beans are tender. Serve garnished with coriander sprigs.

    Recipe of the Fortnight

    Cook n Smile Easy Recipes

    From the Recipes ofSumati Ramkumar

    Slurping a hot cuppa soup is all

    that is needed to sizzle up your

    lives on a cool, wintry day or on

    a rainy day. And if you can add

    a little bit of health potion and

    your tender loving care into the

    soup, then your familys health is

    made! Happy Souping!



    Broccoli 1

    Crushed pepper tsp

    Salt to taste

    Milk cup


    Cut the broccoli into small florets

    and wash them thoroughly. Cook

    the pieces in water with salt till

    they become tender . Cool and

    then grind in a mixie the water.

    Just before serving heat it again

    and add the milk and crushed

    pepper and serve.

  • 8/14/2019 E Magazine December


    37December 16-31, 2009

    From the Recipes of Sumati Ramkumar

    Slurping a hot cuppa soup is all that is needed

    to sizzle up your lives on a cool, wintry day or

    on a rainy day. And if you can add a little bit

    of health potion and your tender loving care

    into the soup, then your familys health ismade! Happy Souping!



    Broccoli 1

    Crushed pepper tsp

    Salt to taste

    Milk cup

    MethodCut the broccoli into small florets and wash them

    thoroughly. Cook the pieces in water with salt

    till they become tender . Cool and then grind in a

    mixie the water. Just before serving heat it again

    and add the milk and crushed pepper and serve.



    Palak 1 bunch

    Spring onion