e news aug 2013 - sihfw) rajasthan news aug 2013.pdf · lp reduce th ssible. ision: o provide qua...

Dear Rea Greetings The first w celebrateimportanc life. Also, possible functionar counselin However, The lead implemen hospitals The sche thereby re vicious cy Best wish Director From th Inside Muk SIHFeeHea SIHF Electr Vol. 2aders s from SIHFW week of this m d in more thce to breastfe this is being after the birth ries such as g and inform with referenc article in thnted in the s and dispensa eme helps in educing the fin ycle of poverty hes for succes he Director’s e: khyamantri Ni FW in Action dbacks alth News FW Raja ronic New /Issue 8/A W, Rajasthan! month is reco an 170 couneed and specg communicat h i.e. within ASHA and Y mation of vario ce to continuu is newsletter state. The sc aries. cutting dow nancial burde y by un-necess of interven Desk shulk Janch asthan wsletter August 20 ognized as W tries from 1 ially exclusive ted to the com an hour afteYashoda to cr ous health ca um of care, m is on Mukhcheme provid wn the out oen on patient ssary loans a tions in State Yojana (MNJ13 World Breastfe to 7 August. e breastfeedin mmunity to st r the birth. T reate awaren are services medical diagno yamantri Nis des free of c f pocket exp and his/her fa nd borrowing ’s health syst Y) eeding Week. This is celeb ng for the firs tart breastfee here are fieless and give available at t ostic services shulk Janch Y cost diagnos enditure on amily. Which gs. tems. SIHFW: an IS Health Da World Brea Internatio World Hu The Week ibrated to give st 6 months o ed as early ad level health e assistance the nearest h s are an impoYojana (MNJ tic services diagnostics, otherwise be SO 9001:200ays in Augus stfeeding We onal Youth Da manitarian Ds e of s h for this, along health care c rtant compon JY) which is at all govern by common e contributing 8 certified Ins st ‘13 eek 1–7 ay 12 ay 19 g with entre. ent. being nment man, to the stitution

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Dear Rea Greetings The first wcelebratedimportanclife. Also, possible afunctionarcounselinHowever, The lead implemenhospitals The schethereby revicious cy Best wish


From th

Inside • Muk• SIHF• Feed• Hea 


ElectrVol. 2/


s from SIHFW

week of this md in more thace to breastfe

this is beingafter the birthries such as g and inform with referenc

article in thinted in the sand dispensa

eme helps ineducing the finycle of poverty

hes for succes

he Director’s


khyamantri NiFW in Action dbacks

alth News

FW Raja

ronic New/Issue 8/A

W, Rajasthan!

month is recoan 170 count

eed and specig communicath i.e. within aASHA and Y

mation of varioce to continuu

is newsletter state. The scaries.

cutting dowinancial burdey by un-neces

ss of interven


shulk Janch Y


wsletter August 20

ognized as Wtries from 1 tially exclusiveted to the coman hour after

Yashoda to crous health caum of care, m

r is on Mukhycheme provid

wn the out ofen on patient ssary loans a

tions in State

Yojana (MNJY


World Breastfeto 7 August. e breastfeedinmmunity to str the birth. Treate awarenare services

medical diagno

yamantri Nisdes free of c

f pocket expand his/her fand borrowing

’s health syst


eeding Week.This is celeb

ng for the firstart breastfee

There are fieldess and giveavailable at tostic services

shulk Janch Ycost diagnos

enditure on amily. Which




Health Da

World BreaInternatioWorld Hu

The Week isbrated to givest 6 months oed as early asd level health

e assistance fthe nearest h

s are an impor

Yojana (MNJtic services

diagnostics, otherwise be

SO 9001:2008

ays in Augus

stfeeding Weonal Youth Damanitarian Da

s e of s h for this, alonghealth care crtant compon

JY) which is at all govern

by common e contributing

8 certified Ins

st ‘13

eek 1–7 ay 12 ay 19

g with entre. ent.

being nment

man, to the


M‘MorUgore GTdiplhepo VTco MTfaseT12









Mukhya MantMedical Diagnrder to ensure

Under the schovernment hoesulting in les

Goal: o provide coiagnostic servlanned. Theselp reduce thossible.

Vision: o provide quaontribute to fu

Mission: o strengthen

acilities if requervices free ohe following a1. Essential 2. Patients

diagnostic3. Reducing

investigat4. Making

under one

5. Scheme contributetrends. IMexpected

6. Longevityof state's

7. Increase services

8. Health se

9. Enhancininstitution

10. The scheof "RighRajasthan

ri Janch Yojanostic Servicee provision ofeme, basic inospitals. The s financial bu

omprehensivevices is requie services wie treatment c

ality essentiaundamental ri

the existing uired) in all t

of cost to all padvantages odiagnostic sewho are no

c tests are abg out of tions. available hoe roof.

will be helpe to reductionMR, Under 5 m

to come dow

y is enhancedhealth servic

in access to

eeking behavi

ng credibilityns and health

eme will be a ht to Treatmn.

ana (MNJY) es’ is an impf quality diagnnvestigation ascheme will

urden on patie

e health carered. Thus schll be made avcost to patien

l diagnostic sght to health.

laboratories he public hea

patients visitinof scheme areervices will beot able to able to undergo

pocket ex

olistic health

pful in early n in morbiditymortality rates


d which is thces.

o quality pub

or is promote

y of public care provider

forbearer towment" for th

portant compnostic serviceand diagnostichelp in reduc


e another imheme for provvailable free ots & decrease

services in all.

and other dalth institutiong governmen

e envisaged:-e available to afford cost o treatment. xpenditure o

hcare service

diagnosis any and mortals and MMR a

he ultimate ai

blic health ca


health cars.

wards provisiohe people

onent in proves, a scheme c services wiction of expen

mportant comviding "Basic of cost at all ge the out of p

the governm

iagnostic facns so as to pnt hospitals.

the patients.of



nd ity





on of

Bene1. BP2. AST3. HIV4. Sen5. Han6. Fou

Jod7. Ant

Sah8. Ann9. All 10.




vision of conhas been laull be providednditure of pat

ponent of treInvestigation

government inpocket expend

ment health ca

cilities (and toprovide the es

efits shall be giL/State BPL THA card hold

V aids nior citizens ndicap and Widur Nat and dhpur district todaya Ann Yhariya families napurna Schemfamilies of Kath

Families of rg, Jodhpur mis

Childless couL families

Children of opartment of

mpowerment. Pallenged childhools fundedpartment of

mpowerment) astels run/suppd Empowermen

tinuum of canched in the d free of costtients on trea

eatment i.e. Services" is

nstitutions. Thditure to the e

are institution

o create addissential diagn

iven to:


dow pensionerSansi comm

ojana beneficiof Baran distri

me hori tribe victims of M

shap uples of BPL

orphanages suSocial Jus

Physically andren (those sd or appr

Social Jusand women reported by Socnt. 

are. In state.

t at all tment

basic being

his will extent

s and

itional nostic

rs munities of

aries (APL ct)


and State

pported by stice and d Mentally studying in roved by stice and esidents of cial Justice

B123 B12345 D



Benefits: . Cost effect. Reduction . There will

Beneficiary: . All OPD pa. All IPD pat. Patients su. All Govern. For retired

Drug DistribuDistributionoperationathe state.

Other benefits. For OPD p. For Indoor. Medicine w

be given twmedicine a

ist of essentCommunity h


Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

tive quality bain expenditurno one be de

atients in all Gtients (admitteuffering from

nment Officials state officials

tion Centre: n and supplyal from 34 Dr

s: patients, drugr patients, druwill be providewo slips, one and taking rec

tial investigaealth centres

ype ofvestigation linical Patho

Free of CosHospitals aDistrict LevSatellite hoSub-divisioOther hospDispensaryCommunityPrimary HeSub-CentreMaternal anPrimary HeAid post (U

ased health cre by commo

eprived of hea

Government hed) in the govThalesemia as, staff and res, diary maint

y of medicinerug Stores at

distribution cug distributioned to patientsof which will

ceipt of the pa

ations at Prims (CHC)



Hemoglob(Hb) Total Le(TLC) DifferentiaCount (DLMP (Slide ESR Bleeding TBlood Gtyping) - -

st Drug Distriassociated witvel Hospital ospital onal hospital pitals y y Health Centealth Centres e (SC) nd Child Welf

ealth Centre (Urban)

care services wn man on trea

alth care servi

hospitals vernment hosand Hemophietired state emtenance shall

e and drugs the district le

centres shall rn centres will rs only after pr

be retained aatient. The oth

mary Health C

bin Estima

eukocyte C

al LeukoLC)


Time (BT & CGroup (ABO

bution Centreth medical Co

tres (CHC) (PHC)

fare Centre Urban PHC)

will be providatment ices due to un

spitals lia mployees (pe continue as

across the sevel and 150

remain open remain open rescription froat the drug diher will be giv

Centres (PHC


ation Hemo(Hb)

Count Total (TLC)

ocyte DiffereCountMP (SESR

CT) BleedO-RH Clottin

CBCBlood typing

e (located at)olleges


navailability o

ensioners) previous.

state has be000 Drug dist

during OPD t24x7

om Medical ofistribution cenven to the pat

C) and

oglobin Estim


ential Leukt (DLC)

Slide Method)

ing Time (BTng Time (CT)

Group (ABg)

Numb26 34 05 12 51 198 376 1517 11487118 37 13

of funds

een planned tribution centr


fficers. Patienntre after provtient.








to be res of

nts will viding



M Ur

St Ra


he Third Pha

Hon Health Janch YojanThis is the pwas launchephase of MNIn the seconimportant diaThe MNJY sgovernment

Source: http

io Chemistry

icro Biology

rine Analysis

tool Analysis



se of MNJY in

Minister of a (MNJY) at C

prime schemeed at KotkasiNJY. The first nd phase, the agnostics servscheme envishealth care in


y Blood Sug-

- - - - - - - -

y Widal SlidVDRL rapHIV rapid Sputum fo

s Urine foSugar Urine P(UPT)

s Stool for O-


n the State (a

MNJY lauRajasthan, SCHC level in e under flagsm, Tijara andphase was lascheme will

vices will be psions providinnstitutions an



e Test id test test

or AFB

r Albumin


Ova and Cyst

at PHC level)

unched at CShri A.A KhaRajasthan on

ship programsd Topkada Caunched on Aget implemenprovided free ng quality esd contributes


Blood Blood

S. CreS. BiliS. BiliSGOTSGPTS. AlkS. TotS. Alb


and Urine

Test Urine (UPT)

Stool fX-Ray ECG

will be launch

CHC level an launched n July 1, 2013s launched in

CHCs of AlwaApril 7, 2013 (Wnted at 431 Cof cost unde

ssential diagn to fundamen

sugar Urea

eatinine rubin (T) rubin (D)

T T k. Phos tal Protein


L Rapid Test L rapid test Rapid Test

m for AFB

Sugar/ Album


for OVA and y

hed on Augus

Mukhya Man3. n the state. Tar district, unWorld Health

CHCs, where r the scheme

nostic servicental right to he


y test


st 15, 2013.

ntri Nishulk

The scheme der second Day). 28 types of .

es in all the ealth.


S. No.



1. Jul

2. JulJulbat

3. Julbat

4. Jul18,Au

5. Julbat

6. Jul

7. Jul


8. Jul20

9. Jul

10. Jul

11. Jul

12. Jul

13. Jul

14. Jul




ainings at SI

ly 8-Aug 6

ly 19-20, Julyly 29-30, 2013tches) ly 3 and July 4tches) ly 2-4, July 9-, July 23-25, gust 2, 2013 ly 5 & July 11tches)

ly 16-17, 2013

ly 20, 2013

ainings at Di

ly 12-13 & Ju13 (2 batches

ly 23-24, 2013

ly 8-August 6

ly 19-August

ly 29-August

ly 8- Novemb

ly 29- August

n Action

s organized:


y 22-23 & 3 (3

4, 2013 (2

-11, July 16-July 30- (5 batches)

1, 2013 (2



uly 26-27, s)


, 2013

17, 2013

30, 2013

ber10, 2013

1, 2013


Integrated FTraining for Medical OffTraining of BAccounts P


Routine Imm

Training in EPalliative CaPatients Workshop oBorn Action

One Day ReFlagship Sc

RI for Healtat Jhunjunu

RI for Healtat Tonk

Health workPali Health workJaipur Health workShri Ganga

Medical offiRefresher a

FBNC for NAjmer

Foundation Newly Recru

ficers Block Level ersonnel



Essentials of are of Cancer

on India New n Plan

eview Meetincheme

h Worker u

h Worker

ker with SBA

ker with SBA

ker with SBA nagar

cers with Emat Udaipur

ursing staff a

Total (Cadr

uited 30 (M

82 (BlAccou

135  (Dy.CM53 (M

r 51 (MMO/IC


g on 65

43 (He

25 (He

at 16 (He

at 16 (He

at 15 (He

oC 8 (MO

at 22 (N



ock Level unts Personne


Os and Cs)

ealth workers

ealth workers

ealth workers

ealth workers

ealth workers


Nursing staff)

s SponsoAgency













oring y






Talk on H Dr Richa Non-medi The sessiNRHM in India andSector Re Dr Chaturat Zanana National Ms RichaAuditoriumreviewinginterventio HSR Wor Dr Bhumiduring 8-9

S.no 1 2



Health Inform

Chaturvedy dical personne

ons were on India, Health its managem

elated Millenn

rvedy also dida Hospital, Ja

Level Review

a Chabra pam, New Delh, updating aon.

rkshop Seco

ika Talwar pa9 July 2013. T

Name Mr Vikas Mr Ravi G Mr Hema

ing/Field Vis

mation Manag

delivered talksel’ during 22 to

Major public h Care Deliverment and Co

nium Develop

d monitoring aipur during Ju

w Workshop

articipated at i during 30 Jand experien

nd Meet

articipated at The workshop


Garg Jo

ant B



s on ‘In-servico 26 July 291

Health problery and Healthoncept of Moment Goals.

of Integrateduly 29-02 Aug

Review Wouly to Augustnce sharing

the Workshop was held at

lace daipur odhpur


ce training co3 at CBHI, Ja

ems, Nationah Information onitoring & Ev

Foundation tg, 2013.

orkshop of St 1, 2013. Th

on ASHA,

op to finalizeNIHFW, New



ourse on Heaaipur.

l Health progrSystem fromvaluation of

training of Ne

State Nodal Ohe workshop

VHSC and

e the HSR Prw Delhi.

uly 15-16

lth Informatio

rammes and Peripheral toHealth Progr

ewly Recruite

Officers, orgwas organise other com

roposals at N

Activity Integrated FTraining-PPBemOC han

on Manageme

Visions & Goo National levramme and H

ed Medical Of

anised at Ned with purpomunity proce


Foundation PIUCD and nds-on

ent for

oals of vels in Health


IHFW ose of esses


Birthday of Dr Mamta Chauhan, Faculty, SIHFW was celebrated on July 6, 2013.

Birthday of Mr Ezaz Khan was celebrated on 20 July 2013.

1. Professional Development Course VIII Batch, in August, 2013 at SIHFW 2. Integrated Foundation Training of Newly Recruited MOs in September, 2013 at SIHFW 3. Routine Immunization on 30 July to 1 Aug, 6-8 Aug at SIHFW, Jaipur 4. Integrated training for Health workers at Tonk Aug 12-Sept 13, Jhunjunu, Aug 1-30, Sri

Ganganagar July 29-30 Aug 2013 5. Training of Block level accountants, Aug 1-2, 2013 at SIHFW 6. Workshop on ISO and NABL Aug 13-14 7. One day Online training for District data entry operators, 16-17 July 2013 8. Tot on Handbook of ASHA facilitators, 5-6 Aug and 7-8 Aug, HFWTC, Heerabagh, Jaipur 9. FBNC for Nursing Staff-Udaipur, Aug7-11, 2013

• Method of presentation is excellent in RI training • Topics of GF& AR , Pension scheme ,Leave rule are very good   • Teaching Manner was very good  

(Source: feedbacks from participants)


The Forthcoming



WHO hig

For the firage. Echocountries,adjust the

“Despite a

1990, theThe reporcountries health chaThe reporbecome ineffective. “Despite asince 199We must future heaFrom a pudiseases osteoarthand diseainnovationSource: W

WHO urg

On Worldcan causviruses, mcancer anmillions ofViral hepainfected amagnitude“The fact damage tand antiviEnvironm

"Many of

now, and

This year,survey, cohepatitis implemenaction, preThe findinneeded inhepatitis swhich are“Many of now, and


hlights phar

rst time, EU coing the trend, is moving in

eir research a

an over three-

re is an increart, Priority meis ‘bell weathallenges in thrt focuses on neffective, are

an over three-90, there is anensure that inalth needs,” sublic health viand conditionritis, low-back

ase preventionn to bridge the

Who/media ce

ges governm

Hepatitis Dae severe live

most notably nd cirrhosis, f people worldatitis is referrand, over dece of the diseathat many h

o the liver, poiral therapy,” ent.

the measure

doing so will

, in the run upovering 126 in WHO Me

ntation of fourevention of trangs show thatn treating hesurveillance p

e responsible the measuredoing so wil


rmaceutical i

ountries haved seen in Euro

a similar dirend developme

-fold rise insp

asing mismatdicines for Eu

her’ for the rese future. pharmaceutice not appropr

-fold rise in spn increasing mndustry develays Nina Sauiew, the trendns associatedk pain, hearinn initiatives, the pharmaceuentre/news, 16

ents to act o

y (28 July), Wer infections types B andand in additdwide. red to as a ‘cades, slowlyase burden anepatitis B anoints to the usays Dr Keiji

s needed to

offset the hea

p to World Hecountries. Thember Statesr priority areaansmission, at 37% of the patitis. It alsoprogrammes, for most seves needed to l offset the h

ssues for ag

e more peopleope, much ofection. A newent efforts to

pending on ph

tch between purope and thest of the world

cal ‘gaps’, whriate for the ta

pending on pmismatch betwops safe, effe

utenkova, Head of an increas with ageing,g loss, and Ahese conditiotical gaps. 6, July 2013

on hepatitis t

WHO is urgingand lead to

d C, can alsotion to, loss

‘silent epidem progress tond devising wnd C infectionrgent need fo Fukuda, WH

prevent the s

avy economic

epatitis Day, the WHO "Glos" identifies

as. The prioritand screeningcountries havo highlights thonly half of t

ere illnesses aprevent the s

heavy econom

geing conditi

e over 65 yeathe rest of theWHO reportaccount for th


people’s real e world 2013 d as globally m

here treatmenarget patient g

harmaceuticaween people’sective, affordaalth Technolosing populatiosuch as hear

Alzheimer diseons also requi


g government1.4 million d

o lead to chroof income an

mic’ becauseliver disease

ways to addresns are silent,or universal aHO Assistant

spread of vira

c costs of trea

he Organizatobal policy re

successesty areas are g, care and trve national sthat while mothem includeand deaths. spread of viramic costs of t


ars of age thae world, inclucalls for pharhis shifting de

l research an

needs and phupdate, emphmore people w

nts for a diseagroup, does n

al research ans real needs aable and approgies and Phaon over 65 leart disease, strease. In combre more inves

ts to act againdeaths everyonic and deb

nd high medi

most persone. Many counss it. causing no sccess to immDirector-Gen

al hepatitis dis

ating and hos

ion is releasineport on theas well asraising awareeatment. trategies for vst of the couthe monitorin

al hepatitis distreating and h

n under 15 yeding low-and

rmaceutical reemographic.

d developme

harmaceuticahasizes that twill be ageing

ase or conditionot exist, or ar

nd developmeand pharmacropriate medicarmaceuticalsads to greateroke, cancer, bination with hstment in rese

nst the five heyear. Some

bilitating illnesical expense

ns do not reatries are only

symptoms unmunization, sc

eral for Healt

sease can be

pitalizing pati

ng its first-eveprevention agaps at cou

eness, eviden

viral hepatitis,untries (82%)ng of chronic

sease can behospitalizing

ears of middle-incom

esearchers to

nt in Europe

al innovation."his shift in EUg and face sim

on may soonre not sufficie

ent in Europeceutical innovacines to meet

s, WHO/Europr prevalencediabetes,

health promotearch and

epatitis viruseof these hep

sses such ass for hundre

alize that they now realizin

ntil there is screening, diagth Security an

e put in place

ients in future

er country hepand control ofuntry level innce-based da

, and more w) have establhepatitis B a

e put in placepatients in fu

me o


" U milar


ation. t pe. of


es that patitis s liver eds of

ey are ng the

severe gnosis nd the

e right


patitis f viral n the

ata for

work is lished

and C,

e right uture,”

says Dr Simportant recommeThe challewhen it apreventionworking tocountries countries expected In additiomechanisavenues tWHO lauimplemenWHO is crecommereduction)”New, mopipeline. laboratoryaccessibleSource: 2


Launch oMinistry oControl Cdangers oSmokeleswomen in(GATS) foin India – paan masThe Camppublic serthe Tata Mfrom horrifrom relatand addedand familiThe CampThe CampCampaignTobacco ifactor for as result orise to modiseases 50% of alestimatedAs per theWelfare, 3the other rural areaImplemenprohibit usfor implemmasala coSource: P

Sylvie Briand,work that is

nded policiesenges posedadopted its fn and controlo address theand partnersobserve Woto mark the dn to collabora

sms that can that could allnched the Gl

ntation of viralcurrently devendations on ); non-invasivore effective However, th

y tests. To ce,” says Dr St4, July 2013,

of National Toof Health & Faampaign calle

of smokeless ss tobacco is particular pre

ound that 21 c33% of adult

sala, zarda, papaign has beervice announcMemorial Hosfic cancers aives of victimd to financial es apart, andpaign PSA is paign will man is expected is the most pr6 out of the 8of diseases caore than eight related to tobl cancers in m

d that about 90e Global Adul35% of the adwith 48% ma

as and one in ntation of the se of tobaccomentation of tontaining toba

Press Informa

, Director, Pabeing done b

s and actions. by hepatitis first resolutiol. This has pre disease. Res to build a srld Hepatitis

day this year. ating closely deliver resulow hepatitis lobal Hepatiti hepatitis pla

eloping new hseven key a

ve assessmenmedicines to

hese will becure and redtefan Wiktor, WHO/media

obacco Contamily Welfareed “Tears youtobacco consthe most-useeferring smokcrore Indian umales and 18aan with tobaen developedcement (PSA)spital in Mumbnd disfigurems, who describurdens. The

d urges smokebeing releaseke use of all nto run for a p

reventable ca8 leading causaused by tobamillion by 20

bacco use in Imales and 25%0% of all the t Tobacco Su

dults in the agles and 20% four (25%) adFood Safety a

o or nicotine inhe said regulaacco. tion Bureau, G

andemic andby governme” were formall

on on viral hromoted a ne

einforcing thatstrong globalDay (an ann

with countriets. The Orgato be includes Network. Ons and progra

hepatitis C scrreas such asnt of liver fibroo prevent the expensiveduce the spTeam lead of centre/news

trol Campaig, Governmenu apart”. The sumed by tened form of tobakeless tobaccuse smokeles8.4% of adult

acco, and khad with technica) was filmed ibai, Maharash

ments as a resibe how tobace PSA graphiceless tobaccoed in 16 langunational and rperiod of 5-6 wause of death ses of death. acco consum

030. It is estimndia with 550% of all canceoral cancers

urvey – India ge group of 15females consdults in urbanand Standardn any food proation which p


Epidemic Disents to halt he

ly acknowledhepatitis, andew era of awt call for actiol response. Aual event tha

es, WHO hasanization is eed in their curOne of its aimammes. reening, cares testing apposis; and the se progressioand therapy

read of thesf WHO’s Glob

gn ‘Tears Yot of India hasCampaign ais of millions oacco in India

co over smokiss tobacco. 26t females. Smaini. al support fron B. Barooahhtra. The PSAsult of their chcco-related illcally warns tho users to quiuages in a naregional Doorweeks. and disease Globally appr

mption. If urgemated that nea00 new youth ers in femalesare caused d(GATS) cond5 years and asuming tobacn areas use tod Authority (FSoduct. About

prohibit produc

of India, July

seases at WHepatitis throug

ged by the Wd called for aareness with

on, WHO hasAs a result, tat began in 2

s been workinxploring withrrent program

ms is to supp

and treatmenproaches; behselection of hn of chronicwill require

se viruses, mbal Hepatitis P

u Apart’ launched a nms to raise pof Indian everamong lowerng forms. Glo6% of adults c

mokeless toba

om world Lungh Cancer InstiA features reahewing additionesses have

he public that t and habit.

ational campardarshan chan

in the world troximately 6 mnt action is noarly 8-9 lakh pstarting tobac

s can be attribdue to smokelducted by Minabove consumco. Nearly, tw

obacco in somSSAI) regulat33 states/UTction, storage

17, 2013

HO. “The findgh the implem

World Health a comprehenmore governbeen collabo

the new repo2010) with ev

ng on developinternational

mme of activitort countries

nt guidelines,havioural intehepatitis C dru

hepatitis B monitoring w

medicines muProgramme.

nation-wide Nublic awarenery day. r socioeconomobal Adult Tobconsume smoacco includes:

g Foundationtute in Guwahal victims whoon. It also incdestroyed catobacco can

aign for Pan-Innnels and All

today. Tobaccmillion peopleot taken, the dpeople die evcco use everybuted to tobacess tobacco uistry of Health

me tobacco inwo in five (38%me form or thetion 2.3.4 whi

Ts have issuede and sale of g

dings underlinmentation of

Assembly innsive approanments proacorating closelyort notes, 38

ven more cou

ping networkl funding ageties. In Junewith planning

, which will prerventions (alug combinatioand C are iwith sophistiust become

National Tobacess about the

mic groups anbacco Surveyokeless tobac: gutkha, zard

. The campaihati, Assam ao are sufferingludes comme

areers, family literally tear l

ndia coverageIndia Radio.

co is a risk e die each yeadeath toll cou

very year due y day. Aboutcco use. It isuse. h & Family some form o%) adults in e other. ch inter alia d instructionsgutkha and p

ne the WHO

2010 ach to ctively y with 8% of untries

s and encies 2013, g and

rovide lcohol ons. in the icated more

cco e

nd y cco da,

gn and at g ents

life, ives

e. The

ar uld



s as

World Po The NatioJansankhorganisedGhulam NHealth & 2011 Cenwould be populous populationof the govsizes for Parliamenand need Addressinmost impoGovernmeour populaSmt. ChochairmansAround thDirectors corporate the NationSource: P Rajastha

WIFS ProThe WeekGhulamNprogrammcountry. Bin poor pnegative icontributereason, tSuppleme The proggovernmewith IFA tahealth educrores in 2foundationJodhpur. Source: P

159 Mate

With the welfare dhospitals hospitals, treatment

Hon Healcare facilideliveriesthe annou

opulation Day

onal Day wasya Sthirata K

d a “National Nabi Azad, UFamily Welfa

nsus, India’s t1.40 billion bcountry in the

n, the need fovernment has

the bettermntarians and Mfor populatio

ng the Nationaortant sector tent in buildingation healthy,owdhary addship of ShriKe

hree hundred of NRHM of d sectors, devenal Dialogue.

Press Informa


ogramme laukly Iron Folic abi Azad, Un

me, Shri AzadBut half of thephysical growmpact on the

es to poor mthe Ministry entation (WIF

gramme will ent aided andablets, adolesucation. The 2013-14 for imn stone of M

Press Informa

rnal, Child H

increase in inepartment hato expand its satellite hos for the expan

th Minister, Sities for mate. So, we are uncement du

y:National D

s Organized Kosh (JSK), aDialogue for nion Minister

are participatetotal populati

by 2026. In thee world. Withor population s been on eff

ment of the hMedia would n stabilizational Dialogue, Sto be focusedg healthy, nou, strong and vded. The inaeshav Desirajdelegates frodifferent stateelopment par

tion Bureau, G

unched in RaAcid Supplem

nion Minister od said adolese adolescent pwth, poor schoe working capaternal and

of Health S)” programm

reach out to municipal scscents and thGovernment mplementatio

MCH Wing at

tion Bureau, G

Healthcare Un

nstitutional deas decided tos maternal aspitals and cnsion plan.

Shri A.A Khanernal and chilestablishing ring a functio

ialogue for P

on 11 July an autonomoPopulation Str of Health & ed in the inauon is now1.2e next 15 yea only 2.4% ofstabilization c

fforts to creathealth of theplay a proac

n. Smt. Chowdhd during 12th urished and svibrant. To keaugural sessju, Secretary,

om central goves, District Martners, Interna


ajasthan mentation Proof Health & F

scents form 2population, boool performaacity and devchild health,& Family W

me” to preven

o 13 crore bchools as wellheir families wof India has p

on of the progMahila Chiki



eliveries of bao set up 159 and child heacommunity he

n said ‘With td health to cmaternal andon to lay the

Population S

2013, as paous body undtabilization foFamily Welfa

ugural progra21 billion. Asars India’s pof the entire wcan hardly bete awarenesse mother, thctive role to cr

ary said the UFive Year Pla

stronger Indiaeep this promision was fol, Health and Fvernments, Pagistrates of sational agenci

of India, 11 J

ogramme for tFamily Welfar22 % of Indiaoth girls and b

ance and redvelopment of c

resulting in Welfare hast and control

boys and girl as out-of-sch

will be given inprovided Rs. ramme. Durintsalaya, San

of India, July

abies to 80%maternal an

alth care servealth centres

the help of cecater to the ind child health

foundation o

Stabilization f

rt of observader the Ministor Better Tomare and Smt

amme. In his per populatio

opulation will eworld’s landmae overemphass and persuadhe child and reate awaren

UPA Governman.This show. This effort wise, we have llowed by aFamily Welfar

Principal Secreselected distriies, researche

uly 2013

the State of Rre at Jaipur o’s total populboys, suffersuced concenchildren, adoincreased m

s taken up“Wthe anaemia

rls of the cohool girls. Unnformation an135 crores in ng his daylongganeri Gate,

26, 2013

% in eth stated child health

vices. The des with high f

entral fundingncreasing numunits in vario

of an MCH c

for Better To

ation of Worldtry of Health orrow” in New. Santosh Chaddress, Sh

on projection,exceed Chinaass to supporsized. For thisde people to

the whole ess about po

ment has mads the commitm

would go a lonmiles to go be

a panel discre. etaries of Heaicts civil socieers, clinicians

Rajasthan wan 26 July 201ation who arfrom anaemia

ntration in dalescents and orbidity and Weekly Ironsituation in a

ountry enrolleder this progr

nd counselling2012-13 and

g programmeJaipur. He a

, the medicalh care (MCH

epartment hafootfall of pre

g, we are expmber of womous hospitals.centre at Mah


d Population& Family W

w Delhi todayhowdhary, Mori Azad saida India’s popu

a, making thert 17% of the s reason, the

have small ffamily. He h

opulation expl

de ‘Health’ asment of UPAng way to makefore we sleeussion unde

alth and Missety, private ans, participated

s launched by13. Addressinre the future oa. Anaemia re

aily tasks. It hadults. Anaemortality. Fo and Folic


ed in governramme, alongg on nutrition d Rs. 750 e, he laid thealso visited A

l health and fH) units in diffs identified degnant wome

panding the hmen for institu. ’ Shri Khan hila Chikitsala

Day, Welfare

y. Shri oS for as per ulation e most

world focus family hoped losion


ke ep, er the

ion nd d in

y Shri ng the of the esults has a mia

or this Acid

ment, g and


family fferent district en for

health utional made

aya in

Sanganerand other

As per theget 100-bhospitals Suraksha hospitals, Suraksha

Under thebe Rs 442

Source: T

First cris The first Owomen wwhich repdowry harbe one ofkinds of aJaipuria Hcondition for injuriesfor physicRecently, inspectedInitially, thdecided toFor the puWomen ricrimes agalso think significantThe officiahospital toSource: T

Governm The healtresponsibofficials saEach cosuperintenalso for colevel comThe stateCHC and Of the tothospitals. for keepinRs1.9 croWhile relethat cleanwindows, officials. Moreoverhas handhospitals. Source: T

r Gate attendr health depar

e expansion pbedded MCH

which will g wards will each consist wards will be

e project, 5,902 crore.

TOI, 26.7.13

is centre to o

One Stop Criswho have faceported highestrassment, dof its kind in thatrocities, undHospital deputof women is as. So, there w

cal as well as officials of m Jaipuria Hos

he OSCC wilo develop theurpose, the heghts activist R

gainst women that first mortly." als said that to another for TOI, July 23, 2

ment Release

th departmenble for ensurinaid the move mmittee will ndent of the ommunity heamittee on clea government PHCs for the

tal amount, R For CHCs, R

ng it neat andore for sub ceneasing the funing of hospita

corridors, wa

r, units of maed over the

TOI, July 14, 2

ded by Union rtment official

plan, two medunits. The c

et 50-beddedalso come uting Rs 70 lae set up at a c

00 beds for M

open for wom

sis Centre (Oed atrocities, wt cases of rapmestic violen

he state to proer one roof. ty controller aaffected after

will be doctorspsychologica

medical health spital and idenl be set up a

e centre as soealth departmRakhi Badhwn is a serious re efforts shou

the centre wiltreatment. Th


Rs 37cr for

nt has directeng the hospitis to keep ho

comprise hospital concalth centers (Caning. has released

e purpose. Rs 6.24 crore Rs 12.34 crored clean, a hentres has beends, the heaals should be ards, stairs an

ternal and chresponsibility


health miniss.

dical college acost of each d MCH centrup with 50-bekh. Another 1cost of Rs 40

MCHs will be


SCC), to provwill soon compe in 2012 in nce and otherovide all kind

and nodal officr any kind of vs and counselal trauma."

and family wntified a buildat a three-roooon as possibment has alreawar said, "The

issue. But, ituld be made s

ll help the vichey will also g

clean look o

ed all governals do not sti

ospitals free frdeputy cont

cerned. The nCHC), primar

d funds amou

has been kee has been re

ealth departmen earmarkedalth departme

done round tnd ramps mus

hild health (My of monitorin

ter Ghulam N

attached hospMCH unit w

res each at edded faciliti105 CHCs halakh each.

introduced in

vide support, me up at Jaipu

the country, r kinds of crues of relief to v

cer (OSCC) Dviolence or acllors who will

welfare departing in the hos

om quarter ofle. ady created p step to set ut should funcso that crimes

ctims in a big get legal advic

of hospitals

nment hospitaink and no garom infection roller, distric

new arrangemry health cent

unting to Rs 3

pt for district eleased for onent official sa

d for one yearnt has issuedthe clock andst be cleaned

MCH) care wog of cleaning

Nabi Azad, C

pitals and 20 would be Rs

a cost Rs 2es at satellit

ave been iden

n 159 hospita

care, treatmeuria Hospital.while large nelty were alsovictims of rap

Dr Rambabu Jct of cruelty anremain prese

tment and wospital which wf a doctor in

posts for counp OSCC is a

ction properly s against wom

way as they ce and police

als to constitarbage on thand give a cle

ct hospital hment will not oters (PHC) wh

37.59 crore fo

hospitals, sune year. A CHaid. A fund or. d strict direct seven days aproperly, the

ould also be g of MCH un

Chief Minister,

district hospit16 crore. Mo.5 crore. Altote hospitals ntified where

als. The total

ent, security a Rajasthan isumbers of cao reported. Npe, domestic v

Jaiswal said, nd also she nent at the OSC

omen empowewill be develop

the hospital.

nsellors in theunique initiatso that its pu

men decrease

will not haveprotection in

tute committee premises. ean look. health manaonly be for dihich will be m

or all governm

ub district hosHC will get Rsf Rs 17.10 cr

tions to the ha week. All ga

e health depar

paid attentionits to principa

, Sri Ashok G

tals in the staoreover, 14 dogether 18 Jand sub-divis20-bedded J

expenditure w

and legal advs among the sases of kidnapow, this centviolence and

"The mentalneeds treatmeCC to treat he

erment deparped as OSCCThe officials

hospital. tive at a time urpose is sere

to move fromthe hospital.

ees, which wHealth depar

ager and nuistrict hospita

monitored by d

ment hospital

spitals and sas 30,000 per mrore for PHC

hospitals to ealleries, door,rtment directe

n. The deparal in-charge o


te will district Janani sional



vice to states pping, re will other

ent er

rtment C.


when rved. I

m one

will be rtment

ursing als but district

s and

atellite month s and

nsure , ed the

rtment of the

RajasthaUnion heahealthcareShishu Suhealthcaregood workalso appla"The stateexecuted The Unioninteractiondecision otransportaas pregna"If any comof it too. SSpeaking among thepassed byprevails inroughly 40The financSupreme on defensChidambaSource: T

We solic

State InsJhalana Phone-2 E-mail:-s

n effectively alth minister Ge services. Inuraksha Karyae for an year,k. It has utilizeauded the effoe governmentwell," said Azn health minisn.' The aim ofof the Union gation and treaant, till the datmplication oc

Similarly we aon the ordinae most impory the Parliamen some pocke0-45% childrece minister mCourt verdict

sive mode ovearam.

TOI, July 17, 2

cit your feedb

stitute of HealInstitutional A

2706496, 270sihfwraj@yma

utilized fundGhulam Nabi teracting withakram (JSSK post deliveryed the funds orts made by t has used itszad. ster and finanf the visit is togovernment oatment cost ofte she deliver

ccurs to a motalso added theance on food rtant legislatioent, will deal ets of the couen in the coun

mentioned thatt on MPs and er the issue. T



th & Family WArea, South o01938, Fax- 2ail.com; Web

ds for healthAzad praised

h media persoK) which now cy. "Rajasthan effectively givthe state gov own resourc

nce minister vo publicize theon increasing f pregnant wors a baby. Eather till 45 daye treatment ofsecurity bill, f

on of the counwith two issuentry. Two, it wntry," said Cht the UPA govMLAs if conv

There are tec

Welfare f Doordarsha706534 site: www.sih

hcare: Union d Gehlot goveons here, he acovers materis among the

ven from Cenvernment for ices with very l

visited Jaipur ae programmethe ambit of J

omen will nowrlier this faciliys of giving bf a child for afinance minisntry till date. "Tes. One, it wi

will solve the midambram. vernment is cvicted by the cchnicalities inv

an Kendra Jai


minister ernment for pralso announcrnal healthcare few states wntre for healthimplementinglittle help from

as part of thes of the UnionJSKK, Azad s

w be covered fty was availairth to a child,n year after bter P ChidamThe ordinancll deal with thmalnutrition p

consulting all court. "We arvolved and it

pur (Raj)


roper utilizatioced the expanre for 45 dayswhich has doncare," said Az

g the free medm the Centre.

'group of minn governmensaid that undefrom the day ble only durin, the governm

birth under JSmbaram assertce, which will he hunger issuproblem which

political partiere on a consuneeds more c

on of money insion of Janans and child ne exceptionazad. The mindicine schemeIt has been

nisters on met. Announcing

er the schemeshe is identifi

ng the deliverment will take SSK," said Aza

ted that it is become law wue which still h is there in

es over the lting mode anclarity," added

in ni

ally ister e.

edia g the e, ied y. care ad.


nd not d