e nvironmental and c hemical m etrology a rea country report training course: “risk assessment and...

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E NVIRONMENTAL AND C HEMICAL M ETROLOGY A REA COUNTRY REPORT Training Course: Risk Assessment and Monitoring for Environmental Chemicals Name of Participant: Esteban Alejandro Briones Sindermann Slide 2 1 Brief Description of Chile Chile is a long country stretched over a variety of landscapes. Population: 15,050,341 Area: 756,945 sq Km Country Report Slide 3 2 Landscape of Chile Country Report Slide 4 3 National Flower and Flag Country Report Slide 5 4 Chile Foundation is a non-for-profit privately owned corporation created in 1976. The mission is to increase the competitiveness of human resources and production and service sectors by promoting and developing for the country high impact innovations, technology transfer and management. Organization Chart CHILE Foundation Slide 6 5 Technology Centers Agribusiness Marine Resources Sustainable Forestry, Industry and Tourism Environment and Chemical Metrology Human Resources Information Technology Tech. Transfer Mechanisms Joint ventures to create new innovative companies Sale and Licensing of technologies Dissemination of Knowledge and Training Technological Services In searching for market opportunities, Chile Foundation develops applied research that leads to innovation in products and processes. Organization Chart CHILE Foundation Slide 7 6 Contribute to the effective incorporation of Chilean companies into the World Market. Provide management solutions and alternative technologies for productive sectors to reduce environmental impacts. The Environmental Center at Chile Foundation has more than 20 years of experience working to improve the environmental conditions of Chilean companies and the country. Organization Chart T HE E NVIRONMENTAL Center General Aspects Our Mission: Slide 8 7 ORGANIZATION CHART, ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER Antonia Alvarado Geophysics and Mining Specialist Antonia Alvarado Geophysics and Mining Specialist Esteban Briones Risk Assessment and GIS Specialist Esteban Briones Risk Assessment and GIS Specialist Roco Fonseca Bioengineering Specialist Roco Fonseca Bioengineering Specialist Cecilia Vidal Advisor, Hydrocarbons Remediation Technology Cecilia Vidal Advisor, Hydrocarbons Remediation Technology Andreas Zimmermann Advisor Intl Senior Geologist Andreas Zimmermann Advisor Intl Senior Geologist Juan Carlos Lopez Expert in Soil Remediation Juan Carlos Lopez Expert in Soil Remediation Environmental Area Marcela Angulo Manager Environmental Area Marcela Angulo Manager Miguel Mardones Clean Technologies, Valuation and Treatment Miguel Mardones Clean Technologies, Valuation and Treatment Juan Ramn Candia Risk Assessment and Environmental Remediation Juan Ramn Candia Risk Assessment and Environmental Remediation Ana Mara Ruz Sustainable Energy Ana Mara Ruz Sustainable Energy Organization Chart T HE E NVIRONMENTAL Center General Aspects Slide 9 8 My position in Chile Foundation is a Project Researcher. My aim is to improve and innovate the technologies used in Chile. I am an engineer specialized in risk assessment and GIS and my responsibility is to put forward research projects which aim at detecting and evaluating important problems in my country in the area of Risk Assesment and Environmental Remediation. THE ENVIRONMENTAL AREA Position and Function Slide 10 9 Develop and Propose a methodology for site identification and risk evaluation Building up a National Registry of POPs potentially contaminated sites Development sensitivity maps (oil company) Risk Evaluation and Decontamination of a community area contaminated with asbestos Sites preliminary inspections & Feasibility studies for site remediation Training of environmental a agencies and private companies Use of geophysics for detection of underground contamination Identification and prioritization of PCS in the Fifth Region Adaptation and Pilot application of remediation technologies Identification, evaluation and proposing measures for POPs contaminated sites, including a National Implementation Plan THE ENVIRONMENTAL AREA THE REMEDIATION PROGRAME Examples of Projects Slide 11 10 Chile has an environmental policy since 1994, which is based on the Law of Bases of the Environmental Protection (N 19.300). The Environmental Protection Agency of Chile is called CONAMA. 1. Policy of Integral Management of Solid Waste: The Concerning the chemical agents the Health Ministry has enforced regulations such as D.S 148 which regulates the handling and treatment of hazardous chemicals. Agricultural Service Center of Chile (SAG) has enforced regulations to forbid the manufacture and import of hazardous agrochemicals, such as POPs, Bromuro de Metilo and Pentaclorophenol. 2. At present a policy of management of contaminated sites is being developed. COUNTRY REPORT CURRENT STATUS ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION POLICY Slide 12 11 Industrial Activities Mining Activities Toxic Chemicals Oil Companies COUNTRY REPORT MAJOR PROBLEMS ON ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS Slide 13 12 Some of the most important regulations of environmental and industrial Chemicals are: 1.Drinking Water Regulation NCh 409 (1984) 2.Law of Bases of the Environmental Protection N 19.300 (1994) 3.Environmental Impact System Evaluation D.S N 30 (1997) 4.Hazardous Chemicals: general classification NCh 382 (1998) 5.Regulations of contamination release of Liquid Industrial wastes D.S N 90 (2000) 6.Regulations of release of Liquid Industrial wastes to the ground water D.S N 46 (2002) 7.Handling and treatment of hazardous waste D.S N 148 (2004) COUNTRY REPORT REGULATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS Although the Chilean environmental regulation has been considerably improved, there are many aspects that have not been regulated yet. The environmental regulation on chemicals is insufficient. There are also laws that prohibit the use of several chemicals, but there is still a lot to do. Slide 14 13 Considering industrial chemicals, the Environmental Protection Agency (CONAMA in Chile) is at present working on a system to identify chemical substances and waste that are produced by industry or the productive sector. CONAMA has also developed a data base of industrial solid waste and an Inventory of Contaminated Sites in Chile to monitoring the risk for human health and ecosystems. COUNTRY REPORT MONITORING SYSTEMS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS Slide 15 14 The major technology for monitoring is associated with the Plan of Atmospheric Prevention and Decontamination for the Metropolitan Region. The aim of this plan is to evaluate the pollutants (i.e. Particulate Matter, CO, SOx, NOx, NH 3 ) and to take action to reduce them in a planned order and terms. COUNTRY REPORT MAJOR TECHNOLOGY FOR MONITORING In order for samples analysis we have analytical technology for monitoring heavy metals, oils, pesticides and others chemicals. Slide 16 15 Slide 17 16 My experience for over three years working at Chile Foundation has been mainly in making surveys of risk assessment of potentially polluted sites in order to determine if the existing risk levels involve a threat to human health or ecosystems. My experience in areas associated with risk assessment is as follows: 1. Risk assessment in connection with polluted sites (health and ecological aspects) 2. Environmental Characterization of polluted sites. 3. Producing risk, danger and vulnerability maps making use of GIS. 4. Producing lists of contaminated sites and design a methodology to identify them. 5. Research, assessment, development and application of remediation technologies. 6. Consultant for companies in the decision taking process concerning contaminated sites. 7. Training in risk assessment, identification of contaminated sites and remedial technologies. 8. Collaboration with national authorities involved in establishing the regulations. COUNTRY REPORT OUTLINE OF YOUR EXPERIENCE Slide 18 17 COUNTRY REPORT OUTLINE OF YOUR EXPERIENCE Slide 19 18 I am highly motivated to learn about methods, methodologies and technology concerning risk assessment and supervision of chemicals in the environment. I expect to contribute with greater knowledge and know-how to the design of research projects and surveys about economic activities which are sustainable in their relation with the environment and peoples health. Furthermore, I would like to evaluate the possibility of introducing innovation in our technology thus improving the assessment procedures. This would lead to diminishing and preventing risk for the health of the people and ecosystems in many sites of my country. COUNTRY REPORT YOUR PURPOSE TO ATTEND IN THIS TRAINING COURSE Slide 20 19 RISK ASSESSMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION TEAM Domo arigato gozaimashita Juan Ramon Candia, MSc. Director Antonia Alvarado, MSc, Geofsica Esteban Briones, Ing. en RRNN Roco Fonseca, Ing. Biotecnologa Juan Carlos Lpez, MSc, Ing. Qumico Andreas Zimmermann, Gelogo Carolina Daz, Ing. Biotecnologa Luciano Gonzlez, Ing. Ambiental Cecilia Herrera, PhD. Geologa Juanita Galaz, Ing. En Minas, asesora Slide 21 20 COUNTRY REPORT MAJOR PROBLEMS ON ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS Slide 22 21 COUNTRY REPORT MAJOR PROBLEMS ON ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS Slide 23 22 GIS Software COUNTRY REPORT OUTLINE OF YOUR EXPERIENCE Toolkit for Remote Sensing Risk Asessment & Environmental Monitorig of Mining Activities Slide 24 23 NATIONAL SPORT IN CHILE Slide 25 24 NATIONAL DANCE IN CHILE