e-paper pakistantoday 13th november, 2012

Tuesday, 13 November, 2012 Dhu Al-Haj 27, 1433 Rs 15.00 Vol III No 137 19 Pages Karachi Edition PAGE |19 PAGE |03 Nisar, Nawaz not on same page over FIA investigation Bhutto’s nationalisation policy deteriorated economy: Nawaz PAGE |19 India favours a stable Pakistan, says Manmohan Singh NEW DELHI AgenCIeS A FGHAn President Hamid Karzai has said the war on terror did not need to be fought in Afghanistan but in the sanctuaries in Pakistan and Afghanistan that were shelter- ing the Taliban. In an interview with the Times of India, Karzai hoped that with the re-election of US President Barack Obama, they would have a frank discussion to find an answer to the ques- tion. “I hope that now with the re-election of President Obama, we will be sitting down for a frank conversation so we can find answers to these questions. The war on terror cannot be fought in Afghanistan because it isn’t in Afghanistan. It has to go to the sanctuaries. Those sanctuaries are in Pakistan… and in Afghanistan wherever they are.” “It is no longer a secret,” Karzai said, adding, “and (even) Pakistan doesn’t deny that any more. The region is infested with terror sanctuaries”. Karzai said this had been con- veyed to the US repeatedly, and also at times through the media. Asked if he was disappointed by Obama’s first term insofar as US’s promises to Afghanistan were concerned, Karzai said, “We have issues with the US and we want them ad- dressed and while we are addressing these is- sues, we also want the transition to Afghan security forces completed in time in 2013 and the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan by 2014.” The Afghan president said the Americans never had the immunity to raid and search Afghan homes “but this will become simply im- possible after 2014”. He said the issue he was willing to respect was a strategic partnership with the US signed about eight months ago. Karzai said he did not believe that foreign troops had brought peace. “That is the contention that we have with the US. They have not brought se- curity to Afghan lives, rather they have caused serious pain to the Afghan people.” ISLAMABAD StAff RepoRt Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has asked civil servants to act according to the letter and spirit of the constitution and law to achieve objects of good governance. Addressing Office Management Group probationers who visited the Supreme Court on Monday, the chief justice said they had been given very important role in the making and im- plementation of policies. The CJ said if there was any mal- functioning on part of public func- tionaries, knocking the doors of the courts remained the last option. He pointed out that the constitution in its Article 37 (d) made it obligatory on the state to ensure inexpensive and expe- ditious justice. “If the courts are dispens- ing justice impartially and expeditiously, nothing can stand in the way of the na- tion’s advancement,” he said. Justice Chaudhry said the courts in Pakistan had always strived for the pro- tection of fundamental rights of the citi- zen. “The civil service has always been considered as service of the state and not subservient to the whims of the executive organ of the state and their primary duty is, and has always been, to be in the serv- ice of the people.” He pointed out that the court had held time and again that gov- ernment servants should comply only with those orders of their superiors which were legal and within their competence. The chief justice said civil servants were also to be provided safety against illegal orders as in such situations, they were either transferred immediately before completion of their tenure, placed as OSDs or their promotional prospects were compromised. Karzai wants war on terror taken to Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan Pakistan protests Afghan cross- border shelling ISLAMABAD: Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani on Monday said Pakistan had serious reservations over the cross-border shelling and militant infiltration from Afghanistan. Talking to media representatives on the occasion of inauguration of a two-day regional anti- narcotics ministerial level conference in Islamabad, Jilani said the conference was important to address the narcotics issue in the region. He said with mutual cooperation of regional countries, the menace of narcotics could be brought to an end. “Afghan Peace Council chief Salahuddin Rabbani’s visit to Pakistan is of great significance for the success of the reconciliation process in Afghanistan,” the foreign secretary added. Ministers of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Russia and Uzbekistan are expected to attend the conference. Online Obeying illegal orders not justifable: CJP KARACHI: Women mourn the death of a relative who fell victim to a targeted killing incident in the violence-stricken financial hub of the country on Monday. Online KHI 13-11-2012_Layout 1 11/13/2012 2:08 AM Page 1

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e-paper pakistantoday 13th November, 2012


Page 1: e-paper pakistantoday 13th November, 2012

Tuesday, 13 November, 2012 Dhu Al-Haj 27, 1433Rs 15.00 Vol III No 137 19 Pages Karachi Edition

PAGE |19PAGE |03

Nisar, Nawaz not onsame page over FIA investigation

Bhutto’s nationalisationpolicy deteriorated

economy: NawazPAGE |19

India favours a stablePakistan, saysManmohan Singh


AFGHAn President Hamid Karzaihas said the war on terror did notneed to be fought in Afghanistanbut in the sanctuaries in Pakistanand Afghanistan that were shelter-

ing the Taliban.In an interview with the Times of India,

Karzai hoped that with the re-election of USPresident Barack Obama, they would have afrank discussion to find an answer to the ques-tion. “I hope that now with the re-election ofPresident Obama, we will be sitting down fora frank conversation so we can find answers tothese questions. The war on terror cannot befought in Afghanistan because it isn’t inAfghanistan. It has to go to the sanctuaries.Those sanctuaries are in Pakistan… and inAfghanistan wherever they are.”

“It is no longer a secret,” Karzai said,adding, “and (even) Pakistan doesn’t deny thatany more. The region is infested with terrorsanctuaries”. Karzai said this had been con-veyed to the US repeatedly, and also at timesthrough the media.

Asked if he was disappointed by Obama’sfirst term insofar as US’s promises toAfghanistan were concerned, Karzai said, “Wehave issues with the US and we want them ad-dressed and while we are addressing these is-sues, we also want the transition to Afghansecurity forces completed in time in 2013 andthe withdrawal of international forces fromAfghanistan by 2014.”

The Afghan president said the Americansnever had the immunity to raid and searchAfghan homes “but this will become simply im-

possible after 2014”. He said the issue he waswilling to respect was a strategic partnershipwith the US signed about eight months ago.Karzai said he did not believe that foreign troopshad brought peace. “That is the contention thatwe have with the US. They have not brought se-curity to Afghan lives, rather they have causedserious pain to the Afghan people.”


Chief Justice of Pakistan IftikharMuhammad Chaudhry has asked civilservants to act according to the letterand spirit of the constitution and law toachieve objects of good governance.

Addressing Office ManagementGroup probationers who visited theSupreme Court on Monday, the chiefjustice said they had been given veryimportant role in the making and im-plementation of policies.

The CJ said if there was any mal-

functioning on part of public func-tionaries, knocking the doors of thecourts remained the last option.

He pointed out that the constitutionin its Article 37 (d) made it obligatory onthe state to ensure inexpensive and expe-ditious justice. “If the courts are dispens-ing justice impartially and expeditiously,nothing can stand in the way of the na-tion’s advancement,” he said.

Justice Chaudhry said the courts inPakistan had always strived for the pro-tection of fundamental rights of the citi-zen. “The civil service has always beenconsidered as service of the state and not

subservient to the whims of the executiveorgan of the state and their primary dutyis, and has always been, to be in the serv-ice of the people.” He pointed out that thecourt had held time and again that gov-ernment servants should comply onlywith those orders of their superiors whichwere legal and within their competence.

The chief justice said civil servantswere also to be provided safety againstillegal orders as in such situations, theywere either transferred immediatelybefore completion of their tenure,placed as OSDs or their promotionalprospects were compromised.

Karzai wants war onterror taken to Talibansanctuaries in Pakistan

Pakistan protestsAfghan cross-border shellingISLAMABAD: Foreign Secretary JalilAbbas Jilani on Monday said Pakistan hadserious reservations over the cross-bordershelling and militant infiltration fromAfghanistan. Talking to mediarepresentatives on the occasion ofinauguration of a two-day regional anti-narcotics ministerial level conference inIslamabad, Jilani said the conference wasimportant to address the narcotics issue inthe region. He said with mutual cooperationof regional countries, the menace of narcoticscould be brought to an end. “Afghan PeaceCouncil chief Salahuddin Rabbani’s visit toPakistan is of great significance for thesuccess of the reconciliation process inAfghanistan,” the foreign secretary added.Ministers of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, China,India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkey,Russia and Uzbekistan are expected toattend the conference. Online

Obeying illegal orders not justifiable: CJP

KARACHI: Women mourn the death of a relative who fell victim to a targeted killing incident in the violence-stricken

financial hub of the country on Monday. Online

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Story on Page 05


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Story on Page 14

Invisible force involved in disrupting peace in Karachi, Quetta: Malik Apple and HtC sign truce ending patent disputes

SC calls Punjab, Islamabad IGsfor not nabbing ex OGRA chief ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court has summoned the Punjab andIslamabad IGs for not arresting former OGRA chief Tauqeer Sadiq. Athree-member bench headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar MohammedChaudhry heard the case pertaining to the appointment of the Sadiq.During the hearing, the chief justice inquired as to why had OGRA’sformer chairman still not been arrested. The counsel for the nABinformed the court that a raid was conducted to arrest Sadiq but heescaped before the raid on a tip off. The court also ordered that theofficers nominated to arrest the accused be presented in court. TheSC ruled that it appeared that Sadiq was being informed of the arrestraids in advance. onlIne

Jammers in Peshawar CentralJail go out of orderPESHAWAR: The jammers which were installed four months ago atthe Peshawar Central Jail in order to prevent unlawful use of mobiletelephones by the prisoners, including Dr Shakil Afridi, have gone outof order. According to sources, the jail administration has informedthe Provincial Home Ministry about the mal-functioning jammers.The jammers were installed after Dr Shakil Afridi, who has beencharged with treason for providing information to the Americansregarding the presence of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, gave aninterview to American Fox TV from his jail cell. Reportedly, theprisoners in central jail have started using mobile phones smuggledinto their cells illegally.Inp

Pakistanis arrested withheroin worth over Rs 8mCOLOMBO: Three Pakistani nationals and a Sri Lankan werearrested with over two kilograms of heroin worth more than Rs8 million from Bambalapitiya, suburban Colombo, by the Policenarcotics Bureau on Monday, police said. Investigation revealedthat the Pakistani’s, including one woman, had visited Sri Lankaon nine previous occasions, reported The Daily Mirror. onlIne

Balochistan doctors’ strikeenters 26th day QUETTA: The ongoing strike of Balochistan doctors entered the26th day on Monday. The strike was announced by the Balochistanchapter of the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) against theabduction of their colleague Dr Saeed Ahmed Khan and calling forhis recovery. However, despite the orders of the Balochistan HighCourt, Dr Khan, who was abducted on October 16, could not berecovered. General operation theatres and out-patient departmentsin state hospitals remained closed due to the strike, causing severedifficulties for patients coming from far-flung areas. Inp


Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP)Secretary Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan on Mon-day said that it is the commission’s juris-diction to bar any candidate fromcontesting elections in case he/she hasbeen convicted after trial.

The Supreme Court has not directedthe election commission in Asghar Khancase and it has been asked to conduct in-vestigation through the FIA, said the sec-retary adding it will be the jurisdiction ofthe election commission to bar any can-didate from contesting elections in casehe/she has been convicted after trial.

Khan said the ECP is committed tohold free, fair and transparent electionsin the country and making every possiblepreparation for organising impartial gen-eral elections.

The secretary was briefing the mediaafter a meeting, presided by Chief Elec-tion Commissioner Justice (Retd) Fakhar

ud Din G. Ibrahim, held to review thesteps and preparations being made fornext general elections.

The ECP secretary said that 84.37million voters have been enrolled so farin the country and 77,000 persons visitedthe various offices till July 31, headed byAROs established through out the coun-try to check their names in voter list orfor any correction purpose.

He said that bye-elections in Bannuand Multan had been already held follow-ing the new voters’ list and no complainthas been received regarding it.

The secretary said that no changesare being made in the limitations of con-stituencies in the country and next gen-eral elections will be held following thelimitations as it was in the elections of2008.

He also hinted towards increasing thenumber of polling stations in Punjabfrom 37,000 to 40,000, 14,000 to 18,000in Sindh, 9500 to 11,000 in KPK. Simi-larly, he said the numbers of polling sta-

tions will be increased in Balochistan anddistance of polling stations from voters inhuge constituencies will be reduced ascompared to previous general elections.

He said the chief election commis-sioner will hold a meeting in Quetta soonto review elections’ related arrangementsand ensure conducive environment in theprovince for this purpose.

The presiding officers will be abovethan grade-17 and there will be no trans-fer of any officer given any assignmentregarding elections after December 31,the secretary maintained. To a question,he said that person having dual national-ity can not contest elections or becomemember of the parliament. However, hesaid there is no binding in constitutionfor dual nationality holder to becomeleader of any political party.

He said that international observershave been invited through the ministry offoreign affairs while local media will bealso facilitated to observe the elections.

Regarding installation of CCTV cam-

eras at polling stations, he said the com-mission will install cameras only at mostsensitive polling stations. Owing toarrangements in Muharram, the secre-tary said that the provincial governments

have requested the election commissionfor postponing bye-elections. Their re-quest has been approved and bye- elec-tions will be held on December 4 inPunjab as well as Sindh, he maintained.

President signs

Drug Regulatory

Authority BillISLAMABAD


President Asif Ali Zardari has signed the Drug RegulatoryAuthority Bill criminalising the sale and manufacturing ofspurious drugs. According to the new bill, action would be taken againstdruggists involved in preparation of fake or poor qualitymedicine. He signed the bill at a ceremony at the Presidencyon Monday.President Zardari said the signing of the Drug RegulatoryAuthority of Pakistan Bill into law would ensure availabilityof safe and quality medical services to the people ataffordable prices.He said the credit went to the PPP to first promulgate theDrug Act 1976 and now setting up an authority in the countryto keep a check on the sale and manufacturing of spuriousdrugs.He said the authority would ensure protection of theinterests of the people as well as that of the pharmaceuticalindustry. He said the industry should seek to boost exports throughstandardisation and quality assurance. The president noted that unanimous adoption of the law wasa sign of wisdom and maturity of parliament‚ all politicalforces and the provincial governments.After the president’s signature‚ the Drug RegulatoryAuthority has been officially set up. The new bill will protectrights of the patients.


The Supreme Court (SC) on Monday put offhearing till date in office on the pending pres-idential reference seeking a revisit of the Zul-fikar Ali Bhutto’s death penalty case.

A nine-member bench comprising ChiefJustice of Pakistan (CJP) Iftikhar MuhammadChaudhry, Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jilani,Justice nasirul Mulk, Justice Tariq Parvez,Justice Mian Saqib nisar, Justice SarmadJalal Osmani, Justice Amir Hani Muslim, Jus-tice Gulzar Ahmed and Justice Sheikh AzmatSaeed deferred proceedings on a presidential

reference sent to apex court under Article 186invoking its advisory jurisdiction.

During the course of proceedings, thebench was apprised that Aitzaz Ahsan, counselfor the referring authority, had submitted anadjournment plea, as he was in Karachi to at-tend the funeral of former law minister IqbalHaider, who died on Sunday.

The bench accepted his plea and told hisassistant Ali Gohar that they had received aletter from the referring authority nominatingAitzaz Ahsan as counsel in the pleading, butthey would require an acceptance from thecounsel as well because he would no longerappear as amicus curiae (friend of the court)

in the case.The CJP told him that they would nomi-

nate some other lawyer from Punjab in hisplace as amicus curiae.

In a related matter regarding the tempo-rary suspension of practicing license of BabarAwan, who previously appeared as counsel inZAB’s case, the bench also deferred proceed-ings till date in office. The bench in its ordersaid that his application would be heard whenthe requisite bench of 11 members was consti-tuted as his license suspension order waspassed by the said bench. The bench also di-rected its office to put up the matter for con-stitution of the required bench.

eCP to distribute ballot papersunder army’s supervisionISLAMABAD: Election Commission Pakistan (ECP) has decided to distribute ballotpapers under Army’s supervision. Speaking to reporters, ECP Secretary Ishtiaq Khaninformed that the commission has already paid Rs300 million for ballot paper printing.He further mentioned that the ballot papers will be printed like currency notes and willhave special security features to prevent duplication. It was earlier reported that printingof ballot papers will start just 15 days before the elections as an added security measure.According to the ECP’s plan, there will be hidden features in the new ballot papers thatwould change regularly, making it almost impossible to print forged papers. Someonefound guilty of bogus voting can be imprisoned for three years according to the law. If itis proven that an electoral candidate is involved in the crime directly or indirectly hewould only be disqualified but also banned from taking part in elections for five years.The commission also issued a consolidated Code of Conduct for political parties andcandidates during the next general elections. StAff RepoRt

ECP’s jurisdiction to bar any convict from contesting polls: secretary

SC adjourns hearing in ZAB’s reference on Aitzaz’s request

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editorialthat one stickler of a problem:


articles on Page 14

Law and order breakdown in Karachi.

Dr Hasan Askari Rizvi says;Pakistan’s renewal: Re-visioning Jinnah’s idea of a state.

Sultan Barq says;

“The United States of Asia”: Let’s build a future of our own.

artS & entertainment

Story on Page 12


Story on Page 18


Story on Page 15

Selena gomez had trust issues with Justin Bieber? ‘Inflation will stick to single-digit this year’ fixing trio innocent: UK journalist


Pakistan Muslim League – nawaz (PML –n) President nawaz Sharif on Mondaysaid that the present economic conditionsof Pakistan are a consequence of formerprime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s na-tionalisation policies.

Sharif said that were it not for thesepolicies, Pakistan would have been ahighly prosperous country today.

The PML-n chief was speaking at anevent held at the national Hockey Sta-dium in Lahore to mark the Punjab gov-ernment’s internship programme andlaptop distribution scheme for the youth.

While speaking at the event, he saidthat if nothing was done to save the coun-try from its present crises, then their fu-ture generations would never forgivethem. Sharif also warned the studentsabout elements who were “out to misin-form” the youth and advised them not tobe misguided and deceived by anyone. Healso added that the youth of Pakistanwould improve the conditions of the coun-

try. He added that the same elements hadattempted to hinder the laptop distribu-tion scheme but had been unsuccessful indoing so, adding that more laptops hadbeen distributed than before.

He further said that the current gov-ernment had brought about the problemsof load shedding, unemployment, terror-ism and many other similar problems

upon the Pakistani public. He said thateveryone should unite in improving thecountry’s conditions. During the event,talented children were awarded with theGuard of Honour. Sharif added that thesechildren were the truly deserving of theaward but it had always been given tothose who violated the judiciary, the Con-stitution and the legislative assemblies.

Bhutto’s nationalisation policydeteriorated economy: Nawaz


A high-level Afghan delegation arrived inPakistan on Monday for talks on peace in thewar-torn nation, but analysts warned thatwithout Taliban involvement little wouldcome of the negotiations.

Members of Afghanistan’s High PeaceCouncil, led by Chairman Salahuddin Rab-bani, are to meet Pakistani political leadersand the head of the powerful military overthe coming three days.

Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf ex-pressed hope that the visit by the delegation“will pave the way for closer relations be-tween the two countries,” a statement said

after he met Rabbani and accompanyingmembers.

“There is consensus in Pakistan thatboth Afghanistan and Pakistan should worktogether for peace in the region,” the state-ment issued by the PM’s house said.

Support from Pakistan, which backedthe Taliban regime that held power in Kabulfrom 1996 to 2001, is seen as crucial to peacein Afghanistan beyond 2014.

Afghan-Pakistani talks were derailedmore than a year ago amid a welter of accu-sations when Rabbani’s father Burhanuddin,then head of the peace council, was assassi-nated by a suicide bomber in Kabul.

Afghan officials lashed out at Islamabadover the killing of the former president of

Afghanistan, saying it was planned in Pak-istan and carried out by a Pakistani, while Is-lamabad blamed Afghan refugees living inPakistan.

Suspicion and mistrust have longdogged ties between the two neighbours andKabul has accused Pakistan of supportingTaliban Islamists in their 11-year insurgencyagainst the Western-backed government ofPresident Hamid Karzai.

This week’s talks come as efforts to endthe Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan gaina new urgency as the withdrawal of US-lednATO combat troops — planned for the endof 2014 — looms ever closer.

But analyst Rahimullah Yusufzaiwarned that no progress of any substance

would be made this week, beyond Rabbanigetting to meet the Pakistani side for the firsttime.

“The problem is that the Afghan govern-ment has not been in contact with (the) Tal-iban. Even Rabbani has not been able to getin touch with the Taliban since he becamechairman of the council,” Yusufzai said.

“How is it possible to achieve results insuch a situation when the council has notbeen in contact with the Taliban?”

Preliminary contacts between theUnited States and the Taliban in Doha werebroken off in March when the militantsfailed to secure the release of five of theircomrades held in Guantanamo Bay.

Yusufzai said that while Pakistan has

some influence over the Taliban it was unre-alistic to think Islamabad could convince themilitants to return to the negotiating table.

Such a move would require “confidence-building measures” from the United States,he said, and in any event could trigger a splitin the Islamist movement.

Analyst Hasan Askari said that whileKabul and Washington might be keen forsome kind of accommodation with parts ofthe Taliban, the insurgents had little incen-tive to talk, knowing nATO will leave in twoyears.

“They are waiting for withdrawal of in-ternational troops and are confident thatthey can make life for (the) Kabul govern-ment miserable,” he said.


The government on Monday introduced abill in the national Assembly to adoptstringent measures against terrorism fi-nancing by removing shortcomings in theexisting law.

Minister for Religious Affairs SyedKhurshid Shah moved the Anti-terrorism(Amendment) Bill 2012 that was admittedby the House for further consideration bythe standing committee concerned.

The bill reflects the government’s re-solve to constantly review and strengthenits anti-terrorism-financing regime and tobring it at par with international standards.

The bill addresses the shortcomingsrelating to the terrorist financing provi-sions in the existing Anti-terrorism Act1997 that were highlighted by the FinancialAction Task Force - an international bodycomprising a number of countries and in-ternational organisations which sets andmonitors international standards on anti-money laundering and counter financing

of terrorism.The bill also aims at amending the ex-

isting law to strengthen the provision con-cerning the offences of terrorism financingand to provide more effective enforcement

measures against such offences.It would also pave way for the law en-

forcement agencies to take effective actionsagainst those who finance acts of terrorismand benefit from the proceeds of such acts.

Bill to curb terrorism financing

moved in national Assembly

Hopes weak for Pakistan-Afghanistan peace talks


A petition filed in the Islamabad HighCourt (IHC) on Monday challenged the“political” nature of a recent speech madeby Chief of Army Staff (COAS) GeneralAshfaq Pervez Kayani.

The petition, filed in the IHC byColonel (r) Inam Rahim, argued thatGeneral Kayani had exceeded his profes-sional authority by issuing a politicalstatement.

The petitioner argued that it was notthe job of the military chief to issue po-litical statements, adding that Kayanihad already acted in violation of theArmy Act by taking an extension on histerm as military chief.

Gen Kayani’s recent statement cre-ated ripples in the political, legal and

civil society circles and several observersbelieve that his statement carried veiledchallenges to the superior judiciary aswell as to the media. In his address to agroup of officers at the GHQ on novem-ber 5, General Kayani had stated that anyefforts to create a divide between thepeople and the armed forces underminedthe country’s greater national interest.

He had said, “All systems in Pakistanappear to be in a haste to achieve some-thing, which can have both positive andnegative implications. Let us take a pauseand examine the two fundamental ques-tions. One, are we promoting the rule oflaw and the Constitution? Two, are westrengthening or weakening the institu-tions? In the ultimate analysis, all of uswould have served Pakistan better if his-tory and our future generations judge uspositively.”

‘Political’ nature of Gen Kayani’s

speech challenged in iHCSenate unanimously approves ASF billISLAMABAD: The Senate Standing Committee on Defence and DefenceProduction unanimously approved the bill ‘Airports Security Force (Amendment)Bill 2012’. The meeting was presided over by Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed,chairman of the standing committee, on Monday at the Parliament House. The billwas moved by Minister of State for Defence Sardar Saleem Haider Khan in theSenate on October 11, and was later referred to the Standing Committee on Defenceand Defence Production for further consideration. The committee, while approvingthe bill, asked the Ministry of Defence to review, in consultation with the Financeand Establishment Divisions, the restructuring of Airports Security Force (ASF) inorder to overcome the long standing dichotomy in pay scales and ranks of securityofficers and assistant security officers and submit a detailed report to the committeein 90 days. Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed said the ASF is an importantorganization and the committee will make every possible effort to facilitate ASF inbringing further improvement in its working and performance. He said the ASF wasperforming a difficult task and the committee would endeavour to increase ASF’scapacity so that it can protect the 26 airports in a better way. onlIne

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IF Israel goes to war with any ofits neighbors before this yearends it will be with Gaza notSyria, despite appearances. TheIsraeli army fired into Syria on

Monday for the second day in a row, aftera Syrian mortar round from fightingacross the disengagement line hit the Is-raeli-controlled Golan Heights.

Sunday’s Israeli missile was a warn-ing shot. Monday’s tankfire scored a di-rect hit, the army said. There was noimmediate word on any casualties. But itwas the “message” Israel had warnedwould come. “There were five incidents ofsupposed errant fire from small arms ormortars,” Strategic Affairs MinisterMoshe Yaalon told Army Radio on Mon-day before the second incident. “We sentverbal messages. This didn’t help. So yes-

terday, for the first time, we sent a phys-ical message,” he added. “If the messagewas understood, good. If the message wasnot understood, we will need to sendother messages of the kind.”

Syrian rebels fighting to topple Pres-ident Bashar al-Assad have been fightinghis army for months in towns inside andadjacent to the Area of Separation be-tween Israel and Syria, along the disen-gagement line drawn at the end of their1973 war. Technically they are still at war,but it is a cold war. For almost 40 yearsthe Golan has been one of Israel’s qui-etest fronts, and despite the close-up viewof the Syrian civil war they now have fromwindy Golan outposts, Israeli generalsare not expecting things to heat up in thenorth. “In my estimation, there is almostno doubt that he has no interest in open-ing a front,” Yaalon said of the belea-guered President Assad. “All he needsnow would be for us to hit him.”

But down south, real war clouds aregathering over the Gaza Strip, the block-aded coastal enclave from where IslamistPalestinian fighters are firing rockets atIsrael, and in return are being picked offby Israeli air force strikes. “In the pastmonth, over 20 terrorists and some civil-ians have been killed in the Gaza Stripand dozens have been wounded,” IsraeliDefence Minister Ehud Barak said onSunday. “The shooting has not stoppedeven today, even at this hour.”NO REFEREE: Unlike the Golan, where1,000 United nations peacekeepers pa-trol the farmland and hills separatingSyrian and Israeli army positions, Gazahas no referee to keep the peace. It isfenced off, but the Israel army patrolsboth sides of the fence. In December of2008, repeated rocket fire that wasspreading fear and misery among com-munities in southern Israel triggered anIsraeli onslaught. Operation Cast Lead

began with a week of bombing andshelling, followed up by a ground offen-sive. Some 1,400 Palestinians were killed,the majority civilians, and 13 Israelis losttheir lives. Israel was strongly con-demned by critics who called it a dispro-portionate use of force.

But after a years-long spell of relativecalm, the low-level conflict with Gaza has in-tensified this year, with waves of retaliatoryviolence flaring ever more frequently. The lastburst was just two weeks ago. Ominously, theIslamist Hamas movement, which rules theenclave and dominates smaller militantgroups, has stopped trying to keep the peaceand reverted to firing its own rockets alongwith Islamic Jihad and others. Barak says theIsrael Defense Forces (IDF) will respond.“Under my instruction the IDF ... is exploringthe possibilities of increasing the response toHamas and the other terror groups and wewill hit the terror groups at an ever-growingpace,” he said on Sunday.

Turkey couldbring back deathpenalty: erdogan


The Turkish Prime Minister TayyipErdogan said on Sunday, Ankara couldconsider reinstating capital punishment interror related crimes - a decade after thepractice was abolished. “The authority (toforgive a killer) belongs to the family of theslain, not to us,” Erdogan was quoted assaying by Anatolia news agency. “necessaryadjustments need to be made,” he said.“Given that death penalty exists in China,Japan, Russia and United States, Turkeyalso needs to review its position,” he added.The premier raised the issue last weekciting popular support for such a move overthe case of Abdullah Ocalan, the foundingleader of the Kurdish militant groupKurdistan Workers Party (PKK), who wascharged with treason and sentenced todeath in 1999. However, the sentence wasconverted to life imprisonment in October2002 when Turkey abolished death penaltyunder pressure from the European Union(EU), which Ankara wanted to join.Erdogan’s suggestion to put the issue ofdeath penalty on the parliament’s agendacomes amid a hunger strike by over 700Kurdish prisoners who want better jailconditions for Ocalan, who has been kept insolitary confinement for over a year and ahalf. They also want the restriction on theuse of Kurdish language lifted. Althoughsome of the protesters have been fasting formore than 61 days now, Erdogan hasdismissed the protest as “a show, blackmailand bluff.” On Saturday, several lawmakersfrom the parliament’s pro-Kurdish Peaceand Democracy Party (PDP) also joined thehunger strike.

identity of secondwoman emerges inPetraeus’ downfall


new details have emerged about the extra-marital affair that abruptly ended the careerof CIA chief David Petraeus, including theidentity of a second woman whose com-plaints about harassing emails from thewoman with whom he had the relationship,Paula Broadwell, prompted an FBI investiga-tion. A person familiar with the investigationidentified the second woman as Jill Kelley, along-time friend of the Petraeus family and aTampa, Florida volunteer social liaison withmilitary families at MacDill Air Force Base.Kelley went to the FBI after receiving threat-ening emails that eventually were traced toBroadwell, law enforcement and security offi-cials have said, prompting an investigationthat turned up evidence that Petraeus andBroadwell were having an extramarital affair.“We and our family have been friends withGeneral Petraeus and his family for over fiveyears. We respect his and his family’s privacyand want the same for us and our three chil-dren,” Kelley said in a statement obtained byABC news. Broadwell has not been availablefor comment and both the FBI and CIA havedeclined public comment on the matter. Pe-traeus has made no public comment since heannounced his resignation on Friday. The af-fair has raised questions about whether U.S.national security was ever at risk and the tim-ing of law enforcement and intelligence offi-cials’ revelation of the matter to the WhiteHouse, as well as who knew about the investi-gation before last week’s presidential election.Meanwhile, a former spokesman for Petraeusduring his time as an Army general has saidthe affair with Broadwell, an Army reserve of-ficer who co-authored a glowing biography ofhim, began after Petraeus retired from theArmy in August 2011 to lead the spy agencyand ended four months ago by mutual con-sent. Retired Colonel Steven Boylan, who wasPetraeus’ spokesman in Iraq and has spokento the general since he resigned at the CIA,downplayed the question of whether U.S. se-curity had been at risk. He said Petraeusnever gave Broadwell classified informationor communicated with her via his govern-ment email. “My understanding is that shewas only at the CIA twice. And at no time,based on conversations with him, did he pro-vide her classified information, nor did shereceive anything from him in that manner,”Boylan said in an interview. “My understand-ing is that they mutually determined that itwas time to end it,” he said, adding that Pe-traeus “knows he made a huge mistake” andis now trying to focus on his family. “It wasn’tright. And it was done. That was about fourmonths ago.” A law enforcement official,speaking on condition of anonymity, said Pe-traeus was first interviewed in connectionwith the FBI investigation during the week ofOctober 28, about a week after Broadwell wasquestioned. The FBI informed Petraeus’ boss,Director of national Intelligence James Clap-per, in the early evening of Election Day, no-vember 6. Senior U.S. officials said Clapperthen informed the White House’s nationalSecurity Council staff of the issue and Pe-traeus’ intention to resign on Wednesday, themorning after President Barack Obama wasre-elected to a second four-year term. Obamawas informed later that day, they said.

US Congress to grillspy chiefs over Petraeus probe


Fresh reports piled pressure on Mondayon FBI and CIA officials to explain thecircumstances and timing of aninvestigation that ended the storiedcareer of spy chief David Petraeus justthree days after President BarackObama’s re-election. Petraeus, anAmerican hero credited with turning thetide of the Iraq war, resigned as head ofthe Central Intelligence Agency on Fridayafter admitting an extramarital affair,sparking concerns of a security breachand sending shockwaves aroundWashington. A leading Republican onSunday questioned why, if there wereserious concerns about comprisedintelligence, it had taken several monthsfor the FBI to finally notify the Obamaadministration. “It just doesn’t add up,”Peter King, the top Republican on theHouse Homeland Security Committee,told Cnn. “I have real questions aboutthis. I think a timeline has to be looked atand analyzed to see what happened.” Thequestions were expected to multiplyfollowing a new York Times report onMonday that high-level officials at theFederal Bureau of Investigation and theJustice Department had known aboutPetraeus’s affair since late summer, butdid not notify anybody outside of theagencies until last week. The law requiresthat the Senate and House intelligencecommittees be kept “fully and currentlyinformed” of what the CIA and FBI aredoing. And Senate IntelligenceCommittee Chairman Dianne Feinsteinmade it clear Sunday she was notpleased. Appearing on the “Fox newsSunday” television show, she said shewanted to know why the FBI didn’t notifythe intelligence committees sooner. “Weshould have been told,” Feinsteinremarked. The US government is closedon Monday as part of the Veterans Dayholiday. But on Tuesday, when thegovernment reopens, senior FBI and CIAofficials were scheduled to meet withleading members of Congress to bringthem up to date about details of theprobe, media reports said.

Israel’s next war may be with Gaza, but not Syria

QUettA: fC personnel display a huge quantity of hashish which was seized during an operation at Baleli checkpost on Monday. inP

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now that the Haqqani network has beenrecognized as a terrorist organization bythe world’s premier governing body, areits days of refuge in Pakistan over?

not likely, according to veteran ob-servers of the Taliban-allied militantgroup that hails from Afghanistan but isseen to enjoy cosy relations with Pak-istani intelligence services, according toa report on the Radio Free Europe web-site on Monday.

The Un Security Council’s novem-ber 5 decision to blacklist the Haqqaninetwork along with the architect ofmany of its suicide attacks came as amild surprise, not least because Pakistancurrently sits on the 15-member council.

But while Islamabad has vowed fullcompliance with the requirement that all193 Un member states impose assetfreezes, travel bans, and arms embargosagainst the Haqqani network, observersdon’t expect Pakistan to ditch the groupjust yet.

Cyril Almeida, an Islamabad-basedjournalist who covers militant groupsclosely, suggests that, at best, Pakistancould think twice about supportingAfghan Taliban factions in the future.

“It is sort of taken as a fait accom-pli,” he says. “What they [the West] wantto do, they will do. And what the Haqqa-nis want to do and Pakistan wants to do,they will continue to do. But we are nowone step away from being a state sponsorof terrorism because if we have a desig-nated terrorist group operating fromPakistani soil — a fact that even Pakistandoesn’t deny anymore — then what hap-pens next?”

A Hands-Off Approach

Almeida notes that Islamabad essen-tially adopted a hands-off approach tothe Afghan Taliban after it was forcedout of power in Afghanistan in late 2001.

“I don’t think anyone has seen anysignificant attempt to clamp down onthe Haqqani network militarily, finan-cially, or in terms of traveling,” he says.“It goes to the days of the early 2000swhen the Taliban used to crossover intoPakistan after the U.S. attack onAfghanistan, and we didn’t really sayanything. We [Pakistan] said: ‘Look, wecan’t stop them. If you want to stopthem, deal with them on your side of theborder.’”

Islamabad does have the where-withal to severely disrupt or even stopthe group’s operations if it chose to, ac-cording to Gretchen Peters, an authorand researcher who has been investigat-ing the Haqqani network’s finances inPakistan.

But Peters maintains that Pakistan’sblacklisting is a cause for concern amongthe country’s civilian and military lead-ers, who worry about the possibility thatthe Haqqani network could turn its gunsagainst its erstwhile allies in the Pak-istani security establishment.

“I think the question is if [these con-cerns] therefore translate into the willand the capacity to do very much aboutthem,” she says. “Certainly, Pakistan cancause them a lot of trouble in terms oftheir financial operations, their move-ment around Pakistan, [and] theirtravel. It is well known in intelligencecircles where the senior leadership [ofthe network] are living, are residing. Idon’t think there is any reason why Pak-istan couldn’t go and arrest the seniorleaders of the Haqqani network if they

wanted to.”According to Peters, the Haqqanis

and other Afghan militant leaders livefairly openly in northwest Pakistan. Sheadds that her research shows that lead-ers of the group could even maintain res-idences in major cities such as Peshawarand the nearby garrison town ofRawalpindi.

Pakistan’s Patchy RecordShe asserts that this is supported by

information the U.S. military has com-piled from captured Haqqani safehouses, leaders, and fighters.

“Virtually every record we foundhaving to do with financial activity or

property ownership — whether it wasreal estate or vehicles or anything —everything was purchased in Pakistan,”she says. “That was where the commandand control of the operation was. This isa network, in terms of its financial oper-ations, [that] was very deeply en-trenched [and] has its roots very deepinto Pakistan.”

Pakistan has a patchy record of en-forcing Un sanctions imposed againstTaliban and Al-Qaeda leaders since theywere first introduced in 1999.

Arrests and asset-seizures have beenfew, and some Pakistani militant organ-izations linked to Al-Qaeda have contin-

ued to operate openly as charities or po-litical groups after renaming themselvesor contesting the sanctions in Pakistanicourts.

And the recent Un blacklisting camemore from inaction than action on thepart of Pakistan.

Adding the Haqqani network as wellas suicide-mission mastermind QariZakir to the blacklist was the result of aunanimous decision by Security Councilmembers. But in what is known as a “si-lence procedure,” the vote was con-ducted by email and unanimouslyadopted when no objections were raisedwithin a 24-hour period.

UN sanctions unlikely to end Haqqani safe haven in Pakistan

peSHAWAR: Bomb Disposal Squad officials use modern technology to defuse a bomb which was found in the nasirpur area on Monday. Online


MInISTER for InteriorRehman Malik said onMonday that an invisibleforce was engaged in dis-rupting peace in Karachi

and Quetta and was giving it sectariancolour. He vowed that he would not let the‘invisible force’ succeed in its sinister plansagainst the country.

Talking to journalists after a meetingwith Ulema from different schools ofthought, Rehman Malik said that there wasno sectarian clash in the two cities butrather some enemies of the country whowere trying to give it sectarian colour. “Thelaw enforcement agencies are gathering in-formation and soon the names of those whohave indulged in these activities, will be re-vealed,” he added. He said that the objectiveof meeting the Ulema was to formulate astrategy to control the law and order situa-tion during Muharram ul Haram.

The meeting was attended by MuftiMuneeb-ur-Rehman, Syed niaz Hussainnaqvi, Muhammad Yasin Zafar, AbdulMalik, Dr Atta-ur-Rehman and Hafiz SyedQutab. Malik said that all the Ulema willplay a positive role for the promotion of re-ligious harmony during Muharram and willavoid hurting sentiments of people belong-ing to different schools of thought.

“The Ulema will spread the message ofpeace and unity during the holy month andwill condemn bloodshed,” he added. He saidthat all the Ulema considered terrorists asthe enemies of Islam, humanity and of Pak-istan. He appealed to the print and elec-tronic media not to publish or telecastprovocative reports and statements.

It was decided that a representativefrom each sect would meet media personnel,asking them not to telecast live pro-grammes, rather release them after properediting. Rehman Malik said that he wouldsoon establish a mechanism to ensure con-

tinuous contact with the Ulema. It was de-cided that a strong system would be estab-lished with the help of the Ulema and lawenforcement agencies in all major cities andtowns to counter terrorism. The meetingcondemned the killing of innocent studentsof a Madrassa in Karachi and decided thatthe government would provide security tothe Madrassa’s and mosques all over thecountry. “Raids on Madrassa’s would beavoided unless very necessary, in whichcase, they will be conducted in consultationwith the Madrassa administrator,” he added.

The meeting expressed concern overthe situation in Karachi and agreed thatthe government should take action againstall the perpetrators irrespective of theirpolitical affiliation. The meeting asked theParliament to pass the anti-terrorism actas early as possible.

Invisible force involvedin disrupting peace inKarachi, Quetta: Malik


As the political arena heats up in Khy-ber Pakhtunkhwa ahead of the generalelections, two current coalition partners– the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) andthe Awami national Party (AnP) – haveembarked on an undeclared cold waragainst each other.

The race between the two partiesstarted recently with the appointment ofAnwar Saifullah Khan as the PPP’s provin-cial chief in place of Senator Sardar AliKhan. Right after assuming office early thisyear in September, Saifullah announced todiscontinue the alliance with the AnP forthe election and post-election period. In-stead, he hinted of forming alliances andseat-to-seat adjustment with oppositionparties, including Pakistan Muslim League(PML) factions, Aftab Ahmad Khan Sher-pao, and other opposition leaders. Even inhis native Lakki Marwat district, Saifullahconveyed a positive message to his family’straditional rivals – the family of late MnAHaji Kabir Khan.

Saifullah has also been focusing on re-activating party workers and stalwarts. In

this respect, he holds daily meetings withPPP workers, and supervises arrange-ments for the upcoming elections. In orderto win over the conservative population, herecently called Taliban “brethren”, sayingthe PPP “intends to hold talks with them.”He has also remained quiet about terroristattacks, particularly on AnP leaders.

In the run up to the upcoming elec-tions, Saifullah is eyeing seat-to-seat ad-justments with other political parties. Hehas shown interest in PML factions, JamiatUlema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) and AftabSherpao’s recently-established QuamiWatan Party (QWP). Seat-to-seat adjust-ments between the PPP and PML factionsis not a hard job for Anwar Saifullah, as hisbrother Salim Saifullah is leading the PML-Likeminded which recently allied with thePML-n. Similarly, Anwar Saifullah’s softcorner for Sherpao could bring the PPPand the QWP closer. In fact, both Saifullahand Sherpao have had similar ideas aboutthe AnP – something which could unitethem in the upcoming general elections.

While most AnP leaders are carefullywatching the developments, they are alsodiscussing hostile statements by the PPP’sprovincial chief. According to insiders, the

AnP high command has directed its officebearers and ministers to remain silent, yetalert to Saifullah’s policies.

Over the past four years, the AnP hasbacked the PPP government on every plat-form and all of its policies. However, thehostile statements by newly-elected PPPKP president are becoming a source of con-cern among AnP leaders. In response toSaifullah’s renunciation of alliance with theAnP ahead of the elections, AnP ProvincialPresident Senator Afrasaib Khattak saidthat his party needed no alliance with anyparty, and that it would contest the nextelection on the basis of its performance.

Saifullah’s statement about the Tal-iban that they are “our brothers” also exac-erbates the differences within the twoparties. AnP leaders said that dozens oftheir workers and leaders, including par-liamentarians, had rendered sacrifices tosave the country from militants, but thePPP provincial president was callingthem “brothers”. Whatever may be thePPP’s strategy regarding the post-elec-tion scenario, Saifullah’s nomination asPPP provincial president has taken awaythe chance of an alliance or understand-ing with the JUI-F.

PPP, AnP on collision course in next polls

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THE death toll from violencerelated incidents has risento five on Monday in theprovincial metropolis. Ac-cording to media reports,

Dr. nisar was shot outside a clinic in LeeMarket located in the Lyari area ofKarachi, while two people who were in-jured during firing in Malir succumbed totheir injuries.

Meanwhile, two more people werekilled in the early hours of Monday morn-ing in the Orangi Town sector 11 andManghopir areas of the city.

Furthermore, at least 15 suspects in-cluding members of a banned outfit werearrested as rangers conducted search op-erations across the city. Weapons werealso recovered from several suspects.

Earlier on Sunday, twelve peoplewere killed in different incidents of vio-lence and firing.

On Saturday, the incidents claimedtwenty lives including one police officerand one regional office bearer of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal-Jamaat.

Sindh Inspector General (IG), FayyazAhmad Leghari said that the police force

and rangers were working hard to main-tain the law and order situation in thecity.

The IG police claimed that two targetkillers and two extortionists were also ar-rested during the ongoing operations,while adding that three accused were alsoarrested in Hyderabad, he added.

The wave of bloody violence had beencontinuing unabated in the city and hadclaimed at least 37 lives since Saturday.2,000 CITIzENS ARRESTED FORPILLION RIDINg: More than 2,000citizens were arrested in Karachi for vio-lating the ban on pillion riding.

After the killing of 40 innocent per-sons in a wave of fresh violence in the cityduring the past two days, the police hadbeen unable to arrest those involved inthe unrest but they were successfully ha-rassing the citizens and had locked downonly those people who were involved inviolating the ban on pillion riding.

According to police sources, 150 caseswere registered in one day against thoseviolating the ban while 600 cases wereregistered on the second day since theimposition of ban.

The arrested pillion riders told On-line that the police took their belongingsinto custody while searching them and

looted them of cash and also used theirmobile phones for making personalphone calls.

Meanwhile, according to police offi-cials, they were facing a shortage of hand-cuffs after arresting a large number ofviolators.STATEMENTS IN COUPLE’S MURDER RECORDED: Civil judgeand Judicial Magistrate, AurangzebAhmed recorded the statements of thewitnesses in the murder case of IstiaqShaikh and Sami Detho, the couple whosebodies were found buried in a village inrural Hyderabad last month.

The witnesses Muhammad AijazShaikh and Rehmatullah Thebo appearedbefore the judge here on Monday.

The Paban police had so far arrestedseven suspects in this regard, out of the22 who had been nominated in the firstinformation report (FIR) registered by Is-mail Shaikh, the brother of Ishtiaq.

On november 8, a team of doctorsand Judge Ahmed had exhumed the bodyof Samia Detho from Yousuf Dada grave-yard in the Mori Mangar village.

The medical team would submit apost-mortem report and laboratory testsresults to establish a case of homicide.FAILURE TO MAINTAIN PEACE: Ig

SINDH ISSUES SHOW CAUSE NOTICE TO 3 DIgS : Sindh InspectorGeneral (IG), Fayyaz Ahmad Leghari hasissued show cause notice to three deputyInspector Generals (DIGs) of three zonesowing to the deteriorating law and ordersituation in the city.

According to sources, the IG had ex-pressed his anger over the performanceof high police officials for failing to main-tain a proper law and order situation and

served show cause notices on the threeDIGs. The IG had ordered them to give adetailed explanation in writing over theirinability to control incidents of violencein their jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, he also ordered the Po-lice Head Quarters DIG, Tahir naveedand sought a detailed report of the cur-rent situation and asked him to make alist of those people who were involved inworsening the situation.

City violence: Five more surrender to deathig orders strict security on Diwali


The Sindh Inspector General of Police (IGP), Fayyaz Ahmed Leghari has directedthe Sindh Police to make strict security arrangements across Sindh on the occasionof the Hindu religious festival of Diwali. He informed that the security plan for theevent would be prepared by the senior superintendents of police (SSPs) and divi-sional superintendents of police (SPs) with the participation of representatives ofthe Hindu community, said a statement issued here on Monday. He directed the sta-tion house officers (SHOs) to increase police patrolling in the Hindu populatedareas, while police personnel in plain clothes would also be deployed in differentareas. He said the police personnel would be briefed about the security arrange-ments at public places, public and private buildings, mosques and imambargahs,and especially the places of worship of the Hindu community. The Sindh Police chiefsaid that strict security measures would be adopted for the Diwali festival in orderto maintain peace and to ensure protection of life and property of the citizens.


It has been almost three months sincethe Board of Intermediate EducationKarachi (BIEK) sent a summary to theSindh Chief Minister (CM), Syed QaimAli Shah for action against colleges andhigher secondary schools which haveproduced below 30 percent results dur-ing the Higher Secondary School Certifi-cate (HSSC) Part-II annual examination,but the controlling authority have notyet responded to the board’s summary.

The BIEK sent a summary seekingaction against government colleges andhigher secondary schools which hadfailed to produce a minimum 30 percentresult on May 15, but the CM, who wasthe new controlling authority of educa-tional boards, had yet to respond to theboard’s summary. The BIEK had re-quested the CM to assign the authoritiesconcerned to sort out reasons behind the

showing of bad results and to ensure theprovision of facilities in these educa-tional institutes to enhance their per-formance.

Talking to Pakistan Today, the BIEKChairman, Anwar Ahmed Zai said thatthe board had enlisted colleges andhigher secondary schools that had pro-duced below 30 percent results and pre-pared a summary for action againstthese educational institutes. “The boardhas sent a summary to CM Sindh, who isthe new controlling authority of educa-tional board, on May 15 for action butthe board did not received any answerfrom the CM House,” he added.

“Under the mandate of BIEK, theboard has to send a summary of collegesand higher secondary schools function-ing under the provincial governmentduring the annual exam to the control-ling authority every year”, Anwar said,adding that, “like every year, this yearthe board has sent a summary to the

Sindh CM, the new controlling authorityof educational boards, in which BIEKseeks action against those public educa-tional institutes which have failed toproduce 30 percent results in the annualexams.”

The Sindh Colleges Director General

(DG), Prof Dr nasir Ansar when ap-proached for comments said that he hadno idea about any such summary. “Ihave no knowledge about the BIEK sum-mary sent to the CM and I do not receiveany directives from the education de-partment,” he added.

CM turns deaf ear over BieK summary

Shahnaz briefs

bihar cm on

anti-polio driveKARACHI


Special Assistant to the Prime Minister(PM) and the focal person for the PolioEradication Program, Shehnaz Wazir Alion Monday said that President Asif AliZardari and Prime Minister Raja PervezAshraf were personally pursuing and ex-tending full support to the anti-polio cam-paigns in the country.She said during a meeting with an Indiandelegation, that like the Indian State ofBihar, polio would be totally eliminatedfrom Pakistan soon. The Bihar Chief Minis-ter (CM), nitish Kumar had been leadingthe delegation which had been visiting var-ious cities and towns of Pakistan. JalalSheikh, Aziz Memon, Muhammad FayyazKidwani, Syed Shoab Balkhi and the PM’sSpecial Assistant had been accompanyingthe delegation. Shehnaz briefed the Indiandelegation about the government initia-tives taken for the eradication of polio virusfrom the country.She said that the anti-polio program wasbeing successfully carried out in every nookand corner of the country with the supportof President Zardari, Prime MinisterAshraf and the chiefs of political parties.Pakistan would soon be a polio free coun-try, she added.She said that many teams were busy in ad-ministering anti-polio drops in the re-motest areas of the country. This year, theanti-polio campaign was being carried outin a more organized manner as comparedto last year and further improvement wasexpected in the future, she remarked.The Bihar CM said that in Bihar an aggres-sive anti-polio campaign was launched in2005 by utilizing all available resources.Special teams were sent to the remoteareas of the state, while special camps werebeing set up at Railways stations, busstands and recreational sites on the eve ofspecial days which helped a lot in eradicat-ing polio from the state, he added. With the help of lady health workers inBihar, special arrangement was made totake care of new born babies and theirmothers in remote and backward areas ofthe state. These female workers had admin-istered the first doze of anti-polio drops tonew born babies, he added. nitish said thathis government was making the best use ofthe available means to eradicate polio virusand over the last two years not a single caseof polio was reported in the state.

bilawal greets

Hindus on diwaliKARACHI: Pakistan Peoples Party(PPP) Chairman, Bilawal Zardari onMonday extended greetings to the Hinducommunity of Pakistan on the occasion ofDiwali while assuring them that his partystands for their rights and shares their joyon the occasion of the festival of lights.In a press statement issued here, the PPPchairman said that being the largest polit-ical party of the country, the PPP alwaysplayed its role for creating and promotinginterfaith harmony and equality. “Today, we reiterate our commitment forthe cause and mission of the martyr lead-ership of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and BenazirBhutto to build an egalitarian and inclu-sive society where everyone enjoys apeaceful and prosperous life without anykind of discrimination,” the chairmanadded.Bilawal said all the minorities, includingthe Hindus were equal citizens of Pak-istan and were free to celebrate their reli-gious and cultural festivals and should beable celebrate their festivals without anyfear. “The PPP will continue to play itsrole for the betterment and progress ofthe masses of Pakistan, including the mi-norities,” he concluded. App

Action AgAinst colleges

Rooftop SMoKe: people seen on a roof trying to save their lives after a local bank caught fire at II Chundrigarh Road. Online

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THE Federal Minister forDefense Production SardarBahadur Khan Sihar saidthat Pakistan is offeringsome high-tech air and

ground equipments for sale and it showsthat we have achieved self-sufficiency inmany fields.

While addressing the closing cere-mony of IDEAS-2012 here at the ExpoCenter, Khan termed Pakistan as a peaceloving country that had nurtured the de-sire to live in harmony with all.

Major General Tahir Ashraf Khan HI(M) DG Defense Export Promotion Or-ganization (DEPO), Commodore SiddiqAkbar, DEPO Director (Media) , Min-istry of Defense Production, and DEPODirector Coordination Brigadier Mazharwere also present on the occasion. Khan

said that the aim of the IDEAS 2012 wasto showcase our products, demonstrateour organization skills to plan and con-duct a mega event of internationalstature and provide a great internationalplatform to convey our view points onthe security issues concerning Pakistan.

Moreover, the event was organizedto provide a unique opportunity for ourdefense related industry, both in publicand private sector, to display their prod-ucts and interact directly with the de-fense industry of the developed worldand to create a good opportunity to rein-force the diplomatic efforts in the do-main of defense diplomacy, he added.

He said we felt that by holdingIDEAS 2012 successfully under theprevalent environment, the aim hadbeen achieved while this was also an at-tempt to build the image of Pakistan asa modern, progressive and tolerant statethat was willing to co-exist peacefully

with the international community.While answering a query, he said

that we had achieved all targets ofIDEAS 2012. Around 82 foreign defensedelegations and participation of 56countries showed the significance andsuccess of the exhibition, he added.

Meanwhile, Major General Tahiralso briefed the media and said that Pak-istan had been in the business of defenseproduction for a very long time.

Some of the major indigenously de-veloped products were showcased inIDEAS-2012 including the main battletank Al–Khalid, JF–17 Thunder fighteraircraft, jet trainer aircraft and UAVs, hesaid, adding that we had received a verygood response for IDEAS 2012 fromTurkey, China, north America, SouthAmerica, Europe, Asia, and the Far East.

He also said that the impact of theevent would be large as it was still an on-going process and major deals would

take time to be cemented. Chinese com-pany and HIT had signed memorandumof understanding (MoU) in this regard,he added. According to him, Pakistanhad been producing high quality defenseproducts which were cheap in price butwere equal to none in terms of quality.Pakistan has had a great potential to ex-port its defense products, he added. Hefurther said that all delegates wouldundo the wrong image of Pakistan andwould instead show a positive image ofa more secure and peaceful region.

He highlighted that the foreign del-egates did not face any difficulty dur-ing their stay and hopefully a goodmessage would be conveyed by themregarding the Karachi city. A new mes-sage would be delivered by these dele-gates in the world that Pakistanrespected the sovereignty of countrieshe said, adding that this was a greatachievement on their part.

Pakistan self-sufficient in high-tech air, ground equipments: federal minister


Karachi Chamber of Commerce and In-dustry (KCCI) President MuhammadHaroon Agar appreciated the proposedinitiative of Sister-City Arrangementsbetween Karachi and Puttalam cityof north Western Province of Sri Lanka.

Speaking with a delegation from SriLanka headed by, Chairman of PuttalamUrban Council of Sri Lanka, K. AbdulBaiz he emphasized the need to explorenew avenues for bilateral economic andcommercial cooperation. He opined thatPuttalam Urban Council could joinhands with Karachi Metropolitan Corpo-ration on areas of mutual intrestwhereas KCCI could extend cooperation

to the business community of Puttalamin matters of trade. He asserted upon theneed of frequent exchange of delegationsand data based information on trade andmarkets and holding of single countryexhibitions.

He said that Sri Lanka and Pakistanwere friendly economies; however, ef-forts were required to further increasethe two way trade as per existing poten-tial between two countries because fulltrade potential Pakistan and SriLanka was in need of further explo-ration. Puttalam Urban Council Chair-man K. Abdul Baiz said his delegationwas visiting on the invitation from Ad-ministrator of KMC for deliberation onproposed Karachi-Puttalam Sister CityArrangements. He said that the situation

was not as bad in Karachi as the elec-tronic media portrayed. He agreed thatPak-Sri Lanka trade volume was notaligned with available trading potential,therefore, promotion of economic andcommercial activities was essential. Heinformed that due to geographical prox-imity volume of Indian trade with SriLanka as compared to Pakistan was onhigher side. He said that Sri Lanka at-tached importance to trade with Pak-istan and in this regard there was a needto connect the business communities oftwo countries and explore new businessopportunities. He said that “puttalam isproducing coconut, sea-salt, shrimp,seafood while there was a huge demandof Pakistani Cows/ livestock and textileproducts in Sri Lanka, he informed.

Former President KCCI Majyd Azizinformed that during his tenure asPresident, KCCI took lead to organizejoint meeting of representatives of bothcountries to provide input on Pak-SriLanka FTA. He proposed that KCCIalong with some other leading Cham-bers of Pakistan should exert their in-fluence on bilateral issues between twocountries so that things ply on fasttrack. He said that existing intra-SAARC trade volume was not alignedwith existing trade opportunities. For-mer President AQ Khalil, KCCI SeniorVice President Shamim Firpo, VicePresident nasir Mehmood and Manag-ing Committee Members and officialsfrom Karachi Metropolitan Corporationalso participated in the meeting.

Pakistan, Sri Lanka mulling Karachi-Puttalam sister city arrangements

allam iqbal is the

unsung 20th century

philosopher: SSuetKARACHI


Sir Syed University of Engineering andTechnology organised a seminar to tributeAllama Dr Muhammad Iqbal.SSUET Chancellor Engr Z.A. nizami wasthe chief guest on the occasion and said inhis address that Iqbal was a great poet,thinker and philosopher who devoted hispoetry for the renaissance of Islam and ral-lied masses for a separate homeland for themuslims of the subcontinent. He said thatIqbal’s first book ‘Reconstruction of Reli-gious Thought in Islam’ was intended to se-cure a vision of the spirit of Islam and heencouraged Muslims to embrace ideals ofbrotherhood, justice and service.

crack down against

mVt defaulters



Sindh Director General of Excise and Taxa-tion Shoaib Siddiqui said that pickets to ap-prehend defaulters of motor vehicle tax(MVT) would be erected after the month ofMuharram. The campagain was scheduled tocommence from yesterday but was postponedfor reasons not mentioned by the officials.

Pakistan not at

tangent of Solar eclipseKARACHI


A Total Solar Eclipse, the biggest cosmicevent of the solar system would occur onnovember 14. The solar eclipse would notbe visible from Pakistan. A total Eclipsewould be visible in north Australia and Pa-cific Ocean regions. Partial eclipses wouldbe visible at South America, newzeland,South Pacific Ocean and some areas ofAustralia. The scheduled duration of theeclipse was estimated to be between12:38am till 5:46 am PST by MET.

SSGc’s 2-day cnG embargo


The Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) an-nounced the schedule for closure of CnG sta-tions in Sindh on Monday. Per details, all theCnG stations in Sindh would remain closedfor 48 hours from 9am on Tuesdays (13 no-vember) till 9am on Thursdays, every week.SSGC claimed that the schedule was neces-sary to improve the line pack position acrossSindh which had been disturbed reduced sup-ply of gas from different gas fields and wascausing a low pressure in the system.

doctors and teachers

promoting SmesKARACHI


Al Dua Association, disbursed Rs110,000/- as interest free loans among de-serving individuals of the metropolis.The association in 2011 alone disbursed atotal of Rs 2.6 million apart from inculcat-ing training amongst special children, or-phans, widows and at the handicraft centrefor women. Al Dua Association flaunts arecovery of 99.4 percent of its loans eventhough it does not grant loans as perschedules of commercial banks operatingin the country. The loans are generated bythe donations of citizens and the officebearers of the association include doctorsand teachers of Karachi.

late PPP minister

Haider laid to restKARACHI


Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) stalwartIqbal Haider was laid to rest in Jannat-ul-Baqi graveyard, Hub River Road on Mon-day.Iqbal Haider was an internationally ac-knowledged human rights activist and alsoserved Pakistan as a Federal minister. TheFunereal prayers of the deceased were heldat Imambargah Yasrab DHA-IV. Alongwith family members, friends, studentsand colleagues, Sindh Chief Minister, SyedQaim Ali Shah, Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan,Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, SenatorSaeed Ghani, Sindh PPP General SecretarySindh Taj Haider, Sindh Finance MinisterSyed Murad Ali Shah, MQM leaders Dr Fa-rooq Sattar, Raza Haroon and WaseemAftab offered his fueneral prayers. Iqbal Haider was 67 years old and was suf-fering from a chronic lungs condition. Hepassed away on Sunday at a local hospital.

Ghost employees

to be sackedHYDERABAD


The Hyderabad Development Authority(HDA) Director General, Syed Fazil Shahsaid on Monday that action is being takenagainst ghost employees by sacking themfrom jobs.“We will extend the contractual employ-ment of only the dutiful and responsiblestaff working on contract or work chargebasis,” he said while speaking at a meetingof the HDA officials.The HDA Secretary, Waseem Soomro,HDA Chief Finance Officer, ManzoorAhmed Beg, Managing Director of Water and Sani-tation Agency (WASA) Saleemuddin, Presi-dent of non-gazetted HDA EmployeesUnion, Khalid noor and other officials ofthe HDA attended the meeting.“The ghost employees are a burden on theHDA and its subsidiaries which are facingfinancial constraints,” he observed.Shah directed the heads of the HDA’s sub-sidiaries to prepare the list of the employ-ees for the extension of service.He also asked them to ensure that the pen-sion of the retired and deceased employeeswas paid regularly.

KARACHI: firefighters clean the blood stains off the road after the death of a motorcycle who collided with a bus

on MA Jinnah Road. An angry mob burnt the bus following the accident. Online

SSGC got to be a university: ZaidiKARACHI


Karachi Commissioner, Syed HashimRaza Zaidi would constitute a think-thank to upgrade, Sir Syed Girls Col-lege for Women nazimabad into a uni-versity.

Speaking at a ceremony arrangedat Sir Syed Girls College, Zaidi said thata institution from which on average7000 students graduate per annum,deserved to be granted the status of auniversity. He said that “I would do myutmost to achieve this target.” Zaidisaid that he would constitute a com-mittee comprising of senior education-ists, learnt elites and academic staff ofthe college to draft recommendationsfor the purpose. Sir Syed Girls Collegefor Women Principal of Prof Swaleha

Islam said that Sir Syed Girls Collegefor Women was the largest public sec-tor academic institute of the countryfrom which thousands of girls graduatein computer sciences, commerce, hu-manities, pre-engineering and pre-medicine every year. She said that shehoped that the college would be sanc-tioned to conduct and award degrees inmasters, MPhil and PHD programmes.She said that “education in these disci-plines is imparted upto graduationlevel while arrangements are alreadyunderway to offer post graduate levelcourses”. Swaleha told that a proposalfor the same was pending for approvalsince 2005, but no progress had beenmade due to red tapes so dear to thecivil administrators.

The ceremony was concluded witha session on “Allama Iqbal’s Concept of

national Unity,” and Arshad Sabri,Prof Farhat Azeem Prof Shazia naz,Prof Fauzia Siddiqui, Mariam Jafferiand Siraj uddin Siraj addressed the au-dience.

Sir Syed Girls College for Womenwas founded 58 years ago, by SyedAltaf Barelvi who was also the founderof All Pakistan Education Conference.SSUET’S DIRECTORy OF FE-MALE ALUMNI: Sir Syed Universityof Engineering and Technology(SSUET), Karachi, became the firstuniversity of the country that compileda directory of its women alumni.

The directory was compiled by theuniversity’s Girls Affairs Committeeand records of all female students whograduated since 1998 would be in thedocument. The first batch of femalestudents of SSUET passed out in 1998.

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180cwedneSday tHurSday friday33°c i 20°c 33°c i 19°c 32°c i 20°c

Prayer timinGSfajr Sunrise Zuhr asr maghrib isha

05:30 06:00 12:20 16:00 17: 25 20:00

city directory

reScue 1122

edHi control 115, 32310066, 2310077

motorway Police 130

Police 15

GoVernor’S HouSe 136

cHief miniSter’S HouSe 99202051

fire briGade 16, 99215007-8

bomb diSPoSal 15, 99212667

red creScent 35833973

KHidmat-e-KHalq foundation 36333811

emerGency HelP


blood banK

HuSSaini 32238405-8

fatimid 32225284, 32258656

Pwa 99215740, 32735214


KeSc 118

Sui GaS 1199, 99231603

Ptcl 1218

KwSb 1339

cdGK 134


enquiry 117, 99213565-6

city Station 99213538

cantt Station 99201118


fliGHt enquiry 114

Pia reSerVation 111-786-786

colleGeS / uniVerSitieS

KaracHi uniVerSity 99261300-06

ned uniVerSity 99261261-8

fuuaSt 99244141-9

duHS 99215754-7

Smic 99217501-3

faSt-nu 111128128, 34100541-7

SZabiSt 111922478

iobm 35090961-7

iba 111422422

iVS 35861039-40

abbaSi SHaHeed 99260400-09

ciVil 99215749, 99215960

JinnaH 99201300-39

nicVd 99201271-6

aGHa KHan 34930051

tabba 36811841-50

"AlmiA Ye hAi mAin ZinDA hun"

date: noV 06 to 15, 2012

Venue: canVaS Gallery KaracHi

"almia ye Hai Ke main Zinda Hun“

eStabliSHed artiSt SHaKil SaiGol eXHibitS HiS lateSt

SerieS baSed on tHe floodS tHat HaVe been deVaStatinG

PaKiStan, "almia ye Hai Ke main Zinda Hun“, at canVaS

Gallery on tueSday noVember 6tH 2012, from 5 Pm - 8 Pm.

tHe SHow continueS daily until noVember 15tH 2012,

from 11 am - 8 Pm (eXcludinG Sunday)

insiDe JAmshoro


weatHer uPdateS



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showcase the best of local and international films by, for and about

children in Pakistan. the festival has proven to be a success since its

inception, and growing as a leading children’s film festival in Pakistan.

Group reservations: +92-21-35392976 , 35394059 or email at [email protected]

date: noV 05 to 14, 2012

Venue: ranGoonwala community centre

oPeninG 5tH noV 5 Pm to 8 PmGrouP SHow of7 artiSt from cead JamSHoroimran SoomroHidayat miranimadHiHa bHatti, marVi SHoro, ZaKia SHar,Kanwal PanHwar, fariHa KHan

tuesday, 13 november, 2012

date: noV 05 to 10, 2012

Venue: induS Valley ScHool of artS


WOMEn who exercised fre-quently and didn`t watchmuch TV were least likely bediagnosed with depressionin a new study of middle-

aged Americans.Researchers found that women who reported

exercising the most in recent years were about20 percent less likely to get depression thanthose who rarely got their blood moving. On theother hand, the more hours they spent watchingTV each week, the more their risk of depressioncrept up — but the effect was smaller than it wasfor physical activity.

The finding “adds to the growing body of ev-idence that physical activity is important tomaintain brain health,” Dr. Gillian Mead, whostudies geriatric medicine at Edinburgh`s RoyalInfirmary but wasn`t involved in the new re-search, told Reuters Health in an email.

The study can`t prove that watching toomuch TV and avoiding exercise causes depres-sion. But more time spent off the couch andbeing active could boost self-esteem andwomen`s sense of control, as well as endorphinsin their blood, researchers wrote in the AmericanJournal of Epidemiology.

The report included close to 50,000 womenwho filled out surveys every couple of years aspart of the U.S. nurses` Health Study. Partici-pants recorded the amount of time they spentwatching TV each week in 1992, and also an-swered questions about how often they walked,biked, ran and swam between 1992 and 2000.

On the same questionnaires, women re-ported any new diagnosis of clinical depressionor medication they were taking to treat depres-sion.

The analysis only included women whodidn`t have depression in 1996, when they werean average of 63 to 64 years old.

Over the next decade, there were 6,500 newcases of depression.

After the researchers accounted for aspectsof health and lifestyle linked to depression, in-cluding weight, smoking and a range of diseases,exercising the most — 90 minutes or more eachday — meant women were 20 percent less likelyto be diagnosed with depression than those whoexercised 10 minutes or less daily.

And the intensity of that physical activitywas important as well. Walking was the mostcommon type of exercise reported, but onlywomen who said they walked at a brisk or verybrisk pace had lower depression rates than couchpotatoes.

“If you walk at an easy pace and slow pace,probably you will not get the benefits peoplehave when they walk at a brisk or very briskpace,” study author Michel Lucas, from the Har-vard School of Public Health in Boston, toldReuters Health.

Women who watched three hours of TV perday or more were 13 percent more likely to be di-agnosed with depression than those who hardly

ever tuned in — but the researchers couldn`t besure that finding wasn`t due to chance.

Lucas said that at least part of the link be-tween TV and depression — but not all of it — isprobably because some women replace time theycould be exercising with TV-watching.

The report is not the first to link exercise toa mental health boost.

“Previous studies have suggested that phys-ical activity is associated with a lower risk of de-pressive symptoms,” Mead said, but this studyadds to that research by looking for full-fledgeddepression diagnoses. Still, “it cannot prove acausal relationship between low physical activityand depression,” she added.

One alternative explanation the researchersbrought up is that women might have been ex-periencing some symptoms of depression beforethey were diagnosed, leading them to exerciseless and watch more TV. Then, a formal diagno-sis could have come later.

Still, the message should be that replacingsome couch time with exercise time could loweryour chances of getting depression, Lucas said.

Little exercise, excessive TV tied to depressionUnDeR ConStRUCtIon: Construction work of a bridge is underway on Shahrah-e-pakistan. Online

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tuesday, 13 november, 2012

Foreign News


THE Syrian op-position agreedon Sunday tounite againstBashar al-

Assad's regime as Israel firedwarning shots into the war-torn country in response tomortar fire that hit the GolanHeights. After four days ofmarathon talks in Qatar, theSyrian national Council fi-nally signed up to a wider,more representative bloccentred on a government-in-waiting, as demanded byArab and Western states.

The Israeli warning shotacross the Un-monitoredceasefire line between Syriaand the occupied GolanHeights came after a mortarround fired from the Syrianside hit an Israeli position. Itcame after Prime MinisterBenjamin netanyahu told hiscabinet Israel was "ready forany development." Reserva-tions in SnC ranks aboutwhat many members saw asa move to sideline it hadprompted repeated delays inthe Doha talks and mountingfrustration among other dis-sident groups and the oppo-sition's Arab and Western

supporters. But after negoti-ations ran into the earlyhours of Sunday and re-sumed in the afternoon, theanti-Assad factions agreedto form a "national Coali-tion of Forces of the SyrianRevolution and Opposi-tion." "We signed a 12-pointagreement to establish acoalition," said leading dis-sident Riad Seif, who drewup the US-backed reformproposals on which Sun-day's agreement was based.


Ireland has voted to amend its constitution to im-prove children's rights, giving the state greaterpowers to intervene in cases of abuse and neglect,results showed Sunday.

Saturday's referendum passed but not by theexpected landslide, with a victory margin of just169,868 votes, or 58 percent to 42.

The referendum, only the second to be heldon a Saturday, had the lowest turnout for 16 yearswith just 33.5 percent of the electorate castingtheir vote. Prime Minister Enda Kenny said it was

a historic day for children in Ireland."It is the first time the constitution of this re-

public will recognise (children) as citizens intheir own right," he said. "The passing of thisamendment will help make childhood a good, se-cure and loving space for all our children.

"It will also give hope, reassurance and con-fidence to parents, foster parents and vulnerablechildren," he added. It follows Dublin's commit-ment to introduce a change to the constitutionafter a series of high-profile child abuse cases be-fore the Irish courts in recent years.

The rights of individual children will now berecognised, allowing the courts to make decisions

on a case-by-case basis and allowing the state tointervene earlier in cases of neglect.

Prior to this, the right of the family unit, es-pecially the mother, was given priority.

The final days of campaigning were mired incontroversy after the Supreme Court ruled onThursday that the government's informationbooklet -- distributed to homes nationwide -- wasbiased towards a "yes" vote.

Kenny's government apologised but resistedcalls from no campaigners to postpone the vote.

The no camp could potentially lodge anappeal against the result after the SupremeCourt ruling.

US declares support forunited Syrian oppositionThe United States late onSunday declared its supportfor the united Syrian opposi-tion after various groups op-posed to the government ofPresident Bashar al-Assaddecided to come together fol-lowing talks in Doha, Qatar."We look forward to support-ing the national Coalition asit charts a course toward theend of Assad's bloody ruleand the start of the peaceful,just, democratic future thatall the people of Syria de-serve," State Departmentdeputy spokesman MarkToner said in a statement. App


Thousands of protesters massedoutside Greece's parliamentSunday as lawmakers preparedto vote on a 2013 budget that in-cludes draconian cuts but needsto pass for vital foreign aid to bereleased.

Police estimated around 15,000marchers joined two separatemarches in the capital Athens.

The parliamentary vote, dueto take place late Sunday or earlyMonday is the latest hurdle thegovernment needs to clear in itsbid to head off bankruptcy in thedebt-crippled country. The pro-posed budget includes another9.4 billion euros ($12 billion) incuts and paints a gloomy outlookfor the country's economy andgovernment finances.

But Finance Minister YannisStournaras, while acknowledgingthe sacrifices already endured byGreeks, told parliament on Satur-day that 2013 would crucial forthe Greek economy.

This latest vote comes justdays after parliament narrowlyadopted a separate austerity pack-age on Wednesday.

That suggests that the coali-tion government led by conser-vative Prime Minister AntonisSamaras will squeeze thebudget through parliament: itcontrols 169 seats in the 300-member assembly.

The austerity regime imposedon Greece, which has includedmassive cuts to public-sectorwages and pensions, has triggereda series of general strikes.

Street protests in major citieshave frequently turned violent.


Three Lebanese were killed in the south-ern port city of Sidon in a gunbattle onSunday between supporters of the Shiitegroup Hezbollah and a Sunni cleric, a se-curity official said.

"Three people were killed and seveninjured in clashes between supporters ofSheikh Ahmed al-Assir and Hezbollahnear a Palestinian refugee camp inSidon. One of the injured was a repre-sentative for Hezbollah for the area," the

source told AFP on condition ofanonymity, updating an earlier toll.

Assir had given an ultimatum toHezbollah supporters in the city totake down all posters promoting theShiite militia, but that they refused.Supporters of the cleric then rippeddown a poster of Hezbollah chief Has-san nasrallah, a staunch ally ofSyria's President Bashar al-Assad,and clashes ensued.

Unknown before the outbreak of theuprising in neighbouring Syria last year,Assir rose to prominence for his outspo-

ken opposition to the Assad regime andhis calls for disarming Hezbollah, thestrongest military force in the country.

"There will be no security compro-mises after today. The army will openfire on anyone holding a weapon," Inte-rior Minister Marwan Charbel said dur-ing an emergency security meeting withlocal security officials in Sidon. Thestatement came after Prime Ministernajib Mikati called on

Lebanese to "remain calm and exe-cute restraint at this critical and delicatejuncture".

The premier also requested thearmy and security agencies takeprompt measures to bring the situa-tion under control and arrest thosebehind the violence.

Lebanon's opposition coalition hasaccused Mikati, a prominent Sunni fig-ure, of complacency in leading a Hezbol-lah-controlled government.

The Syrian revolt has deepened po-litical and religious divisions inLebanon, which is split between sup-porters and opponents of the Damascusregime dominated by Alawites.


South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak's wife will be ques-tioned in writing by special prosecutors probing alleged ir-regularities in the purchase of a retirement home for herhusband, officials said Monday. The questioning of FirstLady Kim Yoon-Ok comes at a sensitive time, with SouthKorea just weeks away from a presidential election on De-cember 19. Park Geun-Hye, daughter of assassinated mili-tary dictator Park Chung-Hee, will contest from PresidentLee's ruling new Frontier Party. Prosecutors have alreadygrilled Lee's brother and son, but assistant special counselLee Chang-Hoon said protocol dictated that Kim would notbe required to appear before the investigation team in per-son. "We have decided to conduct a written questioning ofthe first lady," Lee told reporters. The probe is focused onalleged irregularities in the purchase of a plot of land on thesouthern edge of Seoul to build a retirement home for Pres-ident Lee when he formally leaves office in January.The lot was jointly purchased by the president's son, LeeSi-Hyung, and the presidential security service whichwould need to house its agents on the site. But the cost wasallegedly not split evenly, with suggestions that the securityservice paid too high a price for its share, while Lee's songot a below-market rate for the residential plot.

The president's wife and brother have been included inthe investigation because of reports that they each loanedLee Si-Hyung 600 million won ($550,000) to buy the lot.

Bushfire razes homes inAustralia


Seven homes were destroyed by wildfirein Australia, officials said Monday, warn-ing of a long and difficult summer aheadfor firefighters. The large blaze at Tulka,12 kilometres (seven miles) south of PortLincoln in South Australia state, razedthe homes as it tore through 2,000hectares (4,950 acres) of scrubland lateSunday, the Country Fire Service (CFS)said. Extra crews had been called in tohelp fight the fire, which was burningwithin containment lines but was yet tobe brought under control. Residents hadbeen evacuated."We have about 100 firefighters on theground," a CFS spokesman said."Although it's not posing any immediatethreat it still hasn't been controlled."It was unclear what sparked the fire butit quickly gathered force due to the hot,squally weather, the spokesman said.Conditions were expected to be milderMonday, favouring fire crews, but SouthAustralia and most other states are antic-ipating a tough summer with hot and dryweather forecast. "We've had a lot ofrainfall, a lot of growth, a lot of vegeta-tion and we're expecting a very busy fireseason as a consequence of that," the CFSspokesman said.Southeastern Australia was last devas-tated by wildfires in February 2009,when a horrific blaze swept through Vic-toria state, killing 173 people and de-stroying more than 2,000 homes.It was Australia's worst natural disasterin the modern era.

Oppositionunites as Israelfires Syriawarning shots

3 Lebanese killed in Hezbollah-linked clashes

s. Korea’s first lady toface land-deal probe

Low turnout as Ireland votes to improve children's rights

Street protests as Greek deputiesconsider budget vote

gAzA CIty: A palestinian man cries in a hospital morgue upon learning of the death of his relative in an Israeli strike. Agencies

Strong quake strikesoff Guatemala


A strong 6.2-magnitudeearthquake struck off thePacific coast ofGuatemala on Sunday,US seismologists said,just days after a tremorin the same area left 42people dead.The epicenter of thequake, which struck at2215 GMT, was located 24kilometers (15 miles) west-southwest of the town ofChamperico, and 180 kilo-meters west-southwest ofGuatemala City, the USGeological Survey said.The Pacific TsunamiWarning Center said therewas "no destructive wide-spread tsunami threat"based on the data.

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Pakistan is passing through themost dangerous period of its ex-istence. There have been morekillings of security personneland civilians in the wake of ter-

rorism since 2001 than the civilian and mil-itary personnel killed in all Pakistan-Indiawars. A good number of deaths have takenplace in urban area. Most of these killingsare attributed to the Taliban and their affil-iate groups based in the tribal areas andother religious-extremist and sectariangroups based in mainland Pakistan.

A good number of people subscribing toIslamic or conservative-rightest orienta-tions talk about the treacherous Indian poli-cies that threatened Pakistan but they donot criticise any specific militant Islamicgroups that have killed more Pakistanis.They often defend the Taliban and similarextremist and terrorists groups by suggest-ing that violent activities are resorted to bythe agents of Pakistan’s foreign enemy-countries rather than the genuine Talibanwho are friends of Pakistan. They also at-tribute sectarian killings to hired killersrather than engaging in dispassionate re-view of the developments in Pakistan overthe last two decades to understand internalturmoil. Some describe the violent activitiesof the Taliban groups as a reaction of the in-nocent people by American drone aircrafts.

The divided and confused state of mindof a large section of populace has enabledreligious orthodoxy and religio-cultural in-

tolerance to seep deepinto the society. It haspenetrated the state in-stitutions, including thelower echelons of themilitary and a large sec-tion of ex-service per-sonnel. At times vagueand generalised state-ments are issued byPakistan MuslimLeague-nawaz andother political parties,including the Tehrik-i-Insaf, on terrorism. Themadrassas that sharesectarian identity withthe Taliban and their af-filiates consider it oblig-atory to support them.The military’s policy ofperiodically using rightwing Islamic groups fordefending the causes im-portant for the militaryor to pursue their parti-san agenda in the do-mestic context has alsocreated enough space forthese groups to survive.

There is no empiricalevidence to suggest thatthe suicide bombing andbomb explosions can belinked directly to drone

attacks. Up to now, no Pakistani media per-son has ever been allowed by the Taliban tovisit the building and compound attacked bydrone aircraft. The Pakistan media has neverbeen allowed to cover the funeral prayers forthose killed in a drone attack. A number ofsuicide bombers or others involved in vio-lence have been arrested by law enforcingagencies over the last three years. no one hasever linked his violent activities to the killingsof his relatives by drone aircraft.

In the first week of november, the Tal-iban leaders based in Pakistani tribal areas re-fused, once again, to recognise the DurandLine as the international border between Pak-istan and Afghanistan. This stand is in linewith the policy of the Afghan government onthe Durand Line. This exposes their so-calledfriendship with Pakistan. This is in additionto the repeated claim of the Taliban leadersthat they wanted to implement Islamic Shariaas articulated by them in Pakistan, rejectingPakistan’s constitution and law.

Had India publicly questioned the legit-

imacy of the Durand Line, all supportersand sympathisers of the Taliban would havecondemned the statement. When it comesto the Taliban, the story is different. Thesedevelopments have distorted Pakistan’sidentity and vision.

There is a strong need to renew Pak-istan’s identity as enunciated by the found-ing fathers, especially by Quaid-i-AzamMuhammad Ali Jinnah and AllamaMuhammad Iqbal as a counterpoise to Tal-iban’s vision of Pakistan.

Jinnah visualised Pakistan as a moderndemocratic state that sought ethical basis ofstate and society from Islam. He viewed Is-lamic teaching and principles as a source ofguidance for the society and law makingrather than a set of punitive and regulativelegal system. He and his colleagues wereconvinced that Islam and democracy canwork together and the touchstone of a polit-ical system was its representative and pop-ular orientation.

The state was to encourage the Muslimsto lead their lives in accordance with theprinciples and teaching of Islam rather thanenforce a sharia-based notion of the state.Jinnah pleaded the case for the establish-ment of Pakistan as a homeland for theMuslims. He never argued that a new coun-try was needed because Islam was danger inunited India. He talked of the threats toMuslim identity, rights and interest in aHindu-dominated united India.

He articulated an alternative national-ism that challenged the hegemony of theone Indian nation concept and emphasisedIslam as a common denominator for politi-cal mobilization and identity formation forthe Muslims. Thus, the movement for theestablishment of Pakistan was not a reli-gious movement. nor was Pakistan createdfor Islam or for enforcement of Islam as vi-sualised by Islamic parties and groups.

Some of the leading Islamic parties thathad opposed the establishment of Pakistanbegan to talk of an orthodox and conserva-tive vision of an Islamic state that enforcedSharia as interpreted by each Islamic group.This was meant to justify their return to pol-itics after independence.

The perspective of Islamic orthodoxywas never entertained by the Pakistani stateand policy makers until General Zia-ul-Haqassumed power in July 1977. He sought thecooperation of orthodox and conservative Is-lamic groups to sustain him in power. Later,his government joined hands with the United

States and conservative Islamic states, espe-cially Saudi Arabia, to build Afghan-Islamicresistance to the Soviet troops in Afghanistan(December 1979-February1989). Zia-ul-Haqused the state apparatus to enforce Islamiclegal order as visualised by Islamic ortho-doxy, mainly influenced by Saudi vision ofWahabi Islamic traditions. The slogan in theMuslim majority provinces of the Punjab andnWFP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) for the 1946elections like “Pakistan ka Mutlab Kia, La-e-La Il-lalla” rather than the resolutions ofthe Muslim League in the pre-independenceperiod were adopted to rearticulate Pakistanas a religious state and the state took upon it-self the enforcement of religious orthodoxy.

If Pakistan has to overcome internal vi-olence, civic disorder and exclusionist polit-ical and religious approach, the state andsociety has to discard the legacy of the mili-tary regime of General Zia-ul-Haq and re-turn to the tolerant, liberal, democratic,constitutionalism and inclusionist vision ofthe polity and equal citizenship for all citi-zens irrespective of religion, caste, regionand gender, as advocated by Jinnah andothers. The renewal of Pakistan’s original vi-sion can initiate the process for turning Pak-istan into a normal functioning democraticand forward looking state that seeks ethicalinspirations from Islam.

The writer is an independent politicaland defence analyst.

Some of the leading Islamic parties that had opposed the

establishment of pakistan began to talk of an orthodox and

conservative vision of an Islamic state that enforced Sharia

as interpreted by each Islamic group. this was meant to

justify their return to politics after independence.


tuesday, 13 november, 2012

The state of the uni-polar world hasgenerated unchecked governanceand caused irreparable loss and

change of psyche of billions of people inthe world. The change has given birth tomany complex problems that were notknown to modern systems of governance.The use of civil airplanes as a weapon toattack the Twin Towers in new York wassenseless and brutal that killed thou-sands of innocent people. This triggeredan angry mode of reactionary gover-nance. The world watched redefinition ofsovereignty, loss of role of Un, loss oftools of dialogue conflict resolution andimposition of feudalism. Remotely oper-ated weapons like drones are used to killindiscriminately, which in reaction arecreating suicide bombers.

Due to extreme poverty, millions areready to become suicide bombers andwaiting for their turn in poor countries

like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan etc,where unemployment rates are high. Forevery drone attack, there is a suicide at-tack in retaliation as well. Is anyonethinking of controlling this unique war?

Technically, there should have beena detailed research and inquiry into theTwin Tower accident ab initio under theaegis of the Un. The process should havefound the criminals and punished themseverely. But the ground reality is con-trary to the above. The US is in revengemode on its own, going for hot pursuits,destabilising the governments inAfghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Libya,Sudan, Iraq, and Central Asia. Theprocess of revenge continues till datewhile the Un is conspicuously absent.

In Pakistan and most of Asia, peoplehad never witnessed a person in a diplo-matic car kill people on the roads of amajor city in broad daylight, like it wasscene out of a movie. The weakness ofgovernance was apparent when a criminalwas given a “princely” protocol and al-lowed to leave from jail without court or-

ders to board a waiting plane. The pris-oner had access to laptop, internet, satel-lite phone, food picked out of a la cartemenu from a five star hotel etc. Wherewere sovereignty and judicial system ofPakistan then? The perception of com-mon citizen about the system and gover-nance in Pakistan has suffered irreparablyand people have lost trust in the systemand the managers of the system. This hastriggered uncontrollable terrorism,poverty, unemployment, and a loss of ca-pacity to rule. Is anyone in the worldthinking about peace, fairness, future ofyouth, elimination of hunger, poverty,corruption and moral deterioration? Theanswer seems to be a resounding no.

About 76 percent population in Pak-istan is aged below 25 years. The govern-ment of Pakistan has never tried toensure that all able hands will get an op-portunity to earn livelihood. Thousandsof the poor, hungry and unemployed optto become suicide bombers. The com-mon sense dictates to control misplacedperceptions and fears and the rule of law

to be reinforced. The mechanisms of con-flict resolution should be made to workand succeed.

We have witnessed skewed type ofdiplomacy, where interests change anddefine friends and foes. World has wit-nessed the fall of Shah of Iran, SaddamHusain, Hosni Mubarak, Qadafi, Zia-ul-Haq, King Faisal, Osama bin Laden. Allof them were once great friends of theUS. All of them enjoyed absolute powerin their countries. All of them were rul-ing without democracy and with ab-solute violations of human rights. All ofthem faced disgrace and un-naturaldeaths. All of them were personally ex-tremely corrupt and managed to keepthe people very poor.

I am witness to a plan in whichBalochistan would be separated from Pak-istan soon in order to facilitate CentralAsian states access to the sea. The projectis planned to be completed during the next10-15 years. Afghanistan will also be di-vided into three countries for the purpose.I gave a detailed briefing to the govern-

ment, chief of army staff and others but noone appeared to be serious in controllingthe fate of the country and interests of mil-lions of the poor. They went ahead andkilled a great leader like Sardar AkbarBugti. He was only asking for jobs forthousands of educated youth in Balochis-tan. There was neither police report nor aninvestigation and the killer was allowed toleave the country with full honour.

We need to create a ‘United States ofAsia’. The continent has about four bil-lion people, fertile soils, educated andtrained manpower, wealth and nuclearcountries. A do-nothing option will resultin hysteric governments, local wars,change in the geographic boundaries ofmany countries and a new form of coloni-sation. I believe that the creation ofUnited States of Asia with members fromKoreas, Japan, China, India, Afghanistan,Pakistan, Iran, Central Asian states,Turkey and the entire Arab World can re-solve the problems of wars and poverty,encourage peace and help sovereignstates in achieving peace and prosperity.

By Sultan Barq

Arif NizamiEditor

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Web: www.pakistantoday.com.pk Email: [email protected]

Dedicated to the legacy of the late Hameed Nizami

law and order breakdown in Karachi

that one sticklerof a problem

In Karachi, only the VVIPs travelling in bullet proofvehicles and surrounded by personal guards areassured of safety. Leaving the common people at themercy of the killers, a fairly large number of Police

and Rangers act as security details for the VVIPs. A varietyof killers, therefore, are having a field day. On Friday andSaturday alone, thirty people died taking the toll of the lastweek to around one hundred. With Muharramapproaching, it is natural for people to feel perturbed.

In September last year, a five-member bench of the SCheard government officials, security agencies and politiciansfrom different parties to evolve suggestions for theimprovement in law and order. The suggestions that werefinally announced included an operation to cleanse the cityof illegal weapons, depoliticisation of police, effectivelegislation against land mafia, end of no-go areas, actionagainst bhatta mafia, issuance of arms licences only throughnADRA and a joint Police-nADRA cell for action againstillegal aliens. Thanks to the lack of action on the part of theadministration, 1,800 more have been killed since.

Karachi suffers from a combination of factors thatinclude the federal government’s peculiar policy ofreconciliation, bad governance and inefficiency of thesecurity agencies. While desperate ailments requiredesperate remedies, the coalition administration in Karachiis unwilling to go beyond routine measures like prohibitionof pillion riding and warnings to police officials. Last week,it was revealed before another SC bench that some of thehardened criminals, including those involved in multiplemurders, had been released on parole on the orders of theprovincial administration, obviously on account of politicalexigencies.

It is on account of these factors that a variety of killerscontinue to strike with impunity in the city. A section of themilitants has singled out the members of the Shiacommunity while another has attacked the in-service andretired security personnel and their family members. Lastweek, the Sachal Rangers’ residential complex was attackedby the militants. That the Rangers were unable to ensuretheir own security sent a demoralising message to thecommon man. Gang warfare too continues to rage in thecity. The discovery of several tortured bodies stuffed inguinea bags leads one to conclude that there are severaltorture centres in the city. Unless the civilian lawenforcement agencies undertake a well-coordinatedoperation to clean up and seize weapons, arrest killers andput an end to no-go areas, the demand by the businesscommunity for military action in Karachi would be voicedby other sections of society also.

By Dr Hasan Askari Rizvi

“The United States of Asia”let’s build a future of our own

Re-visioning Jinnah’s idea of a state

Pakistan’s renewal

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Comment 11

tuesday, 13 november, 2012

Every democratic setup has threetiers of governance – central,provincial (or states) andlocal/municipal governments.Unfortunately in Pakistan , baring afew, most of the political partiesbelieve in first two tiers while for thethird one they prefer bureaucracy totake care. In my opinion, this thirdtier of municipal/city governments isfar more important as it allows directparticipation of general public attown/village level. This tier is directlyresponsible for upkeep of the citiesand towns, however, our politicalparties prefer to run the towns andcities by unelected administrators andcommissioners. By doing so, there isno love lost for the poor public, it’s a

way to keep the bureaucracy under thethumb of governing politicalparty(ies) in that province.

It’s now over three years since thepreviously elected local/citygovernments were dissolved at theend of their tenure, but no one knowswhen there will be elections for newmunicipal setup. All the provincialgovernments have chosen to ignorethe advice from Supreme and HighCourts to hold the city /municipalgovernments’ elections without anyfurther delay.

All provinces, barring Sindh, havecarried out legislation to abolish thelocal governments systems, havereplaced with commissionaratesystem. In Sindh, both the coalition

partners – PPP and MQM have held amarathon of meetings (may be morethan 100 meetings) during last threeyears to discuss the future setup forcity governments with no obviousbreakthrough. Just few days back, onPresident Zardari’ interference, thesetwo parties have got together toconclude the task; to agree upon asystem more near to the oneestablished during Musharraf era.

Both the PPP and MQM have beenclaiming to have reached on aconsensus but I have reservation onthis development. If we go by thehistory, it may be tactical move byPPP to pacify MQM and then by doingso first postpone the upcominggeneral elections and later get away

with city governments elections aswell putting up any excuse.

MQM shall be aware that none ofthe political parties (whether ingovernment or in opposition) areready to see Karachi city governmentbeing handed over to MQM, therefore,it’s up to MQM whether to be pacifiedwith lollypops PPP would be offering,or keep struggling for the third tiergovernance all across the country. Isee not much hope having aturnaround in our political partiesthinking, therefore, should we agreewith British colonial system to run thecities by commissioners. Perhaps thisis the fate of a democratic Pakistan.

MASOOD KHANJubail, Saudi Arabia

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Editor, Pakistan Today, 4-ShaareyFatima Jinnah, Lahore, Pakistan.

Fax: +92-42-36298302. E-mail: [email protected].

Letters should be addressed to Pakistan Today exclusively.

fbr’s amnesty schemeAfter many years of speculating that they have

three million tax dodgers, out of a population of 190million, within their cross hairs, the FBR has finallycome up with a new scheme to capture these taxdodgers. Pakistan is the sixth most populouscountry in the world, with an estimated populationof 190 million, out of which the FBR collects taxesfrom only 0.5 percent of the population. now theFBR wants to offer a tax amnesty scheme to all thetax dodgers of the past 65 years and is threateningthem with the blockage of their CnIC and passport,effectively cancelling their Pakistani citizenship,which seems like a very bold move to increase thenumber of tax payers. Unfortunately, it is the onlymove FBR has been able to come up with in the pastfour years. Therefore, we all will be very supportiveof it.

I would like to request one addition to balancethis act: that is to offer a special “Lifetime Tax Free”amnesty scheme to the 0.5 percent Pakistani taxpayers, who have been gracious enough to pay taxesfor the past 65 years, that covered the cost of everyPakistani for 65 years. If you are going to offeramnesties to the crooks, then you should also offeramnesties to the honest citizens.


an interesting pointThe Supreme Court of Pakistan held in Asghar

Khan case that 1990 election were rigged, illegal,and unconstitutional. The court directed thegovernment to take action against those who wereinvolved in the distribution of money. The verdictalso required the government, through FIA, toinitiate proceedings against politicians who receivedmoney, associated and cooperated in the crime for asinister purpose.

The government ought to implement SC order intrue letter and spirit instead of paying lip service ofrespecting and holding the apex court in highesteem. However, a pertinent question arises withregard to the silence of SC judgment of thebeneficiaries of the outcome of the illegal and

unconstitutional action. Perhaps, it is an establishedfact that nothing good ever comes out from an evil.And if 1990 polls were illegal and rigged, how couldthe government that assumed power as a result belegitimate? Can all the subsequent actions taken byan unconstitutional government be genuine and legal?

The registrar, who explained the detailedjudgement of the SC on the plea he was doing so toremove any ambiguity, ought to throw some light onthis point as well.


resentmentI strongly resent against the friendly relations

we are developing with India. Trade delegations,parliamentary delegations and so on are beingexchanged almost on weekly, if not daily, basis.Movies are being made in India to demulsifypartition. Borders are being kept as formality withfree movement of people with or without visas.Bollywood stars are being offered little that we areleft with to work in our movies (I guess to co-starShaan in ‘Jatt Sadde Passé Da’). Lot more is beingdone to hurry up making India and Pakistan as one.I resent it most ardently.

Hindus can never be our friends; we cannot liveor work with them. We are two nations and we havenothing in common except complexion, I think.India has done and is still doing massive violationsof treaties and agreements we have had in the past.India is bent upon squeezing the last drop of ourwaters to render us dry and barren. India hasmassively connived with Jews to malign our religionthrough modern technology in communication,which somehow the impoverished people of Indiahave excelled in. Indian females have lost all senseof morality and decency and they attract our youthvery strongly who are being subjected to ‘hijab’.

I do not understand what has attracted ourgovernment to go into the lap of India? All I canthink of is some hundreds of those females inBollwood, who hardly cover themselves now andhave nice swinging waists. Veena can be victimized,but not the entire nation. Let’s have decentneighborly relations and the underlying principle of

relationship is: do not interfere in Pakistan andreciprocally we won’t interfere in your lives.


doing nothing for the massesWhile wandering into the cities, towns and

villages of my home province, Sindh, one can seethousands of children, homeless, without clothes,running in packs in the streets, in particular, thechildren whose relatives were affected by the man-made and natural disasters of the last twoconsecutive years. On can witness that the so-calledrepresentatives, the money crazy bureaucrats andtechnocrats, make every effort to degrade anddebase these ill-fated children as they beg for food.One can hear the heart-wrenching stories and atsome places can see that the disaster-affectedpeople keep on selling their newborns because theycan’t feed them.

The present rulers have done nothing for thecommon people but they have done a lot for achosen few families, or better to say a chosen fewindividuals, in the province and one ethnic group.People know that a chosen few penniless personshave become billionaires at least in my homedistrict Larkano. In the prevalent situation one ofthe senior advocates from Larkano rightly says, “we need a government that stands up for the hopes,values and interests of the downtrodden and giveseveryone willing to work hard the chance to makethe most of their God-given potential as it was doneduring the days of Shaheed ZAB but sorry to saynothing is being done nowadays.”

Where are the national and local nGOs whichusually market the miseries of these poor and thedisaster affected people in the luxury hotels of thebig cities such like Islamabad, Karachi and Lahoreand suck maximum funds from the gracious andgenerous international donor bodies and nGOs?Unfortunately, they too have done nothing toalleviate the miseries of masses in Sindh However,both, the incumbent rulers and the national nGOactivists, are there to serve their own interests.


local government system

islamic valuesPakistan was created for the

Muslims of the sub-continent with onlyone argument that Muslims are adifferent nation and need a separatestate to practice its religion - Islam. TheMuslims could not live with Hindumajority population where Hindusworship cows and Muslims eat cowsbesides host of other differences inhistorical and cultural values.

With this background of creation ofa separate state, Pakistan shouldpractice Islamic values as dictated byQuran and Sunnah. no doubt ourconstitution lays down in its ObjectiveResolutions that no law would beframed which is repugnant to Quranand Sunnah, but what use thisresolution is when nothing is seenaccording to Quran and Sunnah in thestate. The case in point is the recentappearance of pictures of our foreignminister meeting with foreigndignitaries. She should not shake handwith male diplomats/officials thusprojecting wrong Islamic values toother countries and not justifyingrepresenting a Muslim country.

Similarly, with the exception of veryfew, majority of the ladyparliamentarians are exhibitionists withfull makeup from beauty parloursbefore coming to the parliament andmixing freely with male colleagues. Thisobservation by no means is extremistmindset. The conduct of women in theparliament or the lady ministers is seenall over the world. If they do not followIslamic values, the non-Muslims wouldmake a mockery of our Islamic valueswhere a Muslim woman is not supposedto touch a stranger (ghair mehrem) andthey have to cover their body parts asgiven in Sura-e-noor (Chap18 Ayat 31)and Sura-e-Ahzaab Ehzaab (Chap 22Ayat 59).

I strongly feel if our ladyparliamentarians and ministers dressup according to Quran and Sunnah,they would look more graceful andconvey the correct Islamic values totheir counterparts of non-Muslimcountries.


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tuesday, 13 november, 2012


timberlake, Biel having problemsin their married life?

Newly wed singer Justin Timberlake and Jessica

Biel are already having problems in their

married life. The couple apparently fell out after

Biel ordered Timberlake to cut ties with his hard-

partying bachelor pals. “Jessica and Justin are suffering

from a bad case of post-wedding blues. And it’s all

because she wants him to dump most of his old friends,”

showbizspy quoted a source as saying. “All those guys

en-joy weekend trips to Vegas, guys-only golf outings in

exotic lo-cales and picking up hot chicks at clubs. And

Justin used to be a big part of it. Jessica told Justin,

‘That’s it! Choose your stupid friends or me’,” said the

source. The couple got married oct 19 at the Borgo

egnazia resort, Puglia, Italy. “He told Jessica he’s not

ditching his friends. And he added insult to injury when

he added that he probably won’t be ready to start a

fam-ily for at least two years. “Poor Jess was left in

tears. And now she’s wondering if marrying Justin was a

major mistake,” added the source. neWS DeSK

Justin Bieber confused?

JuSTIn Bieber kept mum on the subject of his

split from girlfriend Selena Gomez, after a two

year relationship in a recent interview, neither

confirming nor denying the news of the breakup. The

teen popstar was dodging breakup talk during the

interview on november 10. “I don’t know what to say,”

us magazine quoted him as telling open House Party

radio host John Garabedian.“I don’t know what’s going

on in my life . . . To even assess that it doesn’t make

sense ‘cause I have not made any comment’,” he said.

Gomez, meanwhile, has maintained a low profile since

their oct. 31 breakup, hopping a plane from lAX to new

york nov. 10 after wrapping production on her disney

series wizards of waverly Place. neWS DeSK

Cosmopolis saved me fromdepression: robert Pattinson

hollywood star Robert Pattinson says his much-

appreciated stint in vampire franchise Twilight left

him struggling with depression for two years. The

26-year-old actor, who is gearing up for the final

installment of The Twilight Saga: Breaking dawn — Part 2,

said he was saved from spiralling into depression when

director david Cronenberg asked him to star in

Cosmopolis. “I went through a big time of depression

between 23 and 25. I couldn’t go where I wanted to. I was

in the tabloids every day and I didn’t have access to the

roles I really wanted. I wanted more, on every level,” he

says. Pattinson found that while his Twilight co-stars

Kristen Stewart and Taylor lautner were off working on

other projects, he was stuck in a rut. “I finally realised that

you needed to earn this change I so desperately wanted.

That one way or another, you had to suffer to be able to

make it. I thought everything was going to be served on a

plate but that’s not how it works,” he adds. neWS DeSK

IT E M girl Malaika Arora Khan says the day she and her husband, filmmakerArbaaz Khan decided to turn producers, was the most important turning point inher life. “Professionally, there have been many instances which have made me theperson I am today. But by far, the most special was the day when Arbaaz and I decidedto become producers and make a film which is Dabangg, and now we are making a

sequel. So, professionally, it’s the most important turning point in my life,” says the 39-year-old. While Dabangg was directed by Abhinav Kashyap, Arbaaz has taken the reins himself todirect Dabangg 2. Talking about Arbaaz turning director, Malaika says, “I am really excitedbut also nervous. It’s been superb not just producing this time, but having him direct the

film. I have been pretty hands-on, so yes, it’s really nerve-wrecking right now.”Dabangg 2 stars Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha, who starred in the firstinstallment as well. While Malaika swooned the nation with her item number

‘Munni badnaam’ in the first installment, actor Kareena Kapoor will be doinga special song in Dabangg 2. But Malaika won’t be completely absent in thesequel. She will apparently be seen in a special appearance, but is keepingthe news under wraps. However, contrary reports suggest that Malaikahas already shot for another peppy number for the film. Dabangg 2 is

scheduled to release on December 21 this year. neWS DeSK


DELHIWhile Shah Rukh Khan and the Jab TakHai Jaan team made Delhiites wait forthree hours on Sunday, elsewhere, tennisstar Maria Sharapova was alreadywinning hearts. And, being won over bythe Capital. On her maiden visit to India,the world number two was so awed bythe “tremendous energy of the people inDelhi” that she said shewanted to play live here.“I’d heard that I have alot of fans in India butseeing it for myself wasamazing! There’s somuch energy andwarmth here. I really,really want to play livein India someday,”said the 25-year-oldUS-based Russian,who was here asbrand ambassadorof a UK-based realestate firm. In thecountry just for aday, Sharapovashelved her TajMahal plans forthe next visit,but said she didnot want tomiss out on adesi shoppingspree. “I’mreally lookingforward tovisit the localmarkets tobuy somesouvenirs formy friends,and may besome ethnicIndian wearfor myself,”said theplayer, whowon theFrenchOpen thisyear,followed bya silver attheOlympics.AndIndianfood?“Ohyeah! Ialreadyhad adosa forbreakfast, it wasawesome!” neWS


Amitabh Bachchan is still an angry young man at 70.Upset with the Bihar police for using his face foran anti-Maoist campaign without his consent, theactor took to Facebook and Twitter to vent hisrage on Saturday. And it worked. On Sunday,police pulled down billboards featuring Big B’sphotograph in Kaimur district in south-westBihar. “Just read news about my photographbeing used by Bihar Police... this is illegal, noconsent taken or given, lawyers in action now,”read the actor’s tweet. While the threat of legalaction was enough to get his message across,police officials feel the actor misunderstood theirsocial initiative titled Adhaura Super-30. “Amitji’spicture was used to motivate poor collegeaspirants because he’s a hero to millions,” Kaimursuperintendent of police Uma ShankarSudhanshu said on Sunday. Under theprogramme, youth in the Maoist-hit area areprovided free coaching for competitiveexaminations, along with food and lodging.Kaimur additional superintendent of police ManojKumar Yadav said Bachchan’s saying on KaunBanega Crorepati - “Sirf gyaan hi aapko aapka haqdilata hai (only knowledge can get you what isrightfully yours)” - was the best message for thedistrict’s restless tribal youth. “We never used

Amitji’s name, photograph or poem to recruit youthto fight Maoists because we don’t see violence byeither side as a solution to the problem,” Yadav said.neWS DeSK

Celebrity couple singers Justin Bieber andSelena Gomez parted ways as the latterreportedly had trust issues. The news came afterBieber, 18, was spotted attending Broadwayproduction of The Lion King musical withHungarian model Barbara Palvin, 19, nov 8. Thetwo met the previous day at the Victoria’s Secretfashion show. Gomez and Bieber maintained ahigh profile relationship for almost two years butparted ways a week ago.“With them being apartso much it got complicated. She had some trustissues. It’s not easy, but the relationship neededto end,” People magazine quoted a source assaying. “She broke up with him about a weekago,” the source added. Gomezhad posted a picture ofBieber and the model on herTwitter page nov 9 andcaptioned it as “ .....” hintingto her fans that there wassomething wrong. Bieberand Gomez call it quits aftertwo years of their relationship. It issaid that because of theirhectic schedules, the power

couple was unable to cope, reports E! news.Well, now that Justin Bieber is single, it’scertainly good news for his female fans! Thenews doesn’t come as a suprisebecause rumours of thecouple having a difficulttime together had beenrife for the last oneweek or so, reportsHuffington Post. Asource also toldRadarOnline thatBieber was head overheels for Gomez, 20,but she wasn’tfeeling it

anymore, and was just ridingout the relationship becauseher team felt the relationshipwas good for her image.While it may be possiblethat Selena was the one tocall it off, but JustinBieber had also beenrecently linked toVictoria’s Secret modelBarbara Palvin. neWS


What was theturning point inMalaika Arora’s life?


Amitabh Bachchanfurious with Bihar police

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monday, 12 november, 2012


Jab tak Hai Jaan beyondnumbers: Shah rukh Khan

SuPeRSTAR Shah Rukh Khan says his forthcoming

film Jab Tak Hai Jaan, yash Chopra’s last directorial

venture, is more about feeling and emotions, than

box office economics. “My belief is never on counting. For

me, numbers are limits. Also, after the demise of yashji, I

can’t relate the film with numbers. The film is more about

feeling than any other thing and I think people will like it.

It will be beyond numbers,” the 47-year-old told reporters

when asked if the movie will join the Rs100 crore club.

yash Chopra died on october 21. “when he (Chopra) used

to say on the sets that this is his last film, I never took it

seriously, nobody of us did that actually. I used to think, I

can always convince him to do another one. But his death

came as a shock and this is the reason why the film is no

longer just a film for me,” said Shah Rukh. Also starring

Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, Jab Tak Hai Jaan

releases on november 13. neWS DeSK

I don’t do all stunts in 007,says daniel Craig

DAnIel Craig has revealed that he prefers to

take the backseat when it comes to James

Bond’s daring stunts. The 44-year-old actor

made the revelation on the ‘Jimmy Kimmel show.’ “I

don’t do all my stunts-I’d be lying if I said that. But I

like the fact that occasionally that you’ll see on screen

that it’s my face and it’s me,’” the daily Mail quoted him

as telling the late night TV host. “And I think audiences

hopefully appreciate that. At least, I really hope they

do,” he said. Craig also talked about the thrill of getting

to drive the iconic Aston Martin dB5 but confessed he

prefers to be driven by the professional on-set stunt

drivers than handle the automobiles himself. “on the

movie I get taught to drive by these really great

drivers,” he said. neWS DeSK

Not dating tom Cruise,clarifies Cameron diaz

ACTReSS Cameron diaz has denied rumours

that she is dating Tom Cruise. The rumours

surfaced after diaz was pictured with Cruise and

fellow actors Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem as she

celebrated her 40th birthday Aug 30. earlier, Cruise’s

representative had slammed the reports and now diaz

denies it. “I happened to bump into Penelope Cruz,

Javier, Tom and his son in a hotel and joined them for

dinner. At midnight I said, ‘I’m 40’. So we took pictures

and then said ‘Goodnight, see you later, blah, blah,

blah’ and I haven’t seen him since.” “But the next thing

I know, apparently I am dating him and it’s full on and

he is coming after me,” she added. The actress made

the clarification on a chat show. diaz was in a

relationship with baseball player Alex Rodriguez for an

year but parted ways in September 2011. neWS DeSK

Aamir Khan usesGoogle topromote Talaash?Aamir Khan is famous for his out-of-the-boxfilm promotion ideas. And now, he has plannedsomething out of the ordinary for his upcomingrelease, Talaash, as well. The marketing teamfor the film is in talks with search-engine giant,Google. If all goes well, on its India homepage(href=”http://www.google.co.in”>www.google.co.in), the word Talaash (which means search)will replace the Google Search button for a shortperiod of time leading up to the release. Thedeal is likely to be signed in the coming week.“What could be better than using the world’sbiggest search engine? If it works out, itwill start after Diwali, and continuetill november 30,” says an insider.Aamir is known to be very cannyabout marketing tactics. It was hewho decided to roll out Talaashpromotions post Diwali, after thetwo big releases — Jab Tak Hai Jaanand Son Of Sardaar — have fought itout. neWS DeSK

Abhishek Bachchan isthe likeliest candidate for the

part of the man who carriedIndia, kicking and dragging, into

the 21st century. The Rajiv Gandhibiopic to be directed by Bhavna Talwarwould now be made with the consentand approval of Mrs Sonia Gandhi.While the film’s director and herhusband-producer Sheetal Talwarhave zeroed in on a number of

British and Indian actors whowould possibly play Rajiv (among

them Colin Firth, Riz Ahmed andAbhishek Bachchan), it is thecasting of an actress to play SoniaGandhi that’s proving more

problematic. This needs to be sorted outat the earliest since the Talwars wouldbe meeting Mrs Gandhi next month inDelhi over the Rajiv Gandhi bio-pic togive her a low-down of the content. Saysa source close to the project, “BhavnaTalwar would be making the film incomplete harmony with Mrs SoniaGandhi. She would be kept in the loopabout every development in the project.now, casting for the Rajiv part which ison the verge of closure can be delayed abit more. But when Sheetal and BhavnaTalwar meet Mrs Sonia Gandhi theymust be able tell her the name of theactress who plays her.” ExplainsSheetal, “It is only reasonable, don’t you

think? We should be able to inform MrsGandhi who is playing her role. We’venarrowed down the list to 5-6 foreignactresses. But we can’t reveal who willactually play Mrs Gandhi until we signher.” We believe Monica Bellucci whowas to play Sonia Gandhi in the biopicthat the late Jagmohan Mundhra was tomake, is high in the list. Says Sheetal,“We are not looking at stars to playRajivji and Soniaji .We want actors whounderstand what they stand for. Rajivchanged not just our society in terms oftechnological progress, he changedIndian mindsets. We need an actor whounderstands the lofty ideals that hestood for.” neWS DeSK

Aftab Shivdasani on rumours surrounding hismarriage, his Gujarat experience and more in aninterview. Aftab Shivdasani seemed to be in arelaxed frame of mind when Ahmedabad Timescaught up with him at the Laxmi Vilas Palace inVadodara, where he was shooting for IndraKumar’s Grand Masti. Aftab whose last screenouting was 1920-Evil Returns, says, “Workingwith Vikram Bhatt is always a pleasure and

having done nine films with him, we are greatfriends today. It was nice to do a horror film.”On the personal front, having found loveagain, the actor is in a happy space. Whilethere have been reports that Aftab is all set to

get married to his girlfriend nin Dusanjearly next year (we spotted her at the

palace too, spending some qualitytime with Aftab after the shoot), the

actor says, “These are allrumours! I have never said thatI am getting married next year.However, I am in a steadyrelationship and it feelswonderful to be in love. The dayI plan to get married, I will let

the world know.” Aftab, whohas seen it all in the last 13

years (Mast, his debut as an adult, released in1999, while he debuted as a child actor in MrIndia in 1987), says, “On hindsight, I could havestrategised my career a little better. As anewcomer, I had no godfather in the industry and

didn’t know how to go aboutthings. In any actor’s career,

there comes a phase whenyou sit back, reflect on what

you have done and getselective.



Abhishek Bachchan to

play Rajiv Gandhi?

i’m not getting married next

year: Aftab Shivdasani

leonardo dicaPrio and cameron diaZ: look good for a good cause, the a-list pals glam it up for

Hurricane Sandy relief and un women’s charities at the tag Heuer event in nyc.

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tuesday, 13 november, 2012

Priest bites off another priest’s ear

An 80-year-old Catholic priest bit offanother priest's ear and socked him in theface over a parking spot in Australia,

according to Perth now. Father Thomas HenryByrne appeared in court Friday after he allegedlystarted the violent brawl when 81-year-old FatherThomas Joseph Cameron Smith wouldn't give uphis parking space. After a brief scuffle, Byrnereportedly told Smith to pick up an item on theground. The item was Smith's ear, according to theDaily Mail, though it took him a while to figure outwhat it was. Smith wrapped the flesh in a tea toweland drove to a local hospital, where staffed phonedhim an ambulance. He was taken tosurgery, while cops went toarrest Byrne on a chargeof grievous bodily harm.Byrne had a black eyewhen he showed up incourt on Friday, according tothe Independent. An EastPerth magistrate orderedthat Byrne not gowithin 30 feet ofSmith, who lives inthe sameapartmentcomplex. neWS DeSK

A teenage California girl searchingfor a cellphone signal to call hermother in a rural area outside SanDiego inadvertently stepped into anest of rattlesnakes and was bittensix times but survived.

Vera Oliphant, 16, spent fourdays in the intensive-care unit ofSharp Grossmont Hospital, anddoctors gave her 24 vials of an-tivenin after she was bitten by anadult rattlesnake and five young rat-tlers outside her uncle’s home. “Iwas trying to find a signal to call mymom and text my boyfriend,”Oliphant said on Friday, a day aftershe was released from the hospitalafter the Oct. 27 incident. “I didn’tsee them until I already stepped ontheir nest and I felt them biting me.”

“My vision started to go rightaway. First, it looked like the snakes

blended into the leaves, and then Istarted seeing black spots aroundthe edges and I started blackingout.” Her uncle immediately packedher into a car and rushed her to theemergency room, she said.

Doctors there administered an-tivenin to quash the toxins, a hos-pital spokesman said. Snakebitesusually aren’t fatal, although ahandful of people die in the UnitedStates each year from snake bites.

Oliphant has recovered andwill be returning to classes atChaparral High School in El Cajonon Monday. She said the next timeshe can’t get a signal, she will han-dle it differently.

“Be careful where you step,”she said. “If you don’t need to, justwait until you are somewhere thatyou can call people.” neWS DeSK

Man impersonates a copto get into Disney World

LOOKS like his dreams didn't come true.Professional photographer Emerito Pujolwas arrested after allegedly pretending to

be a federal officer in an attempt to get into DisneyWorld's Epcot Center for free, the Orlando Sentinelreports. Police say the 74-year-old showed anEpcot staff member a fake badge while walkingthrough the turnstiles around noon on Saturday.The employee asked to take a closer look at thebadge, and Pujol allegedly told him he was anundercover officer searching for someone. Asecurity officer got involved, Pujol changed histune, according to WESH. He told the officer hewas in the midst "guarding someone important,"according to the arrest report. When a deputy wascalled to the scene, Pujol allegedly admitted thathe was just trying to avoid paying the $94.79 costof getting into Epcot. The badge he had initiallyproduced stated that the carrier was an "honorarymember" of the American Federation of Police.The AFP is a nonprofit organization. The man isfacing a felony charge of impersonating a lawenforcement officer. neWS DeSK

Something is buzzing around the skyin Denver. It has been captured by atleast two videographers and has atleast one aviation expert baffled.

According to a FOX TV affiliate,KDVR, a Denver man, wishing to re-main anonymous, gave the televisionstation home video that, he claimed,showed unidentified flying objectsquickly zig-zagging and maneuver-ing in the sky over a populated sec-tion of the mile-high city. The mantold the station that the UFOs havebeen appearing several times a week,generally between noon and 1 p.m.,and launching and landing some-where in the Denver metro area.

Fox 31 Denver news reporterHeidi Hemmat investigated thesightings and the video. "He cap-tured the images on his digital cam-era from a hilltop in Federal Heights,looking south toward downtownDenver," Hemmat reported. "Thestrangest part is that they are flyingtoo fast to see with the naked eye."

To try and verify the legitimacyof the video, the TV station's photo-journalist, noah Skinner, broughthis own equipment out to the samelocation from where the UFOs werefirst captured on camera. Hemmatsays Skinner shot video betweennoon and 1 p.m. When his video was

slowed down, it revealed an uniden-tified object flying in the sky.

KDVR then turned to Steve Cow-ell, a former commercial pilot andFAA accident prevention counsellor,to see if he could make any sense outof the mysterious flying objects onthe videos. "I can't identify it," Cow-

ell told KDVR. "That is not an air-plane, that is not a helicopter, thoseare not birds." Cowell suggested thatthe objects could be debris raisingup from the ground by atmosphericwinds. He also didn't think the UFOscould be explained as bugs. But ac-cording to Doubtfulnews.com, ablog dedicated to the unexplained,that's exactly what these objects are.

"They're bugs! Set up two cam-eras side by side and triangulate thedistance to the object. Clearly theyconsulted a man in the wrong pro-fession," according to Doubtfulnews writer Chew. "Get someonewho has studied UFOs. Or an ento-mologist." KDVR reported that boththe FAA and nORAD couldn't con-firm unusual activity in the skiesover Denver during those noon-to-1p.m. time frames.

UFOs, debris, bugs? Check outthe video above and the individualscreen shots we've provided andmake up your own mind. neWS DeSK

Denver UFO mystifies local media

Teen survives bites in snake nest

Skype is available forWindows Phone 8

SOFTWARE HOUSE Microsoft has released apreview version of Skype for WindowsPhone 8, two weeks after the mobile

operating system's release. On Friday, Microsofttold The InQUIRER that Skype would be "comingsoon" to Windows Phone 8, following complaintsfrom early adopters. It looks like the firm has stuckto its promise, as Skype is finally available todownload from the Windows Store on WindowsPhone 8. However, Microsoft is keen to point outthat it's a Preview version of the full app, whichmeans "experiences are not yet final". According toMicrosoft, this means that some capabilities - suchas People Hub integration and backgroundfunctionality - are still work in progress and mightnot function consistently yet. Still, we managed todownload the app onto our Windows Phone 8powered nokia Lumia 920 handset and didn'tnotice any issues at the time of publication. Skypefor Windows Phone 8 - much like its IOS andAndroid counterparts - has the abilities to makefree video and voice calls over 3G and WiFi, and tosend and receive free instant messages. UnlikeSkype's other apps, however, it comes styled to tiein with the Windows Phone 8 interface, and itsicon is a resizable Live Tile. neWS DeSK

Apple and HtC sign truce ending patent disputes

r IVALS settle patent disputes ending afight that began in March 2010, indicat-ing the peace could break out in thewider patent wars engulfing the technol-ogy industry. In a surprise truce in

Apple's ongoing patent wars, the company hassigned a 10-year licence agreement with Tai-wanese smartphone maker HTC.

HTC is thought to have paid Apple between $5(£3.14) and $20 (£12.57) per handset that it pro-duces using Android - Google's operating system.

HTC say that the deal will not have a materialeffect on its profit-and-loss account

The two firms have settled all their outstand-ing disputes over patents and signed a 10-year li-cence agreement that includes current and futurepatents held by one another. The companies hadbeen suing each other for 32 months in Europeand the US, with Apple succeeding in temporarilypreventing US imports of HTC phones.

HTC's has seen its sales tumble since the sec-

ond half of 2011 as it struggles to emulate the suc-cess of its rivals. It expects sales to be lower thanexpected at the end of the year. Apple has been em-broiled in a series of high profile patent cases allover the world as the dominant player and its rivalsaccuse each other of copying designs and ideas.Legal cases between Apple and Samsung have beenfiled in more than 10 countries, with each accusingthe other of copying designs. In Britain a spat overa UK court decision that found in favour of Sam-sung has been ongoing for several weeks.

Patents blogger Florian Mueller wrote that "Iflitigation is the question, licensing is, once again,the answer. The settlement is surprising and un-surprising at the same time. The timing wasn't ex-pected since neither party had massive leverageover the other, but it makes a whole lot of sensethat Apple would settle with HTC, and that HTCwould accept the terms Apple has imposed (whichwere not disclosed but are likely somewhat oner-ous), prior to other Apple-Android settlements.

Mueller added that "Both companies simplyhave other priorities to focus on. For Apple, thecompetitive challenge it faces from Samsung andfrom Google's plan to use Motorola Mobility'spatents to reach a point of mutually assured de-struction are far bigger issues. If Apple wanted tobe embroiled in litigation with a third Android de-vice maker, HTC would no longer be the choice atthis stage -- Amazon, for example, would be ahigher priority. And while HTC didn't have to fearmuch from Apple's litigation in the nearest term,it probably knew that it couldn't win this fight inthe long run, and it now needs to focus on its busi-ness. It recently lost market share and reporteddisappointing financial results. Google should fi-nally recognize that Android devices need patentlicenses, that Android is not free no matter howoften Google says so, and that one Android devicemaker after the other will seek licensing arrange-ments with Apple, Microsoft, nokia and other sig-nificant patent holders." neWS DeSK

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federer charms fans inmurray's backyard


PAKISTAn Cricket Board(PCB) is anticipating to host-ing arch rivals India and theSouth African cricket teamin full-fledged series some-

time in the later half of 2013, a source re-vealed on condition of anonymity.

Though these series are not in theICC Future Tour Programme but thePCB chief Zaka Ashraf is trying to con-vince these countries to tour Pakistan ina bid for revival of international cricketin Pakistan. Zaka Ashraf has created aspecial window in a bid to revive inter-national cricket in Pakistan. PCB ChiefZaka Ashraf is also hoping thatBangladesh may tour Pakistan in Janu-ary prior to Pakistan tour of SouthAfrica. If it happens then this will be an-other big achievement for Ch ZakaAshraf and Pakistan will move one stepcloser to bring international cricket backto Pakistan.

The source revealed that Pakistanare scheduled to play three major homeand away series in 2013-14 season, start-ing with tour to South Africa in Januarynext year. The South Africa itinerary willbe followed by a tour to West Indies inJuly and August, and a home seriesagainst the Proteas later in the year.

The West Indies tour comprisingthree Tests, One Day Internationals andT20 matches will be held after the last

Champions Trophy to be played in Eng-land. Pakistan was also scheduled toplay a short limited-overs series againstIreland prior to the esteemed tourna-ment. "The team will go to Caribbeanafter taking part in the Champions Tro-phy in England that will be held in June.Before the tournament we will also beplaying a series against Ireland," thesource said. South Africa is scheduled totour Pakistan in October 2013, in the re-turn leg of the bilateral series, but thatwould depend on the security situationin the country, added the source.

"If security issues lead to SouthAfrica not wanting to play in Pakistanthan obviously the other option is tohost them at a neutral venue," he said.

The PCB is also hoping to convincethe Board of Control for Cricket in India(BCCI) to send its players to Pakistan,sometime in the latter half of the year.After the West Indies tour the board has

a window open in August-September,and is contemplating over inviting theIndian counterparts in this period. How-ever, the source said that it is still anidea and it would be too early to confirmanything now.

"The idea is there and discussions onthis will be held when Pakistan goes toIndia in December but it is too early tosay anything concrete now," the sourcesaid.

It is pertinent to mention here thatPakistan has not hosted an internationalcricket team since the 2009 militant at-tacks on the on-tour Sri Lankan squad inLahore, and against India it dates backto February 2006.

The Pakistan Cricket Board chiefZaka Ashraf had promised to bring in-ternational cricket back to Pakistan andsincerely working for the cause under apre-planned strategy and that is bearingfruit. May Allah Mighty give him more

successes and if he succeeded in bring-ing back international cricket to Pak-istan his name will be written in goldenwords in the history of Pakistan cricket.

Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chair-man Zaka Ashraf is doing his best for therevival of international cricket in Pak-istan and his efforts started yieldingfruit. It is being hoped that his sincereefforts will compel foreign team to visitPakistan. now it is depend on the Pun-jab government to keep politics awayfrom sports and cope with the PakistanCricket Board chief Zaka Ashraf for theprovision of foolproof security to the vis-itors to avoid any untoward incident infuture. now ball is in the Punjab ChiefMinister Shahbaz Sharif court and if heextends a helping hand to PakistanCricket Board Chief regarding provisionof foolproof security to the visitingteams will help a lot and improve Pak-istan image in the world.

Pakistan may host India, S Africa in 2013


British Journalist Ed Hawkins has madeyet another claim that the Pakistanicricketers who were earlier believed tobe involved in spot fixing are innocent,reports said on Monday.

Ed Hawkins, in his soon to be pub-lished book ‘Bookie Gambler Fixer Spy:Journey to the corrupt heart of cricket’sunderworld’, has claimed that the threePakistani cricketers including SalmanButt, Mohammad Amir and MohammadAsif are innocent and that they wereschemed in the spot fixing case.

He said that in India, fixing in notdone on no-balls and therefore, JusticeCook’s verdict regarding the involve-ment of three Pakistani cricketers inspot fixing was unjust.

It is pertinent to mention that thethree cricketers have already served

their sentence in the UK jails for theirinvolvement in spot fixing.

The journalist had earlier claimedthat the semi-final between Pakistanand India of the Cricket World Cup 2011was fixed.

According to Hawkins, the bookiehad a contract with Pakistan which stip-ulated that the team would lose thematch by a margin of over 20 runs.

The bookie had further said thatIndia batting first would make 260 runsand their first three wickets would fall in15 overs, while Pakistan would make100 runs and then lose two quick wick-ets.

Another claim made is that bookieshad used Bollywood actresses in the fix-ing process.

Hawkins a sport betting journalistspent months investigating corruptionin cricket. His book will be published onnovember 15.

Fixing trio innocent: UK journalist

doing everything i can to make acomeback: fawad


Fawad Alam scored a century in hisdebut Test for Pakistan in 2009, making168 out of a total of 320 against SriLanka in Colombo after Pakistan wereshot out for 90 in the first innings. Hefinished third on the batting charts inPakistan's premier domestic first-classtournament in 2011-12, with 945 runs at67.50 for national Bank of Pakistan. Thisseason, after six matches, he's on top ofthe run-scorers' table, his 446 runs com-ing at 51.77.Yet Alam has only three Tests to hisname, the last of which was in november2009. Three Tests, 27 ODIs and 24Twenty20s. He is considered more of alimited-overs player, despite not havingmade much of a mark in the shorter for-mats and despite his fine numbers infirst-class cricket, which show his tech-nique isn't flawed and he has the tem-perament to succeed in the long form,reported Cricinfo.Alam grew up in the shadow of his fa-mous father, Tariq Alam, whose two-decade first-class career ended in 1994.Tariq Alam is now a popular coach, andhas mentored many modern Karachiplayers - including the likes of YounisKhan, Saeed Anwar and Rashid Latif.Fawad said his father is a source of en-couragement for him. "I didn't need to goout to learn cricket - he was there for meto guide and take care of me," FawadAlam said. "He is my courage and acricket university at home who helpedmy career develop."Alam quashes the notion that he is ashort-format player, and puts his lack ofTest caps down to luck. "I've alwayswanted to be prominent, and I want gainthis prominence by scoring heavily. Ithink my first-class career is evidenceenough to dispel this false perception," hetold ESPncricinfo. "I have scored runs indifficult situations and won my nationalplace in 2007. If I am away from the na-tional side, it is perhaps because of myluck; otherwise I have scored enough. "Idon't even buy this point, that I am onlygetting a chance in the wrong format.


The disciplinary committee of thePakistan Hockey Federation hasbanned full back Mohammad Irfanfor six months and fined him Rs100,000 for indiscipline of skippingthe ongoing national camp forChampions Trophy without anyvalid reason.

The three-member committeeled by Wasey Jalil, heard the pointof view of Irfan who appeared beforethe committee on Monday at na-tional hockey stadium and also sub-mitted his written reply.

“ He committed indisciplinewhich was in breach of players codeof conduct and the committeereached a unanimous decision topunish him for sending a firm mes-sage to all the hockey players thatno one is above the discipline “,said

Wasey while reading out the recom-mendations of the committee.

“ Irfan will not be playinghockey for six months at any leveland a fine of Rs 100,000 has alsobeen imposed on him “,he asserted.He mentioned that the committeealso took into consideration the pastrecord of Irfan who is in habit ofcommitting indiscipline on variousaccounts.

Irfan took a day from the campfrom the camp commandant, AkhtarRasool and reported after two-daygiving false justification for his oneday absence which was proved afterthe team management initiatedprobe at its own.

The team management reportedthe whole incident to the PHF whichforwarded the case of Irfan to itsdisciplinary committee which alsocomprised Saeed Khan and TanzeelaAamir Cheema as its members.

The chairman of the committeesaid Irfan has the right appealagainst the decision within a weektime.

Irfan expressed his regret onbreach of indiscipline saying “itshould not has happened “, “ I feelsorry on the while incident and I as-sure the PHF and the team manage-ment that I will never be involved inany kind of indiscipline in future . “I accept the decision of the commit-tee but definitely I am going to ap-peal against it as the six months banis quite long “,said the player.

Irfan said he believes that Presi-dent ,PHF Qasim Zia will give a kindconsideration to his appeal and willlift the ban from him . “ I want toplay hockey and to serve my countryand I hope that PHF will give me achance so that it should prove that Iam a much improved person as fardiscipline is concerned”.

india put sponsorship

condition for

Pakistan fansNEW DELHI


Any Pakistani cricket lover who wants tovisit India to watch the upcoming limitedover Indo-Pak cricket matches will have tohave an Indian sponsor to get a visa as 12Pakistani spectators had gone missing afterthe 2007 bilateral series.The Home Ministryhas made it mandatory for each Pakistanicricket fan intending to witness the forth-coming cricket series beginning December25 to have a local sponsor to get visa.The decision has come as 12 Pakistani men,who came to India to watch the last India-Pakistan bilateral cricket series held in no-vember-December 2007, did not returnhome and are yet to be traced. "There will beno relaxation of visa rules for the cricketfans. We cannot compromise our security asit is our prime concern. So, whoever seeksvisa, has to name a local sponsor," a HomeMinistry official said. There will be no capon the number of visas to be issued for thePakistani cricket lovers and whoever fulfilsthe prescribed criteria and becomes eligibleto get visa will get it. The visa applicants willalso have to attach a copy of the ticket pur-chased to watch the series that would com-prise three ODIs and two Twenty20Internationals between December 25, thisyear and January 6, next year. The ODImatches will be played in Chennai, Kolkataand new Delhi and the Twenty20 games inBangalore and Ahmedabad. All Pakistanicricket fans, who came to watch the 2011World Cup semifinal in Mohali, had re-turned home. However, the 12 Pakistanis,who came in 2007, are still to be traced.Having an Indian sponsor was not manda-tory for those who came five years ago.

Pak hockey team to

be named on nov 14LAHORE

StAff RepoRt

Pakistan hockey team will be named hereon november 14 to take part in twomajor tournaments in Australia later thismonth. “ Pak team manager and headcoach, Akhtar Rasool will name the teamas the PHF has given the selection com-mittee authority to the team manage-ment after abolishing the selectioncommittee “,said a spokesman of Pak-istan Hockey Federation here on Mon-day. The team is undergoing training atJohar town hockey stadium and the teamwill be named there.Pakistan senior hockey team will partici-pate in the International Super Series –Perth ,november 22-25 and 34thCham-pions Trophy Tournament to be held inMelbourne from December 1-9.

Full back irfan banned for six months and fined for indiscipline

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PunJAb internAtionAl sPorts FestivAl

Sports 16

tuesday, 13 november, 2012


PAKISTAn is expecting togain another two goldmedals in the Punjab Inter-national Sports Festivalafter the male touch ball

and fist ball teams qualified for the finalhere on Monday.

On the day, Pakistan got another fourgold medals in ju-jitsu raising the tally tonine and more are likely to come in thecoming days while today's gold in thegame raised the tally to seven.

Until there is a major upset in the fi-nals of touchball and fistball, the goldmedals count of Pakistan which is nownine would surely reach 11 and with thatPakistan is likely to take the overall tro-phy.

In Monday’s matches of internationaltouchball, Afghanistan got walkoveragainst Somalia while hosts Pakistan in adress rehearsal of the coming final beatSri Lanka 3-1 in the last league match.

Mazhar Iqbal of Pakistan with a scoreof 2 provided much-needed supremacywhile Amjad Waseem supported himwith 1 score to get Pakistan a place in the

final. On the other hand Ramzan from SriLanka scored the only point of the losingside.

Pakistan will now take on Sri Lankaagain in the final on november 14 at 3.30pm at the University of Lahore groundand the event will also mark the closingof the Punjab International Sports Festi-val.

Meanwhile in the fistball final, Pak-istan will clash with nepal on Tuesday at3 pm while Punjab will take on Sri Lankain the third-fourth position match.

In the semi-finals of the event, Pak-istan Punjab’s team went down to nepal3-2. In a closely-contested match, Pak-istan took lead but nepal levelled thescore and then went ahead 1-2. But Pak-istan first equalized the score and laternepal displayed great fight to win thematch.

In the second semi-final Pakistanthrashed Sri Lanka 3-0. The home teamfor the entire proceeding did not let SriLanka come into the game and thus Pak-istan made it to the final.

now Pakistan will face nepal whileSri Lanka and Punjab will play for a posi-tion match.

Meanwhile in ju-jitsu, Pakistan won

four gold medals in 85, 77, Doo Systemand mix Doo system. With the addition offour golds on the day and previous threePakistan won the overall trophy in thegame with seven medals. Beginning from62 kgs weight class, Iran’s Ali Reza wasthe winner while Pakistan’s AJmal Ali,Mohammed Hadi of Iraq and HassanBaksh of Afghanistan won the event cat-egorically.

In 85 kgs, Mohammed Zeeshan Buttof Pakistan,Iran's Waheed,Thailand'sJaved and Saif of Iraq won the title.

In 77 kgs, Ayat ullah of Pakistan,Has-san Hamd of Iraq ,Zong yu of SouthKorea,Rayyan of Iran won the event.

In Doo system, Pakistan grabbed firstposition, Pakistan whites achieved sec-ond, Iran secured third and South Koreamanaged fourth position.

In Mix Doo system, Pakistan wonfirst position, Pakistan whites got second,South Korea attained third and Thailandachieved fourth positions.

In the International football matchbetween Yemen and Punjab Whites, thevisiting team reached the final to take onSerbia. Yemen outplayed Punjab Whites5-0. Alex of Yemen masterminded threegoals while James Teddy and Saleh Abdul

Kareem shared one goal each to showtheir domination.

In the International Baseball Cham-pionship, nepal beat Afghanistan 17-9.Karishna from nepal scored 4, nabinAle 3, Arjun 3, Isore 2, Ram Paryar, Ab-hishek, Anil Paryar, Bijay and nabin

scored one each. Afghanistan's side gotits score from Tahir, nasim, AbdurRehman and Shair Ahmed scored 1 eachwhile Mohammad Alam got 2 points.The Advisor Sports to Chief MinisterPunjab Ejaz Gull was the chief guest onthis occasion.

onus on bangladesh

to take the fight to

west indiesMIRPURAgenCIeS

A Test series between the seventh andninth-ranked teams shouldn't attract muchattention when four of the top sides arelocking horns at almost the same time. Butwhen the higher-ranked team among thetwo commands a new-found respect forwinning a world title with its rising starsand its opposition is an erratic but talentedbunch playing in front of excitable homecrowds, attention towards Mirpur is ex-pected. Contests such as these come with-out any guarantees but for those who enjoya bottom-of-the-table scrap, this is it. Tokeep it a contest, though, Bangladesh willhave to up their game and have the will tofight. West Indies are looking up and havebeen moving towards a goal - a rise up theTest rankings, though this series will nottake them past Sri Lanka, even if the latterconcede their series to new Zealand. WhatWest Indies can do is move further aheadof new Zealand and Bangladesh and, moreimportantly, take their cricket to a higherplane, a level they have been seeking forthe past 15 years. Captain Darren Sammywouldn't want a slip-up against a teamthey have beaten in all but one series, theone where none of their top players turnedup. As ammunition he has Chris Gayle,Sunil narine and Fidel Edwards, while forthe likes of Shivnarine Chanderpaul, Dar-ren Bravo and newcomer VeerasammyPermaul there is much to play for. It is nowa team that has more and more places thatare being contested, a phenomenon whichis an important aspect of an improvingcricket team, coupled with the stabilitywhich West Indies have began to developin some areas of their Test team.

Superior college,adabistan-e-Sofiawin respectiveevents


Superior College and Adabistan-e-Sofia won the school and college boys’three kilometer team event of cyclingin the Samsung 5th Inter-school, Col-lege Games here at Cycling Velodrome.Hamza Foundation earned second po-sition while Unique College bagged thethird position in the boys’ collegewhile Unique School was second andKIPS Rachna Town was third in boys’school three kilometer team event ofcycling. In school boys’ time trailevent, Ahsan Ijaz of Adabistan-e-Sofiasecured first position M Jalal Butt ofUnique School got second and HamzaFaiz of KIPS Rachna Town third. Incollege boys’ one kilometer, UsmanBhatti of Superior College was first,Waqas Badar of Unique College wassecond and Zohaib Qadir of GCU wasthird.Railway Road Lahore clinched the firstposition in the college boy’s boxingwith 145 points including nine goldmedals. Govt College Lahore was sec-ond with 55 points and eight goldswhile FC College was third with 50points.In tug-of-war school boys’ event, DPSModel Town was first, DPS JoharTown second and Govt Higher Second-ary School Jallo More was third. KIPSCollege won the first position in theboys’ college tug-of-war event. Today(Tuesday), semi-finals and finals oftable tennis will be played.

Aussies look for win after Clarke, Cowan tonsBRISBANEAgenCIeS

Majestic Michael Clarke unfurled anotherdouble century and opener Ed Cowanscored his first Test hundred as Australiabatted South Africa out of the opening Bris-bane Test on Monday.

Clarke produced an imperious captain'sknock with his third huge innings this yearto share in a record stand with Cowan andput the Australians ahead on a batting-friendly Gabba pitch.

At the close of the fourth day, Australiawere 487 for four in reply to South Africa's450, a lead of 33 with Clarke unconqueredon 218 and Mike Hussey breezing along on86, giving the home team an outside chanceof victory on Tuesday's final day.

"I definitely think we can have a crack at

winning. The key is tomorrow morning to benice and positive and see how we go leadingup to lunch, and then give ourselves a coupleof sessions to be able to bowl South Africaout," Clarke said.

Australia were in some danger at thestart of the day at 111 for three and trailingthe Proteas by 339 runs. But Clarke andCowan laid the foundations for their team'slead with a record 259-run stand for thefourth wicket.

Clarke continued his flourishing battingform as skipper with his 20th Test hundredand his third double century of the year,after his unbeaten 329 and 210 against Indiaat home in January.

He is the highest scorer in Tests thisyear with 1,000 runs at 111.11 and as Aus-tralian captain is averaging over 60 with thebat.

"One of (the) things Warney's (ShaneWarne) taught me over the years is the bet-ter the bowling, the more positive you've gotto be and that was certainly my intent fromthe first ball I faced," Clarke said.

"I wanted to be positive and play myway, and put it back on the South Africanbowlers because I know they're a very goodattack."

His stand with Cowan was the highestfourth-wicket partnership by Australia at theGabba, surpassing Clarke and MikeHussey's 245-run effort against Sri Lanka in2007.

It was also the biggest fourth-wicketstand by Australia against South Africa andthe fifth biggest overall against the Proteasin Test history.

The partnership was only ended by afreakish run-out of Cowan for 136 shortly

before tea. He batted for 388 minutes andhit 18 boundaries.

It was the only wicket South Africa tookall day. The left-hander backed up too far atthe non-striker's end and was out whenbowler Dale Steyn got his fingers to a sting-ing Clarke drive and deflected the ball ontothe stumps.

It was Cowan's first century in his eighthTest match and dispelled doubts about hisTest credentials after coming into the serieswith an average of 29.86.

"I want to be playing cricket for a longtime for Australia," Cowan said. "There'sonly one way to do that and that's scoringruns. I'm happy to be judged by the runs Iscore." Hussey maintained the momentumwith his lively undefeated 86 off 109 balls,joining in a rollicking 188-run partnershipwith Clarke to ram home the advantage.


The Pakistan female touchball teamwas on Sunday night accorded warmreception for winning the first goldmedal for the country in the ongoingPunjab International Sports Festival.

Pakistan ladies defeated Iran in akeenly-contested final to bring thefirst medal for country. Afghanistanteam was the third to take part in theevent and members of all the threeparticipating teams, Pakistan, Iranand Afghanistan were present on theoccasion during which Rana MashoodAhmed Khan, Deputy Speaker Punjaband chief organizer Festival was thechief guest. He was accompanied byUsman Anwar, Director GeneralSports and Youth Affairs Punjab while

Speaking on the occasion, RanaMashood highlighted the importanceof the conduct of the Festival and ex-pressed his hope that the participationof international teams in the Interna-tional Festival would open up door ofmore international activity in thecountry.

“The holding of the Festival haschanged the world’s approach towardsPakistan. Earlier they have perceptionbut now Pakistan is being seenthroughout the world in a positivesense,” he maintained.

“We the hard work of the SportsBoard Punjab and the vision ChiefMinister Punjab Mian MohammadShahbaz Sharif we would soon see theforeign team play in Pakistan on a

large scale. “The festival has givenPakistan a new dimension and nowAustralia and India are looking for-ward to break Pakistan records, whichis a clear sign of the Punjab govern-ment’s success,” he added.

Also present on the occasion wereRai Altaf Hussain, DIG Motorway Po-

lice and senior vice president, MnAand president federation Riaz Fatyana,Syed Tahir Fawad Shah, VP, AbdulQadir Shaheen, Zahoor Ahmed Secre-tary, Khawaja Mohammad Akram.

During the reception, the partici-pating teams were awarded medalsand the winning trophies.

Pakistan win another four gold medals in ju-jitsu

Female touch ball teamaccorded warm reception

South Africa first innings 450 all out* (J. Kallis 147, H.Amla

104, A. petersen 64; J. pattinson 3-93)

Australia first innings (overnight 111-3)

e. Cowan run out 136

D. Warner c Kallis b Steyn 4

R. Quiney c Steyn b Morkel 9

R. ponting c Kallis b Morkel 0

M. Clarke not out 218

M. Hussey not out 86

extras (lb-11, w-1, nb-22) 34

total (for four wickets, 121 overs) 487

fall of wickets: 1-13 2-30 3-40 4-299

Still to bat: M. Wade, p. Siddle, B. Hilfenhaus, J. pattinson, n.


BoWlIng: Steyn 27-3-109-1 (nb-1), philander 25-2-82-0 (nb-8),

Morkel 26-6-109-2 (nb-2), Kleinveldt 17-0-81-0 (nb-11, w-1), Kallis

12-3-30-0, Smith 9-0-36-0, Amla 2-0-9-0, petersen 3-0-20-0.

* South Africa's Jp Duminy was injured and unable to bat


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tuesday, 13 november, 2012

Kinnaird win u-19

women cricketLAHORE

StAff RepoRt

Kinnaird won the 4th U-19 Regional Inter-District Women Cricket Tournament, 2012by 44 runs on Monday. Playing at the RaceCourse Park Cricket Ground-1, Kinnairdwon the toss and choose to bat first and-scored 158 in 25 overs. Ayesha naz 63, Fa-reeha Mehmood 29, Hafsa Amjad 28.Kanwal Francis, Kainaat Hafeez and ZaraIqbal took 1 Wicket eachRavi Club 114 in 25 overs. Kainaat Hafeez40, Zara Iqbal 31, Mehak Asif 15. namraImran and nasira Rafique and Asha Khantook 1-Wicket each. Ayesha naz from Kin-naird Club declared Women of the Match:

national women

Karate concludes


The Shaheed Benazir Bhutto 8th nationalWomen Karate Championship concludedat WAPDA Sports Complex.Lt. Gen. Syed Arif Hassan, President Pak-istan Olympic Association was the ChiefGuest at Closing Ceremony.Kulsum Hazara of WAPDA clinched 3 GoldMedals in -68 Kg, Team Kata and Team Ku-mite, while Benish Akber, Sohaila and UzmaAsghar of WAPDA won 2 Gold Medals each.From Army, Huma, Razia, Faiza won GoldMedals in their respective weight cate-gories.WAPDA won the championship bywinning 6 gold and 2 Bronze medals with160 points while Army stood on second posi-tion by winning 3 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronzemedals with 120 points, Balochistan securedthird position by winning 1 silver and 5bronze medals with 65 points. Chief GuestLt. Gen. Syed Arif Hassan admired theachievements of Pakistan Women KarateTeam and gave away the medals and winnertrophies to the teams and distributed shieldsto the Technical Officials.

new Karate

federation formedLAHORE

StAff RepoRt

A new Karate Federation of Pakistan wasformed here on Monday by Karate playersand Organizers from all the four provincesof Pakistan, Islamabad, and from some ofthe Services Organizations affiliated withthe Pakistan Olympic. Lt Col retd Mujahidullah Tareen was elected president and aformer secretary of Pakistan Olympic Asso-ciation, Mohammad Latif Butt was electedas Secretary of the body,“The participants discussed the problemsthat were impeding the development of thesport of Karate in the country and theywere of the view the present organizationof Pakistan Karate Federation (PKF) hadmiserably failed in its purpose and it hadbecome hostage to a mere handful of indi-viduals, led by the President of the PKF,who were manipulating this organizationfor their own personal gains while the in-terest and benefit of the players and thegame itself had become of no value tothem”,said a spoeksman of the newlyformed body.The following were unanimously elected asit office-bearers: President: Lt. Col. (R)Mujahidullah Khan Tareen, Chairman: Mr.Kamal Shah, Vice-Presidents: nominee(PAF), Zahid Hussain, Mahmood naveed,nominee (navy) Shabana Gulnaz (WomenAssoc), Secretary Muhammad Latif Butt(Punjab), Jt. Secretaries: noor Ahmed(Balochistan), Mansoor Ahmed (KPK),Treasurer: Tahir Atta Barry, Members Ex-ecutive committee, Mutalib (Sindh) 2).nominee (Army), 3. Mr. Qasim (Islam-abad) 4). Mr. Muzammil (Punjab).

london: roger federer returns the ball to

andy murray during the atP tour match.


ROGER Federer's uniqueappeal showed no sign ofwaning on Sunday as hegate-crashed what wassupposed to be Andy

Murray's party in the semi-finals of theATP World Tour Finals.

Up against Britain's first male grandslam champion for 76 years and anOlympic gold medallist for good meas-ure, the 17,000 crowd at the O2 Arenashould by rights have been roaring forMurray as he attempted to reach thefinal of the prestigious year-ending tour-nament for the first time.

As it turned out Federer charmedthem with the kind of dazzling tennisthat has captivated crowds around theglobe for the best part of a decade inwhich he has won 17 grand slams.

Overpowered in the opening gamesand struggling to stay with the Scot, a re-peat of Murray's easy victory over Fed-erer in the Olympics final looked apossibility.

Federer, lethal indoors, howevercame up with just about every shot in hisvast armoury to claim a 7-6 6-2 victoryand will contest the year's final matchfor the eighth time in the last 11 years.

World number one novak Djokovicstands between Federer and a seventhTour Finals crown. Popular as the 25-year-old Serb is, seven-times Wimble-don champion Federer is revered inLondon like a favourite son.

"It's something definitely that makesplaying, well, easier to be quite honest,"the 31-year-old Swiss told reporterswhen asked if he was ever surprised bythe goodwill that flows his way, whetherit be in London, Paris or new York.

"I guess because I've been in thegame for so long, I do have many peoplewho just enjoy watching me play or feellike it's a throwback maybe to the back-in-the-day times when they used to play

with one-handed backhands, and theylike me because of those things.

"I don't know what it is, but I do geta lot of support and do it appreciate it.""We have played here twice before, andtwice the crowds were amazing, electric,and sometimes even in my favor. Sotoday was somewhat similar again," headded. There was plenty for his fans toadmire against Murray, who after ini-tially threatening to blow Federer offcourt with some forceful tennis ended up

under the Swiss maestro's spell.Federer recovered from an early

break of serve before playing a superbtiebreak, setting up a set point after win-ning a 22-stroke rally of breathtakingquality.

Once ahead the second set became amasterclass.

A stupendous backhand half-volleyfrom near the baseline flashed past astunned Murray and the daring natureof Federer's charges to the net were a re-

minder of an age when volleying was re-garded as an art form.

"Obviously they don't serve and vol-ley as much anymore," Federer said."This allows you to throw in the occa-sional chip and charge. It's a great feel-ing if it works.

"Today it worked out, so I'm happy.Don't know if I'm going to throw in thosekind of plays tomorrow. But novak isprobably going to have a word to sayabout that."

Federer charms fans in Murray's backyardMIMBAI


The tennis world can't get enough of thegrace and poise that Maria Sharapovabrings to the court. She was all eleganceas she spoke about her struggles with theshoulder injury, and a successful come-back, here on Sunday.

All the while, when she was battlingthe injury, she left a void on the circuit.

This season, Sharapova has foughther way to the top of the pack, winningthe French Open to complete a careerGrand Slam, besides winning the silvermedal at the Olympics and also gettingback to the no. 1 spot briefly. Theprocess, more than anything else, hastaught her to treat success and failure inequal measure.

"It has been a remarkable year," saidSharapova, who was in the Capital onSunday as a brand ambassador forHomestead infrastructure.

"You work so hard in life and youstart at a very young age and usuallythings keep going for you. And whensomething you like so much is takenback from you at a young age, it is diffi-cult.

"I was 21 when I had a shoulder sur-gery which is very unusual for a tennisplayer, and not many people would come

back from that. The time away from thesport was very emotional and difficult asI was not even able to pick the racquet,"Sharapova said.

It is therefore not surprising that sherates the French Open victory as the bestamong her four Grand Slams. " It istough to differentiate the most memo-rable moment of my career, and say thatone was more special than the other. It

(Grand Slams) all came at very differenttimes in my career. But the French Openthis year was special because I was in-jured for a year and I was coming backto the sport. It made me realise howhard it is to get to a winning position,and how hard it is to earn it."

Her comeback has spiced up the cir-cuit with her rivalries with SerenaWilliams and Victoria Azarenka.

"It is important to have rivalries insport. That's what makes the competi-tion better. You always keep workinghard. Serena is an incredible athlete andsomeone who has achieved so much suc-cess in her career. I was consistent thisyear and hope it continues next yearalso." From a precociously talented 17-yearold, who triumphed at the Wimble-don in 2004, Sharapova has surely comea long way. "I think I am somewhere inthe middle of the generation because Istarted when I was very young. now, Iam seeing the new generation comingup. It's interesting because I am stillquiet young and I thought I had manymore years ahead of me. You see somuch newer talents coming up on thetour and this is what you are going to seein 10 years from now." Having seen thetough injury phase, Sharapova can un-derstand why Sania Mirza has shiftedher preference to doubles.

happy to explore something new: sharapova

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tuesday, 13 november, 2012

watch it LiveESPNSports Center07:30PM

ronaldo to miss

Gabon friendly

after nasty gash


Portugal captain Cristiano Ronaldo willmiss Wednesday's friendly againstGabon in Libreville after he sustained acut above his left eye in Sunday's 2-1 LaLiga win at Levante, the PortugueseFederation (FPF) said on Monday.The FPF confirmed the injury wouldkeep him out adding Valencia defenderJoao Pereira and Dynamo Kiev mid-fielder Miguel Veloso had also pulledout of the squad because of injuries.Ronaldo was caught by David navarro'selbow in the opening minutes of thematch in Valencia and after being patchedup on the side of the pitch returned toscore Real's 21st-minute opener. RealMadrid coach Jose Mourinho said afterthe match Ronaldo's vision in both eyeswas affected by the blow, which left oneside of the Portuguese international's facecovered in blood.

martinez to

defend title against

briton murrayBUENOS AIRES


World Boxing Council champion SergioMartinez will defend his middleweightcrown against unbeaten Briton MartinMurray in Argentina on April 17, accord-ing to Argentine media reports. Thevenue for the bout will be chosen fromthe Monumental stadium belonging toMartinez's favourite football team RiverPlate and the Luna Park, both in BuenosAires, and the Estadio Unico in theprovincial capital La Plata, the Dyn newsagency said. Argentine Martinez won thetitle in an unanimous points decisionagainst Mexican Julio Cesar Chavez Jr inLas Vegas in September. The 37-year-oldMartinez, 50-2-2, is recovering fromfractures to his left hand and said lastmonth he would need surgery on hisright knee. Murray, 30, has won 24 fightswith 10 knockouts and drawn one. Hefirst meets Venezuelan Jorge navarro forthe interim World Boxing Associationtitle in Manchester on november 24.


THE 3rd Delhi Golf Cham-pionship Ladies OpenEvent was held at the his-toric Delhi Golf Club GolfCourse and amongst the

invitees to this championship were twoupcoming caddie turned lady golfers ofRoyal Palm Golf Club,Zeb un nisa andAna James Gil and although this wastheir first international competitive ex-posure,Zeb un nisa won the first prizein the net event.And in the process sheput many of the established ones inplace,hitting accurate drives anddemonstrating some beautifully exe-cuted pitch shots.Over the threerounds Zeb un nisa had a net score of50 in the first round,net 55 in the sec-ond round and net 50 in the finalround.Her net aggregate score for thethree days was 155 and brought herhonors and a trophy titled as the Tal-war Trophy.As for Ana James,sheplayed good golf but missed the secondprize by a single stroke.However shewon the Longest Drive prize.

On their return to Lahore,yester-day via Wagah Border,Zeb said thatshe considers herself lucky to have gotthis oppurtunity to visit India and playamongst some outstanding golfers ofIndia at the Delhi Golf Course which islined with many Tughlak and LodhiDynasty monuments and is also hometo 300 species of birds,and is a verychallenging course. "We were reallylooked after well by our hosts in Delhiand the lady Captain Bubble Sunejaeven helped us take coaching

lessons",said Zeb. "I also thankRamzan Sheikh Sahib of Royal Palmfor having faith in our ability and af-fording us this chance to play in an in-ternational competition.Even in ourdreams we have never thought ofthis",Zeb went on to say.

Just three years back,these twoladies were inducted as caddies,basedon an initiative by Royal Palm and atthe beginning had little knowledge ofgolf.The basics were taught to them bya very experienced coach,Siraj Khanand after two and a half years of caddieduties they were allowed to take up golf

as a game and within six months oftraining,visible was ample golfing tal-ent and ability which secured for thema trip to India.In the subcontinent theyhave created a record as they are theonly lady caddies in Pakistan andIndia. On the occasion of the conclud-ing ceremonies of the 3rd Delhi GolfChampionship Ladies Open, the HighCommissioner of Pakistan in India waspresent and he gifted them India Ru-pees ten thousand each.

Some other ladies from Pakistanwho won prizes were Ghazala Yasminand Shahzadi Gulfam.

Royal Palm lady golfersdo well in Delhi Golf

Schumacher sees a

future in race of



The seven-time world champion haswon the nations Cup event in partner-ship with Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel,currently chasing his third successiveworld title, for the past five years.The two Germans will pair up again atthe Rajamangala soccer stadium on De-cember 14-16 to try and win the eventfor the sixth time in a row and Schu-macher, now 43, said it would not be hislast appearance."I'm very much looking forward to rac-ing with my old mate Seb for another re-peat of our title," said Schumacher, whohas two more F1 races before retire-ment, on Monday in a preview podcastfor the Bangkok event."But my lucky number is actually num-ber seven. So we've got to do this andthen the one after. That would be the ul-timate. Obviously this means I'm not re-tiring from the Race Of Champions yet,"added the Mercedes driver."I could have retired from it by the endof this year, but I don't want to. It's toomuch fun. And as long as I'm still a bitcompetitive in it, why not?"Vettel, who leads Ferrari's FernandoAlonso by 10 points in the Formula Onechampionship with two races remain-ing, including this weekend's U.S.Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, looked for-ward to continuing his partnership withSchumacher.


Matteo Manassero of Italy holds thewinner’s trophy on day four of the Bar-clays Singapore Open. AFP photo

Italian teenager Matteo Manasserodisplayed all the nerve and experience ofa seasoned veteran to edge out LouisOosthuizen on the third hole of a playoffand claim a thrilling Singapore Openvictory yesterday. The first two days ofthe $6 million co-sanctioned event weredampened by lengthy storm delays butwith the weather gods smiling down onthe Sentosa Golf Club, the tournamentreached a gripping climax over the finaltwo rounds.

As an impressive Manassero threat-ened to run away with the event on a daywhen he ended up playing 36 holes, the2010 Open Championship winner Oost-huizen emerged from the pack and couldand should have won the Singaporeevent in the playoff. The duo birdied thepar-five 18th in regulation to finish

locked on 13-under 271 and after they re-peated the feat on the first extra hole,Oosthuizen had a four-foot birdie putt toclaim the title on the next but his nerv-ous effort horseshoed around the back ofthe cup.

Both men found the fairway on theirthird attempt at deciding a winner, withthe South African’s approach landingshort and left of the flag on the green be-fore Manassero ripped a beauty thatrolled off a slope to within 10 feet of thecup. Oosthuizen’s eagle putt curledabove the hole and his opponent madeno mistake, picking up a third EuropeanTour event before his 20th birthday withan assured putt into the middle of thecup that was met with a joyous roar fromthe packed gallery.

Almost forgotten in the mayhemwas a brilliant final round six-under 65from world number one Rory McIlroythat lifted the Briton up to third placeon 10-under and secured the EuropeanTour order-of-merit title with twoevents to spare.


Amar Cables beat Kahyabane Amin byseven wickets and qualified for thequarter-finals of the 3rd Ama CablesT20 Vaterans Cricket Tournament.

Playing at the Shah Faisal CricketGround, Amar Cables Beat Khayaban eAmeen by 7 wickets & qualify the quar-ter final. Khayaban e Ameen battingfirst 138/6 after 20 overs. Ejaz Ahmad30, Ashfaq Heera 24, Jameel Shah 16& Amir Riaz 18 runs not out. TariqRasheed 2/28, Munir Shah 1/18, RoufWain 1/32, Tariq Hussain Raju 1/8 &Dastgeer Butt 1/32 wickets. In replyAmar Cables 139/3 after 18.5 overs.Aziz ur rehman 15, Amer Ilyas Butt 12,Shahid Mansoor 65 runs not out &Zahid Umar 24 runs not out. FaisalMehmood 2/14 & Akbar Khan 1/28wickets. Irfan Dilshad, Sagheer AhmadUmpire & Waris Bashir was the scorer.

in the end of the match Chief GuestShafqat Ali Butt give away man of the

mach award to Shahid Mansoor. AmerIlyas Butt was also present.

Amar Cables beat Kahyabane Amin

Matteo Manassero wins Singapore title

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tuesday, 13 november, 2012

Published by Arif Nizami at Plot No 79, Sector 24, Korangi Industrial Area Karachi. Editor: Arif Nizami


InDIAn Prime Minister Man-mohan Singh on Monday saidIndia favoured a stable andprosperous Pakistan. Address-ing a joint news conference

with Afghan President Hamid Karzai innew Delhi‚ he said India supporteddurable peace in Afghanistan andurged the need for taking concretesteps for restoration of peace inAfghanistan.

President Karzai is in India on afour-day official visit that began Friday.

Singh said the Afghan peopleshould have the right of franchise so todecide their future by themselves.

Describing Afghan PresidentHamid Karzai as a close friend of Indiaand a “steadfast supporter” of bilateralties, Prime Minister Singh said the twohad reaffirmed their shared vision of a“stable, strong, united, sovereign andprosperous Afghanistan”.

Singh said they had reviewedprogress in implementation of theStrategic Partnership Agreement andreaffirmed commitment to deepen co-operation “in accordance with the vi-sion outlined in the agreement”.

He said the two leaders had dis-cussed “the need to develop a strategiceconomic partnership, which will buildon our economic synergies for mutualbenefit”.

He also “reiterated to President

Karzai our belief that Afghanistan’s re-gional economic integration will con-tribute to overall prosperity andstability in the region”.

Singh said India remained commit-ted to supporting Afghanistan in its de-velopment efforts.

India’s development assistancecommitment to Afghanistan stands at$2 billion.

“We have expanded our pro-grammes for capacity-building, institu-tion-building and human resourcedevelopment. With the signing of thememorandum of understanding today,we will launch the third phase of SmallDevelopment Projects to address thesocio-economic needs of peoplethroughout Afghanistan,” he said.

The two sides had discussed “thechanges in the security and political sit-uation in and around Afghanistan”.

“I expressed to President Karzaiour belief that sustained internationalsupport and cooperation in all respects,including in combating terrorism ema-nating from the neighbourhood, willhelp Afghanistan meet these chal-lenges. President Karzai’s own enlight-ened leadership will play a big part inthis effort,” the prime minister said.

He said: “India supports efforts toachieve a lasting peace in Afghanistanthat brings together all sections ofAfghan society while preserving theachievements of the last decade, in-cluding in the area of women’s rights.We respect the choices that the Afghan

people make of their own free will.“I am confident President Karzai’s

present visit will further strengthen theexcellent relationship between our twocountries. I once again convey my per-sonal good wishes to President Karzaias he leads his country through a chal-lenging time and wish to assure himthat India stands with him and the peo-ple of Afghanistan.”

Speaking on the occasion‚ Presi-dent Hamid Karzai said peace was vitalfor prosperity of the region.

India and Afghanistan signed fouragreements to cooperate in areas of so-cial welfare, fertilizer, coal mining andyouth affairs, an official said.

A memorandum of understanding,under which India will provide grantsto Afghanistan to implement small de-velopment projects through local bod-ies, community organisations,charitable trusts and educational insti-tutions, was signed by External AffairMinister Salman Khurshid and AfghanForeign Minister Zalmai Rassoul, anofficial statement from the Ministry ofExternal Affairs (MEA) said.

The second MoU signed by Khur-shid and Afghan Minister of MinesWahidullah Shahrani relates to fertil-izer sector, while the third MoU aims atcooperation in youth affairs.

The MoU on development of coalresources was signed by India’s CoalMinister Sriprakash Jaiswal andAfghan Minister of Mines WahidullahShahrani.

nisar, nawaz noton same pageover FiA probe


Leader of the Opposition in thenational Assembly Chaudhry nisar AliKhan has said that he would not acceptan investigation by the FederalInvestigation Agency in the AsgharKhan case despite Pakistan MuslimLeague-nawaz chief nawaz Sharif’sreadiness to be probed by the agency.In an interview with a private TVchannel, nisar said nawaz was hisleader and he had every right toexpress his view point. At the sametime, he said he too had the right togive his views. He said the record ofFIA in the past four years was beforeeveryone and had exposed the real faceof the agency. nisar said he wascommitted to his earlier stance ofopposing the investigation by FIA.About the caretaker prime minister,nisar said names were being shortlisted in wider consultation with allopposition parties and they includedtwo retired judges of the SupremeCourt. He said the nominees were notfrom Punjab but from smallerprovinces, adding that they hadselected such people whose charactercould not be questioned by anyone.

Pakistan electedto Un HumanRights Council


Pakistan was on Monday elected to theUnited nations Human Rights Council, aninter-governmental body within the Unsystem. Pakistan, which had theendorsement of the Asia Group, received171 votes, when 97 were required. TheGeneva-based Council is mandated topromote and protect human rights andprevent human rights violations. The 47-member body is composed of 13countries from Africa, 13 from Asia, sixfrom Eastern Europe, eight from LatinAmerica and the Caribbean, and sevenfrom Western Europe and Other States.

3 Hazaras gunneddown in Machh


Three Hazara Shias were gunned down inMachh town of Bolan district, about120kms south-east of Quetta, on Monday.Reports said a group of Hazara men wassitting in a shop in main Machh Bazaarwhen two armed persons riding amotorcycle opened indiscriminate fire onthem. As a result, one man was killed andfour others received bullet injuries, Theinjured were rushed to a hospital wheretwo of them succumbed to their injuries.The deceased were identified as Abdullah,Mohammad Ali and Ghulam Ali, whileMohammad Taqi and Asad Ali wereinjured. SHO Machh Sher Ahmadconfirmed the killing of three HazarasShias and linked the attack to sectarianviolence.

haqqani nota man of hiswords: cJP


Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) IftikharMuhammad Chaudhry on Mondayremarked that former envoy to US HussainHaqqani had not honoured his promise ofreturning to Pakistan despite court ordersand notices. “The court had not exemptedHussain Haqqani from attendance. Thecourt had expressed trust in him andallowed him to go abroad. HussainHaqqani had assured to return to Pakistanon a four-day notice but he did not comeback despite receiving court’s notices andorders. He did not keep his promise,” theCJP remarked while presiding over a nine-member larger bench of the Supreme Court(SC) during a follow up hearing of thememogate case. The CJP said thatHaqqani should return to Pakistan, andthat the court would order the governmentto provide him complete protection.Haqqani’s counsel Asma Jahangir arguedthat the memo commission had declaredHaqqani “a traitor”, and that variouspoliticians had addressed him with titlessuch as “Mir Jaffar” and “Mir Sadiq”. Sheasked the court to tell if her client shouldreally come back while “facing life threats”.She said how the government couldprovide him protection, when it was theone Haqqani was seeking protection from.“If a guarantee is given to my client that hewould be provided complete security andprotection on his return, then I can talk tohim,” she added. In his remarks, JusticeTassadaq Hussain Jilani said the opinion ofthe commission was also not agreed upon.Asma said that the attorney general shouldensure permission for Haqqani’s return toPakistan, and his security arrangements.

India favours a stablePakistan: Singhg indian PM urges need for concrete steps to restore peace in Afghanistan

neW DelHI: Afghan president Hamid Karzai shakes hands with Indian prime Minister Manmohan Singh prior to delegation-level talks and an agreement signing ceremony on Monday.


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