e ·· receiv:ell!xmas. ·cards . c - memorial university...

-. . (TWO J) r Lt.\nS TI'AI: J COI'U:!\ 1' WO CY.NTS) rui\'E ·· RECEiV:Ell ! Xmascards . c li ea pest : N 01 th A N[ F CE OUF 1 t ( & Ne · .V- YclrClr, Js, ' hnti tbc nwnra of -:- -:- -:- -;- a p Q S) cy. 8 er1ngs Pnc knge.;-.), 10 nn,l d !> . . B ..l- -:- C. OlTO- _ ' MEPAL AND DIPLOiv.IA':: ft REs s co · ADs ' . : ut er s I - - FOR .. Iii - \Ill PlHVA'lE, j ' SPEO:Il. .. 'IC will be soh.l ch eap LOCAL- VI WS } " · -Fo n- CoYering lito impcwlnl!t poj nt s clnimed a t' thc World ':J Fnir, L t t St 1 L d'i" '' REEFERS d VANTLES HARBOR :\nJ C. \R- XMAS .. GROCERIES ' 'fhis lakcn in Cot tnc;tiofl with the Vi. Awnrd s given the Wlt1te" a es y es a es an m . It , .........._ ·, 1 nt th e 1, \f, Cincinnati, i'n '• ; TWO Al.IKE.) -. '.\ 'l'ION t:.:'\1 \'EH l)I<: I.L E, l'al'i s, is the s trongest snu mnst con- ............... _ .I6Y"' From 7 <:'nl!l. A full nssortmcn t of the ab:> ve · vincing e vi dence that tl1 c \\'hiLc s tnnds unl'in\llctl ns tho finest .nml best WAT ST E . T. ---- ----- - .. .J., ('or the family. se wiug 111:\Ultinc in th e world . I I. has )t•LI tlic \'1111 in u1 c Pnst 1 1 M u N N BROS., -:- R' Hh th Day J'ouks, 1..1110<> 11 "J' &<·., &c. 1 Jea <lu the wo dd Lo-da y. crily l hc Whi te i · kwg! · ========================== Festive Season ·. ale by u \ SEY Gcttcral 1\ gc nt, \ Vntcr c d" Government L · ANDS. A. & A. I tUN LEE ·, --- trect, Hnr bor Grace, X c wf o undlnnJ. ana Ian F uncy :tntl Toy na ,a:tr, Vict vria St. :-. weet c. pe r doz - - -- ·- - 0 N G d I N G d I cc. l.) ,f i3. D s: sicntc d Coco!l nn t-30 c. alb - ew 00 s . ew 00 s (' 00 ( 1110 huntln •ll II illinm•) (tf ll('r< 'll nr thl' l'l'ry l ol'SL lnn•l in the w .. rlol , · whi ch iL (• lf C' nt fn e In ll('lll nl a• ttl•·rl! in R••c ·tiuPll t1f Jr. Oul' ri'S C':H'h . T h<' Il l '• ntcf' Corn F loUl' 12 ce nts per tb. \T TIE' \' iPhl of wh C'Al llll lltt·s·· Jquls iii fr·•lll ln 40 J'lf' r IIC'r• ·; nn tiC, fill t•· 70 c..:> ---. I .: -- - } II I l I . . l "' 111" tr I!; •nr:l'y, -10 o r,o t ..... J,•I"; rn.. L rr o1 11 "' '' uth• r 111 l•r·•rw rtio11 fll=-4 I erbs for Seas: ming-3 cts. HARBOR c RAOE STOVE and H A R D• TUE 1 ::> HE.\ rn< FOI: Till- : 1'1. 0 \\' , 111111 .t•••81111L ro 't"in·l·lt·u r inl.", ' ''ll l' in c ;..::::: . ·. 'li)t"ch Pound Cake, & ' c. or tnllllll r f' . ·nH·r l' j,. no ru iu in tlufall to i lljll n • t he gr.otll. IIIII I l:ll't:•lill): l tt'•,:ill& ·- -a, WARE DEPOT. aJ.nnttl PliiL•VAtri ( inl .. ·l:•rl!'"'"'' rlofrlwl: .. uJot ry. Ul "•r :L gro ·n tr nrtn - -- - -- -- - - thi s r f1: ion-G\' ITI.E L AJ :u r: nil \IIIII• r. T lu · rl ' . _. FOR SA LE Cutl er.'· i:-: no \\' "OJlll)letc. \\lll lr (:l> il,l' fc ,u n .r ( '••:tl dcoiil '<•f l' " nL ..... .. . $: l • .' tl) tll I ' I ( r t nll HI till rui WI\ ,I' Ioi ii I ioolll\. l. U . \IIIEJ: , fur lllci lol iub, (;oo:sll! t rulll l li l ll $:!11 ,., r - ...... Th e :4t ock of Jlnrdwnre is an imm ense on <:'. Th o l; ood ::s :t rc (If the fin o- M; al, ingh s sdl nL J" r M. <.:ntt l«> dn ·ll•iu({ fnun iOi t u. 11 ., to IHII) 11 1!., un• M bn I .AT TUG - FANCY AND fay BAZAAR, . VICIORJ.A. STREET. 2 ce nts ' up. Drumi a\v l Tnmboul'ines, -" H orses. Ark s, " 'nt t' hca , Bell ::, Paints, Drnwing lntcs, T OY ! TOY.· ! !- fr om 2 ccnto:. D,lmin ocs, h e:::: , Gn mc!! , &c, Ancl a larg e asso rtm e nt of l"nn cy ·Goods ! A. & A. BRUNLEE .... . \ 13.A.LE! , ........ ,.._ 1 CARRYALL. In gOO< I order. Apply nt thi s office. Dec. 12: - Lost or Strayed. -·--- Lost or lml ·<'cl . si nce tl H• lu!l t w. ek of Octo l•1 r, n CO\\' , t..rigl.L r c-.J color, wit lc 11hitc l! t nr in ff'reh< ·nd, nn.l turn ed -i n l1orue. T he letters \\': J:iY· nrc on th e Any pruons ;.:11' 111){ su ch i11 fornl 11li on na willl e1HI L• l th e rc· C<.tl'(' r\ ' uf ihc will I.e rc wn rJ, J. )I th e nuimnl is fou t.d in lhe pcssr&F i on or Rny pc rcOII nft('r this date, he will he I ·r roecc utcd. Apply at the Slnndard Office. Vee. 12, I !l3. es t. mnnufn ctu rc. and will be :-:old at th e J, •wc::t Ca!' h Jll il-c:-:. rni ec>tl nn tl tfl 1 n.ir i•" llt ll •t•llt nny I '""· tt.n wttd J-:'1111!11. H.\ 11.\\' .\ Y:i Laun d ry nnd Toilet' 'OA k <' pt in )urge Vltri ct:c3. lire• 1 -ui . t. I r u• lou iJ t, ull on r th• · 1' 111 1111 l: lillrdll li II lid lr,•u l:ldlokt lll :lri.J 1'8 · J; A) ll ' ·o f all nnd pt;i ce!:'- from th e Ext cn:-: ion to the iu \'t'Q' 1 rcwillcc •. Gc1<1cl ""'" "' J.!'" ol lund tc nuol i n11ti tu ti Ill! : uulc r tlcc c!), ;...., s mall est Xutm cg J.:tmp. lllll ·lluj;. 1\\t\\ ' i ll t l.l· fc .r 11 1\ 11 lol l'IJIII C :lc ld dcCicrc Lll u.lu t!L 0 '.J ..::1 f.n , TO\'E . we Jta,·e nil th e different kind s elf l ornl :tncl forcign' man u- oc: diti •a. c; i ,·, n lia I. ·. 1\ . n"d t;. 1'. It ., o" ' 'I 'Pi il ·ntiuu t. J ·§ ] fa c tur e. Al l' o.-C:o thi c Grnle:;, und Oupl ientcs nf th .c loc:tl C C 0 A R LYLE ·- makes nlways on hnnd . A Tinwnr<:'. C'opJ •cr 'tuitlt, nne\ Plurrbin g · Carc.a'r :\IIJ .-4 -::: Tiu . in e:;s i s C011 1l <:'C tccl with th e est:tiJJi :: ht iiCII I, where n) l work in the Cl .,... +J -= .. CENTRAL . Dry , GoodSJStore, Nm·. 1-1 . '9!L t'l.l cd - " New Lines in all Classes of Goods . · --A'l'- c. W. ROss· de CO'S. Hcady-: \f nd c l'LOTH G. Boots r\nd Drcs:; Hnts and U:tps,. &c., &c. . l I .Gent's Unlaundried White SHIRTS <American) -- · - at $1- Ex.tra Good Value. <- Ladies' Laced BOOTS and FELT SHOES- . / Just lhc thin g for fa ll an<l win ter wear. ... ._ _ .... , ___ .......... ... ............. -................ _ ...... ._. ... _, ___ ... , ..................... - .................. , ....... __ .... ........... , ....................................... _ === o_. ....... ....... •"'""- - =0 = tJ:: . .... 8 Aud :1 full :tuck of IlAHDWAH E, uf C\'cry U CfCription. BROTHERS. WANTED: PROVISIONS and GROCERIES. All at tlH· f.·n n!st i>ricc:. \ri,·c the Old Heli nb lc Firm :1. c: lll. C. W. ROSS & CO., - • WATER STREET. '' -- LION ' . '' Water Street, !_Iarbor Nfld. A 'Good Domest c Serv ; nt : Apply at the ST.\XO .\ RD Offict'. D l'C. 1:). Not .... 13 PJ?:CENIX FIRE ASSURANCE co. X M As PRES . ENTS 1!1 ) . - - ·---- ·This well-known and mo-st commodious Hotel has bean and opened for the th e Iiiii!' ln ltigh price.; f,,r JJaki ug I owdc :, UC<':tll"e \\'OOD(LL' .-; GERilL\N PAKING PO \VDER LONDON: LOMBARD STREET AND CROSS. ESTABLISHED··- 17 2 TRUSTEES AND DIRECTORS : J oaepb w. Baxendale, Eao. DriJIIO'JIF Bovill Esq. Tbe lion. Jamu John Eeq. O.::tavlu• E. Cl)ope, Elll)., M. P. Oeo"o Artbnr lo'uller 1 Elcq. Charles E. Oooelnut., E£q . N. Rbodo U"1l11Fldna Eaq. ts.r Jobn Lubbock, biirt., M.P. Cborles Tbomoa Luca.a, E&Q. Cbarlu Maauoy, E&Q. Tbe Hon. &Jwln J1. f'o rtmaD, Eaq. :Dftdley Roben. Smi th, Eclq. Elsq. lion. nl root.or-JOBN J. m .OOMP'IEJ.D, Elq . Wn.J,t.ut 0. M .-.dDo!UJ.D l"l<.U.CUI D. )fAODO!fAl.'D &-er olorleL . -- - Tbe or lbla omeo ar o gullfan· t eed by a numerowt and wealthy Proprl e- Ul'Y, ID a.ddiLIOD LOa hU'I'CI Caplt.al; and tbe p mmJ'lltudo 11.nd ll bctrallty 'ltllh 11Fttleb olalma ba· .,. 1\I'JIFara ._n are -.ell•lrDO'JIFD aqd &l'lrDO'JIF)edfed. Tbolmpanftllco o' tb• ut.n lae Uona or Lbe PHCENIX FiRE OJFI CE ma7 be eaUmat.ed trom' the C.Cl that. Ita ecltibllabment.-DO* O'fer 0 Jl S HVI'DilG Y.ll4u-\be paymenta ID aatlsraeUoa or t.he clalmalor J..., .... bAn e.xc:C*lcd JI"'ORTI!L" ULLJONK SterllDr- --IDIUr&Dcea q&Jnat Loa by .Fire.&Dd Ltcbtoln&.,... e1r aet.ecl b7 &.be ComPIIIJlY apoa nery de.erlp\lon or Pr0pert.7, 011 &.be mo.L •ororable 1.er111L W. ci. Q. RD-,EIL, 8L'Jobna, AJ[f' Dta ror NeWfoundland. -ARD A--,-- LotofQeese & Turkeys. Will be told reasonable. A't 1\1.1:. J. JC>N'.E.S.'.S. \ Vork \ Vritin g De ·ks, L:tdie :-:' 'o mpani ons, \Vo rk BnsRcfs. Photo nnd Aut ug mp h Albums, . • . • • • Phot o Frn mc!-1 :Fan cy \\'arc, &c., &c. . ...• --- A General A · ·ortmc ut-- - dation c·t the Travelling Public. · i:-; :i itu:Hc<lnc, the cen tre of the· tow n, nntl the comfort i\llU CO il \'C nicnce or the Guests will ho. vc th e best nt - tc ntion · of the Prop rietor. Oct. 3, 1 03.Gm . A. B. LEHR .. USE 'IVORI N E FOR M. J. ' NEW GOODS J JuaL received a al1 ir ·mml .c . New GOQDS -<:ons is tiog of- Groceries, Provisions Hardware . and Earthen ware. ............. JusL received per •• J for S..l LE CH£AP, ·1000 FEET PICTURE MOULDING 1 Sizr s, Qtu\!itiea and rrict'l. ALSO, S'l'OCA : .A lnrgo naso rtment. of J.',•ncy GOOtl s, Moutbly numbers of ul1 Mnguin t'a ancl Journal11. · J eweller y, Writing Paptr, };u\' ClOI.IC8, l'ena, &c.., &c. An!l lor anlc.', nL p ricca; a full alocli or gOOil Solid Household FURNITURE aU or *k.Wttom. Jlrjcre. ED. PARSONS, . C.Li.DeJ..UIIker TP,e Teeth and Breath. Strongly recommended best Physicians and Dentists. For S:dc by all Druggists. w. H. THOMPSON ·&. CO -, · Agents for Newfoundland- I . · Just Received · ;from ·: England j A Large Shipment , of . . Can lo wer } Jrices 1\nd is equal trr nl'ty. Dec. 1-i. · ua. 2i. POST OFFICE NOTICE Labra1 cr Seivic e . ..... -4··- J __ MA ·will ho ( lC!' J>Ut" c he cl from thi s Oilier, :a Quul cc 1 fur ,lor on or illJ oul t-ho :.!}Ut Nuvembcr anti !!!7t h Dcccnd,cr; 24t h Cit .J:wunry nnd 7th Fel.ruury. 1894. )'aiel w: 4J I c forward- ed, buL 111, l'a j crt! or J. 0. P.)J. G. C<'t:crn l Po!:>L OOi•·<'. ' t. .Tuhu 's, ..'c 1 1 t. : o3 . UNION BANK of NFLD . , ........ ,.._ ia lu ft:!.y ,..h·cn tho!. a ul () I" r ('QI t... ttpou ''"' d up . ci 11 itlll flnck ,,f tl i• lnllllLIILIOD h .. ' L ec i1 cl• c lnr>-cl f,l, r tlw t.ul( )'t'llr c1111ing :JOlh N•o\'1•1111, r, J &';j, I*J""'" ":. h• Uutskic•g lh Ul!• \ 1111 lJIII'kW< • rlh Olll•llllun. r 'l'll•fl ·,,y, J:!t h)u,. l. Tnmslt r [k. ,l;,. l'lc t iU'•Itr{.m th o &b lo lite J:!clt i 11 111., l.,.tu Juy11 iud• ai\·c. (Uy 1 nl, r ol Bunni,) ' GOLL>JE,

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Page 1: E ·· RECEiV:Ell!Xmas. ·cards . c - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...The :4tock of Jlnrdwnre is an immense on

-. . (TWO J)r Lt.\nS N~ll TI'AI: J (~IXO:.F. COI'U:!\ 1' WO CY.NTS)

7~'~"-~ES7j r~H~E~u~rf,.~A-NT · -:~ · A.GAI~- . ! I WE. - rui\'E JUS~ ·· RECEiV:Ell !Xmas. ·cards . c li ea pest : nnno~~.~~ ~h~~l~~e~g~~;l.~·~;:.t~hi~~~·~e~it~~n~~~hli~ N 01 thA N[FCE JJO~ OUF 1 t ~~ ( Chris~m:lS & Ne·.V-YclrClr,Js,'

hnti bee~ hJgbly~~)norc<lJn tbc nwnra of -:- -:- -:- -;- a p Q S) cy. 8 er1ngs Pncknge.;-.), 10 nn,l ~.J d !> .

. B..l- -:-C. OlTO-_ ' MEPAL AND DIPLOiv.IA':: ft REs s .-~.N~. co· ADs F~T~~~~o~~~~~I.;.EJ). ' . : ut er s I - - FOR .. Iii - \Ill nt\ND-PAI~'l':ED. PlHVA'lE,

• j • ' SPEO:Il. .. 'IC ~-. 1\t.I:E~:I.T, ~which will be soh.l cheap t:oclcnr.~ Also,-o.f~w LOCAL- VI WS } ~F-

" · -Fon- CoYering lito impcwlnl!t pojnts clnimed at' thc World ':J Fnir, Chien~· L t t St 1 L d'i" '' REEFERS d VANTLES HARBOR GHA.C~; :\nJ C.\R-XMAS .. GROCERIES ' 'fhis lakcn in Cottnc; tiofl with the Vi. toriou:~ Awnrds given the Wlt1te" a es y es a es an m . no~E It • ,.........._ · ,1 nt the ( 'E!'iTEN~ 1,\f, EXPO~lTI O~, Cincinnati, i'n ' 1 ~ '• ; .EXP03~- (~0 TWO Al.IKE.) -. '.\ •

'l'ION t:.:'\1 \'EHl)I<:I.LE, l'al'is, inl~."9; is the s trongest snu mnst con- ~ -··M~ ............... _ ..,..,_,~~~~,.,..,~..,., .I6Y"' From 7 (·<:'nl!l. A full nssortmcn t of t he ab:>ve · vincing evidence that tl1c \\'hiLc stnnds unl'in\llctl ns tho finest .nml best WAT E~ ST ~.E E. T. ----------

G~ .. .J., ('or the family. sewiug 111:\Ultinc in the world. I I. has )t•LI tlic \'1111 in u1c Pnst11 M u N N BROS., -:- R' l~ouk l ct.s , Hh th Day C:nrllH~ J'ouks, 1..1110<> 11 "J' &<·., ~c. , &c.

1 • Jea <lu the wodd Lo-day. v·crily lhc White i · kwg! · ========================== Festive Season·. ~:For ale by .JOH~ u \ SEY Gcttcral 1\ gcnt, \Vntcr c d" Government L· ANDS. A. & A. I t UN LEE ·,

--- trect, Hnrbor Grace, X c wfoundlnnJ. ana Ian Funcy :tntl Toy na,a:tr, Victvria St. :-. weet Ql'O.ng~s-:-25 c. per doz - ~ -~ -~ -- ·- - -~ 0

N G d I N G d I '1"'11ECO\'.EJ~~~I E~T OF C.\X.\ D.\JJ.\SI~TIIF.~OHTJl-Wfo::lT:!OO,nOO.- cc. l.),fi3.

Ds: sicntcd Coco!lnnt-30 c. alb - ew 00 s . ew 00 s ('00 (1110 huntln•ll II i ll in m•) (tf ll('r< 'll nr thl' l'l'ry lol'SL lnn•l i n the w .. rlol, · which iL (•lfC'nt fn e In ll('lllnl a• ttl•·rl! in R••c·tiuPll t1f Jr.Oul'r i'S C':H'h. Th<' Il l '• ntcf' ~

Corn F loUl' 12 cents per tb. \ T TIE' \' iPhl of whC'Al llll lltt·s·· Jquls iii fr·•lll ~tl ln 40 t.ushC'I~ J'lf' r IIC'r•·; nn tiC, fill t•· 70 c..:> • ---. I .:--- } II I l I . . ~......_ l "' 111" tr I!; •nr:l'y, -10 o r,o t ..... J,•I"; rn .. L r ro1 11 "'' ' uth• r gr.11 11~ 111 l•r·•rw rtio11 fll=-4 ~ I erbs for Seas:ming-3 cts. HARBOR c RAOE STOVE and H A R D• TUE ].,\~1) 1::> HE.\ rn< FOI: Till-: 1'1.0 \\' , 111111 .t•••81111L ro 't"in·l·lt·u r inl.", ' ''lll'inc ~ ;..:::::

. ·. 'li)t"ch Pound Cake, &'c. o r tnllllll r f'. ·nH·r l' j,. no ruiu in tlu• fall to i lljll n • t he gr.otll. IIIII I l:ll't:•lill): ltt'•,:ill& ~ ·--a, WARE DEPOT. aJ.nnttl•PliiL•VAtri ( inl .. ·l:•rl!'"'"'' rlofrlwl: .. uJot ry. Ul"• r :L gro ·ntr •nrtn ~..0

- -- - ---- - - this rf1: ion-G\ 'ITI.E .\~1 > I I OH~E.'i I!U~ A ·~· LAJ:u r: nil \IIIII• r. T lu·rl' i:~ ._.

FOR SALE OuT~lock ofl; cncnt l ll :tnlll"_·.:nc,(ila~!; ll':lre :tl\(1 Cutl er.' · i:-: no\\' "OJlll)letc. ~ood \\lll l r (:l > il,l' fc ,u n.r 1'\'(f~ \llt rrc•. ( '••:tl ir~ dcoiil'<•f l'" nL ........ $:l • .'tl) tll ~).OO ~-; I • ' I ( r tnll HI till ru i WI\ ,I' Ioi ii I ioolll\. l.U .\IIIEJ: , fur lllci lol iub, (;oo:sll! t rulll lli l ll $:!11 , ., r - ......

The :4tock of Jl nrdwnre is an immense on<:'. Tho l;ood::s :t rc (If the fin o- M; al,ingh s sdl nL ~:) J" r M. <.:ntt l«> dn·ll•iu({ fnun iOi t u.11., to IHII) 11•1!., un• M bn I • .AT TUG -


DOLJ..(L_fr~'l 2 cents 'up. Drumi a\v l Tnmboul'ines, -"

H orses. Arks, " 'ntt'hca, Bell::, Paints, Drnwing lntcs,

T OY ! TOY.· ! !- from 2 ccnto:. D,lminocs, he::::, Gnmc!!, &c,

Ancl a large assortment of l"nncy ·Goods !

A. & A. BRUNLEE .... .


~C>Fl. 13.A.LE! ,........,.._

1 CARRYALL. In gOO< I o rder. Apply nt this office.

Dec. 12: -

Lost or Strayed. -·---Lost or lml·<'cl. si nce tlH• lu!lt w. ek

of Octol•1 r, n \'Or~(; CO\\', t..rigl.L rc-.J color, wit lc 11hitc l!tnr in ff'reh<·nd, nn.l turned-in l1orue. T he letters \\' : J:iY· nrc o n the l~<•rll!!. Any p r u o ns ;.:11' 111){

such i11fornl11lion na willle1HI L•l the rc· C<.tl'('r\' uf ihc :~nin1:ll will I.e rc wnrJ, J. )I the nuimnl is fou t.d in lhe pcssr&Fion or Rny pc rcOII nft('r this date, he will he I

·r roeccutcd. Apply at the Slnndard Office.

Vee. 12, I !l3.

est. mnnufncturc. and will be :-:ol d at the J,•wc::t Ca!'h Jll il-c:-:. rniec>tl nn tl tfl 1 n.iri• " llt ll •t•llt nny f· ~l I '" "· tt.n wttd J-:'1111!11. H.\ 11.\\' .\ Y:i ~ ~ Laund ry nnd Toilet' 'OA p~ k<' pt in )urge Vltri ct:c3. lire• 1-ui.t. I r u• i u~ lou iJ t, ull onr th• · 1'1111111 r~ . l:lillrdll li II lid lr,•u l:ldloktlll :lri.J 1'8 · ~

J;A)ll ' ·of all dc~cript~ns nnd pt;ice!:'-from the J:tr~e E xtcn:-:ion to the tul •li:~hed iu • \' t ' Q ' 1 rcwillcc•. Gc1<1cl " " ' " "'• J.!'" ol lund tc nuol i n11ti tu ti• Ill! :uulcr tlcc ~ c!), ;...., smallest Xutmcg J.:tmp. lllll · lluj;. 1\\t\\' ill t l.l· I i iii~ fc .r l'ltlf•q·riroill~ 111\•11 lol l'IJIIIC :lc ld dcCicrc Lll u.lu•t!L 0 '.J ..::1

f.n , TO\'E . we Jta,·e nil th e different kinds elf lornl :tncl forcign 'man u- oc:diti•a. ~I" 'Cilll'r.th'cs c; i ,·, n lia I. ·. 1\. n"d t;. 1'. It., o" ''I 'Piil·ntiuu t.J ~ ·§ ] facture. All'o.-C:othic Grnle:;, Ca1;til~s und Oupl ientcs nf th.c loc:tl • C C 0 A R LYLE ~ ·-makes nlways on hnnd . A Tinwnr<:'. C'opJ•cr ' tuitlt , nne\ Plurrbing · Carc.a'r Xc~·f~1 :\IIJ lluhm~· . :SL'Jul.u'c~. .-4 ~ -::: Tiu. ine:;s is C011 1l <:'C tccl with the est:tiJJi::ht iiCII I, wh ere n) l work in the Cl ~ .,...

~ +J -=

c::~ ~;;~l~:; .. ;;o::;::~::··~:;::·~:R~::: CENTRAL .Dry , GoodSJStore, ~~- ] Nm·. 1-1 . '9!L t'l.l ~ ~

cd -"

New Lines in all Classes of Goods . ·--A'l'-

c. W. ROss· de CO'S.

Hcady-:\fndc l'LOTH I~ G. Boots r\nd .~ hoc:, Drcs:; ~lniT:-4. '.i.' wct!d:o~, Hnts and U:tps,. &c., &c. .

l I

.Gent's Unlaundried White SHIRTS <American) -- · -at $1- Ex.tra Good Value.


Ladies' Laced BOOTS and FELT SHOES-. /

Just lhc thing for fa ll an<l win ter wear. ... .__ .... , ___ .......... ... ............. -................ _ ...... ._. ... _, ___ ... , ..................... - .................. , ....... __ ............... , ....................................... _

~ ~1~ === o _ . (.!:)~ ....... ~-....... •"'""- -=0 ~p.

= tJ:: ..... 8

Aud :1 full :tuck of IlAHDWAH E, uf C\'cry UCfCription.


All at tlH· f.·nn!st i>ricc:. \ri,·c the Old Helinblc Firm :1. c:l ll.

C. W. ROSS & CO., - • WATER STREET. ' ' -- LION ' . ''

Water Street, !_Iarbor Grace~ Nfld.

A 'Good Domest c Serv ; nt: ;~ Apply at the ST.\XO.\ RD Offict'.

D l'C. 1:).

Not .... 13


) . - -·----

·This well-known and mo-st commodious Hotel has bean r~-fitted and opened for the accomm~J·

th e Iiiii!' ln ~lilY ltigh price.; f,,r JJaki ug I owdc:, UC<':tll"e

\\'OOD(LL'.-; GERilL\N





TRUSTEES AND DIRECTORS : J oaepb w. Baxendale, Eao.

DriJIIO'JIF Bovill Esq. Tbe lion. Jamu Byn~o

John Cl;~tlon Eeq. O.::tavlu• E. Cl)ope, Elll)., M.P.

Oeo"o Artbnr lo'uller1 Elcq. Charles E. Oooelnut., E£q .

N. Rbodo U"1l11Fldna Eaq. ts.r Jobn Lubbock, biirt., M.P.

Cborles Tbomoa Luca.a, E&Q. Cbarlu Maauoy , E&Q.

Tbe Hon. &Jwln J1. f'ortmaD, Eaq. :Dftdley Roben. Smith, Eclq.

WIIII~~-~!1?~ .Tbompaou, Elsq.

lion. nlroot.or-JOBN J. m .OOMP'IEJ.D, Elq . Wn.J,t.ut 0. M .-.dDo!UJ.D !Join~ l"l<.U.CUI D. )fAODO!fAl.'D ~ &-erolorleL . -- -

Tbe en~r• 11~mentll or lbla omeo aro gullfan· t eed by a numerowt and wealthy Proprle­Ul'Y, ID a.ddiLIOD LOa hU'I'CI lnv~ Caplt.al; and tbe pmmJ'lltudo 11.nd llbctrallty 'ltllh 11Fttleb olalma ba·.,. 1\I'JIFara ._n mt~t a r e -.ell•lrDO'JIFD aqd &l'lrDO'JIF)edfed.

Tbolmpanftllco o' tb• ut.nlaeUona or Lbe

PHCENIX FiRE OJFICE ma7 be eaUmat.ed trom' the C.Cl that. aloe~ Ita ecltibllabment.-DO* O'fer 0 Jl S HVI'DilG Y.ll4u-\be paymenta ID aatlsraeUoa or t.he clalmalor J...,.... bAn e.xc:C*lcd JI"'ORTI!L" ULLJONK SterllDr- •

--IDIUr&Dcea q&Jnat Loa by .Fire.&Dd Ltcbtoln&.,... e1raet.ecl b7 &.be ComPIIIJlY apoa nery de.erlp\lon or Pr0pert.7, 011 &.be mo.L •ororable 1.er111L

W. ci. Q. RD-,EIL, 8L'Jobna, AJ[f'Dta ror NeWfoundland.

-ARD A--,--

LotofQeese & Turkeys. Will be told reasonable.

A't 1\1.1:. J. JC>N'.E.S.'.S.

\ Vork lloxc~, \Vriting De ·ks, L:tdie:-:' 'ompanions, \Vork BnsRcfs. Photo nnd Autugmph Albums,

. • . • • • Photo Frnmc!-1 :Fancy Gla~ \\'arc, ~[echtlnicnl Toy~, T':~mbourincs, &c., &c. . ...• •

---A General A · ·ortmcut---


dation c·t the Travelling Public. · ~-It i:-; :iitu:Hc<lnc,u· the cen tre of the· town , nntl the

comfort i\llU COil \'Cnicnce or the Guests will ho.vc the best nt­tcntion ·of the Propri e to r.

Oct. 3, 1 03.Gm. A. B . LEHR

~f ~!'~cv ($ooo~- .. USE 'IVORI N E FOR M. J. ~Jones, Wat~r ~treet.

' NEW GOODS J Pictur~.Framiog

JuaL received a al1ir·mml .c .

New GOQDS -<:onsistiog of-

Groceries, Provisions Hardware .and Earthen


............. ~ JusL received per Tl:~rcelonR, ~ •• J for

S..l LE CH£AP,


1 Sizrs, Qtu\!itiea and rrict'l. ALSO, l~ S'l'OCA :

.A lnrgo nasortment. of J.',•ncy GOOtls, Moutbly numbers of ul1 Mnguint'a ancl Journal11. • ·

J ewellery, Writing Paptr, };u\'ClOI.IC8, l'ena, &c.., &c.

An!l lor anlc.', nL lowca~ pricca; a full alocli or gOOil •

Solid Household FURNITURE aU or *k.Wttom. Jlrjcre.

ED. PARSONS, • . C.Li.DeJ..UIIker ~

TP,e Teeth and Breath. Strongly recommended by~.the best

Physicians and Dentists. ~ For S:dc by all Druggists.

w. H. THOMPSON ·&.CO-, · Agents for Newfoundland-

• I .

·Just Received · ;from ·: Englandj •

A Large Shipment, of . .

Can ) ,~:ul a~ lo wer }Jrices 1\nd is equal trr nl'ty.

Dec. 1-i. ·ua. 2i.

POST OFFICE NOTICE Labra1cr ','.' in~cr Seivice . ..... -4··- J __

MA Tr~ ·will ho (lC!' J>Ut"checl from this Oilier , ,·:a Quul cc1 fur L~tbrn­,lor on or illJoul t-ho :.!}Ut Nuvembcr anti !!!7t h Dcccnd ,cr; l SV~. 24t h Cit .J:wunry nnd 7th Fel .ruury. 1894. Lcltct~,fu ! Jy )'aiel w:4J I c forward­ed, buL 111, l'a j crt! or l'nrrcte~

J . 0 . "liltA~Ell, P.)J.G. C<'t:crn l Po!:>L OOi•·<'.

' t. .Tuhu's, ..'c11t. ~Oth , :o3 .

UNION BANK of NFLD . ,........,.._ ~OliCE ia lu ft:!.y ,..h·cn tho!. a ~­

clc~~<l ul () I" r ('QI t... ttpou ''"' r~ d up . ci11 itlll flnck ,,f t l i• lnllllLIILIOD h .. ' Leci1 cl• clnr>-cl f,l, r tlw t.ul( )'t'llr c1111ing :JOlh N•o\'1•1111, r, J&';j, I*J""'" ":. h• Uutskic•g l h Ul!•\ 1111 lJIII'kW<•rlh ~1""'-t, ~ Olll•llllun. r 'l'll•fl ·,,y, J:!th)u,.l .

Tnmslt r [k. ,l;,. l'lc tiU'•Itr{.m tho &b lo lite J:!clt i11111., l.,.t u Juy11 iud• ai\·c.

(Uy 1 nl, r ol lh~ Bunni,) ' JAlJ~ GOLL>JE,


Page 2: E ·· RECEiV:Ell!Xmas. ·cards . c - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...The :4tock of Jlnrdwnre is an immense on

..w...--. ....... ,.,.. • ~~- .............._ Highest or all i~..Leavening Power.-L:ll:cst U. S. Gov't Keport.

I bad becu troubled five moutbs with' Dyspcpsi3. The doctors told me i t w.,1s ell ton! c. I h:Hl a fnllneS! 1fter eating atttl a hea.Yy load iu the pit of my sto;nnch. I suffered fre­quently fro:n a \Yater Br:1sll otclear tn:llter. Sometimes a deathly Sick­ness ~t the St-1mecb would overtake me. 'l'llc.l\ again 1· WNtld ha,·e •the terrible pains ,of \Yiud Colic. At

· such times I wot:ld try to b~lch and · cou~(i n ot · I wa.., workiug tlleu for

Thomas ?Jciienry, Druggist, Cor. . I rwin aud \Vc>.stern Ave. ,;\ilegheny City, P:L, in wh9Se employ 1 J.."ld bl!cn for ~vch ye:us. Finally I used ~gust Flower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, wns en­tirely rclic,·cd of nil the trouble. I can now eat tbittgs I dared not toucb before. I would like to refer you to Mr. McH enry, for whom I worked, who knowsy.H about my condition, and from whom I bou~ht the medi­cine. lli\'c with my w1fc and family, at 39 J:-.t:lcs St. , Allegheny City,Pa. Signed, ] orb; D. Cox. 0

G. C: GREE~ Sole ::Iaoufacturcr, v:ootlhun·. r\cw .Jcrscv. u. s. A.

·•· R.I.P.A.N. ~~@TABULES .....__..._\

Stomach, Livec and Bowels ·arid Ft r;fu the Blood. __...._.

llii'A~!I T .lUUI.Jt:$ at<' the lH·st M..-•llclne known.for In llg ... tlu:J, I :IIIou~rH·~,..It i!:to lt~ohe COnlllptnlon. lh·~p<·a•lll .t, ('ltrnn lc Li ver Troullh-, Dluluas•. ll:ul l'n1np lc ~lon. U)­~>eutary. ull t:n~:~·c II'""' 11. nn•l ILil Jlwr..tonol Uae lllo m nrh,&·er I&Od CuwciJt.

R l pnu• Tnt> It'~ COnl.:•h• IIOi hln:; lnjurloua l o lho most d" cnlu c•un~tll ulhlll . ,\ n.l-1•1,_.,.. u ot.lo In .til, 101111 , clrcclnal aud ;:h·e lrnmc .. u­&L J r~lh•(.

~liLy be obtalnc u lly npplh:a~lon to uenre~t dr.J~::I"t.

i I'". tit TJI~ u \~UOn onc~:U:-~l>n.~uo. L

Lintn on lh3 Northern and .Wahm · Ilailw~y ·

IL'd nn :\ J •llrnc~· 'ITO rn.> hrntt ,\' cd r.:!H JI h'·l 1111' Wt•cl ~;.Jntc·lll •• [n :1 1..,r.H1ll C~trri:t~t> \\'l,l l'lli!Jt&rk, Hc:ltly nr•'·r·· lang l>te tn\; II :~tnrt Oii ~hl! ~ortlaCi ll :llul Wcsi~'NtJ::\i : \\ny.

\\' laitkmrno lOI.HI wi' I ':\1•' udtin 1, •

,\ l! gu i. l 1111 ony o' il l! kin I. l'htl s' •. tk a' 1;(1/tlly , lJlitht..·, 1111, t;nr' .\ n' 1100 nu' t hl'li")'u'll ltf'll r lhcnt any .:>co oor ~ortht•! o \~HI Western l~.dh\ ay.

FrRe Pl1H'I!IIlit1 jnncl ion wo apee1l along, 0 1\'Ct barren,.gmun~ rocks nm:uig ; But after awhile :\',~.~.~-')'~·s richt, Au' liiJJ III)' placl's, Ll11·~ · cuiu~ in ai~hL, Ofl tho ::-\orth<'fll ;'-lhl W,stcrn H~U)ft'BY

f.hc 111\llii'S o' n' { c:tnn:t 111in', llut.n t. them a' tl u; f•1lk nr.S kin'. Afore Jnng 11' q1\nrry y~'ll &"l', \Vhn11r f'Vcry uuu'.s :111 l·u~y'd ,,, l>ce, Oo tho Northl:! rn and W•':lt~:ro RJilwny.

An' nbo oa yeglan.<"<', l>:tith up an' Jotm: Y c'Jl ace the gmlllll', 11h11pt>d •CJttllrC an

roun' ,\' rt:thly . LllO put in l · ri&l~Cil !Jest, For n)ony y ears tne aLil~,· the l l'et. . On tho ~orlht:ru :tta l \V r:slc rn Hatlwny .

There's · Claren\'ill(.', DJ rk llole, an' • honl Harbor too

~\"haur li\'t" I'lnl!hurc l cnnm1~1y who, 13ut ony u' them 'II glc yc a !ted lC C\'(:r \'U wi h thl'i r way toLe t rCI\tl Ou the i\orthern an,J W t•aLtrn JlailwnY..

, 'nC' non,~ think, I'llta\:e ajumr. .\.u' hut' yc lh.lun· u~ Clo l'.l ::iouml on n . 8lU111 Jl, Whnur n!lt•L!Jin' was !Jut 1\ c lum p o'

t rC('S, : l'illlho irc>n horse lll'lde illl rAL'>~)!l'S,

Ota tlte Xorthcrn anJ W cstNII Hailwl4y.

N(lo, it's hr~i n i n' lac lcl<o\: lit.~ a pln'Ce Wi • n ~Jl iollam,: wh .... rf thaL .!u.r a it ~tr.ICC, Puir folk arc Lhinkin' lllo acltlc doun, .-\o ' throw tLWa' l11c1 r S(ltrow nu' ~;l nu1 11 , Xenr the Northern tllltl \Y~sLcrn J{,lj!.

Auld Tt•rr..t Xm·rt 1111ne wc'llllhtkn Wi ' Lo llll)' wo01la an' hvnnier Lllcc Whaur mony likP ta o <' Onto:ua' tru(JL, · \n' thruw tho bul•utr ill au' oot

:\c:l r tht: Nu rthc rn and \ \'l'Stc rn ll.Jil· way.

l:ut t.ln p :1 l.it: 11 Ita~·-~ thnL I h ear '? 1'11c 'Cinnpl·~lls ~ Uh ! Diun:t y o henr

thc.:m yd. Di111l1l l' l' hl'olr ~ l'!ac Ca.mpht 11::1' a~•lwin' up woo.! by tho

l uL Tae ta k n•1l the •:c rr.1 IJ l·~t w:1~ could Lo



Sa:l End of Aotin~ BJpsrintendont lduirlioad.

NuttTII Sn>~r. \' , ~0\', 2;3.-Tho fu!I•>W· in:; is from bL. L',Llii'S h huul : l (..Jbt·rt. .\l nirh••nol, acting s11periutcnd !"Jl. ()( SL. llt\l tl'z~ L!lan&l wn~ fou n•lll•·MI tht:S mow­ing .,...itt} tL gl;ll ahnt wnuoJ in ltL• hcnt.l. ll \1 gu(up :~t. d:lylight ami Lold hid men to g•t to tiro mo in t•aluhlish: .. cnt, Vl/.UJ\ted t.y- C1llll~Uell l1tst. uigh t, t·• feed tho hnraftll II ml hnul II fl Ultl uoat.s. Shortly

.1\rLer ho took down hia ~n and lolldoJ it. tellin"' bi:1 wife thnt. h e wout.l follow Ll:u llll ' ll


:t tllf look f11r l•irJa while J:••n u., ):rt ,.u lat•r t.ia k<'ys when goiug, s• t~nct lti n)! he Hcver lli·l before, nnl ilnrterl Clut. A girl wt•nt for watf'r on rhu ~arnu ro:tu shortly n fttr .wd found h is Ludy with tho ~un lying nlv11gsiJc.

)fr. H enry W. Johnson, O~<'nt of the rnnrint! nntl fi,hcric:s Jt•purtlll<'ut, WitS inLt·n·iewclr in r<'ft·r,•m:e to the; alJovo rlo ·11 rm tch. 'lu a:d ·l he h:t•l ret·eivctl Lho :mllsla llt~O of thO dt'aplllch , hut. ueyond thl\t ho knew 110tlaing wlu~oLt'\'t'r of thfl :mol alf,dr. Ii<l !'poke in l lao hi~h{'at . terms of Mr. Muirhrnd, who h n a:tiJ w11~ •L l~tithfulnnl p~tinsLII.k in~ o fti : iul, and held in l1igh ~le<.'m IJy t.ho J oparL· m•·nt. Mr. 1\l•airhcwl Wllg sv)•ntive nf II \lif•tx. lie hn:s IJeen 011 St. P<Lu l'11 I:~· l:tnd f••r liftct•n \'CIIrd, whe re he Wlt:l t·rn­ploycd US CIH:ia"lllrr Of the fog whi:sllt.J nppnm•ua. lkin~ the 1\t' nin r offic•:r '?..:' the island h r W1ta plttced tumpororllrw chnr:;-u n~ Mr. U1L~t!plocll'a sn~prnaton . llc lltl\rr11'U :t l:hlt!nx hhly nnJ h>~a 11

fn m ily. On lo t• in~ nsked tl)n causu o f ~r r. Carn pbl'll's 1111~ peusion Mr. J~·hnaon sai·l · thtJL Willi y-- m 1tle r un winch htl cou!J uot epcak. 1\11. Camph"ll , he aaiJ, haJ nrrh·cd at S~·,l m•y (Ill W c.lneaJay C\'cni n~: in t ht• sll':llllr·r !Iu rl:L w.

C.\:l.ll'll!:I.L'::! Fi liST D!Slii.:>.S.\1 ..

:. Cunnr.l C11 mpl.cll tvns llnrn on St. l':ll tl'd r I>Lthllllltl llllCCCPdc<l hi., futhor as 1\llpl·rint C!ld"n ~ of tho _L!lu!HI. In ~~­cr·m ' •t•t , I · ;:J, h·J w :l 1 d1dfl1Uscu hy ::>l r Char!, :1 Tupncr, t hen lc:trlcr of thu locnl ~<''l l'l•ronl.(!nl of :\rH'Il Scotill. · In Lh11L

r ken we're ;:;l'lt i n' :ll an ~ r,,. j::r.m ', cnsc, !I$;,:, ... Lhc p rr.scnt.uu ('~IIA~ W~K 1\11•

QUICKLV'YIELD TO Tltc (; :unlm r .. rk w. 'II :lll l lC ho lllll!lng. ~ i .. uc.t nr r(.':l~() ll j!ll' t'll fq r Ills tlt~lTI UAIII.

L g \\'lla1:r llldll l' :H•' au! I 11 1.111 nn ' wuii\<LI\ .. \"wriL~·-~~·:·tl.• c . Ut.rv:liclc uf D .::ccm.uc r

ALLEN's on Yl·' iliiN; 21~1 , 1 ,.,, ,..LIS . •

. B"""C:.~Innl C:t n · c·l•llnl ;h,• !oiL drJII.& rs lltcy nr.:', r " Aw11y oui. at s~n. i!!Olat,,·<l fr\)tn l·i,·i i-W~uaau th .. l'ltt ta ,, h:H', l7.tli•m r •• r li'·" or iix mnnth11 of C\'cry

_ ---- ,..;j,· t iH• :"iu rtillrrt a u.! \i"l st<.'m Hail- \'CII r, t' XflOSCtl L all tuc incorwcniuncc

G. u·l:· B D - A -\\j" I \1 .l.l'. . ;,r ~ IH:h II '·nlli6h lf'll'llt, Jol lll C.Lmpt.r ll ~ \.1 1 _f n·:~r•·.l :\ f:11nil,. of t·hi ldrcn nn 't.l'.111l':1 . ~ F<~ r :\ · thr·ir hit l.ulllics h:t ') .... , t wark the J • 'J 1 · ~ f~l:llld . . "r.tlllt·J thus 111 1111 -OCCiln, WI

Fire and Lito , Assurance Co'y,

n PO, .

· [ I.L\11TEO.~

OF L ONDON. F; )T.\ B Lf ''I ~D .\. 0.- 18 1~

RuoscRrnF.D CAr1n1 .... ..... .£~,noo,ooo Stt:". 'l'OT.\ l. rsn::.:;n:o Fusn:; L'l'-

W.\IWS OF ...... .. ........... . 2,1.ill ;-;1 ;.: As:-m.\L f sco,n: urw'os oF !).jl) ~ ~~

Titc OUARDL~:\ Ll'i n~ n li~L-cln"ll Eng}jah l nsu rnnco ~1mpuny , ofl'c rs nil those admnt.ngC8 ml'll\t dc:!i,rnl•lc to in­surers·, ,·iz., urulotthtt d st.::~IJility, fa ,·or­Able tcrm6 nnr.l prompt settlement to claims for los!!.

'Iho UnJcnigncd lmving IH•rn np­point.OO Agents for Newfoundland nrc prop~cd t.o isaue Policica agnin~L lass by Ftrc. ·

1'. &. ?aL·WDi.,fER, St. Jolw'e. JO.SEPII GODDE~, Sub-A~cnt,

H arbor O rncf', N.F.



/tw lnf~toa _...,.4 tree Handbook wnte to NS.!: 00._, lJll U1tOA Dl0'4T, Wnr Yonr.-.

ea, bllreall 1or ~eor1nc Plltcn'- 1n AmeJ:lo.. rT JI&&AII\1. tMan OD' by WI Ia bro~bt befco:-o

Ute pabllo bJ aiiOUce cll'eu tree ot cb.:ir;o 1D t11o

J titnti£ie ~tuetitau ~~\JOQ ota.n~· Klen.UIIo~tn tbe ~- \'!!dlf Ill ._ ~0 lf'IUPll$ i'..!! -"""'~ \r~l.O a.u&! !!·==: ':1'~:0..~~- rT -~ ~nnuals, 1&93-4. Boy's Own 'Ann;;~ Girls Own Annual, BundAy.nL liOIII ('. Lei~uro Hour, Tbe Quiver, ALianta Doya, New IUnatrnk-d Anouol, . Young F..oglan!l, ChAtt.erbolt, J.trirbL Eyn, .Ne" Chllt!ft!n._ Annuol,

Bunda~, Oar DarUnp a, Rceebud Annunl, Bo P!fp, Nrawa U oiW.y Annual, The l"tUf, The~ attrdren'• Friend. ~Owa~aine, =We CoaJ~ion, Lilth~ Dot,

f'an&a ~-~DC'. · s • .& GARLAND ,._...._ :.- M Wat.r and.Bobd -at ;Aft. :vaiUUV _,_ 1893 ...

.\u ' a' lh•• li nw l!t ·• lith' w:H ~:;:ll111. t.hrc.', Tl!l• IM,,i. ·:. ll . " l l ' fll' ,,· lt•I[ H' , •

'lltinkin' sun.· Lll· qtHsti,lu t~on tt: <Jne'll pOj•

~i11 ' the.: :\o)r tlu r:t :tn.! \\'t'~>lt•rn T~.li1 w:ty.

ei. t.h';, t!t :1 t 1:~. 111.1 rri .l;!'< S, :\1 J n Cllll hc:~ r.

F<•r n t•·ll'!-; r.q.lt ofli.·<' s:nns !!al! nCJtr, \\' i' nn ' "Jll' r•ll•>r ot.l i~ in' n :t' kin ' , IIi:~ du ty ~huro· laC' k t' l• (l i 11 min', :\c:t r th o: :\vrlltl·ru and \\\stern Rail-

w a l· . (

:'.u• n~ w .. ' re spcrdiu' o w• r Lhc J!'rUn \ 'l ltro' bonny who..los wi ' ltr:tca 111111\n~, · .\uither gu ioll:lns,: 6lretcla w..,'vc ~·>ok .. .\ n' 6tli1C wc'II J,m nL Soul&·'" Urook ::'\cl\r tlt e Xortlt(' rll ant! WlStl'rll r .ail-

way. I

\\'haur s lana n mill ns c:ui.l's can ·oe J:'.,rsavm up mony njunk 1/ n trc ~, 'l'hnt wn:.:'d its ·hcid b:li l lt up 1111 ' doun An' Lhocht twi\'J ne'er he lorn (l,mn For a. :r\orthcru and \\\·st.c rn ll11ilwnv.

; -

lillie onr6 ~n·w up on the i11lnnrl rv..:k; 1;,, L atla!<, <lod wns pt..~~~ bed to I>L)' It i:s ulilic t irw lr:wJ npl)u ltt1n, nod two of tlw d :H~).!Iatcrs of t l. i;s t)ld ;n:tn ne \·cr cnjny.-.1 the s.r n-10 of ~le:lrtiiJ: or _the pri\·i ~•·~::c uf ~prrch . \\ !ten tho wc1ghL (Jt' r··nn~ ilit:.tp:l citnl ('d tlw fll.lhcr for the du t ic11 of the s i tnnt i•lll, !.i11 son, Lite lotte . 'u•H•riutmadt·tlt :-\Huud Uunalr I Uatn p­IJcil SIICCC• tied l1 im, anti fnr acv<'r.ll .rcu;:l past ho has d.isclin.rgctl the tlutica of tho oflict', nm) lr·•nl 118 onwlumcnta supp(JrlCtl niut• nmintain.•·cl hia aged pn r• n's n111.l his h clplc·ut:nsLt' t.i ..

"On one ocC.'I6iOn, it i:s aslicl-·and we hnl'<' it on a:1l is fnctory fUtlho;ity-tho n~i:.tn uta hrt ppt>ncd w b ' aL 1 he oppo­:~il t· sido of tho i:sl:\nd, wl•erc the a m Lll· ~r li••ht i:~ a itu:l tc, scpnrutcd from the 011\i ~ rst:d)l i:~hmont. uy tho thwp and pr~ci pitous r:l\·in<". K storm al)<.IJenly spbtng ur~ nnd t\~0 men- WC'r.> U~Lbl~ tQ r c l ll rn. I ho '411lows rOSP, couung through tlao gorge, nnrl the 11tor:n t ·lJted mo .. t fu riou11ly. A ship frei~uted with humrln life-:~ passenger vrs!cl-w1~8 nbl!crved, helpless nnd foundcri!'g, rap­i Jy drifting lcewnrJ upon th1s fn tlll

~- n she str~1ck', nntl. the will. or the e rie ung lnulutudo nuogled wtth

lla.i'l· he OllriSe howJinJ; Qf the atnrmy tem­p . ·~·hr.re wM no one. lo aiu tho old mnn in l>oartling the ship, but t hese

The G:ln<l<.'r, noo we're shnrf'. tno mak, Its tht>re ye'll hcnr the wiiJ lluck quak F or ucf'r , is tho vcrr.t. spot ' Au' wi' n ~un nru l·a.sy t.hot. Xear tbo Nor~he-u~tPru


AL Xorris' J\ rm noo wo l:w', t wo dcaJ and clumb girls, and tht•y o f .\!nun s et ooL noons snne'11 we can tl'ntl t>r ng<'. Nut unaccuatomed, to tho An' h "pe afore nnither twa~ year: " 1180 of t11e onr in cnlmer wcath,er, ho T11e l:'url-au-Basqno bo Rille llle ;t ecr determined to risk his life and theirs. On th e t\ortlacrn antl W~stern R:•.ilv.•ay, .John Campbell, with .tho big heart of a Whn. any_•d' this Jino 'Jl nev~r pav-? Jliglalanderbetu ipg in hia b<>l!OJ.n, ,.el~ctr "'h 1 J h "' ~d a auiLtlblo l.loat, Rnll pro,•tdwg lum-~ e tr ll'l s nrc s urely turniu' gr.:y ~ u Au: fl'Cr their ~:'en wit~ uever. Bee, • al'lf v.-itl1 all that Willi neccssnry or 10 A' 1n tho hnure ·LhnL'a t.nc be. . p e:.ilous purpos(', with these two Gntcc Fortbc Northcrn 'uud Wot~t.··rn Ra.il DMUnge,_ t)leso ~pee<"hlcaa dt\Ughters,

· • wny. to p1di agnwst hun, ll.et - forth on the &e noo nforo y e slip,nw~ I dcspe.rllf.e mibfli()n of snvinj; som~ h~n-He shure nn' 1.11.!. n trt p or- tlfa dred6 of li vrs of hu mao betngs chn$1ng Ao' if then, y ou're n ot.et»ttc n: I to 1\ ahLLttered unrqne. ' Amid the wilil Ye n c v('r krn't what ('()W,fort n{cMnt opronr of tho ocean ho \m,.,·eJy a'Ccom-On ony Railway. j plishcd tho during 1,1\slc-he and Lbrso F·>r w. D., yo ken him n.' two yoong · mules- and beyo,nd t.ho Bullhrnk ·o kcu him ve' . . 1 circlo of the n('l:;hborbood of the mnltl..t' It's oot on ~he line ye oc~t ~:t~ l1111d t.be outer '1\'0rld hll~ probal.llr,~c''l'r An' there the rulQ mnn ye ·~"d' ,.eo - · before bc.'\rd of tho ac~to.vcment.. Ou oor Northern and W t>stilm B ;ilwny, MR. c.\;\IJ>DELLR£1!{STATED. •

For ric::b an' puir h& a4ir..a. alike- • Tho diamilftal of Mr. C.rnpbell waa lVit.bout eitlter snr.rl o.t'~itc ' I notreceivetl wit.hfa,·orand'prov~aome-Sae1 may he live ll Jona time iet what of tL boomeran,; f11r Mr. Tupp<'r An ncv<'r ony auld~ tee• ' l" 1 IUld hu government . . In 1874 Afr. c.lmp-Oo oor Northorn D.!..ill We~~r:l R a.ilway. bell ~·Qa reinstjlled bf the il•cKtw&to 1 S<vreu M "S$1.1:: .f::JSA!C'. g<)\'erom'bnt, and ~nhnu~ ln ~be faiL~·

1he ~. &: ·,y . .Ru.itway. ful perform~n~c of qll h1a duties unltl. Ibrbor 0rf4o,.l'ee. 11. .;1&13. roccnlly rccct\'lng

·w ,_ .. ·~-- · 1 NOTte£ OF tns susr.E~sro!f, '· 0~!\_ ~ W nl.erCord, N. Y., lliG CAo-e or .tCAton of l"llioh wu no~

,....~ to ... la l.Jot~sc. for nen.rlr a iven . The h•ad ot &he maiine and ~.:=~~. 90mg~nt, b~iJ!g.unable laberie~~ dcpartm•nl waa tbon faked ir l tm · .ulfll. ll1a phyatc .. nt pTo llr C.m!'lb«"ll might be allowed ·~ re­,'v ~ ruliet. \tt~rr.u•s .BALS1..: Ol" ma.lo on tbaJal&bd Cur the wiDtet. Tbe ~- .uuaY &red him.

·.Batting. .-Powder

Jlr. Hat"'Vey Bud LnceyvJUe, 0.

Catarrh, 1feart Failure, .Pa• ralysls of the Throat

1Sl::ZOJ<JY6 .Both the m!)thod encl. r<::;.ll~ '~~, 3yrupofFi~ h'i h!:cn; i~ :is :ple~~~r. · · •• mChief~hiDg tv the l!l5tc, ttnd L.L": ~ntly yet. ~r:1mptly on t.~~ KHne;:· Liver and llowcls. clc~u:a:>~s Ute r·. · ~m effec:tu::lly, dispclsj~lJ:>, .~A,·

•· I Thanlc Goa Gnd Hood'• 84raa,- lChes and fevers o.:1d N. :--s ltuQ:. ]11'£1'/lltt fut• Perfect. H eGUJt.n • ~ . •

.. GcnUcrnen: J7or the benellt of autrerlng hu- constip;lticn. Slr n-p 0~ lgs l~ Only re-cdv o its !:iild IJ•:•'l' cl!lult :; I wish to at.nt.e 3 few fActs: For sevcrnl ,_.. .;

vean 1 hnve sulrered from Mtllrrh and heart ducea, plca:mg to tc~ t.~.,to a.:l· tallure, •·c1Uo, so bnd I could not work.ancl tabl" ,, • e < ... _ _,.,., ,.l. - ...,,~ '

" o • .cep u IN ,_ ..... _,_.~_., ! . . .... ~. Could Scarcely Walk _ its a.ction c~1 t:~.: t .• -: _ •. :.-.1 -t-'

I h~ll :\very lind spell of l>llr:liSIIIS of tiro throat tlffCCts, p!::mt.n:.J t ·.' ; [. ;· ~ ~. i" -•uan:: 1 me n"'.,o. My lh~t. seemed closed lllld b--,th Cl 1 • -· 1 1 • - • · 1 •·o:.t l a1 n.ot " ' "ntlow. Tho dcx:t.ors !lllld It ~ yn::::.t_afft~"'·: -·· " ·: · ~ ··~: .. ; · , .. ~> •·arBcll h>·hrartfulhtre1 and gave medicine, mar:Jicxcc!lelJt , :.1U; S·.' ;:':!!''" vr.l~h 1 l® k acr:onllng W ulrcclfon.1. butl1dln d L • l '

.... t "''<·m tn do mo 11ny cood. lily wlro urged to nn ~v • : ~ .. - 3 H .: .. . ,,. 1\t In' ll ttO<l 's l:l-1TSapBrlllll, lelllngme Of Mr. po~u}ar l'Cl'n~ t" :k :1~~ ·-· , ... ~~jill (;.-::;mllll, wholi!ul been f r·:..:. ;,. f~- ~ . :-.,

' • yru.p 0 .1 .. ., • -' • .--:· - - -; • •• At Death's Door bottles b-~· l~l l .::\:t•r3 . ;, r; .; ,

~\ - I 'out W:l.! entirely cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. li , .:1 , , • _ '.,

\ Hu L· •l:.ln~ wiU1 ~Jr. Smith, I concluded .• to Any re :l tOt; :'\~~:; . .... \, ·~~~ ·-·· • t r v llr .><l's 'S:lr&npnrllln. When I b nu ta.ke n have it O!l L:o;hl ";\' i!l j · > \t · h~O LIOitlea I fe lL very much !Jetter. 1 bavo u f' I .:oullunetl t.aklug It, nnd am now fetillng excel- promp_ 'J JO:' ~r;y C :i'_) \• • ;o ·:. lctrL. 1 tll!lllk God, and U> try 1t.. M.c..t:u~ .... ~.:.:~,: , •. : } '

rHood~s Sarsaparilla CAllrORitfJ r -~ !;·. :{tt;.· ._

. • ALL ~fE~

:.n•l m·: wHo r'lr my restoration to pf'rfec& hrn t:ti.u IIAtt\'£\' li£1W, Lace yville, 0.

JI ')O lJ' PJLL S do not purge, vatn o r &r1po, ba: n<:~ promptly, c:ully 11nJ elllcleDtlr· 2$c. •

J. \V. l(ENNEDY, B')ot and Shoe -Maker. Ovrner Vt.etoria ancl Wa'er Sta. ~ycry ucscriJ'Itlou or LE:.~'fHERWARE

_./ rondo a 1J ret;.lr~ d. lA... ll.lnd- ewell \\'ork of .til ktud:. n

apr cially. Custom wn ·of a ll kinds pN~mmcd

nt. lowest pri <.'II nnJ ·ith dc.ipa lch.


.. -· :

' I • ~ ~, _,

' ' ~- -. P.!•: ! ~. • .... ..,t.., • l ..,l 1

B .'fOCI'V<I Lr.. o.vr.

Higgins' Hair- Dressinv Rooms

[Two doors WC8t of the Telc:;-rnph Office]


Vis itors and tra~cllera cnn rely on h.nYing th~ir rcqnircm enls sutisf:\cLOrily LLenJcu to.

P. HIGGINS, Propriet.or .


.Assurance Co. Estnbl r hed - -



lNCOllE A.~'D FUNDS (1887.)

Younsz, ol\1 or miJ ' lo a~e.J, whn lintl thomaelvo•s, n e rvousJ we"k anJ cxhnus l­cJ, who are br~cn do wn from t•xecas or overwurk, •cauling in m.1ny of the following sympt.oma : Ment.tl clr>pra•s­aion, prcmnture olJ ago, loea of dtalit.y , loea or memory. ba\d dr,•nms, dim1~cu of sight, pnlpit.11.lioa of tho ln:nrt., emia­sie.ns, Jack or ene~y, pain io tho lciu­neys, h endachP, ptnlplcs on tile rnce anc.l body, it.ohing or pcoulillr sensntiou about the scrot.um, wn4ting of Lbo or­gana, diuiness, specks before tho eyes twitching of the musc!C'a, ey.,:i.ts un.f elaowbc~·. bllahfulnrsa, duposi•a ira tho urint', lou of wiU power, tood~rnus or Fir~ Premium.a ................ , ...... .£GC17,000 ti1e scalp and spine, Wl·ak and lluL!.y UftS Premiunts ................... , .... 197,000 muscles · d<"sire to s let•p fuilure to be lnt.creat. ................................. _ 143,000 re.ted by slet>p constip~tion dullnc~a A.ccumulnU!tl l'' umla ............ £8,421,000 of l!CAria·~· lOll or voice, d t-ai;o for soli-1 Tho Undersigned- are empowcr:OO to t\}d(', esct~"bility o.f temper, aun~cn efl"t.'ot. insurances oa at'l kincb of Pro-e~·es, surroun<led wath L&AO£..~ CHICL&B, perty in Newfo.undland at rrcnt.Ratce o1ly looking ~~~n, eto. ~tru all Sf!DJ.ILo!flS of l•remiurna. · of ncrvooa dobtlity (hut.lea•llo 1111!1\lllLY Tho above Compnny ie wf\U ·known for nnlau cured. The apting or \' il.l&l forco •ita libera.liLy aad promptncaaiu aotUing having l•'llllo ita tenaio·.t uv(•ry ftmctinn louca. • w•nca in CQJiaequence. 'J'hoee who Proepecluace, Fomu of ap~lcat.ion Lbrougb abuao ·C()mmiued in ignorRnce, r~ Fire and Life Inaura~ and all rua.y bo penuanLiy cufeJ. ~"d your other information can be obtained at addrC'U ~d JOe in at.ampe for boolt on the olftce of. dleeasea peculiar J,o mAn, acnL se.sled, A•f~MI AI. V. LUOOS 2-1 A~qcdenncll A ,o., Toron&o, Oot., Canada.

Kcepllloird'a Liniment in lbe houac.

~ ·~ .. -··~ - ~ .. .. . · - ·.....1/w. ...

J. A. "Wh'itn1an. Custom Tailor,

\\ill gttl\nlllkC F: t . w.,r~ntl\nS' ip •n.l :'1 r I •. >ulp(•rt t1rJl•r:s rcceh·e r ·rO'ta] ·l llltent i 10

Gi I' I' 116 11 cull. 1

· ~oRs • Ywrbl:l .\ A:\O \\'.\TEn Srnn:-rs 11.\l ::lul~ Ci iUCE, :\1!,1..

3tewart lY.Iunri ~ & Co,

:2~-;7'. J o 1 '-" . ' '/'.. .liOX'l H ~~·.-~ r •. ~pt ci.d ::! lf'nt j.,,~ J.; i rcn to tl:c sale of

Fi"lr a111l Fbh Oils .. A I:~ .•, to the !·usinJ: n1ul sl ripr ·iug of

Fltlt: r :.uti J-rCI i, ioks su:d g&:>ncml 1 rv­•IIH'•'·

C:d,[c :\cltlr;·ss-)!V~:\ 1 )fonlrC'nl.

A. B. LEHR, .

DEf~T DST ' On·rct: AXD flESIDE!\CE

" LIQN " HOUSE \\' .\.TEit STI1F.i·:T,

11 A R!10R t: 11ACE, ::\FLl) \ .


,MUCILAGE l ' t'T n·:~:\ 1'P.t:,:~ I.Y FOI:=Of' rtl'f: \\'v ltX

<W .\LI, 1\I :SUS

In i oz. Bottle,; at 15 cts. each, -.\:SO- .

1 g~ans at $1 -75 per gallon. A l ·gnllt..ll cnn udng qunlto Se\'Cnly

bott!t s. r.iif" A librl;!lllrndc discount.

'01. A. Kf~~ Mannger ~I u tHI's Liquid ~· i t~h

Gin<> nlld :\lucilugc \\'Ctrks. JOll :\ ~I t'~X & ('0., l'roprict (lrs.

Harbor Ur.lceJ Nlld. ~lu r:Jor c:-r:\CC, SetJL ii, 18!13.

MARLIN 8(~/~i;~ 1-~~!.>.~~~~~~[{RIFLES

~1 11\lc in llll slyk'S an.! :sizt•!. T.nrg<'lll· • trt•ngcal, cm~i<'~tt working, 8:1 ft·sl,l'i m pit·­

' est, mdsl. nccurllte, m~ll!l comprlc t., '~"' ' OIOI!L mQ!lcrn. For l!lllr.: uy 1\ll c.lf'llll·rs 11 ·nrms.

Cl\tnlogn l'l\ mnite.l frco l.y 'l'h~e Marlin Fire Anns Co. ,

1'\J:~ HAv•:s. Coss, U$ .. \.

A Beautiful _1\JT URiC New Monthly. Jr.T7 c · By subscript ion, $1.00 )'«'r renr; nll briglat populur RQd OOfl) ri!;h&. Cln88icul at~tf St~tl itlll1u A.ll'l~xlka, .

" Our Monthly Musical Gem." Tho H"ndsom e11l Musi~ Monthly C\"Cr issued in Antcrkn. Ccmtni!'s 3 oompo­aiLions (all CHJ•yri).!lat); 4. instr nneut11l and 4 ,·ocart ~·ilh piano at-c:ornrani­mcnts. a2 J'IIJ;fS O( hllllit", 1l·ith t'Jl­ikl\\"cU tilltu oo~l'r, Jitltot:ntt .bl'd In OQJnu a ml • cmbcJlialloo ~ ith era)'''" ·~rlm·ea of ltOble muaical et 1, LriL) in vigaeuc. lncloao..2U et>nta Cur a lpt'Ci· men eor.r.. Llbt"ml 1.<'11111 c.o A~cnte

Addnu JJENJ. W. UITCHCOCK, Publisher, S8;j Sinh A•c., New York.

July ~,ty.

.. I

Page 3: E ·· RECEiV:Ell!Xmas. ·cards . c - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...The :4tock of Jlnrdwnre is an immense on

SeverePaioinSho~er2Y~s Coredbyi'he D.&L~'.Menthol .Plaster.- ·

~ NJ' wi~ wuallllctecUor 1*0 yean witb a ICftf: pail! unckr tht 1•11 obe.tldcr and t"'-'t to tbt hn.n • alltr •Ji"C...,. ~-wllbout rdift, alletrioda "0.~ L" N<lltholl'tulu, It clld1uwot\. 11114 o~ to lbla CIIR blllldla!a ot tbac p&ulcn b&ft bun aold by m• b=, c!Yin& oqoal salhbctloa:

' J. D. SUTN&iLAl'ID Dn:ll:i}l, Ri•C'f'Jollol, N.S.

Sold Everywhere.- 25t.e~h.

FI13HERI·ES: - ' .

AMERICAN NET & TWINE L~. 34 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass.


"' 1 ... I 'T '. s ~ ~ •' I', .

- - A-t...Sn--

'i ll':\ I>; L\ 'N D i\ l~,r~

ALL :>F rii!:: VEI:Y 3E.·T QU~I.ITY A~ D )t \DE 0~' OU I~

S ·ll· l~l> £\. ltl) Q()I~ .I) .\I l~ D \ I.J

\ 'f'Y 1 ~- pJ ~

of \vhich we arc•thc 'ouly m~nnfadurcrs. ~ Onlcrs Lv letter or wire prompt.ly nnd satisfactorily executed.

_,., ....... or li:. J., 1 J!». ~.nal.:t. ;, U.:bb.u .. R~ca

.F.·~ond• C &Ue~ ~ ~-~ 3.a,_ua 1 Dn~:, bd. · H:.y g _nt J.,..s.:u:J l ll~s !b4~ h &"11 3i.;J:l_;'~'l. A P.1bli'J A'l't'lO .'l

. 1~3Jm l:l~ o! t£\l G~ L~i ~h.

~.,"'."' r.' :'. 4.-'l'-l. ;\ln.a! rtJ \1.

'l'i1orc h:H n1,L)C,\:'u I in th~ h 1l · tml n·~ M I.L P.·oJ1c d ~tri :l~ tho p.~ >t i,w •• ,\'C,L:'" m •ny nrtic: o 1 ~:ll'lll,.: w i t.'!.IH:> t 1 tho grc.tt g l ,. J a Cl'tllll·

pli~hc I in \'.t:·io.a c p:~.1·ti of the t:.tuntry hy :~. ro:nc-.ly lite namt• c>. whieh i!'i 1\' 1\\' uno <J f tho · 111 1> H ;n:ld! ia1· h~ttl-l<'h c l l ~l word~ in all parl~ of the i) ;_,: ui ni•' ~. . Aad n n w culllt.M a ::tlatc:llllll t. t'ro 11 the cnunty o f ()hate:\ ;t•;il I r , II\' C.' ll1 0 Kigna tlll'i• of a wo! l':'k n.J\\' 11 re1idc.1t ~~r· ::i;,.. ur:1ai n, whit•h Spc.du in p Hiiivc anclun 1~ i t,:tka',:e lan~a~\'.!u ac t , the v.d1i.e of th i 1 w.Jn,lc<·W..>rki ng medici 11e.

~h. lh:.wot~'s ST.\n::.t ~xr. '

1 f t'o i!) th:Lt ( OWO 111 •,· li fc l t ) \'ol:tl'

l>r. W illiam: . P1nk i)ill d.. a;t I f ll e~iro t o IC 'Iku g;·ate(ul ;wknow­IC' .Ige:ucn~ :md tv 3! ,·e yn:t' :L Cti:u­plcLc :>t:1tc:rk:nt of 111 .'' ill noJ:; :111d <' llrC in !h e h :•pc th :\ t Ill Y CXpl!:i­c n<·c m :iy J,o of uencli ~ tv ~11 : 11 0 •lth c:- su1f1'I'OI'. AlJO\l ~ the m id .llc ot' O.:tnl.er, 1;').)1, :lc~iu~ u 11 llt ~ :111-vi<·t.• uf : ttl A:neric:u\ <lod~tr \ r h ou\ . r lt arl l':m;u!tc.l, r h·!'t lt n:nc t'or th e wHLII to im·· :~t in fa r:n ing land :~ 1\'ith t he i 1\!(:.lthn or C\11 Lt \'a till~ thc:u llly::el t'.· { h:hl hc~n a fi lidc.i w~th :l :;iH:cic · nf p:t :·:,ty~i:'\ 1:;l11 ~o. l hy th o rup~11n: nf a l1l 11 •<I \ 'C:' ·c: o \' 01' 1!11~ l'i.,;h t C_\'l', a ud which slo,•­I·C•I th e drcal:t t i11:l 11f the till) ,1Jun tho left ~ide. ·I wa-:~ at Ul·llr ti :lH• c·11ploycd ·:1 ~ a book-k eeper hy Mc:: o~rs . L·tca:lhdc Bros .• L·1wrcncc, .\[ a'~:'. 'l'lto ,!nr; :or h :t;l :llh·i~c l :t

dt :l l l~C uf \\'ul'k Sl) :l -i t I h:l\'C J o~:i tll l' ll l:d and 111• •1·c physka1 exor­c ise. T hi:; I rc.~o l ved u ~>tm, IHtt del:~ yc.l lou as l d id noL lo.t \'C unti l th e t'o1luwing ~buer. A!'ri ,·cJ at m y do~ti u:t lion I pcrcdvcd t::)'lll il· l\11113 oi 111 y p:·c ,·h ll-; il l no~;; m·1k i ng . t !JCill5Ch ·c.; felt OII CC ll\O!'e. ( \\'ell t nt once t 1) a Iota \ l'h y.-i <~i :w \'rho clc;· ll\ rccllt irn::c! f llllah.lc to un'llcr, St.llHI Ill )' i.'ll~C. lloi\\'C\'CI', h e ga\'C

me srunc mc. lici t•C to· c.1 o tho !Jili n (fell in my l1 cad , p:ll'Lic ul:•.rly a t nigh t. Th is :dfunlcd me rQiic!· f1.11' a fe w minutes, and somclimcj en­

llighcsl awards at Dol)ton 186!1; Phil:vlclphi:t1

Fishc..: rics Ex hihition, I H83. 13/G Lo:Hlon:· a·blotlmc to get n li t tl e sl cc i>, but

r the !1\\':tkcni ug \\'a .. ~ :1.! ways \\'OI'i'C thnn IJcfuro. 0 .1 th e J n ~t of 0.:­oltor T Wt3nt to ltcJ H i -u:u.tl n~t.cr ta!dn~ my mc•lidnc n-; d j rccltHI, nnrl :-lc jlt th~ whole ni~ht, h:tl the (,ll low ing lllill'l 1i n~ on tr_rih ,.; t•1 ri~e 1 fl)ilfHI Ill\' ·elf :-;o weak tha t f co:tl t\ rn>t :' l:tn,"! :1111\ Ct'U! d f.:t' ll i'<'C J \'

S!;e:1k. 1ly wife, s uqJ risetl to. sc'o 111 e in su:;li =~ state. ran to n n CJgh ­hllr's ~tnd rcquc~to,l h illl tu go fur :1

d .ocfM a .\\1 t ho pric..;t. 1'h c d octor

Send· for Illust.rntccl rataln!!ll•··

----- ar rived alm n.Jt im:ncclialcly, hul Skinner,sMonumen tal Art Studio. eould not nri .. mt 111.e th!) sli~~~~c. t Q U R llusioc>ss r:~ce nnJ .c>ntire Stock wa.s de:~lrorcJ in the c;~P.ul Virr

ot July 8. \\ e haYe Slll"'t! sncceeded 1n erect 1ng 11 ruanub11 luting :)fop and \\'ntc>room on the olJ spot. \\"e h:w e rt•cc>i,·eol a lar).!e ~11pply ;~n~larble, fr61ih from the q uarries ; tngether 'IYith a nu r~LC'r uf 1l,e l111tst l\J d most. l,eauliful dc~iKnS fur Ct-melery U£"Coratinn". in ll•·a<l.-tu11t·J unci

-'onuments. MnriJle ()f lirauit~. Alsn, II r~w l'ie<:f':i ··f llal i:tll Arl, wl.ic:h nre exquisite in d .. z>ign ar.J fiui ::lh. euituhle f11r t 'hurub pur po!li'S. or ho11iae '"rnntpenl!tlion . . Pt-rRunulnltenlion io gi\'en lo each ord l'r. SIOR) I (lr lur .!fl.

\\'~ ar~ as well t•rf pa~e~ a~ tver lu re~~·h·e aut! cxccutd nr.tn' ·E,·ery· tblDg 18 new, 6\'erytbtng 1:1 goo I. \\ 11l our pnt rane onJ friends r.t .te tbis 'l As in lbe pll8t, we will clo not11 ing !.Jut fir:~t-cl:Hs wurlri nn.t thue .-ustoin the gooc.J reputation enrneJ in 11in•lc:cn yrar:~ uf dUC-.:t·stlful buei­llE'88 life. 'l'ools. Cement, Plnater, and Mnlle ll-' f1.1r sale .

TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, . Duckworth St., cn~t. of nc~kll Tlill. St. .) t)hii'A.

-TH~- • •

'. QUEEN Insurance- Coy. Lost in the G rent Con fiagt ~ tion

the sum of

$ 541,0.00 1n1ul the

QUEEN ;INSURANCE CO. pnid o,at to &98 of its pntrons. whose policies were iuvoh•ca in the fire, ex~tly 1\ similn1

RQlOU$5~~11: ocie

Everybody's Law Book is th e ti tlo of·the~-.:Z.G8_pnge work n ow in press, prcpnrcd by J . A l(;x­nndor Koones, L. r •. n., mcmLor of the Kew Yurk Uur.

JL r nnt.lcs cvt·ry 111.1"1 nnJ womnn tu (}o their own l:~wn·r. !L ~CILt;lu s what nro your riglals 111iJ how to m:t iu~t in thorn . \\'hen t() LC'I(i u a l.lw auiL 1\ml when LO slmn on<'. It conl:tins the use­ful informnti~n (.Wt-rv loue ith'llll m tln II<'C<III in cwry Slnte lu thl' Uuiun. 11. cont,dns bueifk·tui :'orms llf av•;ry \'~tri€'1y· UIICful to the J11wyr r 1111 W1•1l r.s t.o nil who have lcgnllt11:sincuto tmn.act.

!nclr.c l.wo tlu:h•re for~ CHpy, nr in­ci"~'J t.wo-cotil. ptlnlll~t~ 811lmp lura lcttblo uf cont..•u111 uud l(•rms t.11 n~t••Uts A•l­•lr,•l!ll DF.~J . W. II rJ'CHt:OCK l'ub­lil!lll'r, as; ixl h ,\\·euuc, N..:w Y~rk.

Jttl):. 28 'U3,- lv

relic:·. 1'ho pri c;S~ thc:l nrri\·o~l , a n<l seeing th e <'~>mli Liuu I \\':\'i in, toltl ll \O my case wa, critic1tl11nd to prcpa r u for ... 1c:1Lh. 0 .1 tho fill­lowing day both the prie~L an~l the cloctur n•ldsed 1ny wife lo Lclrgraph t o 111 v frie nd .;. rH th ey c 111siJcrc,l , !o:iti) npprO!\clting, ll ~IU lW•' t.l:t Y$ ):Iter IllY two urothcrs :tl't'i\'c.l. Tltc

. d .>ctnr th c:l askc.l if r prct'crrcd th:\t. ~~ ~ ~hould hohl :~ t:,mc;ultaliun with anoth er physician, :u/<l on my rcpl yin6 in the .n·lfi rmnt.i~, he' telcgrnphcd to a tloctor lh·ing at n tli :<~tancc of nhrJUt fifteen wiles. 'fhev both came to sec m e;· n:;;k ed sumo qucj tiPns·nnd retircll for ouu-8 ltation. 'l'he ro.mlt of this was

1at ·if<:. wus told tht\ t I could wt os'siLl y get hotter. ~ahl th e

l or t o her," with tho grcn:c.'lt possi bl e care h e <'nnnot liven \'Cit r. '1

\Vhcn my wife told me lhi ::s ·I <l c­tonnine,l to pay the docto"' an d

·discontinue th eir son riccs. It e03

JOliN CORMACK. Agent, St .• John'e.

~ T. -DRYSD.AI~E, Agent. n"tLor 6race.

1110 nuout $30 t O h oar lrhoir V~)r,Ji nf , Two OJ' three ,t\·ccks pi\Sscd without nny illl j>CO\'Cl\'l~n ~ in IIIJ (lOI\IIiLi tlO

null [ w :Vi so we!\k. I oouhl k trcly m ove nround t.ho hou.;o ,with. tho aid of n cane. One dnf [ noticcJ tt pnrcol lying.® tlic t:\blo wrnilllod i.n a nowsp:t pc;-. JI:win,; noLtt1og better to 1lo l b(·gn.n to rend it, nnd niter 2\-\thilo rnmc across nn nrLiclo hoadort ' · ~Hrnculous Cul'e.'1 I rcatl i t, nncl the longer I road tho n1oro iutercilcd I bccl\lno. because I s:\W thnttthc c urp hnd been ofToclocl hy_

Blacksmith and~arrh~r Wo~k. Dr. Willi:uns' Pink Pilb. h 1!ecm­Tho onth ~'~>i~tm-.1 lu...,, lo •• lltt'm·tto to' cd 1\S thvugh thoro wns :\ ~tru~glo

.. r within UlO bel\recn tho fa\Cl.:l f b:ttl tno pul.Jio J:l'n•·l'lt Hr, "n<.l h• ,ns,._.n,ncre d d • 1 1'

J. J.· HfJJ~PHY, .Attt:tio~ermd; Oomu1ilttton Agent,

WATBJt GucE • .

pautlt'Uinl'IT thai ho fa '"' , rt'l.l tb cro rea nn my <l'!n. mQfOI ~-lty I R_O 111l kinds or work iu lh "\:vc-nl\nted tunnll wns Ulo fanth l had m mo<ll: lioaa t ·C trtbln.. cines 4d vor.tifred in tho l'"po~. I

UORSE-SUOF.JNCl I rend the a&rtiClc nnd re·rc<Ld i~ llov---tll tu1 t&C'lttl••n\""'' ba emu timel. I s~emo\1 to .hcnr tho

• iJt t •i• Jtue dootor's 11 he _ ctmnol 1i 'tO 1\ •"':ptf~'A)·I'JIIOba timtt, a.:JJ .. ~ l the cfrocts:

'·• 11Ui Q'l 1t4 ( cmnmu:\cu~l annJ:l;J ~~c~ o

: tbo:n lr.liu..t l!1 tlirc,:tiu.J•, \th • h~ 1 : ho! · m •te:ru:o the nr~t fJO!t \Y~, .. . ll 1:10 I fenno.ntu.l.m &i·~t·. ,, ., f:tilia"

d t!1py \\'t)rC hl}llJiii.;J,illcl1 :\' l•l C.:Jn~O!Itcl tJt ; HlO:\"t' l w.th •;, W•~i nQUon;; l!o:nro [ ·~·" ,.·,1,: .'J:n:i •n .u· :Ja.~ Lr\ :.l 1 • -4. 1

.tn WjLlk·L·! tbc_.vtll:ago, IL ~iMt..nyc It.w.L~ o:'l ly :at' t·(' •. :\ill II •11:4 that ltr h,,f( th:lo, WliD l .lt tl~n :ucl ~h !I thuro \\'.\{ !Iii\' g J.~!attrt ll ! ui l ,. cs.mu, na·l [· W;Li ·r.,•iitlh"' ~-,iuiu,; tll:\n c ':\t 1.!1•Lt" 14 1 •t, 1!1•1 ~i •wd c.,· he1Lith :uaJ ~~rcug •h: A~ tho tinw tu c:clill;( )nslug ·n J •••.!' p 7,, . . t: ~­{ \\'.\~ E Lkon l'lh;k ( "'6~iu.1 l 2:2 pln\'(d u:a ~he r,uof 111' till' 1ou: ll : tt·• tnJn I•, IUHl at t1ao lim . L 14cJ·IIl 1~ ai' wholtova!: "''i•'U 1\'.tt ~:,.,.~ the u•t! o( th~ P.rnlt Pdl:4 ( w .t < r•!· fh1• to ,,.11• :i u11a :~ ul•tl cy a ' t•.n ,j ~~~· h c·c l t 1 11}2 p ll\1\ • l~oe a I11.H o f !i 1 n\ th•J l.nwc~t ul;aH ,, t.l .. •utth-. o.: · ) lau•l t in. a litt.ll! 111 •ro th ·111 n t he re we:··• c·:\hri ,!c·t·cl rirc:-,.t 1 ll ·l~t •


-~~ mth . l L usk tho yill..: fur .a!1.tliiL tcu.-.... 2n~d c·tLr uu:.l l~ 1:'!)}in,; ''" ih..: Cured by Ayar'a Chcu7 Pectora... t!Hco tll'Htth~ aud 111 _ tl~;tt L1nao L }'!:tee o t rc.~rft•;r. ,., , ~ ~ l\' tL1 • 1 1J. I•tl1:· - ·u rs J>. D. HALL, 217 QcneMM tit.,•

..; tiuo I :u p •u·a I 1 . 'l' ,. l :~ey [ :1 111 1 11~ fur n 1u 1111'u11t u 1' •i lo. 'l ' ho tockport, N.Y., 110)'8; a -; well, a~ l over \\':\~ in 111." lit'o, h •:4te i~ w.~:4 n.t <HI t lt'o ·~~ ' o:t. ·Ill: I v- .. <1\·er llairty rnrw ago, 1 r1Uaember :~h·l Ill,\' rel: •vcn· li t.l.to o 1tir~ly to inJ; I h e t:: ~ :·o 11!' h u:- cr)t~n:c a: t • -tlt o f ·nr ·v lll) .. fotlusr tlet!Crlbo tbe woad..-r-th e u •o t ) • Ot·. Willia·~) ;' Ptnk P.!1:1 t·h nq{O 11f hn:· l:e tyan t- u ~li.l . lt •I:J· • 't:~ ..:urulho t•fl'c<'lll t1f A)'er• C"a.-"7 :\1\tl ( (:ann.lt recmu:nc:1cl them• t1l \ tullf'tl hel'f c: r t •l ~ixo he: I (' ~t 1\L· P··ctornl. Dt;rllllf II ~n& attack.,, .. hi •hly t 1 Lh ,,.,o wh 1 tl .~ nue e.lj••\' tc nti•\1\ tu bC';· )1:tl•ltu:a1 J.' ' ll!.~t·. Orlpp.r·, wlrit-h A~~Anrur"l tbe rona of a • the IJI O I:Ji 11~~ hf po:fc :t· he:\ I t :l. • ,,\ fCI\' tl:\y;( :\ f~(' • the d i <a 1 •0 ll. C&l.arrh,50r«lft~Of the 1pup.•ec:om-

Y,tll rJ 1-tl'~lto .'ttll ,'·· an1·o 11 ( ~!arLin p,1-~. thct:o ' w :l'l n pnnh:;l b): nn ~antlr;; coup, I I. . J,~. lh:.\ CDD; . c,mmn:st 1ar~c ·r lha u \PIInl l.'•'ll- ·· IUif'•l ,·uri(lllll r•·medleaandrre~~e:rlpdoD.t.

A :1 nnalr~i -; ::h n\':i that Or. ' Wil- ll•ctccl in Ul t.: ' lar••o rrhll ll t~ ftho inn .~ Whl ld(lmooTthe8emedlclner~p:ntJall~ I' • 1> k :'>' JI · · '1' 0 alleylatcclalll' coughing clnriog a.he dA?o lt\ :u J 111- 1.1 s C•lllta1n 111 a con - 11c :qnu·t tl c.H \\':H 11 ;111 w.th r

1 ..

1 .• ll-'r

<lco;;o.l form nil thcuiumout'i ncccJ· c l o~td:i n f t,1hn~.:cn !'lll ,JH•. · anti ft nonn o L-aemunon cuwenuyr~ "' mm d:ll'" t•'l uiv01te \Y life anti l'ic h nc !" \\',1., wi th IIHH·h cl i lii .:ultv th ~r t n nv tbnt Rpa..m rnlic RCtlonol, theJungawbk••

J :-.. woultl sclzc tlac tho mou\ent. I attemrtl\l to tho uloo.l, :tnJ I'C..! LWu shaL!.orcd lllltl o f t l11: h t fn'l tU¥ o( th e 'pi1H:'u tollc 11ownnt ul~;ht. Aller~nortwel\'0 nen·~-! . . They :\ t'.e an U:l:'nili11:; t :<~u lo l Ito di -; ti u:~ni .. hl'. l f ront :1 11- such nig h to•. 1 wn,'l , • t;iH'rnfi ~.: h H' S.tch tll ~e.t-=! l'J :t., loc.1- otltc:·. i\ ! t,~cl lt l' i· t ilo.c wr:,·c.: . l y tutur a taxi !l. p:~rti a l· par:dy, ;:i, 1'\t. al,oat ti.'ty fudian 1 \'llll" rc~atc. l Ne::lrly iA Despa:r, Vitn ; dance, ~ciat.i c:t , fiCitntlgb, al'llll:\11 t,ll\l hm~ 1:\',11•• ~. 1111 c u f !m•1 lcnol rlhon~tlecitlecl to 11Jt npnll ol,:c.bt rhcUIII:l.li',.;ll\, IWr V•lll:! lll•:\dac!w .thc wh r) UI \\' ' ··: cltcw i ll'.~ a Jd :t:l 11 '' l•!. l·, .• 1 '">' 1'0.".' ' l'lmlr , nnol p~·nru wba: a_ftcl' uficc: ts of It\ ~d p[W, p:dpila- lea f, lll ixt•d with a ' Ill • r .:o'! nf f l·a :.: - .4lue p I l'fllllol in t l:nt'w ny . It 1111'11 (K ... -

t\On of th e J. c.1rt, 11erv.11H pro;tra - ra11 t <':trt:1• wh iJ1• ..th P;3 "'' '. I' ~nrnol ' " 11111 thnt 1 hml a boule ot ti .. n, .:dl d i•O.I ~C I d o;H!II Iill . .! up.l.l d ri n!dn•• l'o:·mtmtc. l ·n lll' •r fro~ll l . :\yer's Glu~rry .v .. wto ml. I took a Yiliatc. l hu nP rs in the J,hi o.l, !' liC!I hu~c (:a7 ... i unt 111\ ti C n!' th onl ~Ct• l l)- . ~fH1t111fll l nlr lhlrt lplrc pnrlniJ iolm In llilhlule

' 1 1 • · 1 ' 1 ) · · • • • ll'nlo•r n 111 l l'nll n • u , .,. c 1 OIYD w 1 ot:~ ~~., !'!Cr•l iU II.(' ll'ti:\ I C ery:..t tpe :1", ctl· . \'• S .l 11\:ll' I a !J'-'CI!' IIC.I i ll lh••lr 0\\' 11 I . 1 r l I,, 'l' l ( ' f" • 4 • 1 • ' . CIIIIJ!hlu::. !I ;I (' \1' 1110 W C0l8, _,,

ICJ a :·c :t SO :1 S!'lll: l II; l vl' ~:'.lll ' l· c 11111:; a ~ t .. p rc,·c·IIL ~)11'1 11 I I'C . II :t L n~ll'' ! ' · :m• l nw .. l;•• Ill tho ntomiD!f le 1 ,pccu_l~ t'ulll!l ! ~ ·.· l'llch n.i lend in~ . tu the liJH' f '~· h i.n whi•·h :til .:rf"llfly r ('f a·<"Shccl 11 1,.1 r .. _,n11x muc!t . Sllj tjJ:'Co<ll ·, lri'C'!; III :u·t tl e~. ancla l l ulol fn.J1::11 \\'; l.:;:td drc.•=-111~ t l tt~ : u. j 111·• r•·r. l tookn ll·a.-<pou11 rul o rtltu Pec-f, lrt l) ; of \\'c:tk nc,;,:, 'l'h t•V lJu il.! 'J'h ii f n.Jiaa \\'ll~ 11 11 'llhcr t !t :l ll luntl f•I'Cr y nijl:ht fu r n wt·t•l;, t!wn patl-II J) l.itn hl t)>1 cl. a.nol ru,: lorc ti; o ~l11W S u cu lu •. :e nol t.l 11~ wh<~!c :L' ~t:m l ,) \' I nail)· •lccr;:n~<'•l llw •ln:c~·· nn,ll in 1w.;; of h ('.tlth L·l [l:d P. and :ia l l·l\\' c·h eck:<. :t j•jw:trNl to be follnw i u~ ;.;,II with I WI'Ak:<m.' ' (·c•n;.:lt wnscu n•tl.''

I n 1111:11 t.h c.'· c !lcc t a u .. lieal cu:·c au u·•;;cr iat tc!n·.~ t. Jic J,ulkcd \\' i th Aver's Cherry Pectoral in al l c:l'iCi n l'i,;i u~ !'r, llll m ental a l<ctl! l sc·nuirl\· ar•>und tl •u l'i rdn 1

\\'•• rr_, .. ewe:' \\' •rk, Ill' C:tCC3::i<.' :l of ol hi ,; an.Jienr·c;, a n:l, :dtcr a !.ri c;' • rn·rnr.-dhrnr. J .C.Ay•·r :-.co. , l.o•nii,U...._

wh ·Ltc\·nr natu re. p:tll"•'. t·untin uc.t hi. :1 ppc:d . • CJ rompttoact, sure to cur' Dr. \VIilia:lH' Pink Pill .- n':' (; ·The ehi ld n:n uf l h o· :-i:lu (':Ill ---- A

ruanui:ldll!'C• I by the Dr. \Vitliam;l' now dio;c·w{-> t lll' i r own :a iT.ti r=- q:li1 e \ V. ,J. J t '..:~S S LL, ~lcd ici nc (),olll (l!\ll_\' , ,Brur·kYillc. llllllll>l c:~ l. 1\·1 t•cdidirHI ~ j l\' , O:ll. , anrl Schenccl~ld.\', N. Y., and . CUI) 0\'Crl tc•: I· t ht•ltl h e: c. Ail House) Slg' & Gr nc3 ·al ram~er ILI'C sul<l in lwx.c. (JlC\'CI' in loo..;o 1'(1\11\ll :lbnut li'C rr.cnd :, wllo. tli.;- \'\:Ill ti.ua Jl.iu ,b Ill Il k lcliL.t••l Rll I rc-ftirm br t1ho do:to:\ ,1r hn:ulrcd , and 'guisc1las \\'~ ul1•rin :s~rcct· ::-.i ll gc r.", Jouv .• t t•;l. the puLlh: :\I'C <.::nttionc.l :qpin~~ utl ract the p. · · • · J \ ' , ancl tfrc,·cn t llliiHCron s imil:\tiund Sllld in th i,) all iu tcnu pti 11n, ~u· that lt ot W we !lhapc) Jtt i> J cent~ 11 bo x. or li:x. may c njo,v un llllt·outrullc:l :t111l box.o:; ( \)I' $2 . .JO, and lll:t)' IJC !tad :unplc li l.crh ·.' e · · } ofarJ rl rug~ iRLs o r cli rec t by 11111i l And while h e f:j)••k c th e note\ of fNm Dr. Willi:l llt:l 1 .~(cllic:ino Cum- a mancl nlin wcrf' h l'ard t hrm\ aming p:my. f~t\111 either :tchl re:i:' . ill th u th o:-ong h i'1II'C h :trd loy .


~llut ~to . ~· ............. ·· ·- . 'Peari of Lime.

-o--n\' J t.: l.l·:.; \' E It :<I E.

- o­(;JL\PTI~ lt \' .

A:tcr th e (; .• ht •u:,;,ttl thnj)~. th:1i. had ueen place .! lty u.,lh•<LI' u nder th o · l!Ol llll)Hncl of (..i c. teral ~anta Cruz, h :11l IJcc.l d ri \'ca out of I. 1\\'Cr f'ern, th e countt·y, hitherto clisvr­ucrc.J by mi lit:try ro,·oi\ILioui, en­J•1_rotl a j'criod of J.lllh :o',cn n.!po:ot·. ! '0 say t 10 tru th. th~ nmiJiti" n nf i:Qpamtc indi \'irlual:i IH canto 111 uch lch; plainl y prutwuncc.l, and "tlte p reJ idcntt t:u:u b:trra, !'O~nr c-.1 to be sdcurc l y quart c~c.l in h is p~tluc() on the i:llt:ttl Mnyc~l' . Fn.1 111 tlt is sc~urcc not!:i11g· wa:5 t t11hc I'C'arcd; cl~tHgcr thCI'C mi~lt t. Lc. but it \\':1-i nrot tu Lo anticl p:t1c<l frout rcbollhlll !l, wh k h wore scclllc.l ouly t•l a!T.11·d a n :1;;; rcca l•l(\ up jHJl'luni t.y f•11· tlt c pc,tplc to di~jll:ty thci l' 111ilitary k~st e.• .

Altogetl. er. thi!l was a peril which dicl nut uccur tn th e S f•:ltli­arcl ~, ·"wh n WC I:(l . l ou cl iguiticd iu t lteil- J.i g lt }IO.-ti'tiou t.-1 Lc~t ow :l .

thoug h t upon it ; while \h e kdf­b rccds Wl'rC nlwav . .; indis .Jo.;c I t ·l J!i,·o thcil:. ap cntl nn tu :~nythin~ that th ey consitler~J at• ull 1Jou~ .. 1lh t !lo:u.

(Tv i:7:' cnul illtl'., f.)

-Nilbn<l.'·· }d:lrhaps, has so 111:\ ll)' gcntle.uer• cal lcril a -1 the telephone girl , a111l yet sh e olv1:.~1 ·t lNas~.

_. __ __,. -' l". oJ!uiu . 'r• · rt~:l la- 1 1 , . ... r,. ..;.,r.~n pari ;;,,

l 'o or ,f ' '''" ·' ' II• r\'o . - II ." ·l' .. ::)a r · " Jill ri II a ).' r J·llrc 1• 1 • ~~1- 11 ·•• 1'" ::i. l r~< q onn llu.

\\' i ~lo 1111111.•' f'l , r:.: _1 I ll •' " • !)"' •l i.: •;•<· .\;. l"no, to l n;:o· r .- , uno! u\'loor< .. \yt · r '~< l ;,., rr." · l'o l'l trrdlll I I •! l:o l'.,llt l •• r , ·u l••.ty f,. r lw•r .. ,.,;. r< • :uul :oil Hll'..:-:lio ·~ ,,f l h \: , .... l'tt l orp •n. r l .r ••1. ,, ,, 1 l uu~· · l •rt ""' " cly111! "uri c .. l j•..:clvr.ln l l'll rr: .s ... r.• J•rullli •' ­ly r ,•:diz ·d.

1 '.\ J :O: -KII.I.~:t :- i• 11 pnrt•ly· \-. ·~t:l nh'•• yon ·pu r~l 1""• ,..r .. l u ko••·!' uu.t L· • u~t' in c•\'r•ry ( uui ly. Tlu•,.iut i'l i \!il,\' ullo•uoliu : i ll! 111!1', lu,:• l ln·r wi~ • I he ~ r.•u L ntrir ly uf olir~•·u ~ •. Llt:tL 111 \\' h·· n il ir"h· crt~· lo­c;.•l •·d loy ir, " II• I the> ;.: ro ·:c ~ uui• oU nt uf p~i ll >llul •11ll'··ri 1o;.: lh •I ''·" ' he :•' li••\'otiC I t.t. r ~ur: t. it"' tiZ' .. , ruHk·~ it _i tlliP·rh t . \"c U potll 1' \'l·r<' f' r•• m L•• r<IIJ'I• I\' 1111•11111\'1\' a with lloitl \'Mf llulol•• r· 111"•11:, un.J \;o•••p it u lw:o.\·- .,, . .,;. a L r.,~ .~~~- .\a\.: for l.ho Xow l :i.:,: :!.),·. u .u : •..

A .B.1~tle f-.r B:o ll r. ·wlt:&l. " ·' ~ l'.i ;-lllt<ll(lltrillt \' i~l)fo)ll .• !~· li~:h lo~. , au.l i:, i.4 u lw \ ' :! d "" 'r iull4 iu ~·x-1'' l iiu,: u ll Lit~· f,. u (l ,:i uLo< •t lltl~i du; Lhc \i: .. J IJ ir i·l t ' •" r: •1 ofi l ,\' ILII• I C} l.ulliLy 11l p• rf•·t·L ft .. :l h h . h ..:u n·:~ B • rofu la , &:dt rlw uru, t. .. i l:~ o~ ud 111! oLiu r tru u uil:6 C.IU:!I.:d lo,l' i11 ap 11 ro• ltJo ~ 1.

lfo .u·s 1'11.1$ ('u n : "It lh···r ill •. !!.i,•. S ·11 I loy 111 .. il "" rcccif rl .. r prL..:c lty C. I. lluoJ & C •., .\ i" Lh·•t':l r i· '1' 1 L •I\' ell .\lta:c<. . All thh t.imo, hn \\'e\·c:-. n ,·cry

un ll:t.!J:Il agi tntion wn.; g•ti ~~~ 1111 J> t·: .\ F s :::·H CO~ll'L t·: l't::L \" ~Unto. :ll ltOilg the {ndinns; th•lt'O of tliCdl who_rc3iolc.l in ilto tu\\'n kocpiug .\.••,Y P''r""" an lfuriug frvlll J) ·.lfnt'~ l.l.

• • • • .:\• •H •'ll ia lh\: llwt1l, .~.:., lilt~· l· ·•trtc u l t4 Up a \' lS OI'IIUS CQn'llllUll\CilflOJ) Wltll III'W, t~.i c uplt- tru t~IIII:IIL, IVIIiolh ii Jl f ll\' ·

who hahituall V m :d o thuir ·h•>:u c.; .in;;. v. ry -..ucci·~'i l lll iu 1:. mt ~ ·l ·· ~· · ly our· t\lll!mg the 1110llllt-i\h1". They seem- in;: <'.Jt.••·• .. r ,\II k io1 Is. lo' ull particulnr~<, cd (Ill' n time tu h:wo sh:1kon Mf iul·fn.li u;.: · an ' '1,\' u n<~• • l i .:i ~.t..J l cdti­the ,Jullnc s oftlteirn:tLivo apaLh,·. 111 oui..tl<~ anolu~:w •JI' ~ !•• ·r prUd.i uulicui!­No· longer luun).t'ing, \Yrnppo1t in nill t.u tWill 1"11!" ln·u 1111 ~~l'l'li;;atiun. their (>Onch os nn•l hu-;kin,.,. 'in the 1'h\t 11\'tiWIII i11 wit.hrtiiL oluuloL, lh•l llllkiL

h • 0 ll' ICC<•ult/J f!\'c•r lor\J'I~ItL l.t•furo Lhn uult-SUllS ano, tt1ey wore -C:\'Or 1\t\t.ln•':lin · . ,-. - o Ji(·. .\ .t.lr• ·«~<~, .\ ~onal ~t~el'i .t. . i .. ~L, .\Jiuuty hurrying f.1) nnu fro in tho dirPution . lluil. li··t:~ . ;j.l, Vlut.urt:~ :MucL, WtUL­of Ute opon coQntr.v ; Lh'ey 'groote I n~in:sLl·r, Lo:t ltlu. o. \\'. one· another signifit·nntlv :~ they - - --met; they .wcro C\'Or 101\king nty:t· Wilo ~u Dil.J 1~ Itt torinus &ians ofmut.-thLI rcc••gniLIOfl, u . ,, .... .., L• I l " llt\0 uod · contFnunll v hehl their mc.et· •rry" ....,..ru ·ro, ••· "'' ~ " '· '• " · ing ~ in Olil-or·ihc -\''ny, !!ocond; rnle \\'. 11. C.,lL~.,. .tO!\:, Um~hiHo, O.tt. hutcls, whoro they e•IUltl cnrry on · I> mr.Sir :- Y.ntr l>c, ,~( •r~o'" l .•·1i ~n their 'confcronco~ without any ri~k H'"1L l'tlltl ~~~ .'"'' " •et. ll»lhltg 11111 m r 1. i 1 t d I tl11· m·trkd. luad Iii .\ • •r. l•ill.""k

0 uO ng 0 11!10 YO • · wit~ I knrtW[C.I:ttt uu tht loj->ot 1

ftl 1 Thi:t .unu~ual commntion \TAS for h1av., h,·•·u , l••"lm-.:, in \' •ri""" lciu Ia uf

th~ mo.st part olJ\•ii)UR in· ono of the l,'ilf~t, \,.I II• lim• r" ur ~~ •rtl • th "'~""Y lo1lit•t qu:ntors of t.be to\v11. At. t.ll• r. . tho: corner u( 1L t~troot there \Ya\3 ., I 1111~· •_uu•l•ore n"' '"''"'v" t.lai11, J """ dl!iiRI~h!ttll teJ}eliiCD~ only OHO Story !•fill ltt \\'t ilt• "!1'" u( ttl)' U~t"'llhl ft ah ou&.

i ll• · •• "~ut b•·U.· r ellll, ( .-ek hll\a lu •rt~~t 1101 an tora, ~ .Atlpo.~co ut '"'!~if he • ·fll ,,,.;.1 , ..... , ... t

fall ~ •t.irtLd. ob· 1 •·••Jic.· lm"~- ''"'"}a lu~'·e t'bein. }''Was tl kJnd of '-P'" . . ~•• ~il'l'h .. UU

tlio: ~~01~ \l_oscrJpUon, . u. lf• o. D.amt.· •.

C:r.ciu i t·;.: :t nol iut~.idt• ,ly .. rk 'nc nt ly tl" ""· L l L• t i . g-scu l ::O:i,:u· l' .• iuliu~ 11 81" d 11hy.

:-<:oti .•''~t l'lill c )!ll:oruul• 11l. Jt,·~> i ·l • ·n· · t:- \' i·· uri • :::1 , ll :u l"1r Gmc•l


Tt•u eeleb.-..ted zr.,....po?<rtlon r f ll'lld Cl.crru l.tt• t u n a l ,v ,•clwld fal·or;le f<w vp­'""rc!• of a t.n lf ,. cr utorrv, '""l b to-•!lzu t :.e Sor:erri(/14 r.f!l,•e.IV for all •


Tt fP'JIU tiMI eoM!7C•fed ptte• •auc•• e:e~U. tloo •uucou• cl.,_ po•lt•, ao«< llv rccr.10" of lt• •tomcre1ato t]MGUilc• J>'f'OdtUU ,. laeortv a p]Htlto and g;.._ .• •tre,.:~IA and "'u:rtr'J eo tl•• p ntknl.

FIX' •calo btfall D"'ugut•.



spondin2 your money ~or worth-·

"iu:a medicines ud buy a bottle of .


will prove of Inestimable vafue,

u il Ia almost c.ertain to cure

at onc:o that uvefO and ra&plnc

Page 4: E ·· RECEiV:Ell!Xmas. ·cards . c - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...The :4tock of Jlnrdwnre is an immense on


1-sTOCK OF---


. " Wbilo thanking our Patrons for

f1wors in the pas t, would beg to intimate ll1nt our stock of goods is complete fo r tho Xmas sen· on.

The Stock h:\s !Jcon ptll'chnserl i n tho cheapest marke t and id now


offere d nt ~ces lower thnn e \·er.

Xmas Presents I l

in en(Ucs:; varidty-to s uit nll. • .. ,_ -- -. ..... - ... .., --We hnve GOOD for the n.ged,

.. middle-aged nnd young.

·. Before YOU BUY . -YOU It-

Chris,tmas"" PRESENTS - CALl. AT-


Inspect the STOCK. You p<\eu not buy except the

Prices Suit Your Purse. But the3e nrc put so low that we

OF' MAK~;~·'~(sALE. Cnll :in<l ~co th <:1 best as.~orlell and ch eapcttt s tock o\'e r sh own at o ur Store .


ROOM is in readiness for the bolidnys.

E\·crything in • tock from a Crochet Need le to a .Rocking Horse-at all prices.

- OU.R-· -

·ShoW-Room Opens To-night.

.ehristmas --AND--


?.lonE STRINGENT E v B N T H ·AN "BElo'O_RR.-Wo stated briefty in last iSSUe tha\ the TO(>Ori Wl\S baseless which had g ot ubrond thnt New­foundland fishery products w.ero hancofonvnrd to he adJUittcd duty frc~ into tho mn'rkots of the Grent Re pulslic, Nothing coll}cl be fur­thee fromi thc reality. 11 :Twn:s too &OOd to be true."

A corrCS_{)O~cnt nt Montronl­one who is m :\ po~ition to know­writing ns by lnsL mail r emarks as follo ws. He sn.~. " 'Ve were sur­" prised (<) h ear -dny (Dec. 5) " that your rubli mess~c from " Holifox hn< Rtutocl that fish " e re " ndmitted free into tho U nited ·:c tntcs, whicl1 n o doubt cnused "quite n ripple of excitement " among your politicians as well 11 ns y our mcrehnnts . You will be 11 only too sorr)~ to find th at such ·' is not the cMo ~hat indeed the .~ rr!JII[(ltiolt.i (I re CUll 1/lOr C Bil'ingent 11 tlwa lhcy lmrc cru bcm ; and t'hat " the only fi h. admitted freo into " the United tntcs is fish for bait " and fresh fish which aro caught " in the rive r3 and lakes that !)epar­" ate the niletl 'tntes uncl Cnnadu. '· .As th e form er huve s pecial stipu­" lations prohibiting the import of ·' frozco herrings unless under one­·' half cent pe r lb. dut.y, und fresh " fi h packed ·in icc or oth erwise " frozen unless under three-quarters · cent J:Cr lb., it is c lear to I.Je seen ·'that it is totnl prohibition for ·' ttnytbing Kcwfoundland h ns to :c send forward , ','

Th:tn this little m ore remains to be saiu. Our people may now make their mind ea.•w that no such good fortune . awaits" them in ·the American .market as some o f thorn had been led to belie\'e. Brother J onathnn is not so generous ns all that! or this in times past the old CQlony has hnd proof abundant.

TuE LEorsr .. \TJ\'E ~ot:NCir..'7""The Quebec Legis lature is firm on the matter of h <ildt\lg to its L egislative Council-it has once ngnin refused to foll ow the example of O..ntariu and oth e r nnad inn Provinces, nud dis pense with its upper branch­refused to autho rize the -tnking of a plebiscite for t he p urpose of ob­latning the Yoice of the people relative to the :lbolis h m eot of the chamber. All th e Provinciul.Min­isters, with one exce ption, voted with the majo rity. Wheth er New­foundland sh o uld follo w the ex· arnpl~ o f the aforesaid Do)ninion Provinces is at present th moot point in the oldest Colon)\...-some persons incline to think it should, others pe r contra.

Tu£ D•:111u:w Su SEAl. FrsrtEllY for the' ensuing season hns commenced. The E1.terprisc-tho 1irst schooner of the Yictori:l, llritisl, Columbia fleet -sail eel on tho lOth iusL. 11 er intention is tl) cruise nlons the Jupnn<'se const, going ns fnr north ns tho <.:opprr Islnnd r··~ion. The Ent <> rprisc \\'ill go fro" • \ ·ict.orin di rec~ to Yokohnmn, nt which plnce she <'xpects <to cnll twice nfter lt•u\·ing- the second time, to ship her skins ltomc, prior to h<>r t rip to tho Copper Jslamls. When tho voynge is ov<>r, she will rctum to Victorin. Her captain's nnme is.Oi!cnr Scnrff, who com· manded the schooner on her Jnst cruiae. He carries n crew or :!4 men, all whites J\ncl from Victoria. Three oth<'r v~aela will soon be on their Yt'ny to the fishery - the I;mbri nn, Allie I Alger, an<l tho Henry Dt•nnis. Tho tw\l luet.rul>fi\etl go to tho Jo. pJ n con st. 1110 Lunenburg 99-ton schooner Florence M. Smi~h b:1s also left for tho I•acific scnl fishery. ~he aRils clirlc t to Yokohnma, l.h.encc to " fit ~ut " for tho voynge. I!~r crew consista of 16, nearly all l:Inlifnx and Dartmouth ~gt.h of the trip around C~tpc Hom is calimated at 150 days. Tho J}riti111 ColumLia senl· iug \'Oyngc, like \ha t of Ncwfoundlnnd, is suro to bo suhJ\!Ct lo fluctuations in price. A few duys ngo ~he fears of the scalers with regard to tho London anles w~re confirmed -n tel<'gram from Eng· land announcing that Alalrlca. skins brought 16 )X!r cent. leas than at the sales a year since, • •l,ifo Copper Ia lund s~ ina hnvo gone e~en lower, bringing 17~ per cent leu thau tho seals last. year. IL is lund to Pay what the skins will net, but. it is generally be­lieved .tbout $10.

-P£R80lUL.-0ur 4'etcerued friend, the Rev. John !L Allan, formerly or Lhia town, ia now or WAilKtt>ly a t Mount StewArt, frince Lhnud hland, artc~ supplying Windor for Lhree &bbatba. M..r. Allan's fdenda hero will be pleated t.o learn or him. . . .

baok~ them·

D&&ufll uaohaapo able ""•~u&lluH• of &ho coua&rJ, or eJacr in lh.o "ant. of oppol'W~ilJ to Ute pe& ·r,Je tn some way uullolallr createcJ. l'hus while we know from tho n&Lnre of. tho human ·~,.t.em Lhat great pro­g~u woul.l be tmpoq_ible under lbe preteot conditiooa in Greeolt.nd ~ at the mont\} ot the Niger, ;yt!t it1Je see a

nLry Jtke Oe.trnany falllng 'rut be­hind a neighbour like France, . or vice versa, we would at once conclude that. there wns either a defect in the people who allowed lhemaelver. t.o be distanced, or else that there we.re artificial and re­movable onuses for such a rtault.. That. Newfoundland hu fi\Uen behind her youn~er sist~Canada-in all that. conslltutes nat ionaiJ.,>rogrea ia eol(.evi­denl.to flny unpr,.j ,adaoed perdon know· ing ""¥thing or tho two •countries. A.ustmna, not to speak or. the St.ates, has 1\Teo len ftlr beh1od in national life tM ·first·lsorn dl\ughtcr of Brit.ain. ·

Now (ho writer mAintains, thnt. while there must. l>e 1\ onuse and probably !l•any en uses, yet they will. not be found tn wans of capacity among the people who live inf • Ye Ancient CoJony,'~ nor nlto;;ctber in the country itself. Toe people of Newfoumlll'nd wbo Jive in. Ullnath\ a rc certfli nly no~ inferior tu ~heir neighbours in all quRiities' th:Lt mllrk a succeaaful people. On tho con· trary, they often attract. attention to tbemselvea by tho cHsplay of these very qua lities in which the Americans and C:lnadiams pride t.lwmselves on possess· ing io 1\ snJ)(!rlntive degree. 'fhe fault cnnnot be lniuto the country. until the fintiL of development hna been rcacheO. No ono can say that of Newfoundland who knows tha t the natunll rt!!lourcea ~f the cQuntry halve scilrcely been tour.bed, a rid that tho.e which have to n certl\in degree been utifizw , have been snc.lly misused and waet.ed. On cv<>ry hand L

0hero arc fietda for the in·

V03lment. of C!lpitl\l and tho exorcise of skill nnd industry that only want. the neceaMry knowledge 1\nd a fllir com· mand or mt!nns to mnke the Island a h1 va of buey m <>n and women. That tho people hll\'e·not the knowledge and capital ne~ssAry to turn these to ac· count. goes for ruthing aa an argument. ~tgai nat their existence. Nor would the existence .or nl\tural we&lth at. limt's justify tho investment of capita.l by those not r. aving a full knowledge or the corulitions of succeas. Tho people of Newfounc.llaml have no money to throw awny on costly ex~riments. Th<'ir proper coul'!le ia certainly to watch CKrefully the experiments made by WOillthy countries, nod profit. by them In the mean time the migm· tory nnture of hor people is bringing them in contac~ with all the centr1's or i\ctivity a i1d enterprise, and we slu.U have them one dny utilizing the kncw­

·lrdEte t.hna obtained for tho l>enent of their ~ativo Idle.

This being the caa<>, \\'e wou1J natural· ly conclude Lhat the people of this Is· land were in some way hampered by ad· ventitioui drcumst.ancu, which, while embarl'\l!llling, presented themselves u difficulties to be overcome. And fore­moe!. nmon,n these dilficultica mu11t. be plnc:ed the 1so1Atiooof tho Island. '!'hat. this ie not 1\ natunl difficulty 03n be seen by the filet. that. the distance from the nuinlnnd iant two p<•inte only fifty nod ('ight milre respectively. Dut, that while this is the n.ctunl distance, wo find thnb Sydney on the Canadinn shore hlltl two mtdls per dny, the New· fo\lnd latnd town • opposite has ()ne per fortnight, or moro freoue.ntl)' one n. month ; n11d while Halifax hlis four mnils per dz\y from aU the world, ex· ccpting Ncwfoundlnnd, the city of St. John's hns ou an average. one perhaps a week or ten days. What this meAns in busin~· we ·can estimate by tho fact. that a ll over the world men are finding even the rnpid mnil service ~~~~w for tho mcxlcrn mod~s of busine~, nnd 1\~ calling fortulephonic connect tons wilb all amiluulo points. We CAn eaaily see the relative advantagu of two .men do­ing business ou equalcapit.al-ooe com· municnting with his customers every

tho qlher onae·a month. ft, is a. f~tot 1000 dollars wou~ be

vnluable to tho first. ns 5000 to the second. Thus in finance

cornruunie11tioo ie worth millions, 1\ country ao 11itunted as is Now·

fot~ndlnnd. · AgRin : the intd iC<ltual deYel&pment

of people dopeuds la£1tely ou the con· wet. of mintl with rnbd. Now, whb the exception of a ah'Ort pubJie mesaa~e of fifc.y words a day, we have t.o WAIL from t.wo to fom we'eb to know tbe newa which hns been the co~moo p~pert1 of tbu world. How much thia mt!ftatea n~ainat literary and intellectual ao­th·ic.y can only be known· when the oon· ditiona will be changed.

Now, if Lhe r emedy for all this WILl difficult of auainment, the trouble migbL be borne with eome patience ; but trbeo we rccol.lect LbaL tbe diatance bet ween 'Placentia and SJdney or Looia­bourg may be covered b1 a ateamer in sixteen boura,.aod the maUa f.j~n &o thJ can for all part. or &he ., we certainly may be romvea tome im~~atl­eoce O"Jer the veuilOQI delay. New­foondlt.nd, ~ ap~~~ aiy• t.he ~ Line an anaaal 'MIOII.d,J ot 70,000 dol-lara aod &b~ man are tpee& OD tbe .alta a:

.. UIUIUQI ot aeYeral meo o( &be OMW!lan · 'Fulf&m•t that,. they would lftppol'\ a aubald1 from O.U.&da to a aerYioe or tbia 'kind, he feel8 no bealtdioa. in ursfag Lhe oonaiJeration oC Lhe maL&.er on the J>89ple or New· foqndland, beliefiog lbat iL will bo for the beuiri&ercats or bdlb countries.

0. 0. CARLYLE. Harbor Grace, N .F ., }

17th Doc., '93.

· By Telegraph. --o--

B.u.tP.U, Dec. 1G, 1833.-The Iodilln Government. Are asking a million-pound loan. -

A btiJgo at L<.>uia,•ille, K entucky, fl&Ve way ann at least ~ pertoos were killed.

ThoBrasilian insurQ;ent.a captured two Government fort.t. M,utillllaw is pro­claimed At. Pt.lmambuco anJ•tho · insur· rection in ad,·ancing.

At Ottawa tho tomporatliro is thirty degrees belruv zero.

Commerui11l anJ i r.rlustrial deprea· sion Rt. New York continues.

DEC. 18.- 2500 BostOn dreas·make~;4 out. of . work ; some star,~ins ; 100,000 people ulle.

The Princess of Wales is i!l. lnfluenu extremely ,·iolent. through­

out Great Britain. Gladstone insi!tcJ on shortest recess

holiday. DEc. 19-The -Unilcd States Senate

pa.ssed a bill repMiing Act forLiddio~ pn.yment of pewiona Lo pcr~oru real · ding abroad. • Homcat.ead..)Vor~, Pitt.abur~. closctl ;

three t.ho~d workmen suffor. Infiuonza pre,·a~.lent in Ca~.nndiao

cities ; numerous fntal CASes. .. Tho Pupe ie reported ill.

Dl'llziltneurgenta are gtlining ground. Five hundred houses at Butl'.do nre

flocked ; twenty-five hundn.-d people homeless. •

Cholera is at OJeaaa. A ntfturo in the commcr..:ial fela·

l ions o Fnnoe o.nd Spain ia imminent.

- A.11ohoon'lr bruke loose ncar Me88ra. D11.vis &; G.>.'a wharT in the Lreeze on Sund11.y, but not much d11mngo wlls en· tailed.

-The RoeQ Bud And Snowllt~.ke, ) ;\ te­ly deapatchw from this port wi~h etit cargQee for Great Britain, r~ached t heir dt!stinat.ion last. week-all well.

-Mr. N. Pik:e (.io tho service of Meaars. C. W. Roes & Co.) hu received ao a. well-authorized repor~ says tho ap­pointment of H. M. Poor CotnmiMion of Harbor. Groce. ·

-Tbe Allan· Line steamer Corcnn due at. due aL St. Johu's on 'l'hur'dciay, dic.l no~ arrive there until Jut night, heavy advert!e winda having at.aved her ~rogreaa,. Sbe br.Jugbt the rtgufar Eng· liab mat!.

---. . -Seven of the Cadets in the S.

A. Training Home, were promoted Liimtenants n s h ort time aince. Three of them h"ilve a } ready left for their appointments, the others will follow d uring th e week .

Tho steamer Lady GJo,•cr, Cnpt. CurLis , re turned from St, J ohn's , Saturdn.y lnst1 with freight, ""The achoon t!r Epple also nrrivcd snme dny fi'Onl the Capital. Sho nlso brought a fu\l fre ight and quite a number of passengers belonging to this and neighbouring plnces.

To Dispel Co:ds. . Headnchea· Md Fevers, to clennso the

system effectually, yet. gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood ia impure or sluggish, to pemutnenlly cure ha.bitual constipntioo, to nwak9n the kidneys and li\•er to a henlthy ncti\'it.y, without. irritntin_g or waakening them, u.so Syrup of Figa.

-CHRJSTlL\s.-our stores and fancy good shops arc mAking prepnmLions for n.large IRie or Christmas goods during Utia week. Many propar~lti oJus for a rush Or bueines!. l.'be ftmoy guoda sbope have been Nell atockod, nnt.l, in this lino a stnrt bu been made in sales --the flrst.·comers generally obt.nining the choio<'l!t. goods. Messrs. E. Pllrsons and Misses Brunlees bold the tf~Wo in fitnoy goods, card!, &o., ·and many ous· t.cJmers-ftnd their way to theao placee for Chri.st.maa presents.

l -Ta£ ST . .ToR)f'a .Frn 1>1\l'ARTWENT

bu just. received a new laddek--t.ruolc. ~~ .ia a lo'og lour·whecled van, oont.n.in-. lDg a aeries or flrc-ladJen-t.wo C.X.· teoaion QDf8 each ai:rt.y foot. long a nd a number or smaUer onea or d,lterent Jenatba. The Departmeo& is de~rmin· od J.o be In a i'Oiir.loo t.o grappleauoecaa­fully with auy Rre- wbioh may ooour­&he nrfoua porLlona or t.be equipmen~ t)le oew hoae reeJa on wbE..ela aud run­~l ~Uylmpor&ed, and Lhe manual tmpementa bi.Ye beea plaoecl lo lbe -~ a&a&.lon~, and .one oheaoloal. anJ ''19 t-.m enpaea are uow O'o the way ttOm LoildoD. -

--6HoPMBlf, lJ.£\uax!-Tiwr.: aroaow io clrcnJatioo iu thu t•r.,,·iai('Cfl, Dank billa or \Vin~r, Nuw llrua awick and Nova Sco&ia B:mlca, .wh ich ha"e befo raised from eo to $10.

~The Preabytuiitn JJ.tZ1111r, RL. John's, w,hicb wu concluc.lttt.l, the ollwr n icht, wilb a well·aL&emJetl, wuii'J't•J••j· n .. l ,·.,a· ce.rt, waa A great succtj-r,•wcar .iu;; fuily the efforts made.


-Rilil"ay operations lau \'0 been uis· continued for tbo 11·inh•r nvmLha. SuYCO hundred men came oi1L rrum the J.i .. ,. on Friday. About. 200 s!.ill rc .... ai,,, w atLeud Lo ncccuary work.

-In the 0480 Ag.•ina~ IIN:.:;..t..la H ynes before t.he Supr.:auu Uuurt.­charged lfith purloiniug u 1'\:,..i.. ~ ~- .: letLer, the J urr. dis•tgr\!cJ . J le "'·~ admitted to ba'i , pendwg n uow lrial :.. · ---

-A"Oenernl Elc!ction Look , .Jnoe in P. E. Jalnnd on t.bl) Hlh illlll. Ju C v ll ·

ncction l-berewith a ph·Li~d~u "' '-" l:ll.t., on the prvhibition CJ It' ll! iuu. 'I h1• matter of direct tn:(a lion :d$o r. cd •ld attention.


FRESH, · f GOOD, ........ AND CHEAP.

Wlien Buying~ your Christmas Goods call n.t his store, n~d sec t he Goo<!

Vnlue he\will give for -The constal l'lcrunrr\'irbinia L:lkc,

owing to a terrific gnle, W('st,.north·W<'I.' t. wind, with intense fi'C1It, could nol !au~~ her passen~ers at B11y-de-V l·rdc on Tlmrsday naghL, n.nd noL Lcforo !J 1\au Collowing morning.


YoUr Mone~t./ r)

.-----The Jargrst s:tiliug wa.~c l itr l l.u

Newfoundland fon:ign tr~d..- i11 lllcn:-s. &wring Drothera' bnrquc Cvl'\lclln. She i..s O\'er 000 tons lmrdcu, and· ''iii stow l\WI\Y bt!tWceu 8 1111d !)0():) •lruna, codlish. She can curr)' !>:!.) to:.s c. a l.

- Dr:rrntnUTIO:OO oF PJtl:t.~:s.-Tllcr,l will be a distribution or priz ant tho J:. c. Acac.Jcu1y on l!'riJny ucx~ nt ll o'ulock. Some rt'sulls of tho Wvrk Of Lho lust term will bo shown. Pttren"J s unJ lricnda of children nrc kindly ill\ h e •.

· -An~ r worthy personpnssed awny ;,iturJay lus on the Somh 8i·le, in the

person of M s. Pursoua, wife of the !ale CllpL. N, th. Parsons. H er funernl took place h aft oon, and wtta nt· tended by nurn r of the lcac.ling citizell8.

-Sull''o llun Scuoot. -Tho Annual Chriatmas·examino.tion of tl'ef:Jupils of 'this School, nod distribution f prizea· will take place in the schoo m to, morrow (Wednesday) morr.ing nt. 11 o'clock:. Pll rents Alld fricnda or the scbol~rs arc kin<,lly invited to be prea<'llt

-BY At."TJWRtTY.-His Excellency the Govcmor hns been plcued t.o op· point Jllmca P. Fox, Ejq., to be a l\Icm· ber of the E xecuti ve• Council of this Colony ijlnc.ltho H on. James 1'. Fox, to be ~c1 ''er 'Geocr;ll:

llis Excellency the Governor· in Council, h11a been pleased to appoint. Jamca F. McOruth, E.tq1 to be Cbni~ man of the BoarJ of Wor1o:a.

SecretAry's Office, Dec. 13. 1&>3.

Tm: W EST£R:-o MAIL SER\' ICE.-Eise· "·here appcnrs n very suggrstive letter from the facile pen of Mr. C. 0. Carlyle, in reepecL of the mnrkod infrequency with which mail a nre now recci\'cd fNm Ctm n.da nnd tbe Smt.es. IL will, we feel sure, be )X!rnsed with much plensure by our nnm<>rous readpl'!l. Some obsrrvn, tiona we had pur~aed to offer on the e~hjcct arc, with other cdilo'tial mntter, r rserved for o.notbar i88ue.

-OmT.-On Fridny Sister M. Philo­mennn, Ro•erend Mother of the Con~t of Mercy, .COnception Harbor, departed this lire 1\ftcr a lengthened illnees. Tho deceased w11s a dnughtcr of the late Mr. Michael LeAmy or Dlaekhead, nud a niece of Rev. P. O'Donn<'ll, P.P., Snhnon Cove. Slte was n lady of manr. cstim· able \'irLu<'s, who g!l\'e up lu~r hfe to tho ser\'iCe of religion and education, nnd ac..:omplishcd grant good for the youth of tho locality in whtch she waa chosen to labor.

-8ince last issue quito a change h!\8 tnken place in tho wenther. 'l'ho '"ind ''eertld further lo the south, tho at'mos· ph~re blcnroo leas abnrp, m in even put 1n us npronranco, nod altogether a dl!· eided obnnae took place. The ,·ory cold wintry weather ol the pnst. w,cek bas gone Cor the nonce. While it lasted ''t.wna v<>ry severe. Sundtty the air wzls very sort nnd wurm. which , with tho min, com_pletely melted the coating

. of mow and tce. 1'be ground is now bare all over the streets.


S.qnires Fun YOUH

C roce.ries. Fr.esh a~eef



Cr~ceries, Prime, New .and Cheap.

To be hnd nt

Y.E. Walker's Water Streetl

'PPOS"'c the Boot. and Shoe Factory



AT one time in my enr1y prnc­t~cc in a countr) town, said n den­tl ~t, there came· to me a very nen·­ous woman to hnve n tooth extract­ed . She carried on so that I could scarcely get her. into the chair, nnd ns sooq as I put the forceps near her m outh, . she screnm1!d nod bouncect a rounJ ns I couldn't do anything ~ith her. After two or three visit1, each worse than tho other . I suggested that I ~Jbould take h er to neares t lnrge town where a. dentist a dministered gns. Well, the .tooth burt her so that nt las t she consented nnd I . took her there, about twenty-five miles by • rni l. I went armed wilh n pair of forceps M a m''ntter of hab1t, and wh~· we g ot to th e place and she saw I e gas-bnq and other appli­ances s he ha<t hysterics ngain wo~:se than before, and I bad to give it up and take h er back home. I wa. tbor.oughly provoked, but sh.e h:1d _money and wns {>ay i~ for her fooh shnQ.ss, s o I tned to rc ­st fniu ' feel i ngs .

kbout ten miles o ut fro m town, ns tho t rain was p lodding along nt ijle rnte of t "·enty miles .an hour, .and sh e wns holding her j t\ W and I ·was h olding mine . in the seat · bcsido h er. wo struck n broken rtill1 l\llrl the l~t th'ing I knew we were roll­in$' down · an embankment and bcmg pil ed np in n very promis­cuous fashion . I don't know bow it came about. but I wnsQ't burt muqh, and 'fvhen my senses were

"' fully restored I dra,ged my patient LADRAt>Qa MJ:asxoSJr-our people be- out through tho wmdow and laid

yond alll~onbL w1ll read with interest her on the bank nen-: by, She &.be fo1Jo"1ng neny paragrafh from the was preUyba-dJy bruised and wn.s • London . e..rreeP.ondenoe o tho llt>l- knocked senseless an<l as I was bourne :Australia) Argus :"One of Her d . • ' . Majeat1'afavoritepbilantbropicbQbbiee n.o eavonnng to reetore her a bnl-is tbe deep sea ftaheriea mwion. Pttrt lmnt thought accurred to me. The or tbe milaion Wor~coosista in p~•cnL- next moment 'Ibad ou)'1ny forceps, fog piratical ftoatiog public bonae. •••p- and the oexl I had out the lrouble­plylo~ alrong drink t.o onr fttabcnnf'n in some tooth, Two hoW'I .tater one the Nort.b ..._ Tbere are inLernuional of the doctor. who had been a~m­~NMiet fQr the purpoe,-wblcb,~.J the mooed. bad restored her to con-_, th«t Fu.noli .J'OD't. JoiD ln. Wllbia l d' b the lw twc)oiftliftle 1-..er majea~y. ec ousn~ an. aa 1 e C?pened her &eQOrdins to the IPMob ~de by the oyea ~d.saw m.e standtng by her .Prin~ Loalli fbe o&bu ... ~, baa stde, .. , cl'J)ped her han~ to her fl&llbliabed ~•muan,.&em of b~hal j jaw, •net> uolitmed ~. , •hlP' and _.. .... ~If tor the ".()b, d~ l bew_~lWOuld be =-.L- - -~~dldll'l .... iCwouJd WbO ~t &be .. ..,.. • beeolt&~~~~ ~oup ~~ {4' Mt. t i&ii"o'Qt.. · -;;:;~ llldlri&Wr Tail., t ·~· &lad it :; .. 1~~ work ;.:• :laielf the
