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Escan Technologies Corporation E-swipe User Guide Escan Technologies Corp. 12140 Severn Way Riverside, CA 92503 Phone (909) 270-0043 • Fax (909) 270-0920

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Escan Technologies Corporation

E-swipe User Guide

Escan Technologies Corp. 12140 Severn Way

Riverside, CA 92503 Phone (909) 270-0043 • Fax (909) 270-0920

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E-swipe User Guide

The E-swipe user documentation has been written by Escan Technologies Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Escan Technologies Corp. We welcome your suggestions and comments regarding improvements to E-swipe or this manual. Changes will be incorporated in the new editions of this manual and in new versions of E-swipe Escan Technologies Corp. reserves the right to make improvements or changes to this product at any time without notice. While every reasonable precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual and software, Escan Technologies Corp. assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind for errors or omissions, or for the consequences of such errors. E-swipe is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of E-swipe is on the user. This documentation was last updated for Version 3.0 of E-swipe. Serial Number:


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License Agreement This license agreement is your proof of license. Please treat it as valuable property. This is an agreement between you (either individual or entity), the end user, and Escan Technologies Corp. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, promptly return the disk package and accompanying items (including written materials and binders or other containers) to the place you obtained them for a full refund. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This License Agreement permits you to use one copy of the specified version of the E-swipe software product identified above ("SOFTWARE") on any single computer, provided the SOFTWARE is in use only on one computer at any time. If you have multiple Licenses for the SOFTWARE, then at any time you may have as many copies of the SOFTWARE in use as you have Licenses. The SOFTWARE is "in use" on computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g. hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) of that computer, except that a copy installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other computers is not "in use". If the anticipated number of users of the SOFTWARE will exceed the number of applicable Licenses, then you must have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to assure that the number of persons using the SOFTWARE concurrently does not exceed the number of Licenses. If the SOFTWARE is permanently installed on the hard disk or other storage device of a computer (other than a network server) and one person uses that computer more than 80% of the time it is in use, then that person may also use the SOFTWARE on the portable or home computer. 2. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is owned by Escan Technologies Corp. or its suppliers and is protected by United States copyright laws and International treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material (e.g. book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. 3. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. This E-swipe License Agreement is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE, but you may transfer your rights under this E-swipe License Agreement on a permanent basis provided you transfer this License Agreement, the SOFTWARE, and all accompanying written materials and retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. You may not reverse engineering, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE. Any transfer of the SOFTWARE must include the most recent update and all prior versions. 4. DUAL MEDIA SOFTWARE. If the SOFTWARE package contains both 3.5-inch disks and CD-ROM, then you must use only the media appropriate for your single designated computer or network server. You must not use the other media on another computer or computer networks, or loan, rent, lease, or transfer them to another user except as part of a transfer or other use as expressly permitted by this E-swipe License Agreement. LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY. Escan Technologies Corp. warrants that (a) the SOFTWARE will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt; and (b) any hardware accompanying the SOFTWARE will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt. Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE and hardware are limited to thirty (30) days and one (1) year, respectively. Some states do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. Escan Technologies Corp.'s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at Escan Technologies Corp.'s option, either (a) return of the price paid or (b) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE or hardware that does not meet Escan Technologies Corp.'s Limited Warranty and that is returned to Escan Technologies Corp. with a copy of your receipt. This limited warranty is void if failure of the SOFTWARE or hardware had resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. Neither these remedies nor any product support services offered by Escan Technologies Corp. are available for this U.S.A. version product outside of the United States of America.


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NO OTHER WARRANTIES. Escan Technologies Corp. Disclaims all other warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the SOFTWARE, the accompanying written materials, and any accompanying hardware. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which may vary from state to state. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event shall Escan Technologies Corp. or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Escan Technologies Corp. product, even if Escan Technologies Corp. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS This SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52-227-19, as applicable. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California. COPYRIGHT Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Escan Technologies Corp. The software described in this document is subject to the license agreement that is included with E-swipe, in whole or in part, in print, or in any other storage and retrieval system is prohibited. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means for any purpose other the purchaser's personal use without express written permission of Escan Technologies Corp. Copyright 2003 Escan Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This manual was produced using Microsoft Word for Windows. January 1999 (first printing), May 1999 (second printing), July 1999 (third printing), April 2001 (fourth printing), January 2003 (fifth printing) TRADEMARKS Exeba and the Exeba logo are registered trademarks of Escan Technologies Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Visual Basic is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. True DBGrid Pro 7.0 is registered trademark of ComponentOne LLC


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Table of Contents Serial Number: ............................................................................................................................................ 1

LICENSE AGREEMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 2 LIMITED WARRANTY .................................................................................................................................. 2

U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS ............................................................................................ 3

COPYRIGHT .................................................................................................................................................... 3

FEATURES...................................................................................................................................................... 10 GENERAL SOFTWARE FEATURES.................................................................................................................... 10 STA/SA READER SOFTWARE FEATURE ......................................................................................................... 10 DC READER FEATURES .................................................................................................................................. 11

INSTALLING E-SWIPE ................................................................................................................................ 12 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 12 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................... 12

UNLOCK SOFTWARE.................................................................................................................................. 13

ABOUT THIS GUIDE .................................................................................................................................... 14

MAIN WINDOW ............................................................................................................................................ 17 MAIN MENU................................................................................................................................................... 17 BUTTON BAR.................................................................................................................................................. 18 STATUS BAR................................................................................................................................................... 19

APPLICATION SETUP ................................................................................................................................. 20 APPLICATION INTERFACE............................................................................................................................... 20

READER DEFAULT ...................................................................................................................................... 24

SETUP COMMUNICATION SETTINGS.................................................................................................... 26 APPLICATION SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................. 27

Port............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Baud Rate .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Data Bit and Parity ................................................................................................................................... 28

READER SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 28 DEFAULT READER ...................................................................................................................................... 30

POLL/DELAY PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................... 31 Delay ......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Time Out .................................................................................................................................................... 31 Machine Speed........................................................................................................................................... 31

COMMUNICATION PORT .......................................................................................................................... 32

READER STATUS.......................................................................................................................................... 33

READER SETUP ............................................................................................................................................ 34


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CONNECT....................................................................................................................................................... 35

DISCONNECT ................................................................................................................................................ 35

SET LOGIN DATA......................................................................................................................................... 36

SET INACTIVITY TIMEOUT...................................................................................................................... 37

SET NETWORK ADDRESS ......................................................................................................................... 38

GET NETWORK SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................... 39

EDITOR MAIN WINDOW............................................................................................................................ 41 MAIN MENU................................................................................................................................................... 41 TOOL BAR ...................................................................................................................................................... 41

WORKING WITH FILES ............................................................................................................................. 43 CREATE A NEW FILE ...................................................................................................................................... 43

Open a File................................................................................................................................................ 44 Save a File................................................................................................................................................. 45 Close a File ............................................................................................................................................... 46

WORKING WITH TEXT .................................................................................................................................... 47 Cut Text ..................................................................................................................................................... 47 Copy Text................................................................................................................................................... 47 Paste Text .................................................................................................................................................. 47 Search for Text .......................................................................................................................................... 48

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 49

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 50

OPEN LOG FILE............................................................................................................................................ 51 CLOSE LOG FILE ............................................................................................................................................ 52

SET TIME........................................................................................................................................................ 55 Get Time .................................................................................................................................................... 55

SET BARCODE OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 57

SET MAGSTRIPE OPTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 60

SET LED OPTIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 63

SET RELAY OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 66

SET IBC DISPLAY......................................................................................................................................... 67

SET NMR DISPLAY ...................................................................................................................................... 68

RESET READER............................................................................................................................................ 70

GET READER VERSION ............................................................................................................................. 71

GET STATUS.................................................................................................................................................. 72


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SEND COMMAND ......................................................................................................................................... 73 Command Buttons ..................................................................................................................................... 74

POLL COMMAND......................................................................................................................................... 76 TEXT FILES DATA SOURCE............................................................................................................................. 76 EXEBA –TAMS™ DATA SOURCE ................................................................................................................... 77 CANCELING A POLL OPERATION ..................................................................................................................... 78

STA READER ................................................................................................................................................. 79 POLL .............................................................................................................................................................. 79

DC READER ................................................................................................................................................... 81 POLL .............................................................................................................................................................. 81

SA READER.................................................................................................................................................... 82

J READER ....................................................................................................................................................... 83

POLL AND PURGE........................................................................................................................................ 84 PURGE ............................................................................................................................................................ 84

ADD A CARD.................................................................................................................................................. 87 MENUS ........................................................................................................................................................... 88 READER.......................................................................................................................................................... 88 EMPLOYEE/SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................... 89

TEXT DATA FILES ....................................................................................................................................... 90 SCHEDULE FILE.............................................................................................................................................. 90 EMPLOYEE FILES............................................................................................................................................ 90 DEPARTMENT FILE ......................................................................................................................................... 91

EXEBA-TAMS™ DATA ................................................................................................................................ 92

DOWNLOAD SCHEDULE LIST.................................................................................................................. 93 Responses .................................................................................................................................................. 93

DOWNLOAD EMPLOYEE LIST................................................................................................................. 94 Responses .................................................................................................................................................. 94

UPLOAD ACCESS CONTROL LIST .......................................................................................................... 95 Employee List ............................................................................................................................................ 95

UPLOAD SCHEDULE........................................................................................................................................ 95 PURGE CONTROL LIST.............................................................................................................................. 97

PROGRAM READER .................................................................................................................................... 98 READER MODE............................................................................................................................................... 98 BAD ID LOGGING........................................................................................................................................... 98 BAD ID RED LED BLINKING........................................................................................................................... 99 RELAY/GREEN LED TIME ............................................................................................................................... 99 RS232 LOGGING ............................................................................................................................................ 99 RECORD SIZE ................................................................................................................................................. 99

GET TOTAL RECORDS ............................................................................................................................. 100


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PASSWORD CONTROL ............................................................................................................................. 103 SET PASSWORD ............................................................................................................................................ 103 DISABLE PASSWORD .................................................................................................................................... 105 CLEAR PASSWORD ....................................................................................................................................... 105 CHECKING PASSWORD ................................................................................................................................. 107

GET TOTAL RECORDS............................................................................................................................. 108

SET RECORD SIZE..................................................................................................................................... 109

WARNING MESSAGES.............................................................................................................................. 112

TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................................................ 113

RESOLVING COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS.................................................................................... 115

ON-LINE HELP............................................................................................................................................ 117

USER DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................................ 117

CUSTOMER SUPPORT .............................................................................................................................. 118

ON-LINE SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................... 120


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1 U S E R G U I D E


Welcome to Exeba® E-swipe windows serial communication software for the IBC smart readers. E-swipe provides all the functions you need to communicate with the reader easily and efficiently.

In this chapter you will learn,

► about E-swipe’s main features

► how to install the software

► how to unlock the software

► how this guide is organized


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Features Briefly, Exeba® E-swipe allows you to:

General Software Features

Allows easy setup and communication with a single or multiple reader(s).

Tests the communication between the software and the reader to obtain the reader settings.

Provides seamless interfaces with Exeba® Time and Attendance Management Software (TAMS). E-swipe obtains the data from readers and sends them directly to Exeba-TAMS™ database.

Polls all different types of readers to obtain the transactional data.

Saves the reader data in a text file using one of two different date formats: American and European.

Polls a J reader in real time and adds the computer date and time to the polled data.

Sets the barcode options for every symbology that the reader supports. These options include: enabling and disabling the symbology, setting the length of the barcode read, and specifying the barcode prefix, etc.

Sets the magstripe options for track 1, 2 and multi-track readers. These options include: enabling and disabling the track, specifying the prefix and delimiter characters, setting the magstripe length, etc.

Sets and tests the relay, speaker, LED, and display options to the desired settings.

Changes the date and time in the reader.

Programs the reader by sending the appropriate command.

Gets the reader version.

Resets the reader to default settings.

Includes a built-in text editor that allows the user to view and edit the data transferred between the reader and the software.

STA/SA Reader Software Feature

Changes the various settings in the reader easily through the Reader Programming command. Some of these settings are: turning bad ID logging on or off, setting bad ID red LED blinking time, setting the record size, etc.


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Downloads a text file containing employee or schedule information to the STA or SA reader for verification purposes.

Downloads a schedule and an employee list that is obtained from Exeba-TAMS™ database to a single reader or multiple readers and displays the reader’s response instantly.

Allows the user to easily select the list of employee and schedule records to be downloaded to the reader.

Automatically selects employee schedules to be downloaded based on employee data list.

Uploads the access control list (employee and schedule data) stored in the reader and saves the data to a text file.

Purges the access control list in the reader.

DC Reader Features

Allows you to set, change, or clear a password in the reader.

Allows you to easily set the record size in the reader.

Obtains the total number of records stored, uploaded, and available in the reader.


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Installing E-swipe

The installation program allows you to install Exeba® E-swipe from a CD. Before you begin, verify that your computer meets the requirements listed below.

System Requirements E-swipe has the following system requirements:

An IBM PC or compatible computer.

Microsoft Windows 95/98, 2000, NT, or XP.

A Pentium processor.

Approximately 20 MB of available disk space.


1. Start Microsoft Windows.

2. Close other applications

3. Insert the E-swipe CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

4. If the installation program did not start automatically, choose Run from the Start menu.

5. When the Run dialog box appears, type x:\setup (substitute the letter of your CD-ROM for x) and press Enter.

6. Follow the on-screen instructions.


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Unlock Software

After installing Exeba® E-swipe for the first time, you need to unlock it within a two-week period.

To unlock the software, follow the steps below:

From the Help menu, select Unlock Software. The following window will appear.

Then unlock the software using one of the following methods:

Phone: Call Escan’s support line at (909) 270-1911 Ext 10. Then provide the support representative with following information: Serial# (if available), User Code 1, User Code 2. The representative will give you the response(s) that will unlock the software for unlimited use.

Email: Send the following information by email: Serial# (if available), User Code 1, User Code 2, Company Name, and Purchase Date to the following address: [email protected]. Then close this window by clicking on the Close button. When you receive the response(s), open the Unlocking window again and enter the response(s) in the designated text box. Then click on the Register by Phone button.


Click on the Register button only when you have the response code. Otherwise, click on the Close button.


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About this guide This guide is divided into 8 chapters and two appendices.

Chapter 1 – this chapter introduces the user to the main features of the software. Refer to chapter 1 when installing and unlocking the software.

Chapter 2 – if you are a new user, refer to this chapter to get familiar with the application’s menus and tools.

Chapter 3 – in this chapter you will find instructions on how to setup and test the reader and software communication settings.

Chapter 4 – this chapter covers E-swipe’s text editor topics. Refer to it when you need to create or edit a text file in E-swipe.

Chapter 5 – explains what a log file is and how to save data to it.

Chapter 6 – explains how to change and program the reader to the options required.

Chapter 7 – each section of this chapter describes the polling process of the transactional data from a certain type of reader.

Chapters 8 - if you have an SA or an STA reader, pay close attention to chapter 8. This chapter illustrates how to download and upload the access control list.

Chapter 9 – commands that are specific to DC readers only are covered in this chapter.

Appendix A – illustrates the warning and error messages of E-swipe.

Appendix B – explains how to get technical support and help on E-swipe.


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2 U S E R G U I D E

Getting Started

You are now ready to use Exeba® E-swipe. In this chapter you will be introduced to the main tools that will help you setup the application.

Basically, you will learn,

► How E-swipe’s main window is organized

► How to setup the application parameters


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Main Window When you start E-swipe, the main window will appear. From this window, you can access all of the application’s features.

Main Menu The main menus are as follows:

Application – provides access to the application settings commands.

Communication – contains commands to setup and test the communication parameters between the software and the reader.

TCP/IP - this menu will appear only when the reader interface is TCP/IP. It contains command menus to setup and connect to the reader.

Data – contains menu commands to poll, edit and save the reader data.

Commands – covers all the programming commands to all the different types of readers.

DC – contains menu commands that are specific to DC readers such as Password Protection. This menu will appear only when the selected reader type DC.

STA/SA – contains menu commands that are specific to SA/STA readers such as Access Control List. This menu will appear only when the selected reader type is STA/SA.

Help – contains menu commands to access the on-line help.


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Button Bar The button bar, which is located under the main menu, contains buttons that you can use to easily access some of the software commands.


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Status Bar The status bar displays messages about the communication status and the current settings in Exeba® E-swipe. It is divided into 5 sections. These sections are:

Reader – displays the name of the default reader specified in the software, if any.

Port – displays the number of the port used in communication.

Settings – displays the settings of the port setup in the software.

Address – displays the address of the default reader, if any.

Status – displays the communication messages.


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Application Setup

This window allows you to define the data source and destination. To access the Application Setup window, select General Settings from the Application main menu.

To access the Application Setup window, select General Settings from the Application main menu.

Below are descriptions of the settings that can be changed using this window:

Application Interface

The Application Interface field determines the source and destination of the data that is transferred between the software and the reader. Currently, there are two types of interfaces to choose from,

1) Exeba-TAMS™

Select this option if you are using Exeba® Time and Attendance software (Exeba-TAMS™). When selected, data that is polled from the reader will be appended to Exeba-TAMS™ time and attendance data. For access control, Exeba® E-swipe will obtain the employee and schedule list created and saved in Exeba-TAMS™. In order to do so, you need to provide two pieces of information:

Data File – Enter or select the correct path and name of the database file. Then click on the Save button. This information should be updated when the location or name of the file changes.

Save Reader Data in Database – When this option is checked, the data that is polled from the reader is imported automatically into Exeba-TAMS™. You may want to turn this option off, when are you testing the application, or when you want to discard the polled


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data. The data will be saved in an ASCII file as described in chapter 7; if this option was turned off you can import the file in Exeba-TAMS™.


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2) Text File

This is the default setting. When selected, the data that is polled from the reader is saved in a text file under the ‘Data’ folder unless a destination folder is specified as described below. The ‘Data’ folder is located under the main folder to which Exeba® E-swipe is installed into. The name of this file will be Data1mmdd.log (where ‘mm’ and ‘dd’ are the month and day on which the reader was polled).

Data Destination – This is the location where the reader data should be saved. If this field is left blank, the data will be saved in the ‘Data’ folder.

Date Format – When the data is polled from the reader, it can be automatically saved in the data file using one of two different date formats: American (mm/dd/yy) or European (dd/mm/yy). Select the required date format.

Data Source - The source data files need to be specified only when the software is used with the STA or SA reader for access control.


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Below is a description of each file,

Employee File - This file is required for access control. It should contain the employee IDs that the reader will use for validation. If the employee should be restricted to a schedule, include the schedule information in a separate file.

Schedule File - The schedule file is a text file that contains the schedule information. It is only required if any employee is assigned a schedule.

Department File - This file is optional. When specified, it will be used for grouping the employee records that should be downloaded to the reader. For example, instead of individually selecting the employee records that need to be downloaded to the reader, you can group them into a department and then select to download all employee records that are in a certain department.

The data format for each of these files is explained in chapter 8.


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Reader Default

This topic explains how to change the reader defaults in the software.

Reader Type - Select one of two different types of readers: IBC, or NMR.

Reader Mode - Depending on the type of reader you select, one or more reader modes will be available to choose from J, STA, SA, DC.

The default type is DC. When you select the DC reader, the DC main menu will appear. When you select the STA or SA readers, the STA/SA main menu will appear.

The poll command will poll the reader based on the selection made.


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3 U S E R G U I D E


B efore you start communicating with the reader, change the default settings in the software to the settings that best suit your hardware. This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section explains how to communicate with the reader in RS232 or RS485. The second half of this chapter explains how to communicate with NMR reader through TCP/IP. Briefly,

you will learn how to,

► Setup communication parameters in the application

► Setup communication parameters in the reader

► Select a default reader parameters

► Test the communication parameters

► Connect and disconnect to a reader through TCP/IP interface

► Set network addresses, timeout, user name and password


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Setup Communication Settings

In order for the software to communicate properly with the reader, both the reader and the software should have the same settings. In particular, the settings that should match are: Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity, and address. The reader should be connected to the selected port.

The Reader Communication Settings window allows you to change both the application and the reader communication setting. Whether you are using a single reader or several readers networked together, the communication settings of each reader should be defined and saved so that Exeba® E-swipe can use them when sending or receiving data to and from the reader.


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Application Settings

This command allows you to select the communication port settings that E-swipe should use when communicating with a single reader or a network of readers.

To access this command, select Communication ⇒ Reader Settings. Then click on the Application Settings tab.

Change the following parameters if necessary.

Port Select the port that the reader is connected to. You can choose from COM1 to COM16.

Baud Rate


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Select the baud rate. The selectable range is 300 to 19200. The default baud rate is 9600. If the reader is networked, it is recommended to select a baud rate between 1200 and 19200.

Data Bit and Parity Select the data bits and parity. The default is 8 data bits and none. The default setting is the recommended setting when the reader is networked.

Then select between two types of interface:

Single reader – select this type of interface if the reader is connected to the port through RS232. Only one reader can communicate with the software at a time. Then enter a name to identify the reader. This field can be left blank.

Multiple readers – if you have one or more readers connect through RS485 interface, you need to define the address of each reader. The addresses should be unique and can be from 000 to 126. You can also enter a name for every reader to identify them.

Reader Settings To access this command, select Communication ⇒ Reader settings. Then click on the Reader Settings tab.


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Use this command to change the communication parameters in the reader. For example, when connecting readers together, you will need to set a different address in each reader.

To change the parameters follow the steps below:

When this window first appears, the default settings in the software will appear under Current Settings. To get the actual settings of the connected hardware, use the Get button.

Select the desired settings under the New settings. Then click on the Set button.

For example, to change the address of a reader to 10, first click on the Get button to get the current settings in the reader. Then select address 10 from the New Settings addresses. Finally, click on the Set button.


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Default Reader

After you setup one or more reader in the software, you can select one of them as the default. The default reader is the reader that E-swipe will communicate with. To select a default reader, from the Communication menu, choose Select Reader. The window below will appear. This window will appear automatically if no default reader is selected.

When the window above appears, the selected reader, if any, will be highlighted. To select a reader simply click on the record selector (black arrow) to highlight the row. Then click on the Select button.

The Save button allows you to save the selected reader so you don’t have to reselect it when Exeba® E-swipe is restarted. The Clear button deselects the reader allowing you to make changes to its data in the Reader Communication Parameters window.


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Poll/Delay Parameters The Poll/Delay Parameters command can be accessed from the Communication menu. The settings of the poll and delay parameters are used by the commands that send and receive data to and from the reader. You may need to try different settings until you find the correct configuration for your hardware.

These settings are:


Used by the polling commands only (polling STA, SA, DC and J reader). The delay is the number of milliseconds (00000-99999) the polling function should wait between polls. The default is 100 milliseconds.

Time Out The number of milliseconds (00000-99999) the software should wait, after sending a command, for a response from the reader before timing out. The default is 100 milliseconds.

Machine Speed The amount of time E-swipe should wait after sending a command and before receiving data from the reader. You can select any number from 1 to 50. The number you select is represented as a multiple of 10th of a millisecond. So if you select 1, the wait time will be 10 milliseconds. The larger the number, the slower the data will be sent and received. However, a small value may result in receiving fragmented data. The default is 5.


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Communication Port Even though there is no specific command under the main menu that opens the port, E-swipe provides several ways to open it both automatically and manually.

When you select any of the commands that require the port to be open, it is opened automatically.

To open the port manually, click on the light bulb icon in the button toolbar.

The light bulb icon also serves as an indicator for the status of the port. A green bulb icon indicates that the port is open. A red bulb icon indicates that the port is closed.

The status bar for the main window displays the status and settings for the communication port.

Once the port is opened it cannot be automatically closed. To close the port, you should click on the light bulb icon of the button bar. The port is closed when you exit Exeba® E-swipe.


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Reader Status

The Reader Status command is a communication testing tool. It helps you identify the current communication parameters in the reader.

From the Communication menu, select Reader Status.

The window below will appear,

This window lists all the possible communication settings that the reader might be set to. To obtain the reader settings,

First select the port you want to test if the reader is connected to.

Then select one of two options for the baud rate: high baud rates, or low baud rates.

If the reader has a network interface, select the range of address for testing.

Click on the Test button.

If the command was successful in obtaining the communication settings, a message displaying the reader communication settings will appear.

If it was not successful, try selecting a different port, baud rate or protocol settings and run the test again.

This command will be successful only if the port was correctly setup under Windows, if there is no hardware problem.


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Reader Setup Before you the software sends and received data from the reader interfaced through TCP/IP, the reader communication setting should be setup. In this window, you will setup each reader individually.

From the TCP/IP menu, select Reader Setup.

For each reader enter the following information:

Name - This is the name you will use to identify the reader in the software. It could be the same as the reader nickname.

Address - This is the IP address that the reader is set to.

The next two fields are optional. Enter the user name and password if you want E-swipe to save this data and bypass the login step when connecting to the reader.

User - Enter the user name that is set in the reader.

Password - Enter the reader password.


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Once the reader is setup in the software, you can use the Connect window to connect to it. The connect window allows you also to select any reader as well as setup a default reader.

To connect to a reader, select Connect from the TCP/IP menu. The following window will appear.

Select the reader you want to connect to from the list provided, if it is different from the default reader. Then click on the Connect button.

E-swipe will attempt to connect the reader using the information you provided in the Reader Settings window. If the connection with the server succeeded, E-swipe will attempt to login to the reader using the data you provided. If the user name and password matched the ones set in the reader, the message "Access Granted" will appear.

Otherwise, the login window will appear. Enter the user name and password and click on the Login button.

Disconnect When connection to the reader succeeds, the Disconnect menu command will become available under the TCP/IP menu. Use this command to terminate the connection with the server. This will allow you to connect to a different reader.


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Set Login Data

In order to change the NMR reader user name or password, use the Set Login Data window.

From the TCP/IP menu, select Set Login Data. The following window will appear.

The default user name is 'nmr'. To change the existing user name, enter the new user name in the provided box. Then click on the Set button.

The default password is 'password'. To change the reader password, enter the exiting password in the 'Existing password' box. Then enter a new password in 'new password' box. Click on the Set button.


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Set Inactivity Timeout

The connect between the application and the reader will timeout when there is no data transferred after a set amount of time. The default inactivity timeout is 300 seconds or 5 minutes. To change the default settings, use the Set Inactivity window.

From the TCP/IP menu, select Set Inactivity Timeout. The following window will appear.

Enter the number of seconds to set the inactivity timeout to. Click on the Set button.


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Set Network Address

This window allows you to change the network addresses such the IP address, gateway etc...

From the TCP/IP menu, select Network Address. The following window will appear.

Enter a new address for any of the following addresses that you need to change;

- IP Address

- Gateway

- Name Server 1

- Name Server 2

Then click on the Set button that appears next to each address.


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Get Network Settings This is one of the commands that allows you to identify current setting in the reader. The Get Network Setting command allows you to identify the current IP addresses of the reader. After you change the network addresses, run this command to check if the changes took place.

From the TCP/IP menu, select Get Network Setting.


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4 U S E R G U I D E

E-swipe Text Editor

E -swipe text editor is a small editor that allows you to create and save a text file. You may want to use this feature to create the schedules and employee files that need to be downloaded to the reader if you have selected the Text Files to be the data source for this software. Or you may want to use it to view the log or polled data files uploaded from the



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Editor Main Window To open the text editor, from E-swipe's main menu, select Terminal Data, then select E-swipe Text Editor.

Main Menu File – contains commands to create, open and save a file.

Edit – contains commands to edit the text in an open file.

Search – contains commands to search for text in an open file.

Options – contains commands to show or hide the editor’s toolbar.

Tool bar The tool bar has buttons that allows you to access the editor’s features quickly. These buttons are:

New File - use to create a new file.

Open File - use to open an existing file.

Save File - use to save a new or existing file.


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Copy - use to copy text.

Cut - use to cut text.

Paste - use to paste text.

Find - use to search for text.


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Working with Files Create a New File To create a new text file, follow the steps below:

1. From the editor's main menu select File.

2. Then select New or click on the New File button of the toolbar.

3. If you have made changes to an open file, E-swipe will ask you if you want to save the changes. Save the file if necessary and continue with the next step.

4. Once created, you can begin typing.


When you first open E-swipe's text editor, a new file will be automatically created for you.


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Open a File To open a file in E-swipe text editor,

1. From the File menu, select Open or click on the Open File button of the toolbar.

2. In the Look In list box, select the drive and folder where the file is located.

3. Double-click on the file name, or highlight it and click on the Open button.


The editor cannot open files that are larger than 65k.


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Save a File After you make changes to a file in the editor window, you may want to save it.

To save a new file,

1. From the File menu, select Save As. The Save As dialog window will appear.

2. In the File name text box, type a name for the file.

3. In the Save As Type list box, select the type of the file.

4. In the Save In list box, select the path (drive name and folder) where you want the file to be placed. The default is the application path.

5. Then click on the Save button to save the file. The Cancel button on this dialog box cancels the save operation.

To save the changes to an existing file,

From the File menu, select Save. The file will automatically be saved under the path and name that appears in the title bar. If you want to change the name or location of the file use the Save As command as described above.


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Close a File E-swipe cannot upload or download to and from a file if it is being used by any application including its text editor.

There are two ways in which an open file in the text editor can be closed.

1. by opening another file or by creating a new file.

2. By closing the text editor.


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Working with Text E-swipe's text editor allows you to cut, copy, paste and search for text. All these options are located under its Edit menu. But before you use any of them, you need to select the text. Under the Edit menu, the Select All option allows you to select all the text at once.

Cut Text To cut text,

1. Select the text you want to cut.

2. Select Edit and then select Cut, or click on the Cut button of the toolbar.

Now you can paste the text you cut anywhere in the document.

Copy Text To copy text using E-swipe's text editor,

1. Select the text you want to copy.

2. Select Edit and then select Copy, or click on the Copy button in the E-swipe text editor's toolbar.

The copied text can be pasted in another location in the document using he paste command.

Paste Text The text should be copied or cut before you can paste it. To paste text,

1. Place the insertion point where you want to paste the text.

2. From the Edit menu, select Paste.


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Search for Text From E-swipe's text editor Search menu, you can access commands that help you locate specific words or characters quickly and easily.

To locate text,

1. In the document, click where you want to start searching.

2. From the Search menu select Find. The Find Text window will appear.

3. In the Find What text box type the text you want the text editor to look for.

4. Check the Match Case box if you want to find the text that matches the upper and lower case of the text you typed.

5. The text editor will start searching the document from the insertion point and in the direction you specify in the Find dialog box.

6. Click on the Find button. 7. If you want to find additional instance of the same text, select Search and then

select Find Next.


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The Log File


T he log file is a file that saves the data received from the reader. All types of data are saved in this file (transactional data, access control data, etc). This chapter discusses in detail,

► what a log file is

► how to open and close a log file


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Introduction The data files that you open when uploading data will only save the uploaded or polled data and will be closed automatically when the operation ends. When you open a log file and an upload file, you will have two copies of the same data.


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Open Log File To open a log file,

1. Select Terminal Data.

2. Select Open Log File.

The Open Log File dialog window will appear.

3. In the Look In list box, select the drive and folder where you want the file to be placed.

4. In the File Name text box, type a name for the file. If that name already exists, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it.

5. Click on the Open button of the Open Log File dialog window.

6. The file will remain open until you close it using the Close Log File command under the Terminal Data menu or you exit E-swipe.


E-swipe starts saving the data in the log file the moment you open it. However, any data received before the file was opened will be lost.


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Close Log File The Close Log File command is enabled only if a log file is open.

As mentioned in the Open Log File topic, the log file is closed automatically once the application is closed. However, if you want to be able to view the contents of this file while E-swipe is running you need to close it.

To close a log file,

1. Select Terminal Data. 2. Then select Close Log File.


Do not close the file until all the data to be saved in received from the reader.


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Reader Commands

T he commands menu provides access to several commands that you can send to all types of readers. In this chapter you will learn how to customize the reader to the options required. It covers the two types of commands,

► Built-in commands - such as Set Time, Set Relay Options, and Set Speaker Options.

► Send Command – this menu command requires the user to enter the programming command and send it to the reader. It can be used for testing the reader, or to send any command that is not built into the software.


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Set Time

The Set Time command provides an easy way to get or set the date and time in the reader.

To set the time,

1. From the Commands menu, choose Set Time.

2. The Set Time window will appear.

3. When this window appears, the date, time and day of the week boxes will display the computer date and time. If you do not want to set the time on the reader to the computer’s time, change the settings as follows:

4. Select the date using the Date calendar.

5. Select the time using the up and down arrow keys.

6. Then, select the Day of the Week from the list.

7. Select the reader you want to change its time, if other than the default. Then click on the Set button.

If the communication with the reader failed, the message “Reader is not responding” will appear. Otherwise, if the reader received the command and the time and date are set, the message “Time is set” will appear.

Get Time


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To check if the date and time are correctly set in the reader, use the Get time command. To get the reader time, click on the Get command of this window. If the reader transmitted back the time string, it will appear under Get Date/Time as shown in the figure above.


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Set Barcode Options All the symbologies that the reader can read can be configured using the Set Barcode Options command.

To access this command, select the Set Barcode Options from the Reader Commands menu. Once selected, a submenu will appear from which you can select the symbology you want to configure on the reader.

Most of the symbologies can be programmed using the following commands:

Enable/Disable the symbology.

Enable/Disable the check digit.

Transmit/ don’t transmit the check digit.

Set the barcode length.

Enable/ Disable the direction indicator.

Enable/ Disable the extra bars.

Set the barcode prefix.

The figure below shows all the commands you can program the Code 39 symbology to.


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To program the symbologies, follow the steps below,

1. If a default reader is not selected, or you need to select a different reader, click on Select

Reader button of the button bar.

2. If the command has a selection box, select the required setting from the list. For example, the ‘Set Barcode Prefix to’ command has a selection box from which you can select the prefix character you want. Enter the character in the list box provided or select the character from the list. However, there are certain characters that you should always select instead of typing. These characters are:

None disable the prefix

Space space character

Tab tab character


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3. Other commands such as ‘Set Barcode Length to 00’ require you to change the ‘00’ in the command to the length you want.

4. Click on the command button to the left of the command.

If the reader is not networked, no response will be returned. Otherwise, the reader will return one of two responses, “Command Acknowledge”, “Command Not Acknowledged”.


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Set Magstripe Options

The Set Magstripe Options command allows you to program every track that the reader can read. It is available under the Reader Commands menu. Once selected, a submenu will appear from which you can select to program: Track 1, Track 2, and Track 1 & 2.


Programming track1 is equivalent to programming track 3 on readers that read track 2 and 3.

The individual tracks are programmed as follows:

Enable or disable track.

Transmit /Don't transmit the LRC character.

Set the magstripe length.

Transmit /Don't transmit stop and start character.

Select the prefix character.

Select the delimiter character.

Transmit /Don't transmit the direction indicator.

For multi-track readers, each track can be programmed to:

Use the standard character set for the track, or another character set.

Transmit before the other track.

Set intertrack delimiter.


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The figure above shows all the commands in which you can program Track 1.

To program the magstripe tracks follow these steps,

1. Select a reader if required.

2. If the command has a selection box, select the required setting from the list.

For example, the ‘Set Prefix to’ command has a selection box from which you can select the prefix character you want. You can enter the character in the list box provided or you can select the character from the list. However, there are certain characters that you should always select instead of typing. These characters are:

None disable the prefix

Space space character

Tab tab character

3. Other commands such as ‘Set Magstripe Length to 00’ require you to change the ‘00’ in the command to the length you want.

4. Click on the command button to the left of the command.


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If the reader is networked, it will return one of two responses,

Command Acknowledged – when the command is recognized by the reader.

Command Not Acknowledged – when the command is not recognized by the reader.

The response will appear in the Response text box.


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Set Led Options Some readers have programmable LEDs that function as follows:

When the reader is powered on,

You can program it to turn the red led on or the red led turned off.

You can also program it to have the green led turned on or the green led turned off.

And after a good read,

You can program the reader to turn the red led on for xx second or to turn the red

led off.

You can also program it to turn the green led on for xx second or to turn the green led off.

The Set Led Options command is accessible from the Commands menu. After you select the Set LED options command the port will be opened if not already opened.

To program the LEDs, follow the steps below:


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1. Select a reader, if necessary. 2. Some commands require replace the ‘00’ value in the command to the value you want. Such as “Red Light on for 00 Sec After Good Read”. 3. Select the required option by clicking on the radio button next to the command. Then click on the Set button.


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Set Speaker Options The speaker available on the reader can be programmed to beep for a number of seconds after a good read or to be turned off after a good read.

You can access this command from the Commands menu.

First select the reader you would like to set or test its speaker.

To program the speaker to be turned on for a certain amount of time after a good read, click on ‘Turn Speaker On’ option. Then enter the number of seconds desired. Click on the Set button.

To disable the beeper after a good read, click on ‘Turn Speaker Off’ option. Then click on the Set button.

To test the speaker, enter the number of seconds you want the speaker to be turned on. Click on the Test button.


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Set Relay Options The Set Relay Options command is available under the Reader Commands menu. If the reader has a relay, you may want to program it as follows:

After a good read,

Turn on the relay for xx seconds.

Turn the relay off.

If not already selected, click on the Select Reader button to select the reader which you want to set or test its relay.

To turn the relay on after a good reader, click on the Turn Relay On option. Enter the number of seconds required. Then click on the Set button.

To turn the relay off, first click on the Turn Relay Off option. Then click on the Set button.

The last two commands are provided for testing the relay. To turn the relay on, select and enter the number of seconds for the command ‘Turn relay on for 00 sec’ option and click on the Test button. To turn it off, select the ‘Turn relay Off’ option. Then click on the Test button.


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Set IBC Display Use this command to display a message on the reader that is equipped with a numeric or alphanumeric display.

To display the time on numeric displays, enter 4 digits in the Time Display Message box, then click on Set button.

To display a message on an alphanumeric display, enter 8 alphanumeric characters in the Alphanumeric Display Message box, and then click on Set button.

If the message is valid, it will appear on the reader’s display.


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Set NMR Display This command allows you to customize the time display and messages that appear on the NMR reader LCD.

There are five different options to customize the time display. First select the option, and then click on the Set button.

You can turn off the display of time, by selecting "Disable Time Display" option.

To enable the time display on either line 1 or line 2, select either the second or the third option

To change the format of the time, select one of the last two options.

To change the default messages, select the message from the list, and enter the new message in the provided box. Then click on the Set button.

To change the message that appears on line 1 or line 2 when access is granted or denied by the reader: select the one of the following messages from the list:

- Access Granted Line 1

- Access Granted Line 2


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- Access Denied Line 1

- Access Denied Line 2

To change the messages that appears when the reader is idle select:

- Idle Message Line 1

- Idle Message Line 2


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Reset Reader This command resets the reader to the factory defaults. When you reset the reader, all programming parameters will default back to factory parameters, and all transactional data stored in it will be erased.

To reset the reader,

1. Select the reader you want to reset.

2. From the Commands menu, select Reset Reader command.

If the communication with the reader failed, the message "Reader is not responding." will appear.

For further information on the factory defaults, consult the J series User's Guide.


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Get Reader Version The Get Reader Version command allows you to obtain the reader identification string from the reader. This string contains such information as reader model, version number and date.

To get the reader identification string,

Select the reader if different from the default.

From the Readers menu, select Get Reader Version.

The figure below shows an identification string returned from STA reader.


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Get Status This command is available for the NMR reader only. It allows you to identify the current reader settings.

From the Command menu, select Get Status.

If the command was successful, the reader will return the general configuration information, such as communication settings.


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Send Command The reader can be easily programmed through any of the options available under the Reader Commands menu. For example, the Set Speaker Options command sends messages to the reader to program the speaker.

However, these options do not cover all of the programming commands. Any other command can be typed in the Send Command window and sent to the reader. In other words, the Send Command allows you to program the reader by sending the appropriate command.

To send a command to the reader,

1. Select Reader Commands then select Send command.

2. The Send Command window will appear, as shown in the figure below.

3. Select the reader you want to send the command to if different from the default


4. Type the command in the text box provided.

5. If the command is a serial programming command, check the serial command

option. All the commands in the J series user's guide are serial programming commands (except the serial control commands)

6. Click on the Send button.


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The Send command will automatically add the command prefix and terminating characters. The responses coming back from the reader (if any) are sent to the Reader’s Response box. The response will appear in the same format that they are received. However, the software eliminates the ACK, NAK, ETX and STX characters from the string of data received when the protocol is enabled.

If the reader is set to protocol mode, a response of ACK will appear as "Command Acknowledged" and NAK will appear as "Command Not Acknowledged".

Command Buttons Clear Button - The Clear button erases the contents of the send and receive boxes

Send Button - The Send button sends the command to the reader.

Close Button - The Close button simply closes the Send Command window.

For further information on the reader commands, consult the IBC User's Guides.


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Transactional Data

T he data that the reader stores after scanning a card is called transactional data. In E-swipe, the Poll Command is available for uploading the transactional data from any type of reader, operating in batch mode or in real mode. In this chapter, you will learn how to poll and purge the data from four types of readers: SA, STA, DC, and J.


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Poll Command

To access the Poll Command, choose Data, and then choose Poll Reader. The following window will appear.

This window is divided into the following sections:

Poll Menu – provides access to the following commands: Poll, Purge, Poll and Purge, and Close.

Reader – gives you two options to select from. You can poll data from the selected reader. Or you can poll the data from all the readers defined in the software.


Readers such as J and SA do not store the transactional data. Therefore, the Purge, or Poll and Purge menu commands will not be required and will appear as dimmed when this type of readers is selected.

Text Files Data Source

When the application data source is ‘Text Files’, the Poll command will save the data in the path specified for Data Destination or in the default data path as explained in chapter 2.


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Exeba –TAMS™ data source Otherwise, if the application data source is ‘Exeba-TAMS™’, the poll command will save the data automatically in a file called ‘Data1mmdd.log’, where, ‘mmdd’ is the computer month and date. This file will be located under the application Data folder.

All the transactional data will be saved to this file. If auto importing is enabled in the software, the contents of this file will be imported into Exeba-TAMS™ database.


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Canceling a poll operation

Once the poll operation starts, the Cancel Send/Receive window will appear.

The function of this window is to allow you to stop the polling of data while the poll operation is running. To stop the polling operation, click on the Cancel button.

This window displays the file name the data is saved in.


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STA Reader The STA reader stores the transactional data. The data can be polled and purged using the Poll command window as described in the following section.


To poll the STA reader, 1. Click on ‘Selected Reader’ to poll the default reader, or click on ‘All Readers’ to poll all the

readers setup in the software.

2. Select Poll, and then select Poll Reader.

The poll command will poll all the data in each reader until an "END" is received.


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The data received from STA will appear in the View window as follows:


S The status of the transaction 0 – Access is granted. 1 – Bad employee ID. 2 – Employee is not clocking in/out within the scheduled time.

mm/dd/yy The date.

hh:mm:ss The time of clock in / out.

iii... The employee id.


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DC Reader Polling the DC reader is very similar to polling the STA reader. The reader stores the transactional data that can be polled at any time using the Poll Command.


To poll the DC reader,

1. Click on ‘Selected Reader’ to poll the default reader, or click on ‘All Readers’ to poll all the readers setup in the software.

2. Choose Poll command from the Poll Menu, then choose Poll Reader

The reader will be polled until an “END” is received, the reader stops responding, or the poll operation is cancelled.

The data received from the DC will appear as follows:


mm/dd/yy The date.

hh:mm:ss The time of clock in / out.

iii... The employee id.


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SA Reader The SA reader does not store the transactional data. Therefore, it should be connected to your PC during the poll operation. Otherwise, the data will be lost.

To poll the SA reader, follow the steps below:

1. From the Poll menu, select Poll command.

2. To stop the Poll operation, click on the Cancel button of the Cancel Send/Receive window.

The poll command data will receive any data that is scanned using the reader connect to the selected port and display it as follows:

mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss iii... Granted


mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss iii... Denied


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J Reader Since the J reader does not store the data, it should be connected to your PC and the polling process should be running as long as data is being scanned.

To poll a J reader,

1. Select the reader(s) that you want to poll. 2. Select Poll command from the Poll menu, then select Poll Reader. 3. The poll command will poll each reader selected once. Then will poll the next reader in the row. The polling of data will not be automatically stopped. You need to click on the Cancel button. The data coming from the reader will not contain a date or time. The Poll command adds the computer time and date to the data at the time of polling.


The reader will not accept an ID until the previous data is polled.

The polled data will appear in the View window as follows:


iii…. The employee ID.

Mm/dd/yy The system Date at the time of scanning.

Hh:mm:ss The system Time at the time of scanning.


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Poll and Purge When the data is polled from the DC or STA reader, a copy of it will remain in the reader. To erase the data, the Poll and Purge command or the Purge command should be used. The Poll and Purge command performs two procedures. First it polls the data from the reader, as described in the Poll reader section above. Then it erases the data from the reader.

The Purge command is issued after an “END” is received from the reader. It will not be issued when the Poll operation is cancelled by the user or when the reader stops responding at any time during the poll operation.


This command will erase the data in the selected reader(s) without polling their data. It is recommended to select this operation when the data in the reader is not required or after polling the data using the Poll command.


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STA/SA Reader

In order to take advantage of the access control features of the SA and STA readers you need to

download the employee and schedule lists to the reader. This chapter explains how to download the lists and view them once downloaded, as well as, some of the programming commands that are specific to the STA or SA reader only.


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Add a card This command is available for NMR reader only. It allows you to add a single ID# to the access control list. You can use this command to test the reader access control list or to add a single card data which should not be restricted to a schedule.

From the STA reader menu, select Add Card Data. Then enter the ID# you want to add. (The schedule will be default to 0).


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Access Control List

An access control list is a list of employee IDs and their schedules. The STA/SA reader uses this list to verify the data as it is scanned in. Exeba® E-swipe provides the Access Control command which allows you to download and maintain the employee and schedule list.

To open this window, choose STA/SA, and then choose Access Control List. The window below will appear.

The different sections of this window are as follows:


Download – from this menu you can access the Download Employee, and Download Schedule commands

Upload – provides access to Upload Access Control list and Upload Schedule commands.

Purge – contains a single command that is used for deleting the employee and schedule lists.

Reader Under this section you can select to download and upload the access control list from and to all readers defined in the software or the default reader.


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The list of existing employee and schedule data will appear under these tabs. Exeba® E-swipe displays these lists so you can choose which records to download as explained later in this chapter.


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Text Data Files When the application data source is “Text Files”, the schedule, employee and department lists should be created and saved in an ASCII file. You can create the lists using any text editor or using E-swipe's text editor.

The data contained in the file should be in the following format:

Schedule File

Schedule#, Description, Day of Week, Start Time, End Time

Schedule# a number between 1 and 99

Description a description of the schedule. This field can be left blank.

Day of Week a number between 1 and 7 where

1 = Monday

2 = Tuesday

3 = Wednesday

4 = Thursday

5 = Friday

6 = Saturday

7 = Sunday

Start Time the schedule start time for that day. Enter the time in 24 hours format: hh:mm.

End Time the schedule end time for that day of the week. Format hh:mm

Employee Files

Employee ID, First Name, Last Name, Schedule#, Department#


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Employee ID an alphanumeric field that can be from 1 to 12 characters. This number should match the ID number printed on the badge.

First Name the employee’s first name. It can be from 0 to 15 characters. This field is optional.

Last Name the employee’s last name. It can be from 0 to 15 characters. This field can be left blank.

Schedule# The schedule number of the schedule the employee is assigned to. This number can be from 000 to 099. Assign schedule number 000 for the employee that is not restricted to any schedule.

Department# a number that represents the department the employee belongs to. This field can be left blank.

Department File

Department#, Description

Department# The department identification number. This field can be from 1 to 12 characters.

Description The description that you want to appear in the selection list. This field can be left blank.


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Exeba-TAMS™ Data

If the application data source is “Exeba-TAMS™”, the list of employee and schedule data will be obtained automatically from the database file that is specified in the application.


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Download Schedule List Downloading a schedule list is required when the employees should be restricted to clock in or out during specific hours. The schedule list must be downloaded before the Employee list.

First select the list of schedules to be downloaded as follows:

Select each schedule individually – To select any particular schedule click on the check box that appears to the left of each schedule in the list.

Select all schedules - To select all schedules that appear in the list, click on the Select All button.

Download selected employee schedules – when this option is selected, the download command will download the schedules of the employee(s) selected under the Employees section. For example, if under the Employee section department ‘001’ is selected, then the download command will only download the schedules of the employees belonging to the selected department.

If you made any error in the selection, click on the check box again to deselect the schedule or click on Deselect All button to clear any selection made.

To download a schedule list,

Select the reader(s) you want to download the list to.

Choose Download Schedule from the Download menu. The download process will run until the entire list is downloaded or the Cancel button of the Cancel Send/Receive window is pressed.


The reader returns a response for every day of the schedule that is downloaded. The data will appear in this window as follows:

Schedule Added the schedule day was added successfully

Invalid Schedule if the schedule number is not between 001 and 099 this message will appear.

Invalid Time the start time or end time is invalid.

No Response the reader did not receive the schedule or did not return a response.


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Download Employee List

Downloading an employee list is required when you want the reader to store the transactional data for employees with valid IDs only. As mentioned earlier, the Schedule list must be downloaded before the Employee list, unless all the schedules already exist in the reader or no schedule check is required. The download command downloads the list to the reader after checking if the ID already exists.

To select the list of employee records to be downloaded, from the Select By list, select one of the following options:

Employee – When you select this option, all the existing employee records will appear. You can select to download the complete list by clicking on the All check box. Or you can select each record individually.

Schedule – This option will list the employee records by schedule. You can select all the list of employees that belong to a schedule by clicking on the schedule check box. Or you can select specific employee records under each schedule.

Department – This option allows you to download only the list of employees that belong to a particular department.

The total number of employee records selected appears in the Total box.

To download an employee list,

First select the reader(s) to download to.

Choose Download Employee from the Download menu. The download process will run until the entire list is downloaded or the Cancel button in the Cancel Send/Receive window is pressed.


The reader returns a response after each item in the list is received. These responses are:

ID is added The ID was successfully added to the list of employees on the reader.

ID is not added The ID was not added to the list of employees. It already exists or is invalid (e.g. the length of ID exceeds the maximum ID size in the reader).

Schedule is invalid The schedule does not exist in the reader.


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Upload Access Control List The commands under the Upload menu allow you to obtain the employee and schedule lists from the reader.

Employee List

To upload the Employee list, follow the steps below:

Select the reader(s) you want to upload the list from.

Select Employee List from the Upload menu.

The Upload File dialog window will appear.

If you want to save the data in a file, select the folder from the Look In list and enter the name of the file in the File Name text box, then click on the Open button.

If you do not want to save the data, click on the Cancel button in this window.

Next, the Cancel Send/Receive window will appear. The Cancel button in this window allows you to cancel the upload operation at any moment.

The command will upload the data from the reader until the end of the list is reached, the reader stops responding, or the operation is cancelled.

The data coming from the reader will appear as follows:

Employee ID#, Schedule#

Upload Schedule

The access control command, described above, will upload the number of the schedule for each employee, whereas the Upload Schedule command will upload all the days in the schedule.

Select the reader(s) to upload the schedule from.

From the Upload menu, select Upload Schedule.

The Save File window will appear. Enter or select a file to save the data to, if required.

Then Get Schedule# window will appear.


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Enter the number of the schedule (1-100).


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Purge Control List

The Purge command erases the exiting access control list in the reader. When a complete, new access control list is downloaded, it is recommended to erase the existing list in the reader.

To purge the list, follow the steps below in order:

Select to purge the default reader list or all readers list.

From the Purge menu, select Purge Access Control List

A warning message will appear. Click on the Continue button to purge the list or Cancel to cancel the purge operation.

The list will be erased from all readers selected. If successful, the message returned by the reader appears in the response box.


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Program Reader The STA/SA has a variety of features available to enable or disable, or values to change. The Program Reader command allows you to easily set up some of these features.

To open the window shown below, select Program Reader from the STA/SA main menu.

Below is a description of each feature and how to change it using the Program Reader command.

Reader Mode

The SA reader can operate in one of three emulation modes: J, SA, or Accumulate. The STA reader can operate in all three modes in addition to the STA mode.

Set the reader to accumulation mode when a badge validation or schedule lookup is not required.

To set the mode of the reader, click on the desired option, and then click on the Set button.

Bad ID Logging

When the Bad ID Logging parameter is turned on in the STA reader, the reader will store bad IDs (IDs that are not valid, or IDs not scanned within the scheduled time).


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On the contrary, when the Bad ID Logging parameter is turned off, the reader will save only good IDs.

To turn this parameter on or off, select the desired option and click on the Set button.

Bad ID Red Led Blinking

The value you set for this parameter will determine the number of seconds the red light will be turned on after a bad ID is scanned.

Select a value between 1 to 15 seconds. Then click on the Set button.

Relay/Green Led Time

When access is granted, this command sets the duration of time the relay is on and the green led blinks.

Enter a value between 1 and 99 seconds and then click on the Set button.

RS232 Logging

On the SA readers, you can select to turn the logging for the scanned data on or off. When turned on, the data is sent to your PC and/or printer.

Select the On or Off option and click on the Set button.

Record Size

This parameter allows you to set the record size for the reader. When you set a new size, the reader memory is automatically erased.

Select a size between 4 and 40 and click on the Set button.

For detailed information on these commands, consult the SA/STA Product User’s Guide.


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Get Total Records This command retrieves the total number of records used and available from the reader. These records include transactional data, and the access control list.

From the main menu STA/SA, choose Get Total Records.

The reader will return the number of records as shown in the window below.

Access List Available IDs - This is the total number of available records for the access control list.

Access List Used IDs – This is the total number of IDs download to the reader.

Transaction Log Available IDs – This is the number of records available for transactional data.

Transaction Log Used Ids – This is the number of records the reader has logged after an ID is scanned.


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DC Reader

T his chapter illustrates the menu commands that are specific to DC readers only.

The following topics are covered:

► How to enable/disable the password

► How to set the reader record size

► How to obtain the total number of records


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Password Control The Password Control command allows you to easily set the password in the DC reader. Additionally, you will be able to disable the password protection temporarily, or turn it off completely.

To access this command, from the DC Reader menu, choose Password Control.

Set Password Use this command to create a new password when no password is set, or to change the existing one. When the password protection is turned on, you cannot upload or reprogram the reader until the password is turn it off.

To set a new password,

1. Enter the default password 00000 in the Existing Password box.

2. Then enter the new password in the New Password box. The password can be up to 5 characters in length. It can contain numeric or alphabetic characters.

3. Select a new reader if different from the default reader.

4. Click on the Set button.

To change the existing password, you should enter the password that is set in the reader in the existing password text box. Then follow the steps 2 through 4 described above.


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Disable Password Use the Disable Password command to turn off the password protection temporarily.

To disable the password,

1. Enter the 5-character password that is set in the reader in the existing password text


2. Then select the reader, if different from the default reader.

1. Click on the Disable button. Clear Password Use the Clear Password command to turn the password protection off.


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To clear the password,

1. Enter the password set in the reader in the existing password text box.

2. Select a reader if necessary.

3. Then click on the Clear button.


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Checking Password Use the Check button after setting, disabling, or clearing the password to check if the command has succeeded or to check if a password exists in the reader.

For further information on the password control commands, consult the IBC DC Products User's Guide.


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Get Total Records This command obtains the total number of records stored, uploaded, and available from the reader. Such information is important in determining the maximum capacity of the reader.

From the main menu DC, choose Get Total Records.

The reader will return the number of records, as shown in the window below.

Total number of slots - This is the total number of records the reader can save.

Total number of slots used – This is the total number of records the reader has saved. To determine the number of available slots, subtract the total number of slots used from the total number of slots.

Total number of records uploaded – This figure will tell you how many of these records have been uploaded so far.


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Set Record Size This command allows you to change the SMAG DC reader record size. The record size can be set to a value between 4 and 150. The default size is 150.

From the DC main menu, choose Set SMAG Record Size.

The following warning message will appear,

This command will also reset the reader to the manufacture defaults, and erase the transactional data. If you need to continue, click on the Ok button.

Enter the record size and click on the Ok button.


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While working with E-swipe you will receive different messages. Some messages will inform you about the status of a certain operation. This category of messages is explained throughout the manual. Whereas this appendix explains the warning and error messages received by the application. Appendix A also explains how to resolve

communication problems, and some other issues related the software commands.


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Warning Messages "Command Not Acknowledged"

When in protocol mode, the reader returns a response indicating whether the command was acknowledged or not acknowledged. When the reader acknowledges the command, it means that the reader received the command and recognized it as a valid command. However, it does not mean, that the reader is programmed according to the command. When the reader does not acknowledge the command, it means that the reader received the command, but did not recognize it.

“Invalid character.”

This message is received when you enter an invalid character (such as typing a space instead of selecting ‘Space’ from the list) from the Set Prefix or Delimiter commands in the Set Barcode Options or the Set Magstripe Options windows.

“File already opened.” or “File cannot be opened.”

Files that are opened by another application or by E-swipe cannot be opened with the text editor. For example, if you opened a log file to save the data in, you cannot reopen the file using the text editor.

“Operation valid only when the port is opened”

If the communication port failed to open, you will receive this message when you try to send or receive data to and from the reader.

“Reader is not responding!”

This message is received when the reader does not send any response back and E-swipe is expecting one. The reader will not send a response if:

the port is not opened or an invalid port number is selected.

the reader is not connected to the selected port.

the settings in the software do not match the settings on the reader. For example, the reader address in the software does not match the address set in the reader..

the reader did not recognize the command. For example, polling the STA reader when a J reader type is selected.

“The file is too large to open.”

The E-swipe text editor can only open files that are less than 65 K in size.

"Unable to open the communication port!"


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This message is received when the selected port is occupied by other hardware or the port is already opened by this hardware and cannot be reopened.

“Unable to purge data at address xxx”

E-swipe failed to send the command that purges the contents of the transactional data file on the reader. This is due to communication problems.

“Unable to send command.”

This message is received when the software is trying to communicate with the reader by sending a command while the port is not open or a communication problem occurred.

Troubleshooting Problem: The reader is not responding to Set Time command.

Cause: This problem might be related to two issues,

Communication - If all other functions in the software return the same or similar error message, then the software is not communicating with the reader. Please refer to troubleshooting communication problems for details.

Internal Clock Not Available – Some readers such as the "J" reader do not have an internal clock. Trying to set the time on such readers will always fail.

Problem: Cannot upload or download an Access Control list.

Cause: If the software is communicating with the reader successfully, yet it cannot upload and download the access control list, then the problem is related to the type of hardware you are using. The access control list can be downloaded and uploaded to and from SA/STA reader only. If you are having a problem with this type of reader make sure it is not operating in J mode.

Problem: The led is not coming on when I scan a card.

Cause: The led behavior differs according to the type of reader you are using. It might be programmed to be disabled when a card is read. You can reprogram the led on some readers using the Set Led Options command.

Problem: Reader is acknowledging the led programming command, but the reader is not operating according to the programming commands.

Cause: While in SA/STA or DC mode the led on the reader operate according to the defaults set by the manufacture and cannot be reprogrammed to operate in a certain way after a good read. However, the J reader or a reader operating in J mode can have its LEDs operation reprogrammed.


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Problem: When sending a command to the reader, the reader sends back the same command to the response box.

Cause: The reader is not communicating with the software. Check if the reader is connected to the port selected in the software.


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Resolving Communication problems

If the software is failing to communicate with the reader, check if the following conditions are satisfied:

Does the selected port exist on you PC?

Is the reader connected to the selected port?

Do the communication settings in the software match those on the reader? (Baud rate, data bits, parity)

Did you check the cables for loose connections?

In addition to the above, when the readers are networked make sure the following conditions are also satisfied.

Did you set the communication settings in the software and in the reader to the following: 8 data bits, no parity, and baud rate (1200-19200)?

Does the reader address match the address set in the software?


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Product Support

Avariety of resources are available to help you use Exeba® E-swipe. These resources

are covered in this appendix and can be

divided into three main sections:

On-line documentation

User Guides

On-line support

Escan Support


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On-line help Exeba® E-swipe has a comprehensive on-line help system that allows you to locate information quickly and easily. On-line help can be accessed from the Start menu. You can also access it while working with E-swipe, by selecting Help from the main menu.

User documentation This manual contains detailed information on how to use E-swipe. For commands and questions related to the hardware, you should consult the manufacturer’s User’s Guide that is included with this software purchase.


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Customer Support Escan Technologies Corp. welcomes your questions, suggestions and comments regarding improvements to E-swipe and this manual. Your comments can be mailed to Escan Technologies Corp., or sent electronically via e-mail or via our World Wide Web (WWW) site. If you have a bug report that requires immediate attention, please contact us as soon as possible.

If you would like to purchase any of the hardware described in this manual, you may contact us for the current price and availability.

In order to be eligible for technical support, you must register your version of E-swipe with Escan Technologies Corp. In addition to technical support, you will receive updates as to what is new in the upcoming versions of E-swipe.

When reporting a problem, please include the following information:


Mailing Address

Phone Number

Your Name/Contact Person

E-mail Address (if available)

E-swipe Serial Number

Date of Purchase

Operating system (WIN 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP)

Where to send your registration/correspondence:

Email Address [email protected]

(Putting “E-swipe” in the subject header will ensure a quick response.)

Telephone (909) 270-0043 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm PST)

Fax (909) 270-0920


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(24 hours - 7 days a week)

Standard Mailing Address Escan Technologies Corp. 12140 Severn Way Riverside, CA 92503


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On-line Support As an alternative to mailing your registration, you may contact our WWW site. In addition to on-line registration, you will find an area to post comments or suggestions, read about upcoming versions of E-swipe and related software, and download up-to-date files. Our WWW site is at the following addresses:

http://www.e-scan.com http://www.exeba.com