e028: rebecca skeele- overcoming limiting beliefs and creating your best content

Featured Guest: REBECCA SKEELE Your Host: DOUG FORESTA http://www.coachzing.com Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Creating Your Best Content EPISODE 28:

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Rebecca Skeele joins the show to talk about why the “inner game” of content marketing and business creation is just as important as the outer game, and how to clear limiting beliefs and live in your power.


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Featured Guest: REBECCA SKEELE



Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Creating Your Best Content


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Our Featured Guest:Rebecca Skeele joins the show to talk about why the “inner game” of content marketing and business creation is just as important as the outer game, and how to clear limiting beliefs and live in your power.

Heaven on Earth Mentor and Wisdom Teacher, is known as an expert in teaching the inner spiritual tools to initiate a major life shift in consciousness.

In This Episode, You'll Discover:✓ How limiting beliefs can hurt your business and how to clear those beliefs

✓ How a polar bear helped Rebecca fill her coaching program (and the lesson for you)

✓ How to stay in inspired action with your content marketing

✓ When taking a break could be a good thing, and when it’s not

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Author, Speaker, Coach, Therapist, or Health Professional? Want to write a book without writing?Let’s work together: http://www.coachzing.com

EPISODE 28: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Creating Your Best Content Listen Here: http://www.coachzing.com/podcast/e028-rebecca-skeele/

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Tips From The Episode:✓ Start with a medium you feel more comfortable in

✓ Don’t try to do it all; focus on one area of content marketing

✓ Make sure to address inner issues and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck

✓ Challenges are there to help you develop more courage and overcome limitations

Links & Resources:✓ Make it Heaven/ Sacred

✓ Tut

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IntroductionDoug: Hello, welcome back to The Coachzing Show, this is Doug Foresta, and very

excited to have with me today Rebecca Skeele. We're going to be helping you, as always, coaches, therapists, speakers and authors, to work less, earn more and help more people, through creative content marketing.

It's all about helping you to share your voice and your message with the world. I want to say a little bit about Rebecca and bring her right on. I do know that you'll get a lot out of this episode.

Many of you might be familiar with her. Rebecca Skeele's Heaven on Earth Mentor and Wisdom Teacher. She's also known as an expert in teaching the inner spiritual tools, to initiate a major life shift in consciousness.

She's gifted at being clear, focused and on the mark in guiding a clear path onto the quantum realities, so her students can reveal to themselves their connection to their divine reality.

Her clients say she's brilliant, powerfully loving and unshakable in her commitment to mirror the truth so that others may set themselves free of self-imposed limitations.

Her passion is demonstrating the power of each person to access their divine reality and co-create their personal heaven on earth.

Rebecca Skeele, thank you for joining me.

Rebecca: Well thank you, Doug, for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.

Doug: Thank you.

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Content StrategyDoug: Obviously I do want to talk about this idea of co-creating personal heaven on earth,

but I want to start with talking about as you were getting your message out in the world, what's your own favorite content strategy for doing that?

Rebecca: Well, I had to kind of try a few things before I really landed on what works for me. I want to say you want to play to your strengths, and I kept hearing that, kept hearing that but I kept thinking, "Oh no, no, no."

My strength, even though I'm an author and I have written a book and I do speak, my strength is really speaking, audio and specifically video.

So I landed on Livestream. I started a TV channel based on my wisdom school, I call it Wisdom School TV, and I found that I really loved doing video. I loved presenting shows. I loved interviewing guests.

It was kind of all part of the way that I wanted to give back and bring forward a bigger message, if you will, because part of what I do is not only teach and see private clients and do events, but I also really want to help bring forward new paradigms on the planet, around consciousness.

Doug: I like what you said about playing to your strengths. It's important to find that.

I'm actually curious, before I go onto the next question, could you say a little bit about that paradigms of new consciousness?

Rebecca: Absolutely. Well, I am, right now, focused on sacred ambition, and if you just listen to the sacred ambition, people have said to me, "Well that's an oxymoron." Well, it has been, let's say in the past.

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But I do believe that those of us who feel like we have a big mission to step out there in a big way, there is a way that we need to shift our relationship to ambition and to power and really line it up with this sacredness of who we are.

So that is an example of a new paradigm.

Funniest Piece of ContentDoug: One of the questions I love asking guests on the show and my listeners always know

that I enjoy this, is what's the craziest, funniest or most creative piece of content that you've ever shared and what impact that had?

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