e20s summit feb 2014

February 2014 Celine Schillinger Charter Member, Change Agents WW Stakeholder Engagement, Sanofi Pasteur Social, to raise engagement Culture change in practice in a traditional industry

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February 2014

Celine Schillinger Charter Member, Change Agents WW

Stakeholder Engagement, Sanofi Pasteur

Social, to raise engagement

Culture change in practice in a traditional industry

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What is Change Agents Worldwide? We are a learning and project resource for forward-thinking 21st Century Enterprise leaders. We maintain a network of independent consultants and enterprise-based professionals dedicated to bringing about the future of work for large institutions resulting in step changes in productivity, employee engagement, customer experience, innovation, and growth.

Social Network Learning Community Project Platform Discover and Join Learn and Share Access Talent, Collaborate on

Work and Change Successfully

Commentaires de présentation
We are a next generation, network-based company. Three spaces where we Discover+Join, Learn+Share, Collaborate, Work+Win. Social Network: FB, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn, Website Learning Community (with a long history - 2.0 Adoption Council, Social Business Council): Socialcast Talent Platform (a unique approach to working with clients/customers): Pods, such as Socialcast Groups
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Sanofi Pasteur?







The vaccines division of


Sanofi Pasteur

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A Corporate Culture Familiar With This, Not So Much With That



Commentaires de présentation
Extrinsic factors: health & life sector, highly regulated, failure is not an option, control. Intrinsic factors: scientific culture, reason-based / evidence-based, low diversity
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But “This” Doesn’t Work Any More

Internally Externally

Magritte - Décalcomanie

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What Work Is Like Today* The world of work has become monotonous, joyless, and sanitized. Workers are assigned soulless tasks that are to be executed with drone-like efficiencies. Jobs are molded into obstinate competencies that are surrounded by political turf wars. Organizations are stuck in the industrial age unable to take advantage of the new networked era.

Scene from Terry Gilliam’s Brazil *in too many organizations

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Poor Internal Engagement


Source: State of the Global Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for Business Leaders Worldwide. Gallup, October 2013


Commentaires de présentation
Quality issues!!!
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Disconnect with the Empowered Customer Business is changing. Disruption is the new normal. The service economy calls for adaptation to individual needs. Yet, companies “lose touch as they grow”. The Internet and social media has shifted power to the consumer. Disconnect between expected and actual customer experience.

Street Art, Kanny Random

Commentaires de présentation
Dave Gray, “The Connected Company” Mounting pressure of constant change Disruption & complexity the new normal The service economy Growth comes from services; co-creation with consumers; complexity and diversity Companies lose touch as they grow Overexpansion, blind spots, risk avoidance The Internet and social media has shifted power to the consumer Time cost of switching brands decreases Number and visibility of competitors increase Proliferation of channels means creating a consistent, remarkable customer experience is becoming more complex. Disconnect between expected and actual customer experience While 80% of companies believe they provide superior customer experience, only 8% of customers considered their experience as superior (Source: http://hbr.org/2007/02/understanding-customer-experience/ar/1 Bain & Company’s 2006 survey of the customers of 362 companies) Just 8% of companies received excellent scores from consumers in Forrester's 2013 Customer Experience Index (154 US brands across 14 industries).
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Companies Are At Risk

• Constant decline of Return on Assets 75% decline in ROA among US firms since 1975* = companies need more and more resources to create value.

• Shrinking lifespan of large corporations

Commentaires de présentation
Source: Shift Index 2013, Deloitte Center for The Edge. In Steve Denning’s http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2013/09/17/shift-index-2013-key-innovation-ingredient-absent-worker-passion/ Forbes, Sept. 2013
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How to?

Visual: Joachim Stroh

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Become a Social Organization

Authentic Diverse Flexible De-siloed People-driven Open to change Democratic Connected Human

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In Practice: 3 Cases at Sanofi Pasteur

A grass roots community connected

around a cause, with a high


A strategic relational engagement plan

Internal External Stakeholders Stakeholders

Commentaires de présentation
Engagement: “The intensity of an individual’s connection or participation with a brand or organization” Consequence: a change of culture + a hard time for change agents
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No to: pure analytics or science-based, status-based, command & control, rigid processes. You are one of them, not above them.


Letting Go

How to Make People “Want to …”

Connect with the people

• From broadcast comms to a conversation / co-creation

• Remove bottlenecks

• Learn to speak their language

• KSF: diversity – of talents; – of spokespersons

• A dialogue mindset

Identify a common purpose

• One of the 3 motivation drivers at work (D. Pink)

• More than science, not just emotion

• At the Why level (S.Sinek)

• Framed in a narrative

Connect people • Identify who they are,

what they say, what they care for

• Enable them to connect (easy-to-use beautiful digital tools, live events)

• Go across silos

Commentaires de présentation
By connecting people around a meaningful purpose, and connecting with them It’s about community, connectedness, collaboration (not the end goal!)
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Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e1/Ark_white_water1101.jpg/

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What Gets in The Way

Ignorance of social communication operation, tools and potential

Overestimation of risks

Silo mindset, politics

Scientific culture

Command-and-control culture

Perception of intermediary bodies to be challenged

No urging by management

Social stratification

National & corporate culture

Complacency, conformism, groupthink

Information overload stress

Leading with technology and tools; not business purpose and people

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Kotter’s 8-Steps Leading Change in the 21st Century Organization

Internet map (2005, Opte project)

1. Urgency

2. Coalition

3. Vision

4. Communication

5. Empowerment

6. Momentum

7. Integration

8. Anchoring

Commentaires de présentation
“John Kotter gave us perhaps the best-circulated approach for change in his HBR paper that turned into the classic: Leading Change (1996)” By http://sourcepov.com/2010/04/10/org-culture-intervention/ quoting http://www.kotterinternational.com/our-principles/changesteps Step 1: Establishing a Sense of Urgency Help others see the need for change and they will be convinced of the importance of acting immediately. Step 2: Creating the Guiding Coalition Assemble a group with enough power to lead the change effort, and encourage the group to work as a team. Step 3: Developing a Change Vision Create a vision to help direct the change effort, and develop strategies for achieving that vision. Step 4: Communicating the Vision for Buy-in Make sure as many as possible understand and accept the vision and the strategy. Step 5: Empowering Broad-based Action Remove obstacles to change, change systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision, and encourage risk-taking and nontraditional ideas, activities, and actions. Step 6: Generating Short-term Wins Plan for achievements that can easily be made visible, follow-through with those achievements and recognize and reward employees who were involved. Step 7: Never Letting Up Use increased credibility to change systems, structures, and policies that don't fit the vision, also hire, promote, and develop employees who can implement the vision, and finally reinvigorate the process with new projects, themes, and change agents. Step 8: Incorporating Changes into the Culture Articulate the connections between the new behaviors and organizational success, and develop the means to ensure leadership development and succession.
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A Few Things I’ve Learned

• Prepare well • Start from the Why • Avoid focus on tools • Go with baby steps • Use a facilitator or

external witness • Embrace politics • Understand it’s

experiential • Diversity is your best


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Culture Change: A Framework

Commentaires de présentation
If I had to do it again, with the mandate to do so
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Get In Touch

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Image Credits

• Sl. 3-4: Sanofi Pasteur Corporate Communications • Sl. 5 Magritte, Décalcomanie – via stultiferamente.blogspot.fr • Sl. 6 Terry Gilliams, Brazil – via Change Agents Worldwide • Sl. 8 Street Art by Kenny Random – via Change Agents Worldwide • Sl. 10 Joachim Stroh • Sl. 11 Bastille Day Ball – via mademoiselle-et-mister.blogspot.fr • Sl. 14 San Juan river – via blog.audubonguides.com • Sl. 15 White water rafting – via Wikipedia • Sl. 17 Internet 2005 map – via cs.rug.nl/svcg • Sl. 18 Change Agents Worldwide