
Unit 60 Condition

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Unit 60 Condition

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•A. Words connecting sentence parts

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Say this in a different way.

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You can’t come if you don’t have a ticket.

=You can’t come u_____ you have a


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You can’t come if you don’t have a ticket.

=You can’t come unless you have a


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You can borrow the bike if you return it by five o’clock.

= You can borrow the bike o_____

cond_____ th_____ you return it by five o’clock.

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You can borrow the bike if you return it by five o’clock.

= You can borrow the bike on

condition that you return it by five o’clock.

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When there is a fire, dial 112. = I_____ ca_____ _____ fire, dial

112./I_____ the ev_____ of fire, dial 112.

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When there is a fire, dial 112. = In case of fire, dial 112./In the

event of fire, dial 112.

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You can stay if you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa.

= You can stay, a_____ l_____ _____ you

don’t mind sleeping on the sofa. (= formal)/You can stay s_____ l_____ _____ (= more formal)./You can stay on c_____ that you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa. (= stronger and more formal).

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You can stay if you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa.

= You can stay, as long as you don’t mind

sleeping on the sofa. (= formal)/You can stay so long as (= more formal)./You can stay on condition that you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa. (= stronger and more formal).

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If you don’t mind cats, you can stay with us.

= Pr_____d (that) /Pr_____ing (that) you

don’t mind cats, you can stay with us. (can also be used in examples 2 and 4;

they are less formal and not so strong as ‘on condition that’ but stronger than as/so long as)

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If you don’t mind cats, you can stay with us.

= Provided (that) /Providing (that) you

don’t mind cats, you can stay with us. (can also be used in examples 2 and 4;

they are less formal and not so strong as ‘on condition that’ but stronger than as/so long as)

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•B. Supposing … and What if …

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Expressions used in spoken language for possible situations in the future :Mick : Paul’s coming tomorrow. He’ll help us.Alice : What shall we do if he doesn’t turn up?

= S_____/What _____ he doesn’t turn up –

what shall we do then?

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Expressions used in spoken language for possible situations in the future :Mick : Paul’s coming tomorrow. He’ll help us.Alice : What shall we do if he doesn’t turn up?

= Supposing/What if he doesn’t turn up

what shall we do then?

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•C. Conditions with -ever

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It doesn’t matter which ... :What ‘s the best way to travel in your

country? H_____ you decide to travel in this country,

it’ll cost you a lot of money. For example, you’ll end up paying at least 70 euros, wh_____ means of transport you take from the airport to the city centre – train or bus. Wh_____ wins the next election, should try to lower fares.

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It doesn’t matter which ... :What ‘s the best way to travel in your country? However you decide to travel in this country,

it’ll cost you a lot of money. For example, you’ll end up paying at least 70 euros, whichever means of transport you take from the airport to the city centre – train or bus.

Whoever wins the next election, should try to lower fares.

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• Yet another way of saying ‘it doesn’t matter which ... :

• N_____ m_____ h_____ you decide to travel in this country, it will cost you a lot of money.

• N_____ m_____ w_____ wins the election, they should try to lower fares.

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• Yet another way of saying ‘it doesn’t matter which ... :

• No matter how you decide to travel in this country, it will cost you a lot of money.

• No matter who wins the election, they should try to lower fares.

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•D. Some nouns which express condition

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• Certain cond_____ must be met before the Peace Talks can begin. (= rather formal)

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• Certain conditions must be met before the Peace Talks can begin. (= rather formal)

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• A good standard of English is a prereq_____ for studying at a British university. (= absolutely necessary; very formal)

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• A good standard of English is a prerequisite for studying at a British university. (= absolutely necessary; very formal)

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• What are the entry requir_____ for doing a diploma in Management at your college? (= official conditions; rather formal)

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• What are the entry requirements for doing a diploma in Management at your college? (= official conditions; rather formal)

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• I would not move to London u_____ any circ_____. (= fairly formal)

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• I would not move to London under any circumstances. (= fairly formal)