eada spirit-13

Editorial EADA Spirit Núm. 13 Febrero 2012 No. 13 February 2012 Spirit David Parcerisas President of the Board of EADA Foundation (Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración), Barcelona, Spain. We are in an age of discontinuity and volatility. Being “in the clouds” is now fashionable when a few years ago it meant nothing more than being unrealistic. While governments, international institutions and certain individuals are arguing that growth is the only way to solve the present economic situation, especially inside the European Union, very few dare to contemplate a new economic model. This model would include fewer differences between social groups, more cooperation, less competition and increased aid to less developed countries. Will it be possible to fight unemployment without considering innovative approaches like part-time jobs, high geographical mobility and time-sharing? Do we need to see another Leman Brother disaster or experience another bailout like the one in Greece to know how to act and react in the face of financial sharks and market pirates? Who is going to decide about the implementation of a Tobin tax or similar on financial transactions? Are we waiting for tax havens to become the good guys? We live in a globalised world where thanks to big jumps in technology, everything moves faster. We interact with information by clicking on a keyboard. But we don’t look at the tangible goods and raw materials that are moved everyday (ports, logistics, containers, bulk carriers, etc.) and form the base of our economy. Strong winds will take away artificial economic bubbles but we will need more than a storm to collapse the traditional economy. We need to be very careful when looking at certain businesses and jobs. What looks fancy and promising on a screen may not be the same in the real world. Don’t be attracted by bright colours – find out what is behind them. Who is going to take advantage of my job? What value do I add? How do I contribute to society as a whole? Our mission as a business school is to contribute to a better world through education. Tools and concepts are necessary but there is also a need to maintain your values and listen to your heart. Very often I have found explanations of our world that rang true in songs. Listen to the popular Bob Dylan song “Blowin’ In The Wind” from the record “The freewheelin’” once more and see what insights it can bring us. How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? Yes, ‘n’ how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, ‘n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind, The answer is blowin’ in the wind. The role of individuals in the present crisis: We do have personal beliefs and behaviours. The answer is not blowing in the wind.

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EADA SpiritNúm. 13 Febrero 2012 No. 13 February 2012


David ParcerisasPresident of the Board of EADA Foundation (Escuela de Alta Dirección yAdministración), Barcelona, Spain.

We are in an age of discontinuity and volatility. Being “in the clouds” is now fashionable when a few years ago it meant nothing more than being unrealistic.

While governments, international institutions and certain individuals are arguing that growth is the only way to solve the present economic situation, especially inside the European Union, very few dare to contemplate a new economic model. This model would include fewer differences between social groups, more cooperation, less competition and increased aid to less developed countries.

Will it be possible to fight unemployment without considering innovative approaches like part-time jobs, high geographical mobility and time-sharing? Do we need to see another Leman Brother disaster or experience another bailout like the one in Greece to know how to act and react in the face of financial sharks and market pirates? Who is going to decide about the implementation of a Tobin tax or similar on financial transactions? Are we waiting for tax havens to become the good guys?

We live in a globalised world where thanks to big jumps in technology, everything moves faster. We interact with

information by clicking on a keyboard. But we don’t look at the tangible goods and raw materials that are moved everyday (ports, logistics, containers, bulk carriers, etc.) and form the base of our economy. Strong winds will take away artificial economic bubbles but we will need more than a storm to collapse the traditional economy.

We need to be very careful when looking at certain businesses and jobs. What looks fancy and promising on a screen may not be the same in

the real world. Don’t be attracted by bright colours – find out what is behind them. Who is going to take advantage of my job? What value do I add? How do I contribute to society as a whole?

Our mission as a business school is to contribute to a better world through education. Tools and concepts are necessary but there is also a need to maintain your values and listen to your heart. Very often I have found explanations of our world that rang true in songs. Listen to the popular Bob Dylan song “Blowin’ In The Wind” from the record “The freewheelin’” once more and see what insights it can bring us.

How many times must a man look upBefore he can see the sky? Yes, ‘n’ how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, ‘n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind, The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

The role of individuals in the present crisis: We do have personal beliefs and behaviours. The answer is not blowing in the wind.

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Noticias EADA EADA News

Rankings Rankings

Top European Business Schools 2011 according to the Financial Times

EADA among top 30 business schools in Europe

EADA has retained its rank as the 27th best business school in Europe, thus consolidating its place among the top 30 European Business Schools. In 2010, EADA advanced 11 places from its previous position at 38 in the 2009 ranking. The Financial Times publishes the sector’s leading European ranking, released on Monday, December 5, and featuring a total of 75 European business schools.

The ranking is based on an analysis of the school’s appearance in 4 programme rankings (also published by the Financial Times): the MBA (full time and executive), the Master in Management and programmes related to executive education. The rankings give special importance to the following aspects related to faculty: the degree of internationalisation, the presence of women and the percentage of PhDs.

Miquel Espinosa, General Director of EADA, pointed out, “EADA participates in all of the categories referred to in the above ranking, which confirms the consistent quality of our portfolio.”

Mejores escuelas de negocios de Europa en 2011 según Financial Times

El Ranking de mejores escuelas de negocios eu-ropeas mantiene a EADA en el top 30 de Europa

EADA mantiene la posición 27, consolidándose así en el top 30 de las escuelas de negocios europeas. En 2010, EADA obtuvo una mejora respecto a la posición 38 que ocupa-ba en el ranking de 2009, lo que la situó entre las mejores en el principal ranking europeo del sector en el que están clasificadas un total de 75 instituciones.

Para su elaboración el prestigioso rotativo británico realiza un promedio de los 4 diferentes rankings elaborados a lo largo del año y que hacen referencia a los programas MBA’s en sus mo-dalidades full time y executive, masters in management y execu-tive education. Un dato a destacar es la importancia que el diario otorga al profesorado en tres aspectos concretos: presencia fe-menina, internacionalidad y porcentaje de doctores.

Miquel Espinosa, director general de EADA, lo interpreta como un reconocimiento a la ca-lidad general de la formación impartida en la escuela ya que “ofrecemos una formación de alto nivel, sobre todo con una calidad homo-génea en los distintos programas que impar-timos”. “En este sentido ―añade Espino-sa― “Nuestra posición es el resultado de una planificada diversificación de nuestros progra-mas que cubren la formación ejecutiva desde sus etapas inicia-les (Masters in Management) hasta la formación para empresas (Open y Custom programmes) pasando por los conocidos y con-solidados MBA”.

EADA: Corporate Social Responsibility

Within the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, EADA has been collaborating with various social projects throughout the year, including fundraising events such as EADA teaming, Breast cancer support and NGO scholarships as well as initiatives such as the EADA food drive.

This year we repeated the food drive, collecting food to be donated to the Banc dels Aliments, an NGO that distribute basic foodstuff to those who most need them in Spain. We would like to thank EADA

EADA: Responsabilidad Social Corporativa

En el ámbito de la Responsabi-lidad Social Corporativa, EADA colabora en diversas acciones solidarias a lo largo del año para recaudar fondos asignados a proyectos sociales de diversa ín-dole: EADA Teaming, lucha con-tra el cáncer de mama, donación de sangre, recogida de alimentos y becas a ONG´s, etc.

Este año, siguiendo con la iniciativa que empezamos el pasado año, volvimos a organizar una recogida de alimentos destinada al Banc dels Aliments, organización sin ánimo de lucro que pretende asegu-

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EADA lanza un Nuevo programa: PDG Distance Learning

rar el acceso a alimentos básicos a quienes más lo necesitan aquí mismo, en nuestro país. Esto fue posible gracias a la implicación de todo el personal de EADA, familiares, amigos y alumnos y sobre todo a la propia institución por doblar la cantidad recogida, así se pudo llegar a los 1.300 kilos de comida, ¡más de una tonelada!

¡Felicidades a todos los que han participado en esta iniciativa!

staff, families, friends and participants and especially EADA, which doubled the amount collected last year, providing 1,300 kilos of food, more than a ton.

Congratulations to everyone!

Entrevistamos a Jordi Díaz, director de pro-gramas de EADA, para que nos hable de la importancia de la formación y del lanzamiento del nuevo PDG Distance Learning.

EADA ha lanzado un programa de Direc-ción General que incluye formación a distancia. La idea es innovadora, ¿qué la motiva?—Siempre tratamos de estar muy en contacto con la realidad empresarial, sus inquietudes y sus intereses, es algo que va con el código genético de una institución que comenzó su oferta formativa por y para las empresas. La situación actual exige a los directivos y empresarios una dedica-ción total a sus negocios y esto dificulta su disponibilidad para asistir a clases de manera regular dos días por semana, por poner un ejemplo. Sin embargo, son conscientes de que necesitan esta formación para poder seguir siendo competitivos ante un mercado cada vez más exigente.

Es en base a la premisa: flexibilidad y formación de calidad, que lanzamos este programa en versión blended (mezcla de formación residencial y a distancia). Además, con este nuevo formato podemos dar respuesta a un mercado nacional e incluso internacional, cada vez más interesado en nuestros programas de formación para directivos, pero sin la disponibilidad de asistir a clase cada semana.

Parece un programa muy ajustado a las necesidades y la coyuntura actual…—Formación directiva de alta calidad con un formato que se ajusta a la flexibilidad que necesitan los directivos locales, nacionales e internacionales.

¿La experiencia y el reconocimiento internacional, son ele-mentos clave a la hora de elegir una escuela?—Hoy en día no se trata sólo de realizar formación, sino de realizar formación de calidad. Por ello, la experiencia de la institución (55 años), junto a su calidad, el prestigio alcanzado gracias a las acreditaciones de calidad y la presencia en los rankings internacionales son clave. Además, en programas de nivel directivo, como lo es nuestro PDG Distance Learning, los

participantes vienen a buscar mucho más que formación, y es en esto en lo que una institución reconocida internacionalmente y con más de 100.000 exalumnos en más de 70 países diferentes puede aportar su valor.

¿Cómo se ha conseguido este nivel de excelencia?—Realizando bien las cosas, de manera sostenida a lo largo del tiempo y teniendo siempre al participante-directivo/va en el centro del proyecto de EADA.

¿Tienen un perfil específico los interesados en los programas de Dirección General?—El perfil se corresponde al de personas en puestos directivos y/o emprendedores cuyas iniciativas empresariales necesitan una formación general en las diferentes áreas de la gestión y una potenciación en el desarrollo de sus habilidades directivas. EADA ofrece el programa de Dirección General desde hace más de 30 años, lo que nos da una perspectiva en el tiempo lo suficientemente amplia como para saber que en este tipo de programas el participante desea aprender pero, sobre todo, y quizás es lo más importante, viene a aportar su amplia expe-riencia profesional y a tejer una red de contactos que le ayude en su futuro profesional. Son muchos los participantes que nos comentan que en EADA pueden dejar de sentir esa “soledad del líder” y adquirir nuevos puntos de vista que muchas veces son difíciles de adquirir en sus propias organizaciones.

La crisis ha reducido considerablemente los presupuestos de formación de las empresas. No obstante, la demanda no ha caído en términos absolutos. ¿Esto quiere decir que las personas asumen que la formación es indispensable para su desarrollo profesional y se la costean?—Las empresas han reducido sus presupuestos, pero los profesionales son conscientes de la necesidad imperiosa de mantenerse competitivos, tanto para lograr un cambio profe-sional o emprender un proyecto empresarial. En este sentido podemos ayudar a través de los servicios de Carreras Profe-sionales, EADAAlumni o el Centro de Emprendedores.

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2012 EFMD Meeting for Deans & General Directors

The annual meeting of Deans and General Directors was held on February 1 and 3 in Noottingham. This meeting organises the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), a Brussels-based organisation that brings together the best management training institutions in the world. The meeting was organised around the topic “What Deans are interested in…” and was attended by 350 deans and CEOs from 50 different countries.

EADA was represented by Ramon Noguera, academic director, and Jordi Diaz, associate dean of programmes. Jordi Diaz was one of the speakers at the conference in a shared session entitled, “New Trends in Executive Education”, together with Sabine

Vinck (associate dean, executive education - London Business School).

Sabine Vinck described LBS’s new approach to management training in both open and customised programmes:

• LBS has gone from “selling their most recognised teachers” to “selling ideas”.

• Programmes are based on the ratio “70/20/10”: 70% in the workplace, 20% coaching and 10% classroom training.

• Programme management follows models closer to those of professional consultants than academics focused on research and classes.

Jordi Diaz, building on his role as board member of the Executive MBA Council (www.embac.org ), based his presentation on global trends in Executive MBA programmes. Talking points included:

• The decrease in corporate sponsorship in recent years.• Today more and more executives are willing to invest in

their own professional development to stay competitive in today’s workplace.

• Highlighting of the launch of Global Executive MBA programmes from leading institutions worldwide, such as the Global Executive MBA of EADA y HHL (Germany), beginning in October 2012.

Down To Moon

By DR alexis MavRoMMatis

Thanks to the excellent work of a group of participants from the International Master in Management and the support of EADA’s Centre of Entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur Rosario Basillotta was able to raise an investment of 400,000€ for his company Down to Moon. The financing was provided by the Keiretzu Forum, and international network of business angels. Down to Moon explores the potential business opportunities of augmented reality for mobile phones.

The group, composed from François Thiebaut, Jérome Callebaut, Patricia Caspar, Florian Mock and Anna Polushkina, participated in the joint project between EADA and ACC1Ó. In this project, EADA participants help innovative technology-driven start-ups bring their ideas into the market by developing a full 5-year business plan. In this case, Down to Moon received consulting support from the participants to help the company enter into the most promising and fastest-growing market, the mobile entertainment industry. Through extensive primary research and industry analysis, the group identified a market opportunity and developed a sustainable business model as well as a feasible business plan. The group recommended that Down to Moon enter the mobile gaming market by combining its market know-how with augmented reality. Suggestions also including differentiating its games by

blending the virtual world with the physical environment based on vision and geo-location.

This pioneering programme between EADA’s Centre of Entrepreneurship and ACC1Ó, allows participants to work on their final project as consultants in real start-up companies, facing all the challenges of the real business world. This year, more than 12 projects have been selected to be used in final projects. While other top business schools participate in this programme, ACC1Ó especially appreciates the pragmatic and hands-on approach EADA’s participants offer to the start-up companies.

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Our representative in China, Elena Han, continues to make EADA more recognised in her country.

Last December, she organized an informative session at Hohai University in Nanjing, China. Together with the international department, they promoted the informative session among their students and agreed to have Elena carry out the activity in

their facilities. Around 20 people attended the event and Elena provided an excellent summary of our programmes. Moreover, as an alumna, she could answer all the questions of the candidates and share her experience.

Now we can officially say that EADA is better known among Chinese candidates.

EADA in China


Departamento de Relaciones Alumni y EmpresasAlumni & Corporate Relations Department

If you are living outside of Barcelona,



and take a look at the online services we can offer you.

Contact us for more information

on the services and to request your new login and password.

[email protected]

*Membership valid until August 31, 2012

Si resides fuera de Barcelona,



y consulta los servicios online que te ofrecemos.

Contacta con nosotros para más información sobre los servicios y pide tu nuevo login y password.

[email protected]

*Membresía válida hasta el 31 de agosto del 2012

https://twitter.com/#!/eadaalumnihttp://alumni.blogs.eada.edu/ http://www.linkedin.com/groups?subgroups=&gid=1855&trk=anet_ug_subg

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 ¿Cómo reclutar a nuestro talento? How to recruit EADA talent 






Bolsa de Empleo 

• Publica las ofertas laborales y de prácticas en nuestro portal. 

• Una vez validadas por EADA Careers se public án a la audiencia indicada. ar






• Utiliza tus criterios de búsqueda para encontrar al candidato que necesitas. 

• El CVBook estará vigente cada final de año académico. 






Presentaciones Corporativas

• Visita ADA en Barcelona y presenta las oportunidades de carrera dentro de la empresa. 

• Las en evistas podrán ser previamente acordadas. 








Prácticas Profesionales

•Te facilitamos la incorporación de alumnos a través de convenios de prácticas profesionales. 

•Durac ón máxima de 1 año. i

Job Posting

• Labour or Internships offers can be posted all year long. 

• Our Jobsite makes it possible for our students to fit your requirement and be part of the selection process. 


Company Presentations

• Visit EADA in Barcelona and present your current vacancies and careers opportunities in your company. 

• Interviews can be arranged with possible candidates during your visit. 

Contacta con nosotros  en EADA Careers [email protected] Contact  us : EADA Careers    [email protected] 



•We facilitate the hiring for internships through an agreement between EADA, the company and the student.

• Period: during the programme one year after graduation 



• Use your search criteria to find the candidate you need. 

• Our CVBook will be available at the end of each academic year. 

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Quien desee participar podrá dar rienda suelta a toda su creatividad creando un spot que refleje lo que representa EADA, la historia que más os guste y, cómo no, lo que supone vivir la experiencia EADA.

En esta segunda edición hemos abierto la participación a todos los alumnos actuales de la escuela y ex alumnos. Para estos últimos la única condición es que al menos 1 de los participantes del grupo sea socio de EADAAlumni.

INDIVIDUAL O EN GRUPOLa participación puede ser a título individual o en grupo, teniendo en cuenta que se entregará sólo 1 premio por vídeo ganador.

¡Recordad! No esperamos vídeos institucionales, sino historias.

La fecha límite de entrega del vídeo será el día 10 de abril 2012

El vídeo tendrá que tener una duración máxima de 1 minuto.

El jurado, compuesto por profesores de Marketing, Departamento de Comunicación de EADA, EADAAlumni, directores de programa y el departamento de Marketing realizará la votación de los vídeos basados en los siguientes criterios:

• Originalidad y creatividad• Calidad de imagen y sonido

Entrarán a concurso los vídeos que no perjudiquen ni vayan en contra de los valores de EADA.

• Todos los vídeos que entren a concurso serán obsequiados con un presente por su participación.

• Todos los vídeos participantes se utilizarán en nuestro canal institucional de Youtube y en las redes sociales de EADA.

¡Sigue aquí los últimos detalles sobre timings, consejos y fecha de entrega de premios!


Clic aquí para ver los vídeos que participaron el año pasado


Segunda Edición / Second Edition

We invite anyone who is looking for an outlet for their creativity to create a video advert that reflects what EADA stands for, your favourite EADA story, and, of course, what it is like to live the EADA experience.

In the second edition, we have extended participation to all the school’s current students. Alumni can also take part as long as at least 1 of the group’s participants is a member of EADAAlumni.

INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP Individuals or groups can participate, keeping in mind that only 1 prize will be awarded for the winning video.

Remember! We don’t want institutional videos; what we want are stories.

The deadline for handing videos in is April 10, 2012

The maximum video length is 1 minute.

The jury will be made up of professors from the Marketing and the Communication Department, Programme and Marketing Department and EADAAlumni. The following criteria will be used to evaluate videos:

• Originality and creativity.• Visual and sound quality.

Only videos that are in line with EADA’s values will be eligible.

• All videos that enter the contest will receive a gift for participating.

• All videos taking part will be shown on our Youtube institutional channel and on EADA’s social networks.

Check out here for the latest details on timings, tips and the final confirmation of the date for the handing out of prizes!


Click here to see last year’s participating videos


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Novedades en EADA What’s new at EADA?

Ali Kubilay Ilgin (Turkey)International Master in Management MBA [email protected]: +90 530 343 43 38

The first thing I think about when I look back at my experience at EADA is the difference it made in terms of how I look at things. I learned how to focus more on details and how to think in a much more businesslike manner. With EADA came something different; it was not just a business school, but a lifestyle for me. Living in Barcelona and meeting all of the different people from different nationalities allowed me to become more international and grow as a person. Having lived in Turkey my entire life, I really learned the value of learning from another international culture which definitely helped me grow as a person.

Looking back at the wonderful times I had at EADA made me want to spread the word about this program to qualified and talented individuals in Turkey. That is why I happily chose to become the EADA representative for Turkey. I look forward to having intimate and intriguing discussions with potential students regarding the programmes at EADA. Thinking about the wonderful experiences I had there is one thing, but telling others about them is much more satisfying.

EADA taught me the ability to delegate responsibility and also to manage teams, which is exactly what I do today at Michael Page International.

After returning from EADA, I joined Michael Page International in 2008 and threw myself in a very entrepreneurial, active environment. EADA helped me flourish in this type of environment, which is why now, almost 4 years later, I have become the manager of my fourth team here. I have helped the company’s presence grow in the local Turkish market and this has really challenged me. I had to think outside the box and learn how to create different hubs of business within a multinational firm. I will always appreciate what I learned at EADA. The values and teachings of my professors will never be forgotten because I use them in my day-to-day life. Another aspect of EADA I will never forget is the wonderful times I had in the city of Barcelona!

New Representative in Turkey

Blog EADAAlumni

A blog created by alumni and for alumni.




Want to take a look? Want to post?

Un blog creado porex alumnos y

para ex alumnos.




¿Quieres echarle un vistazo? ¿Quieres publicar?


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Noticias antiguos Alumnos Alumni News

entRevista inteRview

Regional ChapteRs

Sonia Nicastro (Italy)International MBA [email protected]@codorniu.com

I am 30 years old and I was born in Italy. After studying for a bachelor’s degree in Economics, I worked in Sales & Marketing for 5 years in Rome. In 2009, I moved to Barcelona and attended the International MBA program in EADA.

What happened when you finished your MBA? —I went back to Italy and started working in the wine sector for an Italian winery. In June 2011, I decided to move back to Barcelona and join Grupo Codorniu, a cava and wine producer, as trade marketing manager for international markets.

Are you in touch with your school/classmates?—Yes, of course! I have been in touch with many classmates around the world and saw many of them last year thanks to EADA reunions around Europe. I see Lorenzo and Martin all the time here in Barcelona, and I am also still in touch with my favourite professors, although I should try to see them more often!

What is your perception of the school like now, after finishing the MBA? —I still have the same positive and great perception of EADA; I keep recommending the school for its consolidated position in Europe and for the exclusive environment EADA has been able to create.

How do you see EADA in 5 years?—I am sure EADA will keep moving up the top business schools rankings and bringing together great people from around the world. I also see EADA as the business school with the strongest network of international collaborators and partnerships.

How useful was what you learned in the MBA? —The MBA program was extremely important for my personal and professional growth; there was a good mix between theory and practice, talented professors, a strong focus on team working and good organization. Also I learned a lot from my classmates, positive and negative experiences that are helping me in my daily professional life with my colleagues.

How useful has EADA networking been to doing business?—I could say I found my current job through the EADA network and I really think EADA will remain important for me in the future. It will be helpful for any professional activities undertaken, for collecting information and suggestions from professors and other internal departments, for selecting future employees or for looking for contacts to develop my own business.

What could you do for EADA now? —I could share my experiences with the new MBA students, as I did last year by presenting the Marketing Plan I developed with my team in 2010. I also could put my company in contact with the school to consider possible project research/business plans to offer to new EADA students.

How would you describe your experience at EADA? What was the highlight?—An experience I will never forget! The best choice I made so far. EADA was a personal challenge that gave me the skills, the motivation and the qualification to follow my professional goals and desires.

How did your experience at EADA prepare you for this position/for your personal and professional goals?—I feel more confident both at a personal and professional level thanks to the cultural exchanges, knowledge and skills I encountered in EADA. I have a more complete vision of the company and I see the world from a business perspective. Most of all, EADA helped me to have a clear idea about my professional path and objectives and to broaden my horizons.

How do you see EADA from the company world?—Considering how crucial it is nowadays to have an international background and a high-level business qualification, EADA offers a good range of business programs, education and management tools that can enrich any professional profile making, it more attractive to companies.

30 de noviembre de 2011, Ciudad de Panamá (Panamá).

El pasado mes de noviembre, tuvo lugar el Regional Chapter de Panamá, al que asistieron nuestro representante Eduardo Sali-nas y Giulio Toscani, director del MBA. El encuentro de antiguos alumnos se realizó en un restaurante de la parte antigua de la ciudad. Todos pudieron disfrutar de una agradable velada y co-nocer nuestras últimas novedades y salir vestidos con la última camiseta de EADA.

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“Fue una reunión muy agradable en donde recordamos los mejo-res momentos que vivimos en Barcelona, además que pudimos compartir con los alumni de otros años... !Felicidades por todos los planes que tiene EADA fuera de Barcelona! ¡Gracias Giulio y Eduardo! ¡Hasta el próximo año!”

Juan Carlos Barría MBA Full Time 2009-2010

2 de diciembre de 2011, Bogotá (Colombia).

En el mes de diciembre tuvo lugar el Regional Chapter de Co-lombia en Bogotá, al que asistieron nuestro representante Juan Aníbal Giraldo y Giulio Toscani, director del MBA. Pudieron po-nerse al día de las novedades y reencontrarse con los antiguos compañeros y conocer a otros que han compartido la misma experiencia.

¡El evento fue genial! Buena música, buena comida, el mejor bar y decenas de personas viéndonos ridículos pero felices con la camiseta de EADA. ¡Fue muy emocionante ver a tantos amigos y enterarme de lo bien que están! Es impresionante como en tan poco tiempo han logrado cargos que ni nos creíamos. También fue muy interesante conocer esa noche a nuevas personas, con las que tenemos muchísimo en común por haber vivido EADA. Creo que todos tendremos siempre adentro el gran recuerdo de ese año en el que nuestras mentes se sintieron libres de la ru-tina. ¡Espero que el próximo evento sea en Barcelona porque muchos queremos volver y que mejor excusa!

Simón Borrero MBA Full Time 2009-2010

7 January 2012, Tokyo (Japan).

Our traveller Giulio Toscani went to Japan this time to meet alumni in their home country. The Regional Chapter took place in Tokyo

and was held in a typical japanese restaurant. Three MBA alumni attended the event: Takateru (International MBA 2004-2005), Toshi (International MBA 2009-2010) and Esther (International MBA 2005-2006), a Belgian alumni currently living in Tokyo.

6 de febrero de 2012, México D.F. (México).

En este mes de febrero tuvo lugar el Regional Chapter en Méxi-co D.F. El evento se realizó en el Bar del Hotel W. Al encuentro asistieron nuestro activo representante Eduardo Salinas, Giulio Toscani, director del MBA y Hank Fieger, profesor del MBA.

Los alumni de ocho diferentes generaciones participaron ani-madamente durante el evento y pudieron interactuar entre ellos durante el cocktail ofrecido por EADA.

“El haber estado en la reunión, hizo que me diera cuenta de lo rápido que se va la vida, y que en la vida hay cosas extraor-dinariamente increíbles como lo aprendido en la maestría, las amistades y la belleza de Barcelona”

Marcela Águila MBA Full Time 2009-2010

Juan Carlos Torres (Colombia)International MBA [email protected]

I finished my International MBA in 2009 with the great feeling of achieving one the most important dreams of my life. A few months after, I got a job with Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices, as Sales Manager for Colombia. Certainly, EADA played an important role enriching my professional skills and background.

Last year, one of the biggest pharmaceutical and medical devices companies in the world, Abbott Laboratories, expressed interest in hiring me as part of their expansion project in Latin America. After a couple of months of negotiations, I finally decided to take the next step in my professional career by accepting their offer and now I am the Commercial Director for the Vascular Division,

pRoMoCiones CaReeR Moves

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responsible for Colombia and Venezuela. In my new role, I’m in charge of starting the business operations in Colombia, hiring the sales team and starting to position the brand in the market. I manage relations with our distributor in Venezuela and I have P&L responsibilities. Colombia is the third most important market in Latin America with vascular divisions entering with direct operations; Puerto Rico and Brazil are already under this business model.

With ten years of work experience and two years after finishing my MBA, I want to recognise the great job that EADA does, as it prepares professionals to face new challenges in the business world. My experience has shown me how much EADA and the International MBA helped me to develop my interpersonal and technical skills. To learn in a multicultural environment and share experiences with different professional backgrounds taught me how to find new and different solutions to everyday issues, and to use my leadership skills to face complex difficulties.

Thanks to all my classmates and teachers that shared their knowledge with me!!

I wish you all the best,

Ricardo Sandoval (Panamá)MBA Full Time [email protected]

El Pre y Post EADAAntes de iniciar la redacción de este artículo me remonté al tiempo en que la decisión de partir a EADA a diario rondaba por mi cabeza y sólo pensaba en que llegara la hora de iniciar el grandioso viaje de 12 meses que viví. Como parte de los requisitos para el MBA Full Time nos solicitaban que redactáramos dos escritos, uno sobre por qué tomé la decisión de cursar un MBA en EADA y el otro definiendo, a mi parecer, qué actitudes y aptitudes debe tener un buen líder. Hoy en día me sorprendo al leer lo que escribí ya que refleja el yo antes de EADA, mi personalidad, madurez y expectativas del curso en aquel entonces.

Actualmente laboro en HSBC como Gerente de Relaciones de Banca de Empresas, atendiendo a clientes con un perfil inter-medio entre pequeñas empresas y corporaciones. La toma de decisiones, administración del tiempo, realización de tareas, negociación con clientes, relación con jefes y colegas es total-mente diferente, mucho más efectiva a experiencias laborales anteriores. Haciendo un análisis retrospectivo y comparando mis aptitudes, actitudes, conocimientos y desenvolvimiento del antes y después de EADA en mi vida personal y en el campo profesional actual puedo ver los resultados claramente distingui-bles y decir que el año que estuve en EADA fue crucial para mi desarrollo profesional y como persona. Las bases y formaciones

que me otorgaron el MBA, las apreciables y perpetuas amista-des que desarrollé y las incomparables experiencias que obtuve viviendo en, hasta ahora la mejor ciudad el mundo, a mi parecer, considero que fueron elementales para llegar a ser el profesional que soy hoy por hoy.

En el sistema bancario panameño existen muchas oportunida-des laborales ya que alrededor de 95 bancos tienen presencia en Panamá, pero a la vez la competencia es muy grande. Pana-má es un país que desde el año 2005 su PIB ha ido creciendo exponencialmente. Hoy en día para ser un profesional exitoso no solamente se requieren títulos, sino también experiencias, formación, capacidad de comunicación y de toma de decisio-nes, visión y demás cualidades por las que se mide el valor de uno como profesional. La semilla de todas estas competencias y muchas más las pude plantar gracias a la experiencia vivida en EADA.

Hoy por hoy, donde estoy, me llena de satisfacción poder contar con todas las memorias vividas en Barcelona y me enorgullece poder decir que formo parte de la familia de EADA.

nuevas eMpResas staRt ups

Michael Burmester (Germany)International MBA [email protected]

The story

My family was raising race horses on our farm for about 30 years. A few years ago, we decided to raise another kind of exclusive full-blooded animal – wagyu (also known as Kobe), which is considered the most exclusive meat in the world.

In order to better assess this opportunity, I decided to make it the focus of my final MBA project. I was very lucky to work with four other great MBA classmates that carried out the project with me and I have greatly benefitted from their input when putting the Kobe

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Club project into practice. Special thanks to Katia, Sonia, Kiki and Joaco – I will have beef ready for you in June!

Until now we had sold the meat of 5 cows and we had constantly worked on improving the core product itself, the complementary products around it, the processes and also the brand of Kobe Club. Although it has been a challenge to produce a consistently high quality product, we have received superb feedback from our customers so far.

In contrast to our original plan, which was to also produce cross breedings (in order to reach more target groups), we now solely focus on 100% wagyu meat and thrive to deliver the best quality and thereby less quantity. Having built up a good customer base, we already established a sellers market, which makes the core product even more exclusive. This is something that helps us to further build our brand. We now use the strong brand to sell complementary products (wines, grill dishes, salt, pepper, etc.) and branded lifestyle products (clothes, iPad cases, etc.).

In 2012, we will also hold 3 events in our “Kobe Lodge” to not only sell products, but also to explain the fascination with exclusive beef and the best ways to prepare the individual cuts. I invite all EADA to join us and visit me on our “Wagyuhof Oldendorf” in Germany. You can also find more information at www.kobeclub.de.

The Wagyu Breed

Kobe Beef comes from Wagyu cattle. Wagyu is a pure breed of cattle with a herd registry book in Japan dating back to 1830. The Japanese word Wagyu means “Wa” for Japanese and “gyu” for beef. Kobe beef actually refers to the wagyu cattle that come from the region of Kobe in Japan. Recognised as the premium meat worldwide, the

¿DónDe están tRabajanDo?wheRe aRe they woRking?

Carlo Baldo (Italy)International Master in Management [email protected]

After finishing my International Master in Management at EADA, I decided to stay in Barcelona. While I was finishing my Master, I started working in Starlab (in English) as an assistant business development for innovative technologies products (finishing in December 2007). In January 2008, I started working as a SAP HR consultant (in Spanish) in Indra, a multinational company in the field of consulting solutions and services. The company was great, but I didn’t like the job, so I decided to change my professional profile to sales because it was much more close to my studies and personality. In December 2009, I started working at Decathlon Spain, a multinational company in the GDO for sport goods. I worked as ski store department manager, where I was hiring, training and motivating a group of between 4 and 15 people. In June 2011, I asked to be transferred to Decathlon Italy for personal reasons. I started working in Verona as fitness store department manager hiring, training managing and motivating a group of 25 people.

Thanks to my passion for sports and especially for skiing, Decathlon, my Master in EADA, my knowledge of 3 languages and my great experiences abroad (where I grow as a person and especially as professional), I have changed jobs. I now work as product manager in Head for Ski Boots in Treviso.

flavour of Wagyu Beef is sweeter and lighter than that of ordinary beef. Furthermore, the meat differentiates itself with its particular tenderness, juiciness and especially by its marbling, which makes it such an exclusive, prestigious and expensive product.

The breed also has a healthier fatty acid profile and an unsaturated-to-saturate fat ratio of 2-to-1 instead of the 1-to-1 ratio of regular beef. Further, Wagyu yields a beef that contains a higher percentage of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than typical beef. Moreover, Wagyu is a source of many essential vitamins and nutrients, adding to a rich, buttery, tender and entirely flavoursome product.

Kobe ClubBeutzener Weg 11D – 29320 Hermannsburg+49 (0) 151 22631602www.kobeclub.de

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What I learned at EADA and Decathlon helped me to move from the sales field to strategic product management. My academic training and work experience made my profile extremely flexible and adaptable to different business areas. Moreover, the skills I gained in finance, strategy, marketing and HR have proves to be valuable every day.

I had the pleasure of meeting many great people all over the world in my Master class and as well as on other Master and MBA programmes. I would like to thank EADA for the great experience I had and thank all my friends who contributed to this unforgettable year.

Carola Torra Marín (España)International Master in Management [email protected]

Una nueva etapa profesional, un mundo por descubrir

Este título creo que resume perfectamente el nuevo camino que empecé a definir cuando me incorporé a Bodegas Torres el pa-sado mes de abril como Brand Manager de Marketing.

El mundo del vino (su cultivo, elaboración, variedades, comer-cialización, etc.) resulta apasionante y representa una opor-tunidad para crecer tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Torres actualmente comercializa sus vinos en unos 150 países, esto representa un reto a la hora de definir la estrategia de marketing a desarrollar con los diferentes productos que co-mercializamos.

Estoy segura que mi paso por EADA y, especialmente, el Inter-national Master in Management, me han servido para tener una perspectiva más global del mundo y de las diferentes tipologías de mercados y consumidores.

No obstante, lo que más me ha fascinado y sorprendido de esta nueva etapa es el compromiso de Torres por la conservación del medio ambiente. Concretamente, la empresa hace años que se prepara por los posibles efectos del cambio climático e invierte en varios proyectos medioambientales. Porque, como recoge el

claim de la compañía, cuanto más cuidamos la tierra, mejor vino conseguimos.

Paula Macharashvili (Italy)International Master in Management [email protected]

In March 2011, I started an internship in the Trade Marketing area for Unilever in the Out Of Home category for the ice-cream business; you may all know it as Frigo. My background was totally different, but I wanted to give it a try to see how the commercial side of a company works. I have to say it’s a fast paced environment, especially in the area where I was; seasonality is a big thing and you have to be ready to welcome summer.

I worked with Excel on a daily basis with excel, analysing sales and the outcome of the different campaigns our sales teams were running. Being in trade marketing makes you understand the relationship between sales and marketing a little bit more.

The other part of the job included participating in the creative part of designing and getting the perfect POS. We call it visibility in the Point of Sales, so in that sense I do feel the area of trade marketing gives you a broad insight.

At the same time that I was doing the recruitment process for the internship at Unilever, I participated in the process for the Retail Leader Program of a technology company, which was presented at EADA in December 2010.The process included several individual interviews and an assessment centre.

After two months, they told me I was one of the graduates that would be participating of the program, so from September on I have been working and learning about the retail business model. The program lasts 2 years and takes place in Barcelona. I will be rotating through different areas inside the retail store and learning about company´s philosophy and way of working, so by the time the 2 years is up, I will be ready to assume a managerial position.

I do believe the skills and competences that I learned and developed during the EADA programme have helped me achieve my professional and personal goals.

You not only learn from my professors or the papers you hand in, but also the case studies give you the opportunity to learn from each other. Future students are or will be surrounded by amazing people with great skills and competences. They

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should listen to them, ask questions and go beyond their own limitations.

I sincerely hope every one of you had at least half of the experience I had during my time in EADA.

Francesco Mortara (Italia)International Master in Marketing [email protected]

Marketing Manager at IAG International Auction Group

Una vez terminados mis estudios de Eco-nomía en la Universidad de Turín y haber tenido experiencias de trabajo en Italia, decidí mejorar mi curriculum cursando un Master en Marketing en inglés y en unas de las Business Schools más prestigiosas de Europa, EADA.

Ya había estudiado un año en el norte de España con el progra-ma de intercambio universitario Erasmus, y a raíz de aquella ex-periencia decidí seguir mis estudios en un entorno internacional, donde no solamente el aprendizaje podía venir de las clases, sino también de la posibilidad de moverme en un contexto uni-versal y multicultural, algo que siempre me había atraído y había considerado como una de las herramientas de aprendizaje más útiles para crecer personal y profesionalmente.

Durante el año en EADA tuve la oportunidad de mejorar mi pre-paración, especializándome en profundidad en la mercadotec-nia y el marketing, compartiendo el duro trabajo y los estudios con compañeros y profesores muy preparados, provenientes de todas partes del mundo. En mi clase había 18 nacionalidades distintas, y un porcentaje bastante alto de mi crecimiento perso-nal y profesional ha sido debido al hecho de compartir con ellos experiencias tanto dentro como fuera de la escuela.

Una vez acabado el master encontré trabajo como Product Ma-nager Junior en la multinacional francesa BIC y después de más de un año en la firma fui contratado como responsable de Mar-keting en International Auction Group, una importante empresa que se dedica a la valoración, compra y venta de compañías en liquidación en la que, a fecha de hoy, sigo trabajando.

Sigo moviéndome en un entorno internacional, utilizando a diario todos los idiomas que conozco y todas las competencias que he ido adquiriendo con el tiempo. El trabajo es duro, requiere capa-cidad de análisis y toma de decisiones, pero te permite aprender y crecer como profesional.

Recomiendo EADA porque, además de encontrarse en unas de las ciudades más bonitas de Europa, es una escuela de calidad que da mucha importancia al futuro de sus alumnos y al entorno

boDas y naCiMientosweDDings & biRths

Héctor Pérez Villers (México) International MBA 2005-2006 es Director de Operaciones de Leblanc S.A., importante empresa de Construcción en México y su esposa Mariola González nos hacen partícipes del nacimiento de su tercera hija, Paloma. La pequeña Paloma nació el pasado mes de noviembre en México D.F. y pesó 3,1 Kg. y midió 50 cm. Sus hermanitos, Héctor de 3 años y medio, Lucía de 2 años y medio, así como sus papás, le dan la bienvenida a la familia.

Erica Wu (Perú) MBA Full Time 2007-2008 y Albert Tort, se ca-saron en febrero de 2010 y fue publicado en el EADA Spirit. Ahora el pasado mes de noviembre han sido papás de Laia, que nació en Barcelona.

Comentarios de los papás: ¡Toda la familia estamos muy conten-tos con la llegada de Laia! Nació el 11-11-11, ¡parece ser que es una niña con suerte! ¡Nos tocó el premio mayor de la lotería!

multicultural, y no es casualidad que se encuentre entre las 20 mejores Business Schools de Europa y del mundo según los rankings internacionales.

Si optáis por un año más de estudio en Barcelona, en EADA será un año que no olvidareis y de donde os llevareis además muy buenos amigos.

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FoRthCoMing Regional ChapteRspRóxiMas FeChas Regional ChapteRs

We would like to thank everybody who contributed and we look forward to your future participation.

Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que han contribuido y esperamos vuestras futuras participaciones.

Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA

CIF ESG08902645 Telf: (+34) 934 520 844 C/ Aragó 204 Fax: (+34) 933 237 317Barcelona (Spain) e-mail: [email protected] 08011 www.eada.edu

Querido antiguo alumno, por favor mantén tus datos actualizados tanto laborales como personales, empresa, cargo, teléfono, país. Puedes mandarlos a: [email protected]

Gracias por tu colaboración.

Dear Alumni, please keep us updated on your career moves a well as your e-mail, company, post, phone and country changes which can be sent to: [email protected]

Thanks for your collaboration.

Participar es fácil

Participar en EADA Spirit es muy fácil. Si has empe-zado un nuevo negocio, si ha habido algún cambio profesional, (promoción reciente o traslado) te agradeceremos que nos mantengas al día enviando un email a: [email protected], explicando tu nuevo trabajo y facilitándonos tu nuevo cargo, empresa, país y email de contacto. También puedes participar en el apartado de Bodas y Nacimientos: envíanos una foto y incluyendo el lugar, fecha y nombre del esposo/a. Para los nacimientos debes facilitarnos una foto, nombre completo del bebé, lugar y fecha de nacimiento.

Participate is easy

Participating in the EADA Spirit is very easy. If you have started your own business or, if there have been any career changes (recently promoted or relocated), I would be grateful if you can update us by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]. Please send details of your new job and include the new position title, company, country and a contact e-mail. Moreover, you can participate in the section Weddings & Births by sending a picture including the place, date and your partner’s name for weddings or sending a picture of your baby, including the baby’s full name and date and place of birth.

Marzo 2012 March 2012

16.03.2012 São Paulo (Brasil).

31.03 - 1.04.2012 Lima (Perú): EADA Alumni Weekend Latinoamérica 2012.

Mayo 2012 May 2012

03.05.2012 Istanbul (Turkey)

1ª semana de mayo, Santo Domingo (República Dominicana)

1ª semana de mayo, Caracas (Venezuela)

Si quieres estar al día de todo hazte del Facebook de EADA.Para cualquier información también puedes contactar a:[email protected]

If you would like access to the most up-to-date information, join EADA´s Facebook. For further information contact:

[email protected]
