ear & auditory pathway

Ear & Auditory pathway By:DR.KRUPA RAITHATHA R.K.UNIVERSITY, Rajkot,Gujrat,India.

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Post on 19-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Ear & Auditory pathway

Ear & Auditory pathway



Page 2: Ear & Auditory pathway

Structure of EarO EXTERNAL EAR

o Auricleo External auditory meatus

O MIDDLE EARo Tympanic cavityo Tympanic membraneo Auditory ossicleso Muscleso Auditory tube

O INTERNAL EARo Cochlea o Compartments of cochleao Organ of corti

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External ear

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Auricle• Fibrocartilaginous

plate• Covered by connective

tissue & skin.• Fine hairs,sebaceous

gland & sweat glands.• Not movable in

humans because of rudimentary muscles.

• Forms orifice of External auditory meatus.

• Depression of auricle=concha.

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External auditory meatus

O2 parts:1.Outer: cartilaginous part2. Inner :bony part

1.Thick skin,stiff hair,sebaceous gland+cereminous gland+desquamated epithelial cells=earwax2. Only sebaceous glands,continuous with tympanic membrane

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Middle ear

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Tympanic cavity/tympanum

OSmall,narrow, laterally compressed chamber

OSituated within the temporal bone.

OSeparated from EOM by tympanic membrane

OContains auditory ossicles.

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Tympanic membraneOSemitransparentOPeriphery is fixed

to tympanic sulcus in surrounding bony ring by fibrocartilage.

O3 layers:• Cuticular layer• Fibrous layer• Inner mucus

layer/tympanic mucosa

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Auditory ossiclesO 3 bones:• Malleus/

hammer:Head,neck,handle• Incus/anvil

Body,long & short process

Tip-lenticular process• Stapes/stirrup

Smallest boneHead,neck,ant.cru


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MusclesOTensor tympani:o Keeps tympanic

membrane stretched & tensed.

o Supplied by mandibular division of trigeminal nerve.


movements of footplate against the fluid in cochlea.

OSupplied by facial nerve.

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Auditory tube/Eustachian tube

OFrom ant. Wall of middle ear to nasopharynx.

OUpper part:bony wallOLower part:

fibrocartilaginous plate

OConnects middle ear to nose so pressure on both the sides of tympanic membrane is equalised.

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Internal ear/labyrinth

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OMembranous structure in petrous part of temporal bone.

OConsists of sense organs of Hearing(COCHLEA) & Equilibrium(VESTIBULAR APPARATUS-semilunar canals & otolith organ).

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CochleaO2 Parts:OModiolus:central

conical spongy bone.

OBony canal/tube: winds around modiolus.

O2.5 circlesOEnd of

canal=capula.OCochlear nerve

pass through.

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Compartments of cochlea

O2 membranes:• Basilar

membrane/membraneous spiral lamina

• Vestibular membrane/reissner’s membrane

O3 compartments/scalae:• Scala vestibuli• Scala tympani• Scala media/cochlear duct

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OSection through axis of cochlea reveals the central bony pillar,modiolus and periodic or osseous canal.

OEnd of capula,hook shaped process= hamulus.

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Organ of cortiOReceptor organ

for hearing.ONeuroepithelial

structure in cochlea.

OLocated upon the lip of osseous spiral lamina & basila membrane.

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OMadeup of sensory elements,hair cells & other supporting cells.

OOther cells from periphery to center:o Border cellso Inner hair cellso Inner phalangeal

cellso Inner pillar cellso Outer pillar cellso Outer phalangeal

cellso Outer hair cells

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Auditory pathway

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